My Change Composition (17 recommended)
Forget memories
2024-05-25 01:36:48

My Change Composition (1)

The happiness our hometown gives us is a castle and a honeypot. Our hometown changes every year, either because of advanced technology or because the environment is endangered.

My hometown is in remote Xinjiang, where there are blue skies, clear rivers, green grasslands, lovely animals, and kind people. Everyone loves his hometown and protects the environment. Therefore, it used to be so beautiful, small animals and people were so harmonious, everything was so enjoyable and wonderful. The scenery is also a proof of the poem "One step at a time, one window can enjoy the beautiful scenery, and you can enjoy the whole view of the four seasons"!

However, now my hometown can no longer see the beautiful scenery of Xanadu. With the gradual development of science and technology, high-rise buildings have sprung up, there are various factories, and cars are running on the roads. The blue sky before has become foul because of car exhaust. The river is no longer clear. The sewage from the factory flows in the river. On the grass, there are all kinds of colorful plastic bags, empty bottles, food packaging bags and other garbage. The air is no longer fresh, and some people even go to cut down trees. However, the consequences of this indiscriminate cutting behavior are that small animals lose their homes, or even face the danger of extinction. Construction noise and noise are everywhere. Look, this is the result of our failure to protect the environment. If everyone protects the environment, picking up garbage and throwing it into the dustbin may make a great change in our hometown.

Our hometown is our home. To protect the environment, start with me! As long as everyone protects the environment, our hometown will return to the former pure land!

My Change Composition (2)

My family name is Yu and my first name is "Xitong". My parents gave me this name with special meaning. "Qian" is for me to break through the soil above my head and see the outside world like madder. "Tong" is to make me look like a Chinese parasol tree in the future.

My temper is changeable. At one time, he looks like a funny cartoon character, and at another time, he looks like an emotional "Lin Daiyu"

I'm funny sometimes. Once, when my parents went out to dinner with guests, I accompanied them. Before the person arrived, I kept on jabbering. A man with short hair came in. My mother told me that my aunt was good, but I mistook her for a man and said, "Hello, uncle!" Then my mother told me

I remember one time, on March 28, to be exact. My mother went out to work, and I stayed at home with nothing to do. Suddenly, I remembered the brain teaser that Teacher Tong had given us. So I called my mother to guess. When the phone got through, I asked my mother: "Is it the rooster that wakes the sun, or the sun that wakes the rooster?" My mother said: "It is the rooster that wakes the sun." I said: "Why?" My mother said: "Because the rooster gets up earlier than the sun." I said: "Wrong! Because the sun can't wake up!" My mother laughed.

Speaking of sentimentality, I sometimes get tearful from that touching story. Since I watched "Happy Grandma and Pretty Daughter in Law", I have been sobbing all the time. After hearing about the tsunami in Japan, I will also mourn for those who suffer.

After listening to the above introduction, what do you think of me?

My Change Composition (3)

Composition of changes in my room

In study, work and even life, everyone has written a composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a change composition of my room, which I hope can help you.

With the development of economy, my room has changed.

In the past, I didn't have my own room and it was inconvenient to do anything. When writing homework, I am often disturbed by others. Sometimes I think in my heart, why I don't have my own room? I want to have my own room. When I sleep, I still sleep with my parents. I really want to have a room of my own. Sometimes my friends come to play with me. My parents are also there, so my friends are very restrained. If I have a room of my own, my friends and I can have a good time. I can play, study and do what I like without being disturbed.

Now, I have my own 'room' with everything in it. I can write my homework without being disturbed, sleep in my own small bed, study with my good friends in this small room, play games, and open my heart to tell the sad things. I can sing and draw in my room. I like to blink at the stars and sing at the moon by the window in the silent night. It's nice to have your own room. You can do what you like in it! Life without worry, my room has changed, and my mood is getting better and better!

So, what makes my room change? Oh, it is the development of the motherland's economy and the progress of the people's life that has made me have my own room. It has greatly changed my living environment.

My Change Composition (4)

Composition of changes in traffic around me

In your daily study, work or life, you must have been exposed to composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that you can understand through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure, and can be understood by others. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is my composition on the changes of traffic around me. Welcome to share it.

