Composition on warmth (18 practical articles)
Charming posture
2023-08-19 01:55:13

Composition on warmth (1)

Warmth is a bright light, which illuminates the way of return for the prodigal son; Warmth is a bottle of good medicine, which can comfort the injured soul; Warmth is a cup of warm water, warming my heart in the cold winter

Remember that day, it was raining heavily. The sky is covered with dark clouds, like a thousand troops, surging and rolling. After school, the wind mixed with little rain fell down. I sat in the classroom, looking out of the window at the dense raindrops in the air, I had mixed feelings. In one corner of the campus, there was a scene that made me feel warm.

A cleaner attracted my attention. She was wearing a thin dress, and her shoes were also exposed to the rain. She was laboriously sweeping with a wet broom in her hands. Look! The cleaner held the broom tightly and swept the floor quietly. Because the rain leaves are almost stuck to the ground, she slowly bent down to hold the bottle, and then struggled to stand up. Her eyebrows were almost locked together, her face was red, and she beat her waist with her hands from time to time. Why don't you wear a raincoat when it's raining so hard? I am puzzled.

Look! There is also a cleaner there. But she wore a raincoat, but it was very inconvenient to work. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and a dazzling lightning was drawn in the sky, which put the Buddha to spread a layer of silver light on everything around! At that moment, I understood.

It turned out that the reason why the cleaning worker didn't wear raincoat was that he didn't hesitate to wet himself for better work and campus cleaning. What a great spirit! The rain was still falling, and the big rain of broad beans hit the glass, and then a thunderous explosion made people jump! Seeing this scene, I wanted to rush down to protect her from the rain. At this time, a young pioneer put up an umbrella on her head. She smiled, how brilliantly she smiled. I also smiled, heartily. The wind is blowing on me. But my heart is warm.

Ah! What a nice person! I will always remember the warmth, the cleaner. The street light outside is on, the light is flickering, and the light is pouring on my body and my heart!

Composition on warmth (2)

I was touched by many things, but I was not touched by a beautiful dress, superior living conditions, or money. Only a little truth moved me.

I remember it was in the third grade. One day, I hurried back to the classroom to make preparations before class. Suddenly, something tripped me. I felt my knee hurt like a needle. I tried to stand up, but my knee hurt more and I couldn't stand up. Big drops of sweat slid down from my forehead, and my eyes turned red. A few boys on one side saw me sitting on the ground, laughing at me with impunity. I felt helpless, so I had to ignore them and hope that a teacher could just come to help me.

Just then, a group of girls ran towards me from the balcony. "Are they coming to help me?" Just thinking, they have come to my side. "Let's help you up," Dong Mohan said to me sincerely. Others rushed to help me. Suddenly, a piercing pain made me frown. When they saw my expression, they were more careful. They simply carried me from the corridor to the classroom and gently placed me on the seat. I thought: If they hadn't helped me and helped me to my position, I might have tried to stand up in the corridor. They surrounded me and looked at me earnestly. Huang Chulin carefully tied up my trouser legs. Seeing that there was blood on them, she hurriedly asked another classmate to bring me a clean napkin and wipe the blood on it for me. At this time, the class bell rang. I put down my rolled up pants and motioned for them to hurry back to their positions.

After class, they gathered around me and talked about happy things with me. I was infected by their happy atmosphere and gradually melted into their topic. We talked and laughed. I felt my legs were not so painful, and I smiled. Zhang Weier encouraged me to take a few steps to try. I held the table for a few steps, and they showed a knowing smile.

Warm can be a few words or just a few tiny actions, but it is everywhere. The love of my classmates warms me, and I also want to bring my love to friends in need, so that everyone is surrounded by warmth, and the world is full of warmth and warmth.

Composition on warmth (3)

Kinship can make people selflessly contribute everything; Kinship can make people warm; There are thousands of touching stories in the world. Among them, the family story in a recent real story is unforgettable to me.

A poor family, the father abandoned their mother and son. The mother brought up her son with difficulty, and the son lived up to her mother's love for him, studied hard, and finally got admitted to Peking University. Although not very rich, but happy to live. Unfortunately, the mother was seriously ill and faced with the danger of her life, so her son sent her to a hospital in Guangzhou for treatment. During the treatment, he also talked about a lot of money, which was donated by warm-hearted people.

However, her mother's condition did not improve, she thought; Before she dies, she can return to her hometown to have a look. However, her hometown is Sichuan. Guangzhou is quite far away from Sichuan. However, in order to fulfill his mother's wish, his son rode a tricycle from Sichuan to Guangzhou in the cold winter when he was penniless. On the way, he had no food for many days. In addition, the weather was cold and he was wearing a pair of gloves. At that time, he just wanted to take his mother back to his hometown.

He did not care about himself at all. Finally, his son spent more than 20 days riding to his mother's side. When the son came to his mother, he put on a happy smile to face her, because he didn't want her to know his situation, and didn't want her to worry about him. However, as a mother, how could she not know?

