600 words of life choice composition (15 recommended)
Never give up
2023-10-30 05:57:38
Junior two

Choice of Life 600 words composition (1)

Life is a life of mood, life is a life of mentality, life goes with it, life is so boring, sleep when tired, smile when awake, walk some way, then know hard; After climbing some mountains, we know the difficulty; After crossing some rivers, we know how to trek; After crossing some barriers, we know how to surpass; Experience comes only after some things; After reading some people, we know the experience; Read some books before you know wealth; It takes a lifetime to know happiness. More happiness, less worry, sleep when tired, smile when awake, how about life, put your own spices, and be happy.

Fate comes and goes from ancient times to the present, talking about it is like singing poetry. Meet is also divided into fate, fate is fate. How far away is the world! The Milky Way can't stop two souls. On the one hand, we should be far away rather than close, and we should go all the way; Second, money is like dirt and dung, and the determination of love is comparable to gold; The third is to be brave enough to ignore the body and sing the praises of the earthquake; Four things are linked together, and the two love together like youth. Except that Wushan is not a cloud, you follow your fate.

Simplicity is the supreme state of life. The joy of childhood is simply brought. The pain of growing up is complicated. The more I grow up, the more lonely I become. When we were young, we could be happy where nobody was, because we had flowers and plants to accompany us. When we grow up, the more we are in the crowd, the more lonely we feel because people are evil. Simplicity is a thorough understanding of life. No desire, no desire, no disappointment, come and go with less futility. Simple, yes, happy.

If you don't know how to cherish, you won't be happy if you guard Jinshan; Do not understand tolerance, no matter how many friends will eventually leave; If you don't know how to choose, you can't succeed no matter how hard you try; If you don't know how to act, it is hard to realize your dream even if you are smart; If you don't know how to cooperate, you can't achieve great success even if you work hard; If you don't know how to accumulate, you can't get rich again; No matter how rich you are, you cannot be happy without knowing satisfaction; If you don't know how to maintain health, you will not live long after further treatment. Only those who understand love know how to cherish, and those who understand heart know how valuable it is.

Only those who know how to cherish can get it, those who know how to love can be happy, those who know how to pity can have love, those who know how to appreciate, those who know how to be kind, those who know how to give can be rewarded, those who know how to choose can do great things, those who know how to be strong can bear the blow, those who know how to feel can get true love, and those who know how to feel about people can be respected.

The smarter the person, the more tired he is. The more you care, the harder it is to give up, and the more you often lose; The pursuit of hard, heavy heart, often the less beautiful. In life, some things, just numbers, don't be too deliberate; Some people, just passers-by, don't be too nostalgic; Some things are just things. Don't expect too much. Having a beautiful mood, a simple mood, a sense of happiness, even if not perfect, is also the most beautiful.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (2)

Some people say that walking back to the crossroads not only means choosing a road that suits you, but also means you are at a loss.

A person should walk a long way in his life, and if there is a way, there will be trouble for people to choose. How to choose so that we won't regret has always been a big problem that puzzles us. In fact, we can learn from the ancients' unrestrained and unrestrained attitude of wholeheartedly following their own heart and making choices without regret.

Su Wu, an admirable envoy. When facing others who want to kill with their swords, he is as stable as Mount Tai;; In the face of splendor and wealth, he was unmoved; He never wavered in the face of the title given to him by Shan Yu. This was his choice. He was not interfered by the outside world. He resolutely chose to be loyal to the monarch and patriotic. Even though Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was thousands of miles away from him, he did not know what he had done.

After he made this choice, he was forced to exile to the Beihai Sea to herd sheep. This release lasted for 19 years. In nineteen years, the beautiful spring scenery could only stay on the desert island, accompanied by a group of rams; For 19 years, every month and even every day, they suffered from loneliness, hunger, cold torture and homesickness; Nineteen years, how many nineteen years are there in a person's life? Su Wu made this choice, and what he paid for was only nineteen years! But he did not regret it, and because of this, two thousand years later, his lofty integrity has become an example for the Chinese people and an immortal monument to the Chinese nation.

In the face of national interests and personal interests, we should put national interests first, sacrifice our own interests and dedicate to the country. Su Wu, who follows his heart, is famous in history because of his choice. In contemporary society, we also have such an admirable person around us.

She was Liu Dingning, the top liberal arts student in Liaoning Province in 20XX. That year, she was admitted by the University of Hong Kong with full scholarship with excellent results, but she resolutely dropped out of school. After she made this decision, many people did not understand. But I understand that this is her choice between her "Peking University dream" and the reality of "full scholarship enrollment of the University of Hong Kong". Her abandonment of the University of Hong Kong means that she must face the difficulty of re education, which is unimaginable. But she insisted on her choice and did not regret it. Therefore, in 20XX, she once again became the No. 1 Scholar in liberal arts with excellent results, and also fulfilled her "Peking University dream".

