Compositions about describing autumn scenery (19 selected articles)
I always believe
2024-05-09 05:43:19
describe the scenery

Composition about describing autumn scenery (1)

Autumn is coming! Autumn is coming! Fallen leaves are flying in the air, spreading the information of autumn all over the world.

A grand welcoming ceremony is being held in the mountain forest, and many trees are wearing golden dresses to welcome the arrival of autumn.

The leaves of the kapok tree fluttered and danced a whirlwind dance; The leaf dance of ginkgo also has a special flavor; Maple trees are the most enthusiastic, and they beat their palms red against the autumn wind.

In the garden, the welcoming ceremony was also held.

Chrysanthemum here and there, red, yellow, purple... colorful, like the fireworks in the program, brilliant and dazzling.

Osmanthus is the most interesting. In order to welcome the arrival of autumn, all of them are sprayed with perfume. The fragrance is so fragrant that you can smell it from afar.

The fields are more lively! Look, the golden rice hand in hand is the most grand guard of honor.

When the autumn wind blew, it seemed that the welcome dance was played, and the rice ears danced with the rhythm.

The sorghum formed a red flag team and held the little red flag high; Cotton holds a snow-white bouquet, like the first soldier to be reviewed; Orange trees are hung with yellow lanterns. Under the grape trellis, strings of purple balloons are formed.

At night, crickets, weavers, grasshoppers and other chirping insects held a special "autumn concert".

”The songs of "Jelly Jelly", "Rolling Weaving", "Squeaking" and "Sizzling" are so beautiful that they can be heard all the time. Their concerts lasted from the first day of autumn to the end of autumn.

Autumn, you are so beautiful!

Composition about describing autumn scenery (2)

The golden autumn is coming. In the morning, the woods are bathed in the orange morning light. The green leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the green grass begins to wither. A rustling autumn wind blows, and the dead leaves constantly fall from the trees. Some leaves are half green and half yellow, some are golden and yellow, and some are fallen leaves... It's really colorful! The pine and cypress trees over there are still green and tall. The geese lined up in the shape of "man", and flew to the south in a hurry, while still "ah"! "Ah!" cried as if to say, "Goodbye, friends, and I wish you a safe winter."

In late autumn, the sky is as blue as the sea. It seems to have been washed by autumn rain, and white clouds are floating gently in the air. It's really cool in autumn!

The fields are full of bumper harvests. Cotton is as white as snow, sorghum is as red as fire, and golden ears of grain nod gently... People smile on their faces, indicating that their hard work for a year has been rewarded in this golden autumn season.

In a garden, chrysanthemums are in bloom, and one after another chrysanthemums compete for beauty and beauty, which is full of vitality. There is a narcissus next to it. The flower has fallen. It looks at the chrysanthemum as if to say, "You are so strong. I have finished blooming, but you are blooming happily." People will admire the chrysanthemum when they see it. Yes, the spirit of chrysanthemum fearing difficulties is exactly what we should learn?

Ah! Autumn is a harvest season, is a charming season, I love autumn.

Composition about describing autumn scenery (3)

I love the spring with birds singing and flowers fragrance in my hometown, but I prefer the golden autumn with fruits everywhere. In the early morning, white fog shrouded the earth. Miss Qiu seems to be playing hide and seek with me. I went to Grandma's vegetable garden to find her. Walking into the vegetable garden, I saw several pepper trees in front of me. There were many small and sharp peppers on the trees. Most of them are green, some are orange, and some are red. I found that there were many small flowers on the pepper tree. After the small flowers withered, the pepper as big as rice grew. The dark green leeks grow very luxuriantly. Green onions are hollow.

The leaves of pakchoi have been gnawed several holes by insects, and there are traces of spiders traveling on them. On one side of the vegetable plot are two big apple trees. The fruits on the trees are crowded with branches. The apples are like children's faces. They are red, nodding and smiling in the golden autumn sun.

Grapes are ripe, hanging down from the leaves in clusters. They are crystal clear, like carved out of crystal and jade, and like purple pearls. If you look at them, you will be greedy. There was a tall banyan tree near the wall in Grandma's vegetable garden. It was like a big umbrella on my head. The leaves of banyan are green, not big, and the veins on the leaves are clearly visible. When the wind blew, the banyan began to dance. I like the clear air and rich fruits in autumn! Autumn not only brings people a bumper harvest, but also brings hope.

