Composition of Grey Wolf (19 practical articles)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2024-05-03 06:59:03
fairy tale

Grey Wolf's Composition (1)

One day, Xi Rabbit went out to find a partner to play with. On the way to find a partner, Grey Wolf saw him because he sang while walking. Grey Wolf knew that Xi Rabbit came out when he heard the voice. Grey Wolf quickly ran to the front to set a trap and waited there. He thought to himself, "You can eat delicious rabbit meat soon.". His drool is running to 3000 feet. Joy Rabbit was still walking happily when suddenly he fell into the trap of Grey Wolf. Xi Rabbit cried out for help. When his good friend Xi Yangyang heard it, he told the village head quickly. At this time, Grey Wolf dragged Xi Rabbit back to Wolf Castle and shouted happily: "Wife, there is rabbit meat to eat today!" After receiving the news, the village head immediately invented an electric rod to power Grey Wolf. Pleasant Goat quickly took the electric rod to Wolf Castle, and Pleasant Goat quietly walked into Wolf Castle. Unexpectedly, Grey Wolf was found by Grey Wolf. Grey Wolf threw his teeth and paws at Pleasant, and Joy Rabbit shouted, "Pleasant! Be careful!" Pleasant quickly took out the electric rod from his pocket, and only heard a scream of "Ah!" Pleasant used the electric rod to power Grey Wolf, and Grey Wolf was burned. Pleasant and Joy Rabbit took the opportunity to run home. Happy Rabbit said happily to Happy Sheep, "Thank you, Happy Sheep!" Big Big Wolf shouted angrily, "I will come back!"

Grey Wolf's Composition (2)

Everyone appreciates people for different reasons. Some people like great people, like people with achievements. However, I appreciate Grey Wolf for three reasons.

First, it persisted and persevered, never giving up when encountering difficulties. Why does he say that? He wants to catch sheep for many times, but every time the sheep use various methods to drive Grey Wolf away. Grey Wolf's classic catchphrase is: "I will come back!" He has been defeated repeatedly, but never gave up. Every time he comes to catch sheep with confidence, he is not defeated. In life and learning, we will always encounter a series of difficulties. If we can be like Big Big Wolf, what difficulties can we not overcome in life and learning.

Second, he is loyal to his wife. He listens to her. No matter how angry she is, he doesn't get angry. Why does Grey Wolf catch sheep? His wife tells him to do it if she wants to eat mutton. He never listens. He can do anything for Red Wolf without complaining. This kind of good temper is also a good example of getting along well with classmates in school.

Third, every time we catch sheep, it develops many machines, potions or some scientific and technological products, so it is very smart. If we study sheep catching machines in the laboratory, we must have a high IQ, be smart and capable, and be able to concentrate on scientific and technological products. This talent is exactly what we can use in learning.

Although it is only a wolf shaped by animation, it is a persistent, obedient, intelligent and capable wolf. We really need to learn something about him.

The Grey Wolf with a scar on his face, which records all his spiritual character, is much better than us. Some people can't persevere and do great things, but it does. Some people can't listen to their teachers and parents, and it is an example for us. Some people can't concentrate on one thing, but it can. Isn't it worth learning?

Therefore, I appreciate Grey Wolf very much, and we should also learn its spirit that is worth learning.

Grey Wolf's Composition (3)

Grade 1 Fairy Tale Composition 100 Word Chapter 1: The Fake Death of Grey Wolf

Another morning, Grey Wolf was dared out of the door by his wife for the 1111st time. When he dug the first underground hole, the sheep and sheep monitor found him and buried a ton of explosives enough to blow Grey Wolf's flesh and blood.

When Grey Wolf dug there, there was a loud noise, "Boom!" Grey Wolf suddenly flew out of the ground, "Oh!" died. When Red Wolf learned that he had also died with Grey Wolf, and their son "Little Grey Grey" was at their parents' side. Joy Yang laughed when she saw it, but she was surprised when she saw Grey Wolf move again, crying, ghost!

So Pleasant passed out, and Little Grey and Red Wolf were very excited!

First grade fairy tale composition 100 words 2 _ lights and candles

As the saying goes, every inch has its own merits.

One day, the electric lamp proudly said to the candle, "I'm really great! The thing people can't do without is me, because my brightness is high, I'm not afraid of wind, and I'm clean.

The candle lowered its head and said to itself: Alas! My brightness is low. When the wind blows, the fire goes out and it is not clean.

