Colorful Life (17 selected articles)
know by oneself whether it is cold or warm
2023-12-18 01:36:24
college entrance examination

Colorful Life (1)

The world is colorful and life is colorful. With two eyes, you can sit and watch the world and see the world; Self examination and discerning people are the only way to live a natural, happy, relaxed and carefree life.

Mr. K is a critic. Mr. K is from K city. Good at talking since childhood. He often observed the neighborhood and village affairs, and then made a speech. All villagers praise his talent and respect his opinion.

Every year at the beginning and end of the festival, the villagers meet to go to the market and watch the festive opera.

As soon as he entered the market, all kinds of people came from different walks of life, which made Mr. K prosperous. So he gave full play to his personal expertise and set up a platform in one corner of the city to make comments. On the top of the three religions, on the bottom of the Jiuliu, on the left, on the peer, on the right, on the unfamiliar. Really, the argument is amazing.

However, there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people. Just as Mr. K was making a big speech, an old man in the crowd asked, "Mr. K, you have heard a lot of names. Let me ask you, why don't you talk about them? Do you think you are perfect?

”Mr. K was surprised and suddenly turned red and stood dumbfounded.

The mountain road between the monk and the marshal is winding with verdant trees.

"The ancient temple is hidden in the deep mountain, and the early sun shines on the high forest". In a temple, a Heshang, dressed in monk's clothes, looked serious and looked at Cangshan Mountain quietly. He is meditating on his past! He has an eye on himself.

A general came to visit. After entering the temple, the commander asked, "What kind of truth did Zen Master realize today? I come here and do what I do.

”The monk said calmly: "The old monk recently looked at the mountain scenery and saw the fog clouds at night. In this situation, he realized that only by meditating can he refresh his mind and cultivate my body.

”The commander smiled and said, "The words of Zen Master are reasonable.

However, in my opinion, it is slightly biased.

”The old monk looked soft and asked leisurely, "How can you see it?

”The commander replied: "The truth that the master understood is to cultivate himself and focus only on himself, while I am in command of the world's troops and horses, watching the world's major events, commanding the army vertically and horizontally, and protecting the country and the family. I think that the only way for a man to look at the world and focus on the world's people is the right way. But for his own fame and wealth, he will never be important. Therefore, I am looking at the people all over the world to focus on self virtue; While the master only focused on his own behavior, he ignored others all over the world.

”The monk no longer smiled leisurely. He bent down and praised, "Good! Good! It's rare for a country to have a king as its leader, and the old monk was impressed! In the future, the old monk should ask the commander for advice on how to see others in the world.

”Look at yourself and look at others. The beautiful life goes like an old saying: "Sit still and think about your own life. Don't talk about others.

”Admittedly, people can make continuous progress only when they see themselves and others in the world and compare and improve.

Seeing oneself and others, the combination of the two is the ultimate Tao.

Examine yourself, make yourself fully aware of your mistakes. Observe others, so that self can learn from their strengths and improve.

Look at others as well as yourself. Borrowers make up for my shortcomings; Look at yourself and others, and give up your own merits.

Colorful Life (2)

Flowers fly and leaves fall, leaves and branches are wings in thoughts, flying with ideals

Dream a field, drunk a field, wake up, everything is like passing clouds. If you can't have it, then forgetting is the best choice.

Human life is short, fragile life can not bear too much load, we should learn to forget, forget those things that should not be remembered, forget everything that does not belong to us. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, we can only enjoy it for a short time. Life can't be perfect. If it is too perfect, there will be defects. A life with regrets is like a dry well, without any meaning.

Experience is the most important thing in one's life. Painful or happy, the past will not be mentioned again. Remembering the past can only increase sadness. When you hide your face and sigh, time has passed and happiness has slipped away from your fingers.

Forget the friends who have no chance, forget the feelings that can't be gained after investment, forget the trouble of blooming and falling, forget the sigh that the sunset is fleeting, and forget everything that is unwilling to remember. Do not deliberately pursue everything, otherwise it is difficult to get out of the misunderstanding of worrying about gain and loss. Life should be sublimated into a quiet and detached spirit. If you know how to give up and learn to forget, you will gain happiness.

