Spring composition (Collection of 17 articles)
Harsh gentleness
2024-05-27 06:57:58

Spring composition (1)

In our study, work and life, we can no longer understand composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind and think about our future direction. Still at a loss for composition? The following is Xiaowodun's spring reed composition, hoping to help everyone.

In April, there is no bright Puyue, and although the haze of rain has faded, we do not forget to send the rustling cold wind. The road is like an abandoned rope, winding into the distance.

When I saw the willow trees by the river, I looked like "ten thousand green silk tapers hanging down". I dipped the branches in the water, and the wind blew through them, causing ripples. Beautiful, with the flavor of spring, like everything else, it releases the color of life. And you, the reed I came to visit, your life has ended, your color is so decadent, as ambiguous as the sunset, a layer of yellow with a layer of orange, and your waist is also stained with a little musty black. However, why do you still stand up and never bend over to kiss the lake? Don't you want to go the same way with them? Do you want to create a new way to carve a beautiful scenery with perseverance?

Looking down, I caught a glimpse of light green. Oh, reed, is that you? If you miss the colorful world, you will break the ground! Reach out and hold a thin and small leaf, and the veins on it are so special. A line from a little jump out, and a little bit of convergence, leaving no gaps. Close together, showing a uniform, untidy green. Have you always been so outstanding? Even if they coexist with all things under the blue sky, they should also have a different attitude and brand a prudent painting with composure?

Reed, you quietly set your feet on the extraordinary road, but I heard a heavy response. Your persistence brings me stubborn courage; Your composure teaches me to walk steadily; Your poetry leads me to knock at the door of literature. You use your everything to express to me that you don't need to expect sunshine to warm you, just wait for thunder and lightning to play the music of youth!

At this moment, I fully understand your meaning, and I will take you as an example, instead of taking the ordinary road!

Hiding behind the leaves, thinking like this, I could smell the unique fragrance of leaves after the rain, as well as the fragrance of flowers.

Looking at the shadow reflected on the wall, I can't help thinking of the spring of my hometown. There is a pomegranate tree in the yard of my hometown. Maybe it has grown green leaves now. It must be the same as in previous years. The branches are densely covered with green leaves. Huaguduo should also grow out, now it should be orange, still small fruits. When summer comes, she should have bright red flowers. As long as you enter the yard, you can smell the fresh smell of new leaves mixed with soil.

There are also plants raised by my mother in her spare time. Rose flowers may grow new leaves. The thorns on the roots set it off beautifully and dangerously; Wenzhuxu is sparsely entangled on the beam, like a light green ribbon, with a small jasper like smell; My favorite sunflowers should have bloomed. Their petals are small and exquisite, with colorful colors. They look gorgeous and dazzling. They lean down and have a sweet smell around their nose.

When I think about it, I feel a little melancholy. The earth has changed into green clothes. Swallows are also twittering back to their homes. I also look forward to returning to the land full of vitality and hope as soon as possible.

Spring composition (2)

Excellent Composition in Spring

Whether you are in school or in society, you will inevitably come into contact with composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in their memory in written form. So, how to write a composition? The following is Xiaowodun's excellent composition for spring, for reference only, and I hope to help you.

Spring Day Excellent Composition 1

The sunshine in spring is still so bright, as if it were new, shining on the earth, waking up the sleeping plants, and the gentle east wind sent away the cold north wind seedlings struggling to drill out of the soil, indicating the new spring.

The streets in spring are bustling with people coming out to do business. Chunyan returns to the north where they live. I stare at the empty nest at the house and meditate. Why don't I come back

One spring a few years ago, a pair of swallows came to our house to build a nest. I ran home every day after school. I watched the two swallows. At first, they were very afraid of me. Later, they saw that I didn't do anything, so they weren't afraid. I often played and fed with them. We established a deep friendship. Because of this, I often forget to write the homework assigned by the teacher. My father was called by the teacher several times. My father said angrily about me many times. When my father wanted to remove the nest, I had to allow him to ask. Since then, I had to listen to their chirping in front of my desk.

