600 words composition of I Love My Family (20 in total)
2023-11-24 03:23:59
Grade 6
topic of conversation

I love my family composition 600 words (1)

I especially like my home, because my home has three happy 'factors'.

Factor A: Night Cat Dad

One night, at about 12 o'clock, I got up and went to the toilet. The toilet was next to my father's room. As soon as I entered the toilet, I heard the sound of "KaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKa, wide wide......" from my father's room, which scared me to run back to my room after going to the toilet. Later, I would hear such a sound when I went to the toilet in the night. One day, I could not help but open the door of my father's room, hateful - it was my father playing games. He also inexplicably asked me why I didn't sleep and what I was looking at... The next day, when I talked about it at the breakfast table, everyone laughed.

Factor B: Chef's mom

Today, I scored 90 points in the exam. My mother was so excited that she made me my favorite sweet scented osmanthus meat. Twenty minutes later, the sweet scented osmanthus meat came on the stage. Before I could get my chopsticks, a delicious smell of meat rushed towards me. I quickly picked a large piece of meat and put it into my mouth. Wow! How fragrant! I praised my mother while eating. The gravy dripped on the table. I really wanted to lick it, but my mother stopped me. Dad also ate with a smile. Mom's cooking skills are great!

Factor Z: brain power

One night after dinner, I saw my father playing with a computer. Mother asked me to wash the dishes, and I went quietly. Then my father came up to me and asked me, "Daughter, what kind of car can't be touched? "I said," Let me have a look at the atlas. "Dad agreed, and I checked for 10 minutes, but there was no difference. Dad suddenly said," Time is up! "I shouted:" BMW! bmw! "Dad walked away reluctantly, smiling and nodding. Ah! I suddenly understood that the logo letter of BMW is the first letter of the three character Chinese phonetic alphabet of" Don't touch me ". Hey hey, I'm smart. Mom also praised me after listening to my explanation. I'm extremely proud of myself.

I love my family composition 600 words (2)

Home is a stream of joy, washing away all troubles and putting down all tiredness; Home is the warm sunshine, which encourages us to move forward without giving up hope; Home is a heavy cornerstone, laying a solid foundation for us and paving the way ahead.

In my impression, home is synonymous with warmth. At home, I can tell my parents all the wrongs I have suffered outside. My father, he, is a quiet and serious, strong and gentle man. As for my mother, she is a kind, gentle person who also loves me very much.

In my memory, my parents have a good relationship and have never quarreled over anything. Every time my father goes out, my mother will make several long and short phone calls to make him pay attention to safety and go home early. And my parents love me very much. Although his face has traces of years, each of them still has a young and active heart. I often play and make fun together. Sometimes I join them. The whole family gets together and is lively and happy. Adults get together to watch the "Spring Festival Gala". At this time, the father who has no time to stop talking said, "How boring it is just to watch the" Spring Festival Gala ". Playing cards?" The aunt smiled and said, "My brother-in-law, you are addicted to playing cards. You can't help playing!" Mom grabbed Dad's ear and said "ferociously": "You are so stupid, you want to play cards, and you are not afraid to lose even your clothes." Dad said painfully: "The New Year is exciting, you are a family, and what are you afraid of, At this time, my father's other ear was also pulled up by my mother, and said: "Don't accept it, right? Let's compare it?" "OK, let's compare it." My father said defiantly. "Hey, don't look at my cards!" "Who looked at them?" From time to time, the sound of Mom and Dad laughing and slapstick was heard, which made everyone burst into laughter. I also have a crooked smile on my mouth: it's good to feel at home!

I love my home. I love its warmth, joy and freedom. Home is always our strongest backing, blocking our grievances, hard work and tears, and encouraging us to move forward bravely!

I love my family composition 600 words (3)

Compose 600 words in my backyard (1)

I love my family 600 word composition

Home is everyone's warm harbor, home is a warm boat in the storm. There are our loved ones at home. Let's stop and linger. A harmonious and beautiful home is a paradise that can make people feel happy most.

My family has a nagging mother, a smart father, an easy-going grandfather, a kind grandmother and a diligent sister. I can't stand the nagging mother, who has big eyes and thick black hair. Mom nags me at least hundreds of times a day. One day, I had just finished breakfast and was about to go down to play with my cousin, when my mother said, "It's windy today and I need to wear more clothes. Do you hear me? Also, don't tie my shoelaces so long." My ears are getting calluses, and my mother is still chattering. I covered my ears and said, "I know, I know."

Mom said, "Also, don't walk too fast when you go down to play, don't play for so long, be careful when you run, don't fall down? Speaking is like a machine gun. Everything is always hot and hot. It's not like catching the last bus. "When my mother murmured discontentedly, I hurried downstairs.

My nagging mother overburdened my ears, but I admired my smart father. He is a teacher, tall, thin cheeked. Dad is very optimistic and happy every day. Once, I came across a difficult problem. It was like a labyrinth, and accidentally fell into its trap. Although I racked my brains, I could never find a way out. At this time, my father came to me. After his advice, I suddenly became enlightened. I really felt that "there is no way out when the mountains are heavy and the rivers are heavy, and there is another village when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright"!

I love my family, where there is warm embrace, where there is supreme affection and happiness. I feel the moisture of love in my small home. I love my family.

Compose 600 words in my backyard (2)

I love my family

Home is a word that is warm when it is mentioned and fascinating when it is thought of. It is also a predestined person who can become a family.

Home, everyone has a home, and home is the most familiar place for everyone. Our dearest family, the most beloved things.

Home is the society that everyone first contacts. Here are our joys and sorrows. Everyone's emotions will affect the emotions of the rest of the family.

Home is the most warm place. Hard working parents always work hard for life. Welcome the sunrise and send off the sunset. In the morning, when you get up lazily from bed, the breakfast prepared by your mother for you is already on the table. In the evening, when you get home, although your parents haven't prepared dinner because of busy work, your considerate mother always prepares snacks and a glass of water for you.

Home is your spiritual sustenance. When you achieve success, your family will be genuinely happy for you and give you the most sincere congratulations. When you fail, your family will encourage you from time to time, give you the power of love, and make you have the courage to walk from the haze of failure to the door of success. When you are sad and feel that there is no partner worth talking to, you will suddenly feel that home is the only one worth talking to. The care and consideration of your family will slowly remove the shadow in your heart.

