About warmth (15 high-quality articles)
Clear sky
2024-04-19 09:36:39

About warmth (1)

About a kind of warmth from oneself Composition 1

It is cold and cloudy. There are flowers and dew in the mountain. We pause to collect the oars and talk about how many past events of Penglai can lead us away. Looking back empty, we have become old friends in the past. We can only raise our glasses to invite the moon to drink and warm the furnace.

At that time, I might have been used to too much darkness in my previous life, so I had the darkest pupils. I should have looked for light, but I could not extricate myself from the darkness. The floating in my heart sang moving Li songs night after night, and gathered into a river to overflow my life as a performer.

I stood on the stage, watching the laughter and anger of people below, and felt more and more like a puppet controlled by a lonely hand. The loneliness was "the snow that should have fallen on the world, but it seemed to fall on me alone." There was no process from qualitative change to quantitative change. It is also like walking into a house full of mirrors. Thousands of people are still alone. All the bustle is like smoke and clouds. Suddenly, I remembered that Acheng wrote about Phoenix. He said that if Phoenix was lonely for five hundred years, it would still be lonely for five hundred years.

I just want to empty myself

At the end of March, the wind chases the willow catkins, and the shallow cherry trees are fluttering, moving slowly. The fragrance lingers around the body, the trembling flower shoots are shadowing, and the path is full of red.

Think of the boring song "It was so colorful that it seemed that the broken well and the ruins were endowed with such beautiful scenery. It was a pleasure to enjoy the family, the morning and evening, the clouds and green pavilions, the rain and wind, the smoke and waves of painting boats..." sung by Su Ri and on the stage now, but now it has a special warmth, the fragrance of the wind and the clouds that have been wasted, and the cool fall in the leisurely landscape of the clear wind and the wind, It can lead to self warming.

Suddenly, I dreamt of warblers singing. It was a time of chaos. People stood in a small courtyard. I walked under the eaves and suddenly blurted out the words, "The monk's room is silent, and there are no people there. The full steps are lined with red flowers." It used to be a drama that could not be sung for thousands of times. "The sunny silk is blowing in the leisurely courtyard, and the ripples are as green as a line." I sang softly, feeling the warmth from myself that can not be possessed by the stars and shadows, and the flowing clouds. Since then, I have never faced a vast ocean without a ferry, nor a world without an exit.

When the clouds disappear and the shadows fall, I lie drunk. The lake is rosy and red. The solo is full of time. I walk alone with my stick in the green lake of the Songjian River. I live in peace with the clouds. Even if I break the patchwork and sparse bags, I will sleep on the bamboo window pillow, and feel safe when the moon is bright and cold. With the singing of "the night under the moon, the flowers are silent and fragrant", the waist and legs are stretched out, and the sleeves are lightly danced. The first dance is for me, which makes me fall in love with the city and the country. What I feel is the joy and warmth.

When I turned back, I fell into the wet and dark darkness. I lingered, but I saw a beam of light pierce the clouds. Though weak, it was so firm to pierce the darkness, reorganize it into warmth, and instantly become eternal.

A bang woke me up.

Looking up at the audience, I saw that people had already left their seats empty. Presumably, the last sound was the manager's leaving in anger. I smiled brightly. Even though the world put me in a cold place on the ice, the warmth from my own can make me feel in Chang'an, where thousands of people can live in the world. The sleeves dance lightly, the waist and legs stretch, and the song is prosperous all the time.

About a kind of warmth from oneself Composition 2

"Compete with white clouds, smile and kiss with the setting sun, and pick the autumn leaves all over the mountain as red flowers."

——Lin Huiyin

The forest flower has faded the spring red, and the world is in a hurry; The green clouds wet the winter plum, and the world of mortals is redundant. In the chilly wind and cold rain, someone always sighs "lonely in the dark window and cold rain". But some people, facing the sea of night, half a life of rugged, with their own warmth. Blow the moon to the third watch.

There is a warmth from oneself. As Xi Mu said, "When all the flowers fall, there is still a sound of falling flowers in my heart." This warmth is a kind of heartfelt acceptance and magnanimity, a kind of solitary courage and sonority from the blood, and more and more feel that this is the grandeur of life.

The old story is like a silent falling red, and the flowing flowers are nothing more than three lanes of plum blossom. In the world of mortals, the colder the body and mind, who will reflect on whether they are the only absent passer-by in front of the Buddha for a colorful feast and the gentle and clear snow?

Recall that when I was a child, I sang songs in the splendor of stars, slept soundly on red bricks and green tiles, and ran in the floating fragrance of rice. I didn't need lights and applause, and I could be full and warm without red flags and red tiles. Many years later, I found that the warmth from myself was really from the heart of a pure child under the indifference of neon lights.

The land is endless and the stars are boundless, and those who have this heart will get warm; The autumn rain is drizzly and the fog is thick. Only those who have this heart can be at peace.

One kind of warmth comes from oneself, that is, from the pure heart of a child who has walked through the vicissitudes of life. When ordinary people lose it, they also lose themselves in the world of mortals; The philosopher left it behind. From then on, sing and walk; From then on, warmth fills my heart.

The wind is moving, the moon is fragmentary, the wild clouds are dark, and the light of the lamp is half lake light. It was a desperate situation for thousands of birds to fly, but Liu Zongyuan was as warm as Su. The bamboo pole in hand is as beautiful as a pen; Riverside green bamboo stands proudly in the spring breeze. The bitter cold of people's disappearance along the way has concentrated on his peerless aloofness, which is just an excuse for him to focus on nothing else by virtue of his own warmth brought by his childlike heart, to put down the mountains and rivers of the Tang Dynasty, to pick up the ancient aloofness, and to be demoted.

Keep the heart of a child in loneliness and warm the ice field; Keep the heart of a child in the pomp, and also travel thousands of miles.

Romantic, he wrote in front of the lamp; Kyoto is bustling, he drinks to the moon alone. Cao Xueqin, unwilling to sink into the confusion, cut out a period of time, painted a bleak period of time, described a period of time, turned his sadness into light resentment and desolation, and turned the past events across the bank into beautiful verses in a thousand years' dream, resting on a lotus and sinking into fragrance. As a result, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the Story of the Stone is like a butterfly brushing through the dried up heart.