Once, it was a summer night, and every family would not close the door of the balcony. It was late at night. My father and I slept soundly under the wind of summer, but we were awakened by the chirping of swallows. My father, who hated animals, could not bear it. He must tear down the swallow nest. I forced my father not to go, and prayed that the swallows would not cry again. My father left me and went to the balcony to find out after all, There was a dark shadow under the balcony. My father turned on the light, and the thief ran away in a hurry. My father relaxed. If it wasn't for Xinyan, we would be the victims. From then on, the whole family accepted the guests from afar.

The production season is coming, and the mother swallow has laid two eggs. Our whole family is excited and looking forward to the birth of the little swallow. The two swallows are very happy. One day when I came home, I found two broken eggs on the balcony, and then I knew that the mice had eaten their eggs. Two swallows were unwilling to leave on the ground for a long time, and I shed tears silently. Since then, the swallow has gone and never returned.

I am looking forward to the Chunyan who will accompany me to grow up and fly to my house again in spring

Excellent Composition in Spring 2

"Bang", the door opened.

A girl came up to her face. She did not look askance. Her long hair was slightly curled on her shoulders. Her dark eyes were clear, and her white skin was so bright that she could not help squeezing her hands. It is not particularly beautiful, but it is delicate and has its own unique beauty.

"Quiet students." The teacher standing on the platform looked at the noisy classroom, could not help frowning, and knocked on the platform with his finger

The girl immediately stretched her smiling face and said, "Hello, everyone! My name is Xia Liang, 16 years old. Please give me more advice!"

Xia Liang's smile is like a flower, which brings everyone to the past.

After everyone was stunned for a few seconds, a person suddenly said, "Dongnuan! Her name matches you!"

"It's warm in winter and cool in summer... You two are not sisters who have lost their hair for many years, are you?" someone teased.

"Nonsense!" Suddenly a girl stood up. She should be warm in winter, right? "Boo, this kind of wild girl can also compare with me? Are you kidding?" She said with a cool look at Xia, and her nose made a "hum" sound. She is also a beauty. She must be more beautiful when she smiles. She is wearing a beautiful princess dress, which is quite different from other people's school uniforms. She has countless things on her hands. At first sight, she is a princess sick girl. In summer, cool your forehead.

Xia Liang sees that this is the first day of school transfer, and she is determined to get rid of her old bad habit, so she doesn't plan to pay attention to her. Directly turned to the teacher: "Teacher, where do I sit?"

The teacher held his glasses and seemed satisfied with the new student. First, he looked at Dongnuan sternly: "Dongnuan, please sit down and observe the classroom discipline!" Then he looked at Xia Liang: "Xia Liang can find a seat by himself."

Xia Liang went down and stopped at the back. "Can you sit here?"

"Yes. OK, let's go to class! Please open your books and turn to..."

Excellent Composition in Spring 3

It was a fresh wind, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, slowly rushed to me. Take a deep breath of the morning air, as if you are also fresh.

The grass grows so luxuriant that in just a few days, they grow inch by inch high and sway in the wind. A few dewdrops danced mischievously on the grass, like quiet and luxurious diamonds, shining in the sun.

After a winter of wind and snow, the pine trees are also full of vitality and hope in spring. The pine needles are clustered one by one, which is also the green of nascent, which is also the green of hope. Hard pine also has vitality.

I often see several old people, carrying baskets, going to buy vegetables slowly and leisurely. Exercising in the street, trotting or walking briskly, with two happy blushes on his face. The children, wearing colorful clothes and bright red scarves, walked together in twos and threes, talking and laughing, skipping. Whether an old man or a child, a happy smile will always appear on his lips. It happens to be the same, but no one is surprised. Is it because the poetic and picturesque scenery is not strange?

