Composition of Wetland Park (18 collections)
I want to move forward
2024-05-09 00:14:04

Composition of Wetland Park (1)

Today is a beautiful day. My father and I drove to Jinghu Wetland Park.

Although the sun is a little bit spicy, it has not reduced our pleasure of visiting the garden in the slightest. We entered the park along a small gap. As soon as I entered the park, I saw green everywhere "overflowing", putting a green coat on the earth, and walking a little inside, I found a white flower, which looked like a white Olympic torch, lifting up the milky white "flame". Hundreds of bees and butterflies can be seen everywhere in the flowers. On the white flagstone road, a few black fat caterpillars can be seen occasionally, wriggling their fat bodies and struggling forward.

Go on, you will find a river. On both sides of the river are dense water plants. Here is a paradise for fish. Here, there are countless black carp and mudfish. They are just like lively elves and rocket launchers. They turn around and never see them again, leaving only ripples. The river is very beautiful, like a silver belt stretching from east to west, and the sun shines on the water, which makes people intoxicated!

At this time, if you look up at the sky, you will find the frequent visitors here - egrets. They have a long, thin, black mouth like a bow and arrow, which is convenient for catching fish. They look white all over, skillfully integrate with the clouds in the sky, and play hide and seek with you. They are masters of flying. When they flap their wings, the sky will draw a beautiful curve. Their movements are also very elegant. Sometimes they play "Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg" in the water, or wipe their bodies with their mouths to make up for themselves.

Walking, we came to the end of the park. So we went back the same way, and a white egret flew in the air and shook its wings, probably saying goodbye to us!

Composition of Wetland Park (2)

Writing about Wetland Park

In our daily study, work or life, we have more or less come into contact with composition bar. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that we can understand to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a small collection of interesting essays on wetland park, for reference only, let's have a look.

With the faint fragrance of flowers and soft morning light, I woke up from my sweet dream and started my trip to the park.

The calm sky is silent for me, and the scent of flowers is hidden in the traces of butterflies flying in summer. I stretched out and came to the wetland park. Wow, it's so nice!

The first friend we met was the gurgling stream nearby. She quietly, softly, let the sand and stone at the bottom of the river be seen at a glance. Clear. The stream meanders forward, wears flowers around trees, jumps over streams and rocks, comes from afar with a pure heart, and no one disturbs her. She flows quietly, daydreaming... Greeting the birds flying by, greeting the grass, shaking hands and touching every stone around, every movement and touch is so soft and exciting. Looking at it, I found how happy it is to be a brook. The fish spit out bubbles one by one, which is the deep love of the fish to the brook; The lotus blooms beautifully, which is Hua'er's affectionate invitation to the brook; The falling petals flow with the waves, which is the sweet encounter between flowers and streams... I am drunk.

Suddenly, the wind came and the rain came. A curtain of beads hung between heaven and earth. Unconsciously, I walked into the pavilion to take shelter from the rain. The clear and transparent rain curtain separated me from my troubles. The light raindrops hit the other side of my heart. "Tick tock......" With the rain falling, the world opened a music festival in an instant. The rain doll fell on the roof and bounced up again, stirring up water spray. "Pi Pi pa pa" fell rhythmically, and the sound was like a spiritual spring. I think it was superior to all the music in the world. A ray of light appeared in the sky, and the sun showed half of its face, shyly blooming. Suddenly, I realized the true feeling of the world and marveled at the vastness and vastness.

When the rain stopped, everything was hazy. All the scenes were like ink paintings. Insects and trees made the sound of "chattering", accompanied by the sound of rain dripping, as if it was the aftertaste after the rain, so gentle and beautiful.

It's time to go home. I walked on a road, looking back and gazing at the wetland park, the wetland park in nature, and I was reluctant to part.

Composition of Wetland Park (3)

On the third day of the lunar new year, after we had lunch, a large family came to the wetland park in Longchang, their hometown.

This wetland park is built near the mountain and by the river. It's beautiful! The gate is made of a whole block of bluestone. There are many lifelike auspicious patterns carved by stone masons, including dragon and phoenix, flowers and birds, unicorns, cranes, and many people in ancient legends.

Entering the gate, you will see a beautiful garden, with tall and straight trees, flowers, and a small lawn trimmed neatly. In particular, the red and yellow plums in the plum forest are in full bloom, bringing infinite vitality to the wetland park, and the faint fragrance permeates the park. The wetland park is paved with many stones of different sizes. These stones can massage people's feet. If we walk barefoot on it, it will be very comfortable! On the left side of the park is a large natural lake, whose water is as clear as a mirror.

A few little wild ducks swam freely in the lake, sometimes making a few quacks. Walk down the long corridor by the lake. On both sides of the corridor stand rows of neat lamp posts, which are also carved with beautiful patterns. Along the corridor, we came to the bottom of a bridge. The designers here have ingeniously set up an echo gallery here, which can let people echo their voices like in the valley. It's interesting!

The wetland park here is as beautiful as heaven. Let me linger and forget to return!