At night, suddenly, there was a power failure!

All of a sudden, the room was dark. At this time, the candle jumped out of the drawer, lit and shone. The electricity is coming! The lamp looked at the table and found that the candle was missing! Only seeing a few drops of wax oil, I suddenly realized.

Since then, the electric light has never dared to be proud.

Grey Wolf's Composition (4)

Our "Grey Wolf" never catches or eats sheep. It is a puppy. It has sharp ears, bright eyes, and a pair of sharp teeth that are always exposed. Its black and white hair matches its black and black feet. It looks so fierce, but it is not fierce at all. It is always loyal to its master. When it sees a stranger, it yells and is very dutiful.

Dogs are puppies. They are always playful, and our "Grey Wolf" is no exception.

It has many objects to play with, such as butterflies, mosquitoes, wool balls... Once it plays with these things, it doesn't know how long it will have to play with them. Once, it saw a butterfly, flying around, and in the "Big Big Wolf", it had a curiosity: catch the butterfly. It jumped up and down, trying to catch it, but the butterfly turned against it, as if to say, "Come on, come on! I can't catch you, ha ha!" "Grey Wolf" jumped up when he was unprepared, wow! Yes, the butterfly was caught by the "Grey Wolf". The "Grey Wolf" pressed the butterfly down and scratched its wings with its paws. The butterfly struggled a few times and then stopped moving. "Grey Wolf" accidentally saw me, and immediately jumped up and jumped on my hand, very cute.

I like "Big Big Wolf". I'm proud of having such a dog!

Grey Wolf's Composition (5)

That day, Grey Wolf was driven by his wife Red Wolf to catch sheep with a pan. Grey Wolf had no choice but to go to the Qingqing Grassland to wait for the appearance of Pleasant Goat. Soon he found that they were playing on a grassland not far away, so he followed them quietly. When Grey Wolf approached the grass beside Pleasant Goat, Grey Wolf jumped up and shouted, "Here I come again, kids!" Pleasant Goat first got a sudden surprise, but suddenly they quickly and evenly flashed to both sides. Grey Wolf came and attacked the hungry wolf, but hit the tree and fainted! When Grey Wolf woke up, he was sent back to Wolf Castle by Pleasant Goat and their invincible cannons as usual!

When Red Tai Lang found out that Grey Tai Wolf had failed again and was going to use an extra large pan to teach Grey Tai Wolf a lesson, Grey Tai Wolf shouted, "Slow down!" and said, "Wife! Don't you think it takes time and motor to catch sheep like this?" Red Tai Lang was surprised and asked viciously, "How can you catch sheep like this? Can you do something with your head full of bean curd?" Grey Wolf said calmly: "Don't underestimate me! I'm also a noble wolf! I have a way!" Red Wolf asked: "What?" "I invented again!" Grey Wolf said proudly, "Are patents not popular now? I have many inventions!"

Grey Wolf and Red Taro said they would do whatever they wanted, and immediately applied for a patent for the "super cloning machine" of Grey Wolf, which can clone any animal as long as it has hair. Some businesses came to sign contracts with Grey Wolf after hearing the news. Grey Wolf was busy! But hard work will pay off - one million cash! Grey Wolf has made a fortune and bought a villa immediately! Red Wolf wears gold and silver in front of her sisters. It's very beautiful! The nature is so gentle to Grey Wolf!

Grey Wolf doesn't have to catch sheep every day! Ask people to send green mutton every day! It really fulfills his sentence "No time, no motor!"

One day, Grey Wolf drove his BMW 730 to look for business opportunities in the street. Grey Wolf deserves to be Grey Wolf! He found that there were many people on the street taking stairs to clean billboards, which was very dangerous! He invented a kind of "lengthening and shortening machine" to let people sit inside and clean billboards!

Just do what you say. After thousands of hard work, Grey Wolf finally successfully invented the "elongation shortening machine"! He applied for a patent and was awarded the "Best Utility Award"! The bonus is ten million yuan in cash! So Grey Wolf changed from millionaire to multimillionaire! Pleasant Goat and others were silly and thought, "How can this silly gray wolf become a multimillionaire?"

Grey Wolf is not a very bad person! He is willing to donate money to any charity! And he also drove Bugatti Weihang everywhere to make charity speeches, helping the disaster areas and building hope primary schools.

