About Beginning the Summer (17 required)
Free and easy life
2024-02-05 03:46:39

About Beginning of Summer (1)

"Pa", one egg is broken, "pa pa", two eggs are broken, "pa pa pa..." Many eggs are broken.

What's going on here? To tell you the truth, this is our class is holding an egg fighting contest! Today is the first summer festival. Teacher Cai asked us to bring some eggs for the egg fight. Early in the morning, the students had all kinds of eggs on their hands and around their necks. Everyone was happy. Teacher Cai announced the rules of the game: "We will compete at the same table first, then in groups, and finally the winner will come to the front of the lectern and decide on one egg king and one duck egg king." As soon as Teacher Cai finished his words, the classroom exploded, and everyone wanted to be the "egg king".

At the beginning of the game, the first one was the fight for eggs. My deskmate Zhang Yunan and I both held our eggs tightly, and each wanted to hit others first. Finally, they both hit forward together. We heard the sound of "Pa", and we quickly looked at their eggs. Alas, what bad luck! My egg died honorably. Then there was the group game. My deskmate Zhang Yunan and Chen Ruijie fought each other, and Chen Ruijie won, which could be regarded as revenge for me.

The last few winners went to the front to play. Everyone cheered for them. After a round of fierce competition, the result finally came out: the egg king was Chen Ruijie, and the duck egg king was Zhang Yunan. It's really interesting to fight eggs. Although I lost and failed to become the "egg king", I'm still very happy.

About Beginning of Summer (2)

I am a Chinese tallow leaf, growing in the beginning of summer.

I'm not strange. I can be seen everywhere on the mountain. Because of this, my companions and I have been living a carefree life.

But one day, a man came to the mountain and picked me and some of my companions away. Help! We shouted. However, no one came to help us. We followed the man's basket down the mountain. When I was bumping, I fainted.

When I woke up, I had been put in a big washbasin, which was full of water. The man rinsed us several times and cleaned us clean. Then we were put into a basin of clean water. He began to rub us hard. After a while, we were torn apart and sore all over. And the basin of water became black.

The man brought another washbasin with a bamboo basket in it. He took our pot and poured it into the bamboo basket. The black water flowed out along the gap, and we, the broken leaves, stayed in the bamboo basket. The man picked up the basket and put it aside.

After a long time, the man didn't deal with us. I desperately thought: Is my next life like garbage, useless and abandoned? I am heartbroken.

Suddenly, a fragrance came from a distance, which made my mouth water. What delicious food in the world? I searched carefully and saw that the man brought out bowls of shiny black rice to the people on the table. It is the rice that smells so good.

At this time, a person on the table said: the smell of black rice is delicious. Eating black rice can dispel heat, detoxify, and prevent mosquito bites. It is a very good food in summer. Another said. Yes, our clever ancestors discovered the benefits of Chinese tallow leaves and cooked rice with its mashed juice. Only then did they pass down this delicious and healthy black rice. The man who plucked me from the mountain said.

It turns out that my Chinese tallow leaves contribute to this highly praised delicacy! I am very happy and admire the wisdom of the Chinese people!

About Beginning of Summer (3)

Yesterday, my mother told me that today is the Beginning of Summer Festival. In the past, Mr. Wang would let us take eggs to school and make eggs. I don't know how Mr. Lin arranged this year. On May 5, Teacher Lin said to us, "Boys and girls, tomorrow is the beginning of summer. You can bring your eggs here, and we will have an egg competition between classes.".

On the morning of May 6, my mother prepared three tea eggs and five duck eggs for me early. I was afraid that they would be broken if I hid them in my schoolbag, so I held them in my hands.

When I came to the classroom, I saw that the students were decorating their eggs. I also took out a watercolor pen from the desk, carefully took out a duck egg and began to decorate. I first painted eyes, then nose and eyes; I also wrote a word "king" on the back of several eggs, which means that it is the king of eggs.

The big break finally arrived, and the competition officially started. My first challenger was Wang Yao. When I tried to fight for eggs again, my heart was pounding and thinking: My eggs! You must win! When I was trying to spell eggs, I closed my eyes and heard only one egg was broken. I opened my eyes in fear. Wang Yao's egg was broken. He stamped his feet and sighed back to his seat.

The second challenger is Wang Wei, who said to me before the egg fight: "Either I am dead or you are broken." The fight began, and this time, "Woo -" I lost. I began to use other eggs. Some eggs broke after one spell, while others broke after five or six strokes. It's said that Wang Qihui's eggs are very powerful. I took out the last egg and challenged Wang Qihui. Unexpectedly, he played a fool and knocked others' eggs, so that he could break all 18 eggs. He began to eat eggs. When Pan Chenli knocked on the eggs, he did not expect that they were raw eggs. The yolks were all in his hands. He also painted the yolks on Wang Zhoujie's face, which made the students laugh.

In just a few minutes, I had a happy beginning of summer festival.

About Beginning of Summer (4)

Do you know? It is said that at the beginning of summer, the god of plague would harass every child, bringing disease and harm to them. In order to protect the children, Nuwa asked them to hang a colored egg bag around their necks and put the cooked eggs in it, so that the plague god would not dare to approach. Later, the children would also get together for an egg touching contest. Today, our composition class held such an interesting activity.

As soon as the class started, everyone could not wait to show their eggs. "My eggs are small. They are local eggs." "My eggs are dinosaur eggs." "My eggs are nuclear bombs." Everyone is talking about them. The teacher also took out her eggs, also called them "the most beautiful eggs with beautiful eyes". As a result, we were all ready to take up the brush to "dress" the eggs, and many "new" (totally different) eggs were born.