Composition of Wetland Park (4)

On Sunday morning, the air was fresh and cloudless. My father, mother and I went to the wetland park to play together. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a sea of colorful flowers. There are purple iris, pink trumpet, white and pink flowers... There are flowers and grass in the wetland. Then I saw a big pond, in which the water was so clear that I could see small fish swimming happily. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound above my head. Looking up, a plane flew by and walked. We saw a big sand pit, in which many children were playing with sand. There were many cacti in the middle of the sand pit. The most interesting thing was that there was a blue cactus in the cactus. I think if I were the director of the wetland park, I would ask the workers to build more toilets to prevent tourists from queuing up.

Suddenly, my grandpa and I heard a roaring sound. I looked carefully at a small train moving towards here. The Wetland Park was quite interesting. On the way back, my father told me: "Wetland is the lung of the world, and we should love it."

Composition of Wetland Park (5)

Wetland Park in Spring On the bright morning of spring, I came to Xixi Wetland Park to look for the breath of spring.

When entering the Wetland Park, the first thing you can see is the water of the lake. Under the sunshine, the lake is shining like a crystal jade. There are also small fish and tadpoles playing in the lake! It has added a lot of vitality to the lake.

On the grass beside the lake, clusters of lilac flowers, set off by green leaves, are so fresh and elegant. When the breeze blows, she gently shakes and rolls, emitting faint fragrance, refreshing. Looking to the left, the bright red roses are in full bloom on the branches. The color is so thick, so pure, and there is no mottle. It is like a burning flame. Look! The green stems of orchids grow out one after another. They are fresh, tender and shiny. Under the sunshine, they are like stars, shining with silver light, making people feel that spring is coming.

On the Hezhu Street, there are a lot of tourists. People wear spring clothes, embrace the spring, and enjoy the warm feeling brought by the spring girl.

Composition of Wetland Park (6)

This summer vacation, my parents and I went to the South Lake Wetland Park.

When we entered the park, we first saw several antique stone pillars. As we walked, we saw a beautiful lake. Then we arrived at a good place to play.

The three members of our family first visited the cruise ship. Looking at its shape, it was glittering. This was a long dragon. The dragon was the cabin of the cruise ship. Entering the dragon body, looking at the antique window and sitting on a classical stool, you will remember the furniture used by ancient people. The cruise ship left. Looking out from the cabin, the lake spray blossomed like a silver white lace winding in the lake.

After taking the cruise, we came to the golden sand bank. The beach is quite wide, a stretch of fine sand, not a single piece of gravel, nor a puddle can be seen.

Look at the sea from the beach. How naughty the sea is! When the children were running on the beach, one after another waves would catch up and run playfully.

The sun gradually slid down the hillside, and the remaining light of the setting sun was the golden sun on the bright lake. At this time, the park was particularly enchanting and unforgettable.

Composition of Wetland Park (7)

When talking about Dafeng, you will naturally think of the famous wetland park.

This morning, the weather was sunny and cloudless. The birds were chirping and singing, breaking the silence of the morning.

I went to the wetland park with my mother and father, and we played all the projects together. First of all, let's play the merry go round first. Whenever the merry go round turns, I feel dizzy. In this way, the merry go round makes me feel dizzy. I waited patiently for when I could get better and stop, and finally stopped. I hurried down to vomit. Then we went to play in the haunted house. It was horrible there. Maybe you were walking on the way, and a man might suddenly come out pretending to be a snake and haunt you. Later, I went to play with bumper cars. Even my father and mother hit me together, they were not as powerful as me. And

This is the Wetland Park. After listening to my introduction, I must also think that the Wetland Park is very interesting!

Composition of Wetland Park (8)

Yesterday afternoon, it was gray and it was still snowing. My friend Zhuang Zhuang and his family invited us to Tanghe's "Youlan Wetland Park".

We took a bus from my grandmother's house to the Wetland Park. After meeting the Zhuang family, we walked about 1 km to the "Feng Youlan Memorial Hall".

We walked to the "Qiaosuo Bridge" and "Wangyue Bridge" about 1 km away from here. I also found many kinds of music boxes on the roadside, from which melodious music came out.

Later, my father took Zhuang Zhuang and I to visit Feng Youlan Memorial Hall. There are many beautiful calligraphy and paintings in it.

What surprised me most was that there was a room. After entering, I saw some calligraphy and paintings first. Then I looked to the left and was startled. Because I saw several fixed figures like real people. It turned out that they were Feng Youlan's family made of rubber. But when I look at them, I always feel that they are just like real people.

After visiting the "Wetland Park", we went to Zhuang Zhuang's home for dinner.

On the way home, I said to my father, "The wetland park is very interesting!"

Composition of Wetland Park (9)

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One Sunday morning, white clouds set off the blue sky. It seems that today's weather is very good! Use this day to go to the Wetland Park!

My mother and I can't wait to get on the bus. Although we are sitting on the bus, we can still clearly see that the wild flowers on the roadside are bigger than our potted plants!