Wandering at the crossroads means that you are faced with a choice, and after choosing, it means that you should take a big step forward along this road without regret. Robert Frost, an American poet, said in "An Unfinished Road": "Two paths diverge in the woods, and I chose a path with few people, so life has become completely different."

If you choose a path, you should move forward without regret. Even if you choose a path that is inaccessible, it will lead you to success.

Be loyal to your heart, and you will find that the choice is not so difficult; If you don't regret your choice, you will find a bright future.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (3)

Everyone has his own life. Everyone's life is different. Their life may be happy or painful, but they are all happy! We should all cherish the happiest time that belongs to us.

In the six years of primary school, I always lived with a high attitude. In terms of learning, I hold a fluke mentality, thinking that learning is irrelevant, and it's no big deal whether I learn or not. But in every exam, I imagine that I can pass the exam smoothly, but after all, fantasy can't resist empty ignorance. Therefore, I am afraid of the exam, and more afraid of facing the poor scores on the exam paper, the bright colors will hurt my empty and shallow heart.

In a twinkling of an eye, six years passed quietly. At the moment of graduation, I suddenly found that my accumulation in learning in these six years was almost blank. I learned nothing, but wasted six years in vain. An inch of time is an inch of gold. An inch of gold can't buy an inch of time! Now I have a deep feeling!

After entering junior high school, I encountered many difficulties. Every time when I encounter difficulties, I always want to give up cowardly. At this time, my mother always takes the trouble to enlighten me to overcome difficulties and not be defeated by difficulties. Then my heart will form a belief: where you fall, you will get up! In the three years of junior high school, I also had many good classmates. Once I asked them for help in any difficulty, they always actively helped me solve it. In retrospect, I still miss my days in Class 4. I really want time to stay on June 10th! Let's be together forever.

Now I am in the third day of junior high school. Although I bought this opportunity with money, I will try my best to make this money worthwhile in my senior high school life. Because this is the hard-earned money earned by my parents. I didn't understand the hardships before. Later, when I saw my parents' aging faces and more and more white hair, I realized that my parents were working hard for this family every day, rain or shine. Many times, because of my naughty and ignorant, my parents broke their brains.

My mother taught me to study hard since I was a child. At that time, I always ignored my mother's words. Even in the middle school entrance exam, I didn't go to the exam. At that time, my mother said to me: The high school entrance exam and are two important turning points in your life. You must face it bravely, no matter how hard it is! Otherwise, when others ask you about your high school entrance exam, you will say you don't know. One more diploma, one more knowledge, one more way! Only then did I understand the importance of learning and the deep love of my parents for me.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (4)

Everyone has his own life. Everyone's life is different. Their life may be happy or painful, but they are all happy! We should all cherish the happiest time that belongs to us.

In the six years of primary school, I always lived with a high attitude. In terms of learning, I hold a fluke mentality, thinking that learning is irrelevant, and it's no big deal whether I learn or not. But in every exam, I imagine that I can pass the exam smoothly, but after all, fantasy can't resist empty ignorance. Therefore, I am afraid of the exam, and more afraid of facing the poor scores on the exam paper, the bright colors will hurt my empty and shallow heart.

In a twinkling of an eye, six years passed quietly. At the moment of graduation, I suddenly found that my accumulation in learning in these six years was almost blank. I learned nothing, but wasted six years in vain. An inch of time is an inch of gold. An inch of gold can't buy an inch of time! Now I have a deep feeling!

After entering junior high school, I encountered many difficulties. Every time when I encounter difficulties, I always want to give up cowardly. At this time, my mother always takes the trouble to enlighten me to overcome difficulties and not be defeated by difficulties. Then my heart will form a belief: where you fall, you will get up! In the three years of junior high school, I also had many good classmates. Once I asked them for help in any difficulty, they always actively helped me solve it. In retrospect, I still miss my days in Class 4. I really want time to stay on the day of June 10! Let's be together forever.

Now I am a junior high school student. Although I bought this opportunity with money, I will try my best to make this money worthwhile in my senior high school life. Because this is the hard-earned money earned by my parents. I didn't understand the hardships before. Later, when I saw my parents' aging faces and more and more white hair, I realized that my parents were working hard for this family every day, rain or shine. Many times, because of my naughty and ignorant, my parents broke their brains.

My mother taught me to study hard since I was a child. At that time, I always ignored my mother's words. Even in the middle school entrance exam, I didn't go to the exam. At that time, my mother said to me: The high school entrance exam and the college entrance exam are two important turning points in your life. You must face them bravely, no matter how hard it is! Otherwise, when others ask you how about the high school entrance exam and the college entrance exam, you will say you don't know. One more diploma, one more knowledge, one more way! Only then did I understand the importance of learning and the deep love of my parents for me.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (5)

Youth is like running in a fixed place, a fixed distance, and different people choose different ways; Youth is like a dandelion, when the wind comes, choose to float to a distant place

We are often happy, guilty, regretful or regretful because of the choices we have made. When I was in the third grade, my teacher taught English, but I knew nothing about English. Sometimes I knew letters and sometimes I didn't know letters. It was even more difficult to remember words.

