The scenery here is unique 600 words (8 required articles)
Beautiful mood
2023-11-03 06:52:49
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The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (1)

Liuzhou is a quiet town in southern China. It has a hidden and beautiful park - Riverside Park. " May Day "My classmates and I came here to play and found that the scenery here is unique!

Jiangbin Park is built on the south and north banks of Liujiang River according to the Liujiang River embankment, with a total area of 25. 70000 square meters, with a total length of 1. 4 km. Because the terrain is from high to low, it is best to use the poem "The mountain side becomes a peak when viewed horizontally, and the distance is different from the height" to discuss the riverside park. Riverside Park is built on the background of distant mountains and near water, combined with the landscape garden and urban style.

After getting off the Liujiang Bridge, we arrived at the Jiangbin Park. We walked along a road with a large shade of trees. When the wind blew, the green waves rolled. In front of the railing on the embankment, weeping willows stretch her beautiful waist in the wind. Overlooking the river, the wind blows across the river, and the river swells with waves one after another. The sun is not stingy in plating the sun on the river water, making the Liujiang River become "golden water". Liujiang River and the sky add radiance to each other, and the golden color comes from the sky.

Go straight along the road I mentioned before, and you will see another beautiful scenic line of Jiangbin Park - Flood Control Monument. The flood control monument adopts the three-dimensional scene built by the instantaneous scene of throwing and building stones at the river side during the flood control and river closure - there are three giant stones rolling down, two have sunk into the river to varying degrees below, and the other is still rolling down, so as to show strong momentum and confrontation. The main stone of the 4 × 4m sculpture is carved into a circular hollow shape, and the broken part of the lower waves shows the damage caused by Hong Devil. The key point is that the center of the circle has two hands, which praises the noble spirit of support from all sides when one side is in trouble.

Liuzhou Jiangbin Park, the scenery here is unique!

Grade 5: Qin Yining

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (2)

Unique composition with 600 words (I)

It was a very hot afternoon. I was running home with my schoolbag on my back. The irritable weather did not suppress my happiness. "Friday, I can finally go home." I shouted as I ran. It seems that the heavy schoolbag on my shoulder is no longer my burden. When I got home, my home was like a stove. I dropped my schoolbag, went straight to the refrigerator, got an ice cream, turned on the TV, and lay on the sofa watching my favorite programs. A bad idea suddenly broke all the good things. I jumped up and picked up my schoolbag from the ground. The schoolbag was turned upside down and I couldn't find what I wanted. I simply emptied out my schoolbag, but still couldn't find it. too bad! I forgot my math exercise book. I slumped on the ground, but my heart was constantly comforting myself. Maybe my deskmate installed the wrong thing, and he took my exercise book with him! So I got up, ran to the phone and dialed the phone at my deskmate's home. "Hey, have you brought my math homework book?"! I haven't brought any homework books with me. What homework do you still have to do. Suddenly, a light flashed in my mind. I could ask the monitor on duty of my class to take it for me at school. He has the key! But I thought, how could the monitor on duty today be her? How could I speak. In retrospect, she and I used to be very good friends. We chased and fought together on campus. However, with the increasing pressure of learning, there are mountains of homework waiting for us to finish. There is no time to play. Because of this, my relationship with her has alienated a lot. Later, he lost the same pen as me, and she heard rumors that I stole it. I wonder if the friendship between us is not as good as the suspicion of others? My heart is very sad. Then we quarreled with her, and finally we parted on bad terms. Although she apologized to me later, I always felt that there was a gap between me and her. In this way, we roam in the sea of topics every day. Even if we meet, we hide as if we didn't see it. But how can I speak to her now! Imagine the angry face and ugly face of the math teacher, and recall the scene that we parted unhappily that day. I don't know what to do. I don't want to bow to her, but I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the whole class. So I got up the courage to dial the familiar number, and a familiar and strange voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, what's the matter?" "My math book left in school, can you help me get it?" "OK!" Then the phone hung up. I was uneasy about whether he would come or not. Just as I was daydreaming, the doorbell rang. I jumped up from the sofa and opened the door. She stood at the door, sweating. She handed me her exercise book and said, "We are still good friends!" Then she disappeared into the sunset. In my mind, I kept seeing this picture: a girl with a bent back and a bent waist, trying to rush to school with her bicycle. The unhappy ending of the past has been erased from my memory. The image of the sweaty girl has been frozen in my mind, and it has become the most beautiful wind in my heart