There is a saying in the Book of Songs: "My heart is sad when I walk slowly, and I'm hungry when I'm thirsty. I don't know how sad I am." I think this is probably the feeling of many people in the society. Time is short, we have no place to escape; On the eve of spring and autumn, we are inevitably drowned. The solitary shadow is broken, and the water is exhausted and the mountain is poor. In fact, the solitary cold is also the background of life.

However, the world is full of diversity, and there are always people who do not forget their original intention to greet the desolation and moonlight with warmth, so that every day can be peaceful and merciful.

Yes, there are always such a group of people who keep their own warmth with a pure heart. Even if it is rugged and full of thorns, they can still go all the way to flowers and flowers; Even though the night is long and the stars are boundless, they can still embrace the moon and go by the wind. At that time, the flow of time did not stop, the strands of water gathered into a pool, and I smiled after my death.

There is a kind of warmth from ourselves, from our pure heart. Only hope that we can all take this heart to walk out of a poetic prosperity in the withering of life, infiltrate each other, complete a self-cultivation, complete a soul inquiry, and complete a national construction.

"In the cold autumn when extravagance is magnified in every way, we are not afraid of moving and connecting the old accumulated wounds like mottled gold and silver."

About a kind of warmth from oneself Composition 3

Hold an oil umbrella alone, walk through the amorous rainy season, and look for the old dream of prosperity in the south of the Yangtze River; Taste a cup of tea alone, lean on the fence and quietly overlook, waiting for the lonely lotus to open; I am alone in a small boat to salvage the fleeting Hua Nian in the frosty days with bright moon like water. As long as the country is desolate and the years are desolate, my heart is as warm as the sun, and I will not change my color.

I used to think that my life was complete because of the existence of someone or something, but when the past was saturated with spring water and the past washed away the lead, they clearly had become passers-by, so they finally understood that there was a kind of warmth from themselves.

The mountains are long and the waters are far away, the sea is difficult, the poetry before the moon is falling, and the stories of the fisherman and the woodcutter have become the gossip of ancient and modern times. But there is a beauty who is independent and has warmed his body and years with a clear heart. I fall in love with Lin Huiyin. What I love is not only her talent, her achievements, but also the never cooling warmth in her heart. It is the kind of beauty that can make life verdant in any case. She likes April in the world, green and flawless, full moon and blooming flowers. She never fails to live up to any spring, nor does she allow herself to miss a little bit. She did not fear that her once happy years would become bleak, nor did she fear that her promises would leave the ferry. With a heart that loves life, she warmed the years of suffering and vicissitudes.

Each of our lives, as tiny as dust, can interpret countless ups and downs of joys and sorrows. It is said that life is like a dream, and everything will be quiet after waking up, but how can we really do everything as before? Only the warmth from the heart can smooth the level of each fate and write down the rhyme of each story.

If you have a touch of warmth in your heart, you can't be afraid of the world being blurred. Then you can boil a pot of new tea with spring water and soak everything in it. Even if you spend your life wandering, it can be as light as the breeze and be at peace.

I often think of the woman who walked in time. She folded a bamboo hat and went into the desert to look for nostalgia in previous lives. Pick up the dust and put it into the luggage, and send the story to the cape. The woman named Sanmao has been drifting all her life. She does not admire the world's scenery and feelings, does not compete with the world's warm and cold days, and is not afraid of the joys and sorrows of life. Even with her beloved, she still chooses to drift away with the warmth of her heart, even when her hair is in the wind and rain. Walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, watching the waves of the world, only one person can drink a pot of tea in a calm day, whether warm or cold, and taste the vicissitudes of life; Write a letter, without leaving your name or surname, to the unknown cape.

The beautiful scenery of the past, the glorious years, all began to be confused in the years. How many golden breeze and jade dew encounters have been missed by dim lights. The rivers and mountains are cold, the years are quiet, the reeds are like snow, the autumn water is long, when the past is like smoke, only the warmth in my heart is still clear as yesterday.

Life is a long process. Every inch of time must be experienced by oneself, and every glass of rain and dew must be tasted by oneself. We always think that it is the warmth outside our body that supports us to see the ups and downs, but we do not know that only the spring in our hearts can not change our appearance. In the soft red and bustling solitude, please do not forget that there is a warmth from yourself.

About warmth (2)

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (I)

I have a warm home. Every day there are all kinds of interesting stories, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Do you want to hear my story? Let me talk about it!

One day, I asked my mother to play checkers with me. In order to make her unable to refuse, I said a lot of advantages of playing chess. My mother said that she could not help me, so she had to agree. We also invited Dad to be the referee. My mother claims to be a "chess expert". Let me challenge my mother today! In the first round, my mother asked me to play first. I think: I must play chess carefully this time to win the championship! I took the first step according to the previous method. Unexpectedly, my mother, a master, followed me. I shouted, "No, no, you can't learn from me!" "Judge, do the rules clearly say that you can't learn from each other?" My mother looked sly. "No, so I said no foul," my father said solemnly. Since the referee said so, I can only let my mother learn from me. What a follower! I was very angry. After a while, I became more and more nervous. My situation was besieged from all sides. If I was not careful, I would be defeated by my mother. I tried my best to think. As a result, I still lost, and my mother laughed loudly: "How can you compare with me? You'd better admit defeat earlier!" I was not convinced, and my face was hot, so I cried out in a hurry: "I will win! Mom, don't be too proud, come again!" I played the second game of chess first, and I thought every move carefully, so I don't believe I can't win! I secretly encouraged myself. Every time my mother finished playing a chess game, she had to wait for my analysis for three or four minutes. When I finished playing, she messed up her chess plan. I saw my mother frowning and embarrassed, and I smiled secretly. The game is coming to an end. My "protracted war" is about to win. My mother is still in a dilemma over how to turn defeat into victory. The referee raised my small hand and announced loudly: "This game, Huang Yingying won." "Yeah... I finally won!" I jumped up happily, and my kung fu really pays off! I love my family! what about you? There are many stories in my family, not only this one, but also for three days and nights.

