Sentiment composition for military training (15 required)
The peak man
2024-05-29 01:42:44

Reflections on Military Training Composition (1)

It is said that "exercise can see one's will". We value training and persistence.

Although the days of military training in school are short, they give me a great feeling, which makes me understand that life should have the willpower to stand up and work hard, then we can do things with twice the effort. To be honest, military training these days is very tired, but I don't complain about anything, because it makes me learn to persist and work hard, it makes me really understand the meaning of life.

People are not absolute success, nor absolute failure. Success is because of persistence, failure is because of giving up. Our destiny is in our hands, and we should strive to make it realize the value of life.

Alas, from now on, if we want to achieve something, we must study hard and be strong no matter how hard we struggle. Because our life is about struggle, as long as we struggle, we will have a clear conscience.

I believe that each of us has our own ambition, because the soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers, so for our dreams, we must not give up, we must be positive and strive actively while young! Students, now work hard!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (2)

In the process of military training, I always feel that the time is so slow. One word is tired. I always wander in my mind. Although this is not the first military training, it impressed me deeply. I often want to finish the military training early, and I feel that I can't stand it anymore.

The instructor always asked us to pay attention to the military posture. My head hurts when I look at it. I feel a little bit like standing, but in my heart, I always feel my legs are swaying like a strong wind tormenting a tree. I feel that my feet are not stable at all, but are shaking; The sweat on his forehead seeped out, and each sweat expressed his own efforts; The throat is like a bottomless hole. No irrigation can make it wet; My ears seem to be deaf, and others can't really hear what they are saying.

In such a day of military training, the scorching sun and raindrops are all to cheer us up. Although I have stood for a long time, my legs are a little numb, and I seem unable to move, but in this day of military training, I learned a lot: this military training not only exercises myself, but also gives me perseverance and perseverance. In learning, if you have difficulties, you should learn to be strong as in military training. You should learn to persist in order to solve the difficulties one by one. On the road of life, there are still many difficulties. We should persist. As the saying goes, "The sword comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom comes from bitter cold" is also the persistence of torture, hard work, and success can only be achieved if you don't let go, It's really "Kung Fu pays off". In the process of learning, the self should persist in any case and overcome all kinds of difficulties. I believe that one day, success belongs to me, and the sunshine will always come after the storm.

Reflections on Military Training Composition (3)

I almost ran the whole race with the flag. Although I felt very hard on the way, I said to myself "I can do it" every time, because I insisted on turning suffering into strength and not saying a word to others—— Cai Haoming

After 4 days of military training, I changed. I must prove to my mother with both hands that I have made progress, which makes her proud and gratified. From now on, I will help my mother do more housework and let her have a full rest—— Chen Yingtong

After a few days of military training life, I learned that the pay and the gain are equal. In the future study, I also need to work hard and strive, and also strive to move forward towards my own goals. I will not leave any regret in the future study. Then, I regret, heartache and regret for this—— Cai Chenxin

After the military training, I want to thank one person. She is Chen Kunru, our housekeeper. When everyone is exhausted by the hard training, she can always tell a joke to make everyone laugh and relax. As long as she hears her voice, all unpleasant things will be forgotten—— Lu Zifei

Through this military training, we realized the hardships of soldiers and the joy of sweat, which enabled us to exercise ourselves, improve our quality, strengthen our will, unite classmates and overcome difficulties. I hope that in my future life, I can apply what I learned from this military training—— Lu Lingqian

On the last day of military training, we always left a regret... I was very unhappy, but I was glad to find that I began to integrate into Class 12, and began to think about the quality of Class 12. After this military training, I think what we need is a heart of "unity and fraternity" to create a better tomorrow for Class 12—— Wu Jiaqi

What we have experienced from this military training is a process of learning our skills. It will be a treasure in our journey of life and a joy for us. The voice of the drillmaster sounded in our ears, making us take everything seriously—— Liang Hongyi

I want to thank my parents in particular. Because when I was at home, they asked me to take care of myself, and I was always reluctant. But gradually, I got used to it. So during the military training, I would not be as hard and tired as some students. Now I finally understand my parents' painstaking efforts—— Xu Zongying