Unique composition with 600 words (2)

Unique composition with 600 words (3)

When you come to a place where water is poor, sit and watch the clouds rise—— Wang Wei's Farewell to the South: There are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river is warm—— Su Shi's The Evening View of Huichong Spring River is full of images of clothes and flowers, and the spring wind blows the threshold and reveals the splendor—— Li Bai's "Qing Ping Tune - One of them"

When you come to a place where water is poor, sit and watch the clouds rise—— Wang Wei's Farewell to the South: There are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river is warm—— Su Shi's The Evening View of Huichong Spring River is full of images of clothes and flowers, and the spring wind blows the threshold and reveals the splendor—— Li Bai's "Qing Ping Tune - One of them"

Unique composition with 600 words (4)

10. The scenery here is unique

The most beautiful scenery in life is nothing more than those precious memories in my mind; Sometimes, thinking about it, laughing and crying


"Grandma, I want to comb my hair. I want to comb the most beautiful hair!" I turned my head, my hair hanging loosely on my back, and shouted to Grandma who was washing clothes. Grandma raised her head, lifted her hair in her ear, smiled and said to me, "Baby, Grandma will comb your clothes after washing, OK?" I nodded contentedly. Grandma's hands are covered with calluses, but they are still soft and warm, and they are skillfully tying my hair. The sun hit the grandparents and grandchildren in harmony. The photo records a warm moment, and the scenery here is unique.


When Yu Yi was in primary school, he had the purest friendship with his classmates. When I think about it, I feel that there is a warm place in my heart, surrounded by love. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, twenty one, two, two, two, two, two, two, two, five, six, six, six, seven, two, three, five, six, six, seven, two, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, eight, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six. But people in those days have gone west and east. Whenever I think of this, my eyes will be moist, but when I think of their looks and sounds, as if they are as close to me. The air is full of happiness. The scenery here is unique.


The opening ceremony was set on Teacher's Day, and the students' words and deeds were full of gratitude to their teachers. So everyone made greeting cards and some bought flowers. But this is not enough to express our gratitude: perhaps our success is the biggest surprise for teachers. At the ceremony, teachers smiled like flowers, and even the air seemed sweet. It's very beautiful. Gratitude is an indispensable scenic spot in life, and the scenery here is unique.

Some people say that life is long, others say that life is short. In my opinion, life is just a one-way journey, and the scenery along the way is disappearing on the horizon before your eyes, leaving only the remnants of your mind. Nevertheless, there are always some scenery that can touch you and touch your heart. Only memory is the only thing that will not be weathered.

I want to say: in those memories, because of you, the scenery is so beautiful

11. The scenery here is unique

I listened to the muffled female voice in my headset humming languidly: "You are the most beautiful scenery in this life.".

I think of those long winter nights. At that time, I was very young, mischievous, stubborn and headstrong, which made you headache. But I always have a good time, that is, every night when you hold a plastic bag and lean on the bed. At first, I didn't know what was in the bag, but I thought it was very fresh. I lay on the bed and looked at you blankly. I saw you take out some colorful balls and some slender sticks from the bag. I thought it was you who wanted to hit me. I was shocked, but you smiled at me and began to play with the things in your hands. I watched you motionless, and saw your fingers dancing flexibly between the sticks, starting the needle, one needle up, one needle down, hooking the edge, and finally dropping the needle. In a short time, a collar appeared. I was very surprised at that time. I didn't understand why those seemingly unrelated things could be made into warm sweaters by your hands. I couldn't help but be dazed. I slowly climbed to your side and touched your smooth white hands. I babbled out my first praise for you: "Mom, hands, beautiful."