Puppies and cats can't resist the temptation of the sun, but also come out to enjoy the gift of nature. On the grass like grass, we often see two dogs chasing each other, occasionally circling in the same place, or lying on the steps, lazily basking in the sun, sometimes stretching.

Suddenly, I heard the children's admiration. In the blue sky, a group of geese were flapping their wings and flying past, sometimes making a cackling sound. They rise in the sky and disappear quickly in the sky. Where did they come from? Where are you going again?

The wild geese have disappeared.

All that remained was a piece of sky without any mottle, except for a faint cloud.

At this time, the golden sun shines on me, making me warm.

Excellent Composition in Spring 4

The wind blew low over the tree tops, passed through the flowers, and lingered under the high blue sky. A few faint floating clouds floated across the clear sky and were suddenly blown by the wind. I walk on the path alone, appreciating the earth in spring

The big tree beside the path stood upright, stretched out a strong arm, and embraced a tree of green leaves. The leaves are dark green, light green, tender green, dark green. Looking from afar, they are deep and shallow, interweaving a green hope of vitality. Among the branches, under the thick shade, several unknown birds are singing happily and playing happily. Perhaps the poet Bai Juyi said that several early warblers competed for warm trees, and the new swallow pecked the spring mud.

The garden in spring is particularly charming and moving. Yesterday's rain washed away the dust on the flowers and trees. The beautiful camellia was knocked off with several petals, but among the branches and leaves, a tenacious vitality still loomed, trembling slightly in the breeze. Spring is known to all the plants in the world. Because spring is coming to the earth, the grass in the garden has been green for a long time, like a group of carefree children, showing childish smiling faces, and warmly waving to me!

The sky was clear and the wind was pleasant. I walked briskly to the river where there were many willows planted. The flowing water is murmuring. The sound of the water is like a small tune. The soft melody is so beautiful. No wonder the beautiful water will dance with the whirling. Dragonflies skimming water are flying; Butterflies shuttle between flowers; Warm sunshine, hair falling on the ground; Every plant and grass looks exuberant. The grass and trees in the sunrise greet the dew with vitality and hope, and the vigorous business in the spring rain is flowing and revealing in the spring.

Friend, do you ever stop to marvel at the delicious grass, fallen flowers, flowing clouds, stars and moonlight in spring? Why don't you slow down and appreciate it, and you will find the picturesque style of spring!

Excellent Composition in Spring 5

March is the season when everything recovers. On this warm spring day, our reporters from the Texas Evening News came to the nature together, bathed in the warm sunshine and accompanied by the gentle east wind. They planted rows of young trees and planted our green hopes.

Planting trees looks like simple physical labor, which really puzzles these spoiled "only seedlings". Several students in our class work together. Xu Jingwei and I are tall and energetic, and we are responsible for digging holes. With a wave of our little shovel, the loess will rise with the wind, making us covered with soil. It took us a long time to dig up a little soil. We were a little discouraged and began to feel sad. At this time, the teacher of the Evening News came to pick up my small shovel and said to us, "The shovel should dig into the soil vertically, which is not only labor-saving, but also deep." I tried, and it was much lighter. One shovel could shovel a lot of soil, and the loess seemed obedient, and no longer ran with the wind.

Although the small trees are small, the tree pit can be dug deeper. The science textbook said that the growth of small trees depends on the roots to absorb nutrition. We must dig a comfortable nutrition station for small trees! Finally, it was dug. Looking at each other's small gray face with sweat, we smiled happily.

There are so many people and so much strength. In the twinkling of an eye, the small trees of the little reporters have stood in a row, and the bare loess land has been completely renovated. We hang a small card with our name and wishes on the small tree, and our small tree will grow healthily and happily like us!

Planting trees, seemingly simple flow, let me learn to cooperate in this spring, learn to work hard, and taste the sweetness of labor!

Excellent Composition in Spring 6

"Beautiful mountains and rivers in the late days, fragrant flowers and plants in the east wind". In March, my mother and I went to Beibei Park to play together.