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (II)

I have a warm home

After the beauty of spring, we usher in the prosperity of summer. It is so colorful and warm, just like my warm home.

Home is the root that leaves can return to; Is the shore where the ship can dock; It is our warm harbor.

After entering the third day of junior high, life was like a cup of coffee. It was astringent and bitter, making it difficult for me to swallow, but this cup of bitter coffee was full of heavy love.

Friday is my happiest day, because on this day I can go home and stay with my family. Every Friday, I fly to my father's car and go home with my father like a bird emerging from a broken cage. When I just got home, my mother had already stood outside the door waiting for me. Seeing my big bags and small bags on my back, I quickly walked over and took the bag from my hand. While saying, "I must be very tired after studying for a week. You must be hungry and thin again. Take a good rest at home." I looked at my mother's autumn clear eyes and smiled happily. The sun gently brushed my cheek, itchy

"Dinner is over! Come and have a meal!" Mother gave a command, and our family came and sat together laughing and talking. My mother cooked many dishes that I like to eat. I feel very happy to sit with everyone. As the sky approaches dusk, the clouds in the sky, reflected by the sunset glow, are colorful and beautiful. Dad kept putting vegetables in my bowl and said, "Eat more and do your homework tomorrow."

" "Well, I'm very full. If I eat more, I'll be a little pig." Ha ha - everyone laughed. "Mom, I will serve you another bowl". Mom stands up. I feel familiar with this scene. It seems that from my birth to now, the figure standing up on the table is always Mom. I suddenly stood up and said, "Mom, let me come, you eat!" Mom and Grandma looked at each other and smiled, ripples of water appeared on their lips. The bright moonlight outside the window slipped in through the window screen. The moonlight was mixed with deep, romantic and happiness, and filled the whole room. In my warm home, I lie in bed at night and let happiness drown me

Zhu Lijuan, the third day of the 12th Middle School of Yanzhou

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (III)

I have a warm home The loneliness in my heart always needs a place to tell; The body is weak and tired, there must be a place to relax. And all these drifting ships will finally sail into the long-awaited port, and this is my home, the harbor of my heart, which makes me warm and attached to this warm home. Near the high school entrance exam, I was a bit impatient. At this time, my parents would appear around me, making me more uncomfortable. So I deliberately avoided, and my parents were left out. In this way, I spend less time with my parents. This situation lasted for a long time, until one night, everything changed. It was the day before the last mock exam in the third day of the junior high school. It seemed to be the same day as usual. I handed out papers to do in class, talked after doing, and changed after talking. It was boring and repeated. For tomorrow's exam, there is less tension and more sureness. After a busy morning, I dragged my tired body back to my home like liberation under the scorching sun. When I went upstairs and saw the door open, I knew that my father had waited for me for a long time without much communication, but when I left after dinner, I told him that I would not study at night in the afternoon, and then I left in a hurry. However, I forgot to say hello to my parents. If it's just the last two sections, it doesn't matter much, because parents know about it. But that day, I got angry and went to self-study in the third night. After self-study in the evening of the third quarter, the lights on the road were dimmed. Fortunately, the slow running bus seemed to be sleepy, and the road was lit a little. The endless night scenery let me relax a lot. It was nearly eleven o'clock when I walked home. I saw the lights on downstairs and hurried up. It was also an open door. When I opened the door, my mother was holding the phone. As soon as she saw me, she clenched her fists and threw them at me. She hated me and said to me, "Why did you come back at this time? Do you know how worried your father and I are? He picked you up long ago when he saw you didn't come back!" In the face of this series of questions, my eyes were moist. I put down my bag and ran to the door quickly, full of remorse. I ran to the stop sign and saw my father sitting on his bike looking in the direction of my return. The cold wind was rustling, and it hit my father suddenly, and his hair was blown untidy. I jumped on my father's bike with tears in my eyes, hugged my father, and said to him, "It's too dark, go home!" My father seemed to relax at once, and said gently, "Go." I sat on my father's bike, staggering, and returned to the harbor of love. That night. I have understood why maternal love is mild and father love is deep. But I moisten under the father love and the mother love, is incomparably warm. The whole family is connected and happy. How can I not say that I have a warm home? Every child will have a warm home under the care of their parents.

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (IV)

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (5)

I have a happy and warm home When the last glow of dusk is covered by night, when the storm is coming, we all have a common wish to go home. When you encounter difficulties, it guides you; Home is comforting you when you are injured‘ "Go home" is such a simple sentence. When you are in despair, it is so attractive. It seems that it can help your injured heart. My family consists of three people: a knowledgeable father; A dexterous mother; I'm naughty. The three of us love and take care of each other. I remember that when I was 3 years old, my mother bought a robot from Hong Kong and came back. I took the robot and opened it with ecstasy. I saw that it looked very handsome. I immediately picked up the remote control, turned on the switch, and played. But soon the robot stopped. I quickly opened its belly and saw that a line was broken. I sat on the ground and cried loudly. When my parents heard my cry, they rushed to see me sitting on the ground with tears on my face. My father asked me what was wrong, and I said sadly, "The robot is broken.". Dad looked at it, patted his chest and said, "It's a small thing. I'll do magic and let it continue to play with you, While reminding my father to be careful with his hands, I could not avoid the danger. My father's hand was still broken. My mother immediately used Band Aids to stick it on my father, but the blood still penetrated the adhesive tape, which made me jumpy. But my father still endured the pain and continued to work hard. After a while, my father's efforts paid off, and the robot came alive again. I hugged my father affectionately and asked, "Dad, is it still painful?" My father touched my head and smiled, "Looking at your smile, there is no pain." I love my happy and warm home. Although there is no rich decoration or luxurious furnishings, there is warm love in the home, and every flower and grass contains a love story that I recall.   