Home is also a school that teaches you how to adapt to the society and how to behave. Careful mother is always at your side, teaching you how to respect your teachers, how to treat your partners and your classmates in school. A strict father will always help you in your study and severely criticize you when you are careless and do wrong. Perhaps, in the past, you would think that your mother was so nagging and your father's sternness frightened you. Then, you will feel that mother's nagging is so kind and warm; And your father's strictness makes you feel his infinite expectations for you.

Home changes with the passage of time. Our parents are old, and we grow up day by day. As you grow older, you will feel more and more strongly your parents' deep love for you. As you grow up, I will be filial to your elderly parents.

Home is created by parents. From birth to adulthood to career success, people can not do without the care, education, influence and support of this family. Everyone's growth is imbued with the efforts of their parents.

Home, my favorite place, I will study hard with my parents' expectations, and I will go home with success in the future.

I love my family

Home, the harbor of the soul, the eternal pure land of body and mind. When encountering setbacks outside, the strength behind becomes more powerful. I thought that love without reason was pale and thin, and could not stand the test of time. It was not until that moment that I understood the meaning of "love" and understood that love does not need reasons.

I have always believed that maternal love is the greatest and most unrequited love. I still firmly believe this. But as he grew up and matured, he became more and more indifferent to his mother's kind advice. Whenever the school organizes to go out to play, I will deal with my mother's instructions while sorting things out. In retrospect, every bit of the past appeared in my mind like a movie. Seen from the beautiful ripples in the ocean of memories, it suddenly startled me: why did my childhood admiration for my mother disappear at this moment, why did my childhood image of my mother's tall and kind turn into my wordy childhood kindness at this moment, why did my mother always smile when I asked my mother to go to school alone. After pleading for help, my mother finally reluctantly agreed to write her worry on her face when reminding me to pay attention to safety.

Compared with maternal love, my father's love for me is more profound.

If maternal love is a cup of sweet syrup, then paternal love is a cup of mellow coffee; If maternal love is an endless stream, then paternal love is a broad sea. Mother love is delicate and sweet, while father love is profound and broad. My mother sometimes looks like a lively and kind sister, and sometimes like a stern and harsh English female teacher. My father is not a strict father in my mind, but more like a partner and a hero. Looking back at yesterday in front of the gate of a foreign country, I sighed year by year, but the sunset and sunrise never changed. At this moment, when I was looking at my father's smile, I didn't know what to say, which made the sunset full of tears. If maternal love is the starry night sky in midsummer, then fatherly love is the sky without stars in midwinter. Whenever I look into my father's eyes, I feel an illusion. I feel that behind those eyes is a big well, full of memories and long-term firm thinking. But its appearance is shining with modern light, like the sun shining on the outer leaves of the tree sea, or among the ripples of the deep lake.

When I was a sophomore, I asked my mother to go to and from school more than once, but my mother always looked at me kindly without answering. Gradually, righteousness has become soft and hard. When my mother finally agreed, my heart was like a wild horse out of the rein. I breathed more free and fresh air when I was free and indulged in freedom all my life, and my little heart had an unprecedented feeling, just like the spring breeze blowing my face.

School is over. Get out of the school and look around. Without finding the familiar figure of parents, my heart was as excited as a rabbit. The calm appearance tries to hide the excited heart. Walk along the familiar road step by step. Somehow, the long road in the past now feels extremely short. As soon as I took out the key, I heard the familiar voice of Zhou. I was pleased but joking: "Yes, I can go home myself."

In this way, every day by their feet between home and school. We have gone through the late spring when flowers bloom, the midsummer when the sun shines, the late autumn when red leaves are burning, and the deep winter when snow is white. Year after year, I stepped over the third grade of unknown life, the fourth grade of innocence, and the fifth grade of pressure.

I remember that in Grade 6, the school organized a spring outing and gathered at the school at three in the morning. In order not to wake up my sleeping parents, I quietly woke up my classmates in the same room and crept out of the house. Looking back, the whole building was shrouded in the early morning twilight, while the lamp was on in the very familiar position, and two figures stood in front of the window. A warm current surged in my heart, and the darkness of the road ahead also became bright at this moment. It's really happy to have been walking in their eyes for so many years.

An opponent who can not be modified, always brings warmth behind, always wordy and always pays attention to, and does not know how to cherish too much guilt. I still remember my warm opponent and always take care of me. My dream has finally arrived today. I hope to share the glory. Intoxicated with the scale, she did not appreciate it, but her mother's love never yielded. She was determined to break away from the struggle in her heart and finally repay her kindness. The spring breeze and rain warmed my heart, and the wordless gift of caring for me all my life was your warm eyes, which taught me to look ahead with determination and told me not to give up when I fell. There is no way to explain how to repay your kindness. Love is unlimited. Please allow me to say that I really love you.

Compose 600 words in my backyard (3)

I love my composition 600 words

I love my composition 600 words

Zhang Haoran, Class 5, Grade 6, Jilin Second Experimental School

Instructor: Wang Guijuan

I don't know if you feel the same as me. Every day, the road home from school is so long, as if it extends endlessly. When the bus arrives at the station, I always feel a little tired after getting off the bus. Whenever I get to my house and open it, a warm current rushes into my heart, and my sense of fatigue disappears. How kind the parents' greetings are! I feel the warmth of our home. When I went to school in the morning, my mother had to get up early every day to make a rich and nutritious breakfast for me. Every morning when I wake up, I rub my eyes, get dressed and walk out of the room. Every day, I can see my mother's busy figure. Therefore, I will try my best to eat all the breakfast my mother makes for me, and cherish the fruits of her labor. Every morning, as soon as I came downstairs, I could see my mother open the window and ask me if I was cold. Even if it was cold, I would not say cold. I don't want to disturb my mother's rest.

In the daytime, I sit in the classroom to go to class, while my mother has to work hard at the unit, so that I can live a happy life at home and make my academic performance more excellent. Every time I get a good result in the exam, I will give my mother a maximum satisfaction.