When the bird reporter asked Grey Wolf how to succeed, he replied: "In fact, it all depends on hard work! Happy life is everywhere, as long as you try to find it, you will find it! Like me, there are so many fat sheep, why should you guard the Qingqing Grassland?"

Maybe you think I'm naive, maybe you think this story is pure fiction, maybe you think it's meaningless! No matter what you say, I remember this sentence: "Happy life is everywhere, as long as you try to find it, you will find it!"

Grey Wolf's Composition (6)

"Yeah! Grey Wolf is dead, we have no enemies!" the village head announced loudly, and the lambs in the sheep village applauded happily just after saying that. But the lambs did not know that another disaster was coming, that was, they became lazy and fat.

Xi Yangyang plays computer, games and TV at home every day, and he has become a real "house sheep". He never goes out for a walk. Even if he has a meal, he asks others to help him bring it to him. As a result, he became a fat "night owl" and stopped guarding the village.

Meiyangyang dresses and makes up at home every day. "What color are you going to wear today?" "Wear blue today!" She asked herself. She dressed up and ran outside the Yangcun Village to have delicious sweets with the antelope princess.

Lazy Sheep sleeps for twenty hours every day, and eats for the other four hours. Sometimes Meiyangyang will send some delicious food. He is "no one will refuse". He is getting fatter and fatter now. He weighs at least 50 kilograms. From a distance, he looks like a big snowball. He finished his sleep and ate. He was a silly "fat boy".

Boiling Sheep stopped exercising every day. She basked in the sun every day and became addicted to comic books. He was originally very dark, but now he has become an "African sheep".

But one day, a wolf more terrible than Grey Wolf suddenly came. What should fat lambs do? Clever you will imagine that the whole army was destroyed. Look! "Help!" The little round sheep rolled on and on. Pleasant Goat almost hit the tree. Beautiful Goat was so scared that her face turned pale. Lazy Goat cried loudly because she couldn't even roll. Boiling Goat was so black and special that she was the first to be caught

It seems that we can't do without Grey Wolf. Only with strong opponents can you make progress!

Grey Wolf's Composition (7)

That day, Grey Wolf came back empty again on the Qingqing Grassland. He was depressed and decided to move.

The next day, he moved his home to the big forest, which made the small animals in the forest suffer a lot. They live a life of fear. The little monkey saw that Grey Wolf had stirred up the calm forest, so he decided to drive it away.

But what should we do? The little monkey thought and thought, and finally came up with a good idea. He knew that the piglet liked watermelon best, so he bought many watermelons and gave them to the piglet. Piglet has a good appetite. He will soon wipe out these big watermelons. The little monkey picked up the remaining watermelon skins and put them into a big bag. The little pig was very strange, but the little monkey smiled mysteriously and left without saying anything.

That night, the little monkey came to the gate of Grey Wolf's house and put down the watermelon skin piece by piece, all the way to the river. Finally, the whole bag of watermelon peel was put away. The little monkey straightened up, wiped the sweat from his face, and went home to rest with satisfaction.

The day soon dawned. Grey Wolf got up lazily and was going out to catch small animals to fill his stomach. But as soon as I went out, I stepped on the watermelon skin, and my feet slipped. I actually slid along the watermelon skin of the Little Monkey Shop to the river. With a sound of "plop", Grey Wolf fell into the river and was washed away by the river.

From then on, the forest was calm again.

Grey Wolf's Composition (8)

One crisp day, the angel dragon rabbit saw Grey Wolf on his way home. Grey Wolf said, "You look very powerful!" The angel dragon rabbit said proudly, "Of course, I can do magic!" Grey Wolf thought: "This is a god!"! If I win the Immortal, all the animals will look up to me! "Why don't we have a swimming match?" Grey Wolf suggested. "Well, Grey Wolf, see you tomorrow!" said the angel Dragon Rabbit.

The day before the game, Grey Wolf was concentrating on installing something. What are you packing? The angel dragon rabbit thought. Forget it. Let's get ready for the game!

Finally, when it came to the game, Grey Wolf swam very fast like clockwork. It turned out that Grey Wolf had installed a swimming accelerator on his back. In the end, Grey Wolf won. "The immortals have been knocked down by me. I am so powerful!" Grey Wolf said proudly. But the referee saw all this, so the final winner was the angel dragon rabbit!

The angel dragon rabbit laughed and said, "Ha ha ha!" But Grey Wolf glared and said, "It's impossible, isn't it?" Finally, it had to run away in frustration.

