Animal Observation Diary (17 selected articles)
2024-02-16 06:10:48

Observation Animal Diary (1)

Wednesday, October 30, cloudy

When I came home from school, the first thing I saw was my lovely goldfish, which would change color. When I bought it from the flower and bird market, it was blue and gradually became colorful. Because she is very beautiful, wearing colorful skirts, swimming between the water and grass. I named her Meimei. Meimei's eyes are big and her cheeks are bulging. She seems to be ready to look for food at any time. It always wags its distinctive big tail and seems to be saying to us: "Look, how beautiful I am. Because she is beautiful, I like her very much.

Thursday, October 31, cloudy

Although Meimei is thin, she has a big appetite. As long as she floats up, raises her head, and spits out a string of crystal bubbles, she will eat. I put a fish food. Meimei rushes like an evil ghost. I put four more in a row, and Meimei also ate four in a row. Wow, Meimei is good at eating! When I finished eating, I wanted her to exercise. I pushed the fish tank and Meimei swam several times. I pushed the fish tank again and Meimei swam several times. I think Meimei is really cute.

November 2, Saturday, cloudy

I was afraid that Meimei was lonely, so I bought another fish and called her Huahua. Huahua's character is not as beautiful and docile. If Meimei accidentally touches Huahua's tail, Huahua will also touch Meimei's tail. After a while, the two boys became good friends. Huahua swam to Meimei and began to play in circles with Meimei's "hand". Huahua ran in front of her and Meimei ran after her. Suddenly, Huahua stopped, but Meimei didn't react so quickly and was totally immersed in her happy world. As a result, they collided with Huahua. I laughed loudly, and two little fish stared at me as hard as they could, as if they were going to eat me. I said, "Can't I be wrong? "Two fish just let me go and started playing again. My little goldfish is so cute.

Observation Animal Diary (2)

This scientific assignment is to observe small animals or plants. I choose to observe small fish.

There is a kind of fish that washes glass. Its body is beige and its mouth is like a short straw. Since it can wash glass, how does it wash glass? In fact, he rubbed his belly on the glass to get the dirt off the glass.

Another kind of fish is small and exquisite, with colorful body, red and white tail, blue head and red, blue and white belly. The other kind of fish has only a red head and only black and white in other places. The best place to look is its tail, because the tail of this fish is black and white, and they can swim as fast as an arrow.

Put the fish food into it. All the fish rushed to swim up like they hadn't eaten for three days and three nights, and two small fish fought against each other. They found that the fish food was almost eaten before they reluctantly parted.

These are my observations.

Observation Animal Diary (3)

Today, it's sunny after rain. Our composition class students and teacher Liu went to catch snails in the garden grass. We are in a happy mood. In a short time, we caught about ten snails and returned with a full load.

When we observed, we found that there were two pairs of snail's antennae. They were slender and very sensitive. When they touched something, they retracted their antennae, which made them very timid; The mouth is small and hard to find; I've been looking for my teeth for a long time, but I can't find them. Later, Mr. Liu told us that snails had 26500 teeth, which surprised me; The snail's body is soft and slippery; Its shell is like a screw, a whirlpool, or a house! It's strange; The stomach and feet of a snail are used for crawling, and it will leave mucus wherever it climbs.

The snail's speed is fast and slow. It climbs faster on the leaves. It climbs from one side of the leaves to the other side in a short time, while it climbs very slowly on the advertising paper. The snail's excrement is brown, about 1cm long.

Looking at the cute appearance of the snail, I really want to write a poem for it:

I walk with my little house on my back.

I carry my little house to climb trees.

Slowly, slowly.

No hurry, no panic

I travel with my little house on my back.

Visit everywhere.

Visit the sun kissing flowers and grass

I want to ask him:

Why didn't he take a picture

Our wet and dirty place?

This snail observation activity is very interesting, and it has increased a lot of extracurricular knowledge for me.

Observation Animal Diary (4)

Today, I was going out to play. When I closed the door, I found a biscuit at the corner of the door. When I came home, I went to see the biscuit again: "Ah! Why are there so many ants?" I shouted.

Hearing this, my mother rushed to me and said, "Sweep out the biscuits quickly, or there will be ants everywhere in the house.". I said, "Wait, let me observe first." I found a magnifying glass, and I had a question: "Why do ants walk in a row?" I read a science book. It said that ants leave a pheromone when they walk, and let the ants behind follow the same route. If we touch the ants' route with our hands or branches, it will interfere with the ants' pheromone, In this way, ants will lose their way and run around.

It seems that we should really observe the things around us while playing.

Observation Animal Diary (5)

Today, after breakfast, I killed a fly and put it near the hole of the ant. I wanted to see how the ants moved food into the hole.