In the evening, I came home and took off my shoes. As soon as I entered the house, my mother would come to meet me and take off my schoolbag immediately. At this time, my body suddenly lightened a lot. I felt like a truck full of heavy things. Suddenly, all the things on my body spilled away, and I could feel my body was light and floating. Dad is the same, cooking every night is also hard. When I went to bed at night, my mother and father were still busy. I remember one night when I was young, I suddenly had a high fever. My father picked me up and hurried out of the house. Because there was no empty car on the road, my father carried me to the avant-garde hospital near my home. Until the bottle was put on, my father was not at ease. He kept taking my temperature with a thermometer, for fear that I would not get back. At this time, my mother also came from the unit, bought me some food and comforted me until the bottle was finished. It was very late at night, and they carried me home. On that day, I learned that my father and mother loved me.

After the middle school military training, I carried my big bags and ran to my mother and father. I threw myself into my mother's arms, while my father helped me with my bag. My mother said to me, "My child, you have grown up." When I was young before, I suddenly understood something. Now, at this very moment, I finally grow up.

I love my father and I love my mother, but what I love more is our family, a warm home created by my parents.

Compose 600 words in my backyard (4)

I love my composition 600 words

Hello, everyone. My name is Che Yedan. I'm 10 years old. I'm a fourth grade pupil. Although I am young, my position in my family is very high! I am the "Little Gege" in my family, and the "civil and military affairs in Manchuria" all follow my emotions.

Grandma called me "Little Ancestor" and picked me up from school every day; My mother called me "little baby" and cooked delicious food for me every day; My father called me a "little sweetheart" and gave me pocket money every day! Alas, the life in the "Imperial Palace" is really leisurely and free from troubles!

In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is coming. My parents have to go to work on weekdays, and my grandma is boring. The days in the "imperial palace" are more and more boring. I love my composition 600 words

Today, my parents went to work again. Before my father left, he gave me ten yuan to listen to my grandma. I took advantage of Grandma's carelessness and ran out to stroll in the small park near my home! When I came to the gate of the park, a lot of people gathered around me. I didn't know what to look at. I got in with my small body. A young lady with dark skin and disorderly hair knelt on the ground, and in front of her were a few lines of words written in chalk, which roughly meant that "Mother is seriously ill and has no money to cure her. Please help me!" The onlookers pointed aside

I love my family composition 600 words (4)

Home, can give a warm feeling, can make people full of confidence, from failure to cheer up. However, home is the most important pillar of people everywhere.

I have a warm home. My home is neither spacious and luxurious like a high-rise building nor old and dilapidated like a village house. Every day our house is cleaned clean, which is the credit of my mother. Every day I can eat delicious food, which is my father's credit. And what credit do I have? It is to bring happy laughter to this family!

I remember when I was in the second grade, before going to school, my mother always packed my schoolbag for me, helped me carry my schoolbag, and tidied up my clothes. She told me, "You should study hard in school and make contributions to the country in the future..." I always replied mischievously, "Yes". I don't know that every word contains my mother's expectations for me.

When I was in the sixth grade, I thought I had grown up and wanted to go to school by bike. However, my father said to me, "It's not safe for you to go to school by bike because of the traffic chaos outside." After listening to this, I felt that my father made me feel the infinite love of my parents for their children, which is a wealth that money can't buy.

Now I am a junior high school student, but my father brews a cup of milk for me every morning to let me supplement nutrition. Although it was a small cup of milk, it expressed my father's concern for me and his selfless love for me. It was really "a thousand miles to send goose feather, and the gift is light and the friendship is heavy". I was moved by the thick truth.

Once, I could not recite the selected passages of the text "Recalling Reading". At this time, my mother came and told me that memorizing the text by rote was not enough. We should master the tricks. It's really "listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books"! I followed my mother's method of endorsement, and I recited it all at once. Thanks to mom's method, mom is so nice!

"Children travel thousands of miles, and the mother worries", "The loving mother hands the thread, and the wandering son wears the coat." These are all praise of the father's love and mother's love. It fully reflects the selflessness, greatness and simplicity of parents' love.

Shouldn't I study hard and get excellent results to repay my parents? At the same time, I also want to repay my parents for giving me this warm home!

I love my family, love every member of my family, and love my family more!

I love my family composition 600 words (5)

There are four people in my family: a 60 year old grandmother, a 66 year old grandfather, a 37 year old mother and a 10 year old naughty boy.

First of all, let me introduce my grandfather, because he is the largest person in the family. My grandfather used to be a senior engineer in the City Appearance and Health Bureau of Pudong New Area. Now he has retired, but he is still working. His biggest characteristic is that he works very carefully and meticulously.

My grandmother has retired as well as my grandfather, but people still call her "accountant Zhuang" because she has been an accountant for most of her life, and her greatest feature in life is diligence and thrift.

I should now introduce the mother of the person I most fear and hate. She studied hard when she was young, and now she works very hard. She is engaged in political information management in Shanghai Water Affairs Acceptance Center.

Well, the last one should introduce the little hero "I". I'm a famous little naughty in my family. I'm often very restless. I also play and play, and I don't pay attention. Of course, being scolded is also a frequent occurrence.

My home is very clean, so let me introduce it! When you enter my home, you will see a large living room, kitchen, and a large dining table. Then you will find my room and a storage room. There is a piano, a double deck car bed, and two writing desks in my room. Going inside, you will find the room of my grandfather and grandmother, the room of my mother, and two toilets. The one on the left is the main guard, and the one on the right is the guest guard. My home is also very warm. Once I was ill and seriously ill. My family took me to several hospitals. Finally, I was able to live up to my expectations. I finally recovered from my illness.

After visiting my home, you may ask, "Why are the windows so bright and the floor so clean?" These are all the contributions of my grandma, because she cleans the windows and floors every day. Another advantage of her is that she saves money every day. For example, the dirty water from washing clothes is used to flush the toilet, and the lights are turned off when you see them... She is the person I admire most.

I love my family because I have a happy family.

I love my family composition 600 words (6)

Home is a word that is warm when it is mentioned and fascinating when it is thought of. It is also a predestined person who can become a family.