Walking into the park, I saw the beautiful peach blossoms. Look! Pink peach blossoms covered the branches. They have a variety of appearances: some bloom, like a little girl with a smile; Some opened two or three petals, like a shy girl who dared not show her head; Still others are in bud, as if to burst. What's that? Like pearls on the branches. oh It was camellia. Their colors are different: some are as white as snow, some are as red as fire, and some are as pink as rosy clouds. What a riot of colors! In this world full of flowers, there are only golden little bees with fluff working hard to gather honey.

Then we came to an egg shaped flower bed, where the azaleas were in full bloom. Some of them were two together, some three in a cluster, and some four or five in a cluster. The color of azaleas is also colorful: some are as red as fire, some are as pink as rosy clouds, and some are as red and white as snow on fire and fire in snow.

Around the flower bed, you can see Wan Qingnian beside the stone steps. It is like a green football standing in the center of the grass; It is also like a green pearl, which emits green light in the sunlight. Wan Qingnian's new leaves are tender green, like green butterflies resting on them; Also like green stars, mischievously winking at us. Wanyong leaves have a variety of colors: dark green, gray green, light green, tender green... All kinds of green are connected and interlaced, like a green velvet ball.

On the stone steps, we can see a cluster of "burning flames". What's that? I'm puzzled. Come closer and have a look. Oh! It was papaya begonia. The color of papaya begonia is bright red, composed of five petals, with golden stamens in the middle, forming a bright contrast with green leaves. Papaya crabapple has its own attitude: some head down, like a meditator thinking about something; Others hide behind green leaves, like a shy girl who dare not show her head.

A gust of wind blew, and I couldn't help thinking of the poem: "It is easy to recognize the face of the spring wind, and the myriad colors always spring".

Excellent Composition in Spring 7

In the morning, with the gentle breeze, I set out on the mountain climbing road to visit my old friends - Zhu.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers, I met my first friend, Zaozhu. Hello, Zaozhu, you are like a pure girl in her twenties. How many people are fascinated by your graceful posture, beautiful face and graceful dancing in the wind? How many trials and tribulations did your slender body take to make you who you are today? In the early spring when the weather is warm and cold, you have already been full of vitality and hope!

Farewell to Zaozhu, inherit my journey. Soon, I met my second friend, Hongzhu. Hello, Hongzhu! Shy red bamboo, you are like a married bride, heavily made up, but not a little enchanting. You are really free from mud and clear water! Your elegant manners can hardly hide your excitement and joy. Look at your fake smile, I know you are very happy.

After blessing Hongzhu, I met Mao Zhu, one of the four upright people. Hello, burly bamboo! The towering mountain stream sets off your tall and handsome body, and the verdant dark green shows your knowledge. You stand on the top of the mountain with your head held high, have a bird's eye view of the whole earth, feel the surging sea of clouds, and experience the unpredictable wind. Pick up a leaf, read your vicissitudes, let me see you standing proudly in the cold wind. The fight with the snow and the flood is the embodiment of your unyielding character. This fallen leaf makes me understand you more deeply.

In the silent valley, several bird calls pierced the sky. It's time for me to go home. I waved gently, reluctantly left my best friend in the mountains, brought back a good mood, and also brought back the moonlight all the way.

Excellent Composition in Spring 8

In spring, everything revives, symbolizing vitality, hope, vitality and prosperity. I like her, people like her, everything likes her! When Grandpa Winter just walked away, Spring Girl came to the world quietly. She called Sister Advantage and Sister Rain. Like an alarm clock, they woke up everything on time and put on a new clothes full of vitality for Mother Earth.

They came to the frozen stream and worked together to wake up the "Stream Orchestra" who was waiting to perform. They sang loudly. "Ding Dong Di Da" seemed to thank Spring girls for their kindness. After hearing the wonderful music, the grass couldn't help but want to see something new, so they stuck out their heads quietly behind their mother and shook and shook! The east wind wakes up the graceful peach blossom, releasing the fragrance without interruption. When you walk in, you will feel relaxed and happy when you smell the fragrance. Seen from a distance, the peach blossom looks like a fairy dressed in pink gauze.