Seeing the scene of others struggling to endorse, I tried to incorporate it countless times, but found that I would not. At that time, my deep anxiety made me restless. How I wish someone could help me at that time!

Whenever I heard that the teacher wanted to spot check words, my heart would tremble three times, my palms kept sweating, and I thought to myself: Buddha bless me, God bless me, don't hit me. However, it didn't help. I was lucky to be called up by my teacher

After that, I chose to stick to my brother every day and let him teach me English. Every day I get up an hour early to memorize words and sentence patterns. Finally one day, I suddenly "enlightened" and found the knack of learning English. My brother is also a look that you finally know. Although the teacher was still afraid when making spot checks, I was able to recite them successfully.

I think if I go back in time and meet difficulties again, I will still choose to face the difficulties and try to overcome them. Choosing this thing is like a question on an examination paper. You can change it when you make a wrong choice, and then learn from it. It's better to do it right next time. When you see the score winding up like a vine, everything is worth it.

Since ancient times, how many successful people have not worked hard after making choices? Youth is still going on. There are many choices in life. May we all stick to ourselves, make the right choices and work hard for them!

Choice of Life 600 words composition (6)

Macro life, it seems that every corner, every bit is a choice. And the process of choice is extremely cruel: you can never predict the outcome, and you must make a choice. At this time, only by relying on yourself can you break through the difficulty of choice and successfully find a way of your own.

It may be a coincidence that I once saw a father and daughter in our community who had just moved to the first floor. The tall father is very handsome, but his leg is only an artificial limb. From the mouth of others, I learned that the great father lost his leg forever to save a child in an accidental fire. I was numb. I had watched them go out again and again, but I didn't find anything unusual. My father's face was optimistic and positive. I thought they were a happy family, but I didn't expect it!

At the critical moment, he made a great 'choice': save people. But I forgot my own safety. It is said that there is no rehearsal in life, but I firmly believe that even in the face of that moment, this is his constant choice!

Bert said that for a blind ship, all winds are headwinds. A ship is like a man. A ship that goes blind will only drift with the current. How can a person who can't even choose succeed. Some people may ask, how can we achieve "good selection, accurate selection and fast selection"? Of course, a good choice person can not do it overnight. They have also failed, missed, and perhaps lost some rare opportunities. At this time, the result is negative. Socrates once said that the happiest thing in the world is to strive for an ideal, which is your first choice! Are you willing to fight for it? Then stand up! Stand on top of your initial choice.

Choice, result, two closely related words. Only by making good use of choice can we achieve excellent results. If we want to have the ability to make good choices, we must practice more in life and use our own experience to explain the essence of choice, so that we can benefit for life.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (7)

Regret, pain, despair, like countless pairs of cold and heartless hands, tightly grasped the brick that was almost cracked into mud. Maybe its dream can only be realized in its sleep

Maybe, it really understood the true meaning of it, really wanted to realize its dream, and God gave it another chance to realize its dream

When he woke up from his sleep, he found that he had become a brick again. Just like last time, there are a group of bricks with the same dream. Those bricks look very happy, because their dreams will soon come true. Bricks and adobes talked happily about their future life together, and each seemed to be in high spirits. The only thing that didn't say a word was the brick. It was silent all the time, but I could feel its inner fullness and hope from its curved mouth.

The next day, when the first ray of sunshine shone through the clouds into the kiln, the bricks were put into the cart leading to the kiln one by one. Suddenly, the bricks started to cry. They had realized that they would face a major test that must be passed before realizing their dreams - quenching. Think of the terrible flame in the kiln, and think of the burning flame that will quench your body. Bricks began to feel afraid and became confused. One by one, they rushed off the carrier and escaped. There are only a few pieces of bricks left in the truck, including that brick.

The brick did not shrink back like last time, but bravely jumped into the kiln and began the painful quenching. It did not feel afraid, because it saw the traffic and neon music in the city through the burning flame, which was the place it dreamed of. It smiled, not a happy smile, but a laugh! It is laughing at those bricks that have escaped from the carrier and their cowardice. It believed that those bricks would be as miserable as before.

A few months later, in the bustling city, the most beautiful and exquisite brick on a new building told the neon light beside him what he had learned when facing the choice.

At the foot of the brick, however, there was a pile of mud with sad faces, remorse and pain. They must also understand something. When fate gives them another choice, they will certainly not escape from the van again!

