Ant Observation Primary School (19 articles)
Soar in the sky
2024-03-18 07:42:52

Ant Observation Primary School (1)

Diary 1 of pupils' observation of ants: Recently, Mr. Wang took us to learn the lesson of red ants in the unit of the big Chinese book Insect World. It tells about the fierce battle between red ants and black ants, and how they can find their way home accurately. What an eye opener! Then, Mr. Wang gave us an interesting homework: observing ants outdoors.

After dinner, I set out with some food, magnifying glass and watering can. Unexpectedly, I met my classmate Ma Xianzhe on the way. He also came out to look for ants. We followed a small ant to the lotus pond, where we found the trace of ants. We saw ants crawling in and out of a small crack. Maybe there is an ant nest in the crack! So we scattered some delicious food at the gate of the nest, including bread and apple seeds.

It's getting dark, so we can only use flashlights to illuminate. Soon, we found a small ant holding a big bug back to the nest, and it also found delicious food at the entrance of the nest. It first transported the insects back to the ant nest, and then ran out. It revolved around the bread for several times, and then got into the bread.

The greedy ants should eat a lot in the bread. After a while, it was estimated that it had eaten enough, and began to drag the bread into the nest.

Because the bread was much bigger than it, the ant called several other companions to help. At this time, Ma Xianzhe and I saw a very interesting scene. The little bread seemed to become a rabbit with long legs. It quickly ran to the ant nest, and then disappeared.

Diary 2: Today, I went to the People's Park with my good friends. We found an ant nest under a tree, and some ants were carrying small food.

My friends and I touched ants with branches. Some ants left their food and ran away. Some ants bit the food and did not move. Most ants rushed back to the hole. Later, several ant scouts boldly climbed out of the hole, carefully observed around, and climbed back after confirming safety. It wasn't long before the army came out to look for food. At this time, I was surprised to find that ants could find the food they had just left behind.

Before long, we found a dead earthworm on the grass near the cave. Two ants were sniffing, smelling, carrying and pushing around it. I guess they can't be moved. Sure enough, they soon climbed back into the hole.

Suddenly, about dozens of ants came out of the cave. The two ants went back to the headquarters to seek help. The ants use the powerful pincers in front to divide the earthworms into small pieces and move them into the hole. In less than half an hour, the earthworm disappeared. The ant army is really powerful!

Through observation, I found that ants are smart and diligent, alert and united. Once they find that their strength is insufficient, they will immediately ask the team for help. We should learn from the spirit of unity of ants

Pupils' diary of observing ants 3: Although ants are small, you should not underestimate them. They are smart! It has a strong ability to find food, especially its spirit of solidarity. As long as one ant finds food, other ants will come to help.

The mouth of an ant is like a small pair of scissors. It can eat quickly. It has three pairs of feet and runs fast. If you want to catch it, it will be hard. Ants can find food by smelling, especially scented food.

One day, an ant went out to look for food and saw its antennae constantly strafing like radar, looking around in flower beds, grass, and everywhere. Suddenly, it was as nervous as if it had been electrified. It found a small piece of bread on the ground, but it was obviously difficult to carry the bread home alone with its ability. Delighted, it flew home and touched its partners with its tentacles, as if to tell them: I found food! Come and help! Then, a group of ants quickly rushed to the piece of bread. Some of them dragged, some dragged, some lifted, and all worked together to transport the bread home.

The process of ants foraging is really interesting.

Ant Observation Primary School (2)

Today, I found some ants on the ground. Ants are very cute, naughty and powerful.

An ant stole under my feet when I wasn't paying attention. I felt an itch in my feet, so I looked at it. As a result, I saw an ant running on my feet, so I picked it up and locked it in a small box. Ants can climb hills and walls, but I can't. When ants move food, they always cooperate and help each other. If one ant is in trouble, other ants will come to help it; If an ant can't move the food, its companion will come to help it move it back together. It is said in the book that ants use their antennae to collide with each other to transmit signals. If the food found is large and palatable, their tentacles will swing violently.

Although ants are small, they are industrious. Get up early every morning to find food and work all day. When they are tired, they lie in a cradle made of leaves; When you are thirsty, you go to pick a small leaf and go to the river to get water. Ants are really powerful!

Ant Observation Primary School (3)

During the May Day Golden Week, it is natural to travel!

I "stroll" around the school, my own home, my grandmother's home, school, my own home and my grandmother's home.

