84 cute words from the circle of friends
2023-07-13 10:33:12
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1. I miss you today, and I miss you more tomorrow.

2. The stars are shining tonight, and my heart is full of love for you.

3. I like you when you are honest.

4. I can see that your five elements lack true love.

5. Apart from you, I like money best.

6. I want to spoil you, and then charge a cleaning fee.

7. I suggest you like me. I'll reply to the news quickly.

8. Life needs a little softness, such as big breasts.

9. I'm very talented. You are not worthy of me.

10. Give me all your sweets and I'll keep them for you.

11. I really want to fall in love and be spoiled as a child.

12. Ordinary people, do you want to taste the fairy.

13. I won't pick you up. You must die in kindergarten.

14. As long as I eat fast enough, the fat will not catch up with me.

15. I may have eaten too much salt. I always miss you when I am free.

16. I want to be a little rich woman with 10000 yuan.

17. How can I please you, young master.

18. Please do not harass me. I am harassing others.

19. It's easy to be hungry. Please feed me with your gentleness.

20. Don't let me see you, or I will love you once.

21. Happiness is that cats eat fish, dogs eat bones, and I sleep.

22. I want to live in my brother's fish pond and break his heart.

23. The boy who puts his heart on it should also put it on the bed in the future.

24. I have a car, a house and a deposit. What am I afraid of? I'm afraid of waking up.

25. Although I haven't met you yet, I will definitely fall in love with you.

26. In fact, you are not so good, but you are indispensable to me.

27. Talking to you is a waste of saliva, so you have to accompany me to pay for it.

28. I like you without permission. I'm sorry.

29. If it was not for caring, how could there be so many emotions.

30. If possible, I will give you the injury I once gave you again.

31. I want to hold you in my arms like a father holding his son.

32. If you want to touch porcelain, you will be stuck in your life.

33. I have the ability to meet girls, but I am a girl.

34. I'm super cute. Do you want to consider loving me to death.

35. I knew I would give you candy. You are making trouble in my heart.

36. It's mine. Don't move. It's not mine. You put it there for me.

37. It's not easy to get this person in one's life. We love each other until we grow old.

38. I hate everyone you like, and I kill everyone you hate.

39. I hope you can follow the stars rationally and don't burn your body for me.

40. When I say lose weight, I mean to scare my flesh.

41. This life is too spoony. In the next life, I have the opportunity to step on eight boats.

42. Cool as the wind, wild as a dog, no one cares, but also free.

43. If you don't have me for the first half of your life, let me accompany you through the rest of your life.

44. You are the joy of your youth. I want to tell you the reverse of this sentence.

45. Like is willing, mutual accommodation, and eating you one mouthful at a time.

46. I thought air was free until I bought a bag of potato chips.

47. My life is sweet with some of you, but salty without some of you.

48. On such a hot day, let's hug, because the heart is close to nature and cool.

49. If you are so cute in front of others, I don't like you.

50. Other children have bear arms, but I don't because you are a pig.

51. Hey, turn on the front camera of your mobile phone. My wife is trapped inside.

52. I am so lovely for you today, so you should give me a kiss.

53. I can cook all kinds of instant noodles. Do you want to consider marrying me.

54. My criterion for choosing a spouse is to look like you and have a character like you. You are the best.

55. I haven't thought out the sweet sentence yet. You can have a taste of it first.

56. There are thousands of ways, but only one is suitable; One person is enough to meet all kinds of people.

57. I hope you can be a little self aware and realize that you are super invincible and cute.

58. Performance is like a slide. It's hard to climb up, but it's only a moment to slide down.

59. We are not suitable. I am so cute that I have become your sweet burden.

60. Since you can't be a lovely person, then be a hateful person.

61. It's cold. No matter how much you wear, if you don't have me in your heart, you will freeze to death.

62. Time will change the way you and I look, but not the way I love you.

63. When you drink your chicken soup, I cook my spicy hot soup, which is not very filling, but very hot.

64. As my boyfriend, I will protect you and won't let my other boyfriends find you.

65. I like you. Can you accept me? If not, I'll think of another way.

66. In my life, I only allow you to be in my heart. It's better for you to keep bumping around.

67. If I could, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you.

68. If you can't see that I like you, you can donate your eyes to people in need.

69. Many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson, and then turn around and leave.

70. Sometimes I feel like I like you very much. It's like eating too much.

71. The sun is so bright. As soon as I go out, I will rush up and embrace me. Let go quickly.

72. Why don't you turn back when you can't walk through the road? Why don't you let go of those who don't love you.

73. If you don't like playing well with other girls, you don't like it, you are bad tempered, and you are capricious.

74. The world is noisy, and I'm not good at communication, so I just want to live in your heart and listen to your heartbeat.

75. In fact, life is very simple. Try to win what you like, treasure what you get, and forget what you lose.

76. I am the kind of person who will follow you regardless of past grievances when others treat me well.

77. Dear, don't be discouraged if you fail in business. You won't have nothing. You still have a debt.

78. Tears, sometimes an unspeakable happiness, smile, sometimes an unspoken pain.

79. Who wants equal love? I just want to be spoiled as a three-year-old wailing brat, and be favored and pampered for no reason.

80. The furthest distance in the world is not Tianya and Haijiao, but the teacher is talking about Chapter 4, Xueba is self-study Chapter 8, and I am looking at the table of contents!

81. Like is to know the best side of the other person and like him; Love is knowing the worst of each other, but still loving without hesitation.

82. If you delete me, don't add me again; I don't want to take a second look at those who have left me; Those who hate me, please continue, don't give up.

83. The most romantic story has no ending, and the happiest love has no words, only the mutual spiritual agreement. My love, everything is in silence!

84. Just leaving the gate of the community in the morning, a little Laurie, aged five or six, hugged my thigh and cried, "Uncle, you marry me!"! I was in chaos when I heard a voice behind me saying: Even if you are married, you must go to school for me today!