Home, everyone has a home, and home is the most familiar place for everyone. Our dearest family, the most beloved things.

Home is the society that everyone first contacts. Here are our joys and sorrows. Everyone's emotions will affect the emotions of the rest of the family.

Home is the most warm place. Hard working parents always work hard for life. Welcome the sunrise and send off the sunset. In the morning, when you get up lazily from bed, the breakfast prepared by your mother for you is already on the table. In the evening, when you get home, although your parents haven't prepared dinner because of busy work, your considerate mother always prepares snacks and a glass of water for you.

Home is your spiritual sustenance. When you achieve success, your family will be genuinely happy for you and give you the most sincere congratulations. When you fail, your family will encourage you from time to time, give you the power of love, and make you have the courage to walk from the haze of failure to the door of success. When you are sad and feel that there is no partner worth talking to, you will suddenly feel that home is the only one worth talking to. The care and consideration of your family will slowly remove the shadow in your heart.

Home is also a school that teaches you how to adapt to the society and how to behave. Careful mother is always at your side, teaching you how to respect your teachers, how to treat your partners and your classmates in school. A strict father will always help you in your study and severely criticize you when you are careless and do wrong. Perhaps, in the past, you would think that your mother was so nagging and your father's sternness frightened you. Then, you will feel that mother's nagging is so kind and warm; And your father's strictness makes you feel his infinite expectations for you.

Home changes with the passage of time. Our parents are old, and we grow up day by day. As you grow older, you will feel more and more strongly your parents' deep love for you. As you grow up, I will be filial to your elderly parents.

Home is created by parents. From birth to adulthood to career success, people can not do without the care, education, influence and support of this family. Everyone's growth is imbued with the efforts of their parents.

Home, my favorite place, I will study hard with my parents' expectations, and I will go home with success in the future.

I love my family composition 600 words (7)

Although there are no celebrities in my family, my names are very loud: my father's name is "Cao Cao", my mother's name is "Wang Shaojun", and I am a "little emperor". But parents always regard themselves as "super adults" and don't buy each other, so there is often "war" at home. The family was disturbed. I am still young, but I am caressed. With my sweet talk, my family gave me three points. So I can maintain the peace of this family.

I remember that in the morning, the two "super adults" had another "conflict", and the items at home were also destroyed in the "conflict". Alas, it seems that I have to find a way to solve the problem again. Through Grandma's report, I knew why. It turned out that my mother was addicted to mahjong these days, and only came home at three o'clock every day. Yesterday, I lost 60 yuan. My father was very angry. The "fire of war" ignited again. In the evening, the two sides preparing for war were still eyeing each other, and the home was full of tension. I thought hard: how can we solve the "conflict"? I frowned and got a plan. I turned on the TV first. At that time, "Jade Goddess of Mercy" was playing, which was the favorite TV play of the two "super adults", so I invited them to sit in front of the TV. I asked my father first: "Dad, look how cool you look. How did you fall in love with Mom. Seeing this scene, I immediately stopped smiling and "criticized" the two "super adults" like an adult to a child: "Mom, you made all the trouble. Why don't you learn something else and just learn to play mahjong?" I saw my mother bowed her head and "criticized" again My father said, "Dad, actually Mom knows it's wrong, and you're still angry. How can Mom stand it?" In this way, under my control, the war ended, and the family was full of laughter.

Our family is so ordinary, but I love my family because we can learn to live in harmony and understand each other when something happens. I feel very warm and happy.

I love my family composition 600 words (8)

Although my family is not rich, it is full of happy laughter, which melts the troubles in our life and makes me feel very warm.

My family has three "bugs": my father is a "happy bug", my mother is a "busy bug", and I am a "bookworm".

My father is a "happy bug". Every day when he comes home from work, he always changes his slippers first and sits in front of the computer to play his online games such as "Hot blooded Jianghu", "QQ Huaxia", "Tianlong Babu", etc. My father will play and can't help but pour into the games. Look at his leisurely and complacent appearance, he even forgets to eat.

My mother is the busiest person in the family. She is a "busy bug". Every morning, my mother always whispers in my ear: "Baby, get up quickly, be late for school" and keeps teasing me. I get up in the laughter of "giggle". Although I haven't slept enough, my heart is still sweet and warm. My mother was very kind to me, but when I did something wrong, her temper was also very scary. When the voice of instruction sounded in my ears like a machine gun, I was scared to say nothing. When my mother came home at night, she had to equip dinner and teach me to do my homework. It was really hard.

I'm a bookworm. I like reading books. There are all kinds of books in the bookcase: comic books, science books, novels, fairy tales, ancient poems and magazines. I like them. I put a composition book in my schoolbag. I read books in my seat after class. Before I sleep, I read science books in my bed. There are "One Hundred Thousand Why", "The Mystery of Dinosaurs", etc, There are also books my father studies at work in the bookcase. Sometimes I will turn over a few pages when I am free, but I can't understand them. Now, I have read most of the books at home. I want my parents to help me buy some interesting books, such as Brain Sharp Turn, Riddle, and Mystery in Space. I want to read more books, learn more knowledge, and be a useful person in the future.

The three "worms" in my family make up a happy and happy "worm" family.

I love my family. My family is full of warmth and joy. I feel extremely happy and joyful living in such a family!

I love my family composition 600 words (9)

I love my family very much. Since I was born, I have grown up safely and healthily in my warm home. Every day, every moment, you will experience the happiness, happiness and warmth of your home.

I love living on the third floor. Every day when I go home from school, I open the door of my room and see the spacious living room. Beside the door is the shoe exhibition area - there are many kinds of shoes in the shoe cabinet, just like small boats in a quiet harbor. In the middle of the living room lies a leather sofa and a clean and bright tea table, on which are white tea sets. A LCD TV is stably hung on the front snow-white wall. There is a desktop computer in the corner of the living room. On the other side of the wall stands a display cabinet with many small decorations, including the Chinese zodiac; Medals and trophies with crystal glass; There are clay figures... The gentle sunshine comes in quietly through the window glass every day to enjoy the elegance of the living room.