There is another color faintly on the bark of willow trees near the river, which is the color of life - green. The thin strips hanging on the willow branches slightly bulged out small green buds, which were big enough for rice grains. He huddled his body, as if sleeping soundly. In fact, it has already awakened and is growing, trying to show the smell of health.

After the baptism of a spring rain, it seems that the rape flower has been coated with a layer of gold paint, and it emits dazzling light through the sunlight. They kept sending out faint fragrance and attracted countless dancing butterflies and industrious bees to collect honey. It was like opening a large concert. A gust of wind blows rape flowers one after another, just like waves on the sea.

Other flowers and plants are also unwilling to be outdone. Peony, winter jasmine, March red, etc., especially roses are all around the mountains and fields. They are crowded like fire.

Spring is the starting line in the arena and a good opportunity to learn hard. We should seize the opportunity to learn and contribute to the construction of the motherland. Ah! How beautiful spring is! I yearn for spring, people yearn for spring, everything yearns for spring!

Excellent Composition in Spring 9

An expression of emotion, a sincere understanding, a embrace of life, melting in the sea of youth - my youth! An unfinished diary

Then he took out the slightly damaged diary from the drawer. It's all the youth emotion that you know. The fiery youth in the heart of a long lost sound, such as the cool wind, a strong smell. This is not an accident, nor a wish. At this time, God's arrangement for reunion is a kind of predestination with Qing. Each is destined to it, but will you cherish it and have it.

Take out today's piece of paper and write down your youth:

A surprise and a sadness.

A love and a lonely.

Follow the road of youth.

Raise the sails of life.

Sing the song of youth!

The youth in writing is beautiful and magical, while the youth in reality is a mixture of loneliness and happiness. It is not only spring that is young, but also winter, when snow is flying all over the sky, which is still young, but it is just to avoid some bleakness and chastity. Youth is not only a bud, but also a leaf falling in autumn, just a little more withered and golden. As long as you have a young heart, you will have a unique youth without lack of charm. As long as you have a young heart, you will have a lifetime of youth. The youth under the blue sky is gorgeous, the youth under the dark clouds is diverse, the youth under the purple anemone is beautiful and beautiful, and the colorful youth endows the colorful time. It gave birth to the diary of youth and wrote a different and clear feeling.

Today, I remember that love and hate are intertwined, and my heart is linked with my heart. A youth dictionary, an interpretation of youth, depicts in our hearts and leads our steps. Youth is no longer a dream. Elegy sounded, warm wind blowing. The love for youth blows my heartstrings and soothes my heart.

Still holding that diary, tasting that different kind of youth. The sea of youth ripples round and round!

Spring composition (3)

Painting composition in spring

Whether in school or in society, many people have written compositions. Writing compositions is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. How to write a good composition? The following is a picture composition of Xiao Biandun's spring day. Welcome to share.

Spring is a beautiful poem, a melody and a colorful picture. I love you in spring, your beauty and your simplicity.

In the morning, I pushed open the window, and a burst of humid air came to my face. Spring morning is so warm and warm. On such a morning, I came to the park quietly. In the park, everything is so peaceful. Occasionally, there were several beautiful bird songs. Suddenly, a vigorous figure crossed the sky. Ah, it's a swallow. I can't help but see it in front of me. Swallows flash through the air like mini planes. This is like a sharp knife, cutting through the white of winter, showing us the colorful beautiful spring.

The river is full of tourists. Look! The river has regained its vitality and hope, and the fish are scrambling to pay for the water surface, greedily competing for the fish food left by tourists. Little lively fish jumped out of the water and rippled with countless colorful ripples. On the grass, the grass stealthily sticks out its head and looks at the novel world curiously. A small wild flower bloomed quietly, nodded and smiled shyly at us.