Grey Wolf's Composition (9)

I like Grey Wolf. I like his advantages.

I like his cute, and the funny "I will come back" is really funny.

I like his loyalty. No matter how cruel Red Wolf is, Grey Wolf will not complain.

I like his indomitable spirit. Every time he catches sheep, he is defeated by the clever and clever Pleasant, but he always goes to catch sheep unremittingly.

I like his intelligence. Every time he invents a lot of new powerful weapons to catch sheep, but every time he fails. How pathetic! How many drops of sweat he has shed

It took a lot of effort and effort, but I still couldn't catch a sheep. Even if I caught one, I was also escaped.

I like Grey Wolf and sympathize with Grey Wolf. I hate the hot Red Wolf. Every time I make a mistake, I send my anger to the Grey Wolf. Grey Wolf Go

Catching sheep, Red Wolf makes up at home; Grey Wolf is sweeping the floor, while Red Wolf is watching TV.

I like Grey Wolf's loyalty, his loveliness, his indomitable spirit, and his intelligence

Grey Wolf's Composition (10)

Hello, everyone, I am the "everyone knows, everyone knows" Grey Wolf. I have a coat of gray brocade like fur, two sensitive ears can rotate freely, thin and long eyes always emit spiritual light, and two sharp claws are my unique weapons. I also have a happy family, with my favorite wife Xiaohong and my favorite son Xiaohui.

Some people say that I'm afraid of my wife. Every time I fail to catch a sheep, my wife will beat me with a pan, and every time I am like a duck on the cutting board. Sometimes, they will be beaten to the skies! Every time I go home, I am scarred. Some people say that I am so cowardly that I am afraid of my wife. In fact, I am not afraid, but love. Suppose that one day I get angry, my wife may leave me in anger, but Xiaohui is so small, how can he bear such pressure! I can't imagine all this.

Others said that I was cowardly and failed to catch sheep every time. Every time I went to the sheep village and saw Xiaohui and the lambs playing happily, I couldn't bear to deprive Xiaohui of his beautiful childhood.

Someone asked me, "Grey Wolf, why do you want to catch sheep?" I want to say that if I don't eat them, I will starve to death. It is our duty to catch sheep and eat sheep. It is not our duty not to eat sheep. It can be said that "either the sheep died or the wolf died." Although every time I catch a sheep, I always fail, but I firmly believe that persistence is victory. There is a saying. Well, water drops can penetrate the stone. I believe I will catch the sheep one day

After listening to this, you must have improved on me! In fact, I am also a wolf with many advantages!

Grey Wolf's Composition (11)

Grey Wolf finally ate mutton Excellent composition

In the study, work and life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition must be focused on the theme, and in-depth elaboration must be made around the unified theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is loose or even no theme. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is the excellent composition of Little Editor's Big Big Wolf who finally ate mutton for your reference. I hope it can help your friends in need.

Grey Wolf is very upset. He can't eat sheep and is always scolded by his wife Red Wolf. What does he think I should do? Grey Wolf thinks and thinks every day. By the way, the owner's family often goes to the "Mr. Eight" mutton hotpot restaurant to eat mutton recently? Why don't I go with you?

With this idea, Grey Wolf decided to practice magic first, and developed a bottle of invisible potion. After applying the potion, he came out of the TV and became a little bee. He followed the owner's family to the "Mr. Eight" mutton hotpot shop. He sneaked into the kitchen and ate mutton with gusto. When he was full, he took away a lot of mutton, Prepare food for his wife. The restaurant owner came in and looked. Ah, why are so many mutton missing? Isn't it flying with wings? He never dreamed that the mutton was stolen by Grey Wolf on TV. Grey Wolf took mutton with him, put on invisible potion and walked into the TV again. This time, Red Wolf was so excited that he never scolded Grey Wolf again.

They eat mutton at home every day. They eat it for a long time until Grey Wolf is old and Red Wolf's crown is broken. They haven't eaten it yet

Grey Wolf's Composition (12)

Favorite composition of "Grey Wolf Pupils"

Whether in study, work or life, we have more or less been exposed to composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). How to write a good composition? The following is XiaoEditon's favorite composition of "Grey Wolf Pupils", for your reference. I hope it can help those in need.

I have always loved watching the cartoon "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", especially Big Big Wolf.