I was born and raised in Tongzhou. In recent years, I have found that Tongzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. The blue sky, clear river, clean roads and convenient transportation conditions make me more fond of this thriving international new city!

But it was almost unimaginable a few years ago that the traffic measures of the community where our family lives were not as convenient as now. There is no bus passing by at home, so it is inconvenient to travel. You have to go out two or three stops to get to the station, and the number of buses is very small. You have to wait for half a day to get a bus. I clearly remember one time when you waited for half an hour in the cold wind to get a bus. So every time I go out to take a bus, I always have a headache. I always look forward to how comfortable it would be if there was a bus at my door!

Now, two buses, 317 and 587, have been set up at the entrance of the community. Wherever I go, I can only walk a few steps to the station, and wait a few minutes for the bus to arrive, so I can reach the destination smoothly. The walking time is shorter, which improves my speed of going out to work and play, and makes me like it more

On the "bus" such traffic measures.

I think if more people can travel by bus, reduce the use of private cars, and everyone makes a contribution to environmental protection, the sky will be more blue, the road will be wider, and our life will be more beautiful and harmonious!

My Change Composition (5)

My hometown Jinan, which is famous for its spring water, has the reputation of "Spring City" and is a very beautiful city.

In the daytime, when you climb up the beautiful Thousand Buddha Mountain and look down, there are many tall buildings, rows of green willows and green lawns on both sides of the moat, and cars running on the road, which is very lively.

Baotu Spring in the west is located in the center of Jinan, ranking first among 72 springs. Baotu Spring, also called Guiquan, is said to have a history of 2700 years. The spring water is constant at about 18 degrees Celsius all the year round. Even in the severe winter, the water vapor curls on the water surface, and the mist is dark. On one side, the spring pool is sparkling, and on the other side, there are pavilions, flying colors and flowing pills, forming a wonderful picture of fairyland on earth. Famous litterateurs, philosophers and poets of all ages, such as Zeng Gong, Su Shi, Zhang Yanghao, Wang Shouren and Pu Songling, could not help but leave beautiful articles here to pursue their ambitions. When you enter Baotu Spring Park, before you reach the spring, the sound of Baotu Spring will ring through your ears. Three streams of spring water gush out from the center of the spring pool, about

Half meter, strong water potential, loud voice, very spectacular. The golden carp walked leisurely through it, like pieces of red clouds falling into the water, and like falling flowers floating on the water. It's even more beautiful in winter. The spring is warm, white and soft, floating on the dark green long algae. You can't help thinking of a mysterious realm. My mother said that the springs here didn't spray a few years ago, so we must save water, otherwise we won't see the springs!

In addition to Baotu Spring, there are also many famous springs in the park, such as Shuyu Spring, Jinxian Spring, Liuxu Spring, and Matai Spring.

In addition, there are many springs dotted in the eastern suburbs of Jinan, especially the Baimai springs in Zhangqiu.

Last year, I went to Baimaiquan with Liu Xianqing and other students.

The springs there are also spewing violently!

There is Daming Lake to the north of Jinan. Daming Lake is beautiful, elegant and charming.

On the bank, there are flowers and trees, willows and willows; The lake is sparkling, small boats shuttle around, and large lotus blooms in summer. My father and I used to go boating on the lake. It felt like we were in a painting. If you have time, please invite children from all over the country to visit the beautiful spring city of Jinan!

I love my hometown Jinan.

My Change Composition (6)

My hometown is a small village with beautiful scenery, clear air and bright sunshine.

I like places and food all year round.

Every spring, there is a large rape flower field in the southwest of my hometown, which looks like a golden sea surging with the wind from afar, or a yellow green carpet with distinct layers. Approaching, one after another rape flowers are like yellow butterflies dancing in the breeze against the green leaves. Countless cute little bees fly from one flower to another, buzzing busily, as if to tell people, please don't bother me.

Summer is my favorite season, because there are places I like very much. Every time I came to my hometown, I would greet the big banyan tree in front of the door. My little friends and I would enjoy the cool, play and rest under it. Sometimes we depended on it as if we were a banyan tree. I seemed to hear what the tree was thinking. This banyan tree was planted by my father shortly after I was born, so I have a special preference to protect it. In addition to this place, there is another place I like better - that is, the winding and bright glass like river, with the small trend, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes urgent, sometimes slow. It has become a free swimming pool for hometown people and a paradise for children to play.