There is no injustice in the world, only a heart of injustice. Do not complain, do not hate, indifferent to everything, the past is like smoke. Experienced, drunk, awake, broken, over, forget it! Cherish the existing life, happiness is around you.

Of course, no one is so free and easy, no one can really forget. Once loved, hurt, pain of the day, never erase, always torment people's hearts. Because of this, we should learn to forget and forgive. Life is in constant pursuit. Only in this way can life have passion. Only in this way can we appreciate the joy of life in the pursuit.

It is a wise choice to forget when you indulge in a period of past events and feel helpless. It will be the greatest happiness in one's life to forget the unforgettable pain and the feeling that hurts deeply.

Having loved, suffered, owned, lost and forgotten is a colorful life.

Colorful Life (3)

I'm looking forward to seeing you I can't see

I'm listening to you, I can't hear you

Time rotates on the axis

Life flows in the blood

Give me super power, let me soar in the sky and get freedom

We are insatiable and eager for everything

But when we get everything, we are even less satisfied

So we only get freedom

Sometimes, we can really feel the miracle of life

It brings us to the world and gives us a colorful life

I'm looking forward to seeing you I can't see

I'm listening to you, I can't hear you

Colorful Life (4)

Liu Zhaoqi once asked me, "How do you write your diary? It is often praised by teachers as a model essay?" I laughed but didn't say a word. I knew from my heart that it was because I found inspiration for writing from life and felt the joy of life.

In the past, I always didn't know what to write when I started writing. I felt that writing was a burden and I always perfunctory. No matter how I wrote, as long as I finished my homework, everything would be fine. Now, I know that I am wrong. Writing is not difficult, but to use a pen to remember the traces left in life, your emotions, sorrows, feelings, views on life, and more importantly, your heart.

Inspiration is the source of creation. As long as you find inspiration and seriously express it, you will not write poorly. The seniors said that "accumulate knowledge to store treasure, make use of reason to enrich talent, study and read to make poor photos, and tame to interpret words". As long as these are achieved, there will be no problem that there is nothing to write or not to write well.

Dear students, as long as you boldly appreciate learning and life, boldly evaluate the world, express your likes and dislikes, and the ups and downs of life, please take the "magic pen" in your hand and describe your colorful life in the small world of notebook!

Colorful Life (5)

From our first cry to being able to tell right from wrong, everyone has many dreams. "Life is like a dream," someone said. Indeed, we all lived in a dream world for a long time. Some dreams are as short as morning dew. After a little wind and rain, they disappear without trace; Some dreams are as misty as rain. They seem wonderful, but they can never be obtained

Dream, what do you give people? Is there no hope?

Since we have been created by this world, we must create another world and leave something worthy of being left in this world. Of course, in this long and short life course, we will have the pain of failure, the frustration of danger, the confusion of the future, and the joy of success

Life is always colorful.

No matter how long the road is, there will be an end. No matter how beautiful the dream is, there will be a time to wake up. Rather than let us sigh when we are dreaming and waking up: "If life is short, there will be more days to go." It is better to do something when we are young, and put our limited life into infinite creation, turning the short into eternity.

Hurry, too hurry.

Life is not static, it is an emotional, flesh and blood larva. She is always a beating note, playing a rich song of life for life. In adversity, you don't need to be sad, let alone despair. Because no matter when and where, someone will accompany you through the long journey, and you will never be lonely.

If one day, we lose our quick legs and quick thinking. But let us not forget the spirit of struggle. As long as you work hard, you don't have to force the results too much. That way, when you are one hundred years old, you will die. You can still say proudly, "I'm still young."

Colorful Life (6)

Life, for everyone, is very precious, of course, life is also colorful.

White - young

When I was young, I often caused trouble for my mother. Foolish to think that since the earth is round, people standing below will surely fall. I also made a lot of jokes. One day, my sister bought a chicken after school. I like it very much and can't put it down. About a week later, I went to feed it to drink at noon. Seeing it didn't drink, I put its head into the water and let it drink. After a while, I saw the chicken stopped moving, so I took it out of the water. I ran to my mother and said, "The chicken is asleep." My mother looked at it and said, "You killed the chicken.