"Here, here --" I cheered. Here, it gives people a refreshing feeling. The first thing I saw was a series of high mountains with different shapes. In the thick fog around the lower part of the mountain, I looked up at the top of the mountain. Some of them looked like crescent moons hanging upside down in the sky; Some are like eagles spreading their wings and soaring in the sky; What's more, it seems that... it has a unique flavor, like entering a fairyland on earth.

My mother and I went further to Woodbridge, which gives people a poetic feeling. There are many big brothers and sisters sketching there! An old grandpa who passed by here seemed to be attracted by the moving picture, and blurted out: "The ground is full of red flowers, and the sky is even clear water."

When we came to the wooden bridge, we saw several small fish swimming happily in the stream under the bridge. After crossing the wooden bridge, many pavilions stood out, with children's laughter rippling inside. There are several "emeralds" in the middle of the pavilion. I lay on the grass and thought about the happy time today.

Composition of Wetland Park (10)

On Sunday morning, the air was fresh and cloudless. My father, my mother and I went to the wetland park to play together. As soon as we entered, I saw a sea of colorful flowers. There are purple iris, pink trumpet, white and pink florets... There are flowers and grass in the wetland. Then I saw a big pond, in which the water was so clear that I could see small fish swimming happily. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound above my head. Looking up, a plane flew by and walked. We saw a big sand pit, in which many children were playing with sand. There were many cacti in the middle of the sand pit. The most interesting thing was that there was a blue cactus in the cactus. I think if I were the director of the wetland park, I would ask the workers to build more toilets to prevent tourists from queuing up.

Suddenly, my grandpa and I heard a roaring sound. I looked carefully at a small train moving towards here. The Wetland Park was quite interesting. On the way back, my father told me: "Wetland is the lung of the world, and we should love it."

Composition of Wetland Park (11)

On a crisp autumn Sunday, my father took my family to Jinghu Wetland Park to play.

As soon as the car stopped, I rushed into the wetland park and was immediately attracted by the scenery in front of me. River. grassland. Wooden bridge... everything is in front of us.

Suddenly, beautiful music came from my left side. Eh, where does such beautiful music come from? In order to find the answer, I followed the sound and walked on a wooden road paved on the river, followed the river and came to an open grassland. The grassland was backed by a mountain. The mountain wall was engraved with six big red characters, "Jinghu Wetland Park". What's more interesting is that I found the trumpet that makes music. They all hide behind the grass! The beautiful sound makes this place seem to be an outdoor concert hall.

Then, we went to the other side of the river. Here is a lush bamboo forest. Because the scenery is very good, many people are taking wedding photos.

Finally, we walked along the plank bridge to the other side of the river, where we could see the reflection of the whole wetland park in the water at a glance. It's really a landscape painting that you can never get tired of seeing!

Time passed quickly, and at noon, we reluctantly left. I said in my heart. Wetland Park - our oasis in Shaoxing, I will come to see you again.

Composition of Wetland Park (12)

Today is a special festival. My mother plans to take me to the park.

When I arrived at the park, I was surprised because the scenery was so intoxicating. Trees surround the park, and flowers are blooming, which are embellishing these beautiful landscape paintings, making me dazzled. I took my mother's hand and couldn't wait to come to a fish pond. The fish there swam around like happy fairies. I saw it and thought: If I could become a fish, I would like to swim happily in the river. My mother patted me on the shoulder and said: "Son, if you don't come fishing, I'll pay for it. "I quickly picked up the hook, hung the bait, and threw it into the water to wait for the small fish to take the bait. Soon, the small fish scrambled to grab the bait. I quickly pulled the hook, and the small fish jumped out of the water one by one, like a rainbow. I picked up the water basin, put the small fish into a small water tank, and picked them up. My heart was secretly pleased, and my mother came and praised:" My son is great. Let's go. Mom will take you to play something else.

Then, my mother and I got on the roller coaster. I was timid and hugged my mother tightly. I closed my eyes and my heart thumped as if I was about to jump out. The roller coaster started, and I only heard the rolling sound of the tires in front of me, and my mother shouted. I covered my ears and closed my mouth tightly. Soon, my eyes were hazy, and a white light gradually appeared, "It's the exit! "I was as ecstatic as a bird just released. Later, my mother and I got off the roller coaster and went home.

I haven't enjoyed enough of the beautiful scenery of the park, but I have already had this harvest, which makes me unforgettable.

Composition of Wetland Park (13)

"A single flower is not spring. A hundred flowers bloom in spring." Qingming Festival is the most suitable season for outing.

In the afternoon of that day, the sunshine was not bad. Led by the parents of my classmates, I and my classmates came to Puyang Jindi River National Beautiful Wetland Park, which was newly built in the south of the old city of Puyang County. Experience the beauty of spring.

As soon as we entered the beautiful wetland park, we were attracted by the music fountain on the square. With the rhythm of the music, the fountain was high and low, slow and fast. Many people laughed and played with the music in the fountain, splashing water and laughing. We also joined them. We were having a good time. When our mother called us, we were covered with drops of water, but our interest remained undiminished.