In autumn, I especially like the chestnut in my hometown. It is not only attractive, but also sweet. Its shell is shaped like a small conical tent, which can be used as a toy and looks like a top when standing upside down. Put it on the table and it dances involuntarily. If you press hard on the shell of chestnut, you can see that there is a layer of reddish brown film attached to the inner wall of the shell. If you peel off the film, there is still a layer of fuzz in the film, which is gray white, as soft and smooth as the hair of a white rabbit. And its outer layer is very hard, which is its bulletproof vest. It tastes crisp and fragrant, and the aftertaste is really cool.

In winter, there is a plum tree in front of my house, which is the most selfless. Willing to be lonely and indifferent to fame and wealth, it never succumbed to the cold and hot weather. It was always so strong and fought against the harsh environment. It does not worry about missing the beautiful spring. It does not learn from the delicate peach blossom to chase the flowing water. It is not like the flighty willow catkins flying all over the sky. It just blooms in the world with no regrets. It tries to decorate the silver world with its blooming smiling face. It will offer the information of spring to people and leave the unbearable cold to itself.

I love my hometown, but also love the scenery of my hometown!

My Change Composition (7)

When I was a child, when I saw Barbie, I would clamor to buy one almost every week, and the Barbie dolls at home would become a mountain.

When I was in the small class of kindergarten, I grabbed my grandpa's hand and walked to the toy store at the door after class. With a girl's heart, I saw so many beautiful and lovely Barbie dolls that my soul would fly in. My grandpa could not help but buy them for me. I was finally satisfied. Every day I would ask my mother to tie all kinds of beautiful braids for me: twisted braids, half ball head, two four bone braids... dressed like a flower fairy every day. In front of my classmates, I always think I am beautiful and dressed beautifully. I lift my skirt around and around, and my loose hair flies up. It's beautiful, almost every day. My best friend envies me very much. She looks like a princess every day. When I was shopping with my mother, when I saw the princess skirt, I quarreled to buy it. When I went to the shoe store, I saw my favorite high-heeled shoes and walked around, making the saleswomen and aunts in the store laugh.

Now I don't want to look at Barbie dolls. Even if someone gives them to me, I don't want them. If I accept them, I will give them to my sister. I thought to myself: what's good about Barbie? It broke after playing for a long time. It's not interesting at all. I can't understand why I used to like Barbie so much. Now I accompany my mother to go shopping and shoe shops. I just sit on the sofa in the shop and enjoy myself. I don't even look at my clothes and shoes. And now I haven't tied two braids, which is too childish. I like to tie ponytail and meatball now.

I think that the former me and the present me are two people, and there is too much difference in personality. In the past, I was a child who loved stink and beauty with a naive heart, but now I am a mature teenager.

My Change Composition (8)

I, like a seed, probe into the soil in spring, grow up in the summer heat, mature in the autumn wind, and hone in the cold wind in winter. As spring goes by and autumn comes, in the long course of time, a young plant can be wiped away from its greenness, and eventually grow into a tall and graceful tree. So do I. I can even feel the jointing sound of bone creaking in my body, and I can even feel the sound of blood flowing. Yes, I grew up.

I don't know when I found that I was changing, changing subtly, changing imperceptibly. I feel that I have not only become taller and heavier, but also my mind and psychology are changing.

Now I study harder and harder, and my grades get better day by day. When calculating, from where to start, to now, the brain is similar to that of a robot. No matter how difficult the problem is, it can be done quickly and well.

I haven't seen him for a long time, and occasionally he praised me: I am taller and wiser. The relatives around me will find that my font is publicized, my writing is characterized, and my writing is neat. Yes, there are always great changes from a boy who only knows how to laugh all day to a man.

I don't have anything to say anymore. I know to put something in my heart. I am not elated but embarrassed about the teacher's praise. I am conceited that I can stand alone and become more independent.

In the past, my independence was very poor. Now, I can do my homework, read and think by myself. Now that I am sensible, I will not buy toys randomly. I will deposit my money in a bank account and use it when I grow up.

