School Composition Begins (Collection of 15)
2024-05-24 05:34:27
junior middle school

School Composition Begins (1)

Today, I was very upset because I didn't write down my reading notes for the winter vacation. Why was I upset because school starts today.

When I came here, it was more than seven o'clock. It was all because of my brother. He is three years old and he only went to kindergarten today. I don't know whether he cried or not, but I was unlucky today. Let me tell you something!

On the first day of school, I was unlucky in the morning, but in the evening, I was sent to the flag tower to make up for not writing my reading notes in winter vacation.

I went down and was writing. Suddenly, a lot of people came down because they didn't write their reading notes. Zhao Wenhao was the only one who didn't write his winter vacation homework. I started to write several articles. Later, when I saw many poems in the back, I wrote one by one. Regardless of whether he finished writing or not, I just wrote. We talked and laughed below, and wrote and talked. Just after the self-study class, Wang Yubing and I finished writing. We rushed to the classroom and handed in our reading notes. We went back to the dormitory to get ready to sleep. Most of the boys came back, but only a few of them were still writing there.

Since the painful start of school, I have finished all the assignments assigned by the teacher on time!

School Composition Begins (2)

September 1st is our first day of school, but the sun just hid in the clouds. Early in the morning, the young friends, wearing school uniforms and red scarves, walked happily into the school gate.

At 8 o'clock, the opening ceremony finally started! Look! On the rostrum, the headmaster, director and student representatives waved to us with a smile!

Then, President Hu energetically awarded the banner of the headquarters to Xie Xiaochen, the head of the headquarters. Then student representative Yin Han · Xia Lu made a speech on the holiday summary and the plan for the new semester. The sweet tone really brought everyone's mind to a wonderful state. Finally, Director Wang enthusiastically made the work arrangement for the new semester

The opening ceremony ended like this. Looking forward to the new semester, I will certainly live up to the expectations of my parents and teachers, and make my achievements even higher.

School Composition Begins (3)

"Lala la, Lala la, we finally started school.

When we entered the campus, we heard the usual laughter and laughter, and many flowers, trees and green belts were planted in the campus. Since the 15th Lantern Festival has just passed, there are many lanterns hanging on the gate, including Fuwa lanterns, Mickey Mouse lanterns, and so on. The classroom became cleaner than before, but some students also threw garbage on the clean and spotless ground. Campus has become more colorful, we seem to have entered the world of fairy tales.

After school starts, there will be happy things, such as playing games with classmates, learning more knowledge together, cleaning, serving the class, etc. When there are happy things, there are distressed things. For example, I am like the Monkey King when I have too much homework. After making a big noise in the Heavenly Palace, I was unfortunately pressed under the Five Elements Mountain of Buddha. Although there are worries, happy things are much better than those in distress.

It has been a week since school began, but I still haven't woken up from my dream of having a holiday to start school.

Teacher's comment: Every student is the same. They have contradictory psychology about the beginning of school. They want to have a holiday after school starts, and they want to start school after school breaks. In the description of school changes, they use the metaphor "as if they have entered the world of fairy tales". But imagine how beautiful the school should be. Wake up quickly from sleep, enter the learning state, and make persistent efforts.

School Composition Begins (4)

The sudden attack of the "new coronavirus" has greatly affected people's lives. Everyone is afraid to avoid it. It is no less than SARS 17 years ago. The sudden epidemic kept us away and took away my usual laughter and laughter.

In the face of the epidemic, there are still many medical staff desperate. Zhong Nanshan Hospital is nearly eighty years old, but still resolutely decided to step forward. On the evening of August, Zhong Nanshan old man stepped onto the forefront of the fight against viruses. At such an advanced age, he also wants to unite with the motherland to fight against viruses. His arrival is like a needle to calm the sea, setting an example for doctors in the front line. All medical staff are fighting hard.