Blue - childhood

At noon one summer day, I was playing with my electric car in front of my house. Suddenly, something with angel wings flew past my eyes. My mother said that it was a butterfly. I was immediately attracted by its beauty. I could not help but "drive" the car and followed it into a flower cluster, which was full of colorful flowers, red, yellow, blue, white Purple...... Under the touch of the breeze, she danced, which attracted butterflies and bees.

I immediately thought of catching it. As soon as I bent down, butterflies and bees escaped cheaply. Undaunted, I continued to look for another one. But as soon as I moved my feet, the butterfly fluttered its wings and ran away. In this way, I caught it more than 20 times in a row and finally succeeded.

Orange - Youth

One summer night, my mother and I went to Bei'an Park to skate. Once there, I can't wait to change into skates and slip past. Suddenly, there came a sudden brake. I fell to the ground. When my mother saw me like this, she couldn't help laughing, and I couldn't help laughing. My mother had to help me find a coach, who taught me patiently. Put your hands behind your back, step forward, and lean your knees forward. I followed the way my coach taught me. Sure enough, 'Kung Fu pays off', and I finally learned to skate. I was very happy and smiled.

Life, without white innocence, blue dreams, orange restlessness, red youth, gray depth. It is this that constitutes our colorful life

Colorful Life (7)

The depth of the universe is unpredictable, and we can not thoroughly explore it only when we live on the earth. However, any "signal" and "information" sent by the universe to human beings can give us enlightenment to draw conclusions. But there is no single answer.

You can say that the storm is hateful. It destroyed facilities and blew down houses. But after that, it was a sunny day, so the crops were stronger and the sky was more beautiful, because there were colorful rainbows. Everything is changing, so that its essence and value follow the fluctuation. This reminds me of life. Man is insignificant to the nature in its various forms; For the changes of the universe, the space-time tunnel, life is short. But people are intelligent, verbal and conscious.

Therefore, man is the only thinker in the universe. There is no doubt that life is more colorful! When the newborn cries, he is full of curiosity about the strange world, so babbling and learning to walk become the only joy of childhood. When he was hungry for knowledge, he went to school, so in this world, he had another wish. In his contacts with the outside world, he learned to stand on his own two feet. So there is a desire to climb science. He learned that "the young do not work hard, the old are sad".

Hard work and sweat became his capital when he was young. Over the years, the world is full of confidence in life. In the eyes of young people, beautiful life, gorgeous seasons, and red roses always break into the heart. During the journey, young people will sing loudly, praising wonders, longing for life, and loving nature. When suffering from failure, young people will encourage themselves, because they know that "failure is the mother of success". Life is full of opportunities and challenges for young people. The last station of life is old age. Don't be sad. With the capital accumulated in youth, old age is more colorful. It is common for the old man with silver hair to fish by the lake. It is a good thing to be at ease. Old people often get together to recall the past. They are childish when they were young, hot when they were young, and sweet when they were in love.

A person's life is beautiful and short. There is no fixed pattern in life. You can be enthusiastic, unrestrained, silent or impulsive. Because life is in your hands. Grasp the rudder of life, and life will be colorful.

Colorful Life (8)

Everyone's life is colorful, either happy or sad, or bitter or sweet. As long as we can find the "navigator" we belong to, we can reach the other side of success.

Childhood life is also sweet and bitter. Although "bitter" is inevitable, "bitter" can also make us stronger, more courageous to face various challenges, and make you more aware of the joy of life.

My grades in primary school were not outstanding, and I didn't try hard, but I failed every time. Maybe that's not really to take learning as fun, just as a task. When I am alone, I often think: Why are you so stupid? Why is it that such a simple question would be wrong because of calculation errors... But these ideas slowly dissipated when I was in junior high school, perhaps because I found the "navigator" in my life in the new environment. Although I'm still playing, my grades are going up little by little. Since then, my grades have not fluctuated much. This made me feel the joy and pride I had never felt before.