Composition about describing autumn scenery (4)

Autumn is not as blooming as spring; Not as hot as summer; It's not as cold as winter; But I still like autumn. Because autumn is crisp, the fruits in the orchard are ripe and the fields are golden.

One day in autumn, my mother took me to climb Pengshan Mountain. When I climbed up to the observatory and looked at the distance with a telescope, the apples in the surrounding orchards were all mature, like lanterns, which were very beautiful! The yellow, orange and orange pears in the orchard are like large and small gourds, so beautiful! The watermelons in the melon field are green, like big balls, like being used as football.

I looked at other places with a telescope and saw the farmer uncle digging sweet potatoes. When I looked at the sweet potatoes, my mouth watered. I really wanted to taste them.

At this time, I saw the golden leaves on the road fall down, like a butterfly dancing, very beautiful!

I looked at other places with my telescope again. I saw in the golden fields, farmers' uncles were cutting rice. They were bent and hunched, working very hard. However, some people use harvesters to harvest all the rice in less than 20 minutes.

I used the telescope to turn to the sky again. When geese in the sky turn into a herringbone and a straight line, my eyes are going to be dazzled.

Autumn is different from other seasons. It is a season with fragrant fruits and crisp air!

Composition about describing autumn scenery (5)

The autumn wind rustles, yellows the green leaves, and blows the dream of dandelion to the sky.

I lay quietly on the lawn, looking up at the sky. The vast sky became dark blue, like a huge sapphire. A plane flew in the sky, and there were groups of geese. White clouds, like cotton balls, make the blue sky even bluer. A gust of wind came, and the fallen leaves floated into my sight.

Some leaves are red and some are yellow, adding more colors to the golden earth. Look at those small flowers, some white, like beautiful jasmine; Some are red, like small torches burning brightly. Those dazzling yellows make the harvest fields more beautiful!

Look at the mountains in the distance. There are green and blue mountains, and white clouds have come to cover the mountains with white cotton quilts.

Not far away, the autumn orchard emits a quiet fragrance. The apple blushed like a princess; Banana is like a noble prince, wearing a golden yellow coat. The fields are busy, the golden teeth of corn are exposed, the rice smile is bent down, the farmer uncle is harvesting hard, and the joy of harvest also makes them forget their tiredness.

In the evening, Qiuyu Qiufeng comes quietly. They will take away the leaves and flowers, and also blow away the summer heat.

Autumn is the coolest and most beautiful season.

Composition about describing autumn scenery (6)

It is said that spring scenery is the most beautiful season in the four seasons of the year, which makes all plants give birth to new "life". However, I don't think the spring scenery is the most beautiful and lovely season in the four seasons. I think the autumn scenery is the most beautiful.

When autumn comes, people think that all plants have withered and turned yellow. In fact, autumn is not as bleak and hateful as people think. It also has its beauty, don't believe it? Follow me to have a look!

When I came to the Martyrs' Tower, I saw many trees, all so tender, green and green. Pine and cypress, millennial short, evergreen are the most prominent, and some are still long

There are green buds, and some flowers are yellow!

In autumn, people talk and laugh about each other. Some are fishing, some are skating, and some are singing leisurely

Next to the West Lake, willows hang in the lake, shy; When the autumn wind blows, the willow branches float up, shaking their heads and waving their hands to the tourists who come to watch them, showing their warm welcome to the tourists.

In autumn, if you want to plant sunflowers, first think about whether life in autumn is golden or gloomy; If you want to plant sugar cane, first think about whether the harvest in autumn is sweet honey or sour sour taste!

Autumn scenery, like Deng Yaping, a table tennis player, overcame many difficulties with tenacious perseverance.

The autumn wind is blowing cold. If you don't pay attention, you may catch cold!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (7)

I don't know when Brother Xia slipped away without our attention. However, just after Brother Xia left, Miss Qiu arrived again.

Miss Qiu has just come here. I'm going to school before I can be happy. As soon as I went out, I was fascinated by the scene in front of the door. The leaves of the ginkgo tree fluttered in the wind, like fans, as if they were sending people cool; Maple leaves are waving to us with the wind! I walked a few steps, and suddenly I saw Miss Qiu holding a basket, then grabbing a handful of maple leaves and sprinkling them on the ground. The ground was immediately covered by maple leaves. This maple leaf is like the new clothes of the earth. When I step on it, it makes a sound of "clicking".