The egg fight contest of "life is rare" is about to start. Everyone named their "Love Generals". The teacher exclaimed excitedly: "The 2017 Egg King Contest officially begins!" First, P in the group will choose three survivors. I am lucky to be one of them. Then, there was the warm-up of the competition. The teacher took out his "Little Flower Dant" to participate in the competition. I became the first person to attack the challenge. After the two "Duncai" bowed to each other, they saw a small shadow directly bumping into my "Smoky Egg". With a "whoop", everyone gasped. Who would survive? I drew back my hand like an electric shock, and found that the "Smoky Egg" was undamaged. Then I heard the sigh of Teacher Lin: "My poor 'Little Huadan'!" It seems that the victory has been decided. "Little Huadan" is too weak and vulnerable.

Sesame is blossoming day by day. My "Smoky Egg" has successfully killed six eggs in a row with its secret skill "Iron Head Skill", and has become the hegemon of this competition, which is remembered throughout history. I was very excited at this moment. I didn't think that the ugly egg had such power. I peeled it and ate it. The smell of the egg was lingering in the air for a long time.

The egg fight game is really interesting. It left students happy childhood memories.

About Beginning of Summer (5)

Once a year, you can't miss the rare egg fight, which is our Chinese national tradition of starting the summer. However, this fierce and interesting egg fight contest has opened its curtain in our class.

The students were all confident and eager to take the "strong men" with them. After the teacher gave an order, the students burst into flames. First of all, in the group PK competition, I took the "Shuai Guan Yu" duck egg, which was coming to the fore, to challenge Zheng Jinxu's "big man". One hit the "big man" hard and I was defeated. After finishing quickly, Zheng Jinxu let the "fat man" compare with me again. Hit my "Shuai Guan Yu" twice, and both failed.

Then my "fierce Zhang Fei" and "big Liu Bei" eggs were launched together to fight against Zheng Jinxu's "golden light" eggs. The group knockout game begins.

In the first round, "Big Liu Bei" did not lose his hope to resist the attack, but in the second round, he failed to defend. He was attacked by a sudden attack and charged heavily on "Big Liu Bei". My face faded and I was listless for a second. I thought, "How can this happen? It's up to you. In the third round, I aimed at the exhausted "golden egg" with the tip of the egg. Hit hard, listen to "Zam, Zam", golden eggs appeared "spider web", I laughed a few times, and looked at my "Meng Zhang Fei" unexpectedly split a "lightning".

Next to Lin Wenfei and Xue Dongcheng's goose eggs, Xue Dongcheng's goose eggs were defeated. My "Monkey King" was not slow to compete with Zheng Jinxu's "giant". The first impact, both against. The second time, I still had the advantage. With a bang, my "Monkey King" swaggered to win the game, while the "giant" died heroically.

Lin Zeyu's "son of a bitch" captured the egg king in the whole class competition of the group promotion. Miao Yuchen's Pikachu seizes the Duck Egg King. When the goose egg king was finally decided, the battle between Lin Zeyu and Mr. Liu was very spectacular. Lin Zeyu dodged from left to right and then prevented a critical hit, so he passed the goose egg king.

Eating an egg at the beginning of summer is powerful. The lively and extraordinary egg fight game taught me that we must inherit the national customs, and the game also brought us endless fun.

About Beginning of Summer (6)

The rotation of the four seasons is really fast. Seeing that spring has just come, the Beginning of Summer Festival has opened the curtain of summer in a hurry.

On the first day of summer, the whole classroom was bustling. The first step is to carry out the "Costume" evaluation. Yo, look at those eggs, one by one: some are cut and pasted with colored paper, some are wrapped with tin foil, some are even wrapped with clay... And the names are "Dingding", "Dangdang", "Black Whirlwind", "Yiha", "Smurfs", "Gegewu"... which dazzle people.

The most wonderful thing is to lean on eggs. During my free time on eggs, I confidently held my "bodyguard" to look for an opponent. You know, this egg has won several games at home. Is there any other egg that can beat him? Thinking about it, the opponent has come to the front. It is Gong Yixuan's "Liang Liang". I confidently picked up the "bodyguard" and quickly attacked "Liangliang". "Huh --" The two eggs met with the wind. "KAZANG" I looked down and said, hey, my "bodyguard" was really winning. He smashed "Liangliang" into pieces. "Yeah! I won!" I couldn't help cheering.

Next is the most exciting ostrich egg "egg king" competition. The classroom suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two "players" on the stage. They were Lu Yawen's "Black Whirlwind" and Lu Dikai's "Tai Chi". They looked at each other and seemed to spark. Lu Yawen seemed extremely nervous, pursed his mouth and carefully held the "Black Whirlwind"; Lu Dikai was full of confidence, his eyes showed a proud look, as if to say: "Wait and see, I will win you!" The game began, and the two eggs came closer and closer. "Bang --" The two eggs are stuck together! Everyone immediately held their breath, one minute, two minutes... after a long time, the result was still not divided. Miss Gu, who was watching the battle, couldn't stand it anymore. She walked forward, first separated the two people, then helped Lu Yawen hold the "Black Whirlwind" and quickly hit the "Tai Chi". Ludikai panicked and hurried to fight. There was only a dull sound, and when everyone looked closely, it turned out that "Tai Chi" had finally broken into pieces, and large pieces of debris fell down. At the sight of Lu Yawen, he jumped up and down happily, and the whole classroom became boiling

It's the first summer festival of another year. With everyone's laughter, we entered a wonderful summer

About Beginning of Summer (7)

Peeling eggs at the beginning of summer is an interesting game. Have you played it at the beginning of summer? Let's enjoy it! Today, I went to Mr. Zhang's composition hall to write a composition.