One day, I accidentally saw a red ant in the kitchen. It looked around as if it was helpless. I think I'm fine now anyway. Watch the ants!

I immediately focused on this little ant. It touched their horns (antennae) with another small ant. The first ant I found seemed to have a destination. It strode to the cupboard. The ants left behind seemed very sad. Soon the "ant army" came!

The army consists of seven or eight ants. I saw them talking about something!

I really want to hear it. After a while, they formed a "one" shape and walked in a neat step. I followed carefully for fear of disturbing them. How slow!

It's not easy to be a tracker!

As I was tracking ants, I saw them circling the biscuit crumbs I had eaten the day before yesterday. It suddenly occurred to me that I usually kill ants when I see them? Without hesitation, I immediately took a small glass of water and poured it down without mercy. The ants kept turning with the water swirl, and they held tightly together. The ants below are dead, while the ants above are lucky to live. I don't know why my heart suddenly felt so uncomfortable at this time? I think that even ants can be so friendly. I also want to unite and love with my classmates. I can lend a helping hand when my classmates are in trouble. Comment: The little things in your life around you make you understand the truth of solidarity and fraternity. It can be seen that the accumulation in life not only provides you with material for writing, but also makes you understand the truth of being a man. The emphasis is on observation. I hope you will continue to accumulate, experience and feel in your future study and life. I believe you will be better and better!

Ant Observation Primary School (4)

Ant Observation Diary Primary School Composition 1

Ants are a very common animal. They can be seen everywhere under flowerpots, in the land, on the grass.

The body of an ant is divided into three parts: head, chest and abdomen. Three pairs of feet are concentrated on the chest, and a pair of antenna like antennae grow on the head. Ants have various body colors, some are black all over the body, and some are yellow in the abdomen

The most obvious feature of an ant is its big jaw. If it encounters lighter food, it will clamp the food with its big jaw, and then quickly run back to the ant nest. If it encounters heavy food, the ant will use another "weapon" - tentacles. It first used its antennae to communicate with the ants around it, as if to say, "Hey, buddy, ask everyone to come and help me." Before long, a large group of ants came to me in a huge line and moved the food together. When I observed, when ants communicate with others with their antennae, their antennae flow differently. Sometimes they twist and turn, sometimes they stay for a long time, and sometimes they touch and then they leave. I thought: Can this transmit different signals? I also observed the way an ant walks. It first lifted three feet on one side and then lifted three feet on the other side.

Have you ever observed the way ants walk in groups? Why are they so straight and tidy? It turns out that an ant's abdomen secretes a "pheromone". If we have a hand across the ant's "march" route, we will destroy the "pheromone", making the ants behind confused, and the ants in front will also be unable to find their homes.

Ant is a kind of united animal. I want to learn this spirit from ants.

Ant Observation Diary Primary School Composition 2

At three o'clock in the afternoon, I was eating biscuits at the door. My little brother came out and asked for a biscuit. I gave him one. The younger brother shook his body while eating biscuits. He divided the biscuit into three bites and ate them into his mouth. Two bites fell to the ground. He asked me for several biscuits one after another in his "three strikes five divides two" way. When we finished a packet of biscuits, the place where my brother stood was full of biscuit crumbs. I was just about to take the broom when an ant came up. I know that in the animal world, I can move something seven or eight times heavier than my own weight. So I squatted down to observe carefully.

The patrol ant was attracted by the smell of biscuit crumbs. He is very interested in biscuit crumbs: looking around, smelling around, touching with feelers, and slobbering when he stays. After a while, it began to taste, as if it tasted good. Ants want to move some back to share with everyone. It uses a pair of front feet to push on the larger biscuit foam, and does not move at all. Don't even think about it. The ant tried for a long time, but the biscuit froth did not move, but it did not give up. Instead, it changed a tactic --- to move reinforcements.

The ant is really smart, pushing the biscuit foam about the size of its body and running. When he meets his companions on the road, he touches them with his tentacles, as if to say, 'There are some delicious food ahead. You should go to inform everyone immediately and ask them to queue up for delicious food.' In just a few minutes, the ants came out of the hole. They are divided into four groups, and an ant is standing in front, which seems to be the commander. The biscuit foam is lifted up by the dense ants, and sometimes it stops to have a rest. I mischievously blocked its way with small stones, and they would detour and go forward. After many twists and turns, they finally carried the biscuit foam to the cave.

How interesting it is for ants to carry food. How clever they are!

Ant Observation Diary Primary School Composition 3

Ants like to live in groups. They are very united. They always share weal and woe.

