Compositions on Weekend Morning (4 Collections)
Lily sprouts new branches again
2024-05-09 06:23:20
primary school

Composition on Weekend Morning (1)

Weekend morning fifth grade composition

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. Composition is a kind of language flow, with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is the composition of Grade 5 in the morning of the weekend. Welcome to share it.

It is said that "the plan of a year lies in spring, and the plan of a day lies in the morning". Morning girls are fresh, spring is warm, morning is full of vitality, and spring is full of vitality and hope. In the morning of Spring Weekend, more unique landscapes are created.

Miss Chen came to the vegetable market and described a bustling scene for it. The vendors who got up early had already set up small stalls, green vegetables, fresh eggs, red tomatoes... It was really a dazzling array, and people were shopping for what they needed. The cry of the seller, the bell of the bicycle, and the voice of people's conversation all sound together, just like beating notes, forming a group of pleasant music.

The morning girl was so happy that she came to the park again and put rings of crystal clear necklaces on the flowers, which made the rose and string of red flowers more beautiful. She also generously gave pearls to grass and green leaves. Look, the old people on the green lawn are exercising. They are concentrating and energetic, punching and dancing swords. It seems that Huang Zhong is reincarnated, and "old generals defy old". Looking at these, Miss Chen smiled, smiling so sweetly.

Morning girl came to the community, and windows had been pushed open. Some of the residents hang out things to dry, while others are busy making breakfast, cleaning houses and laundry. In the small square, groups of women were talking and laughing. The sound of talking, laughter and running water echoed in the community.

Morning girl smiled again. She smiled so innocently, as if she was pleased with her masterpiece!

Composition on Weekend Morning (2)

Early in the morning, a "rustling" sound woke me from my dream. I got up and looked at the alarm clock. It was only six o'clock! I thought: Mom gets up so early, I can't stay in bed. I'm going to Xitang with my father today! At the thought of this, I was very excited. Immediately got up from the bed.

I walked slowly downstairs and saw my mother's busy figure. My mother shuttled in the kitchen and clothes pile, washing the clothes my father and I had changed, while watching the porridge and soup we had cooked all the time. I wanted to go forward to help, but my mother smiled and said, "No, you have to go. I'll call you when you are ready." I nodded, and my mother turned to work again

My mother is not tall and thin. Although I was a little harsh sometimes, my mother still loved me very much. Mother is not only capable, but also has a pair of skilled hands. When I was a child, most of the sweaters I wore came from my mother's hands. The sweaters woven by my mother were both fit and beautiful, with delicate flowers embroidered on them. Mother's hands can also produce many delicious food. My mother's educational background was very low. Knowing that she could not help me with my studies, she devoted herself to my life and put my messy life in order

When I was lamenting the greatness of my mother, my father appeared mysteriously behind me, which scared me. Before I complained about my father, he asked me what I was thinking? I won't tell him that Dad hung his ears to serve porridge when he saw me like this

I looked at my father's back and smiled

My father is more than one meter tall. He is thin, but he looks very strong. My father always likes to make noise and joke with me. Sometimes I was tortured, but in spite of this, I was still my father's favorite. Every time our mother and daughter started a war, my father would define to protect me without hesitation. Finally, I was safe, but my father was defeated by my mother.

"Ah!" I screamed - my father slapped me on the head. My father said angrily, "What are you thinking about? Eat quickly! Be careful that I won't drive you to Xitang." I took my job and ate like crazy. I was afraid my father wouldn't drive me.

Although I am a quiet girl at school, I am a troublemaker at home. I'm not used to coming home without something! For example, last week, I made an appointment to have a wedding reception, but I cooked dinner at home. Last week, I accidentally broke one of the bowls I just bought. It is the largest one. I can't say all these things for three days and nights

After dinner, my father kept his promise and drove me to Xitang, but my mother was still working hard.

I love my home

Composition on Weekend Morning (3)

Finally, we started, but my mother was going to take my brother over. I knew that if my brother cried, the whole family could not sleep well, but my mother would try. No way, let her go! When he brought his younger brother out, his younger brother cried loudly, punched and kicked. Mother had no choice but to put him back. We drove to Jianshan Lake Park. Mother set a goal for us to run around the lake and watch the sunrise. We didn't run at all. We were exhausted when we walked. As long as Dad saw a place where he could rest, he would sleep. He wouldn't miss any chance to sleep!

As we walked, we came to a beautiful place. A pool of clear water rippled under the breeze. There were thousands of lotus families living in the lake. The fragrance came to my nose. I could feel that this was the fragrance of lotus. From time to time, beautiful cucurbit flute sounds and various bird songs came from my ears, and a large group of people in the distance swam happily in the lake. And the sun has just risen from here. It seems that the sun wants to play hide and seek with us, hiding in the clouds and appearing again. He rose slowly in the clouds, as if he didn't want us to see how he rose. The distant sound of gourds seems to be accompanied by the sun. The lotus fairy dance seems to be specially for the sun. Finally, the sun finally hung in the sky, revealing a bright smile. The birds were twittering as if to say: "Congratulations, Sun, you are so good to get up so early!" The sun shook his head and said: "Well, this is my job, of course, to get up early!" The lotus beside nodded with a smile. But my father is still sleeping beside him. It's a pity that he missed such beautiful scenery!

Composition on Weekend Morning (4)

The morning in the park is happy. With the laughter of children, the hearty laughter of adults, and the figure of the elderly exercising in the morning, we can also feel the fresh air floating in the face. More and more people come to the park in the morning, and they are almost as numerous as the stars in the sky! People may come to breathe fresh air, which is a happy thing.

As the saying goes, "Spring is the plan of a year, and morning is the plan of a day." How beautiful the morning in the park on weekends is!