Entering the composition hall, Mr. Zhang said: "You finally came here, and today you will peel the eggs! You are ready, and the first prize will be awarded!" It began to divide things. There was a plate on each table, and each person had an egg in his hand. These are our game devices. When things were sorted out, Mr. Zhang began to announce the rules of the game: "Everyone can only peel with one hand, and can't cheat. Otherwise, the game qualification will be canceled, and the reward will be gone. The first egg must be good and fast." The teacher took several photos and said: "Start at 3, 2, 1."

Some students peel off the tail of the egg first, and some students use their thumbs to top the egg shell. Suddenly, "Ha ha ha, I have already peeled half of it, and the champion must be me." Qian Zhilang said with a rustle beside him. "You still want to win the championship. Go daydreaming!" At that moment, Qian Zhilang shouted: "I'm fine, teacher. Look at my masterpiece." Teacher Zhang looked at his eggs and said: "You are fast, but the eggs are too ugly! One hole in the east and one hole in the west, the yolks are seen, which is invalid." Qian Zhilang sighed and began to eat. At this time, Shi Wanghan confidently said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm fine." The teacher said, "Your egg has such a small flaw. It needs to be determined." At this time, Mr. Zhang turned Liu Qinghan's egg twice and said, "It's much better than Shi Wanghan's, and the champion is you". Now someone has given up. It's really cool to watch the game while eating eggs! Liu Qinghan came back with the Rubik's Cube in a spring. At this moment, Teacher Zhang said to Shi Wanghan, "Shi Wanghan, your egg has been counted. If you were in another class, you would have won the championship. But, unfortunately, you met Liu Qinghan, a master." Shi Wanghan sat down disappointed.

Some people muttered to themselves: "I'm not rare! My family has many Rubik's Cube." Others said: "Why is the champion him? I can peel the ground much faster than him." All kinds of voices sounded in my ears. Although the champion was taken away by others, I learned many skills of peeling eggs.

About Beginning of Summer (8)

Spring has not had time to end with a wreath, and summer has started a new line with the scorching sun.

Today is the beginning of summer, the beginning of summer days, and one of the most important festivals in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar. It said that it was about to say goodbye to spring and crops would enter the peak season. At the beginning of summer, our family always eats some food according to the custom, hoping to pray for peace. My kitchen was busy all day since the beginning of summer, and the smell came from time to time.

It is said that "eating an egg at the beginning of summer will increase your strength by ten thousand", and you can eat tea eggs at the beginning of summer. Mom was busy in the morning. She washed and boiled the eggs, cracked them, and added tea, fennel, cinnamon Cook it slowly for an hour, and then start the pot. I carefully selected one of the eggs and chose the darkest one: smell it, wow! The fragrance of tea with the rich aroma of eggs is straight to the nose. Grandma smiled and said to me, "If you eat an egg at the beginning of summer, the stones will be crushed."

On the day of the beginning of summer, the "rice crust cake", which is the first soup of Jiangshan people, is also indispensable. Grandma is an expert in making "rice germ pastry". She cooked the glutinous rice to be delicious, then beat rice balls, knead rice cakes and steamed them again, sliced them, cut them and cooked them together with various seasonal wild mushrooms, green beans, garlic seedlings, raw beans and mustard tubers... After a long time, the "rice germ pastry", which is soft, pliable, smooth and delicious, came out of the pot. Our children have long been salivating! Grandma said, "Don't underestimate this" rice crust pastry ". It is a traditional delicacy and a special delicacy!"

"Come and help!" My mother greeted my brother and me. She used boiling water to scald the goose's hair. Pulling the hair is a technical job, and we should be patient. My mother pulled it out for a long time, and finally handled it. She put the goose into the pot, added gardenia root and many ingredients, and cooked it gently. My mother said that eating it in this way can also dispel wind and dampness!

My father said to me, "As the saying goes," plant more rice seedlings at the beginning of summer, and harvest the whole barn. When I was young, I followed adults to plant rice seedlings in the fields every summer. At this time, there was more work in the fields, such as cutting rape, plowing, planting rice seedlings, digging potatoes... "At this time, Grandma also interrupted: "The living conditions were not good before, and there were more farm work in Lixia field. Only by eating something nutritious in Lixia can I work hard."

At dinner, Grandma scooped up a spoonful of goose soup and said to us with a smile, "Come on, drink more goose soup, and have less heat rash in summer!" My younger brother couldn't stop nodding, and my mother scooped up a spoonful of goose soup and said to Grandma, "Mom, eat more! Goose soup is good for your health!" Our family's smiling faces and red sunset glow, together with delicious goose soup, everything is so harmonious.

About Beginning of Summer (9)

Ha ha, the hot summer is coming. I can swim, eat ice cream, and go to the Water Kingdom Amusement Park. You know how I know summer is coming. Guess, because today is the beginning of summer. We can touch, draw and eat eggs.

In the afternoon, I came to school happily with two eggs, and the first class was about to begin. My heart was pounding. Teacher Xu walked into the classroom and suddenly asked us all to stand up. I was surprised why he asked us to stand up. It turned out that we were too excited to sing in the afternoon. Those who came back and forth were punished to stand. Teacher Xu saw our thoughts and asked us to sit down. Teacher Xu said, "You can't do that anymore." Ah, you can touch eggs again.