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (6)

Warm home Everyone in a warm home has his own warm home, and everyone has an indescribable intimacy towards his home. I also have a home. There is a funny and humorous father in the family. He adds a lot of fun to the family. Once, after being scolded by my mother, the house was unusually quiet. My father took a cup and walked up to my mother, saying, "After scolding the child, get tired and drink some water!" When my mother drank water, she found that the cup was empty. At this time, the family had the laughter of the past. I also have a nagging mother. Every time he sang snow money, he always had a few nagging words, "Go home early after school, don't stay in school.". During the exam, her nagging words could not finish saying get up quickly. Today's exam, get up early and review for a while. Remember things' firmly 'in the morning. " Then he nagged, "You should examine the questions carefully and don't be careless." My mother said, "Have you got everything? Don't forget!" I walked out of the house with my mother's nagging voice, When I was far away from my home, I heard my mother yelling, "Be sure to look at the questions carefully during the exam. Don't be too busy to hand in the papers. My home has no gorgeous furnishings, not to mention luxurious music sets and big color televisions. Some are simple furniture and stacks of books. I read and grow in the sea of books. My soul has a desire and pursuit of knowledge under the influence of books. Therefore, I will study hard and work hard to live up to my parents' expectations.

Composition on I Have a Warm Home (7)

The song "I want to have a warm home" once sang, "I want to have a home, a place that does not need to be gorgeous, when I am tired, I will think of him; I want to have a home, a place that does not need much, when I am frightened, I will not be afraid." No one comes to this world full of afterlife and has a warm home. Who doesn't want her, but nobody doesn't have her. When crying, I can only wipe it gently by myself, and some people are lonely looking for his home. Home is a warm, happy place full of laughter in our hearts. But some people are angry with this family instead. It is very sad in an angry home. You have experienced her. Next, please listen to what happened around us. My family used to be a happy, warm and full of laughter family, but because of God's destiny, my family has since moved towards anger and smokeless war. One night my father found some friends to drink at home. My father is a kind and honest man. He bought several dishes, and they talked and laughed, while his father could only listen quietly. After the friends left. Mother began to nag there. Mother said some "stupid father" and other unpleasant words. As the saying goes, bear with the wind, calm the waves, and step back. As a man, father can only endure. But my mother was still wordy, and I didn't make a sound at dinner. Mother is drinking tea over there. Later, the father was tired of hearing this and threw the cup, but his mother was still scolding him. His father wanted to throw the TV set, but his mother was trying to stop his father's action. Finally, he fought with his father, and his father wanted to hit his mother with a stool. At this time, my strength grabbed the stool in my father's hands. Then the "war" slowly subsided. The mother kept talking in bed, and the father drank wine again, which really added fuel to the fire and made it even stronger. My father wanted to fight again. At that time, I was like a "fool". No matter who he was, I picked up the stool in my hand and threw it on my father's shoulder and hit him on the sofa. I also urged my father to say, "Come on, stop making trouble. You are like this. No matter who says you, you are stupid." This sentence really angered my father. A storm is coming. My face was burning red and hot, and my mouth was still bleeding. I thought: How stupid I am to say such words! When I was 17 years old, my tears could not help but flow down. At that time, I had a word "go" in my heart! However, his father got a tight door. As the saying goes, "Men don't shed tears when they cry," "Men don't shed tears when they bleed." But I shed tears when I'm a man sweating

About warmth (3)

The sun began to spread from the new, warm people unconsciously decadent.

The dust receded, the sky was blue without a trace of impurities, pure like the eyes of a Persian cat, quiet and profound.

In this weather, I am used to sitting on the windowsill, which is very spacious, plus a cup of slightly bitter coffee. It turned out that the not so black hair was completely dyed golden by the sun. Eyes glance out of the window carelessly, with a smile of doing nothing on his face. The heart is calm and calm.

Now, I have to listen to teachers' endless chatter without nutrition in the classroom. Why not die!

Life is empty and almost pale.

Idle people can compete with others on the Internet for the best ten of the twelve golden fights, until they blush.

"Shaga, Shaga, I support Shaga!"

"No, it's Saka!"

"When I say Saka, it's Saka."

"Give me a reason first."

"I'm a Virgo."


Then my heart suddenly felt satisfied.

Someone earnestly advised me not to degenerate again.

I looked at her with innocent eyes.

"Hey, you won't be moved by me to cry, will you?"

I never said a word.

"If you forget, you won't cry."

Then I laughed. Heartless.

Degeneration became the beginning of hope. Get used to seeing the sky at night, and erase the previous arrogance in the vast universe. The proud wings degenerate into a solid pupa, wrapped in the hope that it will never be seen again. However, it can never withstand the corruption of time. After cocoon breaking, there are still many scars.

It turns out that we can't change anything.

"Hey, I'm so hungry."

"Take this."

"Paper? Why?"

"Have you ever heard of making cakes to appease your hunger?"


Miraculous and ethereal 'aurora', illusory and misty mirage. Why are beautiful things often unreal in nature. I want to pursue the sunshine but find that the fragrance of wisteria has long been erased by the autumn wind. At four o'clock in the morning, the dew drops fell into broken despair. The melted snow takes away the surface temperature. It can also be a storm. Drop by drop, the sky is crying.

What is this?

But in the confusion, it is overwhelming.

About warmth (4)

When the train came, the first thing I heard was a hoarse cry. Its long and iron body slowly appeared under the sunset that was going to fall. Then, it stopped steadily and was silent! I know its silence has long been released in that hoarse voice, or in a ravine, still wandering! Just like my sadness, I had already spent some time in the past. When I looked up at the cobweb on the roof of my grandpa's house one night, it was released little by little. So, when you waved goodbye to me, I thought, because there was no sunset, no light, so I could not see your departure, so I chose not to cry. I said: friends, today's separation is to better meet in the future. The train left in the darkness with a long sound. I know where it is going to take you, but I can't know what kind of scenery will be along the way. Since then, everything you have experienced is my imagination. However, I can't forget: there was time, warm and desolate!