Along a small bridge made of a row of wooden boards, we traveled southward. The water under the bridge murmured. We stood on the bridge and looked into the distance. The weeping willows swayed on both sides of the river bank. With the gusts of spring wind, the willows danced happily and swayed in various charming postures. The green leaves of the trees also smiled in the sun, making people look bright, fresh and vivid.

Across the bridge, a refreshing fragrance of flowers came to my face, and a golden world appeared in front of my eyes. Following the fragrance of flowers, we flew all the way. It turned out that this was a sea of rape flowers. The rape flowers could not be seen at a glance. Tourists took pictures and enjoyed the flowers among the flowers. The appearance of rape flower is very ordinary. It does not have the elegance of roses, nor the nobility of roses, nor the magnificence of peonies. It opens in obscurity, just like an oil painting painted by a skillful painter. A few white bees are collecting honey from the rape flowers. Occasionally, a few swallows will rush down from the air to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The spring breeze has set off waves in the "golden ocean", and visitors are "flying around" among the rape flowers like flower fairies.

The scenery of spring always makes people nostalgic, the fragrance of flowers in spring always makes people intoxicated, and we always forget the existence of time in spring. The sun has set, we will have to return by car. But I was ready to make an appointment with my classmates to go on the journey of spring again next weekend!

Composition of Wetland Park (14)

When spring came, my parents and I went to Liangdu Wetland Park to play. The wetland park in the cool capital of Liupanshui is like a fairyland on earth, a paradise on earth, a picturesque poem; It is like a little girl, gentle and elegant; It is like a boy, full of vitality

When you enter the wetland park, you can smell the bouquet of flowers at the beginning. The fragrance of flowers comes to you, which makes you feel comfortable at once.

Go ahead and walk onto the Rainbow Bridge. The Rainbow Bridge is colorful and winding, like a mighty long dragon. Looking down, the lake is like emerald. The water is clear to the bottom. From time to time, several black ducklings float on the lake. They swim and play in the lake. There are many small fish playing hide and seek in the water! Rainbow Bridge extends in all directions, with many different roads, making you feel like you are in a maze.

Get off the Rainbow Bridge and walk on the gravel road. The gravel road is covered with fine grass. In spring, flowers are in full bloom, violets, tulips, winter jasmine... flowers and grass are hand in hand, and the breeze is blowing. Flowers and grass greet each other. They are like colorful ribbons around the stone roads, which are dressed up beautifully. Where there are flowers and grass, there are certainly trees. The withered trees in winter are now bursting with vitality. The trees gradually sprouted buds, which dressed the bare trees in shallow green clothes and added vitality to the wetland park. The stone road is very long, and some people can sit on a stone stool to rest when they are tired, breathing fresh air at the same time.

After visiting the Wetland Park, we can't help admiring the beauty of the Wetland Park and lingering in this charming paradise on earth!

Composition of Wetland Park (15)

One day in July, my father, mother, uncle and aunt and I came to Qihe Wetland Park, a national wetland park. There are beautiful mountains and rivers, birds singing and flowers fragrance, and there are slowly flowing streams and dense reeds everywhere. After seeing so many scenes, I can't help going to play in the water!

We went into the water barefoot and stepped on the stones in the water. The water was a little cold and the stones were a little slippery. It was not easy to keep balance. Dad found a reed as soon as he got into the water and shouted to me, "Lin Lin has shrimp here!"! I can't wait to go to catch shrimp with him. There are dozens of shrimps under a water plant. We gently poked away the water plants and saw many shrimps. Dad took a plastic bag and filled it with water. We put all the shrimps we caught into the bag and caught dozens of them.

Suddenly, I heard a sound of "bang", and the water splashed all over me. I looked up and saw that my uncle threw a stone into the water. I also touched a stone from the bottom of the water and threw it at my uncle. Ha ha, it also splashed all over his body. What fun!

In the wetland park, I also found a worm that can suck blood: leech; A plant that eats insects: pitcher grass; I saw a rare dragonfly. Its body was black, and its wings showed a little light blue.

We should take good care of these small wild insects and our earth home.

Composition of Wetland Park (16)

[Part 1: Beautiful Wetland Park]

The Wetland Park is a beautiful large garden, with tall and straight trees, flowers competing for splendor, and a neatly trimmed lawn.

When coming to the Wetland Park, the first thing I saw was several peach trees with pink peach blossoms, which opened their smiling faces in the breeze to welcome every VIP who came to the Wetland Park to play. Walking up the steps, you will see a large artificial lake. The artificial lake is like a piece of jasper inlaid in the wetland park. The lake water is as clear as a mirror. Green trees and flowers are reflected in it, which is like a beautiful watercolor painting. There are also groups of wild ducks playing happily in the lake, chasing each other. The color of wild ducks is different, white, black, black and white. The cry of "Ga! Ga! Ga" seems to be calling for companions and saying, "Welcome!"

