Visit the Forbidden City in Beijing
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2023-09-02 09:27:48

The Forbidden City in Beijing, a mysterious place, has left a deep impression on me. It has a long history and its scenery is unforgettable. If I have a chance, I will revisit it again.
On August 26, when my parents and I came to Tiananmen Square, I saw a tall and magnificent red building from a long distance. The most prominent one was the portrait of Chairman Mao hanging in the middle. On both sides of the portrait were large yellow characters in Song typeface: Long live the People's Republic of China and long live the great unity of the people of the world. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly declared to the world that "the People's Republic of China was founded" at the founding ceremony. At that time, Chairman Mao made the announcement standing on the Tiananmen Tower. Below the tower are three huge door openings. Stepping through the white marble steps in front of the door openings, we entered the Forbidden City from the main entrance.
I think the most magnificent building is the Hall of Supreme Harmony. How big the Hall of Supreme Harmony is! Splendor, magnificent momentum. According to data, the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City in Beijing is one of the three oriental halls, commonly known as the Hall of Golden Luan. Its function is not small. It is not used for going to court, but for holding various ceremonies or major conferences.
What impressed me most was the Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall in the Forbidden City in Beijing. There are many cultural relics in it, which is an eye opener and full of praise. The most exquisite is the long necked bottle made in the official kiln, which is colorful, graceful, noble and elegant. The most interesting thing is the Buddha statues. Many Buddha statues have more than one head and are covered with hands and feet, which is incredible. The most surprising thing is that the memorials of officials are all written with brush, and the characters are beautiful. Do they also practice calligraphy like me?
In the afternoon, we walked out of the Shenwu Gate and left the Forbidden City in Beijing. The sights and things in the Forbidden City in Beijing still flash before my eyes, and I am filled with regrets: how majestic the royal family is, how industrious and intelligent our ancestors are, how precious the country's civilization has a long history of thousands of years. I am proud of my motherland and I am proud of being a Chinese.
Expert comments:
This is a travel note about the Forbidden City in Beijing. The article takes our whereabouts as the main line and focuses on the "Taihe Palace". The writing is exquisite and vivid, such as "the most interesting is the Buddha statues, many of which have more than one head and are covered with hands and feet, which is incredible", and the writing is fresh.