I can't rely on others, only my own independence, I learned to be independent; If you treat others with sincerity and set up a bridge of hearts, you can gain many friends. This is also my harvest in this military training—— Huang Yujia

In the past few days, I have learned to stand on my own feet and know my parents' hard work. I will respect my parents well in the future—— Zhao Ruzheng

I am very grateful to my roommates. Without them, I don't know whether I can stick to the end. From it, I also know that friendship between friends is the most precious—— Feng Yongcong

I have felt a lot in these four days. I felt the temperament of many soldiers in this military training, and felt the greatness of soldiers' hard work. I said to the soldiers, "Thank you!" -- Liu Yanqi

Only in suffering can we truly understand ourselves. Indeed, military training has given me such a chance. I realized my own shortcomings and shortcomings, as well as my own advantages and strengths—— Huo Ziqi

In these days, I overcame many difficulties, suppressed my missing for my family, made progress day by day, grew up day by day, and felt the pain in my growth. So far, I recall the days in the military training, and I feel a lot. The perception of military training should be understood by heart. It has taught me to care for others, deepened our sense of responsibility, and told us the attitude we should have when facing difficulties. Whoever laughs last is the ultimate winner; He who perseveres to the end is a real strong man and a hero who defeats himself—— Cui Jingxin

I listened to my classmates singing birthday songs to me, and felt very warm in my heart. It seemed that my classmates had become my family, and they congratulated me on my birthday together. This made me understand that when I left my parents and lived alone outside, my classmates were my family and my teacher was my mother—— Yao Shangdong

After four days, I will no longer be the beautiful princess at home, and I will also do things by myself, because the drillmaster's stern face will always appear in my mind—— Yu Qinyi

Late at night, lying in bed and thinking of living a "golden life" at home, I felt really uncomfortable. Anyway, the dormitory is also a collective. We rely on the strength of the collective and enjoy the happiness of the collective—— Chen Kunru

I have learned several principles: for example, doing things is no matter how hard you work, no matter whether it is the dormitory's internal affairs or the style and discipline, it is the same principle; Just like insisting, I also insisted on being homesick, and also seemed to be independent. Do I have clothes to wear without washing? Hey, anyway, the military training has really gained a lot—— Wu Junxian

In military training and training, it is the time to temper the will. If the will is depressed, it will be defeated by the sun, and defeated by the test. So you should have a strong will and the spirit of hard work. As the saying goes, "If you eat hard, you will become a man." - Guo Junyu

What is needed for an ordinary branch to become a precious cinnamon is an intermediate process, a long-term process of cultivation and training. If I want to become an excellent Chinese English person, I will not succeed at once, but I will work hard to do it step by step, grow up in the process, and train myself to become an excellent Chinese English person. Military training taught me a lot, and I learned that behind hard work is the waiting for success—— Qian Yingxuan

After four days of military training, I overcame many difficulties through friendship and independence, which made me take another big step on the road of life—— Ye Zixi

Reflections on Military Training Composition (4)

The seven days of military training passed in the blink of an eye. When I think about it, I will have a sense of achievement. Because we have overcome difficulties, we are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, and bravely carry out the whole process.

In these seven days, we went through all the ups and downs together and lived in harmony. We are like sisters, helping and encouraging each other.

Once, a classmate in the dormitory had a nosebleed. Without saying a word, we immediately looked for paper to stop her bleeding. A female classmate gave her her pillow while she was sleeping on a towel. Nothing can replace this friendship.

"The golden house and silver house are not as good as our warm house" is our dormitory secret language, and others envy us because we get along warmly, harmoniously and happily! I believe our friendship will last forever!

This military training benefited me a lot. We sang: "Sunshine always comes after rain, please believe that there is a rainbow, rain and wind have passed through......"

Reflections on Military Training Composition (5)

After more than half of the military training, it was OK to have fun in hardship on the whole.

We gradually get used to the days when we wear military uniforms and fold military quilts. In recent days, the strength of contact is OK. What we see in the square array is solidarity and patience.