Walk down the long corridor by the lake. On both sides of the corridor stand rows of neat lamp posts, which are carved with dancing fairy patterns, very beautiful. The lamppost stands in a row hand in hand, side by side, like a soldier guarding a beautiful wetland park.

Walking along the corridor, we came to an endless botanical garden. The grass was golden, just like a big golden carpet, and it was soft when we walked on it. On this big carpet, the most eye-catching ones are the fiery red camellias. In early spring, while other trees were still sleeping, the camellia tree quietly opened red flowers. Some camellias are in bud, some are graceful, some stand on branches, as if they are welcoming the arrival of spring. There are many plum flowers around the camellia. The yellow plum flowers in the wind are like a girl in a yellow gauze dress showing her beautiful dance. Although the plum blossom has begun to wither, there is still a faint fragrance in the wind, refreshing. A little farther away are the big green cypress trees, which are dressed in green all the year round. A few spring swallows flitted freely across the lake, and a group of birds chirped as if to say: "Spring is coming, spring is coming!" These birds, beautiful flowers and green trees made the wetland park more attractive.

Ah! I love the beautiful wetland park, but also the flowers and trees in the wetland park.

[Part II: Wetland Park]

Today is a happy day. The sky looks very beautiful and sunny under the breeze. Mother took me and my sister to the Wetland Park.

As soon as I entered the Wetland Park, a beautiful picture immediately came into my eyes: a small river crossed the bridge, the water reflected the colorful light of the sun, the breeze gently blowing, like a pair of gentle hands touching our cheeks, the water surface was lack of ripples, sparkling. Like a handful of broken gold spilled in the river. There are tall and straight willows on both sides of the river. From a distance, they look like little girls in green clothes. They are dressing up in front of the mirror. Under the breeze and against the background of the river, willow girls spread their charming long hair and looked very beautiful. The grass in the grass is so naughty. It emerges from the soil. In order to grow up quickly, it greedily drinks the nectar of spring. The grass is full and puts on a strong body. It's lovely. Suddenly, a variety of colorful flowers grow on the head of the grass. They rush to show their beauty and release refreshing fragrance, attracting many tourists, bees and butterflies.

Look! There are many people flying kites, and the colorful moments fly all over the sky. Colorful kites chase each other, like groups of cute and naughty elves. Look, the wings of the "butterfly" kite swing up and down; The eyes of the "dragonfly" kite were rolling, as if they were thinking of a good way to catch insects; How impressive the "peacock" kite with its colorful screen; The "dragon head centipede" kite has a big mouth and a burning fireball in its mouth, which is really like a fire dragon flying in the sky.

The sunset seems to be attracted by the beautiful picture, and is unwilling to leave for a long time. Finally, it reluctantly left a trace of afterglow to the earth and disappeared on the horizon. We also reluctantly went home. The wetland park is really fascinating!

[Part III: Journey to Wetland Park]

One Sunday morning, white clouds set off the blue sky. It seems that today's weather is very good! Use this day to go to the Wetland Park!

My mother and I couldn't wait to get on the bus. Although sitting in the car, you can still clearly see that the wild flowers on the roadside are bigger than our potted plants!

"Here, here --" I cheered. Here, it gives people a refreshing feeling. The first thing I saw was a series of high mountains with different shapes. In the thick fog around the lower part of the mountain, I looked up at the top of the mountain. Some of them looked like crescent moons hanging upside down in the sky; Some are like eagles spreading their wings and soaring in the sky; What's more, it seems that... has a unique flavor. It's like walking into a fairyland on earth.

My mother and I went further to the wooden bridge, which gives us a poetic feeling. There are many big brothers and sisters sketching there! An old grandpa who passed by here seemed to be attracted by the moving picture, and blurted out: "The ground is full of red flowers, and the sky is even clear water."

When we came to the wooden bridge, we saw several small fish swimming happily in the stream under the bridge. After crossing the wooden bridge, many pavilions stood out, with children's laughter rippling inside. There are several "emeralds" in the middle of the pavilion. I lay on the grass thinking about the happy time today·

[Chapter 4: Beautiful Wetland Park]

My hometown is Guangyuan, a forest city near mountains and rivers. There are not only many places of interest here, but also many natural scenic spots, such as Nanshan, Tangjiahe, Xuexi Cave... But I like wetland parks.

In spring, as soon as you arrive at the wetland park, you will feel the fresh air, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, because the wetland park has a new scenery: yellow jasmine flowers, pink peach flowers, snow-white pear flowers... all gathered like a fair, forming a colorful world of flowers. The willow trees spit out tender green leaves, draw out new branches, and swing their graceful bodies in the spring breeze. How beautiful!

In summer, the wetland park is a good place for people to enjoy the cool. Sitting in the pavilion, adults drink tea while watching the lotus in the pond. We wear sandals to tread the water in the brook, leaving us a lot of laughter and happiness.