I also stayed at home all day long, closed the door, suspended classes every day, which also can not stop my lonely heart. Although I was separated from my classmates and teachers for the next month, I looked forward to my school life because of the loneliness all day long. However, there is no suspension of classes. Although we have changed to online learning, there is no encouragement and competition from classmates, no face-to-face communication and care from teachers, and our hearts are still empty. I really hope that this epidemic will end early and we will get together again.

As a middle school student, we have the responsibility to take part in the motherland. Now we should try our best to go out less, wash our hands frequently at home, eat more fruits and vegetables, wear masks when going out, do not go to places where there are many people, do not add chaos to the country, and protect ourselves.

I hope the epidemic will end early. I believe that with the efforts of those "retrograde" heroes, we will move forward without any obstacles! We will welcome the first day of school as soon as possible.

School Composition Begins (5)

The summer vacation has passed quietly. Today is the first day of the second grade. I am very excited. In the morning, I packed my schoolbag and waited to go to school.

The time for school registration finally arrived. At 14:30, my father and I put on masks and set out on time. The bike quickly passed the community and crossed the road. Soon we arrived at the school road team. I got off the bus and saw my classmates who had not seen us for two months. It was very happy. Some students have grown taller, some have gained weight, some have become black, and some have become white. Although their appearance has changed, their feelings are still the same. We walked into the road team hand in hand, passed through the campus, and entered the classroom of the original Class 1 and Class 4. I saw our beloved teachers Li and Huang waiting for us in the classroom.

The students were all here. The teacher told us that we were assigned to a new class in Grade Two. I also went to Class 25 under the guidance of the teacher, and met the amiable teachers Du and Wang. Under the guidance of two teachers, I sat in my own seat. When all the students of Class 25 arrived, the teacher told us about the precautions for traffic and epidemic prevention and classroom discipline. I sat in my seat and listened attentively to the teacher's lecture and sincerely respected the teacher. Before long, the bell for school was ringing, and it also sounded the alarm bell for my second grade study.

The first grade has passed. It's so sad to see the teacher send us to the new class. Thank you for the teacher's teaching to me over the past year. One day as a teacher and one day as a father. No matter when, Shien will always remember. The second grade has come, and we have embarked on a new journey to learn new knowledge. Under the guidance of the new class 25 teacher, we should study hard, work hard and never forget our original intention.

School Composition Begins (6)

Today is the beginning of my summer vacation. The stars are moving, and days and months are flying. The days have sent me to the gate of middle school. I got up early with excitement and fear, quickly put on the clean clothes I had prepared yesterday, had breakfast, and hurried to the experimental middle school.

As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw beautiful teaching buildings and neat rows of bicycles. Look! There are many basketball stands and a table tennis table on a wide and flat playground in the distance, which is great! Because I love playing basketball and table tennis, which will leave me in the future. According to the list, I found Class 52 on the third floor.

Entering the classroom, the head teacher Zhang kindly said to me, "Your name is Zhang Chuanqi, right?"? Yes, please tick the enrollment list and find a seat. The classroom is spacious and bright. There are cameras, projectors, air conditioners and balconies in the classroom. The classroom is spacious and bright, with brand new desks and benches.

After a while, when everyone arrived, the teacher suddenly took something out of the desk and put it on the ear. I could see at a glance that it was a headset for expanding the sound. It was so high-tech!

The teacher said to us: You are no longer a primary school student, but a fifth grade student. You should have independent ability and learn consciously. He also said: I don't care whether it was good or bad in the past. From now on, you are a blank sheet of paper in my mind. Everyone is equal

Mr. Zhang's words made me feel a lot. I was determined to study hard and give full play to my level and ability in junior high school, give up the past, forget the past, let myself surpass myself every day, make every day a new start, and become a top student in the school.

Black Monday

School Composition Begins (7)

When I was young, in order to get a long-awaited toy, I would say to my parents, "If I get the first place in the exam, you will reward me." In fact, this is also a small dream, and the happiness of realizing the dream cannot be expressed in words.