The mother asked her son to remove the gloves quickly. She would not get on the car. However, her son resolutely refused to remove the gloves, because his hands had been injured, he had been riding a bicycle for a long time, his hands were damaged, and the gloves had been stuck by accumulated blood. It was not easy to remove the gloves. At that moment, my mother had shed beads of tears.

From the above example, I deeply feel the existence of kinship.

Although the father left their mother and son, their mother and son depended on each other, and each other could sacrifice for the other, which showed their precious kinship between mother and son.

Composition on warmth (4)

I had a dispute with my mother today. The reason was not me, but my mother. She was too old-fashioned. She had to wear me a gray coat with cartoon Mickey Mouse design. So I had a dispute with my mother, and I rushed out of the house in anger

I walked aimlessly on the street alone, and the afterglow of the sunset lengthened my lonely figure, which seemed a bit bleak. As I walked, I imagined my parents' busy figure and painful expression in my mind in order to find me; My father scolded my mother for her harsh voice; The way my mother kept crying silently... to comfort my soul. Thinking about it, I looked up and saw that the sun had already changed shifts with the moon, and I didn't know how many circles I had made in the nearby streets. At this time, a chill hit me, and I could not help shivering. My hands kept rubbing the goose bumps on my arms. How I longed to return to my warm little bed! But my invisible self-esteem still drives me forward.

Once again, I passed by the house. When I saw the children in the neighborhood playing coquettishly in their parents' arms, I couldn't stand it anymore

I have to admit that I lost this family debt, and I lost miserably. When I said in my heart, I found a note:

"Xuzi, your father and I will go out to do something, and we will come back soon. There is a meal prepared for you by your mother on the table. Eat it while it is hot! If it is cold, eat it hot again, and be careful not to spoil your stomach.

Love your mother "

As I read, I felt warm and sad. I kept complaining that my parents didn't come to see me. Am I really not important to them

After a while, the door opened with a "squeak". I clearly saw my mother and father's helpless eyes and saw that when I was munching on the steamed bun, my face turned from very haggard to ecstatic. I actually understood everything at that moment

Yeah! "There is no rainbow without wind and rain." After this incident, I felt a warm longing for my family.

Composition on warmth (5)

Composition on warmth: warmth of the heart 1

What is warmth?

In summer and autumn, the sun was still high in the sky, but it was not as hot as the previous day. When the wind blows, it is pregnant with fruit; The trees and flowers are warm with golden light. Sometimes shaking, sometimes overflowing with golden laughter.

The sun fell on the dark room, slightly becoming brighter. The sun shines on pedestrians, and there is light in their hearts.

Recently, I don't know why. I always bother to do things without interruption. I forgot to take my homework and was instructed by the teacher; Then he was scolded for providing "information"; Recently, I fell down again, which is full of disasters. It happened that it was the National Day holiday again, and those who were limping around could not even enjoy life.

Of course, some people will care. "Oh, it's really serious to go to school after being injured." Although I know they have no malice and don't care about them, I always sound ironic, which makes me like a swan with broken wings. I can fly up to the ninth cloud to ask for disillusionment. I can only sigh and lament, and nobody knows, jumping around impatiently.

The days became shorter, and early in the evening. Without sunshine, the room became dark again. Every household lights up.

Back home, let's take advantage of modern technology to ease our worries. A depressed expression is reflected on the computer. "The water will flow more when the knife is cut off, and the worry will be more when the cup is raised." It is true that the empty heart is empty. Then the door rang. I was puzzled to open the door, and was surprised to find that my friends had come to spend the war with me. They knew I had hurt my foot and brought some board games. Singing and harmonizing, I laughed the whole afternoon and took away many sorrows.

Later, I learned that they made a special appointment to get me excited.

It was they who brought a lamp. Although it was simple, it made the room extremely bright, illuminating every corner and taking away the darkness. This is the warmth, the warmth to the bottom of my heart.

What is warmth? Let me tell you. Warmness is a wonderful thing that sublimates people's hearts when they are connected.

Composition on warmth: warmth of the heart 2

Warm may be a ray of sunshine, a cup of hot tea, or a kind greeting. In short, warm is everywhere.

That year, on a cold and windy morning, I finally got rid of the temptation of the quilt when I was sleepy. I crept to the desk and looked out the window. By this time, the vendors had already set up their stalls and shouted fearlessly. I habitually opened the window that was already full of steam, but a gust of wind came, and I could not help but shiver. After the dress was ready, a question arose in my mind -- where was Grandpa?

My thoughts flew to this time yesterday. I was sitting at the table vaguely eating a bowl of porridge with a clear soup and little water for the traditional breakfast, and still murmured: 'When I eat porridge every day, I see the porridge head is big'. But this sentence was so light that grandpa heard it. Then a motive came into my mind: I can't buy breakfast for me! Then there was a sound of opening the door. I suddenly looked back and saw an old man standing at the door with a pale face and a small bag in his hand. He said, 'Eat quickly, don't wait for it to cool.' I saw grandpa shivering all over, and even his voice seemed to increase the high delay. I ate this steamed bun and felt warm.