Today, I went to observe ants. I saw that the body of an ant has three sections, a big head, a clamp in its mouth, six pairs of feet, and tentacles on its head!

They like to move things. I put some bread crumbs on the ground, and a "detective" came. As soon as it looked like food, the detective went back to touch the "captain", as if to say, "Captain, there is food in front of us, go tell all the people to move it!" Then, a large group of ants climbed out of the hole to move food. Some ants used clamps, some two ants lifted it together, and a group of ants moved it together. I moved the food with a small stick. When the ants saw that the situation was not good, they quickly climbed back to the hole. I crushed the food into slag and put it in the hole. After a while, a large group of ants climbed out to remove the food.

Save the half dead and half alive partner

I caught an ant, pinched it half alive and half dead, and put it on the ground to see how they would react. After a long time, an ant did not know where to go. It would face east and north. A few seconds later, the ant came to us. Its antennae touched the half dead ant. The half dead ant did not know why, but suddenly moved and stopped moving. Then, a group of ants ran over and carried it away.

Ant Observation Diary Primary School Composition 4

Our class went to observe ants. Our group brought apples, rock candy, rice and watering can respectively. We first discussed what ants like to eat? I am looking forward to it.

We cheerfully observed the ants. Ye took Han and caught many ants on the playground. We put them on a piece of paper and put apples, rock candy, rice, etc. around them, but they didn't seem hungry. Half of them ran away without our attention, while the other half of us pretended to rain with a watering can. The water power was too strong, so they died! We think it's a pity. I think how cute the ants are! But we were killed when we pretended to rain! I think: If we catch ants, how sad their parents are!

Later, we thought of a way. We folded a simple box with a piece of paper, put the two big ants we caught later in it, and put food in it. After dropping two drops of water, we observed the two ants with a magnifying glass! The two big ants used the crack in the box as a corridor and walked through it. They regarded the box as their home. Even if they climbed to the top of the box, they would not dare to go down as if they were afraid of heights.

We also learned about ants. Our summary is that ants like to eat more sugary food. Ants use their antennae to transmit information. If there were more ants, they would come in groups to carry food. The little ants are not as weak as we imagined. I will never underestimate them again!

Ant Observation Diary Primary School Composition 5

Ants are always very small insects. Ants are swarm insects. Ants transmit information by means of something called pheromone. If you sprinkle water into the ant nest, there will be many ants coming out after a gang. Each ant will take food and gather around. If a very weak insect stands in front, it will surely fly. Ants have great strength. An ant can lift something 100 times heavier than it. I found that the ants were very united. There was a very small white sugar in a very far place. The three ants would negotiate first and then go to carry the white sugar. The ants should move back to the ant nest at once because of their great strength. I put three ants far away from the ant nest to observe whether the ants would return to the ant nest. I found that the ants came back and forth to the ant nest by the smell of pheromone. If

You put rice, apples and sugar beside the ant nest to see what ants like. Ants like sugar best. Many ants have moved sugar back to the ant nest.

As long as you watch carefully, you will find many interesting experiments around you.

Ant Observation Primary School (5)

My family has a backyard. I often go to the backyard to observe the little elves on the egret green ants.

There are four families of ants: red ants, black ants, white ants and yellow ants. Red ants are the most hardworking. They line up neatly every morning and go out to look for food. Black ants are experts in fighting and sometimes bully the weak 'red ants and yellow ants.

This morning, I saw that black ants were invading the base camp of red ants. Many red ants were bitten and scattered around. It was so pathetic. I was so angry that I killed all the black ants.

White ants are the worst ants. They often bore wood hollow. Once I helped my father carry wood, and saw red ants, yellow ants, and black ants rush into the white ants' headquarters together, killing the white ants to pieces. This time, I was so happy that I lined up.

Ah! Ants are fun.

Ant Observation Primary School (6)

In the evening, when I went home, I came to the community. In the corner of the community, there was a dry grassland. There are many insects living in the grassland. When I came to the grassland and opened the land, I was surprised. There are tens of thousands of ants living here. Together, they are as many as a calf. I took a magnifying glass and observed carefully. It turned out that the body part of an ant was like this. The head of an ant was very big, with six or eight feet. The ant's ass is very small, like a round rice. It has a lot of hair on its body. There are many colors and varieties on its body.