Walking into my growth corner, although the space is small, it is enough to make me feel romantic and peaceful. On the small desk are two close friends of mine - Xinhua Dictionary and a small alarm clock. I have to do my homework on the small desk every day, and the dictionary helps me with the words I can't read. The small alarm clock calls me to go to bed and get up on time every day. There are many pictures of my dolls on the wall, as well as my favorite animations such as Altman and Conan. In the small bookcase are placed my books and learning tools for school, as well as many extra-curricular books. Here, whenever I sweat when I do my homework, my mother will send me an ice cream; When I was thirsty, my father handed me a crisp apple in time like rain. I experienced the love of my parents.

There is a big refrigerator in the dining room. The dining table and chairs are wiped clean by my mother every day. Every dinner is a time for me to get together with my father and mother and exchange happiness. While I was eating the delicious food my mother served on the table, I listened to their slow conversation about the interesting stories around me that day. But most of all, I asked about my study and classroom performance that day. I will tell them what I did one day. At this time, my mother's encouraging eyes and kind smile, as well as my father's soft praise and whispering comfort, all of a sudden resolved many of my troubles in learning.

What a warm home! I love my family.

I love my family composition 600 words (10)

Everyone has a home, and everyone will love his own home, so I am no exception.

Home, can give a warm feeling, can make people full of confidence, from failure to cheer up. However, home is the most important pillar of people everywhere.

I love my family for many reasons, the most important reason is my parents and family environment. The saying "love grows over time" is absolutely true, whether it is a person or a dead thing, as long as you face it for a long time, you will have deep feelings. Unconsciously, I have lived in my home for 13 years. There are my most beloved parents, the most familiar environment, and my stories stored for many years.

At home, my parents are like my good friends. They live a happy life every day. Even if I am unhappy on the way home, as long as I step into the house, my heart will be as relaxed and free as if it was untied.

In the environment where I grew up, there are both sides that make me happy and sides that make me sad. In the whole room, my favorite is my room. There is a desk, a big bed, a bookcase, a dresser and a computer in the room... I do my homework on the desk every day, sleep on the big bed, and sometimes when I am tired, I sit in front of the computer and relax, so that my brain can relax after working for a long time, and when I am free, I turn over the books in the bookcase. Everything in the room is accompanied by my joy, anger, sadness and joy. Another place I am familiar with is my small garden. There are green grass and flowers in the garden. I also often play in the garden. I love my family, every member of my family, and every story of my family

I have a warm and happy home, where love and joy are everywhere. Father's humor and mother's kindness make our family more warm.

One sunny morning, my parents and I arrived in Beijing, the capital of China, by train overnight. As soon as I arrived, I heard a good news: next to the Happy Supermarket on the North Ring Road, there was a game of "family competition", which started at nine o'clock. My parents and I rushed to the hotel to register. The game is about to start!

The first round: The parents clamped their children in the middle, tied their legs with ropes, and the three walked together. The first family to reach the end won. When I was ready, a shot rang out, my parents and I rushed to the end. Because my walking rules were always different from my parents', my parents simply picked me up and walked. Ha ha, it's so cool. It's like flying. When I look back, other families are far away from us. They will soon reach the end. Yeah! We won the first game! I'm very happy.

The second round: relay race. Parents and children run one by one. The first one who finishes the race will surely win! My mother and I asked my father to stand first, because my father ran fastest, I stood second, and my mother was last. Dad runs every day. Now, running is a piece of cake for Zhang Fei to eat bean sprouts. It's my turn. I rush forward like a brave swallow, opening the distance for my mother. Then my mother will run more easily. We won in the second round! I'm very excited.

The third game: telepathy, parents plan children guess. This is a game to test whether the hearts of parents and children match. At the beginning of the game, Mom and Dad were nervously gesticulating, and I also nervously guessed. I don't know whether our word card is too simple or I am too smart. I guess it will be over in a short time, and it is all right!

At this time, the host announced that the winner of the "Family Contest" was the "T" family (when registering, the host asked his family to give a name, and I called this)! Wow~~I was so excited that I jumped three feet high. Looking at my parents, they were all tired and sweating. My face was red. My father smiled and my mother smiled, and I was even more overjoyed. I walked up to my parents and dried their sweat with my soft hands. The onlookers were applauding warmly and congratulating us. After receiving the prize, we were as happy as a bird. Holding it, we returned to the hotel.

This game makes me feel the perfection, warmth, warmth and joy of this home. What a wonderful home!

Ah! I love my family, love this loving family!

I love my family composition 600 words (11)

I have a happy family of three: a hardworking father, an able mother, and a smart me.

My father is the party secretary of the sports school. My father is meticulous about his work. He is a "desperate man" and often works overtime on weekends; He treats his family with full love; Dad shows great care for his friends and colleagues. Dad was very diligent. When he came home from work, he plunged into the sea of knowledge and sucked the dew of knowledge. Dad loves me very much. No matter what I want, he will try his best to meet my requirements, especially for extracurricular books. He always responds to my requests. The day before yesterday, he also bought me the book "Insects" written by the famous French entomologist Faber, which also contains fascinating CDs! But he is also very strict with me. Whenever I study sloppily and laxly, he always gives me a "blow in the head" - severe criticism.

My mother is an ordinary teacher and works in the same school as my father. My mother is serious when she is a class teacher. She loves students like children and cares about students meticulously. I am jealous of her students. On weekends or during school art activities, my family's VCD will be enjoyed by students; When the cold current came, my father's thick sweater kept out the cold on the poor students in her class; Whenever students have ideological contradictions and psychological confusion, mother always patiently and sincerely enlighten them and help them overcome difficulties. It is common to have a heart to heart talk with students at night while leaving me alone at home. Mom's teaching is also great! She can make courseware by herself. The class is lively and interesting, and students love her classes very much. For this reason, my mother is rated as an excellent class teacher every year, and also as an advanced worker in the province! My mother is very diligent at home. She is the head of our logistics department. She cares about everything and takes good care of me and my father.

My name is Qian Ziyu. At present, I am in Class 5 (3) of the Affiliated Primary School of the Normal University. I am a studious and motivated student. Whenever I encounter a problem, I always think independently. I am very careful in class, active in speaking, and 100% correct. I am also a handsome, kind-hearted and versatile young man. Playing football and badminton is my favorite. In summer, I like playing in the swimming pool, reading extracurricular books, enjoying the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland and playing wonderful and realistic computer games during the holidays. When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer who is good at arguing and speaking out, or a biologist who embraces nature and reveals its secrets.