There are many aspects of Grey Wolf that are worth learning from. They are optimistic, intelligent, eager to learn, persistent, and tenacious. In this cartoon, Grey Wolf has only one thing to do from beginning to end - catching sheep and eating sheep! But he always failed, but he never gave up and still worked hard for this goal.

He is also very intelligent, which can be seen from his various inventions, such as beetle blockhouse, dream come true potion, anti hunger potion, ox horn powder, etc. Although these inventions and creations were defeated by Joy Sheep one by one and ended in failure, his sentence "I will come back" fully reflects his spirit of perseverance, never abandoning, never giving up. He also has one strong point, that is, "henpecked". This shows that he is very famous. Can't he beat his wife? No, of course not. In the eyes of his peers, he never bullies the small with the big, and bullies the weak with the strong. He is also humorous and optimistic. He remembers an episode in which Lazy Sheep was caught by Grey Wolf. He said impatiently, "Just got hurt on the edge of pain, and now he is struggling on the edge of life and death, I will use the spirit of "I will come back" of Grey Wolf in my study. I am not afraid of failure. I will climb up wherever I fall. Believe me, I will come back!

Grey Wolf's Composition (13)

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Big Big Wolf Seeks Stories Fairy Tale Composition

In study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I know a lot about composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. How to write a good composition? The following is a fairy tale composition of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", which is just for reference. Welcome to read it.

The lambs on the Qingqing Grassland are all too smart. Grey Taro can't catch them at all. It had been eating for several days, but it was hungry, so it was ready to go out for a walk.

Grey Wolf wandered around aimlessly and came to a village. There was a grass house in the village. It happened that when we were having dinner, the smell of food came from the family. Grey Wolf has no strength when he smells the fragrance, but he is as timid as a mouse! It thought: Wait until late at night, then go in and steal something to eat. At night, the wolf stayed at the back of the house and did not move. At this time, the crying of the child came from the house. The mother was trying to coax the child, but it was not good. The child was crying and making noise. So the mother said to the child, "Don't cry. If you cry again, I will throw you out to feed the wolf." When Grey Wolf heard this, he was shocked. He thought to himself, "It's not worth it today, The child's meat must be delicious and tender. Grey Wolf thought of this and drooled down. The night is getting deeper and deeper. Grey Wolf is cold and hungry. It's almost cold to death. At this time, the mother's voice came from the house again: "Children, you can sleep well. If the wolf comes, I will kill it with a knife." Grey Wolf shivered with fear, and ran quickly, or she would kill herself with a knife. The poor Grey Wolf scolded as he walked: "Smelly old lady, you are really cruel. You want to kill me with a knife. If she doesn't have a knife, I will eat her at once."

Composition of Grey Wolf (14)

Dangxi Rabbit Meets Grey Wolf Imagination Composition

In real life or work and study, we always have to contact with composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. So, how to write a composition? The following is a collection of imaginary compositions of Dundangxi Rabbit meets Big Big Wolf. Welcome to share.

One day, Xi Rabbit went out to find a partner to play. On the way to find a partner, Grey Wolf saw him. Because he sang while walking, Grey Wolf knew that Xi Rabbit came out when he heard the sound.

Grey Wolf quickly ran to the front to set a trap and waited there. He thought to himself, "You can eat delicious rabbit meat soon.". His drool is running to 3000 feet. Joy Rabbit was still walking excitedly when suddenly he fell into the trap of Grey Wolf with a sound of "plop". Xi Rabbit cried out for help. When his good friend Xi Yangyang heard the noise, he quickly told the village head. At this time, Big Big Wolf dragged Xi Rabbit back to Wolf Castle and shouted excitedly, "Wife, we have rabbit meat to eat today!"

After receiving the news, the village head immediately invented the electric rod to prepare for the electric Grey Wolf. Joy Yang quickly took the electric rod to the Wolf Castle, and Joy Yang quietly walked into the Wolf Castle. Unexpectedly, Grey Wolf was found by Grey Wolf. Grey Wolf threw his teeth and paws at Pleasant, and Joy Rabbit shouted, "Pleasant! Be careful!" Pleasant quickly took out the electric rod from his pocket, and only heard a scream of "Ah!" Pleasant used the electric rod to power Grey Wolf, and Grey Wolf was burned. Pleasant and Joy Rabbit took the opportunity to run home. Happy Rabbit said excitedly to Happy Sheep, "Thank you, Happy Sheep!"