The realization of dreams is not overnight. The pursuit of dreams requires hard work and persistence, sweat and even tears. Do not abandon or give up. Li Bingbing is a famous movie star. Her dream is to let everyone know her and know her? The answer is no. Her country was disappointed that she would not talk with others in English when attending film festivals abroad. She vowed to learn English well, which was her little dream. She began to learn from the words, and only herself knew her hard work and sadness.

Jay Chou is known as the "King of Asian Pop". When she was three years old, she saw her mother, Ye Huimei, playing the piano on the stage in gorgeous costumes. Since then, she has made an indissoluble bond with music. Should we say that he is talented? His diligence is the secret of his success. At first, he was just a substitute for writing lyrics, but he insisted until the opportunity came. After his singing, the standing applause from the audience was a great encouragement to his persistence. Because opportunities are reserved for those who are ready.

Dreams are used to encourage oneself to move forward. Whether it is the beauty gained in the process of pursuing dreams or the joy of helping others realize their dreams, they are all wonderful dreams.

On the road of pursuing dreams, every journey contains beautiful scenery. Since you dare to dream and think, you should dare to realize your dreams. Only in this way can dreams be valuable.

Dreams have no size, no weight, as long as we ride the wings of dreams, we will be able to fly far away.

School Composition Begins (8)

To be exact, it should be reported tomorrow. We reported to the school on August 30, and August 29 became my busiest day.

NO.1: Make up! Make up! Make up!

What to make up? Of course, it's homework! First open the Chinese summer homework, ah! I didn't write this question, but I couldn't think about it, so I went to Baidu to check it. Because I set Chuang Wang as the home page, I started Chuang Wang as soon as I opened the Internet. As soon as I saw Chuangwang, I forgot what I wanted to do. I first read some essays, then logged in, read the messages, replied to the messages, and then went to BBS to read the posts, and returned several more. About half an hour later, it suddenly occurred to me that I was going to Baidu to check my homework? I quickly turned off Chuangwang. Ah ah ah, I turned off all the web pages and reopened them. It was Chuangwang again. At this time, I saw a very interesting composition topic and clicked it. I wanted to see other articles after reading one. I clicked again

It took me one morning to finish my Chinese homework. Next, I have to deal with the "math army". Most of the math homework has been done, but only some difficult problems can't be solved. I chewed my pen (bad habits, please don't imitate!) for a long time, but I still can't think of it. Forget it, go and ask my classmates tomorrow.

English homework is relatively easy to deal with. Only a few compositions have not been written. This is simple. I thought of a topic at random. With the help of Kingsoft PowerWord, I will be OK soon!

NO.2: Prepare for tomorrow

After finishing my homework, I began to prepare the things I would bring tomorrow. Eh? Where is my Quality Education Evaluation Manual? It's hard for me to live without it. On the sofa, no; On the desk, no; On the bookcase, no; On the table, no...... After looking around, I remembered that when the summer vacation was just over, I was afraid I could not find it now.

School Composition Begins (9)

Stepping into the door of the third day of junior high means entering a tense stage, and the whole third day of junior high is accompanied by a tense atmosphere. After class, most students spend most of their time studying, because every student wants to achieve better results.

New teachers teach new students to set out with new goals.

Repeat every day from morning to night: class, class, class, class, class practice. Life is boring, but every day is wonderful, because you can travel in the ocean of knowledge, so it will become very interesting in the boring life.

At school, students use curious questions to discuss with teachers and find answers.

After class, all students like to play on the playground and in the classroom. Some students will stay in their seats to review and preview their lessons to lay the foundation for learning.

In terms of homework, some students think that there is too much time. In my opinion, time is like water in a sponge. The more crowded, the more homework. Just daily diary, reading, homework. If you don't want to do it, you will feel more. If you regard learning as an interest, you will not be tired of it. In my opinion, learning is like a book, a ladder of progress. In the three years of junior high school, I have always believed that persistence is victory, and labor creates the future. Although my academic performance was not very good before, I didn't give up because the victory was not far away from me.