Winter vacation days are always cold and warm. On that day, I was sitting under the air conditioner in full armor playing games, but suddenly there was a sound of "thumping thumping thumping thumping" against the city gate, which broke the deadlock. I had to rub my hands and walk out of the warm "Oval Wing House", while opening the door, I also cried out who was bitter! It was Xiao Ming, my classmate Are you busy now? Why don't we go mountain climbing now? This question is allowed by me. Let's go. We finally arrived at Tinglin Park after a lot of hard work. At the door, he said, 'Now go to buy tickets and I'll buy water.'. At this time, my face was blank. Then we reached halfway up the mountain, and a chill came to our hearts. I asked, 'Why don't we go back?' But he smiled back and said that you would not be afraid? Don't you want to spend that 60 yuan extravagance? Then I climbed the whole mountain silently without saying anything, and my body was not cold.

Warmness may be a dedication, or a hidden encouragement. I think the results of both are the same.

Composition on warmth: warmth of the heart 3

Applause fell to the ground, the years passed without trace, the songs rose, and the dances were gorgeous. That year, it was still warm.

We used to meet in the romantic rainy season to sing our youth with cracked voice and dazzle our dreams with bright dancing.

Peach blossom red in my dream several times

In the middle of the night, the moonlight dived into the room with the wind, cutting deep stripes on the sleeping face, like open or closed eyes, thinking about pity, reluctant to part, nostalgia. We use years to carry our dreams and the future to remember the past. In the dream, we stood in the corner of the blooming flowers and watched the peach blossoms turn red. Pulling the corner of your clothes, you blushed, stretched out a stiff hand, waved, and you confessed to each other. The initial love warmed the whole spring.

The wind in summer blows all over the city.

Carry your backpack, cross the city and village, and enter the hall of youth. You will be frightened, confused and afraid, and step into the class full of strangers. You are timid and start to want to escape, but the threshold will never go out. Cheerful laughter comes to your ears. Hello, the lightest greeting. You are stunned, and your hand is tight again when holding your bag. The wind is not harmonious and the wind is pleasant, blowing the handsome hair disorderly, blowing away the fear of the first encounter, blowing the hair all over the city, but the hot warmth is the only thing that can not blow the hair.

I can't wait for the day.

The car is full of people, and the car is full of joy. Full of happiness and warmth. We discussed erudition and title issues together. The sun shone on the ponytail, turned golden when we sorted it out, and the smile was frozen in the album. Time let him flow, quietly, suddenly, you said that it was not yet light. I turned my head and looked at the night sky dotted with stars. Loneliness arose spontaneously. I said with a smile, if you can't wait for dawn, wait for time. The conversation between the two girls warmed the whole night.

Graduation certificate, three years of hair blowing.

The graduation ceremony came unexpectedly. The singing sounded and Lang Lang scholar sounded. I placed my thoughts on the past. I looked at the tired face of the teacher, looked at me sleeping, looked at the wicker outside the window, and felt that time was slipping away. We had no time to catch the time and appreciated the program celebrating our graduation. We cheered, but when the last words were over, when we held the teacher's calloused hands, the mist hidden in the bottom of my heart finally climbed into my eyes, just the warmth of refueling was always there.

The warmth of youth was still there that year.


Composition on warmth: warmth in the heart 4

Family, she has accompanied me since I was sensible, countless days and months. The years and stars are slowly passing by, but she is still waiting for me with endless warmth

The source of strength comes from kinship, and determination, faith and courage are found in kinship. How many times in the evening and sunset, I gazed at the sky and felt the warmth and concern of my understanding. With ignorance and longing, I always travel with ideal. Running rivers, crossing mountains and climbing to the top of victory with courage are all kinship, which gives me confidence. Countless failures can always be faced bravely, and countless problems can always be overcome. The spiritual consolation can not be given except for family love. In life, it becomes warm because of family affection.

My father and mother are my closest relatives. They are the ones who created me today. Listening to their stories, I grew up slowly, learned to distinguish right from wrong, and hated evil like an enemy; Learn to be generous, confident and brave. Every bit of life penetrates the love in the world. Every success includes this silent support... Family love, the source of everything, is the embodiment of hope and courage. However, it moistens everyone's heart with warmth and care.

When I am hesitating, when I am helpless, family ties always cheer me up. Kinship is not expressed in words, but in silently understanding and understanding. The pure land in the heart is always filled with kinship.

The bell of history wakes the sleeping soul, and family love can change everything. I have felt her magic power countless times, and I hope to fly with the song. The balloon of family love flies to the blue sky with many people's dreams.

I am happy because of the loving care of my family. My ship of life has set sail to the sea. I am not afraid of the storm, because the sail of family will not be destroyed, I firmly believe that I will take success to the other side, to meet the rainbow after the storm, the new sun!

Feeling the affection, I get the warmth of my heart, I want to fly with my dream, because the affection is with me

Composition on warmth: warmth of the heart 5

Whose enchanting dance is all over the mountains and rivers, whose smile hides all the tears, whose soul warms the confusion of the prosperous times... The history of the legend of Zhaojun can not be wiped out through the waves, and the long wind of time can not blow the old city to accept the beauty. We can't help asking: whose soul have you warmed with your heart?