Choice of Life 600 words composition (8)

Acceptance and tolerance are indispensable for survival, but learning to refuse is also a necessary life accomplishment. Rejecting numbness can keep us pure and childlike in the life; Rejecting illusions can help us see the road under our feet with a pair of eyes, and we can still live soberly in the dust of fog and flowers; Rejecting unlimited compromises and concessions will enable us to go further and more firmly on the road we have chosen.

Someone found me on the Internet last night and asked me if I wanted to do some part-time jobs. I was interested in writing part-time jobs, so I asked for further information. Although the standard of contribution fee I proposed is not high, after the other party showed me the requirements of the article, the contribution fee they proposed to me was really too low, only 8 yuan for 1000 words. In fact, I don't spend too much time on part-time writing every day, and I prefer to follow my heart to write articles. In other words, I wrote my heart by hand. If the content I created is the type of works I like, or can exercise myself, such as creating some literary works or compositions, it doesn't matter if the contribution fee is small. If I want to write articles I don't like against my heart, I have to charge a higher contribution fee. Maybe this is the relationship between hobbies and work. At the same time, this is also an embodiment of the cognitive dissonance theory. When people do something they don't like, they tend to comfort themselves with other ways, such as relatively high pay.

So when the other party asked for 8 yuan of contribution fee, I refused directly: you can also find someone else. After all, I have seen too much of this way of bargaining. What's the point of using others to compare? If you think someone else can give you a more satisfactory price, you can just ask someone else. There is no need to talk to me about it. It is unrealistic for me to get the same price as others here. My words cannot be so cheap. Besides, I am not a professional writer, so there is no need to do such things.

Everyone should not only be closely connected with the society, but also be a relatively independent individual. We should have our own life, and there is no need to devote all our lives to others. When you know what you really want to do, you won't be disturbed by those dormitories. When you have a life you really want and love, you won't waste time on some unimportant people and things. For this rejection, I think it is the right decision.

Life is like sailing on the sea. It may be inevitable for everyone to encounter hidden reefs at the bottom of the sea. The key is that we can learn to distinguish and reject, so that those people and things that will cause trouble to us will not become hidden reefs in life and let the ship anchor.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (9)

At the end of a hard and busy semester, many students went to their own "battlefield" - the examination room for the final test. After struggling on the "battlefield", it is a long wait for "acceptance of results"! Finally, the exam paper came out, and I felt uneasy. My heart was pounding, as if I had a restless little rabbit in my arms. After I got the test paper, I couldn't wait to see it. I became very happy immediately, as if I stepped on a happy cloud under my feet. Because my performance is the first in the class, many students cast envious eyes on me.

After school, I bounced back home and excitedly showed my test paper to my mother. I pretended to walk away, waiting for my mother's praise. However, just as I was immersed in the elated joy, my mother called me in a stiff voice. My mother took a pen and calculated on a piece of paper. When she saw me coming, she pointed to my paper and said seriously, "Here the teacher forgot to deduct your points." She pointed to a mistake I made. "But no one knows! And I am only half of the difference from the second place. If I deduct this point, I will become the second place!" I argued loudly, full of grievances. Mother pondered for a while, and said to me in an indisputable tone: "No, you must tell the teacher about this tomorrow!" I dared not disobey, so I had to agree.

I tossed and turned that night and couldn't sleep. The next day, I told my head teacher about this, and the teacher praised me in public, and the paper was re judged. Of course, I was not the first. But I don't know why my heart is not uncomfortable at all, but more relaxed. I also suddenly realized that life is a process of choice. If you choose "no" in the process of moral practice, you will lose the most important quality of life - "purity of mind".

Yes! Fish and bear's paw can't have both! There are choices everywhere in life, and life is beautiful because of choices, which is the meaning of choice.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (10)


There are many kinds of roads, including flat roads, rugged roads, straight roads and winding roads.

In the various ways of life, which way would you choose?

"I will choose a rugged and winding road," I said aloud.

I like excitement, I like challenge. The rugged and winding road can give people fresh and exciting, and can give people training and challenges.

To choose a rugged road, we must have confidence, determination and patience. Confidence can give me the motivation to go on, determination can give me the perseverance to go on, patience can give me the courage to go on.

Walking on a rugged and winding road, there must be many difficulties and bumps along the way. However, there is no rainbow without wind and rain. Never experienced the hardships of crossing mountains and rivers, how can you enjoy the joy after reaching your goal!

Some people say that the smooth road is so good. It's smooth all the way. Yes, the smooth road really makes people relaxed. However, such a life is like a glass of boiled water, insipid.

Life should be colorful: there is happiness, bitterness, happiness and sadness - if you blindly pursue happiness and happiness, there will be no happiness and happiness.

Life should have a box of condiments to taste. Change roles and lead each other. In this way, we can taste the taste of life.