Over the grass, there is a green bamboo forest. After the spring rain, some of the bamboo shoots broke through the ground, and some rose from the ground, one by one, trying to grow. Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, and feel the great natural grace. The bamboos of last year are already so handsome and handsome, which protect the young bamboo shoots from the wind and rain and protect them carefully. Spring is like a magic brush, drawing beautiful flowers on white paper; He painted a lovely swallow and a spring full of vitality and hope.

A day is in the morning, and a year is in the spring. In this sunny day, it seems to urge us to hurry up and study hard. Let's plant the seeds of knowledge in this planting season.

Spring composition (4)

Composition of Spring Adventures

In daily study, work or life, everyone has more or less been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. How to write a good composition? The following is a collection of essays on spring gossip collected by my editor for you. You are welcome to learn from them and refer to them. I hope they can help you.

Spring, wrapped in the drizzle, comes quietly

Hold an umbrella, stand in the rain, spin it up, and let the raindrops on the umbrella fly out, like pearls falling to the ground. Broken, missing. This spring has left life behind, and the life of spring is scattered on my dear. On the field, there are no flowers, no results, and they disappear without a trace!

The sound of pearls falling to the ground is as beautiful as music, like the beautiful voice of young female singers. However, this is just a moment

The sunshine in spring, like the spring water rising from a river, carries pink and green water and runs all over the mountain. So the earth is warm, the wet vapor evaporates from the soil, and the soil that has been frozen for a winter also grows emotional grass, the tree of life and the flower of love.

Look at the flowers, they are blooming with great fanfare and various forms: holy as lilies. Pure as lotus. Gorgeous as sunflowers. Beautiful as a rose. They are blooming. Laughing. Is shouting; They have no choice. No publicity. Not extraordinary and refined; The fragrance of their hair is fascinating

Look at the tree again, like a graceful and graceful young dancing girl, stretching her soft waist

This is spring, which makes people relaxed and full of longing and expectation

Spring composition (5)

Spring Imagination Composition

In the quiet and light daily life, we always have to contact with composition, which can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). So how do you write a general composition? The following is Xiaobian Dun's Spring Imagination composition for reference only. Welcome to read it.

The land, which has been sleeping all winter, has put on the new clothes of spring again. Look, "white snow is too late for spring, so it wears court trees to make flying flowers". There are white snowflakes floating in the courtyard of Grandma's house, and they are playing in the yard without any fatigue.

In the morning, I had just woken up from my sleep, and I smelled a fresh and sweet smell of dew. I walked out of the house and bumped into the east wind. My grandparents had gone out to do farm work. It was boring to be alone at home, so I ran out. When winter goes and spring comes, everything recovers, and the whole world seems to be a fairy tale castle. Look at the distance, "the mountains are green and the forests are stained". The birds flitted through the forest, telling each other the joy of the morning. Look, "several early warblers compete for warm trees, and whose new swallow pecks the spring mud". Swallows are busy building nests and settling down for the new year just after returning from a distant country. Willows and willows lean on the riverside. They are like comfortable women, combing their elegant long hair in the breeze. It is really "plants have their own intentions, so why do they want to be beautiful". The bleakness of winter has long disappeared in the fields, full of vitality and hope. The wheat seedlings poke their heads out of the soil. The young ones may not know how colorful the world is, but they are still looking out! The farmers were busy in the fields, rolling up their pants and carefully planting young trees in their hands.

The plan of the year lies in spring. Spring is the beginning of the year. Farmers have added a bit of fullness and busyness. We should also grasp Dongfeng, seize the good time and study hard. At harvest time, we will become towering trees and pillars of our country.

Spring composition (6)

Composition of a trip in spring

In their daily study, work or life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They don't know how to write compositions. Compositions can be divided into time limited compositions and non time limited compositions according to the time limit of writing. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a collection of essays about Dun's spring outing. For reference only, let's have a look.