In the face of marriage, when the funeral concubines in the harem scrambled to hide, Zhaojun stepped forward and was willing to be the envoy of marriage. Your unrepentant mind warmed the indifferent hearts of many people inside and outside the court. When the prince of a big man saw Zhaojun's "rich, glorious and beautiful decorations, bright Han Palace, Gu Ying wandering and getting moved", he regretted sorting out his life, and Zhaojun smiled

I picked up a star with dew, cut the cloud in the west under Xu Zhimo's pen, cut it into colorful exercises, and made your wedding dress for you. How I wish I could also cut your sorrow of parting. I watched with tears, Zhaojun, it was you who warmed my mind that hesitated to dream.

In the boundless desert, the unchangeable thing is to leave people's choice. "The moon on the land of the Han Dynasty and Qin Dynasty illuminates the imperial concubine by taking photos". You bravely waved your tears to the west, and watched your figure standing toward the place where the setting sun was far away. The wild geese flew low and the moon shone high. Did your heart warm the hearts of heaven and earth?

You pick up your beloved pipa and say, "The pipa has spoken in Hu for thousands of years, and clearly resents the music.". Your tenderness has been turned into rain drops at dusk, falling into dust, and merging into a bay of wordless sadness. You look for the last drop of rain, and when it falls, it is your tears; Do, but can not forget the world you have come, this distance you have set foot in. The annals of Han Dynasty also engraved that this tear never dried up.

You look back and smile knowingly, because you saw the scene of "the city gate is closed, cattle and horses are spreading wild, there is no dog barking in the third generation, and the people forget to fight". Since then, the wind outside the Great Wall is no longer cold, the Zhengfu is no longer complaining, and the complaining wives are no longer crying. They burst into tears and laughed, and countless families ended their sleepless nights. Only because you have warmed all this with your unrepentant mind.

Zhaojun, a woman shouldered the prosperity of a dynasty with her weak shoulders;

Zhaojun, a woman's unrepentant heart warmed the big man's heart - in exchange for nearly half a century of peace and tranquility of the big man.

Warm your heart with your heart, it will fly higher and shout louder

Composition on warmth (6)

Motherly love makes people feel extremely happy, very happy and very warm.

When I was in the third grade, one day, when my mother came to pick me up from work, it was raining cats and dogs, and there were two or three centimeters of water on the ground. My mother and I just walked a few steps hand in hand, only to hear a sound of "plop", my feet slipped and fell, splashed a lot of water. My hands were a little skinned, my feet sprained, and my clothes were wet. I couldn't help crying because of the pain.

When my mother saw me, she immediately picked me up without saying anything. My mother was walking in the rain with one hand holding my body and the other hand holding an umbrella. In addition, my mother was originally a petite woman. She was very hard to carry me on her back. When I listened to my mother's rapid breathing, I could not help but feel a warm current in my heart.

Ten minutes later, we finally got home. I saw my mother was tired and panting, her face was red, and a layer of sweat oozed from her forehead. Mother's shoulders, trouser legs and sleeves were all wet. At that time, my tears came down, and I said to my mother: "Mom, please go quickly to try on your clothes and change them, and be careful of catching a cold!" My mother smiled and patted my head, and said to me: "I'm fine, you should change your clothes quickly, so as not to catch cold." Then, my mother took out the clothes from the wardrobe and let me change them. Then my mother plunged into the kitchen to cook ginger soup for me. I looked at my mother's busy figure and thought: I must repay my mother well when I grow up!

Although the cold wind whistled and it was very cold that day, I felt very warm in my heart because I felt my mother's deep love for me!

Composition on warmth (7)

One winter night, the cold wind was howling, the snow was flying, and the cold air was like steel needles stabbing my childish face, making me ache. I went home alone, came to the bus stop sign, craned my neck to look forward, the last bus finally came, and I hurriedly got on the bus.

When I got to the car, the car was quiet, and I could hear a pin drop on the ground. Some are looking out of the window, some are sleeping, and others are playing with their mobile phones. Most of the people on the bus were adults, and only one woman was holding a child less than two years old. At first, the vehicle was driving smoothly on the main road. The snow was thick outside, so the driver uncle drove carefully.

Suddenly, the woman began to cry. I turned my head to see that the aunt was holding her child tightly, and many people in the car also looked up at their mother and son. What the hell happened? Why does the aunt cry? After a while, the aunt suddenly shouted: "Help my child!" The driver uncle immediately pulled over, and most of the people on the bus looked beside the child. A passenger who claimed to be a doctor came up to touch the child's forehead and said decisively, "You must go to the hospital quickly! Hurry!" The driver agreed.

At this time, a fat man on the bus stood up, walked to the driver several steps, crossed his waist and shouted: "I'm the boss, hurry up, I'm in a hurry! I've delayed my business, can you afford it?"

The passengers all objected, but the fat boss shouted: "Go, go, or I will denounce you and deduct your salary!" The driver could do nothing but listen to the fat boss and start the car. However, the driver quickly opened the door, kicked the fat boss out, and then said: "This is a caring car, you don't deserve to sit!"