Enter the first link: show eggs. Some students brought eggs, some students brought duck eggs, and some students brought goose eggs... Each egg looks different. Like our people, we held the eggs high, and I watched my eggs carefully. The egg is brown, and there are a few dots on it. I observed Bai Xuanyu's egg in front of me. Wow, her goose egg is really big, white and yellow, and her goose egg is as big as two eggs!

The second part: drawing eggs. I took out an egg, ah, I tried hard, the egg broke, I was very sad, such a good egg was broken by me, there was no way, this egg could have been touched with classmates. But now I can't, so I have to draw a crying expression on the side where the egg is broken, a smiling expression on the back, and a happy and angry expression on the left and right sides. The expressions of crying and laughing are exaggerated. When eggs cry, they flow like water. When they laugh, their mouths open wider than a big rubber.

The third link is touching eggs. My deskmate also has a broken egg. I compare my broken egg with hers. 1、 Two, three, go! Just listening to the bang, I quickly looked at my egg. It didn't break. She must have broken it. He said, "Don't be happy too early. There are still many students in the class." I went to touch Wang Yuqi's egg again, but her egg also broke. My egg still didn't break. It's strange. Can't I break it? I went to touch others again, and finally my egg broke. It was broken when I met Zhu Xinyi. At first, when I saw that she was a quail egg, I was secretly happy and I would win. To my surprise, I lost in the end. The next student laughed and said that it was a stone. I had to eat the eggs.

I am so happy on the day of the beginning of summer. I hope the beginning of summer of next year will come soon.

About Beginning of Summer (10)

Beginning of summer is a beautiful season.

After a heavy rain, the sky was like a white shirt, washed clean, and there were no clouds in the sky; A breeze blows, just like a mother's hand touching you. The slightly humid air is mixed with the fragrance of various flowers, constantly stimulating your sense of smell; In the park, beside the path, the dew on the leaves looks like pearls, stars, and grass eyes in the sun. The spider's web is covered with dew, which makes the spider's web glittering and translucent. The spider is very happy to work on it; The dew wetted the dragonfly's wings, so it quietly leaned on the leaves and branches. When the sun showed up, it dried its wings and flew again

Beginning of summer is a vigorous beginning.

On the grass, the grass is covered with a crystal coat. If you don't let me, I won't let you, they all straighten their backs to see who grows fastest; On the old tree outside Grandma's window, cicadas began to prepare a "summer chorus". When the weather was hot, they opened their voices and sang loudly; "The little lotus just shows sharp corners, and dragonflies have long stood up" In the countryside, before the preparation was known, the dragonfly first stepped out to relax its muscles and bones, and flew to the lotus in the pond that was still sleepy; In the fields, it is the busy season again. The farmers, with towels on their shoulders and bamboo hats on their shoulders, are working non-stop in the fields, planting seedlings and fertilizing... The sun is burning hot, and the sweat has wetted the farmers' clothes, but the farmers are still busy "facing the loess and facing the sky", just like Jiangnan women embroidering peach blossoms on the cloth with flower needles, they plant hope in the fields

Beginning of summer is an interesting festival.

On the first day of summer, walking in the streets, children can be seen everywhere playing the game of holding an egg to collide with the eggs of other children. What is this? In fact, this is the famous egg fighting game. On the second day of March every year, mothers prepare a net of eggs for their children to fight. The winner's eggs will become the "egg king"! But there are also adults who joke with children with painted pebbles. Although a little naughty, it only adds a strong human touch; Some children who don't like fighting eggs can also draw on eggs with paint. In addition to fighting eggs, there are many interesting customs at the beginning of the summer. For example, when weighing people, the weighing man said auspicious words while weighing people. When weighing old people, he would say, "Weigh flowers 81, live to 97". When weighing children, he would say, "Weigh flowers one dozen 23, and small officials will go out of the mountain. Don't be in trouble for seven grade county officials, and it is also easy for three officials and nine officials to climb"

This is the beginning of summer, a beautiful season, a vibrant start, an interesting festival, which also quietly ushered in the summer in the laughter of people

About Beginning of the Summer (11)

Beginning of summer -- the sprouting of life

On the beginning of summer, the familiar scenery seems to be new. Summer morning also has mist, but it is just like a layer of gauze, staying at the top of rows of poplar trees in a measured way, but it does not block the buildings behind it. It makes people feel that just open one corner of it, they will be full of the booming flowers and birds coming from the front. Look, the fog also knows how to smile. It throws you active waiting, and gives you sweetness that seems to be absent -- everything is laughing, free, and not yet reserved.

Small life in the soil is also awakened by an unknown force. After five days and nights of dormancy in the basin, in the early morning of the summer, a milky young plant with a bent waist emerged from the soil, making me happy. Just an hour later, I was surprised to find the second tender little life. It broke through the ground a little later, but it has grown a full inch, and the embracing cotyledons are about to open.

Swallows with a straw stalk calmly build nests; The round magpie perches on the stainless steel railing leisurely, and has no interest in the people in the house; The noisy sparrows are getting tired of those stone bricks that have been scorched hot, and they talk about it under the weak light of the street lamps

When summer begins, the haziness of spring begins to dissipate, and the energy contained in spring slowly stretches. After early summer, the most beautiful time will be in full bloom.