A life of various forms is like a road of various forms. Everyone has his own road in his heart, either flat or rough.

I think my choice is right.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (11)

The choice can be said to be varied, and different people will have different choices. This is like doing a math problem, and there will always be different answers. But it is precisely because of these different choices that there will be different outcomes and colorful life.

People always move forward in their choices. As the saying goes, "If you make a wrong choice, you should learn from it and remember that you can never make the same mistake again next time.". Only after many failures can we succeed and realize the truth of life.

Once some choices are wrong, they will regret for life, and regret why they didn't choose another way. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, and it is impossible to go back in time, so we must not be careless or hesitant when facing choices, so as to miss a good opportunity. Therefore, we should choose carefully. Just like "The Unchecked Road", the poet stood at the crossroads of life. He wanted to go both ways and hesitated. But after thinking about it, he chose a road with few people and full of challenges. He wanted to leave a road to go another day, but the road was long. He knew he could not come back. When he recalled the past, he thought of the forest again, The road not chosen. This also tells us that we should not drift with the tide on the road of life, but think deeply, choose carefully, remember to follow blindly, and make independent choices.

At the same time, it also needs courage. Some people may give up the choice because they are timid and cowardly. We should firmly believe in ourselves and make bold choices. Even if you make the wrong choice, you will learn a lesson from it, which is better than giving up the choice to let yourself get nothing.

Life is like this. You should choose boldly and carefully, and move forward in the choice. Everyone has thousands of paths to choose from, and each path is unknown, full of magic and challenges. Different choices are different destinies, and destiny is in our own hands. Let's start from the beginning, lay the foundation for the next step, and move towards the end happily.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (12)

The Choice of Life Composition 600 Words 1

Once upon a time, there was a pair of brothers. The elder brother was 14 years old and the younger brother was 13 years old.

This is a pair of happy and happy brothers. Unfortunately, my brother sent my brother to a drug rehabilitation center. Why did this end? The reason lies in their friends.

My brother's friends are a group of fans of small science and technology production. They exchange their production experience and skills together. My brother has accumulated a lot of knowledge in such a beautiful environment. However, my younger brother made friends with a group of idle people. Once, a man took some "white powder" and asked them to smoke it. My younger brother did not refuse, so he fell into the abyss of drugs. Their fate will be so different, it is the choice to make friends. This shows how serious the consequences of careless friendship can be!

There are many choices in one's life. The most important choice is the choice of friends, hobbies and difficulties.

There is a story about an American educator who did such an experiment: she chose three Chinese children, a 5-year-old girl, an 8-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl. She took a bottle and gave them each a rope with a ball tied to it. She said to them, "If these ropes were you now, the bottle would be a well. Now that the water is rising, there is only 10 seconds to escape, and only one person can come out at a time. What would you do?" The experiment began, and the youngest girl came out first, Then came the 8-year-old boy, and finally the 10-year-old girl. The educator was very moved and immediately asked the 10-year-old girl why you came out last? The girl answered because I was the biggest! I want to ensure the safety of my brother and sister first! The educator succeeded for the first time. In other countries, none of the children she selected was like this. I finally succeeded today.

A 10-year-old girl, in the face of this danger, should think about the safety of her younger brother and sister, which shows how noble it is. In fact, this is the choice. If that girl chose to go first, how would she choose to go when she really met this situation? I think she will choose so.

There are many choices in life. Whether we choose to be noble or selfish depends on you, but most people will choose to be noble anyway!

The Choice of Life Composition 600 Words 2

Choice is a street lamp, which guides you to find your way home; Choice is a small boat. The oars are in your hands, and you can choose the direction; Choice is the guide on the road of life, one leading to darkness, the other to light.

I remember Frost once said, "Before building the wall, I must first figure out what to surround inside and what to surround outside." There are countless choices in life, but I can't forget such a choice for a long time.

It was a Peiyou exam in the summer vacation. I carefully answered the test paper, checked it twice, and handed it in with anxiety. Two days later, the score of the test paper has been corrected. My heart began to beat again because of nervousness. It seemed that my heart had reached my throat. I covered my mouth with my hand, fearing that it would jump out. I watched the teacher coming to our classroom with the test paper in his arms.

When it's over, why don't you find an excuse to leave the classroom and go out to hide, and come back after you report your scores? No, no, no, sooner or later, it's better to face it bravely. I swallowed my saliva and inhaled deeply. My heart seemed to return to its original position. In the tangle, the teacher has begun to call my name. When I got the paper, I opened my eyes first. Fortunately, 96 points, the second place, with a bang, the stone in my heart fell to the ground.