Well done! Although I think it's wrong to kick people, I can't help praising the driver in my heart. I saw that many people in the car also gave the driver thumbs up. I think they must have the same idea as me.

After that, the bad guy left angrily. The driver uncle pressed the double flash button and drove the bus steadily to the hospital. The bus turned into an ambulance every second, which was very impressive! The passengers also cooperated with him to go to the hospital. No one complained. Several passengers kept comforting the young aunt. At this time, my heart is like blowing in a May wind, warm.

The driver's uncle took the child to the hospital. A doctor from the hospital came to see him and said, "Fortunately, he came in time to rescue him at once!" The aunt got out of the car and said to us, "Thank you, my child is all right!" The stone that I and everyone in the car had in mind fell down, and everyone cheered.

Composition on warmth (8)

Walking in the deserted street. The cold autumn wind went through the clothes, which made a cold war and forced me to tighten my clothes.

Recall a sentence in The Hurry Year: walking backwards can turn back time.

Really? Can we really go back to the past?

One step, two steps, three steps... close your eyes and go backwards. Autumn wind lifted my hair, time, fixed in that shot.

"Grandma, we have come to see you!" The little girl's joyful cry was more joyful against the sound of firecrackers. "Ah, the girl is coming! Come into the room and wait for you!" The old lady's face was like a red peony against the red lanterns.

Just walked into the room, a stream of warm air mixed with laughter rushed to my face. I saw grandpa was surrounded by the children at home and asked grandma what was going on. Grandma smiled and said to my parents and me, "Playing poker. How old people are! They also play with children..." "Ha ha, what an old urchin!" I smiled and looked at them. "That's not true!"

The clock ticks, ticks, and the adults are all around the table, making dumplings while chatting; While watching TV, the young people stubbornly refused to go to bed, although they were fighting with each other; The bigger ones are the ones who touch the white face, wipe others' faces unexpectedly, and then run away with a bad smile... Finally, the clock's short hand points to 12 o'clock, which is more noisy outside. All kinds of gorgeous fireworks are blooming in the dark sky, and uncles are setting off "sky shaking thunder" with smoke in their mouths. The "boom" sound made the timid children in the room cover their ears, but they could not help staring out curiously... Laughter was blowing everywhere in the clean and tidy house, and everyone's heart was warm.

"Here come the dumplings!" We brought plates of dumplings. The dumplings were steaming hot and gave out an attractive fragrance. The white steam covered the rich food on the table. Everyone's face is full of smiles

That year was the warmest and happiest year I had ever lived.

Open your eyes, it's still now.

The cold wind is still relentlessly blowing through the clothes, and the air is still so clear.

The only difference is the heart - a heart again surrounded by warmth.

Composition on warmth (9)

The golden sunlight penetrates the treetops, accompanied by the chirping birds, and creates mottled shadows near the window. My eyes are fixed on your photos, and my heart is so comfortable and warm.

The girl in the picture is still very green and astringent, and her bright smile is like a bright flower set off by her white face. The smile is always fixed when you hold my hand and the camera is pressed down. The hands that look forward to me in the heavy rain in memory come back to mind. I forgot which year it was. I only remember that I did poorly in the exam and walked home alone after school. The color of the sky makes me hate it. It was originally blue and beautiful, but now it is like a devil with a dark color lurking, as if waiting to tear me apart. The wind messed up my hair, accompanied by a thunder, and the rain came unexpectedly.

My father and mother were not at home, so I felt a little aggrieved and walked slowly in anger. The rain slides down my face, accompanied by relentless rain and lonely wind. You came running with an umbrella in your hand, and you were soaked. Because it was raining heavily, you had to say loudly to me: "Can't you feel the rain? You are waiting to go to the hospital when you walk so slowly?" I whispered to you: "It's OK, but you didn't do well in the exam." You grinned and said: "Success is failure. Bah, I said the opposite. Alas, in short, don't you still have me? It's OK if you don't do well in the exam once, but it's OK if you don't do well in the exam next time? ”You reach out and look forward. I will never forget that feeling. It's like that the wronged child was suddenly comforted. My tears finally spilled out of my sour eyes. "Hmm!" I led it up. Seeing that your other hand could not open the umbrella, I was amused and helped you to open it. You and I trembled because of the wet clothes, but the heat from our palms warmed my heart.

The two figures in the rain gradually disappeared, and the rain gradually decreased. A rainbow suddenly appeared in the silent sky. Thank you for being willing to extend your warm hand and accompany me to wait for the rainbow. I will never forget those hands, those belong to you.

Composition on warmth (10)

Today, the sun is bright and cloudless. The sun showed a bright smile, which made us feel hot. The warm spring breeze blew on our cheeks, which was very comfortable.

I came to the beautiful fairy tale Prince Bay near the West Lake. In the Prince Bay, I saw many flowers, white, purple, red... all kinds of flowers, which were very beautiful. I saw pine trees full of pine nuts and willows sending out tender buds. I also saw many people enjoying the warmth of spring, some flying kites, some lying on the grass in the sun.