I can't forget those fresh mornings. At that time, I had already entered the school. It was your task to wake me up every morning. Every day, I open my sleepy eyes in your gentle words. You tap the tip of my nose with your finger, "Baby, get up." It's as soft as a glutinous rice ball. The breath from your mouth ripples on my cheek. I giggled, then opened my eyes and caught you off guard. What a clear lake it was then! Swinging with light waves, as clear as a mirror, the loving eyes smiled at me. I was fascinated by your eyes when we looked at each other like this. I couldn't help but put my little hand on your corner of the eye and murmured: "Mom, your eyes are beautiful."

I recalled a lot, my heart was slightly sour. You are in hospital, but I refused to visit you because I quarreled with you not long ago. I remember your kindness to me just now, and I regret my wayward behavior towards you. I was a little flustered and rushed to the hospital, fearing that my thoughts would overflow a second later.

I opened the door, and when you saw me on the bed, you burst into a weak smile, but I was distressed. I once said that your hands are tender and white, but why are they so rough now? I once praised your smile, but why is it like withered flowers now? I counted a lot, but you still can't match my memory. Now you are as pale as thin paper, like a breeze will blow you down. I raised my hand to wipe the tears from the corner of my eyes and began to sing to you: "You are the most beautiful scenery in this life, which breaks my heart but makes me so fascinated." You smiled again, as if you were back to me in memory.

Mom, it doesn't matter. Your hands can still support my world, and your smile can still give me hope.

Unique composition with 600 words (5)

Unique Scenery (I)

The scenery here is unique

Where is the most beautiful scenery? Greek Love Sea? No, although its sea beauty is like a dream, its legend is too sad; Hokkaido, Japan? No, although the cherry blossoms there are as beautiful as clouds, the Japanese brutality is heinous. Are you New York? No, although the modern beauty of New York is unforgettable, the fast-paced life is suffocating I think the most beautiful scenery is in Sichuan. Sichuan is as beautiful as a fairyland, known as the "Land of Abundance", and people regard Jiuzhaigou as a synonym for fairyland on earth. The green sea of Jiuzhaigou is like a mirror, which makes you feel the magical scene of "fish flying in the sky and birds swimming in the water"; The waterfall of Jiuzhaigou Valley is like a piece of silk woven by Tiannv, magical and beautiful; The colorful forest in Jiuzhaigou is like an oil painting by a famous teacher. You can appreciate the beauty of the original forest Isn't beauty valuable in today's increasingly polluted world?

But is Sichuan beautiful destroyed by the earthquake?

Perhaps you have heard such a story: after the 5.12 earthquake, people found a strange looking woman under countless rubble and bricks. Although she had stopped breathing, she still knelt on her knees and put her hands on the ground. There were countless rubbles and dust on her back and countless wounds on her body, but she still kept this strange posture, as if she was protecting something important. After removing her, people found a sleeping baby. He has a mobile phone in his arms, and the color screen keeps flashing. When people looked at it, it said: Baby, if you are still alive, remember that Mom loves you At this moment, the mobile phone suddenly ran out of power and issued a warning sound of "Woo...", as if mourning for this great mother; People can't help crying when they see these Everything was immersed in grief, only the baby, still in sweet dreams, still showing a sweet smile. Did you dream about your mother?

The hearts of disaster relief workers are even more valuable. There was once a popular picture on the Internet: a beautiful female police officer, her face was bloodless and her lips were chapped. Holding a bunch of chrysanthemums, trembling in the wind. Her tears dropped drop by drop on the yellow chrysanthemum. You know what? In order to save the victims in Sichuan, she gave up the opportunity to save her family, share family happiness with them, and give up hope

There are more than thousands of disaster relief volunteers like her. After the earthquake, people in Sichuan, the whole country and the whole world have extended a hand of friendship; Disaster relief funds and goods are continuously transported from all over the country, and people are trying to rebuild their homes again Maybe you want to say that the ruins are not beautiful, but I want to say that the scenery here is unique!