I walked to the pond near my home. The clear pond is obviously not as lively as before. The little fish and shrimp in the pond have gone to sleep. They can only hear the frogs calling from time to time, which is much more desolate.

Looking forward, Miss Qiu is fertilizing chrysanthemums on the roadside. Chrysanthemum grows very well, some like classmates' smiling faces, some like granny's explosive head, and some like fireworks in the sky. Colorful and beautiful. One after another, chrysanthemums swayed in the wind, as if they were welcoming students to school.

The school is not far ahead, and the campus is not as lively as before. However, it is less lively, but more lively. Our campus has become a truly scholarly campus, and it is always good to have a clear voice.

Although Brother Xia has left, Miss Qiu has come. Moreover, it brings cool and beauty.

Composition about describing autumn scenery (8)

I love autumn, because autumn does not have the lingering spring, the fanaticism of summer, the indifference of winter, and because it selflessly contributes its fruits to everyone.

Although autumn is not as colorful as the blooming spring, nor as vibrant as the tree lined summer, it attracts people with attractive autumn scenery and rich fruits.

Autumn is fruitful. The fields are covered with golden corn, like golden dolls, and sorghum trees are blushing. The autumn trees are hung with many "gems", which are the treasures of autumn dedication. How lovely the apples with red cheeks are! Pear yellow, orange and orange, some dark green, like a small gourd. The orange is golden and looks like a Chinese with yellow skin. Peel off the orange, the meat is gorgeous, the fragrant juice overflows everywhere, and the taste is good. There are many more things that autumn offers us!

Autumn is not only a season of harvest, but also a season of "butterflies" flying. Maybe you will ask: How can there be butterflies in autumn? Yes, of course! Isn't the maple leaf fluttering in the autumn wind just a butterfly? Look, they dance in the air, colorful and beautiful!

I love autumn and the grass in autumn. The grass in autumn is not as green as the grass in spring and soft as the grass in summer. They are yellow here and green there. How like carpets interlaced with green and yellow!

Ah! How beautiful and charming you are in autumn! Thank you for your dedication to people, selfless Qiu.

Composition about describing autumn scenery (9)

Gradually, the hot and dry air calmed down and the day became cooler and cooler. The breath of autumn enveloped the earth.

Autumn trees

The trees in autumn are no longer as green as they are. Instead, they are golden yellow. Each leaf is like a shiny gold coin. When the autumn wind blows, the trees become wasteful. They sprinkle the "gold coin" on the earth without stint, and the whole world is covered with gold. Although the trees in autumn are not as flourishing as those in summer, the withered trunks are more powerful. They can always integrate themselves into the environment and present a harmonious scene, no matter in the morning or in the evening.

Autumn wind

The autumn wind changes the dreariness of summer, blowing head-on, mixed with the smell of vegetation and soil, bringing a sense of coolness. The autumn wind is more a messenger of temperature. Whenever the autumn wind wanders on the ground all day, the temperature of the next day will certainly drop several degrees. The autumn wind is also an excellent music conductor. The leaves cooperate with the wind to make a pleasant sound. It is wonderful.

Autumn sky

The autumn sky looks higher and wider. In the blue sky, wisps of white clouds are leisurely walking. Occasionally, a group of geese lined up to fly south across the sky, which is a beautiful picture.

As night fell, stars were dotted in the night sky. Some monopolize one side, emitting conspicuous light, and some in groups, connected with each other, emitting a hazy light. A bright moon hangs in the sky, adding a glimmer of light to the night sky and making the whole night more soft. Looking up, he was unconsciously attracted by the night.

Autumn covers the earth, and all kinds of scenery are covered with a layer of unique color of autumn.

"Life is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of eyes to find beauty."

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (10)

No one knows the grandeur of the Great Wall. However, have you ever noticed the beautiful scenery you saw standing on the Great Wall? Hey hey, I've seen it!

It was the autumn of 2006. My parents took advantage of the National Day holiday to take me to the Great Wall in Badaling!

As soon as I got to the entrance, high and steep steps "appeared" in front of me, which made me full of energy and rushed to the second beacon tower!