The Fun of Beginning Summer

Every beginning of summer is our happiest day. That night, my mother will cook a pot of tea eggs, and we will ask my mother not to break all the eggs so that we can get the eggs in the class.

When I came to school the next day, I first took out a hard egg and compared it with Fang Kezhen. I clenched the eggshell and headed up to Fang Kezhen. I heard a "click". I thought Fang Kezhen's egg was broken, so I picked it up and looked, "Oh! How did my egg break?" I cried out. Fang Kezhen said proudly, "Of course your soft egg is broken." I took out another egg to compare it with Fang Kezhen. This time, I changed a method and hit it directly. I heard a "click" and my egg was broken again. I thought, "My mother's egg is too crisp." I looked up and saw many people around the platform. I squeezed in, Seeing that Mr. Ke was competing with Huang Yizhan, many people shouted to Mr. Ke to cheer on. Mr. Ke said, "Don't break my egg. I'm going to compete in Class 302." But Huang Yizhan said, "I'm sure I'll win!" They began to compete. At first, Mr. Ke dodged from left to right. After a while, Mr. Ke pushed the edge of Huang Yizhan's egg, Huang Yizhan's egg broke. "Ha ha, Mr. Ke won!" we shouted.

This egg jacking contest is really interesting!

The day of the beginning of summer

Today is the beginning of summer. I am very happy because I can cook wild fire rice again.

Early in the morning, I called all my partners to my home to discuss how to divide the labor. They scrambled to say, "I'll light the fire." "I'll go and pick up firewood." I had no choice but to comply with them and said, "My brother and I will do the rest."

Then my brother and I discussed again and divided the work: he was responsible for shopping, I was responsible for cutting, and then two people peeled and cleaned together. When the division of labor is over, everyone will take their own actions.

My brother quickly ran to the market on his bicycle and bought peas, bacon, bamboo shoots, sausages and drinks. Then he immediately rode home and gave me his things. I took the item, took the sausage and tore off its coat, then cut it into pieces. At this time, my brother was not idle. He took the pea pods and put them on the table and peeled them. My sister went to pick firewood in the field behind the house. She picked a lot, enough to cook a wild fire meal. Xiao Wu has nothing to do in advance, because she is responsible for the fire. Now she is not idle. She takes the initiative to peel beans from my brother. Then, I cut bacon, peel bamboo shoots, and then cut bamboo shoots

When everything was ready, we started to cook a picnic meal. There were 8 compositions about the beginning of summer (8) compositions about the beginning of summer (8). Xiao Wu's fire skills are relatively high, so she set the fire on fire at once. However, the picnic was not very successful this time. After burning for a while, Grandma came to the place where we cooked wild fire rice and took a board. She put the board under the pot. I didn't put it properly, but unexpectedly I knocked down the pot and poured out the contents. Fortunately, it didn't boil, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. We quickly cleaned up and burned again. We learned the lesson of the last time, so we were careful and the cooking was smooth. It didn't take long for the rice to be cooked, so we let it stew for a while. Then, we took the pot back to the room and ate.

Because this is the result of our own labor, we feel particularly fragrant when eating.

Beginning of summer

Did you eat eggs today? Early in the morning, my mother took the "egg cage" made of multicolored wool, carefully put the tea egg in it, hung it on my chest, and peeled another tea egg for me to eat, saying: "I ate the egg at the beginning of summer, summer does not hinder summer." Before going out, my mother tied a multicolored rope on my wrist, saying: "This is the rope at the beginning of summer, and I hope my baby is safe and sound."

When we arrived at the school, the students all brought the eggs of Lixia, and we began to compete on eggs. Because my egg was too weak, I lost the battle immediately when I went to the battlefield. Finally, Mao Xiaoqi became the king of our class. After dinner, my grandma gave me a piece of Weiyou Ao's plan to eat. She said, "After eating 'foot bones and bamboo shoots', my foot bones have been healthy. After eating' soft dishes', I don't have heat rash in summer. The composition (8) is about the beginning of summer. The composition (8) is from." After dinner, Grandpa took me to weigh myself. Ha ha, I gained a few pounds again.

Time passed quickly. The unforgettable beginning of summer passed in the blink of an eye.

June Beginning of Summer

June day, boring. Boring.

The color of the willow trees became stronger and stronger, holding hands with wisps of clouds. Relying on the corner of the wall, I admire myself, and the world seems to have become smaller.

Wandering on the noisy playground, the sun was dazzling, so I had to bury my head in my neck, afraid that it would reach my pupils like fire. The tail ring on the left finger seemed to be melted by the sun, and he struggled to get rid of his finger and fell to the ground heavily.

It seems that the weather in June is extremely polarized. It was sunny just now, but soon there were dark clouds, which caught people off guard.

"If there is no wind and rain in the world, where will the flowers on this branch go? It will only annoy people."

Looking at the fast running figure on the playground, it seems to see two girls who are still smiling happily despite being drenched by rain. The rain was so heavy that the girls who had not yet rushed into the classroom were mercilessly wetted by it. At the moment, the meticulously carved face seemed to be equipped with a magnifying glass, exposing all hypocrisy.

It is the same thing to study. It is the school and home that go round and round. I am tired of this line. I'm tired.

The dream seems too far away from me.

Reality is the way I want to walk now. But this road is now full of thorns and thorns. After walking, I will be bloody

The wound will heal one day, just like the road, there will always be a day when it is over.

When the midsummer night is coming, we will meet and wait for you!

"The candle shadow is shaking, why is the shadow so desolate?"