A few days later, I also set foot on the train heading north. It is the same as your starting point, but the destination is different. Three years of high school friendship warmed me in the north. The peach blossom on the street that I once smiled at became the most beautiful scenery in my dream. Even if it drifted to the ground, it was also the specimen that I wanted to collect most! Sometimes, when I am lonely, I think of the time I spent with you. That is, there are always people saying that we are in love. I tell you that there are some feelings. Because they have not experienced or received them, they use their views to evaluate others. You are my dear friend! Now, we are studying in different places. The winter in Shuofang is dry and cold, and there is always a gray weather. The desolation is not only the feeling of the body, but also the desolation of the heart!

In the past, we liked Aristotle's "carefree school" style learning method, carrying a backpack and learning from time to time. I have encountered heavy rain, snakes in the crosswalk, seen beautiful reservoirs, and climbed many mountains. I always laugh at your small eyes and the walking feature I call "Crab Step", while you always say that I have become a giraffe because of myopia, and I have to stretch my neck long to see the blackboard. Do you know, my friend, these past memories have always supported me to study hard. Because of your excellence, I am unwilling to fall behind. I wrote to tell you: I know what kind of friends you need, and I won't let you down! There was a time, warm and desolate, on the road of life, no matter how difficult it is, I will go on.

When the train leaves, it will take you to a sunny place with flowers. The train came, carrying the time I had, giving me full warmth in winter. This year, when we go home, we will go to the mountain top again. Where we have friends, no matter how high the mountain is, it can beat the cold. Finally, I miss you!

About warmth (5)

Warmth does not need to be great, but a simple communication between parents and children is enough to attack the soul and benefit a lot.

I still remember that I just went to kindergarten. I was naive and ignorant of the world. During the Spring Festival, the family always likes to buy some oranges to eat. They are yellow, like golden Buddha beads. Maybe because of my greediness, I would go to get oranges to eat, but because my parents put oranges on the cabinet, I could not get them, even the last must kill skill - moving chairs. Just when I wanted to find another way, my mother came over. She looked at me, but suddenly understood my intention. So she walked to the cabinet and put a large bag of oranges in front of me. I excitedly picked up an orange and tried to peel it, but I couldn't peel it because of my weak strength.

My mother smiled and said, "Come on, let me peel it for you." My mother's fingernails pierced into the orange peel, emitting a pungent smell. "Mom, why do you peel oranges instead of putting them into your mouth?" I asked my mother innocently. Mother said as she peeled, "Because it wants to tell you that there is nothing in the world that can be gained without work. You must work hard, that is, peel the orange peel to enjoy delicious things and happiness!" Just after the words were finished, mother had put an orange into my mouth.

"Sweet?" I nodded contentedly. One valve, one valve after another, are sweet to the heart. "Mom, why don't you eat them? Mom, why are oranges one by one, and why don't you eat them one by one like strawberries?" Mom pulled open a piece of orange and said, "Because it wants to tell you that there are good things to share with others, not to take them as your own, and eat them alone. Would you like to share some oranges with me?" I immediately grabbed the orange from my mother's hand and opened several pieces for her to eat. My mother smiled happily.

In retrospect, my mother's words are so meaningful and warm. It takes effort to gain, and sharing is what my mother taught me.

Now, my mother's white hair is growing, her movements are not so sharp, and her orange peel is not so fast, but her smile is still happy and bright. Thank you for everything your mother taught me. Every word you said is always so warm, so I was moved.

Between friends, I will share; In learning, I will redouble my efforts, because that warm words make me unforgettable.

About warmth (6)

A good word keeps the winter warm. Sometimes, an ordinary word can warm a person's heart, even in the cold winter can feel the warmth of the heart.

On that day, the weather was cold, and it was raining heavily. A gust of wind came to me enthusiastically, which made me shiver. Once school was over, I walked out of the school with my schoolbag and umbrella on my back. The sky was covered with dark clouds and the rain was so fierce that even if I held an umbrella, I could not stop the rain and kissed my sleeve severely. The rain seemed to be getting more and more excited, and suddenly it rained cats and dogs. Maybe the sky was angry because of the naughty rain, and the face became darker. The wind, like sharp blades, blew hard on my exposed face and hands.

The rain was like salt, and it spilled on my arm, which was blown by the wind. Suddenly, my hands were frozen like ice, but I couldn't do anything about it. People come and go on the road. Because of the heavy rain, people with umbrellas are moving towards their destination. People without umbrellas are running fast, looking forward to a place to shelter from the rain, and no one can take care of anyone. On the muddy road, there were small puddles everywhere. Those puddles seemed to welcome me to their home. Suddenly, I twisted my feet and fell into the puddles. The whole person embraced the earth and the rain enthusiastically. Their pants and clothes were all wet. They seemed to be shouting: "How stupid you are!" At that moment, I only knew that my feet hurt, And it's embarrassing. Just as I was lowering my head and trying to get up slowly, a hand appeared in front of me. "You didn't fall, did you?" I looked up. It was a cleaner. I saw that my foot was sprained. The old man carefully helped me to one side and sat down. The old man noticed my foot and found that my knee was bleeding, His eyes seemed to show heartache. He gently wiped my blood, bandaged my wound, and constantly comforted me. Watching people walking numbly, some turned their heads to look at people who looked at them a few times, and then looked at the look of grandpa who carefully bandaged me, there was a feeling that flowed in my heart.

I couldn't speak for a moment. His hair was white, his face was covered with wrinkles, and his hands were covered with thick cocoons because of years of labor. He greeted me with concern and warmed my heart. The biting cold wind seemed to become warm and soft, and winter became as warm as spring.

Grandpa's caring greetings are words that warm my heart.

About warmth (7)

What is warmth? Warm is the feeling when you fall down and others help you up; Warmth is the feeling when you have nothing and others help you. Warmth is like sending charcoal in time of snow. Warmth is like a fire, warming your heart.

A few days ago, I met a warm thing. An environmental sanitation worker (an old grandmother) was obviously hungry at that time. They all walked past without paying attention. Only a child gave the environmental sanitation worker a box lunch. The environmental sanitation worker ordered a thumb and began to eat. This story not only warmed the sanitation workers, but also warmed all of us. The boxed lunch was inexpensive, only a few yuan, but no one gave it away, only children. In the eyes of sanitation workers, what they send is not boxed lunch but warmth; In the eyes of the sanitation workers, the children's back is not like an ordinary back, like a brilliant back, very shiny.