Living in such a warm and harmonious family, I feel extremely happy and happy. I love my father, I love my mother, I love my family!

I love my family composition 600 words (12)

Each of us has his own home. It may be warm and harmonious, interesting or ordinary. But no matter what, home is the deepest and most beautiful concern in our hearts, because there are our beloved family members at home, and there is an ordinary but precious kinship flowing, nourishing our hearts. So is my home. Although it is small and not new, I still love it to the point of no avail. My parents, my brother and sister-in-law, and my lovely six-and-a-half year old nephew make up our unique home.

The morning is the busiest and most fulfilling time for our family. At more than seven o'clock in the morning, I woke up after a bath of urine. I couldn't wait to get out of bed and go to grab the toilet. But before people got to the toilet, a sound of opening the door rang behind me. Then, a black shadow rushed in front of me, blocking my way.

"Why? Brother smelly! I came first!". Although I enjoy my brother's unintentional favor, at this moment, I am not a vegetarian, and I will take a cruel bite if I hold his hand! "Ah! Dead girl, come on, son, come and save your father!"

"Coming!" Before the words fell, I felt a twinge in my long hair.

It was my wicked nephew.

The three of us got tangled up together. You hit me and I pushed you. The whole house turned into a pig killing farm. Finally, my dignified father came out and presided over the situation. He shouted, "Go back to my house, go back to my mother!" In this way, the war of robbing toilets ended. But every time, I feel that the war is particularly warm and interesting, because it is a manifestation of love.

When we had dinner in the evening, our family enjoyed themselves even more. My mother always tries her best to make the dishes my brother and I like. When I met a dish of shredded meat with fish flavor, my brother and I went to war again. If you push me with your chopsticks, I will kick him under the table. In the end, we didn't get anything to eat because we were busy quarreling!

"Mom, look at your retarded son!" I had to complain to my mother because I could not rob him. "Mom, look at your mentally handicapped daughter!" "Oh, your two brothers and sisters are really mentally retarded children. One is more stubborn than the other! If you continue like this, you will be rewarded 50 boards each to make an example of others!" "That's a good idea! I agree with both hands and feet!" Unexpectedly, the sister-in-law who has been watching the lively scene suddenly said such a sentence. We all said that she fell into the trap, and after dinner, a big war started

Ah, in retrospect, every bit of my home is more precious than a diamond! I love my family forever!

I love my family composition 600 words (13)

Home is a shelter on the rough sea, giving you selfless protection in times of crisis; Home is the paradise of lost birds, guiding you when you are confused; Home will always give you warmth.

My home is a warm home. When my young heart is injured, use its warm hands to heal my wounds. At that time, I was just in the third grade. I was always unknown in the class and my academic performance was average. Therefore, the male students in the class bullied me. I had no choice but to be too weak to beat them, so I came home with bruises every day. Every time I was beaten, I hated them more. Looking at the tears on my face in the mirror, I began to curse them and hate myself for being too weak. Mom and Dad found out about me, pulled me into the room, and said to me earnestly: As a person, we should learn to be tolerant. Violence can not solve problems, and tolerance is the root of solving problems. From then on, a tolerant seed was buried in my heart, and gradually began to take root and sprout. The lush leaves replaced the dark haze. In retrospect, if I had no parents, I would have gone astray.

My home is a tolerant home, which can always tolerate my mistakes and shed a little sunshine in my dark world. When I entered junior high school, I also entered adolescence. All kinds of troubles came one after another. Rebellion and ignorance are synonymous with me. The "rags" I wear every day are either drunk or in Internet cafes. In the class, the teacher expressed frustration with my actions. In the face of the sympathetic eyes of the students, I still feel that this is a matter of course. One day, I had just come out of the Internet cafe when I met my father's gloomy eyes. My father dragged me into the house without saying a word. However, my expected slap did not fall on me. I looked up in doubt, but my father didn't say anything, just let me think about it. Looking at my father's pale hair, my eyes were wet: my parents worked hard every day to earn money for us to go to school, but did not complain. What qualifications do we have for parents to worry about? I raised my childish face and shouted: Dad, don't worry, I won't let you worry about it again. In the face of my father's pleased eyes, I made up my mind.

No bird in the world can fly all the time. No matter where he flies, he always returns to one place, that is home.

I love my family composition 600 words (14)

My yard is clean and beautiful, quiet and charming. Whenever I am free, I always like to be in a fragrant sea of flowers, embroidering the fragrance of flowers, opening a book, savoring carefully, and the day's troubles and fatigue will disappear.

Spring is not as interesting as summer. It is not as fruitful as autumn. It is not as white as winter. It is full of flowers and colorful. The courtyard in spring is more beautiful and intoxicating.

"Children come back early from school, and they are busy releasing paper kites while the east wind blows." In March, the first ray of bright sunshine fell on the land that has not yet awakened. Sister Chun walked quietly into the orchard and bamboo forest into my yard with light steps. The sun is generous and shines the yard warm. The willows are waving their green hair. The willow branches are thin and soft. They are swaying in the breeze. How graceful they are! The flowers are unwilling to lag behind, showing themselves, smiling and competing.

Jasminum nudiflorum is charming and moving. The green branches and leaves set off the charming flowers, which are shy and lovely. Orchid is elegant, simple and well dressed, just like a lady from a very cultured family. The Qiong flower is white and green, just like bright gemstones, embedded in emerald green leaves, which is very eye-catching. Delicate morning glory and colorful tulips are beautiful and attractive. Not far away, a few unknown flowers and plants climbed up the wall, interspersed with some flowers, some blooming gracefully, some bashfully, just like pearls, and some stars in the blue sky, just right. The breeze sent the fragrance of flowers. Flowers and grass spread out in the wind and danced together. Butterflies flapped their beautiful wings in the flowers.