Yes, everyone will encounter various challenges, but as long as we find our own "navigator", we will have confidence and confidence to overcome difficulties. If it cannot be found, it may fail.

When we were young, we were good children in our parents' eyes, but when we arrived at junior high school, there was a gap between us and our parents. I always feel that our parents don't understand us, and we always quarrel with our parents because of some trivial things. Parents also want to solve the problem. When our parents talk to us, we often quarrel with our parents before saying a few words, and sometimes even verbally attack our parents. Parents are also at a loss for this situation. Now that we have grown up, we regret every time we think of the things we did to our parents when we were young. Our parents worked so hard to provide us with education, but we

Everyone's life is colorful. If you find your own "navigator", you will certainly get a different life experience.

Colorful Life (9)

We may not be as meticulous as Aunt Xu, nor have the ability of Liu Jun to be the hero behind the scientific research. However, dedication is the responsibility we can do. It is also beneficial to the society and the country.

Aunt Xu was asked by the students to stay. In addition to her long-standing feelings, Aunt Xu's considerate care cannot be ignored. Liu Jun worked hard for the Jiaolong, realizing both personal value and social value. The two people have one thing in common, that is, dedication.

Dedication and respect for one's own career are just requirements to do one's duty without delay and vacancy. However, there are still people who are absent in society, let alone surpass their duty. There are thousands of people like Aunt Xu who love their jobs and are dedicated to their work, and there are also people like Liu Jun and Huang Danian who are dedicated to the cause of the motherland. No matter what their jobs are, they deserve respect. At the same time, there are also people who are not dedicated to their jobs. Most of them have no love for their jobs and live by living together every day. At the same time, they also despise "low" jobs. They have money in their eyes, but no responsibility. They may compromise to reality, hold the attitude of "being able to live but not being able to live", and cannot find the value of work.

So why do we advocate dedication? Personally, it is just meaning. What is the meaning of work? Maybe it's just a way for most people to make money. Admittedly, we can't abandon bread to talk about our ideals. But in the era of more and more promotion of dedication and increasingly fierce competition, dedication is not only helpful for providing sources of livelihood, but also a means to realize personal value. Secondly, for a country, personal value can also be transformed into social value. As a big country, China's dedication to work can reflect the spirit of the country. Just like Liu Jun and other scientific researchers, they have contributed a great deal to the cause of the motherland. However, a nation that cannot even devote itself to its work is not enough to talk about rising and realizing national rejuvenation.

However, there are many cases of social dereliction. How can we change this situation? First of all, we should change our consciousness and actively promote socialist core values. Secondly, we should implement in action. Enterprises should not only attach importance to talents, but also pay attention to the performance of employees, cultivate dedicated talents, and create a dedicated corporate atmosphere. Individuals should have great family and country feelings, and constantly strive for the realization of personal values.

We cannot become the sea, let us become a drop of water flowing into the sea, let us not stir up waves, let us become a wind in the mountains, let us not directly contribute to the motherland, let us work silently in our posts, shoulder our responsibilities, and show the light of China.

Colorful Life (10)

It is said that there is a golden house in the book. We have entered a new world since we learned the first word. In this world, I don't know, it is reading that builds my happy life.

For me, reading has long been a commonplace. In every morning, accompanied by the breeze and sunshine, I slowly turn over the pages, and the fragrance of books and flowers seep into my heart; I can feel sincere happiness. Every day I turn over a page of a book. Although it is the same page, I can see a new scene, which makes me immersed in the magical sea of books and enjoy it.

So, with a desire for knowledge, I entered the first grade of primary school classroom. I learned more knowledge. Slowly, I can read a novel, or even a whole book! It feels like riding a thousand li horse in the sea of books. I'm not satisfied with traveling in the sea of books. I think the sea is too small. After all, it is not as wide as the sky and the earth. By the sixth grade, I was exposed to more new books. At that time, I had become the master of books. I cherish every opportunity of reading more and more, feel happiness from reading, and taste the lines of books with a happy attitude.

Until today, I have become a junior high school student. My mentality has changed, and I can only feel meaningless happiness, sadness, anger and frustration. Yes, I have thought in quiet nights: to rebuild a happy life with reading. Five or six days later, I did it again, reading and reconstructing my happy life.