At this time, the teacher began to talk about the test paper, and carefully corrected the mistakes. Suddenly, I found a multiple choice question. The author of the poem was originally from the Tang Dynasty, but here it was written in the Song Dynasty. I made a big tick in the back, but the teacher didn't find it when he read the paper... Suddenly my head was blank. What should I do? To be an honest student is a good student. This is the eternal truth, but this is a 2-point question! I fell from the second place to the seventh place immediately after the two points were dropped in one mouthful. What's more, the teacher's "glacier" face had also stretched a lot at that time. What to do, go or not? Thinking, class was over. The teacher came up to me and said with a smile, "Is there anything you don't understand?" Finally, I took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, you corrected this question..."

After the event, I felt extremely relaxed and happy. Although this was just an ordinary multiple choice question, I chose the latter in cowardice and courage, escape and face. Although I made a mistake in that multiple choice question, it has left a perfect tick in my life's multiple choice question!

The Choice of Life Composition 600 Words 3

No matter how beautiful the bud is, if it cannot choose what color and what kind of flower it will open, then it can only die lonely before it opens. Naturally, they cannot enjoy the happiness of flowering, nor can they exude the charming fragrance of flowers.

The wind is calm and the sky is clear. In the soft sunlight, slowly open the yellowed paper. I saw those people, those choices, those lives. Who are they? Who is it?

The sheep bleated and an old man looked at the distant sky calmly. In this desolate Beihai, what made him persist today? What makes him so regretless in the boundary of yellow sand and withered grass? Hanjie in his hands has already lost a layer of paint, but his eyes are always shining with hope. He had no regrets when he remembered the choice made at the gate of life eighteen years ago and the forced eyes of the Hun Khan. Choose to stick to it, 18 years of hard life, 18 years of loneliness and loneliness. His loyalty to the Han Dynasty and his eighteen years of perseverance made the Hun Khan afraid and many descendants feared. Half life's loneliness and half life's hardships bear the eternal pride of the Chinese nation. This is Su Wu's choice. This is his life.

What a choice! What kind of choice! Just because Li Ling defends, he unexpectedly angers Long Wei and asks him to choose between palace punishment and death. This is a vital pass. What a great shame for a man who is indomitable! However, he resolutely chose to accept the palace sentence. For the unfinished dream, he must save his life. "A man is doomed to die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." Later, he endured humiliation and devoted his whole life to forging the "Historical Records" that illuminated the history books, creating the first of China's biographical history books. His choice, no! It was his choice! It has left a deep imprint on the hearts of future generations, and its contribution lies in the future. This is Sima Qian's choice. This is his life.

He is Goujian, the King of Yue. He is young and vigorous. But I didn't want to incur the danger of national subjugation. For the overall situation, for the world. He endured humiliation and retreated to Kuaiji. After ten years of hard life, I tried hard to accumulate strength. Finally, the victory of "3000 Yue Jia can attack Wu" was achieved. At the crucial juncture, he was able to put down the throne and was humiliated in front of the horse, which really reflected his broad-minded mind and did not spoil his kingly style. Gou Jian's choice gave people a peaceful life. This is his life, extraordinary life.

Slowly close the yellowed pages, and suddenly realize. At the juncture of life, hesitation will never bring hope. Only by making choices can we bring a glimmer of light to the situation of death.

Those choices, those lives

The Choice of Life Composition 600 Words 4

Life is like a road. We always walk on our own road. From time to time, there will be a crossroad in front of us. Should we go left, right, or straight ahead? In the face of these crisscross intersections, how should we choose? Don't worry, calm down and think about it carefully. The most important thing is to choose the road that suits you.

Life is a question mark. In life, we often encounter such problems: should I choose him, her or it? Life is like this. It is meaningful to choose the right one. Life is a question mark. This question mark has been helping us choose, choose what is good and do what is good.

Life is an exclamation point. There are people in the world making choices every day, and so are all things in the world. The Red Army chose the Long March, saved the strength of the Red Army, and made the Communist Party grow from infancy to maturity. This choice has saved the Party, the revolution and the Red Army, and has become a turning point of life and death in the history of the Party. The Chinese government chose to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea because it drove the US troops to the "38th parallel", defended North Korea and the country, which greatly improved China's position in the world.

Life is a full stop. If you want to draw a complete end in the journey of life, you need to choose and work hard. On December 11, 20xx, a great moment, China chose to join the WTO and finally became an important member of the WTO through its own efforts. China's accession to the WTO has temporarily put an end to China's life. It has made great contributions to the development of China's economy and the world economy.

Life is a dumpling, time is the skin, experience is the stuffing, sweet and sour, bitter and hot are the taste, perseverance and confidence are the wrinkles on the dumpling skin, it is inevitable to be squeezed and boiled by sweat in the choice of life, but we will be stronger because of this. We should face the choice of life with a bright smile; Embrace the choice of life with a broad mind; Understand the choice of life with wise eyes; Construct the road of life with strong tenacity; Life is like a clear spring, a beautiful flower bud, and a bright glow.