Grey Wolf shouted angrily: "I will come back!"

Composition of Grey Wolf (15)

In the morning, Grey Wolf went out to catch sheep.

When Grey Wolf came to the Yangcun Village, he saw that Little Sheep had transformed the iron gate into a net, and he smiled proudly: "Little fat sheep, do you think you can stop me, Grey Wolf King?" Grey Wolf changed a ladder and climbed up. However, before he climbed up, the net sent out 10000 volts of electricity. The lightning flashed, and soon sent Grey Wolf flying. "Ouch! Ouch! Damn it! I will come back!"

Grey Wolf tried hard to find a way to break the power grid in Wolf Castle, but he couldn't find it. He shouted in disappointment: "How can we break that rotten net?"

Red Wolf ran out, picked up the pan and threw it at Grey Wolf. Bang! "Ouch!" "In the morning, there was a big noise! Let no one sleep! You failed again today, right?" "Wife, there is a net over there in the Yangcun Village. I climbed up with a ladder, and it electrified me with a 10000 volt current." "Bang"! "Idiot! Don't you have a 'clutch reconstruction machine'? You catch an eagle, and then fit it. Then you fly over the net and catch the lamb, won't you?" "Ah ha ha ha! My wife is smart!"

In Yangcun

Xiyangyang said, "Village head, why don't we reform the wolf gate? We can fly Grey Wolf without touching the power grid!" The village head smiled and said, "Good idea. But who will go?" "I'll go with Boiling Sheep, Meiyang Sheep and Lazy Sheep."

The sheep and goats were working, and Meiyang said, "Guess what will happen if Grey Wolf enters the wolf proof door?" Boiling Sheep said, "Of course it will be electrified." "Hee hee hee!"

In the evening, the wolf proof door had just been built, and the sheep and goats had just retreated. Grey Wolf flew to the gate of Yang Village and saw three big characters on the door, "Wolf proof door", "Hum! What a piece of junk!" Grey Wolf was very dismissive. He flew over the door, "Woo!" The wolf proof door gave an alarm, and before Grey Wolf came to his senses, he sent out a current of 100000 volts.

"I! Ouch! One! Ouch! Definite! Ouch! Yes! Ouch! Go back! Ouch! Come on! Ouch! Ouch

(Poor Grey Wolf, why can't he catch sheep all the time? Or are they always playing tricks on him?)

Composition of Grey Wolf (16)

Grey Wolf, you are the best wolf in the world

If I were a wolf, the grass would become more fragrant because of me, the sky would become bluer because of me, and the river would become clearer because of me. Of course, as a wolf on the Qingqing Grassland, I can't eat the insipid grass with my fellow sheep! Pleasant sheep, Boiling sheep, Warm sheep, Slow sheep, etc., you can catch any one. But you can't catch it every time. It's not your fault. You can only blame the clever Pleasant.

Although you are sometimes weakened into the air by artillery shells before you enter the door, and although you sometimes catch sheep, Pleasant Goat escapes when he makes a plan. In short, you have never eaten sheep. In spite of this, you are still not discouraged. Every time you try to catch sheep, you are praised for your perseverance.

Every time you go to catch a sheep, you will make careful preparations. You invented the zoom pill and super invisibility charm. This high-tech product sometimes makes the slow sheep, the inventor and village head of the sheep tribe, helpless. If you come to mankind, your ability can win many patents and Nobel Prize. You are very clever and capable.

You love your wife very much. Although you are hit by a flat bottom steel pan every day, you always have no complaints; Your wife loves beauty, cosmetics are everywhere, your space has been seriously affected, but you always keep silent and smile; Your wife is lazy and likes to sit and enjoy her own success. She always waits for you to put mutton into the seam of sheep; Every time you work so hard to catch sheep, in the end, she takes 3/4, you can take 1/4, but you agree every time, if your spirit of loving red wolf is in human beings, you can be rated as a model husband.

You are very smart. Sometimes you go to catch sheep. If you find something bad, you will always ask Big Brother Tiger to help. You are very good at finding friends.

The world's wolves, which do not eat sheep? Grey Wolf, your spirit is praised. You are the best wolf in the world.

Composition of Grey Wolf (17)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

As time goes by, Slow Sheep is getting old. Finally one day, Slow Sheep died, and the whole village was in great sorrow. Slow Sheep gave his seat to Lazy Sheep before he died.