Military training is not only to cultivate our sense of discipline, but also to teach us to wash away cowardice with sweat, to wash away weakness with strength, to make our bodies strong and our hearts strong. Because of this, in the future life, even if we face the wind and rain, and the muddy road, we can also be determined to face the hardships of life. Only after tempering, after setbacks will we become more mature, and in the face of difficulties will we become stronger. We put down that sadness, carefully picked up the intermittent dream, with pious faith and unswerving determination, and actively made progress in the university, and courageously moved forward in life.

Today, because the number of students in the simulation is to be determined, we have opened up several students. I hope they can have a sense of balance and stay with us all the time, because we are one family.

As soon as the dormitory door was opened, the army rushed out. The flag bearer rushed in front, and hundreds of little green people were behind. Yes, the whole group will gather in advance today!

Rows of little green people stood on the grass in order, as if lifting the turf on their heads. The sun is scorching, and there are many complaints. We welcome the summer climate with the attitude of winter. I went out again and again, just for the military parade. Everyone is sweating desperately. The voice of the pacesetter is developing towards the shabby radio.

Every time we take a positive step, we exert ourselves to stretch our toes; Every time we shout slogans, we throw off the literary and artistic model to hit the peak of hysteria; Every time I step on the music, I keep my ears straight and follow. Hands, cut down from the top; Foot, straight to kick; Eye; Standard tightening head; Mouth; Desperate call sign; Ear, hear the stress clearly; Body and military posture remain unchanged.

It's really tiring and difficult.

Why can these physical instructors do so well.

Finally, I was praised by the head of the delegation when I left in the afternoon! You know how happy it is. A whole day of turf rolling on the runway is worth it.

In the evening, the head of the delegation sympathized with us and cancelled the late roll call. Our college life has colorful night lights

Military training has added more than a touch of green to our college life. And a touch of red in my heart!

Military training is a new life challenge for every new freshman student. This 13 day military training has become my unforgettable memory.

Military training taught me to bear hardships. In my heart, I often recite the slogan of "bleeding, sweating and not crying", which is what kind of perseverance in life! Flowing clouds float over the sky above the training base, and the sun is still confused. In the scorching sun, we were all sweating. Although we often had water to replenish, the big sweat still flowed from our forehead to our cheeks one after another, and then fell gently on everyone's coat, so the white t-shirts were soon soaked with sweat. However, no matter how hard we were suffering from the scorching sun, each of us did not retreat. When we stood in the military posture, everyone did not move, Really reached the highest level of standing like a pine.

Military training has taught me unity. "Unity is strength" sings our hearts and our friendship. In the hard training process, everyone's every move not only represents an individual, but also represents the image of Class Five. Therefore, at this time, learning to unite is the first step to success.

Military training gave me confidence again. I was hesitant to do things before, and I clearly recognized myself in the hard military training life. It turned out that as long as I had confidence and insisted that I was the best, I could do everything perfectly, even if it was a difficult task, I would do it well and splendidly.

Although it was only a short 12 day military training, it made me understand, learn, and have a lot. This may be my first perfect and full lesson in Changda! I believe that I will carry forward the fine quality and style inherited in military training, strive to improve myself, and give myself a satisfactory answer in my future study career in the fourth year of university.

Reflections on Military Training Composition (6)

"I get up at more than six every day. I don't have enough sleep, and I have a nervous training. I have a bad appetite. However, I am getting healthier and healthier. Look at my face," said a classmate with a wry smile. Indeed, my face is suntanned and I have lost a lot of weight. The military training in the past seven days is not empty. However, although it was the last day of military training, the smiling faces on the military training ground were still full of vitality

In the scorching sun, I repeatedly took a simple and boring rest and stood at attention. In the cool rain in the morning, I walked, ran and shouted loud slogans. In the flying sand, I repeatedly practiced one move of military boxing. This seven day military training life is really hard. And almost none of the instructors has a good voice. Training on the playground is really uncomfortable. The scorching sun is sweeping around, and there is no cool rest place left. The purpose of our military training is to learn not only to be a soldier, but also to be patient, persevere, share weal and woe, and adapt from the first lesson of high school. "What is military training? Training, just one word!" said a new student.