As long as we can take every choice and opportunity seriously, our life will become more meaningful. Friends, let's make a correct and meaningful choice for our own life!

Choice of Life 600 words composition (13)

Choose the front row in life

Without the surging and enterprising of rivers, we will lose the majesty of the Yellow River. Without the active pursuit of sunflowers, we will not have the spirit of yearning for sunshine and smiling at life. Without the pioneering efforts of human beings, we will not have the colorful social landscape. If those students do not choose the front row, Maybe we miss success. Life needs to choose the front row.

Choosing the front row is a smart way of pursuing leadership and transcendence, and making progress actively. The success or failure of life often depends on a small step forward. Copernicus, who was aggressive, daring to be the first, and passive, found that the sun was the center of the universe. Faced with social disapproval, she still chose the front row and actively explored and published the acclaimed "Theory of Celestial Movement". Deng Xiaoping, a short man, did not give up his dream because of his physical defect. He resolutely chose the front row, kept forging ahead, and constantly exceeded and advanced in his personal career. In the face of the progress of the world, the monarch of the Qing Dynasty gave up choosing the front row, but closed the door and satisfied with the status quo of self-sufficiency, stopped moving forward, and finally the country was ruined and trampled by others. Choosing the front row was to choose a favorable strategy, and to choose the front row was to choose to move forward.

Choosing the front row can make a person more excellent and outstanding. Dissatisfaction is the wheel of progress. Only when a person is not satisfied with the current reality and has the enterprising spirit, can he make continuous progress, make continuous progress and flourish. Apple should not be complacent based on the popularity of the big Apple mobile phone sales. He chose the front row, chose to lead the trend of science and technology, actively developed, and created brilliant achievements. Napoleon, the emperor of France, was not hindered by his superior position. He chose the front row and leadership, and the whole country continued to surpass, actively pursuing and realizing his imperial dream. Facing the reality that Chinese never broke into the French Open, Li Na, the champion of the French Open, firmly chose the front row. He believed that Chinese people could also climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower. He did, and the choice of the front row created their outstanding achievements. Choosing the front row allows them to constantly improve themselves and become more outstanding.

When choosing the front row, you should have confidence in yourself and courage in your heart. It is undoubtedly in the crowd to stand in the most dazzling position. You need to face the eyes of others with courage and self-confidence. You need to keep your head high at the front desk. Bruno, the great thinker, was punished by religion for his insistence on Copernican theory. Before the raging fire, he had no regrets, Insist on choosing the front row, choose to lead and surpass, choose the truth, and fight against the darkness with courage. Choosing the front row makes people fearless when facing others' refutation. Choosing the front row makes people firm in their belief and not admit defeat.

The tall and straight cactus with beautiful feeling, she chose the front row to actively face the desert and continue to take root, becoming an oasis in the desert. Choosing the front row is not only a behavioral practice, but also an aggressive and pioneering attitude towards life. Keep the confidence and courage to choose the front row, and keep the spirit of leading and pursuing excellence, because life needs to choose the front row!

Life choices

The vast world is full of people. In the mysterious life, we always face thousands of choices. Since the first cry when we came to this world, we have begun to face the life road of choice. There are many intersections and dangers on this road. What we need to see is whether we can pull the right red light at the edge of danger and stop our confused steps. Yesterday I was faced with an important choice. I began to be confused, but at the edge of danger, I finally stopped my uncontrollable steps. Today's sunshine is different from that of the past. It is because I have a new goal in looking at my life. I will become the propagandist of the seventh grade student union from today. This is the most important coordinate in my life, because from today on, I have my own responsibilities to take on. At this time yesterday, my heart was still beating because I was selected by the teacher as the propagandist of the seventh grade student union. But there were two villains in my mind who kept talking. One villain said excitedly, "Don't participate, or you will offend many people in the future. Why don't you think about yourself?", Another villain refused to be outdone and said, "We must seize this opportunity. This is the best opportunity to train you to overcome difficulties and not give up in the face of difficulties. We must seize it.". What should I do? I asked myself in my heart. At that time, I remembered Einstein's words "the value of a person should be based on what he has contributed, not what he has achieved". I suddenly woke up, and my heart was immediately pulled back by the clean and bright soul in my mind. I have decided that I must join the Student Union to serve the students.

Today, I will begin to fulfill my commitment to students and teachers, and work hard to do every task given to me. I will actively participate in the meetings of the Student Union, and resolutely never give up and never quit.

Life is like an unfinished game of chess, and each choice determines whether a chess move is good or bad, and one step cannot be wrong. One wrong step will lead to the annihilation of the whole army. But this choice I believe I made no mistake, and I also believe that this will be a decision I will never regret.

Life choices

There is a long way to go in life. We choose a grand goal and forge ahead with determination. In the process of advancing, we put on two shoulders of frost flowers, sprinkled all the way of heroic songs, and composed one beautiful movement after another. Choose, we would like to choose a beautiful life.