Yes, I have changed a lot.

In fact, there are many changes in everyone's life, including changes in dreams, hobbies, personality, and learning... The road of life is long, and every change makes others see that I really grow up!

My Change Composition (9)

Six car level is the end of our primary school, and it also means that I will leave my former teacher.

This time, the whole teacher came to a "big change" math teacher and Chinese teacher I can accept, after all, their teaching experience is relatively thick, but the English teacher, is a new teacher, I think this teacher is certainly no teaching experience, so I don't like her very much, do not listen to her in class, do small movements, do not work hard, Failing to deliver on time. I thought that the teacher would ignore me, but what I waited for was not severe criticism, but cordial greetings. Every time I listened to the class carefully and finished my homework carefully. At this time, I felt that the teacher was very cordial. It seemed that the new watch teacher was not so bad.

The subjects I studied were not the three before, but seven. Chinese, mathematics, English, rule of law, biology, geography and history. This change made me unable to accept. I didn't say the amount of homework first, but the amount of knowledge I taught every day was unacceptable. The time in the daytime was not enough to digest knowledge, and I had to write homework at night. It seemed that I could only spare some time to play to make up for it, But then I can't rest. I have no way and no time to think about it. Sometimes I wonder why middle school is not the same as primary school? When I asked my grandmother, she said, "The change in middle school is to give you more choices in your life. If you don't study hard, you will have to look at others' faces to find jobs in the future. Is it hard for you?

Change is an indispensable experience in life. It may be good or bad, but we must face it.

My Change Composition (10)

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, our food, accommodation and clothing have all changed.

In the era of grandparents, there was little food. When you got a small bag of flour, you had to eat it slowly. But now, with the continuous improvement of living standards, various kinds of food continue to pour in. As long as you order takeout on your mobile phone, food will be delivered to your mouth. Do not cherish the leftover food and throw it into the garbage can. In the era of grandparents, as long as you can eat, you will eat all the delicious food. The food of today has changed a lot compared with the food of the past.

Nowadays, most people in economically developed areas can live in large houses, beautiful carpets, comfortable sofas, soft beds and even bathrooms. But in the era of grandparents, living in such a big house, I dare not even think about it! Most people live in low bungalows. Now, there are many tall buildings in Wujiang, with birds singing and flowers fragrance around. Some people drive luxury cars and sleep in big beds. Who wants to go back to that small broken house? From where I live, there have also been great changes.

In the childhood of grandparents, although the clothes fit, they were uncomfortable and ugly. They were all coarse clothes. Even if it is broken, it should be repaired. Now all kinds of fashionable clothes are not only beautiful and fit, but also comfortable. Various skirts, jeans and coats are popular with girls. In the past, the shoes people wore were bulky and airtight, so they could not talk about any brand at all. It would be nice to have new shoes to wear. Now, Nike is portable and breathable. Who doesn't like it?

From the childhood of grandparents to my childhood, great changes have taken place in society. Such changes are reflected in my grandparents as well as me

My Change Composition (11)

Many changes have taken place in this year.

I like spicy food. In the past, I felt uncomfortable just smelling the taste of chili. Now, I can hardly eat without chili. I can eat a red chili quietly.

In fact, it's the same thing. I used to have a neighbor from Hubei who loved spicy food. My mother was often absent, so she always took me to their house to eat. As time passed, I became fond of spicy food, chili mixed with agaric. Tiger skin and green pepper are all my favorites. You must put chili sauce or red oil in cooking, otherwise you can't eat a mouthful. My mother didn't approve of my spicy food. She said it was bad for my health, and I didn't want to taste it any more, but I still couldn't accept the light food. Therefore, my mother had to make all kinds of Xiahuo tea for me to get rid of anger.

I have to fear heights. Before, no matter how high I climbed, no matter how scary and scary it looked, I was not afraid. Now, as long as I stand high, my legs will tremble unconsciously, and my heart will be more afraid.