Since entering the third grade, there have been many masters in our class. Teachers compete in groups, learn competitively, and learn competitively. The purpose of grouping is to help each other. The moderators with good degree and poor degree cooperate with each other to compete for scores for their own groups. This class has become a competition field, where experts compete with each other.

For their own tomorrow, from today to create their own future.

I know so much about the beginning of school. These are the essence of my careful selection.

School Composition Begins (10)

Life is precious. People's life is only once. It is our responsibility to cherish life. We should pay tribute to those who save and cherish life.

Hu Yurong is a small owner of a flat meat shop in Shouning County. She spends 10 hours every day in a small workshop, making noodles and making flat meat skins. She has suffered a lot. After being laid off more than ten years ago, she lived in other people's cubicles and knelt when entering or leaving. Her greatest achievement was the "charity" with her husband. In 10 years, she donated more than 100000 yuan to help poor students go to school. She said that such happiness is the goal of human life. I think that although Hu Yurong is very ordinary, what she did moved me.

Li Dan was a teacher at Fuzhou No. 18 Middle School. In order to purify the children's hearts, he went to Ningxia to teach in the mountains, which were extremely poor, without telling his parents. When she was found to be suffering from leukemia, she still insisted on supporting two poor students in Ningxia, and asked to donate the property donated to her by the society to the children of volunteer education. At the last moment of her life, she was still worried about the two children in the west. She used her short life to perfectly interpret the "teacher's parents' heart". I think Li Dan's life is short, but she moved me.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, Lai Jintu walked on foot in the severely affected remote rural areas of Sichuan Province with 280000 yuan raised by his friends and handed out cash to the most difficult people from door to door. His behavior shocked countless indifferent hearts and bravely pushed down the barriers between people. This donation method is called "the most direct donation method in history" by netizens. Because of him, the Chinese blood has more brotherly feelings. He distributed 280000 yuan to the victims.

I am deeply moved by these things. I want to cherish every day, live each day seriously, help everyone with all my strength, and make life more meaningful.

School Composition Begins (11)

In this season of hope, I ended my high school time and ushered in my college time. I came to this campus with an excited and confused mood.

In the four days of admission, the students of our computer college received admission education. In the explanation of teachers, I learned many problems that I did not understand. First of all, in the first lesson, I felt that this is a campus with strict and perfect systems. For poor and excellent students, the campus is helpful and encouraging, which gives us hard work, Motivation to make progress, and strict punishment for students who violate campus regulations. This clear system of rewards and punishments can well regulate students' words and deeds.

I learned a lot from my teacher's lectures. What impressed me most was that college success=physical and mental health+professional knowledge and professional skills+social experience+professional psychological quality and team consciousness+strong desire for life achievement. Teacher Lian is a very successful person, and his admiration for him comes from heart. Teacher Lian asked us why you live We are all responsible people and hopeful people. We work hard and live with hope for better tomorrow.

Every teacher is a senior who has experienced many storms. There are many true meanings of life in their words, and I have learned a lot of knowledge from their words that I can not get through hard work.

We should be a college student who strives for self-improvement and excellence. During our time on this campus, we should have a good life plan, shape perfect time values, summarize experience in social practice and learning process, and lay a solid foundation for future learning and entering the society.

Finally, I hope I am happy in the deep career of computer science.

School Composition Begins (12)

Unconsciously, there was a happy winter holiday that ended. Everyone felt that the holiday was so fast and hurried. Although there was Spring Festival in the winter holiday, we could have fun, but time flies like an arrow, days and months fly like flies. Still very unhappy to welcome the school day.