Flowers choose green spring in the face of the changing seasons, green pines choose steep cliffs in the face of the vast land, and wintersweet chooses the northern country of ice and snow in the face of the land. Nature is rich and colorful, and distinctive spirits have different choices.

Wise people believe in the truth and choose to be rebellious, brave people aspire to transcend and choose to fight ceaselessly, and good people pray for peace and choose to sacrifice their lives for righteousness. People have their own choices, but no matter what they choose, we should make it our pride.

Choose a hot heart, you can make friends all over the world; Choose a peaceful heart and enjoy the leisure of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence"; Choosing a heart of fraternity can arouse the responsibility of happiness for all families; Choosing an extraordinary heart can make an astonishing creation.

Tao Yuanming did not bow down for the five bushels of rice, but chose to return to the garden and live in the field, enjoying the fun of "returning birds to each other"; Mencius, facing life and justice, advocated "sacrificing life for justice", which is our view of justice today. Today, many college graduates choose the backward northwest region as soon as they go out of school. This is their valuable choice, and it is a regretless youth!

The eagle fights against the blue sky, and Haiyan drinks back the thunder. As long as you let yourself go, you are worthy of your choice. We are the eagle, and we are Haiyan.

Choice of Life 600 words composition (14)

Our life is full of all kinds of difficult choices, such as: buy or not buy, which often puzzles me.

Last Saturday, my mother saw the weather so good and said to me: "Sunny, let's go shopping!" Looking at my mother's expectant eyes, I put down my books and changed my clothes to go out together. When we came to a clothing store that my mother and I both liked, we began to feel around. My mother kept showing some clothes to herself. I am also interested in finding clothes I like.

In one corner, I saw a simple but lively skirt. I reached out to feel the soft fabric of the skirt, then found my own suitable size on the shelf, and compared it with myself in the mirror. "It seems very beautiful..." I thought. My mother said behind me: "How do you like this skirt? Go and try it!" I was a little agitated, but I habitually looked at the label on the skirt, "more than 300! My mother's skirt is more than 300!" I said excitedly to my mother, and hung the skirt on the shelf discouraged. "I still don't want to buy such an expensive skirt. Anyway, I have many choices, so I don't have to choose this one!" I comforted myself, but I really wanted to buy it

Then the mother said, "What's the matter? Go and try it if you want to buy it!"

"However, this is very expensive. I still don't want it..."

"Well, don't buy it. You have to think for yourself!"

"Hmm! Let's go! Go and see something else. Maybe there will be something more beautiful!"

Then I reluctantly touched the skirt on the shelf and walked out of the clothing store with my mother's footsteps. "Goodbye! Little skirt! You are too expensive. I will find something better than you."

It is a painful decision whether to buy or not. But now that I have chosen, I will face the reality and will not regret it.

Author | Danny, Jr

Choice of Life 600 words composition (15)

600 words composition on environment: life chooses environment, and environment promotes life

When we are discouraged because of the shortcomings of life, but we complain because of the injustice of life, when we regard our youth as a kind of childish immaturity and suspect the pursuit of so-called sophistication, we have lost the confidence of youth invisibly, the ability to appreciate the youth, and the confidence that youth is not groundless arrogance, It is not conceit, it is calm after careful consideration, a broad mind, a mind full of youth and vitality in thought and behavior. However, mutual friendship needs the common development of both sides and mutual trust. Once trust is lost, it will go into darkness, darkness, cruelty. People are easily affected by the environment, the mode of life, It is easiest to weaken a person's ability. A small action may move you, and an ordinary word may attract you. It is because of this small action that you are moved. You are unpredictable. No one can predict the reality, and no one can stop its coming. We cannot escape the face, because we always have to face, I and you or he and she, It's two completely different feelings. We all have our own way of life, but we can't lose our promise. Is it all the fault of hypocrisy? People's thinking methods are different, and the results are inconsistent in the end.

But we can't break our promises. We all have our own habits and lifestyles. What I want is freedom, not always being bound by others. Maybe different living environments will lead to many misunderstandings about each other, but ultimately it is both sides. When we set aside ourselves to consider others, there is a sense of sadness in our hearts again and again, Lost time and time again, and strong from the loss again and again, if God doomed me to everything, I would like to bear it, hoping that this is the best outcome, but I never want to wake up this is true, but the shadow is never erased Until forever... Why does fate torture people like this, but what should be faced should always be faced. There is no reason to escape... It is better to face reality than regret the past. Sometimes it will appear in front of you, bringing only sadness and pain, but what can you do? To avoid responsibility, it is better to face the present. We should keep what we can cherish, and we have to give up what we should give up

After reading 600 words of the composition on environment, have you seen your living environment?