The scenery here is unique

Masterpiece 1:

The majestic green mountains, the vast blue sea, and the deep and vast blue sky are fascinating natural scenery. Yue Wumu, who drinks the yellow dragon, Wen Tianxiang, who is famous in the history, and Su Dongpo, who is famous for his poetry and prose, are brilliant and eye-catching humanistic landscapes. The "epic of the historian", the "Historical Records" of "Li Sao" without rhyme, the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" of "Floating like clouds, Pretending like a startled dragon", and the "Taibai poetry of" writing down startles the wind and rain, and poetry becomes a sobbing ghost "are profound and mysterious spiritual landscapes.

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (3)

On the other side of the mountain lies a small village.

It was once a place forgotten by science and technology: there was no electricity, no running water, even no motorcycle, only a dirt road, connecting the town. But that is my childhood playground.


Spring returns to the earth, bringing vitality to all things. Swallows "twitter" to bring the news of spring, green return to the earth, green spread to farmland, dotted with small flowers. The children in the countryside are like flying birds. Some of them rush to the lawn to fly kites, some roll on the grass, and some catch butterflies in the flowers.


Night is quiet.

But the summer night is full of laughter.

Sitting on the grass, looking up at the stars all over the sky, listening to frogs and insects, dreaming of playing hide and seek with aliens. Happy laughter accompanied by this summer night fantasy, floating to the distant universe. The summer night is also full of chasing and fighting. My friends and I walk in the fields. Sometimes people play ghosts and frighten people, causing a scream. Laughter and scream break the peace of the summer night. In the process of chasing, we enjoyed the joy of a summer night in the countryside alone.


The golden rice is waiting to be harvested, swaying with the wind, like a piece of bright gold shining in it, like a surging golden wave.

Take a breath gently, and a breath of maturity comes to your nose. We went to the orchard to enjoy the good fruit in the world.

Maple leaves dyed red by autumn fall one after another, just like little elves floating in the air, which is very beautiful.


"Come on, cheers!" The people happily drank the wine from the cup. The cold outside did not affect the people in the house at all. The whole family sat around and enjoyed the New Year's Eve dinner.

"Come on, let's set off fireworks!" With the cry of adults, we rushed out of the house excitedly. Before we knew it, the fireworks jumped into the night sky with a bang, like a flash in the pan, blooming in the dark

Time passed like a fleeting flash. In a twinkling of an eye, a year passed and I returned to the city.

After seeing all the prosperity and competition in the city, we began to miss the simplicity of our hometown. The hometown's "clear water comes out of lotus, and natural decoration". I can't help sighing that the scenery here is unique!

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (4)

I very much hope that I can become a bird to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the sky. It's so beautiful.

Once my father and I came to Lufeng Mountain, which we dreamed of. We came to the foot of the mountain to see how high the mountain is from the bottom up; Taller than three houses; How beautiful the mountain is, more beautiful than the rainbow in the sky; How green the mountain is, like a huge emerald; There are several snow-white clouds on the top of the mountain. It seems that the mountain is wearing a white hat. I thought to myself: it is so beautiful from the foot of the mountain, so it must be more beautiful from the top down! So I couldn't wait to climb to the top of the mountain, hoping to see more beautiful scenery earlier. I had a hard time climbing. At one time, I struggled to climb up, at another time, I climbed like a little monkey with my hands and feet, and at another time, I was panting and bent over. In the process of climbing the mountain, I saw many poplar trees. How tall the tree is, about ten meters high; How straight the tree is, straight like a soldier protecting the mountain; How many trees, as many as the stars in the sky; I climbed for a long time and finally reached the middle of the mountain, when I was panting and sweating heavily.