In autumn, chrysanthemums bloomed all over the park, red, purple, yellow... workers also used potted chrysanthemums to put together various patterns, so beautiful! The maple leaves in the maple forest are red like clouds, and the fiery maple leaves fall down like red butterflies flying.

In winter, the red and yellow plums in the plum forest are in full bloom, bringing infinite vitality to the wetland park in winter. The faint fragrance pervades the park. People always forget the cold and come to the park to enjoy the plum in the snow.

The wetland park is charming all the year round. I love it, and I love my hometown Guangyuan even more!

[Chapter 5: Wetland Park]

Spring girl came to the world quietly with light steps. When spring comes, everything recovers, birds sing and flowers smell. Today, the weather was sunny, and with some cool spring breeze, I invited several good friends to go to the Wetland Park to experience the beauty of spring.

Once we arrived at the wetland park, a cool spring breeze gently blew across our cheeks. The spring breeze slowly blew into our hearts, making us feel relaxed and happy.

In the park, we found that the grass broke through the pressure of the soil layer, revealed a green, curious little head, greedily sucking the nectar of spring, enjoying the embrace of spring. The grass is green, and there is nothing to look at; The flowers are also in bud, twisting their elegant posture and showing their beauty. There are bright red camellia, petite and lovely winter jasmine, and charming peach blossom, etc. The flowers are bursting out one after another.

The willow girl shed her long hair and swung back and forth in the wind. The naughty willow branches were playing and playing with the spring wind. There are also pine trees, cypress trees, poplar trees and so on. They all cheered and shouted for the coming of spring. The smell of spring is fresh and fragrant. Walking in the wetland park, the smell of Nami people's heart and spleen comes to the nostrils, blowing everything bright and full of spring; Walking in the garden, the sweet smell is like the embrace of all things, making everything full of romantic atmosphere. Walking on the lawn, the grass exudes a kind of human, full of fighting spirit, making all things strive to grow.

Spring girl came to nature with vigorous steps. Under her call, everything woke up like a slightly blooming flower bud. What a wonderful picture it is!

[Chapter 6: Wetland Park]

Autumn is high and cool, the sky is high and the clouds are light, which is the good weather for playing. With nothing to do, we decided to go out for a walk and came to Weihe Wetland Park unconsciously.

We walked along the river bank and came to the lotus pond first. Unfortunately, there are no beautiful lotus in that pool. However, it was not bad. The plump lotus pomelos were arranged in an orderly manner, as if they were nodding to us to say hello. The lotus leaves floating on the water seem to slightly raise their heads and enjoy the small bridge winding on the water. The bridge is beige, with an antique flavor. Dragonflies occasionally fly over the bridge.

Let's move on. Look, the beach is ahead. I heard there are shells on the beach. I decided to find shells with my sister. But after looking for a long time, I didn't even find the shadow of a shell. I was so angry that I picked up the sand and became angry, while my sister looked at me and smiled. I was even more angry, and could not help shouting: "I'm so angry!" My sister ran to me and said: "OK, don't be angry, let's play in the sand heap!" "OK!" I was happy again.

After saying that, we started. Soon, a lovely baby was born. She had crescent eyes, a high nose, and a slightly cocked mouth. How lovely! I happily grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into the sky. When I looked back, it was a pool of clear water that was wrinkled by the autumn wind. The shallow ripples came to us and gently stroked my feet. The cool feeling made you feel the beauty of nature.

Some people say that "water is an inverted sky". Yes, Weihe River is blue. It is the inverted sky, as blue and transparent as the sky. She is our mother river and is closely related to Changyi people.

Weihe River, with beautiful environment and pleasant scenery, is a beautiful "wetland park"!

[Chapter 7: Visit Wetland Park]

This morning, my father took my brother and I to the Wetland Park to play.

When we arrived at the Wetland Park, we first enjoyed the scenery while cycling: the willow girl's braids were floating in the wind; The green clothes of Brother Pine make people feel the beauty of nature.

We arrived at the bottom of a bridge. The river, once exposed to the sun, showed many colors. The little wild ducks swam freely in the river, making several quacks from time to time.

We got on the bridge. The bridge was made of a kind of stone with many beautiful patterns carved on it. We stood on the bridge and watched the beauty of the wetland park. The river is green as if it were a flawless emerald; The willows seemed to dance in the wind; The flowers are like beautiful girls dancing in the wind.

We came to a rockery. There was a cave in the rockery. My brother and I bravely went in, but there was no sunshine inside. We walked straight ahead to the exit. Outside the exit was a big river, which was very wide. The small pine trees on the rockery embrace the rockery like mothers like children. There is a small waterfall beside the rockery, which is very beautiful. I think it is more beautiful than Lushan Waterfall.

The wetland park is paved with many stones of different sizes. These stones can massage people's feet when walking on it, so we walk barefoot on it. It's really comfortable!

As we walked along the stone road, there was a beach in front of us. There were many people digging sand on it. To see who could dig water first, suddenly a child shouted, "I've dug water! I've dug water!" According to the staff here, it's all man-made beaches, so it's very easy to dig water.