Interesting Beginning of Summer

Today is the beginning of summer! Early in the morning, I wrapped the boiled eggs with napkins, put them in a plastic box, and came to the classroom happily, looking forward to the start of egg touching!

Before long, Mr. Li came into the classroom with a smile and said loudly: "The egg touching contest begins!" As soon as the words were over, everyone took out the prepared eggs and began to fight. I hold eggs and touch eggs with my deskmate. I held the egg tightly in my hands and dared not go forward. I was always afraid that the egg would break. After a round, the egg did not break. I put the egg on my mouth, blowing and reciting: You must win! Come on, come on! I held the egg tightly again and began to attack. Ouch, his egg didn't break, but my egg was crushed by me!

Later, I thought: Why don't we have an egg with Zhou Jiecheng? I was about to go, but he came with a goose egg in his hand. I was shocked and said, "I wanted to touch your eggs, but now I dare not." He took my hand and said, "Just a round!" As a result, my eggs broke again. I gave a thumbs up and said, "Cow, your goose eggs are too powerful!"

After touching the eggs, I sat down and began to eat them. Today's eggs are very delicious! I really want to spend the first summer every day!

Summer Begins

I have thought for a long time. What does this mean? Summer has been mentioned countless times. The sun, rich enough to hide nowhere, still covers the earth after several energy exchanges with electrons through gas molecules. The spread absorption of plant leaves is like a pair of wings interwoven in the sea of flowers. The stream is cool, the clouds are pure white, and the tea trees are fragrant. It seems that everything is satisfied to enjoy this season.

There is a sense of separation, tension and helplessness in the school. The long summer seems to be accompanied by the rising temperature, which increases the restless mind of the original chaotic nerves. The huge countdown board aggravates the uncertainty of sentimentality, and boredom like a flood obliterates all the most ordinary dreams before the rainy season. It seems that the bloated mind suddenly becomes pale and empty. There is no stable dependence, no pure friendship, no natural conversation, and there is no self.

Tea, Wen and I were lying on the grass that had just become tough, and the wind was blowing through the slowly changing clouds. The fruit of the peach tree was very green, which could be seen in the sunshine between the branches and leaves. "Wen, do you think time changed people, or did people think of time only after they discovered the changes? If we keep the current state at the same time, the earth will no longer rotate, the ocean will no longer fluctuate, the moon will no longer rise, the sun will no longer set, and the universe will be static, will time no longer exist?" "Yes." "But" "What's the meaning of such a world?"? If life is as peaceful as the winter solstice in heaven, how can we choose to come to the world. Unlimited freedom, perhaps, is no longer free. " "However, how can people achieve Chuang Tzu's' carefree '?" I asked myself silently, thinking of the dialogue with poison when DD can fly freely again.

The tall plane trees waited for a winter without falling leaves. At the beginning of spring, they handed over the last leaf, but the reincarnation of life has already started. In the face of the last sadness, there is no sadness.

Pass the beginning of summer

Yesterday was the fifth day of May, the beginning of the summer. There is such a custom among the people. Every year on the day of the beginning of the summer, everyone has to eat boiled eggs.

In the morning, my mother took me to the market to buy vegetables. The market was very busy. There were so many people buying eggs. Everyone rushed to buy eggs and vegetables. My mother bought eggs and duck eggs, as well as some vegetables. When I got home, my mother took some eggs and was ready to boil them. I ran to them and said, "Mom, let me boil eggs!" My mother smiled and said, "OK."

”I put some water in the pot first, and then put some eggs into the pot, and began to boil. After a while, I heard the sound of eggs rolling in the pot. When I opened the lid of the pot, it looked like several eggs were dancing. My mother came over and said with a smile, "We can eat boiled eggs soon." I asked curiously, "Mom, why should we eat boiled eggs at Lixia?" My mother replied with a smile, "We should eat boiled eggs at Lixia. Hot weather does not prevent summer." After a while, the eggs were finally cooked, and our family sat together to eat eggs.

In this way, our family enjoyed the First Summer Festival.

About Beginning of Summer (12)

Every beginning of summer is our happiest day. That night, my mother will cook a pot of tea eggs, and we will ask my mother not to break all the eggs so that we can get the eggs in the class.

When I came to school the next day, I first took out a hard egg and compared it with Fang Kezhen. I clenched the eggshell and headed up to Fang Kezhen. I heard a "click". I thought Fang Kezhen's egg was broken, so I picked it up and looked, "Oh! How did my egg break?" I cried out. Fang Kezhen said proudly, "Of course your soft egg is broken." I took out another egg to compare it with Fang Kezhen. This time, I changed a method and hit it directly. I heard a "click" and my egg was broken again. I thought, "My mother's egg is too crisp." I looked up and saw many people around the platform. I squeezed in, Seeing that Mr. Ke was competing with Huang Yizhan, many people shouted to Mr. Ke to cheer on. Mr. Ke said, "Don't break my egg. I'm going to compete in Class 302." But Huang Yizhan said, "I'm sure I'll win '!" They got up. At first, Mr. Ke dodged around. After a while, Mr. Ke pushed the edge of Huang Yizhan's egg, Huang Yizhan's egg broke. "Ha ha, Mr. Ke won!" we shouted.

This egg jacking contest is really interesting!

About Beginning of Summer (13)

Remembering the younger brothers of the capital in summer

Tang Dynasty, Wei Yingwu

Change the order and read the fragrance of the stars, and become tired forever.

Summer trees have become overcast, and the public door is always quiet in the day.