Half way up the mountain, there is a stone carved sika deer. It is very lifelike, as if it were real. It seems that it can breathe, run and bark. It stood there and looked at me as if to say, "Go up the mountain!"! More beautiful scenery awaits you at the top of the mountain! Hurry up the mountain!

I ran for a long time and finally came to the top of the mountain. Standing on the viewing platform, I looked down and saw a spectacular sight. The street of Lingxi was like a huge dragon between the houses. There are many trees at the foot of the mountain. From the top of the mountain, it looks like a green ant.

I really want to become a bird. It must be beautiful to see the beautiful rivers and mountains in the sky! The scenery must be uncountable! I like Lufeng Mountain very much, because I saw many unexpected scenery from it. I love the beautiful country!

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (5)

In my hometown, there are countless beautiful pictures. Let's talk about our school gate first.

At the gate of our school, cars and tricycles have always been a problem, and it is very difficult for people to get in, but now it has completely changed: there are only a few tricycles left, all parked 50 meters away from the school; There is a railing in the middle of Renmin Avenue and a zebra crossing in front of the school.

There is a traffic volunteer standing in front of our school every day. They are not afraid of hard work. No matter it's windy or rainy, they still stand straight to command the traffic. We saw that those aunts and uncles were working hard and would take the initiative to greet them. They smiled at us and continued to direct the traffic.

My school has more than 2000 people, and the zebra crossing is often overcrowded. But we didn't push back and forth. Instead, we lined up and walked across the zebra crossing in order. Passers by looked at us admiringly.

Although the number of cars is almost the same as before, they are more qualified than before. Whenever the students walk across the zebra crossing, the car will stop consciously and patiently wait for the students to finish walking before driving past. The noise of the past has disappeared and replaced by quiet and peace. Now the street at the school gate is more like an outdoor library than a street. Why do you say that? Not only because it was very quiet, but also because people waiting for the bus picked up books and read them with great interest.

There is no business in pushing stalls on the roadside. This is no other reason, it is our school students no longer spend money on snacks. Those roadside stalls can't do business anymore, so they have to pack and go elsewhere. As a result, the People's Avenue has become wider and wider.

Our relationship with teachers is becoming more and more harmonious. People often say that "teacher-student relationship", which is fully reflected in us. As soon as we see the teacher, we always say hello to them. No matter whether we are far or near, we must say hello to the teacher, and no longer pretend not to see the sneak.

Today's school gate is very harmonious. Those beautiful moments connect the broad People's Avenue and people's beautiful feelings.

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (6)

As the saying goes, "Cangnan is only high on the continent." Today, the highest mountain in Cangnan comes to my hometown, which is Wangzhou Mountain.

Drive to the foot of the mountain and slowly walk up. The breeze blows over your face and ripples into the mountain. Besides, beside me, there are some living biological specimens, and some beautiful insects are displayed in front of me. They are happily crawling around and attractive. As I walked, I was attracted by a butterfly with black in its colorful wings. He flies around as if enjoying the green mountains and green waters, but unfortunately there is no big space for it to fly.

Unconsciously, I came to the big temple, which was full of childhood memories. As I walked over, a incense burner stood in front of me. I could not move, because I was the bishop's. There are some seemingly ancient articles, such as big drums, gold chairs, dragon lanterns, etc.

Further up, there are streams, colorful, and odd shaped stones, water fights, and water floats, all of which can be realized here. If you don't want to play, you can sit under the willow tree to enjoy the cool, cross your legs and hum a song. How carefree.

How excited! The waterfall is ahead! Before he arrived, he heard a loud noise. After several tens of meters, we finally arrived. Clear water flows down from the top of the mountain. Thousands of flowing water gather into a big waterfall, which falls down from the "sky". A huge rainbow flies overhead, which makes me think it is a colorful rain.

When I was tired, I thought of the natural telescope on the top of the mountain. These forces made me move forward again. Go on, go on, finally get to the top of the mountain. The height of the top of the mountain is really frightening, even the clouds can be touched, but it doesn't scare me at all. Looking into the distance, I saw Longgang, Lingxi, Zaoxi, Wangli

Green mountains, green water, Wangzhou Mountain, your plants and trees have been engraved in my heart.