In fact, it was a special experience that made me afraid of heights. When I went to the trampoline park to play, there was a game that asked me to carry a rope, pass one test after another, climb to the top floor, and then slide down from a pole. Later, the administrator became impatient and pushed me down mercilessly. I was stimulated. Since then, this experience has become my psychological shadow, and I will never climb higher. Later, how did my classmates persuade me to play those trampoline games in the trampoline park? I refused one by one because I really couldn't accept the hurt.

When I grow up, I have changed a lot. I can't finish it for a while. These changes may be inevitable in my life.

My Change Composition (12)

It's inevitable that people will have a chance to cry, but it's really rare for me, a strong woman, to cry. But I did cry that time.

In primary school, I am always carefree, laughing, playing, watching TV, listening to music, playing childish, and committing a little nerve, so I spend every day in my happy atmosphere!

But in junior high school, everything has changed, the whole person has changed, the whole school has changed, the whole family has changed, and the whole world has changed!

I have changed from being fond of laughing to being more fond of laughing, which is just like coming out of a mental hospital. I have changed from being fond of playing to being more fond of playing, which is just like two three-year-old children (my mother said), whose IQ is also the same as that of those three-year-old children (exaggerated). My academic performance may be just like my happiness. But one day, everything changed again.

In the past, the naive and foolish, like a monkey, when did I become silent, like a sick chicken with chicken plague, how could I not move! It's because of him!

Maybe the emotion is too subtle. It falls into it unconsciously. No matter how hard you struggle, it will sink deeper and deeper. You can't extricate yourself, and will be buried there eventually. Never see the sun. (For our middle school students)

My initial state was that I was smiling when I suddenly changed my face. It was impossible to tease me. Slowly will cry! I always look at a place in a daze, and I don't know who is talking! The mind is always wandering, and that kind of feeling is really painful!

No matter what you don't want to do, it seems that I am trapped first, but I believe that I have the right to extricate myself, and I also have the ability to extricate myself, as long as you want to do it, you can do nothing but achieve great things!

Although my grades have declined now, I will not be so obsessed. I will come back from scratch and study hard.

At the same time, I also believe these words, and always be ready when the opportunity comes, you will succeed. As long as you have a goal, the world will make way for you. TOBENO. 1 (Go First) I will do it at the same time. come on.

My Change Composition (13)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Everyone will grow up. With the passage of time, I have changed from an ignorant and childish child to a sensible and mature teenager. In front of my previous photos, it's hard for you to connect me with me in the past.

First of all, I am taller. In the past, I was short, but I loved playing basketball. Every time I played basketball with a tall classmate, I was pushed out of the court. But now it is different. Now I play basketball not only without being knocked out of the court by my classmates, but also playing the main role! As soon as we hit the ball, we can often hear some students shouting "Chen Wei" and "Chen Wei"! My stature "thrives" especially surprised my relatives in other places. Once, a distant relative came to my house as a guest, and when he saw that I had grown so tall, he was very surprised and said, "Oh, you have grown so tall. When I saw you, the table was as tall as a small table." He also made a gesture with his hand. Hearing his words, I was surprised and pleased, and a sense of pride came into being.

In the past, I was a "game machine fan". Every time I entered the game room, I felt an indescribable excitement. But every time I go out, I feel very lost. In the game hall, I not only learned to play games skillfully; Moreover, I learned to lie. On one occasion, I forgot the time when I went out to play video games and didn't go home until six o'clock. When I got home, my mother asked me where I had gone, and I said, "I went to my classmate's house." Before, every time I went to play video games, I was secretive. This time, I thought I was still blind. However, I don't know who betrayed me this time. In the evening, my parents gave me ideological education. Although I said yes. However, my heart was wondering who told me the secret. But since that time, I have been at peace for several days. In the end, I still couldn't bear it, so I went to play video games again. Then I was exposed again and suffered another storm. This time, my father beat me with fists and feet, and my mother tried to persuade me. In addition, I think playing video games will really affect my study. So I made up my mind not to play video games anymore. The emperor pays his dues. I finally got rid of the problem of playing video games. In the final exam of the first semester of the second year of junior high school, I made some progress in each major and was praised by the teacher.

In the past, every time I issued a report card, it was my end. Now, I concentrate my time, mind and energy on studying the game. This time, many red lanterns were eliminated from the report card. Especially physics, I have failed before. But now that I don't play video games, I concentrate on my study; Therefore, I actually passed the physics exam this time, and even other major subjects have improved.