I put some ants into plastic bags to see how they came out together. One by one, the ants used two sharp and big teeth to drill the plastic bag into small holes one after another. The holes became bigger and bigger until they became holes. The ants came out and worked together to help each other pull the plastic bags into the soil to make their homes. I have to admire this scene! The ants let the fattest and largest ant king live in a plastic bag and told the ants that it was a warm and comfortable new home. There were more and more ants, and I saw ants declare war on caterpillars. I thought: It was unbelievable that such a small ant could fight such a huge caterpillar. The ants unite and are very aggressive, and the caterpillars are also exhausted by them. What's more surprising to me is that they actually lifted the caterpillars and moved slowly to the hole. Although they were very slow, they did not give up. What's more interesting is that they also take turns to carry them. It seems that there is a division of labor: leading the way, encouraging... After a while, the ants carried the caterpillar into the hole and shared the food with everyone. A caterpillar can feed the ants for a long time.

It was getting late, and I carried my bag home. By observing the behavior of ants, I learned to be united. Unity can overcome all difficulties.

Ant Observation Primary School (7)

My grandfather told me a story: Legend has it that Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, two rebel armies at the end of the Qin Dynasty, fought for hegemony, and Xiang Yu defeated Wujiang; One evening, Xiang Yu saw countless ants outside the military tent and wrote the word "die" in large letters. He thought that God wanted me to die and I had to die, so he pulled out his sword and killed himself. "Can ants write?" I don't believe it. Grandpa insisted that he did. How can I prove my point is correct? I racked my brains to think.

First, I took out an empty bottle, some honey, a brush and some water. Then I called my grandfather out and came to the wall on a vacant land, I said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, I'm ready. Soon there will be a bunch of ants here to form a 'super' word." "I don't believe it." My grandfather replied positively. After a while, an ant came and climbed back; After a while, a large number of ants climbed up to the place I drew and "wrote" a word "super".

Grandpa said, "Ha, I'm right. Ants can write, ha ha!" "No," I replied, "that's the plan of military adviser Zhang Liang. He did it like me."

I added: "Because ants like sweet things, they can gather together to transport sweet things back. Ants receive information; they mainly rely on a pair of antennae on their heads to smell and reflect changes in the surrounding environment."

Ant Observation Primary School (8)

Today, I went to the People's Park with my good friends. We found an ant nest under a tree, and some ants were carrying small food.

My friends and I touched ants with branches. Some ants left their food and ran away. Some ants bit the food and did not move. Most ants rushed back to the hole. Later, several "ant scouts" boldly climbed out of the hole, carefully observed around, and climbed back after confirming safety. It wasn't long before the army came out to look for food. At this time, I was surprised to find that ants could find the food they had just left behind.

Before long, we found a dead earthworm on the grass near the cave. Two ants were sniffing, smelling, carrying and pushing around it. I guess they can't be moved. Sure enough, they soon climbed back into the hole.

Suddenly, about dozens of ants came out of the cave. The two ants went back to the "headquarters" to seek support. The ants use the powerful pincers in front to divide the earthworms into small pieces and move them into the hole. In less than half an hour, the earthworm disappeared. The "ant corps" is really powerful!

Through observation, I found that ants are smart and diligent, alert and united. Once they find that their strength is insufficient, they will immediately ask the team for help. We should learn the spirit of unity of ants!

Ant Observation Primary School (9)

I have seen many animals, but the small ant has left a deep impression on me. Although it is inconspicuous, its spirit of solidarity and cooperation is unforgettable.

One day, I was playing in my grandmother's yard. While playing, I found a small ant. I squatted down and carefully observed the ant. It is found that the body of the small ant is divided into three parts: head, chest and abdomen, and there are two long antennae on its head, which are used to chase and kill prey. Ants have six short legs and walk slowly.

At this time, another ant climbed up to my feet and said weakly, "I'm so hungry, give me something to eat!" I hurried back to the kitchen to get a piece of white steamed bread, tore off a little, and put it on the ground. The little ant quickly dragged the steamed bread back home, I changed a big piece, and it quickly returned home. I caught another big green worm, and the little ant "ran" over and bit the big green worm. The big green worm wriggled and pressed the little ant down. The little ant struggled out of the big green worm and ran home in a hurry. I thought the little ant had given up. When I was going to give the big green worm to the chicken to eat, just then, the little ant came with a group of ants. oh Just now, the little ant went home to carry rescuers. At that time, I gave up the idea of giving chicken food. The little ants led hundreds of ants to rush to the big green worm, tearing it... After a while, they stopped moving. The ants happily carried the big green worm home.