At the instigation of the instructor, the students "boldly" began to sing. "Come on! Come on!" "Wax gourd skin, watermelon skin, not singing is playing rascal!" So, "Unity is strength" rose from here, where "Return from the Target" won bursts of applause, "Jay Chou" just stopped singing, "Sister Lin" also appeared in various flavors, classics were popular, gathered together, singing, laughter, one after another. The short military training break became a song contest, so it was very lively! At this time, the drillmaster also changed his old serious face and became "crazy" with the students: now he acted as a conductor, and then he acted as a guest host. The students naturally did not let go of the instructors. "Instructors, come on! Come on!" The instructors showed their hands in a big way, and thunderous applause echoed again on the training ground.

When dozens of squads walked past the reviewing stand with full spirit, neat steps, confident smiles and loud slogans, the eager eyes and bursts of warm applause of school leaders and teachers greeted them from the stand. A new student's parent, standing on the bleachers, looked at his child in the queue, walked in neat steps, and said happily, "I can go home tomorrow with confidence. The child has just relaxed for a summer vacation, and I'm not sure whether he will adapt to the life of military training. However, judging from his performance today, he has made great progress. The instructors have made great efforts and the children have also persevered. I am relieved! "

Today is the last day of our usual military training. Everyone is lamenting that time flies, which is not just blocked. Although the students always complain during the military training, when it comes to saying goodbye to the military training instructor, they are still reluctant to say goodbye. The words at the bottom of my heart block the exit, and I have lost my expression.

Military training is such an unforgettable experience, a memory worthy of being treasured forever. Military training, let me experience this extraordinary life, let me feel the truth of the world. Then I really thought that it was the ups and downs in life that made life so beautiful.

Reflections on Military Training Composition (7)

I bid farewell to my alma mater, which made me memorable, and entered another colorful middle school. I could not help but look forward to it, but more excited!

Walking into the long-awaited middle school campus, to our surprise, every student has to face a serious problem -- military training one by one! I raised my head and looked at the blue sky. There was no cloud. The hot solar energy baked people! Looking down at the silent earth, there is no wind, and bursts of heat can scorch the stubborn grass! In addition to the muggy or muggy, ah! I'm worried. I've stayed at home for more than two months. How can I afford military training and such a "big gift"!

But what can we do.

On the first day of military training, the instructor asked us to "standardize" the small station on the plastic runway for half an hour. The heat kept rising from my feet. In an instant, sweat ran down my cheeks and into my neck. My legs felt sleepy and my waist felt stiff. After a while, the sweat soaked the shirt on my chest and back. I felt thirsty and wanted to play the "exit drum". I wanted to make up a beautiful reason that would not be seen through and would make me back to the cool place for a rest, When I saw the drillmaster's persistence in understanding truth, I gave up the previous idea and told myself; We must stick to it. Time is running out. Just bear with it a little more. If we escape now, the hard work ahead will not be in vain? So I bit my teeth and held on.

After such a day, I have been almost tortured. I thought there were three days of military training! I feel sore all over. When will it end!

I lay soft on the bed and soon fell asleep.

"Turn left... turn right, salute... end of ceremony..." I can operate freely in the instructor's magnetic commands. Every command is exactly the same, and every action is very smart. In the instructor's satisfied smile, I took my classmates to demonstrate to them

Ringing the bell, the bell when I got up pulled me out of my dream. I stretched, got up, and got ready for today's exercise. I think I will turn my dream into reality!

After the military training, I have grown a lot. Although the military training is very tiring, I feel very fulfilled. I have become self-discipline and confident from the Maohaizi who cried when encountering difficulties. I also learned that only through persistent efforts can we reach the other side of success.

Military training, as a good time, will always stay in my memory!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (8)

In the crisp autumn days, I came to the new school. Everything is new! New teachers, new students, new classrooms, new desks, new books... Of course, we also opened the first lesson in junior high school - military training.

When we came to the playground, we watched the wonderful performance of the instructors, and a tall and strong instructor came to our class. After seeing this instructor, the students talked about it in succession. I don't know who said: "The instructor looks like Ma Yun!" "Ha ha ha!" We laughed heartily. The drillmaster said seriously, "Why are you laughing? Let's practice military posture!" So our military training life began.