Beside the beach is a large lotus pool, in which the lotus flowers are blooming: red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow... One after another, the lotus flowers are blooming in the wind.

We are leaving the Wetland Park. I will never forget her beauty. Although the river water is not as much as the Lijiang River, it seems more beautiful than the Lijiang River; The bridge seems more spectacular than Lugou Bridge; The beautiful lotus always reminds me of the beautiful poem "Let the only lotus come out of the mud without stain".

Wetland Park, you are more beautiful than heaven!

[Chapter 8: Visit Wetland Park]

Last summer, the heat was unbearable. My family and I took a bus to the cool Eighteen Bay. After another three or four minutes, we arrived at the destination - Wetland Park.

When I got off the bus, I looked at the green grass. Several pavilions and a large pond separated the grass. But I always felt that they were just gems inlaid on the green carpet. Although they were dazzling, they could not separate the green grass. I felt itchy in my heart. Finally, I couldn't help but run to the grass first and enjoy the comfort of a bed on the grass. As I lay on the grass, I felt that every grass was cold and soft. Although the sun was high, the grass still kept moist after being moistened by dew in the morning. I slept on it. Instead of being "dried" by the heat on my body, the grass quietly wiped the heat off my body, making me feel more comfortable than taking a cold bath. I squinted for a while, sat up again, and thought of a more enjoyable way - walking barefoot on the grass. I took off my sandals and walked on the grass. My feet were soft, as if I were walking on clouds. The water still seeped into my skin from time to time. It was cool and I felt a bit ethereal.

Unconsciously, I came to a small bridge, surrounded by a large pond. In the pool is "endless green lotus leaves meet the sky, and lotus flowers look red in the sun". The high and low lotus leaves scrambled to go to the market. I stood on tiptoe again and could see several "girls" with light rouge. Although they were crowded in the crowd of "people", there were also shy faces. Although these lotus flowers haven't grown tall yet, they have some lingering charm of "ladies of all families". My feet were tired when I stood on tiptoe, so I sat down and looked down into the water. Suddenly, I saw the calm water moving twice. I looked carefully, hee, there were two loaches swimming in the water! They were spitting bubbles at us on the water surface, as if they were telling us something. I was going to catch them, but they drew back again. The calm water surface rippled, which hit the lotus leaf pole one by one. The lotus leaf shook its head, and crystal like beads rolled into the water one after another. Looking at the clear water, I couldn't wait to put my hand into the water. Suddenly, a refreshing coolness rushed at me again. I then extended my hand down again, and unexpectedly I felt the shrimps, so I kept catching them

Gradually, the gentle wind gently brushed my cheek, and I suddenly felt more sleepy. It was already afternoon, and we walked into the pavilion leisurely. The gusts of cool wind coming in my face once again took away my physical and mental fatigue and irritability, and made my mind become more clear at once. I wanted to enjoy it again, but time had slipped away inadvertently, I had to take the comfort from the Wetland Park and embark on the return journey

Composition of Wetland Park (17)

Article 1: A visit to the beautiful wetland park

When I entered the park, I saw a big stone with bright red characters "Beautiful Wetland Park of Green Pond River" engraved on it. Around this stone, we can see the winding paths in the forest. Beside us, we can see beautiful flowers and green trees everywhere. With the slight morning breeze, the faint fragrance of flowers comes to you, which makes you feel refreshed. On the treetops, the birds are chirping happily, just like singing a beautiful hymn!

Along the path, in the middle of the park, there is a lotus pond which is the size of two football fields. The lotus leaves in the pond are close to me, and I am close to you. It is very dense, like open green umbrellas. The lotus fragrance is strong in the breeze, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. In the center of the lotus pond, there is a round pavilion. A curved bridge runs through the pavilion, connecting the two sides of the lotus pond. This is the best place for people to watch the lotus flowers. It is intoxicating to be in the pavilion when the lotus flowers are in full bloom.

At the end of the path, there is an open place, where all kinds of sports equipment are arranged. It is a good place for people to exercise in the morning and evening. The laughter of children also permeates here all the year round. Look, there are a group of children playing there. One child did push ups there, probably because he was too fat. He was exhausted without doing it twice; Two more children are playing walking training, one is running, the other is chasing. Because the equipment is fixed, we can't escape and catch up. It's funny.

Ah, the scenery of the beautiful wetland park is so charming. You must be moved by my description, right? I will often go there for a walk in the future, hoping to meet you!

Part 2: A Tour of the Beautiful Wetland Park

"A single flower is not spring. A hundred flowers bloom in spring." Qingming Festival is the most suitable season for outing.

In the afternoon of that day, the sunshine was not bad. Led by the parents of my classmates, I and my classmates came to Puyang Jindi River National Beautiful Wetland Park, which was newly built in the south of the old city of Puyang County. Experience the beauty of spring.