After a while, an ant climbed out of the hole. His eyes were really sharp, and he found the fat fly at once. It happily plunged under the fly, straightened its legs, choked its feet, and desperately tried to move the fly away. What a desperate spirit! But its strength is too small, and it hasn't moved for a long time. It had no choice but to climb down from the fly, unwilling to turn around the fly, and then hurried back to the hole.

Look: a big ant crawls out. Ho! Behind it was a large group of people, moving slowly like a long life.

The ants surrounded the flies, pushed and pulled, and moved the flies to the hole. Here, the big ants went into the hole and pulled hard, while the little ants pushed hard outside. Pull and push; Push and pull. After all, the fly was moved into the hole. The spirit of solidarity and cooperation among ants is worth learning.

Observation Animal Diary (6)

Look! There is a round thing, a small head that can be retracted at any time, with a pair of wide and flat eyes embedded in it. When they eat, they always open their mouths wide, as if they had not eaten for a long time. It carries a heavy shell with irregular patterns on its back and walks slowly, just like the legendary "big slow worm"! These are two cute and playful little turtles raised by my family. I like them and their every move in life!

I like the way they eat. As long as I put a small fish in the fish tank, they will scramble to grab it. After grabbing it, they will proudly walk to the stone to bask in the sun. Another small turtle will go to the fish tank dejectedly and wait for the next small fish to arrive.

I also like the way they bask in the sun. Every time when they are in the sun, they always put on a "pose" and sometimes wave their "hands" like dancing, which makes us laugh!

I remember once I happened to see their "cooperation" process. The bigger tortoise carried the smaller tortoise to bask in the sun on their platform. When the smaller one was "comfortable", he came down to let the larger one bask in the sun on the platform. They cooperated with each other and were close and friendly. It was really a "perfect match"!

I love my two cute and naughty little turtles, they bring us a lot of happiness!

Observation Animal Diary (7)

When I was seven or eight years old, my mother took me to the "fish and bird fishing tackle" store to buy two naughty and lovely small goldfish.

I put the little goldfish in a beautiful fish tank, which is on my desk. You see, a small goldfish has a red spot on its head, and its eyes stick out. Its whole body is snow-white, like wearing a white gauze skirt. I call it "Snow White". Another one is black all over the body. I call it "Prince Black Horse". When I feed them, "Snow White" always eats two fish food first. One day later, I saw the mouth of the "Dark Horse Prince" one by one, as if he was complaining to me. So, when I fed again, I separated Snow White with a small fish net to let the Prince Charming have a full meal.

They are very naughty. Once, when I overfilled them, they swam back and forth, splashing water on the table and splashing my face. When I hit them with a small stick, they would spit out bubbles, as if to say, "We dare not, please spare us". I saw it. I was very distressed. Another time, when I came back from school, I went to see the little goldfish as usual. I found some thin and long things in the fish tank. I was very happy. I thought: Wow, "Snow White" and "Prince Black Horse" got married and gave birth to a baby! I jumped three feet high and was very excited. When my mother came back, I told her the news of "earth shaking". My mother looked carefully and laughed, which made me puzzled. I asked, "Why are you laughing?" My mother gasped and said, "Ho ho... You think fish shit is fish... fish eggs!" I listened and smiled embarrassed.

Since then, I have become more astute and will never make such jokes again. However, the little goldfish were fed too much, and they were all swollen to death. That day, I was so sad that I buried them downstairs. I often dream of them, they and I hand in hand, running on the grassland, flying in the sky

Observation Animal Diary (8)

I remember in summer, my father and mother took me out to play. Just as I came to the door, I saw some children catching ants. I thought it was very interesting and joined in.

When we were digging the ant nest, suddenly from the other end of the ant nest, a group of ants came out and dragged some white "millet" down. Take a look, there is a small black spot inside.

When I just opened the "rice grain". I thought there were little black worms in it! Just when I was puzzled, my father came over. Seeing that I was thinking, I asked me strangely, "What's the problem that puzzles you?" I said to my father, "Dad, why are there insects in the rice ants eat?" My father laughed. At this time, my mother came over and saw my father so happy. She asked him what was wrong. My father told my mother the whole story. My mother listened and said to me, "Tong Tong, what you saw just now was an ant's egg." "Egg! It's impossible! It's clearly rice!" I retorted. My mother said to me again, "Look carefully, does this millet look like an ant?" I looked carefully, "really, it looks like an ant." I shouted. At this time, my father said to me: "We should be careful in everything we do in the future. We should not only look at its surface, but also carefully observe and think. Only in this way can we make things clear, understand? I nodded.

From this observation, I learned knowledge again, and I was very happy.

Observation Animal Diary (9)

There are three lively and lovely goldfish in my aquarium. Every day I feed them fish and change water.