The long wind begins to float in the pavilion, and the clouds begin to flow out of the mountain.

If you want to leave your home, you should cherish the scenery of Sorrow.


Song Dynasty, Su Shunqin

The other courtyard is deep in summer, and pomegranates are blooming all over the place.

At noon, when the sun was full of shade, there was a sound of a warbler in my dream.

Beginning of summer

Song Dynasty, Lu You

The red flag cuts into the city gate, and the east king drives back.

The new nest is full of mud, the swallow is noisy, and the flowers are full of bees.

Huai Liu Yin early dense, curtain long summer is still small.

The sun slants and bathes in soup. Try the single clothes skillfully.

About Beginning of Summer (14)

After the beginning of summer, the temperature suddenly reached 37. 3 ℃, suddenly dropped to 17 ℃ one day, and went up and down like a roller coaster. The flowers and grass that had experienced the temperature test became more and more charming. Students on the street stepped on gorgeous sandals and sandals, and their dresses were charming and moving. Shorts and gauze clothes were gorgeous in color. The youth filled with youth formed a beautiful landscape, which attracted people's attention.

At the weekend, the machine shakes water and sings, takes care of flowers and grass, prunes branches and leaves, sprays, irrigates, wipes, and goes on in an orderly manner. The leaves are green and plump, the water drops are condensed, green and dripping, and shiny. By the way, the pet "turtle" is replaced with water. As long as people pay attention, they must dance their arms and legs, shake their bodies from side to side, stretch out their long necks, raise their heads, and follow their eyes, I try my best to show myself. I am simple and lovely, which is very pitiable.

Listen to the ancient zither, the sound is lingering, and arrange and store the pants in the light smoke column. Due to the laziness of the past few days, there are several pairs of pants that need ironing, and very few trousers are worn. But my husband still needs to clean up some of them, so I can be a good wife for a day.

Jingsu hands, arranges tea utensils and plays with tea sets. A few days ago, my husband accidentally got a new tea - Chun Tieguanyin. I know that I love tea and I am happy to rush home. I like it very much. The tea is sandy green in color, curly, plump and even, and its overall shape is like the head of a dragonfly, spirochete, and leg of a frog. The soup has a light fragrance of honey orchid. The tea soup is golden, soft, sweet, and comfortable.

In the morning, the breeze is blowing on your face, making you feel comfortable and comfortable. Summer has arrived, but spring is dragging its feet and reluctant to part. Only then can this charming season alternate. In the afternoon, the wind is warm, the sun is dazzling, and the roses on the iron fence beside the footpath on the street corner climb each other, without seeing the origin, the destination, and the dense

A wall of flowers grows in clusters. Suddenly, the roses bloom like beans in succession, and the branches are bright. It really has the artistic conception of "dense leaves and green trees are heavy, thick flowers are red and brocade", but this rose is all milky white flowers, yellow stamens, elegant and charming. Occasionally, a pink rose leaps into it, which is very eye-catching. The long strip stretches itself, and several flowers are light. The breeze is light, and the fragrance of the flowers has been flying. "Fragrant clouds fall on the clothes, leaving a lingering fragrance in January".

About Beginning of Summer (15)

Today is the First Summer Festival. We in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have always had the custom of fighting eggs. In the morning, Mr. Chen asked us to have a dare contest in Chinese class.

In the morning, everyone brought the hardest eggs from home. I brought a big duck egg. The dark body exudes the fragrance of tea, like a strong young man in the mountains.

Before the egg fight, Mr. Chen told everyone the rules: fight together at the table first, and then select the winner in the group to participate in the class competition.

The egg fight started. I couldn't wait to hold the duck egg and confidently launched a fierce competition with Zhang Wenlong. Zhang Wenlong did not show weakness, and seemed to have three words on his face, "I can win". First, we gently touch the eggs together and let the eggs head up. Then he and I pushed forward. Just listening to the sound of "click", Zhang Wenlong's egg was smashed and died honorably. Mine is intact. "Ha ha, you lost!"

Zhang Wenlong was unconvinced. He took out an egg and said, "Come again!" Looking at the egg he took out, I was not afraid. I thought: How can an egg compare with my big duck egg? It's really beyond my capacity. Although my eggs are ugly, they are still very brave! I proudly grasped the duck egg and attacked Zhang Wenlong's egg. Unexpectedly, I crushed the egg with too much force. The two eggs haven't contacted closely yet. Zhang Wenlong, who was beside him, laughed happily this time, revealing his two small front teeth.

It's a pity that there are no eggs. I'm very depressed. However, watching Zhang Wenlong participate in the group competition, I still cheered him on. He also participated in the class courage contest on behalf of our group, although he was defeated in the end.

The egg fight was intense and tense. Everyone's mood fluctuated, but it was full of fun.

About Beginning of Summer (16)

Today is the beginning of summer every year. In the morning, we held a fierce egg fight in the classroom. Before the game started, we had already taken out the eggs we had brought. We were eager to try. Everyone wanted to win today's Egg Fighter.

The competition is divided into three rounds. The first round is to fight eggs, the second round is to fight duck eggs, and the third round is to fight goose eggs. With the teacher's order, the competition began. Xiaohuang's legs were slightly open, her right hand clenched the egg, and her eyes seemed to ignite a battle flame. The curtain turned its eyes on the other party's egg, and then stepped back a few steps with a sucking force. She hit forward forcefully, and the other party's egg was smashed to pieces. Xiaohuang jumped up happily and shouted, "I win, I win!" And Xiaowu, like a deflated ball, went back to his seat dejected. The competition was still going on fiercely. Finally, Xiao Qu of our class won the Egg King.