In fact, life is also a book, but this book is more abundant. If you want to make your life happy, you should read your life carefully. The book is full of innumerable feelings. If we face it as a happy person, we will experience the fun. I still remember that someone said to me, "As long as you enrich your life with reading, life will no longer be monotonous." This is not a famous saying, nor a popular saying, but a common saying by an ordinary person. But this sentence affected my reading career. It made me feel happy from dull and tasteless reading. I then passed this sentence on to a friend with poor grades to let him taste reading. A few days later, he took a pass ticket and happily told me: "This method is really good, and there is a lot of unexpected wealth and happiness in life!"

Can reading really build happiness?

Yes, as long as you feel the fun of reading attentively, you can get happiness. Don't hesitate to build your happiness with reading!

Colorful Life (11)

"The newly listed fruit of life is free of charge, and each person is limited to one fruit for one day." As soon as the sound goes down, the busy street becomes more noisy, and people who like to take advantage of small things are crowding up, so I can't retreat, so I have to follow the crowd to the fruit store.

There were ten opaque cartons in front of the fruit shop. The female shopkeeper asked us to line up in ten lines and take out a fruit from the carton. I looked at the three characters "fruit of life" on the carton in the line and couldn't wait to go forward to take out a fruit to see what it was like.

Step by step, I was about to get the fruit. I was very excited. Finally, it was my turn. I couldn't wait to put my hand into the carton. I felt a lot in it. I took one at random, withdrew to one side, and looked carefully at the fruit. The fruit was yellow with many spots on it.

After reading, I wanted to ask: "Is this fruit?" But I held back. Looking at the people around them, they were all at a loss when they got the fruit. I think they might be afraid of poisoning, because the more beautiful the fruit, the more likely it is to be toxic. The shopkeeper seemed to see everyone's concern and said, "You can rest assured that this is absolutely natural and pollution-free fruit."

At the moment when everyone hesitated, someone said, "How sweet!" This sentence made everyone excited, so they began to eat. But in a flash, they angrily asked the shopkeeper, "Why is the fruit so sour?", I want to taste the fruit.

So I carefully chewed the peel with fear, and some sweet liquid flowed into my mouth, "sweet, so sweet!" So I took a small bite of it, and found that it was all bittersweet. At this time, the female shopkeeper slowly said the origin of the fruit of life, "The fruit of life is cultivated by people with a lifetime. It has hundreds of flavors, of which sweet, sour, bitter and hot are the most common. Don't ask me why you eat the fruit of life, because you are the cultivator."

After listening to the shopkeeper's words, I stayed there and looked at the fruits of life. It took me a long time to wake up, so I ate the fruits of life in my hands. Although the ups, downs, bitters and spiciness are all in one jar, isn't this life?

Colorful Life (12)

The subway is like life. The starting point, the way, and the end point are just like us from ignorance to returning to heaven.

starting point. The subway hasn't started yet. It stays on the track and is still. At that time, we were still young children and needed other people's care until we were toddlers. Step on the ground, step on the ground, and gradually release the powerful hand, step by step towards the door of growth, which is the footprint of growth. In primary school, a worry, a failure, a setback, a pain, can let us learn kinds of hard work, hard work, perseverance and perseverance. This is the ladder of growth.

When we understand this, the subway starts shaking its body, wheezing, breaking free from the dark track and stepping into the bright road.

way. We don't know what will happen on the way, just as we don't know what unexpected things will happen in our own life, it is mysterious and belongs to the future. However, sometimes it may be man-made. You were living a happy life, but you were secretly stared at with hatred and jealousy, ready to kill. When the time came, he (she) jumped out and made a mess of your life. The originally beautiful day was like a rat's dung, spoiling a nest of porridge.

Therefore, life is ever-changing. We should treat it carefully and let it drive on the road without any obstacles. Just like the subway running, it flies past like a meteor, stops at a station, and soon starts on the road again. There is always an end to the journey. When the subway stops at the last stop, it means that our life is over.