Ants have a strong sense of cooperation! I also want to learn from ants and their perseverance!

Ant Observation Primary School (10)

Ants are nothing but insignificant creatures to people. However, there are some mysteries of ants that even scientists haven't solved, so I specially observed ants.

I took a small spade and gently dug along a place where ants often go in and out. Soon, I found a small cave! There are always ants crawling in and out of the cracks, and they find the way for ants! I put a dead centipede beside the small cave and waited for the ants to eat it.

After a while, two ants climbed over, and one ant and the centipede played hide and seek, one in front of the centipede, the other behind the centipede, drilling around. The other ant went back the same way, presumably to move a rescuer. On the way, when they met their companions, they touched each other with their antennae, and the other ants marched in the direction of the centipede. After a while, a large group of ants were gathered. Some bit the back of the centipede, some bit its head, and some ants went under its belly to bite its belly.

This dead centipede is a delicious food for ants, but how can we move this "monster"? Don't worry, there are some small ants. It's a way.

Some of them pushed behind, some pulled in front, some pulled on both sides, and some tried to cheer them up, as if they were shouting, "One, two, three, come on, Finally moved the centipede home.

Their spirit of unity and cooperation made me deeply sigh: Ah! It's amazing that such a small life has such great power!

Ant Observation Primary School (11)

Today, I had nothing to do, so I decided to invite ants out to observe. First, I ran into the kitchen, quickly brought a bag of white granulated sugar, and then tore it open and sprinkled a spoonful of sugar on the ground.

Soon, a group of ants came. They were about ten centimeters long. The color is black, brown, gray, black with brown, everything. They hold the sugar in their hands, and then eat the delicious "sweet food" with relish. I sat on the chair and carefully observed the ant army, quietly, as if I had become an ant. My head has turned into a round black ant head, my body has turned into a long and thin ant body, my ears have turned into long and freely moving ant antennae, my limbs have turned into short ant feet, and I eat sweet sugar in the middle of the ant army.

When the ants were about to finish eating the sugar, they stopped and began to carry it. When they were carrying sugar: some ants carried sugar in groups, some two ants carried sugar in groups, and some ants pushed sugar in groups. All kinds of transportation methods made me unforgettable. I found that one of them was a large ant. It did nothing in the ant army, but just used its tentacles to command the ants. I think it must be the general of the ant army. The army of ants stopped suddenly as they walked. I looked carefully. It was a caterpillar that stopped them and saw a caterpillar that was several times bigger than myself. Instead of retreating, the ants jumped on dozens of ants and killed the caterpillar alive. Since then, the ant has harvested a hard won caterpillar. The ants continued to walk forward and stopped in front of a cave. They put food in it. I realized that the ants were storing food!

Through this observation, I understand that ants are insects that have both force and bravery, as well as intelligence and unity. They unite before facing difficulties and are not afraid of anything!

Ant Observation Primary School (12)

Chapter One

Have you ever noticed ants? Have you ever seen ants move? You may never notice these inconspicuous "little black spots", but their spirit is worthy of admiration.

Last summer vacation, when I went to my grandmother's house to play, I saw a black chain, like a long wriggling 'black sausage'. I crept over and looked carefully. It was a group of ants moving. Some ants hold eggs between them; Some ants carry food; Some ants carry the larvae. There was also a big ant, who was the leader of the whole team. He looked like he was not the leader of a transport team, but a general of the army. At this time, a naughty ant ran out of the carrying team. At this time, the leader ran to touch the ants' antennae with his antennae. He seemed to know that he was wrong and returned to the team. It seems that they have good discipline. At this time, a big green insect came. The ants sent several strong soldiers. They clamped several wounds on the green insect with pincers. The painful insect rolled on the ground and killed several ants. Undaunted, they sent a dozen more ants to climb onto the big green insect and drill into the wound. Although they died a lot, they were still indomitable. Because they were united, they defeated the big green worm and carried it back to their "new home" happily.

From the phenomenon of ants moving, I understand that unity is strength, which is harder than iron; Stronger than steel; More expensive than gold, the spirit of ants is worth learning. I like ants, more like their spirit.

Chapter 2

At the weekend, my mother and I went for a walk. Suddenly, I saw many ants under the tree. With curiosity, I squatted there to observe them.