The second round of the competition began. Xiao Jun passed the test all the way and won the Duck Egg King.

At the beginning of the third round of the game, it was my turn to play. My heart was pounding, like a rabbit squatting in my body. Because I'm afraid my eggs will be broken. However, I still opened my legs slightly, held the goose egg tightly with my hand, even the sweat came out, and then I smashed the other party's egg hard, and the other party also launched a fierce attack on me. Just listen to the click of the card. My egg cracked and I lost. The other side cheered like a little sparrow, but I had to regretfully return to my seat, and finally the little money won the goose egg king.

In the midst of laughter and laughter, the egg fight ended, and I am very happy this summer.

Part II

When the First Summer Festival came, Miss Gong asked each of us to take three different eggs to school to celebrate the beginning of summer. Miss Gong prepared three links for us: a masquerade dance, an egg fighting contest, and an egg peeling contest. What impressed me most was the egg fight.

Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the afternoon theme meeting. After Miss Gong loudly announced: "The egg fight begins.". My "Asia the Invincible" first competed with Ge Qionglu's "Rainbow" eggs, and soon only heard a "Pa -" sound; Oh, my "Asia the Invincible" won. Her "rainbow" egg was beaten by my "Asia the Invincible", and Ge Qionglu had to bow down.

Then, I fought with the "unlucky" egg of Haocheng again. My "Asia the Invincible" seems to be saying to me: "Little master, please rest assured that I will not let you down and will win." So I firmly grasp the "Asia the Invincible". Yuan Haocheng started to fight eggs. I only heard a "pop", my egg won, and I laughed heartily. At this time, Sheng Yucheng swaggered towards me, he said proudly; "I'll fight with your - Asia the Invincible - to see whose egg is more powerful." So the war between us began. At the beginning, my - Asia the Invincible - and Sheng Yucheng's - Iron Man - were neck and neck. Finally, Sheng Yucheng beat me, and my - Asia the Invincible - was badly injured, and I lost the battle. At this time, I was a little unhappy, and secretly decided that I would win the first place in the egg fight contest next year.

So my - Asia the Invincible - lost. Although I lost, I was very happy, and also let the students get entertainment in their busy study.

Part III

On the morning of the beginning of summer, I carried my schoolbag to school happily because I brought a special friend, a lovely egg doll.

When I arrived at school, I saw my classmates brought eggs: eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, everything. I carefully held Coco and looked at him carefully: he wore two pigtails, a pink bow, and white clothes, just like a beautiful fairy.

As soon as the class began, the teacher announced that: in this class, we will hold the selection of Iron Egg General. The students were too happy to speak. The teacher said, "I will find a classmate to fight with, and then duel among the winners. Finally, I will fight with an iron egg general." I found a partner and had a fierce fight. I clenched duck eggs in both hands and said to her, "You hit me first.". I thought: Sacrifice. You hit me, I hit you. The companion's eggs are no longer the same, but my eggs are slightly better. When the time came, the teacher asked us to go back to our respective seats, "Whose eggs are intact?" Several students raised their hands, and they walked to the platform for a decisive battle. I can only watch their fierce performance while eating delicious snacks, and also enjoy it. Finally, General Iron Egg was born. They were Ni Tianxiang, Huang Xinmeng and Sun Qianling's eggs. At the end of the activity, the teacher also told us many customs of the beginning of summer, which really benefited a lot.

Fighting eggs is not only about fighting bravely, but also about fighting wits. You should have a knack to do everything, find a suitable way, and not be reckless.

About Beginning of Summer (17)

The wind is too weak to slay hot, and the setting sun flies up the mountain. When people are trapped, they are afraid of the exhaustion of the river and the sea.

Cool off

Qin Guan (Song Dynasty)

Bring a bird to pursue the cool outside the willow, and draw a bed leaning against the Hu on the south side of the bridge. On the bright moon, the boat flutes rise irregularly, and the wind calms the pool and the lotus fragrance itself.

Chasing the cool on summer nights

(Song Dynasty) Yang Wanli

The heat of night is still the same as that of afternoon, and the door is opened to the small moon. When insects are chirping in the deep bamboo trees, there is always a slight cool wind.


(Song Dynasty) Su Shunqin

The other courtyard is deep in summer, and pomegranates are blooming all over the place. At noon, when the sun was full of shade, there was a sound of a warbler in my dream.

Made two days before the beginning of summer

Lu You (Song Dynasty)

When I got up in the morning and left the Thatched Cottage, the window of the pavilion was glad to be cool. Yu Chun has only two or three days, and there are thousands of drunken haters. The grass has a long way to go with the expedition, and the wandering is not as long as the passengers. There is no place to find the remnant red, so we should pay Nianhua and Honey Room.

Beginning of summer

Lu You (Song Dynasty)

The red flag cuts into the city gate, and the east king drives back. The new nest is full of mud, the swallow is noisy, and the flowers are full of bees. Huai Liu Yin early dense, curtain long summer is still small. The sun slants and bathes in soup. Try the single clothes skillfully.

Beginning Summer in the Mountain with the Charm of Sitting Guests

(Song Dynasty) Wen Tianxiang

Returning to the country of spring and stone, the sun and the moon share the river. The air of summer is heavy at the bottom of the abyss, and spring is full of splendor. Poor chant to cloud black, light drink is better than skirt red. A burst of string sound is good, and the world is calm.