I "jumped" to the city wall and looked down carelessly... God! This...... Is this too cute? A wide "sea of trees" appeared in front of me! Moreover, the leaves of trees have different colors! Some are yellow, some are red, and some are green... The trees are so lush that there is no sign of "aging". The tree crowns are crowded together like a huge color puzzle, which is very beautiful!

Looking at the "giant dragon" winding around the mountain in the distance, it is very spectacular! The nearby mountains are clothed in orange clothes and decorated with some "green stars", as if maids were waiting by the "dragon"

Looking up, the shining sun in the sky seemed to be a big flaming fireball. It looked up at people and dared not look directly at it!

This kind of scenery makes me deeply intoxicated with it and forget to return

Ah! I love beautiful autumn!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (11)

Autumn is coming. The weather is cold and the leaves are yellow. Many leaves like many butterflies dance with the breeze, and geese fly south.

In the garden, lilies are fragrant and chrysanthemums are blooming.

In the rice fields, sorghum is growing high and tomatoes are red.

In the orchard, bananas are sweet and soft, and grapes are round and round. On the seventh day, my father and I came to the vineyard to look for grapes, and I saw a bunch of large and round grapes. I asked my father: "Can I pick it now, Dad?" My father said: "We need a tool to pick it!" I was curious and always wondered what tool it was. I followed my father to a small wooden house. My father asked me to wait at the door. Dad went into the cabin, and I waited outside. Dad came out with a pair of scissors in his hand. I asked my father: "Dad, why do we take scissors to pick grapes?" My father said: "We need to use this pair of scissors to disconnect the grapes from the branches!" I got it. Dad took scissors to a grape stand and said, "This bunch of grapes is better!" I picked up scissors to cut off grape branches, picked up grapes and put them in the basket. We picked three clusters of grapes. I led the basket to the toll collector, and my father gave the money to the toll collector. We happily rode home.

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (12)

Do you know my favorite season? Tell you! I like autumn best, because autumn is a harvest season and a beautiful season.

Autumn is coming. The fields are like a golden ocean, and many fruits are ripe. There are also beautiful cockscomb, cockscomb like cockscomb in the grass, and chrysanthemums

As soon as the autumn wind sweeps across the land, the farmer uncle will begin to pick fruit, so there are many fruits waiting for children to taste in autumn!

I remember that during the National Day holiday, on the way to the Ming Tombs in Beijing, I passed a large orchard, with various fruits planted on both sides of the road. There are red apples, fragrant pears, sweet peaches, persimmons, etc. I also saw some fruit farmers packing persimmons in baskets! The red persimmon is as red as the shy face of a child. What a harvest!

After visiting the Ming Tombs, we came to the preserved fruit supermarket, where there were all kinds of Beijing specialties and preserved fruits. These preserved fruits were processed and refined from fruits grown by farmers. Many tourists bought special products and preserved fruits for their families to taste, and we also bought some. I think: The fruit growers are really great! Without their hard work, how could we eat so many delicious fruits and preserves!

I like autumn, because autumn is a harvest season, but also a beautiful season.

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (13)

In the early morning of autumn, the sun shines on every family. Open the door, the fresh air floats into the room, refreshing.

I sat alone on the balcony, bathed in the sun, warm current throughout the body. Looking up, white clouds floating in the sky are changing. Overlooking from afar, high and low buildings line up. The front of the building is green. The willows are still dark green, showing off their posture in the wind. The green trees straightened their trunks. Looking down, the green plants of the people downstairs are flourishing and have climbed over the railing. Hanging basket, green apples drop beautiful long hair. The whole house is surrounded by green, setting off a harmonious and warm home. These green forms the autumn and new green of the community.

After all, I couldn't help but go downstairs to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery.

A rustle came from the roadside. Stop and stare, a group of small sparrows gather in the grass. When I saw me, I hid shyly. I left quietly, and the sweet sound came. I stood on the bridge by the small river, staring at the smooth pebbles at the bottom of the river. Sometimes, a few fallen leaves float into the water and flow away. The willow leaves are more interesting, just like a boat, drifting. Suddenly, several black shadows rushed through, leaving a water mark. I smiled. It must be the naughty fish playing.

When the autumn wind blows, a burst of osmanthus fragrance comes. I looked around and found the osmanthus tree at the corner. I was fascinated by the sight. A few golden spots hang high on the branches, and a few wisps of flower fragrance seep into my heart. I was full of joy and picked a flower from a branch. Not to mention the fragrance, it will definitely confuse you.