Because this is my first time to raise fish, I am very careful every time for fear of hurting them. Sometimes, I will observe them quietly. They are really interesting! Some spit out big and small sparkling bubbles, and some swim around the aquarium; Some are staring at the water, waiting for me to spill the delicious fish food. I calmly took the fish food I just bought out of the cabinet, sprinkled a little on my hand, and then sprinkled it into the fish tank. Those small goldfish seemed to have nothing to eat for several days. They swarmed in and scrambled for food, as if saying, "Yummy, yummy, sprinkle more!" I continued to sprinkle some fish food. They waved their reddish tails, and their scales glittered in the sun.

After feeding, I put them on the balcony, let them breathe fresh air, let them swim freely in the water, and play together. In the afternoon, when it was time to change the water, I took the water I had already prepared, poured out the water from the fish tank, and then put the water in. The fish was very frightened in another pool, as if they were somewhere else, afraid that they were already in the "no entry area". I put the small fish in the cup, and then they calmly "swim freely".

Oh. These little goldfish give me happiness, interest, and let me deeply understand the love of the little goldfish for me.

Observation Animal Diary (10)

That day I went to the countryside with my mother, and I walked alone on the path in the field. As I walked, a small animal slowly crawled into my eyes. A closer look shows that it is a small snail. It occurred to me that I wanted to take a walk with this little snail. However, I had to walk slowly for fear that the little snail could not keep up. When I took a few steps and looked back, the little snail was so far away from me.

I pushed behind it, but it still crawled slowly. I hurried it, I bluffed it, I blamed it, the snail looked at me with an apologetic look, as if to say: "I have tried my best!" Although the snail could not climb fast, it still climbed. In order to reach where I want to go, in order to achieve the goals set for me.

What is our goal? How do we accomplish these goals? Snail has achieved its goal by its own efforts and the spirit of never letting go. We should learn from the spirit of the snail to achieve our goals.

Observation Animal Diary (11)

I put a small potato at the foot of my wall. In order not to disturb the ants, I hid beside my wall and looked out. A few minutes later, a small ant came over and crawled around the potatoes, trying to transport the potatoes. Unfortunately, the ants could not move themselves, so they crawled away on their own. At this time, I thought: The ants might give up. But after a while, a group of ants came over, and I finally knew why the ants had to climb away. It was to find a helper to carry potatoes.

But it happened that there was a strong wind at this time. At that time, the ants were walking slowly. I think this might reduce the resistance. After a while, the ants finally climbed to the side of the potato, and the ants climbed up and down around the potato. I thought: These ants are not as heavy as potatoes, can they move? I stared at the potato with wide eyes. Unexpectedly, the potato was slowly moved. The ants worked together to carry the potato back to the hole.

Ah! The strength of unity is so great!

Observation Animal Diary (12)

Today, on my way out of school, I found a dying big green worm crawling slowly, and saw a small ant turning around beside the big green worm. It seemed that I wanted to get it back to its nest, but I couldn't help it, because the big green worm was too big for a small ant.

I stared at them to see how things would develop. Although this little ant is so small compared with the big green bug, it is unwilling to give up this hard won delicacy. It pulls from the head of the big green bug and pushes from the tail. It can be said that it has used all its skills, but the big green bug does not move. I miss ants! Small ants all have this spirit of perseverance, solidarity and mutual assistance, not to mention our people? Let us remember Zweig's words that all human work, if worth doing and well done, should be concentrated.

Little ants are insignificant. As long as we step on them lightly, their lives will disappear. However, there is a valuable quality in ants that we human beings can learn from -- unity and cooperation.

Observation Animal Diary (13)

I like a lot of small animals, whether it's the aggressive rooster in colorful clothes or the cute little squirrel. However, among the animals, I like the little hedgehog that I brought to me.

One day, my father took me to buy a little hedgehog. My father said, "The little hedgehog is very interesting. You can observe it!" After listening to my father, I began to raise a little hedgehog.

One day, after finishing my homework, I walked carefully to the iron cage. The little hedgehog squatted quietly inside. He didn't know what to look at again. Maybe he was looking at her mother! Look! Its sadness is covered with gray and white thorns, which is like a big thorn ball. It's chubby and really funny. Its head is particularly interesting, like a horizontal cone, with a pair of green bean eyes on both sides, sparkling, and a small black ball on the tip of the "cone". Look carefully at the wet nose. It is said that it can keep a keen sense of smell. Little hedgehogs rely on it to smell the smell of natural enemies.

Little hedgehog needs to eat. Hello What? I put a washed peach into the cage. It came and smelled, licked and walked away. "He can't eat!" I hurriedly put the peach bucket into his mouth with a stick. This time, he didn't even smell it. He also pointed his butt at the food. How annoying! I hurried to ask my mother. Oh, the little hedgehog likes eating insects. I hurried out to catch some grasshoppers, and I took out one and threw it in. At this time, the little hedgehog searched in the cage. When I found it, I quickly ran to it and picked it up, as if to say, "Hee hee... no one can compete with me!" When I saw that it was full, I was very happy.