A spring breeze blew, the willow branches danced, and the long green skirt fluttered with the wind. Ripples in the river also ripple away

Ah! Spring is beautiful, I love spring.

Composition on warmth (11)

I have a happy family, my parents and I. I also have a warm home, teachers, classmates and me. Our head teacher, Miss Chen, is kind, just like our mother. There are 48 students in the class, including 19 children from all over the country. We study and live happily together.

Once I was sick, and I felt very uncomfortable. I lay on my desk and didn't want to move. Our teacher Chen found out and called my mother. I had injections, medicine and a two-day rest at home. My mother and I were very worried about the new classes we missed. Back at school, Mr. Chen used the rest time to make up lessons for me, so that I learned new knowledge in the shortest time. The students who haven't seen me for two days are very kind to me. Some ask for help from me, some do duty for me, and some teach me how to do my homework.

Class 3 (1), you are really my warm home!

Composition on warmth (12)

If there is anything faster than the speed of light, it must be a warmth that is transmitted. Like the first heavy rain in early spring, it moistens everything and everyone's heart.

Tolerance and understanding, kindness and humility, mutual assistance and gratitude can bring warmth in the cold winter. In front of the huge ice of society, warmth is an eternal flame. It melts the barriers between people, blooms the flowers of gratitude, and carries the joy in the chest to the next person.

But can warmth be allowed to be selfish?

The visitor accidentally broke the glass, but the old man gave the visitor generosity and tolerance. However, the broken glass contained in the plastic bag is very likely to hurt others. So this behavior of tourists is wrong.

The elderly's tolerance and understanding of tourists is actually warmth. The tourists felt the warmth, but it did not pass on, or the residual warmth was left on the dangerous glass fragments.

Although this is a trivial matter, it reflects all aspects of our behavior. No one will care about the danger of this bag of broken glass. Without considering the feelings of others, they will naturally stab others' hands with the "warmth" at the tip of the broken glass, which is no different from indirectly hurting others.

From childhood to adulthood, all kinds of principles have been deeply rooted in our minds, countless virtues have been praised and praised by us, and the teaching books are written in black and white. We understand these principles, and we also know that we should learn to think of others. But in the process of our growth, there are also some things that have been forgotten by time and washed out to the point that we can't recognize the shape - care.

The glass fragments hurt not only the hands of others, but also a hot warmth. Warmth needs to be conveyed. It cannot be felt by hand, but it can feel a warm temperature. It grows in every corner of the world. It once bloomed, thanked, bloomed in people's laughter, and withered in places where rumors and curses are gathered. "The harsh words hurt people in the cold moon". Without the warmth passed down, it is like the blue sky has lost the sun, and the dry heart has been replaced by countless biting snow and ice.

The beautiful world will become colorful with warmth. The sound of laughter, warm streams and hard ice will melt under the warm light. Maybe we didn't care about strangers, but now we can choose to pass the warmth to them, so that they can feel the strange warmth and the beauty of the world!

Warmth is an endless flame, which appears in every dark corner whenever and wherever. It spreads, spreads, blooms, and shines on the earth with vitality!

Composition on warmth (13)

What is warmth? In my opinion, warmth is a stove in the snow, a pair of hands to help in difficulties, and a ray of dawn in despair. I bathed in the warm sunshine and looked at my legs, I couldn't help thinking of something that happened in the summer vacation of the third grade, something that makes me feel warm even today.

It was an afternoon in the summer vacation of the third grade. The sun was scorching, the earth was like a steamer, the heat was breathless, the willow trees by the river seemed to be sick, the leaves were hanging dust on the branches and rolling, and the branches did not move. There was white light on the road, the small vendors dared not shout, and the plexiglass signboard at the entrance of the store seemed to have been burned.

That afternoon, I ran downstairs to play. I stood in the shade next to the unit door and walked to my friends. While walking, I took out the big swing rope prepared in advance from the bag, walked to them and said with a smile: "Let's play with the big swing rope!" Everyone said "OK" with seven mouths and eight tongues. The two aunts took both ends of the jump rope, pulled the big swing rope apart, skillfully pulled it in their hands for several circles, and then swung their arms to shake it vigorously.

Lian Lian said, "Let's dance eight characters!"

Everyone said in unison, "OK."

We jumped up. It was my turn. I ran forward for two steps and jumped for a while. But when I went out, my foot tripped and I fell out. Before I knew what was going on, I knelt down to a chair. At this time, I could not feel any pain. I only knew that my knee was broken. A child said beside me, "My head was bleeding." A parent quickly handed me a piece of paper. I wiped it and realized that there was blood on my head. Some children rushed upstairs to call their parents.

After a while, Grandma came down. Grandma's clothes were not very tidy, and it was obvious that she had hurried down. An aunt said, "Please take her to the hospital quickly." Grandma felt in her pocket, as if she had no money. An aunt stopped her and said, "Here are 200 for you, take the children with you!" After thanking her, Grandma took my hand and walked to the hospital, Although it is summer, I still have a strange feeling in my heart, warm.