Along the way, all kinds of people were full of satisfaction. Walking, going to the market, taking children to watch autumn... The slow life in the community is full of life interests, all of which make people yearn for.

I was intoxicated by the beauty of the community. It is a wonderful enjoyment to enjoy autumn in silence? Beauty is everywhere, and carefulness will emerge.

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (14)

Autumn, with light footsteps, quietly came to the world.

One cool morning, the sun had just risen. The yellow leaves are floating, and the golden sun shines on the yellow leaves. Leaves like a "golden winged bird" on the journey.

Sister Maple Leaf put on her red skirt, spun in the air, and floated to the ground one by one, covering the earth with a quilt. This reminds me of this poem: "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February".

"Boom". Eh? What's ringing? Oh, it is the farmer uncle who is using the harvester to harvest crops! Look, the wax gourd looks like a fat baby. Eggplant puts on a purple dress and politely says, "To celebrate the harvest, let's continue to be happy!" Mr. Daozi has drunk some wine, and his face turns golden. Miss Sorghum put on her red dress and began to dance Latin. Miss Maize also changed into yellow clothes and trousers and played a clown. Grandpa Cotton touched his white beard and said earnestly, "I'm old, and the gift for uncle farmer depends on you!" Cabbage also put on white and green clothes. What a bumper crop!

"Ha ha". Who is laughing? Oh, it is the children who are chatting while eating the sweet fruit! Look, the pear is blown up and down like a little monkey. The pomegranate singer blushed and sang: "Dudu, how happy, how beautiful autumn is!" The oranges and persimmons were red like little lanterns. The children picked off a "little lantern" and ate it. Grapes are like strings of pearls, red, green, purple, dark red and light green. It's really fragrant! Let's salivate.

Sister Chrysanthemum also jumped into purple and red dress, light yellow skirt, snow and white clothes, and danced ballet. What a "most dazzling chrysanthemum style"!

Qiu, I love you! You are the most beautiful season!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (15)

Time flies, and the beautiful autumn comes to our campus.

One morning, I came to the Rose Garden. There are many roses in the rose garden. I walked to a rose, and suddenly a fragrance came to my nose. I took a deep breath and immediately felt relaxed and happy. Looking closely at the roses, I saw the crystal clear dew rolling between the flowers and leaves, shining in the sun. The rose is like a girl with a pearl necklace dancing in the breeze. There are many small thorns on the dark green branches. It hurts when you prick your hands! The leaves of roses are green, but strangely, the edges of each leaf are long with soft thorns, like small gears. After careful observation, I found that one of these leafy branches and the rest are twins. They are like a pair of lovely twins, which is really interesting.

I walked along the corridor to the center of buildings 3 and 4. I saw Jiannan trees one by one. At this time, Jiannan was very prosperous. Autumn is the growth period of Jiannan. Every seven leaves in Jiannan have a layer. It has a little smell, just like the smell of sweet taro.

Thanks to Miss Qiu's hand, she created these beautiful autumn scenes.

Ah! I love autumn, I love the scenery of autumn even more!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (16)

Some people like the unique bird nest, some people like the magnificent Great Wall, some people like the strange shape of Elephant Trunk Mountain, and some people like the 3000 foot Huangguoshu Waterfall, while I like our beautiful campus.

When we came to the gate of our school from the North Second Ring Road, the first thing we saw was a flag tower made of marble, with a five-star red flag flying high on the flagpole. Then there is the office of teachers, behind which are four teaching buildings where we study every day. To the east of the school is the playground, where there are 5 table tennis tables, basketball stands and a stage. When doing exercises, there is the busiest time. Next to the kindergarten, there are many things in the kindergarten, such as trampoline, race track, slide, swing.

On the left side of the school is the green belt. There are camphor trees, evergreen trees, magnolia trees and grass in the green belt. They all want to see the outside world. Photinia rubra will not blossom, but its branches and leaves are red in spring, and green in summer and autumn. Evergreen trees and magnolia trees will give birth to babies. The leafy branches will make people pay special attention to those trees. On one side of the tree is grass. The grass is verdant. When the spring rain comes down, its buds keep growing up, as if to say, "I am happy when I grow up to the height of my uncle." Next to the grass is a tall and straight tree, which looks like a beautiful picture against the background of the sky.