I saw an ant coming in front of me. It touched the feeler of its head with its oncoming partner, and then hurried away. What were they doing? Are you hugging? Suddenly, the ant went back to the hole. I followed him to see what was going on. After a while, a group of ants came out, and they would join together and walk towards a dead tree leaf in line. Soon, the leaves were lifted by them, revealing an earthworm. They seemed to have found a new continent, and quickly surrounded the earthworms. An ant touched an earthworm, and the earthworm wiggled its body, as if to find something, but the group of ants were more energetic. Maybe they hadn't eaten for a long time. There are more and more ants, and the earthworm is also exhausted by them. What's more surprising to me is that they actually lifted the earthworm and slowly moved to the hole, although very slowly, they did not give up. What's more interesting is that they also take turns to lift, as if there is division of labor: leading, encouraging

Ants are actually small insects with high solidarity. I didn't know them well when I saw them before. I really want to say to them, "You are really good!"

Ant Observation Primary School (13)

The other day, we visited the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. At the shopping mall of the Science and Technology Museum, I bought an ant workshop, which is my favorite for a long time. The Ant Workshop is a small ant nest. If you put ants in it, you can clearly observe the living habits of ants. I selected an apple shaped plastic box with a transparent shell filled with blue jelly like gel. There are four mountain ants of different sizes crawling inside. I named them "big", "small", "sharp" and "round" according to their shapes. I held the box in my hand and observed it carefully: they scrambled anxiously, as if looking for an exit.

When I got home, I put them beside my bed. The next morning, I went to see the ants as soon as I opened my eyes, and was surprised to find that a 1cm long "tunnel" had been dug out on the surface of the blue gel. I imagined what they did last night: under the leadership of "Da Da:=", the ants began to secrete formic acid, which was used to dissolve the gel crystals. Ants are really small creatures of solidarity. They know that individual strength is limited, and they have great strength when united. At the moment, look at their leisurely appearance. I believe they will dig deeper and wider tomorrow, and decorate their homes more beautifully and perfectly!

Ant Observation Primary School (14)

Today, I bought a box of "Ant World" in the supermarket. It is a transparent square box with light green crystal mud. This is the home of ants.

After returning home, my father and I carefully put a dozen ants into the box, and then used a small stick to poke several holes in the box to prevent the ants from dying without air. Finally, I stuck a small stick to poke dozens of small holes in the soil. When we were ready, I picked up the magnifying glass and carefully observed how the ants made holes.

These dozens of ants are naughty and lazy. They crawl on the surface of the mud and sometimes get together to fight. They have no idea of making holes at all. It's really urgent! I had to be patient, hold my breath and wait. Almost half an hour later, finally, I saw some ants climb to the hole. I was jumping with joy. These ants are slowly digging holes, while the other eight ants are really naughty! I saw them touch and feel, as if looking for an exit. They searched for a long time but couldn't find the exit. It seems that they are standing up and shouting at us: "Hey, where is the bottom of the exit?" I glanced at them and said: "What do I say to tell you, who makes you so lazy?" They had no choice but to continue looking for the exit.

Don't look down upon these little ants, they are very interesting.

Ant Observation Primary School (15)

When I was 6 years old, I was playing downstairs once. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the cold wind was blowing, and my hands were cold. As I watched, it was going to rain cats and dogs, but I squatted on the ground foolishly. Guess what I was doing? Ha ha, I'm watching ants carefully. I scratched my little head with my hand. "Eh! Why are there so many ants? It's strange. What are they carrying white things on their backs? I was curious and touched one of the ants with my little hand. As soon as I got there, the ant ran away in panic. I applauded with joy. How timid!"! My heart was deeply attracted by this group of ants.

"Boom... boom", the thunder is very loud, the sky is getting darker and darker, the ants are running faster and faster, this burst of thunder makes my hair stand on end, but I still want to see what happened. I squatted there and watched intently. I sneezed, and the picture of ants moving constantly appeared in my mind. Suddenly I thought of the scene of people rushing home when it was going to rain. Isn't that the same reason? I'm very happy, because I came up with it myself after all. But when I think about it, what does it carry? This needs my further observation. At this time, my mother ran to me, hugged me, ran upstairs and said, "Oh, you scared me! What are you doing there? I'm worried to death."

Back at my warm home, I sat on the sofa breathlessly and asked my mother: "What are the things ants carried before the rain?" My mother brought me thick clothes and asked me to change them, and then said: "Children, they carry food!"! Because of the rain, it's hard to find food. The small hole is the nest, and they are moving food into it... Don't do such silly things next time! I suddenly understood: "Oh, I see!"