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (7)

The place where you are is the scenery. A grass supports a beautiful scenery.

I vaguely remember going to a place. I don't remember its name, nor why I was there. I don't even know whether it was really a place or just a dream. I only remember that there is nothing in that place. There is only loess on the ground, deserted human trails, and even weeds are unwilling to "appreciate". There is a dried up river not far away, and there is no water at all. If it hadn't been for a sunken river, I wouldn't have known that there was a lively river here. There was no sound around. I could only hear the wind "whirring". It hit my face like a needle, but I had no fault. There was only one voice in my mind urging me to leave this ghost place quickly. I hesitated for a while, looked around, determined that there was no creature, and ran. First, I ran with all my strength. Gradually, I couldn't run. I slowed down and walked instead.

In this way, I walked without a clue. I don't know how long it took me to suddenly see a touch of green! A touch of green! My anxious, hanging heart gradually calmed down, because I saw life! "Life means survival. Maybe this place is not like this. Maybe it is full of vitality." I thought happily. I couldn't wait to run to it. I saw a grass less than 10 cm stubbornly rooted in the loess. It had only two leaves, but they were energetic and stood proudly in the wind. They were not like "things to be killed" growing in adversity, but like soldiers. The earth is the battlefield, and the grass is the winner, surpassing anything and dominating the side. I couldn't help reaching out and touching the two energetic green leaves, and my heart was filled with emotion.

If I were a person in such a desolate environment with only my own, would I be able to do the same? Be strong and unyielding, persevere, and live with my own willpower! Live strong! Regardless, just to live! The answer is obvious. Growing up alone, regardless of the eyes of others, living only for yourself, you come, it grows well, you do not come, it is still tenacious! But how many people can do this?

Just like this one, a small grass, but it supports the whole scenery!

The scenery here is unique and good 600 words (8)

There is a piece of mud in my backyard. In the past, clothes to dry were often blown into the mud by the wind. Therefore, the family hated it.

But after that, I don't think so anymore.

My neighbor gave us some flower seeds. After planting them in the spring, we now have a cluster as tall as my brother's. Although it's nice there, I don't want to go to the computer controlled place. I thought: What's good about this? It can neither eat nor play. But after a power failure, I found it really beautiful.

When the power was cut off, it was in the flowering period, and the whole yard was filled with the fragrance of flowers. I was playing a game in the morning, and the "beep" computer turned off. I went out in a rage, thinking that my father had turned off the switch. As I walked out of my bedroom, I suddenly remembered that a few days ago, someone said that there would be a power failure today. I was worried about how to spend my time today. When I looked up, I suddenly saw the muddy ground full of flowers. I walked closer and looked carefully. The colors of flowers and leaves match very well, pink and green match very harmoniously. The pink ones are flowers, and the petals are very tender, just like the baby's skin can be broken by blowing. Green is the leaf, very lush, against the pink flowers, the sky from time to time passing a few birds.

I suddenly remembered Ding Limei's words, "The best attitude to live is not to run all the way without stopping, but to live up to, live up to every flower around, live up to every bit of possession around, love and be grateful. Every moment, every moment." Yes! Feel it with your heart. I ran out. In fact, the blue sky is overhead, the sun is shining, birds are flying, flowers are blooming, and we are laughing and running. Very good.

My friends and I are playing under the flowers. Time flies like an arrow. One afternoon passed without paying attention. So we spent a long and short, boring and happy day without electricity. Since then, I often water, loosen soil and fertilize flowers.

In fact, there are many sceneries in life, which we often see, but which are often ignored by us. We often think that the most beautiful scenery is far away. But I forgot that this place where we are is far away from others.

Cherish the short and beautiful scenery, and regret the loss. When you feel sad for missing the sunset, you also miss the stars.

In fact, the scenery here is unique, and we need to slowly experience it.