End. It seems that it is too long to reach, but in fact it is very short. The countdown has begun before the end of youth. Everything, such as a dream, had not finished the taste of this side, they began to show the other side, only to find that the past was so dim. We always feel that we are free now and have a lot of time to spend. However, as we approach the end, we suddenly realize that we still have a lot of things to do, haven't finished reading, haven't traveled around the world, haven't made up with our enemies, haven't kissed the child's cheek, haven't said to their parents: I love you

Subway is like life. The black track is like the road of life; Each station is like an accident on the road; From the beginning to the end, a short time is like a short life

Colorful Life (13)

The sky seems to have been blown by a hurricane all night, so clean that there is no cloud. Only pure blue was left, which was wildly rendered overhead. It seems that I accidentally knocked over the blue ink bottle.

Look at the distance, the young eagle is struggling tenaciously in the wind and rain, and the sky is its stage. Eagle, a sacred animal. In the sky of yellow sand and howling wind, it is still flying and fighting in the sky. Although it will also be old, it can endure pain, reborn in the blood on the cliff, and become young.

Just like the eagle, everyone has his own stage.

To add wings to life, there is no need to wander in the low clouds, the small mountains, and the vast sky is my stage.

The stage is big enough to hold thousands of audiences; The stage is as small as it is small, so small that one person is acting alone on the stage. What is a stage? When humming, the road you step on is the stage; When playing football, the football field is the stage; When making a speech, the familiar classroom floor at the feet is also a stage.

But for those disabled dancers, the stage is all they have. Once upon a time, a dancer was standing in the most dazzling place, but due to an unfortunate accident, she slumped in a wheelchair, but she never gave up. She rocked the wheelchair back to the center of the stage again, and performed her unperformed works crazily with her dancers again.

Life is like a play, and play is like life. Dancers are crazy about the stage. When fate plays a cruel trick on them, their grief, timidity and hope will be the stepping stones to success.

A kind of joy, a kind of shock, a kind of freedom, a kind of fight This is the content of the stage of life, the ultimate stage of life!

Compared with the universe, life is like a drop in the ocean. How big and how small one is. However, small is not the force that can restrict the flow of life color. Therefore, the whole world is also the stage of my life.

Raise the sails of hope. On this stage, I am free and unrestrained, but I really let my life dance! A piece of hard stone can't hinder my pace, a gust of wind can't pull down my sail, and there is only hysteria in the heart: "The stage of life has my acme!"

Even if I suffer more hardships, I will not stop my performance. Because I know greenhouse is the grave of life; The Jedi are a paradise for rebirth.

Is the plot wonderful? Can I get awards? That's not what I think anymore. Long sleeves as a song, what is your life? If you are in full bloom, the fragrance of flowers will come. The only thing I can do well is to dance out my wonderful life.

Colorful Life (14)

"Forever Super Class 4" is the work of sister Wu Meizhen, who recalls her childhood and youth. He wrote a lively and happy class story, which is very similar to the story of our "Super Class 4". The story is always exciting! If you have this book, I think you will love it and treat it as a treasure, even immersing yourself in the story of Class 4.

This work describes the happy campus life of the post-00s students, which is colorful, rather than the monotonous content of dead reading. The author Wu Meizhen recalled her growth and thought of many things when writing. Maybe she had the inspiration that burst out in an instant, so she started to write, and this work was born.

This work is written in the first person. What's the benefit of this? The advantage is that the situation of the novel is more authentic, the distance between the author and the reader is narrowed, and the psychological activities of the protagonist are deliberately described in great detail. This greatly enhances the real effect of the novel, which is full of interest. For example, I started typing on it. The language is simple without any modification.

In fact, the real author of this novel is not Wu Meizhen. You must be confused now! Why is this not Wu Meizhen? That's because Wu Meizhen wrote a novel through letters from readers and then through fictional processing, so this work is "real people and fake things". how? Are you surprised? The real authors are some primary school students. I think it is a good idea to write a letter to Wu Meizhen's sister, who is revising it. Because the novel is free to play, and can be unconstrained and omnipotent, so as to place their dreams, vent their bad emotions, and fully listen to the call of their own hearts. This is also the main reason why Wu Meizhen created this work.