This is the changing me, a tall, sensible, mature and strong me! One is more careful and less careless; More assertive, less impetuous; More efforts, less bad habits

My Change Composition (14)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I have a date with Reading, a beautiful and warm date.

"Force" me to read

When I was in primary school, I was a child who didn't like reading very much. My mother talked about the benefits of reading more, even coaxed and forced me to use any method, but the effect was not too obvious.

When my mother was in trouble, our head teacher, Mr. Kong, asked us to take a favorite extra-curricular book to school every day, and each of us should read at least half an hour every day. She also asked her mother to supervise and sign every day. She agreed with the teacher's request, Every day, she said happily, "I can't say a hundred words as much as the teacher can say a word. If I don't have a word, the teacher's opinion is the same as mine." My mother not only warmly reminded me every day to read for half an hour, or I wouldn't sign for you, but also picked up the book to read with me every day.

In order to finish my homework and hope to be praised by the teacher, I have to read for half an hour every day as required by the teacher.

I want to read

You know, if you sign every day, the teacher will cover a small red flower on the signature book. In order to get the teacher's small red flower, I insisted on reading every day as required, even in winter vacation and summer vacation without interruption. Later, I have changed from urging reading to consciously reading, and my mother has also reminded me to read. Now, I am reminded not to read but to eat and sleep.

Reading enriches my life. Every day, I follow the characters in the book happily and cry with them. Reading has become my happiest thing every day.

Because of my love of reading, I was awarded the title of "June 1 Reading Model" last year. With the encouragement of Mr. Kong, I opened the school's information and communication blog. It was my happiest thing to exchange reading and writing with bloggers every day. This summer, I had more time to read, write, blog and comment on blogs. I received guidance and encouragement from many teachers and bloggers. Slowly, "XXT" beckoned to me one by one, I have increased my confidence in reading and blogging.

Meet forever

This summer vacation, the school's Xintong Shuxiang class activity encouraged us to read for an hour every day. I really miss reading so much during the summer vacation. Now after school starts, I always feel that I have just read a book for a while. When I see something wonderful, my mother will urge me to read for more than an hour.

Although the Shuxiang class activity will soon end, my agreement with reading will continue forever, because it is my habit to read every day. When I don't read, it will feel strange. In addition, I will buy many books I like. I want to finish reading one by one. Now I often say to my mother, 'Can you let me read more books for a while, I will eat or sleep right away.

You see, I have changed a lot. Both my teacher and my mother said that I had made progress. This time, I was recommended as a class reading angel in the selection of scholarly classes

These improvements are inseparable from my insistence on reading. I am the happiest person who has made progress. I want to keep reading, because I have a date with reading, a forever date.

This is me, a changed me, and I have a permanent date with reading!

My Change Composition (15)

During the Spring Festival, my parents and I returned to our hometown as usual. Half a year later, I was glad to find that my hometown had changed again. To return to our hometown, the Hanjiang River levee is the only way. It was a scary dirt road, full of potholes, mud on rainy days and dust on sunny days. It was difficult for cars to walk on it. Every year when I go back to my hometown and sit on the numb car, my bones will fall apart when I am bumpy and swaying all the way. My father told me that this road was like this when he was in primary school. This year, my car just drove home to the Han River levee. I was glad to find that the debris road was missing, and a wide and flat cement road was circling on the levee like a silver gray dragon. Uncle's car drove on it, fast and steady, and took us to the village in a few minutes.

The housing in my hometown has also changed. Only half a year later, Second Uncle and Third Uncle built two new three storey buildings in the town. White wall tiles, plastic steel windows, steel security doors, and solar energy installed on the roof are fashionable and spacious, just like the western-style houses in the city.

The town is also changing. The original piece of low bungalow was demolished, and a rural community was built in the original location in the town. The unified three storey building is tall and beautiful, which is no different from the residential area in the city.

The hometown is changing faster and more beautiful. I love my hometown.

My Change Composition (16)

When the title "Change" came into my eyes, neat and beautiful residential areas, wide and flat roads, towering buildings... suddenly flashed in my mind. The motherland is undergoing earth shaking changes in recent years, and changes all the time.