Ant Observation Primary School (16)

Today, I saw a group of worker ants in front of my house. They were small and black, with six feet in all. Each worker ant held a very small piece of bread crumb in his hand. These breadcrumbs are nothing to us, but they are the most precious food for ants!

I squatted on the ground and grabbed a big ant. The ant bit my finger angrily, but I didn't feel any pain at all. It crawls around in my palm. I feel itchy. I blow a breath and blow them away.

I know ants can communicate with each other by their antennae. For example, if a small worker ant can't move a large piece of cheese, it can use its antennae to send signals to other workers, and then send them to other workers one after another. When the number of workers is enough, they move into their own homes together.

I continued to follow the group of ants in front of the door, and found that their home was originally in a corner of the crack, and they carried food to the hole.

Ants are so interesting!

Ant Observation Primary School (17)

On that day, we came to the farm to pick pomegranates. The green fields all over the mountain lie in my greeting. Even the normally serious sun grandfather is smiling at me.

I crossed the lawn and came to the pomegranate field. I accidentally saw a group of ants at my feet, they were working together to carry a small piece of bread crumbs. They surrounded the crumbs in the middle, and then lifted them up together. I followed their footsteps, and they took me to a small mound. There were many ants coming and going, bustling. I got it! This is the kingdom of ants. I put pomegranate picking out of my mind and observed it carefully.

There are streets and alleys, as well as granaries. Every little ant moves things there, and several majestic and serious ants are watching the door.

On the street, there are two big ants walking with small ants. I guess those two big ants must be mother ants and father ants. They are shopping with baby ants. Their faces are full of happiness.

On the other side, a small ant broke its leg and cried sadly beside the street. At this time, a large ant came to comfort the small ant not to cry, and then carried it home.

In the ant world, many things often happen around us, but little ants are brave to face them.

This time, I gained a lot. The ants called me back to ask me about my unity, happy family and helping others.

The setting sun has turned everything red. It's time for me to go home. I kiss the ants goodbye and go home with a full harvest!

Ant Observation Primary School (18)

There are many inconspicuous little things around us, but there are also many little secrets among them. For example, there are many small secrets among small ants that people do not realize. Now let's get to know!

Do you know why little ants always line up when they walk? It turns out that each of them has a pair of antennae on its head, which will leave a smell when walking. The ants behind follow the smell in order not to get lost, so they become a neat line. Don't believe it? You can sweep the sand on the middle bar of their route, and the ants behind will not be able to catch up with them in a quarter, because the smell is cut off.

Once, I found an ant hole under the pillar in front of my house, and I cried happily, "Sister! I found an ant hole!" When my sister heard that, she ran into the house quickly, brought some sugar, and put it in front of the hole. A small ant suddenly smelled the sweet smell of sugar. She carried a small piece back to the hole, and then came out with many ants, At this time, I found a small ant carrying a piece of white sugar larger than it, which made my sister and I very surprised! Soon, there was only one big piece of candy left. I thought it would not move. Later, they surrounded the candy in groups, and then lifted the whole candy to the hole

The little ant is not only a strong man, but also has the spirit of unity. We should learn from it.

Part II

This afternoon, Zixun Yin and I went to the small garden opposite the school to put chickens. In spring, the trees and grass were dyed green by Spring Girl. Three plump and yellow chicks shuttle through the green grass, which is very cute!

Looking at the lovely chicken, I thought to myself: People say that chickens eat worms. Let's catch worms and give them food. Just do what we say. Zixun Yin and I lay on the ground carefully to find bugs. Soon I found an ant. Great! I finally found a bug! I held the ant like a chicken and set out. Oh, no, because I took it too loosely, the ant fell from more than one meter high. It's over. The ant must have fallen to death, but the ant on the ground stopped for a while and crawled forward. Why is this?

When I got home, I checked on the Internet. It turned out that when an object moves in the air, it will be subject to air resistance. The resistance is related to the surface area of the object in contact with the air. The smaller the object, the greater the ratio of its surface area to gravity, that is, the easier the resistance is to balance with gravity, so that the falling speed will not become larger and larger. That is to say, small objects can fall in the air at a very small speed, because ants fall at a very small speed, so they will not fall to death. Unexpectedly, all kinds of phenomena in nature have their own reasons!