Military training is really difficult! We have to stand for more than an hour every day, which makes us sweat. The sun is burning on the earth. We have to stand still against the sun. Some students even fainted. The students rushed him to the clinic. Our legs are weak, but what can we say? Isn't this the time to hone our strong perseverance? Finally, after standing for an hour, the instructor finally let us rest, so we all shouted: "Ouch, my waist, my legs..." Only/after less than a minute's rest, the church asked us to stand up again. Military training is really difficult!

Military training is really hard! The instructor let us run again. It is stipulated to run around the playground for two weeks, as long as the top ten. So we were like wild horses out of the rein, racing and running... Finally, I finished two laps, but I was the eleventh. The instructor said coldly, "Those who didn't run to the top ten will continue to run two laps, I only want to run to the top six, and rest when running to the top ten!" So I started running again, but this time I was in the top six, and others had to do ten squats, I sat on the ground panting, and I felt my brain had run unconscious. Alas! Military training is really hard!

Military training is really fun! Although the drillmaster was strict with us in training, he was very good when he rested. He told us jokes, talked with us, and bought us sugar... We asked him: "Do you regret being a soldier?" His expression immediately became serious: "Never regret!" He said firmly. Ah, what fun military training is!

After the military training, we have transformed from little princesses and princes to sensible children. The military training has taught us a lot... I'm really looking forward to the next military training!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (9)

Today, the military training is coming again. After I finished the piano exam, I entered the Youth Military Academy again with excitement. My new classmates and I will have a two-day military training.

When I entered the dormitory, I found that it was much larger than before. The bed was also covered with mats and mosquito nets. Everything seemed to be in order. I chose an upper bed, took out the daily necessities from the bag, arranged them and put them on the shelf. Suddenly, the loud bugle sounded, and I immediately realized that I would assemble. So I rushed out to stand in line. The instructor was standing on the platform, introducing the military training arrangement in the afternoon. We came to the canteen, and the instructor said that this afternoon President Zhang of Mengshan Middle School would let us know, know and enter Mengshan. After a while, Principal Zhang arrived. First, she showed us some photos of Mengshan Middle School that we are familiar with, and then she explained the school rules, history, honor and activities of the school to us. I listened attentively and felt very proud to be a student of Mengshan Middle School. I couldn't help thinking: "Mengshan Middle School is a good school. I must study hard and strive to win more honors for the school every day." Then we learned four radio exercises of the middle school and practiced the queue. In the evening, after dinner and taking a bath, I watched the movie Mine War.

Through this day's military training, I returned to the hard life of the military school, and also let me know about Mengshan Middle School. Now that I have become a member of Mengshan Middle School, I must live up to the expectations of my parents and the school. The new middle school life is about to begin. Work hard!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (10)

The first day of military training was really tiring, but I couldn't help but want to record my harvest today, and record our every bit with sweat! The first day of military training is more to bring us fresh and exciting, rather than fear. Before military training began, a boy fainted, which made me feel that his physique was too poor to hold even a half hour lecture. The military training finally started. We put on camouflage clothes one after another and became a formal soldier. The arrival of the drillmaster made me want to laugh. This is why, because his height is the shortest of all drillmasters, and his voice is the smallest of all drillmasters. My first feeling is that there is no authority, no military authority. But in fact, that's not the case. He is a real man, with the iron will of a soldier, the humility to learn from others, and the extraordinary explanatory power. As the saying goes, a man cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. This sentence is just right for him. We started formal military training. The first lesson of our military training is standing posture. Standing posture can exercise our physical strength, strengthen our willpower, and improve our height. In the military training, we constantly honed ourselves, exceeded ourselves, shaped a different me, and became a disciplined soldier. I understand the importance of unity, the power of cohesion, and what we lack. Fighting! We will work harder for tomorrow's military training.

Reflections on Military Training Composition (11)

Today is my first day of junior high school life. I received my first military training in my life at the South Lake Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University.

I used to participate in military training in primary school, but that was nothing, just a "small dose" of ten minutes of practice and thirty minutes of rest every day. It's more like playing in the shade than military training. I am still unfamiliar with such a serious and formal training.

In the afternoon, we officially started military training. We wore long sleeved coats and trousers, and sweat came out from our bodies. We stood on the plastic basketball court, the hot sun "stole" us from the side, and the brim of the hat in front of us didn't work, so we had to squint our eyes into a thin seam.