The little hedgehog is so cute. It brings me fun!

Observation Animal Diary (14)

I remember that in winter, my parents and I went to the dog market to buy a cute dog. We named it Coco. Coco is very naughty, and I like it very much.

One day, my parents and I went to the Lop Park to play. When we went downstairs, Coco, the dog, barked upstairs, as if to say, "Master, wait for me, I will be angry without waiting for me." We watched him go and bark, and his parents laughed, but I didn't laugh, I feel Coco, the dog, has been insisting. I said to my parents: "We should not laugh at it, we should encourage it!". So we shouted Coco Come on! come on. Finally, it came down to the bottom of the building. I found that Coco ran like a bear because he was fat! This is my dog Coco.

Now Coco is in my hometown, not so naughty as before! Because it has grown up!

Observation Animal Diary (15)

Taking advantage of this winter vacation, I yelled to my mother to buy me a rabbit so that I could write a composition and "amuse myself".

My mother saw that I was so sincere, so she bought a white rabbit to amuse me. Looking at such a cute rabbit, I was full of excitement.

I looked at it: its long ears were like an antenna, its red agate like eyes were like water, and its tongue was like a snake's letter, which was very small and kept circling around its mouth. It was very silent and alert. It reminded me of the dead Yingzi, so I called him Yizi!

I put it in the cage, put some grass and went to sleep.

February 7th

It's a bit cloudy today. It's raining a little. I went to the cage with an umbrella and looked at Yizi. But he was curled up and his body was trembling slightly. My heart suddenly panicked. It seemed that there were fifteen buckets to draw water - seven up and eight down. I remember yesterday when I put the grass away, I turned around and walked away. Maybe it was too sleepy!

So I put it aside, spread a layer of hay and cabbage under the cage, and took it back. He took some water from a cup and put it aside. Then he went to the grass and picked a bunch of grass. After washing and drying, he put it on the top of the cage.

I just managed to play by myself.

February 8th

It's still raining today. I don't know what's wrong with Yizi. I walked up to him and found that he looked really cute when he was asleep. I took some pictures of him with my camera, which greatly increased my mood index.

My mood index was level five, so I used a knife to cut carrots and cabbages into thin pieces, put them in a bowl and mixed them, put some grass and small tomatoes, put a little salad sauce on them and gave them to Yizi.

February 9th

I got up very well today. The wind was warm and Yizi looked lazy.

I brought the basin to wash it, dried it, and took a few pictures with it before I went to do my homework slowly.

May my son be more and more lovely!

Observation Animal Diary (16)

I have raised many lovely elves at home. They are my small animals. Then there are ants, chickens, grasshoppers... My favorite is the grasshopper I have recently raised.

It has a pair of antennae on its head, and its face is inlaid with black eyes the size of grains of rice). It wears a green coat like willow leaves, and a shirt the color of a stake. Its biggest feature is that it keeps singing in summer. Then I found that its singing sound is generated through the friction of wings.

He likes to eat green beans and watermelon skins, but every time I put them in several holes of the cage for grasshoppers, the green beans and watermelon skins will be pushed out, but there will always be some small tooth marks on the green beans and watermelon skins. I think the grasshopper may not pay attention to pushing out when eating, so every time I will quietly put them back into some holes of the cage for grasshoppers, Afraid of disturbing the grasshopper.

A lot of funny things happened between me and the grasshopper. The grasshopper also made me angry. I will tell you later.

Observation Animal Diary (17)

Today, it's sunny after rain. Our composition class students and teacher Liu went to catch snails in the garden grass. We are in a happy mood. In a short time, we caught about ten snails and returned with a full load.

When we observed, we found that there were two pairs of snail's antennae. They were slender and very sensitive. When they touched something, they retracted their antennae, which made them very timid; The mouth is small and hard to find; I've been looking for my teeth for a long time, but I can't find them. Later, Mr. Liu told us that snails had 26500 teeth, which surprised me; The snail's body is soft and slippery; Its shell is like a screw, a whirlpool, or a house! It's strange; The stomach and feet of a snail are used for crawling, and it will leave mucus wherever it climbs.

The snail's speed is fast and slow. It climbs faster on the leaves. It climbs from one side of the leaves to the other side in a short time, while it climbs very slowly on the advertising paper. The snail's excrement is brown, about 1cm long.

Looking at the cute appearance of the snail, I really want to write a poem for it:

I walk with my little house on my back.

I carry my little house to climb trees.

Slowly, slowly.

No hurry, no panic

I travel with my little house on my back.

Visit everywhere.

Visit the sun kissing flowers and grass

I want to ask him:

Why didn't he take a picture

Our 'wet and dirty ghost place'?

This snail observation activity is very interesting, and it has increased a lot of extracurricular knowledge for me.