As soon as we entered the beautiful wetland park, we were attracted by the music fountain on the square. With the rhythm of the music, the fountain was high and low, slow and fast. Many people laughed and played with the music in the fountain, splashing water and laughing. We also joined them. We were having a good time. When our mother called us, we were covered with drops of water, but our interest remained undiminished.

Along a small bridge made of a row of wooden boards, we traveled southward. The water under the bridge murmured. We stood on the bridge and looked into the distance. The weeping willows swayed on both sides of the river bank. With the gusts of spring wind, the willows danced happily and swayed in various charming postures. The green leaves of the trees also smiled in the sun, making people look bright, fresh and vivid.

Across the bridge, a refreshing fragrance of flowers came to my face, and a golden world appeared in front of my eyes. Following the fragrance of flowers, we flew all the way. It turned out that this was a sea of rape flowers. The rape flowers could not be seen at a glance. Tourists took pictures and enjoyed the flowers among the flowers. The appearance of rape flower is very ordinary. It does not have the elegance of roses, nor the nobility of roses, nor the magnificence of peonies. It opens in obscurity, just like an oil painting painted by a skillful painter. A few white bees are collecting honey from the rape flowers. Occasionally, a few swallows will rush down from the air to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The spring breeze has set off waves in the "golden ocean", and visitors are "flying around" among the rape flowers like flower fairies.

The scenery of spring always makes people nostalgic, the fragrance of flowers in spring always makes people intoxicated, and we always forget the existence of time in spring. The sun has set, we will have to return by car. But I was ready to make an appointment with my classmates to go on the journey of spring again next weekend!

Part 3: A Tour of the Beautiful Wetland Park

This Saturday, our Libi Composition School organized a trip to the beautiful wetland park. I happily prepared snacks and put on my favorite skirt.

As there were many people, we went together in groups. Some are buses, and some are teachers' electric cars. Fortunately, Wang Shilong and I are sitting in Mr. Shi's electric car. Ha ha, it's good! We went to the square first and waited for the group of slow guys taking the bus. After gathering, we set out for the beautiful wetland park.

When we got to the park, there was another group of students waiting for us. Many people! The scenery of the beautiful wetland park is really beautiful. The wind gently blows on our faces, which is very comfortable. Under the guidance of the teacher, we lined up in a long line, enjoying the scenery while listening to the teacher's explanation. We walked across the bridge and came to a flagstone road. The water beside it was covered with green small round leaves, like a green blanket. I asked my teacher what it was. The teacher told me it was duckweed. They had no roots and floated freely on the water. After a while, we saw the lotus, lying there quietly, with a dragonfly resting on it. There are also oleander, plum tree, pomegranate flower, willow, and so on. They are colorful and beautiful. If you pay attention, you can smell the fragrance of flowers. Some flowers and butterflies are flying, which is very beautiful.

Later, we sat together on a shady lawn, and the teacher played a guessing game with us. Everyone is eager to answer. There are prizes! The teacher asked everyone about Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, who wrote a poem about great motherly love. Why should I recite it? I always knew it by myself, so I raised my hand in alarm. When the teacher saw it and asked me to answer, I shouted, "Call me a wandering boy Yin. My mother's thread in her hand, a wandering boy's coat, and close seams before leaving, I was afraid of returning late." The teacher praised me and gave me prizes. I smiled happily.

Later, we came to the beach. We played games together, fifty cents and one dollar. Everyone was very happy. Late at night, we were going home, but on our way back, it suddenly rained heavily, and everyone was wet, ugly but happy.

This time, I learned a lot about the beautiful wetland park.

Composition of Wetland Park (18)

When you come to the wetland park and walk down the slope, the first thing you see is a large area of lush trees, which seems to be cut by the garden trees in a unique shape, vigorous and straight. Many birds often come to join in and chirp, as if to give this beautiful song. It is also like a soldier standing on both sides of the road. Whether it is windy or rainy, they still stand there to shelter people from the wind and rain. The branches of willow trees dance like green ribbons in the wind. Pine trees produce pinecones of different sizes, which are scattered on the dark green crown, like naughty squirrels. There are also many of the most attractive forsythia flowers in the Wetland Park. The branches it sticks out are full of golden yellow, like bright golden branches, surrounded by each other, setting off the lively graffiti (depicting) the bright spring. As we watched and walked, we came to the Jiuqu Zhanqiao Pier. It was like a giant dragon lying on the lake. Looking down from the bridge, we could see the lake water was very clear, so clear that we could see the stones and small fish playing on the bottom. After walking through the zigzag trestle, you will walk to the Deshang Bridge. You can see the Moon Lake at a glance. When there is sunshine in the Moon Lake, the water will be sparkling. The lush trees beside the Moon Lake are reflected in the water. Moon Lake is really like a bright and transparent mirror! It is so charming, so beautiful, so beautiful, so colorful, so beautiful! Wetland park is really a place for individual leisure and entertainment.

The wetland park is so beautiful and attractive! If you go there, you will see lakes and mountains, blue sky and green trees, which will present a fascinating ecological picture in front of your eyes!