The content of the book mainly talks about what happened to Hua Wangde and Ning Jiaxin respectively. Example: Hua Wangde is a rookie, Ning Jiaxin is Yibeiwan, and Class Four are all writing novels. After reading it, I was amazed!

The characters are even more unforgettable, such as around. Ex.: Hua Wang Deyong is good at admitting his shortcomings, but he is a weak scholar. Ning Jiaxin values friendship, but always ignores others' feelings.

Life is like a play, and play is like life. From the "Forever Super Class 4", we seem to see ourselves, and see our classmates and teachers who get along with us day and night. Clap, clap and shout out.

Colorful Life (15)

Mencius said: "When the sky is about to fall to a great task, people must first work hard to overcome their mental difficulties." The stream broke through the obstruction of hard rocks, and then had a clear and pleasant song; Cangsong had endured the wind and snow, and then had the figure of standing cliffs; The goshawk withstood the storm, and then had the magnificent posture of flying in the blue sky. Nature is like this, so are people. Therefore, if you want to achieve great things and gain success, you should first face the setbacks, difficulties and blows in life.

Frustration is like a stone, sharpening a strong life. The young grass is more tenacious because of the weight of stones, the bamboo is more green because of the baptism of wind and rain, and the plum blossom is more charming because of the destruction of wind and snow. Your character is as tough as grass, your character is as noble as bamboo, and your feelings are as rich as plum blossom. You are the son of an official. You should have a brilliant future. You were sentenced to court punishment for offending the emperor because you said a few fair words for Li Ling. But you didn't sink, but you were determined to move forward, because you were afraid of "being contemptible for ever, and your literary talent was not later". You write your understanding of history with an unyielding soul, and express your dissatisfaction with reality with an impassioned style. Before setbacks, you are firm; After setbacks, you are strong. You used your weak body to assume the responsibility of a historiographer, and spent 18 years to complete "the swan song of a historian, the unrivalled Lisao". Sima Qian, in your life, setbacks are like stones, sharpening your strong life.

Difficulties such as furnace, burning unyielding life. When the battle horn in the frontier has just stopped, and the soldiers on the expedition have not yet returned, in order to live in peace with the Huns, you resolutely set foot on the road of envoy despite the long road ahead. All went well, but when you were preparing to return to China, you were implicated in the civil unrest in the upper class of the Huns. The Xiongnu Chanyu coerces and lures you to surrender to the Xiongnu and allow you to be a high-ranking official. But you are righteous and unmoved. Shan Yu has no choice but to let you go to the desert to herd sheep. "Drinking milk is the way to return", and you are still unyielding. In the inaccessible Beihai Sea, you "herd sheep on the Zhanghan Festival, lie down and exercise, and the tail will fall", but you are still unyielding. Nineteen years of severe cold and heat have passed, and you have finally returned to the motherland you miss so much. Su Wu, in your life, difficulties are like furnaces, burning out your unyielding life.

Strike like a hammer, playing a life without regret. When the moving melody sounded on the stage of the "China's Got Talent Show", when your thin body appeared with the music, and when people focused on those feet beating on the keys, your passionate performance moved all the audience present. You were a healthy and happy teenager, but an accident caused you to amputate both arms. But you didn't fall down because of this fatal blow. You continued your dream, and played the piano that ordinary people would not dare to think of. Although you have encountered difficulties that ordinary people cannot imagine, you have never given up. The audience's applause is the best proof of your success. Liu Wei, in your life, the blow is like a hammer, knocking out your life without regret.

Frustration, difficulties and blows are inevitable notes in life. Since they cannot be avoided, please be firm in your faith, be enthusiastic, use setbacks as oars, difficulties as sails, and blows as wind, and march bravely in the direction of sunshine to harvest the sunshine in life.