What is warmth? Warmth, like the child, warms the hearts of sanitation workers; Warmth is like that day when I step empty and my friends help me up; Warmth is just like when everyone ignores you, his light shines on you; The warmth is also like the clouds in the sky, which is always the most brilliant one. There are many meanings of warmth. The best meaning is always to warm a person's heart.

Warm is just a few words, but these words are always our favorite. I think warm means: warm, no more, no less just good, warm, warm love, warm. Warm, no more, no less warm love. I like warmth. It makes me understand people's character. I like warmth. It makes me no longer lonely; I like warmth. It warms my heart.

We all love warmth and love forever.

About warmth (8)

When I grow up, I have received a lot of warmth from my classmates, my mother, my grandparents. In my life, I am always surrounded by warmth.

Mother's warmth

Mom gets up every morning, finds me clothes, warms me with a hair dryer, and then wakes me up and dresses. My mother said that it's cold now. Blow your clothes warm, so it won't be so cold on your body. Every time I get up and wear warm clothes, I feel very warm. After getting up, help me squeeze the toothpaste in advance and connect the facial wash water. Sometimes I wonder why you do this. " Mother smiled and said, "In this way, you can sleep more, sleep more, sleep enough, and read more vigorously." The warmth of my mother is in the clothes I wear when I get up, in the toothpaste I squeeze when I get up, and in the face wash when I get up

Grandma's warmth

I remember one time, Grandma came to my house to play for a few days, but it was not the right time. Because I was ill, Grandma said to her mother, "Let me take her to the hospital!" When we arrived at the hospital, my grandma asked me to sit on a chair and rest. When he went to register, my grandma took me to see a doctor, and then went to have a blood test, get a report, and take medicine upstairs and downstairs for many times. My already thin grandma looked even thinner this time. I want to say to my grandma: Your body is very tired. It's not easy to come to my house for a few days. Because I am sick and still tired for me, you are really a very, very great grandma. " Grandma's warmth is in the registration form, and grandma's warmth is in every pill

Grandpa's warmth

Every time I do my homework, when I encounter difficulties, Grandpa will help me at the first time. Once I went home to do my homework, I didn't understand the equation I learned recently. The teacher gave me a question: 2.5+X=3.5, which I thought for a long time but didn't solve. When Grandpa saw it, he took up his pen and drew on the draft paper. After Grandpa told me, I understood it in a moment. Grandpa gave me several similar questions to consolidate. Let me tell you a little secret: although my grandfather is old, mathematics is just like a cow. Grandpa's warmth was hidden in the math problems that he couldn't answer.

Everyone in the family gives me full love and warmth. The warmth is in the midst of every smile, every meal, and every question

About warmth (9)

The night, gradually silent, with the sky getting darker and darker. The sound of "rustling" writing also gradually weakened.

I raised my slightly sour neck, shook my hand to write, looked at the few unfinished books on the left, and looked at the piled up "hills" on the right, and could not help smiling with satisfaction. Then, he fell into the battle with his homework again. He scratched his scalp and patted his face from time to time just to wake up. Finally, after solving the last homework, the bell that symbolized the end of self-study at night had not yet rung. I looked back at the wall clock. It was 9:35. So I began to put away my homework and tidy up my schoolbags. Most people were packing their schoolbags and preparing to go back to their dormitories, while only a few were going home.

With a short bell ringing, I walked out of the building where I would stay more than 10 hours a day.

In winter nights, the wind is always so cold that I can't help but flash a blank in my eyes as I watch my classmates go home in groups. It seems that it is colder. When I walked to the gate, I saw the electric car parked at the roadside and my father who came to pick me up late at night against the cold wind. I can't help but feel a warmth in my heart. Every night, it's always the same. As long as I walk to the school gate, I can see my father waiting to pick me up.

Heading forward against the cold wind, I couldn't help looking up and carefully watching the back in front of me. I feel old again, and the dazzling white hair makes me unable to count. I know that the person in front of me is using his generous body to shield me from the wind. I can't help grasping some of his clothes, but I feel that there is a continuous flow of heat. I couldn't help leaning my head on his back, it was warm.

When I arrived at the alley, it was dark all around, except that my house had not turned off the lights. I know they are waiting for me to go home. My mother always asked me if I was hungry when I came home, and then brought out a bowl of hot soup that had been kept warm for a long time. My father always asked me if I wanted to eat something on the way, but I just shook my head because I knew that the family had prepared soup and food for me, just because I was not hungry. They have always been like this, always very quickly, let my heart warm up.

Under the dim light, I slowly drank the warm soup, which was very fragrant and rich. I always felt the taste of home, the warmth, and the warmth.

About warmth (10)

Instantaneous, although it is very short, it will give us endless aftertaste. The warm moment may be a cup of steaming milk in the cold.

When we are sad, the comfort of our family and friends, and when we are helpless, the help of others will make us feel warm. There were three or four umbrellas at home, but when the guests were ready to leave, it suddenly began to rain, so they had to give some umbrellas to the guests, so there was only one umbrella left at home. The next morning, the sky outside was still overcast and lifeless. When I opened the window, the rain outside had not stopped until now. At this time, I heard my mother's cry: "Oh, it's 7:10, and I'm going to be late!"

As soon as I heard it, my head was very big. I thought that I would be late.

Without saying a word, I put on my clothes and walked out of the room. When I saw that the umbrella on the shoe cabinet was gone, I asked my mother anxiously: "Mom, where is the umbrella?" My mother said that my father took it away when he sent my brother. The umbrella was gone and I was going to be late for school. The two things together made me more and more upset. Without saying a word, I picked up my schoolbag, put on my shoes, and walked out of the house. When I closed the door, I also slammed down hard. I still complained about them in my heart. While thinking about it, I rushed into the rain and just crossed a road in the community, when I heard someone behind me shouting, "Son, wait for me, take the umbrella before you go."

I stopped to look back and saw my mother's figure running towards me. My heart was trembling, my nose was sore, and I felt something was going to fall from my eyes.

