About dreams_impressions
Find your own scenery
2023-08-31 11:24:36
primary school

A few days ago, my mother, brother and sister and I went to the cinema to watch the film "The Secret Plan of the New Big Head Son and Small Head Father". I like this film very much.
The theme of the film is around the word "dream". The secret plan is about the dream of Big Head's son, whose dream is to be an astronaut. This is his own secret, small head father and apron mother do not know. In the film, he wanted to sign up for the pilot contest for a small astronaut. He knew that his small head father and apron mother would certainly not support him, because in the eyes of his parents, he had to do his homework well and learn the piano well. Nothing else was necessary. Although he didn't like the piano, he still had to follow his mother's requirements. He finished the homework his mother gave him as required, and spent the rest of the time planning his little astronaut dream. At the beginning of the trials, each player was very excellent. The big head son was not discouraged at all. He was very strong to accept all kinds of challenges. When he was only one step away from his success, the final fear of heights made him lose the election. However, the whole audience gave him warm applause, and his parents were also very moved. Everyone was cheering for him. He overcame himself and completed the whole race.
I secretly shed tears because my big head son didn't realize his dream, but his spirit of not giving up has always encouraged me because he is not afraid of difficulties for his dream. I think everyone should have their own dreams and work hard for them, right?