Dance around the flowers. The little bee fluttered the gossamer like cicada wings and hummed along. The birds circling in the blue sky really deserve to be "lingering in the butterfly dance all the time, and the charming warbler chirps freely"! In my spare time, I always like to bathe in the spring sunshine, which is really a wonderful enjoyment. Enjoy the beautiful spring in the paradise of flowers. Oh, my yard, you are my soul's home. When I was happy and cheering, the yard shared happiness and joy with me. Flowers nodded and smiled, and grass clapped and applauded. What presented to me was a harmonious and warm scene. When I was sad and upset, the yard accompanied me to cry, and even the beautiful flowers could not help crying for me

The yard accompanies my healthy growth. I love the yard! I love my yard.

I love my family composition 600 words (15)

In life, my home is a five pointed star. Each corner on the five pointed star represents a family member. I usually think this way: turn the five pointed star upside down, and the top two corners represent father and mother respectively; The middle two corners represent my sister and me; The bottom corner represents my brother. The father and mother standing above put up their arms to protect us from the wind and rain, so that we can enjoy the love of father and the warmth of mother. However, the family is permeated with a happy atmosphere.

Father, the head of our family. My father is a worker who works far away from home. He is diligent and hardworking. Always in that hot summer and cold winter pressing unremitting work.

I also call my father "Chef", because no matter what it is, a few changes in his hands will turn into a delicious food, which also emits a strong fragrance, making me hungry.

My mother is really good at managing the family. She is not only gentle and considerate to her husband and children, but also filial to the elderly. Every time I cook delicious food at home, I will take some to my grandparents. Mom, who always advocates frugality, will take a lot of money and take Grandma shopping at this time. My mother is very quick in doing everything. She always gets things done with three strikes, five strikes and two strikes.

My clever but coquettish sister and naughty and cute brother are really worrying! Two little naughty ghosts just play crazy all day long, and they don't take learning seriously at all. When my father and mother are away, I have to watch them. Oh, I'm bored to death!

As for me, I am a girl who doesn't like talking. My performance is average, but my reading level is excellent. Is it a bit narcissistic? Hee hee!

I think home is the foundation of our growth, and home is an endless book; Home is a poem full of good wishes; Home is a sweet song; Home is a strong and mellow wine.

Home is so ordinary, but also so fascinating. I couldn't help sighing: "I love my family!"

I love my family composition 600 words (16)

Everyone has a home, and everyone will love his own home, so I am no exception. Home, can give a warm feeling, can make people full of confidence, from failure to cheer up. However, home is the most important pillar of people everywhere.

At home, my parents are like my good friends. They live a happy life every day. Even if I am unhappy on the way home, as long as I step into the house, my heart will be as relaxed and free as if it was untied.

In the environment where I grew up, there are both sides that make me happy and sides that make me sad. In the whole room, my favorite is my room. There is a desk, a big bed, a bookcase, a dresser and a computer in the room... I do my homework on the desk every day, sleep on the big bed, and sometimes when I am tired, I sit in front of the computer and relax, so that my brain can relax after working for a long time, and when I am free, I turn over the books in the bookcase. Everything in the room is accompanied by my joy, anger, sadness and joy. Another place I am familiar with is my small garden. There are green grass and flowers in the garden. I also often play in the garden.

Home is the cradle of every child's growth and the harbor where every child lives. I have a warm, happy and harmonious home. I love my family.

I love my family, every member of my family and every story of my family.

I love my family, a happy and warm home. My parents love me in every way, which makes me deeply feel the warmth of home. Every time I come back from school, my mother is busy cooking delicious food for me in the kitchen. My father sits beside me and accompanies me in my study. When encountering problems that are impossible, my father will patiently explain them to me. My mother is very concerned about my study. She is afraid that I will be tired of studying and tries her best to find ways to strengthen nutrition for me. Every morning, I boil a cup of hot milk for me, and always cook for me.

I love my family, a harmonious and happy family. In my family, there is always a peaceful atmosphere. The three of us always live in harmony. Mom and Dad have a very good relationship. They hardly quarrel. Dad talks humorously and always makes Mom and I laugh. I am a very sensible and unruly child. I don't make my parents angry. If I get good results in the exam, my parents will celebrate for me and take me to eat my favorite ice-cream. Every time I pour a glass of wine for my parents, because I know that my achievements can not be achieved without the cultivation of my parents in addition to the contributions of teachers.

I love my family, a family that I can rely on. Whenever I encounter difficulties or grievances outside; It was my parents who helped me solve my difficulties and listened to me talk about my depression, so that they taught me how to face life and facts; They taught me that life will not be easy, but one should know how to face the challenges and tests of life.

I love this warm and happy home, let love stay in my home forever.

I love my family composition 600 words (17)

Growing up healthily, my gentle and considerate mother and knowledgeable father form a happy family of three. My home is as complete in color, smell and taste as the food cooked by my mother. My home is as interesting as the anecdotes told by my father.

I love my family because there is a mother who loves me. My mother is very careful. She is too careful to allow you to be lazy in your study. I remember when we were in the third grade, the teacher assigned us to do two pages of mental arithmetic problem cards for homework. I looked at the numbers on the top, and my head was big. I had a brainwave and took the computer when my mother wasn't paying attention. It was finished in less than ten minutes. I complacently took it to my mother for inspection, only to find the flaw when she looked carefully. Mom's eyes are like X-rays, which can see through all the bad ideas in your stomach. My mother said, "You can't take shortcuts in learning. You must correct your learning attitude. You can treat learning as you treat it!" This sentence has always been deeply in my mind. My mother is also a mother who loves learning. When I go to school, she often takes out a point reader to learn English. Every Sunday, after I finished my homework, my mother asked me to read English. My mother said, "Only when I read English aloud can I remember and read English fluently." I also made great progress in my study under my mother's strict requirements.

I love my family because I have a knowledgeable father. My father is a freight driver. He works very hard and runs around all year round. I know he is to make our family live better. Whenever Dad is free, he will tell me his anecdotes. In the eyes of his father and colleagues, he is a "living map", because his father drives outside, he knows all the streets. Although my father has little time to accompany me, he is very concerned about my study. As long as I encounter problems that I don't understand, even if he is busy, he will help me solve them first. He is serious and persistent in everything he does. I remember one time, my favorite remote control car broke down. My father took it apart again and again, and it was a small screw missing. He traveled all over the community and finally bought the right small screws to repair my remote control car.