Colorful Life (16)

If life is colorful, then my past was peaceful, like a stagnant lake, without any waves and ripples, and I was so busy, having spent more than 20 years in the pursuit of dreams. Now, when my dream comes true, I suddenly find that I need someone to share the fruits of this success

No matter how successful your career is, whether men or women, you need such a person to share everything! Copy one piece of happiness into two pieces, and one piece of pain into half... Then who is this person? The Greek myth says well: when God created man, man was originally four arms, four legs and two heads, but God thought that man was too clever to manage in the future, so he separated man from the middle and became a single man and woman now. Therefore, man was looking for his other half from birth! During the period, there may be some mismatches, so if you get married, you will also get divorced. If you look again, there must be someone who belongs to you.

A person's life, no matter how hard he tries to adjust it, is lonely and lonely; No matter how many friends share success and happiness with you in life, you will still feel lonely. This is because there is no other half of oneself, and there is always a regret in life! When the two become one, everything becomes so colorful

With him, there will be different concerns in life. Every moment, as long as the mind is idle, it will think of him, read him, and sometimes smile because of his words. If there is something delicious, I hope he can eat it. If there is something fun, I always hope to join him

Life is tasteless, all by oneself. With him, there is no need to decorate, because with him, life will be colorful... Therefore, I want to say that colorful life starts from finding your other half! In the kingdom of life, we are born for him, go for him, meet, know and accompany each other impartially

Colorful Life (17)

The swan is willing to fight against the sky and fly through the clouds, because his life is full of passion; Fish prefer to dive into rivers and seas, and travel through hundreds of rivers. Because its life is quiet and quiet, and pine trees are willing to live on cliffs. After rain and wind, it is full of trials and hardships. Life is like a rainbow, colorful and wonderful. Grasp life and enjoy its splendor.

A touch of blue, his life is quiet and indifferent. He is a hermit. There is an extraordinary mentality of "hiding in the city". When he said goodbye to officialdom, he leisurely held a cluster of elegant chrysanthemums at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. Despite the uncertainty of human affairs, he still pursued an indifferent life. Tao Yuanming, his leisurely life is like a touch of blue, quiet, elegant, but also brings a force that can calm the mind and spirit. Reading him is like smelling chrysanthemums with faint fragrance. Some people are obsessed with officialdom, but they break free from the shackles and enjoy the beauty of "the mountain atmosphere is good every day and night, and the birds fly back together"; Enjoy the leisure of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, and leisurely seeing Nanshan" with indifference. His life is a calm blue.

A cluster of bright red, his life is full of vigor and vitality. "Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. A few people have fought in ancient times" expresses his desire to kill the enemy and serve the country; A fine horse, he gallops in the battlefield all his life; He could not blow out the fierce cry in his heart. His heart was burning hot, and his blood was boiling red. He is a general who has ten thousand men and instructs the country. "The horse is fast and the bow is like a thunderbolt" is his pride in commanding the battlefield. Xin Qiji, his life is like a cluster of bright red, and no one can rival his pride; His ambition is like a swan. It is his mission to gallop on the battlefield. He is willing to serve the battlefield even if he dyes his hair spontaneously; Even if the old hero is in the forefront, he still has a thousand li ambition. How many times when I was drunk, I raised a lamp to watch the sword, and how many times when I saw an iron horse in my dream, I heard the clanking of the sword. His life can ignite our passion and let us feel the surging blood surging in our hearts. That cluster of bright red, is burning red, is passionate red, is high spirited red, reflected in his life. His life is a cluster of bright red.

A ray of purple, his life is arrogant and cold. "The Son of Heaven doesn't want to go on board when he calls. He claims that his ministers are immortals in wine". He is so arrogant that he has unparalleled talent; "Life is not satisfactory in this world, and the Ming Dynasty was full of boats". Before difficulties, he was still arrogant and detached; "Go out and laugh to the sky. We are not Penghao people." He held a sword and laughed to the sky like a fairy coming from the ninth heaven. Li Bai, who traveled around Jiuzhou, looked at the river and sang about the Milky Way. He had no intention of being a royal power, rich and noble. He stood proudly in the world, like a ray of purple. He felt a sense of dignity and coldness. He was amazed that he looked like a man in heaven and that his life was that ray of purple.

Life is as silent as a candle, as sweet as a flower; It can clean people's minds like a clear spring. Colorful life is at your feet and in your hands.