Part III

Today, I was reading in the yard and eating biscuits. My mother said, "Don't read in the yard. It's bad for your eyes. Besides, look at you, there are so many crumbs on the ground!" I looked down, didn't I? There was a layer of crumbs on the ground. I accidentally saw a small ant moving around the crumbs of biscuits. I squatted down to observe carefully, Maybe the debris is too heavy and too big for the ant to move by itself, so it left after several circles. I was wondering, when I saw it climb out a few meters and meet other ants, I touched their sense of touch with its antennae. After a while, several ants came around, some pushing, some pulling, and several ants worked together to remove the debris. How amazing! This aroused my interest in studying them. I learned from the data that ants belong to reptiles. They are very small and light, and have a pair of antennae on their heads. These antennae are used to identify the road they have walked and avoid obstacles, because ants have no eyes. Ants are very team - oriented. And ants have great power. One ant can move something 25 times heavier than it. How about that? I can't believe that the little ant is still a strong man!

Having learned so much about ants, I am awestruck by my small reputation, which is small and light, and can continue to live in such complicated natural conditions. I was deeply moved by the team spirit of ants. There are some things that can't be solved by individuals alone. Only the team spirit can win.

The little ants taught me a lot.

Ant Observation Primary School (19)

On Sunday, I saw several ants on a piece of sugar by the river. They were carrying sugar.

When I saw that they could not move, I threw the sugar into the garbage can. I hurried home to get a big piece of bread. I divided the bread into two pieces and asked the ants to move. When I saw that many ants could not move, I broke the bread into pieces. But the ants could not move, so I broke the bread. When I saw how interesting it was for ants to carry food, I smiled happily. After a while, I found a group of ants carrying a large biscuit. I saw that they could not move, and I was going to help. Suddenly, a large ant came, and the large ant bit the biscuit one by one, while the small ants moved to the hole one by one.

I think ants are small, but they have great strength to unite. They have another advantage that I can learn from. They are willing to sacrifice their own lives and help friends or others.

Part II

When it comes to ants, we all know that the body of an ant is about the size of a very small stone, and its whole body is black.

Once, I saw a group of small ants in a neat line carrying things, and I carefully observed what they were going to do.

I saw that every ant had a little food in its mouth. I guess they must be moving. They come and go, constantly moving food from their old homes to their new homes, and they have to move to places where the rain can't reach.

I saw that although they were busy, they were very orderly, coming and going on their own routes. I put down my mouth and went back to my hometown. Together, they finally moved everything from their old home to their new home.

Ah! It's a great unity! We humans must learn from the spirit of solidarity of ants.

Part III

Today, my father showed me something like a melon seed. I asked, "What is it? "Dad said," This is a bag worm. There is a small worm hidden in it. "Dad tore it up and took out the insects. I saw an ant beside it, and said," We put this insect next to the ant. "An ant saw it and ran to pull it. It couldn't pull it, so it went back to the hole. Soon, many more ants came. It turned out that it had gone back to move a large army. As soon as the ant got on it, the insect twisted its body, and the ant was thrown away. The ant tried many times to kill it, and soon moved it to the hole.

Today, ants can have a good meal. Ants are brave and united.

Article 4

I accidentally saw ants move today!

ha-ha! In fact, I don't know whether ants move or not! Sometimes I think it's similar to their foraging!

I used to read it when I was at home, but now I feel homesick. I thought I could go home on the 10th, but I didn't think I could! This is the first time I didn't go back to my big vacation. I don't know if they want to miss me? Alas! I miss them very much! Internship here is neither good nor bad. It's a bit strange!

Others seem to have said that the move of ants is to predict a rainstorm, but now it is sunny outside. After watching the weather forecast, the next two days will be 39 ℃ high temperature! I don't know whether the weather forecast is inaccurate, it is too unreliable!

In fact, it's easy to pass the time when you have nothing to do to see ants move!

Article 5

I have observed goldfish, snails, etc., but what impressed me most was the ant moving.

That day, the weather was fine and the sun was bright. I took my notebook and pen to a piece of grass. As I walked, I found an ant nest. An ant came out holding food, and then a large group of ants ran out. They climbed to the place on the tree, where there seemed to be a hole. Because it was too high, I could not see it clearly.

They move into the hole, come down from the tree, go back to the hole on the ground and take things out, climb up the tree. People often say: "If ants move in the snake aisle, it will rain heavily tomorrow.". I didn't believe it before, but I was a little dubious when I saw them in such a hurry.

At daybreak, I got up and saw the sky was overcast. Soon, it began to rain cats and dogs. This makes me a little weird. Through the data, I know that animals have the ability to predict the future.

Later, I like to observe small animals, because they will give me new discoveries.