I was caught off guard by all kinds of difficulties when school just started! The first one is also the most troublesome: I am used to using computers after playing for a long time in winter vacation. At that time, I found that the writing was very awkward, and there was a feeling of strangeness. It seems that we should play less and learn more in winter vacation! The other is learning. This semester's courses are obviously more important and difficult than last semester's, which also adds a lot of problems to me. Moreover, this winter vacation is obviously different from the past. I always feel tired of playing games. After that, I hope to meet my classmates who have been absent for a long time. It seems that there are many winter vacation adventures I want to tell them. In addition, I heard that this semester is very important, so I also hold the idea of studying hard.

Looking back, I didn't study hard in the previous few semesters and lost at the starting line, but I don't want to continue this study. I must study hard. Besides, this semester is very important for me, so I made up my mind to achieve a good result. But this kind of thing is not just a matter of touching the mouth, we must put it into practice. After that, I should have signed up for a cram school. At first, I was immersed in my dreams and imagined my academic achievements. But the reality is quite different. I was sleepy when I was in class, waiting for the class to end. I also wanted to learn, so I tried to overcome it, so I forced myself to go to class. After a long time, I would not be sleepy. After that, I became immune to Kun as if I had finished my class.

This semester is very important for me, so I must study hard in this semester to prove that I can!

School Composition Begins (13)

The yellow winter jasmine quietly opened its shy bud, bringing new weather to the new year. With the ringing of the clear bell, I suddenly found: "Oh, school is starting."

Walking on the familiar path with excited steps, it has become so strange after a month's separation. I don't know whether it has changed or my mood has changed.

In the classroom, familiar faces came into my eyes. Somehow, my mouth turned up again and again. My heart blossomed like a flower, and then I merged into it

The fledgling birds have started a new round of efforts, a new round of struggle. It is not easy to learn to fly. You must overcome all difficulties to fly high in the sky! The second half of the second semester of junior high school, the crucial half year, is also the half year that determines your grades. Success or not, all in their own shoulders!

The head teacher came in slowly, staring at the new and old faces, and his eyebrows gradually relaxed. Then I used the sonorous and powerful words to root out the importance of this semester in every student's heart with passion. Listening to the familiar words, I could not help but feel warm warmth in my heart.

Just like the spring sunshine, it brings thousands of vitality and colors. It also made the winter jasmine blossom with a rare smile, breaking pieces of hard ice.

Oh, the new semester is coming! The new semester in which the brain works vigorously is coming! Everyone has a lot of feelings and excitement in their hearts, but please close your mouth gently and turn everything into the driving force of the new semester, so that the jasmine can really bloom on us. Have the most brilliant light!

Look at the students' action of actively asking questions after class and the thirst for knowledge in their eyes. I smiled and hurriedly picked up the book and walked to the office

School Composition Begins (14)

300 word opening composition: opening gift

The day before school began, the teacher sent me a message saying that we would be given a mysterious gift at the beginning of school.

At night, I lay in bed and thought excitedly: What kind of gift is this? Is it stationery? Or my favorite zombie card? This is absolutely impossible, because the teacher will not allow us to play with such things. I really can't think of it, so I have to sleep first.

The next day, I came to the school with great expectation. I saw Mr. Yao standing at the door of the class smiling and welcoming everyone from a long distance. I ran over happily. Suddenly the teacher gave me a gentle hug and asked me: "I heard you are getting fat?"

Oh, I see: the mysterious gift that the teacher said is hug! Although I didn't get anything, I still feel happy because I love my teacher.