"Jiayun, hurry up to do your homework!" My mother's voice pulled me back from my memory, but my body was slightly cool in this hot summer day

Composition on warmth (14)

One day in the summer vacation, my parents and I went fishing in Shangzhuang Reservoir.

On the road, I saw the trees on both sides crisscross with each other, green trees set off, intertwined, beautiful.

Soon, we arrived at Shangzhuang Reservoir. As soon as I got out of the car, I ran excitedly to the side of the reservoir, hung the fish food on the hook, threw the hook into the water, sat on the chair, and started waiting for the fish to hook.

Wait and wait, I thought to myself: "I've been sitting on the chair for so long, how come I haven't caught a small fish? I was a little impatient. I pulled the hook up and threw it to the shore. My interest was gone and my heart was half cold. So I looked around and wanted to stop fishing. " At this time, I saw an old man who had caught seven or eight fish. I was curious and thought: "How can he catch so fast? What skills must be there? It seems that I'd better go to consult the old man!" So I went to the old man and asked: "Grandpa, how did you catch so many fish?" The old man replied: "Tell you, son, The first thing to do in fishing is to be patient and skillful. If a fish catches the hook, it is not necessary to withdraw the hook quickly. It is necessary to slip twice first, wait for a while, and then withdraw the hook. So you can catch fish. " After listening to my grandfather's words, I suddenly realized that a warm current had flooded into my heart, and I had the same interest. I quickly returned to the chair and continued to fish.

After a long time, I felt my fishhook sinking a little. At this time, I remembered my grandpa's words, and fought with the big fish. You wouldn't let me, and I wouldn't let you. The fish tried hard to move east, and I tried hard to move west. The fish swam forward, and I pulled back. Finally, the fish became a prisoner. When I saw it, I couldn't help shouting, "What a big fish! It weighs five kilograms." I quickly pulled my mother to her and said, "Mom, look at this big fish, we can have a good meal in the evening." Mother smiled and said to me, "Thanks to Grandpa's advice." I nodded cheerfully.

Unconsciously, it was more than seven o'clock, and the moonlight was shining at my feet. I was still thinking about what Grandpa said to me, and a warm current came into my heart again. It was this grandpa's words that taught me how to fish and made me understand that warmth can give people positive energy.

Composition on warmth (15)

The night is deep and quiet. Dim lights sprinkled on the body. I opened the window quietly and took a sip of tea. With the fragrance, my thoughts flew back to the past. That warmth still haunts me.

That day, I didn't do well in the exam and walked slowly to my door with heavy steps. As soon as I entered the door, my mother hurriedly took the schoolbag and asked about it. But I twisted my head and answered her with a wayward shout. After shouting, I ran back to the house, and then closed the door with force. The unfinished words were crushed like walnuts in the crack of the door, leaving only the dead silence in the house and the sigh of mother's tiny voice outside the door

Slowly opened the curtains, looked at the light in the sky gradually faded, and at the same time opened the schoolbag and took out the homework to write. Suddenly, there was a sudden knock on the door. I pretended not to hear my homework, but the knock on the door was continuous. "Come out for dinner soon, the food will be cold." I felt the helplessness in my mother's words, and reluctantly walked out of the room, but still with a straight face.

"Eat quickly, the food is ready." Mother's mouth opened a smile, but it was difficult to cover up that haggard. There are many wrinkles around the eyes. This unintentional glance woke me up like thunder. I blame myself for my selfishness. I hurried to my mother's side and expressed my apology. My mother stroked my head and smiled a little.

A few stars, a long way to go, time flows quietly in the long river of years. The fragrance of tea is still lingering in my heart. Warm, no better than this!

Composition on warmth (16)

Warmness is like a spring wind, blowing the world of all things; Warmth is a ray of sunshine, giving people bright light; Warmth is a piece of charcoal that warms people in the ice silkworm and snow fields.

My father is a native farmer. I always wear a green military uniform and a pair of ragged cloth shoes when I work. The withered and yellow hair has already lost its former style.

I am now a middle school student. I have changed a lot since I entered this middle school. I don't know whether I have grown up or for other reasons. The girl whose father used to have a heart to heart talk with each other has disappeared, and she has become a lonely girl when she comes home. I always don't like my father coming to school. I'm afraid of what others are talking about behind their backs. My father's image in my heart is no longer tall. My father seemed to be aware of it, so he didn't often come to see me... I didn't expect that one thing later changed me.

In a midterm exam, because I was out of order, I only got 78 points in math. 78! 78 points! I never got such a score, which is a hateful 78. After returning home, I dropped my schoolbag, dragged my tired body to my room, locked the door behind me, and sat on the chair blankly, without saying a word, but the infinite regret in my heart, they were finally released, tears were dancing on my face, jumping, and I cried in a low voice.

I don't know how long after I heard a knock on the door, so I got up, wiped away my tears and went to open the door. When the door opened, it was my father. I continued to sit. My father closed the door and gently sat opposite me.

"What's the matter? It's not like my daughter. My daughter should never give up and never give up. Have you backed out? You are good at everything, but you can't be beaten mentally. You look strong on the outside, but you are not strong on the inside. Well, think about it!" Father went out.