My mother ran up to me, handed me the umbrella, and I took it. My mother said, "Go, don't be late." After that, my mother turned and ran into the heavy rain. Mud splashed all over her. Watching her walking away, the liquid in my eyes finally ran down, and whispered, "Thank you, Mom." Even though it was raining hard and the weather was cold, But I still feel warm around me.

About warmth (11)

Warm, like a lamp in the darkness, brings us light; Warm, like a spring in the desert, moistens our hearts; Warmth, like a pair of hands in difficult times, brings us infinite strength.

In late autumn, the dew is cold and the wind is cold, and the cicada is chilly. The north wind shakes the old tree wantonly, barking on the bare treetops. The withered and yellow leaves on the ground are rolled up by the wind, swirling in the air, and being rolled up again just after falling

People's faces are full of cold.

My mother and I are walking in the quiet street. It was very cold. Even with thick sweaters on, the north wind still came through the holes in the sweaters, reaching the hearts of people. Looking at a fallen leaf swept by the wind, I couldn't help thinking: It's another tough winter!

At this time, a thin figure appeared in the distance, sitting on the ground alone.

With the cold wind, we quickly walked forward, and the figure gradually became clear

That's a beggar. She is about 30 years old, but her face is covered with the vicissitudes of years. She was wearing only thin clothes and shivered slightly in the cold wind.

Another gust of wind blew, and she hugged the baby in her arms. It was probably her son, wrapped in two quilts and nestled in his mother's arms. Perhaps it was the mother who was leaning against him and hugging the child so tightly that she wished to share half of her body temperature with the child, but forgot that she was still sitting on the icy ground and still trembling

At this time, another north wind whistled past us with fallen leaves. Jane turned pale when she saw the grass and Buddha, and the trees fell off when they saw them, which was extremely cruel and violent.

She shivered. However, she wrapped the child in the quilt again, and then without hesitation, she took off one of her coats and gently covered the child's body.

Her body is like the leaves of late autumn, shaking violently, but it can expel the cold warmth from her eyes. She looks at the sleeping face of the child, and a warm smile appears on her face. The bottom of her eyes is infinite love, infinite warm flow

She hugged the child, stood up from the ground, and walked away... But the child in her arms was still sleeping, as if she did not know the dilemma he was facing, or he also knew that he would never be cold, because no matter how strong the wind was, his mother could cover him, leaving him only warm.

The cold wind was blowing, and suddenly a piece of clothes fell on me, which was warm. Looking back, I only saw my mother's face warm

About warmth (12)

Warmth is a kind of magic power. It can turn stone into gold, withered wood into spring, and decay into magic.

Warmth is an attitude, which can enhance you and me, treat each other honestly, and add color to the friendship.

Warmth is a kind of gratitude, which can influence another heart with a fiery heart and illuminate the direction of progress with warmth.


I have heard such a story. A professor asked his students: How can we make a turtle's head and limbs stretch out when there is a turtle with its head and limbs in its shell? Some students said, "Hit its shell!"! The professor shook his head. Another student said that if he put food beside him, the tortoise would naturally stick out his head to eat! The professor still shook his head. Then he put a lighted candle beside the tortoise. The tortoise's head slowly stretched out. The students were stunned, and the professor smiled. This was warmth.

Warmness is relative. When you warm others, (.) your own heart is warm, warm is such a beautiful feeling. It can be big, big enough to go through everything; It can also be very small, little known, a flick of the fingers. I remember that in the handicraft class, an ordinary China became my stumbling block. I repeated a small knot for n times, but still didn't learn it. When I was discouraged and decided to give up, it was the encouraging eyes of my classmates that warmed me. All of a sudden, a warm current came into my body. Admittedly, it didn't take me long to learn it. That little look in my eyes is enough to remember my life.

Helen said: face the light, the shadow is behind us. I said: in the face of warmth, cold will no longer exist.

Warmness is the communication between people. Warmness is like small details in every move. It is small but indispensable. Warmness is like a big event that turns the world upside down. It is enough to save the dying human beings from rebirth.

Warmth is just a thought, a light that lights the road, a beacon for navigation in the sea, and a compass full of sagacity.

Lost and confused is a lonely heart. Warm, a light wind blowing through this lonely heart, with warmth on the road

To the distance in the dream

About warmth (13)

Today, after school, it rained intermittently. I didn't bring an umbrella. Seeing the rain getting heavier, I stamped my feet in a hurry. Just then my good friend Li Chenxin patted me on the shoulder and said, "Let's go together." I said, "It's really great. Let's go." We talked and laughed on the way. After walking for a while, her mother came to pick her up. I looked at her and she gave me her umbrella. She said that she and she would be fine in her mother's raincoat. I suddenly felt a little warmth flowing into my heart. I went home with this umbrella. Remembering what she said, I felt very warm.

When I returned to class the next morning, I returned her umbrella. She also asked me if I had a cold or got wet. She cared about me. My heart felt warm again somehow.

It was so warm.

About warmth (14)

Mother love is the greatest love in the world. Why do I say that? Let me tell you!

I remember once, I had a fever, and my head was as hot as a sunken rock. My mother measured my temperature with a thermometer. It was 5 degrees, and I had a high fever. My mother hurriedly lifted me up and sent me to a hospital. I had a drop shot. My mother touched my hand beside me, and there was a string of anxious tears on my eyes. I said, Mom, please rest! I'm fine. My mother said, "No, I'm not tired. This is medicine. If I take it ill, I'll be fine". I usually don't want to take medicine. I took the medicine with my mother's advice. After that, I slowly fell asleep. When I woke up, I found my tired mother touched my hand and fell asleep. I was so excited that I shed tears of excitement.

Maternal love is selfless and the best love in the world. Whenever I think of it, I will cry excitedly.

About warmth (15)

I Have a Warm Home Narration Article 1:

I have a warm home, my father and mother love me very much.