On the right is the flower bed. There are roses in the flower bed. Although the roses are not beautiful, they are very interesting. They are similar to the discussion, "I will not blossom today, and will blossom tomorrow." "Well, let's blossom together." If the students see this picture, they will certainly laugh.

If you come to our school, I will give you a free tour guide!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (17)

When autumn came, we came to the forest. The forest was covered with golden parasol leaves. Looking closely, the parasol leaves were like dead butterflies waiting for autumn to turn them into ashes. The golden parasol leaves were like carpets on the ground, as if to welcome us. In the grass, golden chrysanthemums are smiling at us like smiling faces. The leaves of some wild chrysanthemums are sharp and the flowers stand straight, like guards guarding the door. There is a chrysanthemum in bud, just like a newborn boy, crying!

In the fields, corn plants have matured. Corn was originally a bald old man, but now it is covered with beads of gold. These corns are bent on the road. When a truck passes by, it is like a king going to his seat. Ministers are bent. Farmers who drive trucks are very happy. He thought that this harvest of corn would sell at a good price. The farmers threw the golden faced corn onto the car and gradually built a golden pagoda. The farmers thought: This harvest is really unexpected!

The golden autumn brings us so much joy. The golden chrysanthemums, the big corn, the plane trees... Autumn! I really hope the earth is so beautiful every day, sweet autumn!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (18)

Finally, it was the National Day holiday. My father and mother and I embarked on a journey back to our hometown, Hanzhong Chenggu, to visit our grandparents. I miss my grandpa and grandma very much, and look forward to seeing the harvest in Juxiang.

Sitting on the bus, I saw the beautiful scenery outside the window like flowing pictures. The rolling mountains were like a horse running on the grassland. There were happy fish bubbling in the clear river. The trees all over the mountain were the hometown of giant pandas, and the villas were dotted on both sides of the highway, The car is winding up and down on the expressway between the mountains of Qinling Mountains: running in the tunnel, floating on the top of the viaduct, walking along the river, and galloping on the mountainside. I think this feeling is very good!

I finally saw my grandpa and grandma, whom I hadn't seen for a long time. As soon as I got out of the car, they pulled me to ask questions. Grandma's eyes were still full of tears... I saw their white hair getting whiter and whiter, and the golden millet drying in the yard of Wrinkles. They are the raw materials of rice! The orange orchards full of slopes and fields are full of oranges, like shining stars hanging in the green sky. What's particularly interesting is that the scissors for cutting oranges are like curved crescents of the moon, which are very useful! Cut off an orange, peel off the red coat, reveal the attractive fruit, break off a petal and put it in your mouth, sweet and sour, delicious, really fragrant! When I saw a large pod covered with delicious green beans, I thought of Cao Zhi's Seven Step Poem. The sugar cane sways in the wind like a beautiful fairy dancing in the wind. There is also a short water bamboo, whose leaves are more than 2 meters high

The scenery in autumn is so beautiful! My holiday was very meaningful!

Composition on Describing Autumn Scenery (19)

Miss Qiu came quietly, holding the drawing board to describe the beautiful autumn scenery.

Go to the woods and become golden under the painting brush of Autumn Girl. When the wind blows, the leaves will float and dance with the wind, while the beautiful butterflies will dance with it, and the leaves on the ground will drill into the soil to nourish the trees. The faint fragrance attracted me. Following the fragrance, I found several osmanthus trees, yellow osmanthus trees full of forks. The fragrant fragrance makes me intoxicated. When the wind blows, it seems that the sweet scented osmanthus rain falls down. Small sweet scented osmanthus flowers have such great charm that people can be fascinated by them.

When I ran to the orchard, a burst of fragrance came to me. I saw red apples, golden bananas and green watermelons, which made my mouth water. I really want to thank Miss Qiu for bringing us so many fruits. Fruitful fruits bring smiles to people. Delicious fruits taste in people's mouths, which is such a happy picture.

Look at the fields again. The golden sorghum straightened up and waited for people to harvest. The red pepper bent over with a smile. The yellow corn stood up maturely at the sight of Qiu girl. The farmer uncle smiled happily and said: 'It's another bumper harvest year‘

The beautiful autumn scenery shows its attitude under the description of the girl Qiu.