After we got to know the instructor, we began to practice the basic movements of standing and looking right. Although these actions are simple, they have become a "problem" for a long time: my clothes are burning hot, burning my body; The sun overhead is like a ray, reaching to the sole of our sports shoes and baking the soles of my feet. I feel like the Monkey King is being roasted in the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord Lao Jun, and will be cooked soon. At this time, the head is swollen and heavy, and the waist, hands, legs and neck are sore together. In this way, we stood in the hot sun for forty minutes before returning to the cool classroom, lying on the table like bears.

Although this military training has just begun, I have found that our class and the whole grade students are not so able to bear hardships. Look, as soon as the drillmaster stopped, there was a lot of groans, and everyone sat down on the ground. Some people fanned with their hands, some people stroked with wet hair, and some people were tired all the time... I think this is where military training can change us, and it is also necessary for us to participate in military training. This military training is a good opportunity. I really hope that this military training can train us puppies and bears to be little heroes, who will bravely move forward in the future study and life!

I also hope that through this military training, I will become more persistent, mature, independent, able to take care of my own life, mature and able to bear hardships.

I also want to thank the South Lake Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University for giving us such a good environment and a good opportunity to exercise.

Finally, I wish this military training a complete success!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (12)

I still remember that on the first day of military training, I dragged a heavy suitcase, said goodbye to my parents in a hurry, and embarked on the journey of military training with my classmates. The bus slowly drove into the military training base, and we were stunned by the scenery in front of us: it was a shabby "slum" before, and such a luxurious villa, were we on the wrong road? Immersed in excitement, we don't know how hard the next military training life is

First, let's talk about our drillmaster. He is in his twenties and he is very strict in training. Once when we practiced walking with a straight step, a group of people stood unsteadily, as if they would fall down when the wind blew gently. "If you move again, find a brick and put it on your feet!" Ah? I have to add a brick when I can't stand steadily. It's just adding fuel to the fire! We were so frightened that several students almost fell down when they were excited. Although he is so strict, he is actually a good instructor. Military training is meant to bear hardships. How can we do without strict requirements? Sometimes the drillmaster yells hoarsely but still keeps on. The voice of dozens of us is not as loud as that of him alone.

In fact, what impressed me most about this military training was not how hard and tired the military training was, but the 'unity' of our class and the earnest teaching of Mr. Zhang.

It was the first day of military training, and many people fainted in just one morning. In the evening, Miss Zhang found us, and we thought she wanted to encourage us. However, the teacher criticized us head-on: "On the first day, so many of you fainted. Your body is the capital of revolution! So many people died at a young age, why? Poor health! What's the use of your achievements when you have problems with your health? You just want to come to the military training and exercise! " It seems to be a long winded talk, but every sentence is reasonable after careful consideration. You see, there are so many boys in our class who are "little fat". Push ups are done on their knees. Most girls are also very thin and weak, and they will faint from time to time. It's no use doing anything else when your body is poor. Strong exercise can lay a good foundation for the future. This is the real "winning at the starting line"!

Every night, our class has a period of "hate", sometimes drinking milk, sometimes students eat cake on their birthday. The students in the other class always asked enviously, "Why is your class so harmonious, and there is always so much delicious food?" I know that their focus is only on the second half of the sentence, and half jokingly said, "Because we have omnipotent parents!" In fact, this is because of the unity of our class, no matter what, students will not quarrel, The same is true for parents. Each parent treats the students in the whole class as their own children. Wang Yiran celebrated his birthday, and Li Xutao's parents can take the initiative to send cakes and fruits to celebrate his birthday with us. In other classes, I'm afraid it's impossible!

Life is so short that these six days are nothing, but because of this military training, it radiates infinite light and is always so dazzling... With the drizzle, we left this land full of our sweat. In the near future, we will start a new life again. I believe that we will still be united, friendly and conscientious as we were in military training.

Reflections on Military Training Composition (13)

Six years of primary school life passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, we ushered in junior high school life, stepped into this happy junior high school campus, and also ushered in the first military training in my life.