My mother works in the newspaper office and is very busy. Every day she comes home at nine or ten o'clock in the evening. She was very concerned about my study. She was busy checking my homework as soon as she entered the house. If there were any mistakes, she would write them down first, and let me correct the next day when I got up. She also often guides me to write compositions and read extracurricular books to enrich my extracurricular life. My father is now selected to work in the countryside, far away from home, but as long as he has time to come back, he will send me to school and pick me up after school. He said that the snacks on the street were unsanitary. He basically cooked breakfast and dinner every day. Mom said that Dad's cooking skills had improved greatly.

Once, when I had a high fever in the middle of the night, my parents were scared and rushed to "take a taxi" to send me to the hospital. Mother kept asking the doctor if I was seriously ill? After the doctor diagnosed it, he said it was not a big problem. Just take some medicine. Mom and Dad were nervous. The next day, my mother heard from my grandmother that fish soup noodles were good for patients with colds and fever. My mother, who had never rolled noodles, clumsily made me a bowl of fish soup noodles. At that time, my eyes were hot and I was more than half cured.

My father and mother not only care about my study and life, but also try to make me grow healthily and happily. On weekends or golden week holidays, they take me to parks, ecological parks or other places to play, broaden my vision and delight my body and mind.

This family makes me happy all the time.

I Have a Warm Home Narration 2:

Home is the cradle of every child's growth and the harbor where every child lives. I have a warm, happy and harmonious home. I love my family.

I love my family, a happy and warm home. My parents love me in every way, which makes me deeply feel the warmth of home. Every time I come back from school, my mother is busy cooking delicious food for me in the kitchen. My father sits beside me and accompanies me in my study. When encountering problems that are impossible, my father will patiently explain them to me. My mother is very concerned about my study. She is afraid that I will be tired of studying and tries her best to find ways to strengthen nutrition for me. Every morning, I boil a cup of hot milk for me, and always cook for me.

I love my family, a harmonious and happy family. In my family, there is always a peaceful atmosphere. The three of us always live in harmony. Mom and Dad have a very good relationship. They hardly quarrel. Dad talks humorously and always makes Mom and I laugh. I am a very sensible and unruly child. I don't make my parents angry. If I get good results in the exam, my parents will celebrate for me and take me to eat my favorite ice-cream. Every time I pour a glass of wine for my parents, because I know that my achievements can not be achieved without the cultivation of my parents in addition to the contributions of teachers.

I love my family, a family that I can rely on. Whenever I encounter difficulties or grievances outside; It was my parents who helped me solve my difficulties and listened to me talk about my depression, so that they taught me how to face life and facts; They taught me that life will not be easy, but one should know how to face the challenges and tests of life.

I love this warm and happy home, let love stay in my home forever.

I Have a Warm Home Narration Article 3:

Loneliness and loneliness in the heart, there must be a place to tell; The body is weak and tired, there must be a place to relax. And all these drifting ships will finally sail into the long-awaited port, and this is my home, the harbor of my heart, which makes me warm and attached to this warm home.

Near the high school entrance exam, I was a bit impatient. At this time, my parents would appear around me, making me more uncomfortable. So I deliberately avoided, and my parents were left out. In this way, I spend less time with my parents.

This situation lasted for a long time, until one night, everything changed. It was the day before the last mock exam in the third day of the junior high school. It seemed to be the same day as usual. I handed out papers to do in class, talked after doing, and changed after talking. It was boring and repeated. For tomorrow's exam, there is less tension and more sureness.

After a busy morning, I dragged my tired body back to my home like liberation under the scorching sun. When I went upstairs and saw the door open, I knew that my father had waited for me for a long time without much communication, but when I left after dinner, I told him that I would not study at night in the afternoon, and then I left in a hurry.

However, I forgot to say hello to my parents. If it's just the last two sections, it doesn't matter much, because parents know about it. But that day, I got angry and went to self-study in the third night. After self-study in the evening of the third quarter, the lights on the road were dimmed. Fortunately, the slow running bus seemed to be sleepy, and the road was lit a little.

The endless night scenery let me relax a lot. It was nearly eleven o'clock when I walked home. I saw the lights on downstairs and hurried up. It was also an open door. When I opened the door, my mother was holding the phone. As soon as she saw me, she clenched her fists and threw them at me. She hated me and said to me, "Why did you come back at this time? Do you know how worried your father and I are? He picked you up long ago when he saw you didn't come back!" In the face of this series of questions, my eyes were moist. I put down my bag and ran to the door quickly, full of remorse.

I ran to the stop sign and saw my father sitting on his bike looking in the direction of my return. The cold wind was rustling, and it hit my father suddenly, and his hair was blown untidy. I jumped on my father's bike with tears in my eyes, hugged my father, and said to him, "It's too dark, go home!" My father seemed to relax at once, and said gently, "Go." I sat on my father's bike, staggering, and returned to the harbor of love.

That night. I have understood why maternal love is mild and father love is deep. But I moisten under the father love and the mother love, is incomparably warm. The whole family is connected and happy. How can I not say that I have a warm home? Every child will have a warm home under the care of their parents.

I Have a Warm Home Narration Article 4:

Everyone has a home, even leaders, rich people and beggars have a home. I also have a warmer home.

I am an only child, so my parents love me very much, and I love them very much. My father is the "Optimus Prime" of our family. Dad has to work hard every day. He spends most of his time at work. He is together at a computer and a desk. Sometimes he can't even go home. He is busy all day. My father is very kind. Apart from being strict in learning, my father is very tolerant. He gives me food to eat, and money to spend, and so on. But in my study, I always have clear rules of reward and punishment. If I do well, I will be rewarded, and if I do badly, I will nag. This is my father.

My mother is the "logistics director" of our family. All the big and small things at home are under my mother's control. Finance, health, food and our shop are all under my mother's control. My mother is a gentle and kind mother. My mother has the same policy as my father. As long as there is no problem in learning, everything is easy to say. My mother can't listen to my father outside, and my father can listen to my mother at home, My mother is very hardworking, so we can't have any dirt in our house.

I, I am very important in our family. My parents have only one child and love me very much. I feel lucky for this. I am a little outgoing boy and sometimes a little introverted. I am brave, but not very generous. I also love talking. Generally speaking, I am lively and cheerful.

This is my home, kind father, gentle mother and lively me.