Let me think about it. That's right. Am I really so fragile? I must be strong, do not cry a girl! I regained my confidence. But I'm ashamed. I used to treat my father very lowly. I really shouldn't have. It is time for me to be sensible. It is time to put away my vanity, face my father or everyone with a sincere heart, treat him with sincerity, and tear off the veil of hypocrisy, so that some unhappiness will not occur due to trust problems. Think again, although my father is an ordinary person, he uses love and warmth to influence everyone, so my father is not an ordinary person. Yes, I also found that the vicissitudes of life made my father older. Wrinkles are also creeping up quietly, and my waist is more bent... I can't help feeling ashamed and guilty when I think of this.

I wrote a note to my father: "Thank you". So I put it on the table, and then hurried out to hide in the back door. Father went in and found the note. The wrinkles on his face were blooming... That time, I felt warm.

Warmth is an inspiration, a touch and a hope. Warm and moved, because moved, so warm.

Composition on warmth (17)

Maple leaves fall with the rhythm of the wind. At night, the corridor was empty. I fell asleep again. I was alone.

I don't know how long ago I dreamed of you, the one who gave me warmth in my life, taught me to be strong, and told me to be happy.

Remember the first sentence you said to me. At that time, I was idle and bored, standing alone in the corridor enjoying the baptism of the wind, which was my favorite.

"Why are you standing alone in the corridor in the middle of the night? Aren't you afraid of ghosts?" "Hee hee, I'm here to find you. You can call me Brother Jie." "Your smile is very gentle. Be careful that a wolf will eat you in the middle of the night." Turn down and say to you, "My first interested friend, Jie, goodbye."

Since then, we have been almost inseparable. Whenever I cry, you always tell me that if it is your friend, you should not cry, and be ready to leave; Whenever I cry, you will always accompany me and listen to my reasons and experiences; Whenever I want to give up, you always tell me that the road and future of life are created by yourself, and nothing is arranged by God for you.

That time can be said to be the warmest time in my life. The happiness and happiness in the days with you can't be replaced by words. The warmth you give is like the sunshine shining on every place where sadness and pain are stored; The warmth you give is like the first drop of rain after winter, moistening every dry and lifeless desert; Your warmth is like the shade of summer trees, blocking every strong sunshine for me.

I still remember that time when I was angry to find you because I had a quarrel with my family. You didn't say anything about me. You took me to the amusement park, accompanied me to take a carriage, a frog leaper, and a roller coaster. Finally, I was tired. Relying on your shoulder, you said, "If time stays at this moment forever, I will always be happy." You looked at me and said, "I'm not the only one in your life. You should enjoy the happiness your parents have given you. Don't be so ignorant like me! Because my ignorance has added a lot of trouble to my parents!"

The time of time, the memory of memories, the past, and the moment when you talked freely and carefree under the shade of the tree, I felt warm. I can't say a thousand words about your help at the beginning. You said: Don't change yourself for what others say, keep your mind, and be brave enough to say no to what you don't want to do!

Persistence, courage, kindness, innocence, optimism, thank you for teaching me the truth, so that I can use everything to feel the warmth around me. The time I spent with you, as I thought, was the warmest moment for me until now. Your every smile, your every glance, and everything about you were the most fresh memories, which immersed me in the warmest moments.

Composition on warmth (18)

One chilly morning, I got dressed, picked up my schoolbag and walked downstairs. You came out of the kitchen and said, "Come on, I helped you heat an egg cake and milk." After a while, you continued to say, "Yes, it may rain today. Take an umbrella with you. How many clothes are you wearing inside? Is it plush?" I replied impatiently, "It's plush, hurry up! I want to go to school!" Behind my head came: "How can I talk to my father?" I said without thinking: "Cut!" "What, tell me again!" I still said with disdain: "Cut! You've done yourself a great job! You didn't cook breakfast!" Just after the words ended, my mother slapped the table, picked up the feather duster next to it, and said: "Your wings are hard!" My mother's voice was raised high, her eyes were staring like marbles, Hold the feather duster tightly in your right hand. With a "whoop", the feather duster split like a bolt of lightning. You stopped your mother's attack with your hands as quickly as you could, and the feather duster hit your hands heavily. I was really scared. I picked up my schoolbag in panic, didn't take my umbrella or wear my coat, and walked to school. Raindrops hit my face like pebbles, and my hands slowly became numb.

When I sat down on the seat, my feet kept shaking and my body was slowly shaking. The teacher said on it, but I didn't listen to a word. Looking at the rain outside the window, I began to reflect on myself. Why is Mom so angry today? Don't I always talk to my parents heartlessly? As I thought about it, my heart began to feel cold.

Soon, a familiar figure appeared in the window from time to time. It was Dad.

After class, I walked out of the classroom, and a warm current was flowing all over me: "Dad, why did you come here?" "Why didn't you wear gloves?" You took out gloves from your pocket, milk from your gloves, and egg cakes from your clothes, saying, "Eat while it's hot, and put on your clothes."

Tears swirled in my eyes.

At that moment, I still feel warm.