School Composition Begins (15)

Today's tomorrow is the first day of school. Carrying a beautiful new schoolbag, with a good mood of the day, taking a new step, holding the book cover just bought at the school gate, gently stepped into the school that had left for about two months, ending the free but boring summer vacation life of those two months. New classrooms, new teachers, new students, new everything, everything around seems familiar but strange, students greet each other, the kind of polite, calm smile hanging on the face, sweet polite words springing out of the mouth, it seems more polite between gestures, speaking with a certain distance, at most it is just a pat on the shoulder. After all, I was a classmate more than two months ago, and I am also a classmate now, but I am more unfamiliar, and become like the kind of politeness between the host and the guest. Look carefully at the students. Eh, this one is taller, this one is stronger, this one is more beautiful, this one is more handsome, and this is always the topic. The students became taller, and I became taller, but I could never catch up with them. So I was still the same person in their eyes. They always pretended to be big brothers and sisters, and touched my head in a deep way. But I was glad that I was not the shortest person in the class. They often use this reason to let me chase them, and I also push the boat with the current. Everyone is happy, so why not? The spread of time has polished off the previous strangeness, leaving only the familiarity, which can no longer be familiar. Everyone is very happy, a lot of happiness, but the time we spent together slowly passed by. We immersed in happiness, seemingly unaware of anything, just happy and happy as always, and did not care about these small details, because we never lost.

Today's tomorrow is the beginning of the fifth grade in a year. This semester, I got to know three girls in Class 6 (4) in a muddle headed way. They are very strange: Feng Can, Bao Yun and Zhou Zhili. She has short hair and red little Doudou on her face. If she talks close to her, she always jumps back gently, and then gently jumps with you. She and I almost mix together; One is very short, even shorter than me, but very white, with delicate facial features, naturally curled hair, often dressed in red clothes, a bit aggressive, and always likes to call me Mrs. Chen. I often get angry and fight with her. She is usually a bit "ruthless", but I think it is very nice to fight with her. She is more straightforward, and some can not be provoked, Generally, I don't provoke her first, but she provokes me first; A good performance makes people drool. She is the leader of her class. She is beautiful, but not easy to contact. She is relatively quiet. Compared with Feng Can and Bao Yun, she is neutral, not only gender. It means that in terms of personality, she always gives people a mysterious feeling. She can't see her real face, and has the feeling of "holding the pipa half hidden". I spent almost every day with the three of them. My people have changed a lot and I have been happy. I always borrowed Pipilu from Feng Can because I think it is very beautiful. Later, Feng Can had long hair, which was always oily and looked awkward, but she gradually got used to it. Her temper was so good. I always thought that if I had such a good temper, I would be happy. Bao Yun is always so tall. She fights with me every day. I'm too lazy to fight with her. Zhou Zhili is unpredictable. I always think that she is not very easy to contact. There is a bit of arrogance in her. I really benefited a lot from them. I miss the days with them very much.

Today's tomorrow is the beginning of grade six. Feng Can and her colleagues have graduated now. They hardly meet each other. Maybe they will not know each other soon. They just met Bao Yun when swimming in the Nantang Qinyuan in the summer vacation. From her, Feng can played "Bubble Hall bravely breaks into the octopus island" very well. It suddenly occurred to me that my sister has a double number, and we often play. There is no second, third or fourth person on the playground. Think back silently and share with yourself the memories of the four of us before. We all have our own pronouns for "cheerful", "good temper", "playful" and "mysterious". There are many faces in the classroom. I try to recall those faces five years ago. There are more people wearing glasses. People are taller. What else has changed? I don't know either. In another year, we will gather more and leave more. We will go our separate ways. Maybe we have little contact or almost no contact, but at least we will have this beautiful memory in our memory. The solos of memories will have sunset in the most beautiful dusk. No matter how long we meet, there will always be separation. Look at the smiles on my classmates' faces. One day, they will fade away from my memory. I seem reluctant to part with them, but I can't change anything. I have to wait quietly, bring happiness to my classmates one by one with what I can, and try to make everyone who meets me happy. Don't ask for anything, don't think about anything, just want to cherish the present. The word "classmate" literally means people who study together, and behind these simple words, this sincere friendship and beautiful memories will always be hidden.

What will it be after tomorrow? No one has the ability to predict it. Only by grasping the present time, when we get together again under the same roof, we can talk about our childhood. There is no regret, only a series of happiness??