After the death of the village head, the villagers buried him and erected a magnificent slow sheep statue in the "Ancestor Statue House", because he had made great contributions to the village in his life.

A few years later, the Yangcun Village was well managed by Lazy Sheep. Lazy Sheep married Meiyang and gave birth to twin daughters, one named Xiangyang Sheep and the other named Huayang Sheep. But Nuanyanyang returned to the Argali family and became the Argali Queen, living a happy life. Can't you imagine? Boiling Sheep, who has always scored 30 points, became a Chinese teacher! Xiyangyang practices Taekwondo every day, and has opened a Taekwondo Hall, which has collected more than 1000 disciples!

As for Grey Taro, he and his wife and children moved out of Qingqing Grassland and now live in the ancient eccentric world! Since the Black Marshal was tamed, the animals in the ancient eccentric world have lived a happy life. With his clever brain, Grey Taro catches big frogs for food. A big frog can eat for a month!

Four years later, the sheep and sheep family held another sheep and sheep sports meeting, and the sheep family won the championship again. Lazy sheep became the patriarch. He led beautiful sheep, fragrant sheep and flower sheep to live a happy life, and the family shared the happiness of the family!

Grade 5 of Anlu Experimental Primary School in Anlu, Xiaogan, Hubei: Jiang Jiuyue

Composition of Grey Wolf (18)

This article "About 400 words of composition about Grey Wolf" is organized by this website for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Grey Wolf, you are the best wolf in the world

If I were a wolf, the grass would become more fragrant because of me, the sky would become bluer because of me, and the river would become clearer because of me. Of course, as a wolf on the Qingqing Grassland, I can't eat the insipid grass with my fellow sheep! Pleasant sheep, Boiling sheep, Warm sheep, Slow sheep, etc., you can catch any one. But you can't catch it every time. It's not your fault. You can only blame the clever Pleasant.

Every time you go to catch a sheep, you will make careful preparations. You invented the zoom pills and super invisibility charms. This high-tech product sometimes baffles the slow sheep, the inventor and village head of the sheep tribe. If you come to mankind, your skills can win many patents and Nobel Prizes. You are very clever and capable.

You love your wife very much. Although you are hit by a flat bottom steel pan every day, you always have no complaints; Your wife loves beauty, cosmetics are everywhere, your space has been seriously affected, but you always keep silent and smile; Your wife is lazy and likes to sit and enjoy her own success. She always waits for you to put mutton into the seam of sheep; Every time you work so hard to catch sheep, in the end, she takes 3/4, you can take 1/4, but you agree every time, if your spirit of loving red wolf is in human beings, you can be rated as a model husband.

You are very smart. Sometimes you go to catch sheep. If you find something bad, you will always ask Big Brother Tiger to help. You are very good at finding friends.

The world's wolves, which do not eat sheep? Grey Wolf, your spirit is praised. You are the best wolf in the world.

Composition of Grey Wolf (19)

One day, he flew to a restaurant and saw the little boy's father. It turned out that the little boy's father was recognized as a cook in the world. However, the little boy's father died unexpectedly. The food critic deducted a star for him. So the hotel run by the little boy's father has become a four-star hotel. But the happy thing is that as long as the food critic comes to check, as long as he is satisfied, he will get Michelin Samsung and directly enter the chef's final. However, because the deputy chef is particularly arrogant, he has not been awarded three Michelin stars.

One day, the little boy came to the hotel because he came here to look for a job because his father was a famous chef here. However, he knows nothing about cooking. One day, the bird found a pot of delicious soup, and intuitively knew that although the soup was delicious, it was not perfect. However, he suddenly found that the Big Big Wolf had mistakenly put pepper and three grams of salt in it. It turned into a pot of hot and sour soup. The bird was surprised. He wanted to stop him, but he had no courage. Suddenly a "ghost" jumped out and said to him, "Bird, you already know how I can cook delicious food, why don't you help him? If you want to help him, you should let him know how to cook delicious food, which is the real help." So the bird took advantage of people's carelessness. Fly to that place and start to transform. Therefore, a pot of thick soup is ready. However, I didn't expect that Grey Wolf had seen all this. However, Grey Wolf wanted to be a chef, so he asked the bird to help him, and when he really learned to cook, he would put the bird back home. So he put the bird in its hat. When the chef saw

From then on, Grey Wolf and his friends had a happy life. The bird became Grey Wolf's assistant.