I love my family because I am growing up healthily and happily here. When I was young, I was always so naughty and headstrong. I love tears when I encounter a little setback. It was thanks to my mother's relationship and my father's encouragement that I changed from a shy little boy who loved tears to a pupil who loved learning and was polite.

My home is a place full of laughter. I often go home from school and talk to my parents about interesting things that happened in school, sometimes making them laugh. Everyone in the family is very tolerant. Even if I make a mistake, my parents will not criticize me. They will talk to me and convince me.

I love my family because it is a happy paradise and a warm harbor.

I love my family composition 600 words (18)

"The happiness that my family gives me is a castle, which can withstand all worldly disturbances..." This is the lyrics of "Happiness for Me". Home is our habitat, home is our haven, home is the synonym of warmth in our hearts, home is the warmth that we can't give up in our hearts, home is father+mother+brother+me. I love my family.

Home gives me happiness. Sometimes on Saturday nights, the four members of our family would sit together on the climbing mat of my brother and play with him under the gentle light. First, my father and I came up with a way to make my brother giggle; Later, after we "listened" to my brother's funny laughter, we would also laugh together. We also like to sit together and "reveal" our brother's "embarrassing" behavior. After? After that, of course, I was very happy. I caught a glimpse of my younger brother in the "blurred smile eyes", and I could not help but pick up and "smack" a kiss. After kissing, I watched my younger brother smile.

Home gives me warmth. Every night, my father put on an apron and waved a spatula to cook delicious food for our family. When I came home from school, the food was basically ready. I put down my schoolbag and eagerly followed my mother to serve food. The next most joyful time was when we had dinner. At this time, my father always sips small white wine while holding chopsticks and talking loudly. My father talked about a wide range of topics. I listened to my mother about the arrangement of trivial things in the family, political current affairs, and even occasionally life philosophy. I always looked at my father with admiration and admiration, and actively echoed his words. Dad talks a lot when he drinks, and he vomits slowly from the "show", so he can always eat a dinner for nearly an hour.

This enjoyable dinner time gave my family warmth. When I feel like a lonely boat on the sea in the vast sea of people, this warmth will give me strength and help me continue to sail.

Home can also give me strength. My mother's soft and tenacious eyes, my father's sharp and sincere words, and my brother's trusted and dependent smile will always appear in my mind. On my future path, tell me right and wrong, good and evil, right and wrong, right and wrong, right and wrong, and right and wrong, and help me to reach the top of the rainbow.

I love my family!

I love my family composition 600 words (19)

I love my home, because it gives me the greatest happiness and happiness.

There are four people in my family: father, mother, brother and I. My father is generous, my mother is hardworking, my brother and I are naughty but cute. Mom and Dad said that my brother and I are their two most precious treasures. However, my parents never condone me in my study, and they are very strict with me. I know that this is another kind of love they have for me.

Now, I have grown up. I love talking, laughing and crazy, and my personality has been somewhat restrained. When I am free, I will serve rice and tea to my parents, beat my shoulders and pinch my back. They all praise me as a dutiful child. My younger brother is only three years old, and he can't speak clearly. He is very cute and interesting. He is the joy of our family.

I like to amuse my brother best. I have many tricks to amuse my brother. For example, when singing, I stopped singing and said, "Oh! I forgot the next sentence!" My brother would laugh when he looked at my stunned appearance.

Another example is to make a phone call. I pretended to call someone, and then suddenly said, "Hey, hey! Why don't I talk?" My brother would laugh when he looked at me and pretended to be anxious

My brother likes playing with me best. Listen: "Brother, brother..." He is calling me again. He must have found out that I was watching TV again. It must be the same old routine - competing with me again. Sure enough, he ran up to me and began to shake my arm with his cute, meaty little hand, muttering "big bear, big bear..."! So he is going to watch "Bear Paradise"!

I can't compete with him - of course, I don't have the heart to compete with him. Whenever this happens, I will hold him and coax him, "OK, brother, don't wait, brother, I will find Xiong Da for you." Then I will give up the program I am watching and search for "Xiong Da" for him. As soon as the opening song of "Paradise of Bears" rings, my younger brother will yell: "Thank you, brother!" Then he pouts and kisses me on the face, and then dances happily with the rhythm. Watching my younger brother happy, my heart will be filled with happiness, and I will not feel a little regret for giving up my favorite program, because watching my younger brother happy is a supreme enjoyment!

I love my father, mother and brother. I love my happy family.

I love my family composition 600 words (20)


My father came from a poor family when he was a child. With his perseverance, he has come to this day and has his own success. My father was even more tenacious on his way to school. In high school, at five o'clock in the morning, he got up from his dormitory bed and reviewed his lessons; When encountering a difficult problem, I would rather immerse myself in hard thinking and ponder over it than consult others easily. If I really can't think of it, I will go to consult the professor with a deep foot and a shallow foot under the heavy snow or on the muddy road. His figure can often be seen on the trail. In my father's body, I saw the epitome of "it is difficult to become a master without paying the pain". Even now, he still maintains a tenacious working attitude, which is father! This is my great father.

Mom, is my first teacher. One of her strengths still affects me today, which is similar to her father's - tenacity. When you see a good goal, you will be brave to achieve it. Father has his own tenacity, and mother has her own strength. When I was about to grow up, my mother made breakfast for me and never changed. Some people will say, so what, my mother will do it for me. Yes, my mother also has a busy job, she can let me take money to eat out, but never. Breakfast is very important for children. Mom gets up at six every morning to cook for me. This is not only breakfast, but also a mother's tenacity! Every morning, the wind and rain never stop

Under the good influence of my parents, I also showed the valuable quality of perseverance, arrogance and impetuosity in my study. "If you persevere, you will not break the rotten wood; if you persevere, you will be able to carve out gold and stone". I believe that victory belongs to tenacious people. In learning, if you make achievements, you will be complacent and will never achieve anything! Preciseness is my goal to achieve. I believe that victory will always be close to those who have perseverance and courage. Good habits will definitely make me have a better tomorrow!

I love my family. It has given me infinite knowledge wealth and precious life principles