What should I write? At this time, my father came over and saw my dilemma. He picked up the topic of the composition and said to me after a little thinking: "Wen Wen, the World Expo will be held next year

The community we live in is changing! The property management uncle and the neighborhood committee aunt cleaned up the community, pulled up the banner of "knowing honor and disgrace, stressing civilization, and welcoming the World Expo", and called on residents to take action, start from the small things around them, and care for and be considerate of others. You see, the aunt walking the dog in the community now always takes a small shovel and a plastic bag to clean the poop pulled by the dog; The uncle who rode the bicycle also consciously parked the bike neatly, which was beautiful and convenient for us to walk. Walking in the community makes people feel comfortable

The Shangnan Road I go to school every day is also changing! It turns out that it is easy to block. There are so many cars every day that it is often blocked. My mother and I always go out a lot earlier every day, otherwise we will be late. Although it is still under renovation, it is much better than before. According to my mother, it will be repaired soon. In the future, there will be 8 lanes going back and forth on the South Road. At that time, the road will be very smooth.

Our school has changed even more. It has become more and more beautiful. Entering the campus, you can see the red plastic runway, green lawn, and spacious basketball court. The flower beds beside the building attract people to stop and watch. There are always invincible flowers all the year round, which beautifies the campus environment. Our classroom is spacious and bright, with large TV screens and computers serving our study quietly. We sit in the spacious and clean classroom every day to listen to the teacher and tell us about the World Expo. We are full of expectations

Our city and our life will become more and more beautiful!

Article 2

In just 30 years, my hometown has gone from narrow mud roads to spacious cement roads, from TV and phone to computers and mobile phones, from old mud houses to high-rise buildings. The earth shaking and ever-changing changes year by year are inseparable from the good policies of our Party.

I often heard from my grandmother that before, people had a very difficult life. They could not even eat three meals a day. They had to get up early to work in the fields. It was impossible to eat a mouthful of rice, let alone fish and meat.

In the old days, when there was no electricity, every household used kerosene lamps for lighting, and they lived in low small houses or thatched houses. At night, they could not read clearly when doing homework or reading. Take my grandma's house for example. In the past, I lived in a small hut and ate two or three bowls of porridge every day. Even so, my family often had no food to eat. After the reform and opening up, they slowly built their homes with their industrious hands. Save money by living frugally every day. After more than ten years of hard work, he built a two-story building with his hard-earned money. There are also groups of furniture with novel styles. There is a 29 inch color TV on the cabinet, and a VCD and power amplifier are placed under the color TV. There are washing machines, refrigerators, bathrooms and so on. Now the appearance of the family has become a new look, all of which is due to the reform and opening up of the Party and his hard work.

In recent years, thanks to the good policies of the Party, good leadership and the hard work of the people, our hometown has undergone tremendous changes. When you come to the village and look far into the distance, the first thing you can see is new brick buildings, which are pleasing to the eyes. Especially the newly built cement road runs through the village, and motorcycles, bicycles, and cars flow continuously at the time of commuting and off duty. When people are thirsty after work, they can open the refrigerator and take out drinks from it; Tired, I leaned on the sofa to watch TV. Rice, fish and meat are more common. The people in my hometown are really rich.

With the development of science and technology, I believe that our hometown will become more beautiful and richer in the near future.

My Change Composition (17)

What should I say when I'm 12 years old? Sometimes hard work and sometimes lazy. At first, I worked hard, but then I hardly worked hard. In addition to playing or playing all day long, I often surf the Internet with my friends. I regret it when I think about it now. It's still an old saying: young people don't work hard, old people are sad.

When I was 12-13 years old, my parents wanted me to study hard, so they transferred me from the Mainland Central School to Guangcai Primary School in Chuanliao. After I transferred to Guangcai Primary School, my study plummeted. This is not a problem of the school, but because I didn't listen carefully in class and kept whispering!

In short, I must study hard and make progress every day in the last semester. Try to be admitted to my ideal study - No. 2 Middle School.

Seeing that everything is changing constantly, such as character and temper from one era to another or from day to day, each of us cannot escape the change. The elder once said, "Young people are frivolous, but we are just changing."