After five days of military training, I was very excited. Looking back on the five days of military training, it was full of joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows. "Military training" is a serious and unforgettable word. This happy and sad moment is both desirable and frightening. In these days, I also really realized the significance of military training.

Our instructor said: "In a class, there is neither you nor I, only we!" This profound and reasonable sentence impressed me deeply. Indeed, "unity is strength". In the process of military training, unity is essential. A collective can only achieve this if it is united!

During the military training, the students' solidarity, friendship, mutual help and mutual assistance also make people feel very warm. When someone encounters difficulties, everyone will rush to help him; When someone is lonely and sad, everyone comforts him. Of course, in the process of military training, teachers are also the hardest. Physical education teachers use cameras to record every minute of our military training;> The head teacher is buying medicine for the sick students? In five days, the teacher is always with us.

Here, we are no longer the flowers in the greenhouse. Through military training, each student has improved his ability to take care of himself, learn to wash clothes and clean the room by himself? Military training is also an interesting and difficult thing for those "little princesses" and "little princes" who are spoiled by our parents at ordinary times.

I still remember that when standing in the military posture, the students stood on the playground in order, looking like small soldiers. One minute, two minutes, three minutes? Fifteen minutes later, it seemed so long that everyone could hardly hold on, but we knew that persistence was victory. Although the students have been sweating heavily, they are all gritting their teeth and persevering. It is not easy to make the standard of those seemingly simple actions.

This military training has brought me not only the experience of life, but also a lot of principles of being a man and doing things. Have the collective spirit of "unity is strength"; There is also the personal perseverance of "persistence is victory". We have gone from being spoiled to being strong and independent, from being free to having a collective sense of honor. In sweat, we shed our childishness and become mature; In military training, we throw away vulnerability and become strong! Military training has greatly benefited us all and will also bring more help to our future study and life.

"The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold!" Let the hardships of military training turn into the tenacious strength to bravely move forward, lead us to the journey ahead, and meet more tests!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (14)

Later, a long standing posture training started again. Zhao Shujing, who had just returned to the team, may have some discomfort and went back to rest. However, this time, she did not rest as long as the previous time. Before long, she returned to the team immediately.

It was almost noon. The weather was getting hotter and hotter, but I didn't expect Zhao Shujing to be more and more persistent. Because she was not there when the students went to get the water cup just now. Therefore, when others drink water, she can only stay in place to rest. However, her mental outlook is no less than others.

Although the first day of military training was very tiring, it was a full day, and we should refuel in the next few days!

Reflections on Military Training Composition (15)

Military training, as the name implies, is to train us like soldiers, but we can stand it. After five days, at first sight, everyone is almost catching up with Bao Qingtian, miserable! If it's only dark, it's OK. People have lost a lot of weight. Can they not lose weight under the fierce attack of the scorching sun? And every military training is a great test. Not only do they have to stay still in the sun, but they have to report before wiping sweat and drinking water. Otherwise, they have to stand for a while. Alas, we complain bitterly, but it's a pity that we shouldn't complain every day. The ground doesn't work, so we have to work slowly. But time seems to be stuck by glue, and we can't move any more. We finally understand what it means to spend days like years, sweat like rain

One day during the military training, we were practicing standing posture. Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky with thunder and lightning, which made us very excited. I can't help thinking of the Chinese teacher's writing: "All beings are happy when the wind blows and the rain blows." We were more than happy at that time. Why not take a cold bath in the hot summer? But, as time goes by, The rain became heavier and heavier, and gradually quenched the flame of excitement in our hearts. I began to feel cold, and my back was chilly... But fortunately, the drillmaster finally showed mercy. Let's go back to the classroom to teach songs, and I finally felt relieved. Entering the classroom, I thought to myself: Let the storm come harder! But the rain came and went in a hurry. It stopped soon. The sun came out again, and we went back to the playground to practice. The water on our bodies soon evaporated, and then it was like a spring of sweat. At that time, there was no rainbow without wind and rain, but we just had to stick to it.

The days of military training are really unforgettable. Although it is hard, we will gain if we work hard. We won the second prize in the competition. How nice! We not only received the certificate of merit, but also honed our strong will and learned a lot of truth. It seems that these days' military training has not been in vain!