With the setting sun, our spring outing flow officially ended.

The movement we just experienced left sweat on everyone's face and also left a natural smile. The pressure accumulated in the classroom was swept away, and everyone became energetic and hopeful!

The college entrance examination is approaching every day, and the pressure is like a shadow. I often count down the days, and I always keep Yi Counting until June. I have heard people around me say they are worried more than once, and I have seen more than one or two people repressing their anxiety. In fact, in the seemingly unimportant crowd, everyone is actually sighing and working hard against the countdown. Pressure is a double-edged sword, without which it is impossible. It is pressure that motivates us, and forces us not to stop but to move forward; But too much pressure is not good. It will make us feel like we have lost a big mountain but want to climb another higher mountain, and we will only be unable to move.

Spring outings come at the right time, neither hot nor cold, neither forward nor backward. It not only exercises the body, relaxes the spirit, but also entertains everyone. Learning is the same as spring outing. The number of thirty li at the beginning may surprise everyone, and the first step will become a little difficult, but the next step by step, the stride forward is firm and full of expectations. It will be tiring, hot and painful in the process. This is the way of spring outing and college entrance examination. Just as we will appreciate the excellent performance when we arrive at the destination unremittingly, what we have done for the college entrance examination now, bit by bit, will finally get excellent returns.

This is a spring outing with a full harvest. We received happy memories and vitality of life.

Spring composition (7)

The early sun rises in the east, and the morning light is dim. In the morning, he stretched out his hands and quickly opened the blue curtain. Although separated from the window, we can still not resist the bright and energetic sunshine, which slants on our hands, books and tables, and the whole world is immersed in a golden yellow. In this sunny day, our hearts are like white clouds floating in the sun.

Our backpacks are full, but we feel relaxed, full of vitality and joy. In the distance, buses appear and disappear in the shade of trees. When a long sound comes, we know that today's long but short journey has just begun.

After getting on the bus, the scenery on both sides gradually receded, and the street woke up from sleep looked quiet and dignified. This car is like a handsome horse driving a group of children on the grassland. Even the busy people are smiling and looking back. Those standing buildings fly backwards. Rape and dark green mountains on both sides rushed forward, and students were restless, thinking they were coming.

As expected, we arrived at the site of the Hanwang earthquake, and saw many dilapidated houses. The roofs of those buildings were covered with vegetation. Although the walls are made of cement, there are countless cracks. The collapsed walls are connected at right angles. The windows are loose due to decay, as if they will fall off when the wind blows. The dark and ancient clock stands still, but it is always fixed at the moment that makes people breathtaking. Looking at these weather beaten and shocking houses, we all talked about the bustle of the past, and everyone felt sorry. Under the dim yellow lights in the museum, the old objects remind people of various hardships during the earthquake. On the TV screen, people cried bitterly when they lost their loved ones, and the search and rescue workers who had little hope kept searching in the rubble day and night, and the medical staff came and went... We listened quietly to the guide's explanation and those moving stories, and unconsciously admired these ordinary and great people. After leaving, we were still immersed in the atmosphere, like the winding mountains around us without knowing the way back, like the river without knowing the end.

Chunyang is no longer shy, hanging alone in the blue sky; The shadows of people and trees on the ground are thick. Wild peach blossoms are blooming tenderly, and the light pink is swinging in the breeze, just like a charming village girl. We feel the atmosphere of spring with impunity. Shuer, the fragrance of rape flowers mixed with the spring wind makes people feel free to drift with the wind. Thousands of golden clouds are shining in the long sky, and a strange veil is hung on this colorful and fragrant field. We did not feel tired when we were intoxicated. When we saw the students in need of help carrying their bags and running away without thinking, all the students on the side laughed. The lively laughter rippled all the way in the vast fields and undulating mountains.

We were exhausted after a long walk with full of blood, dragging our heavy footsteps slowly. Finally, I saw the gate of the pear garden. The previous tiredness turned into ashes. All the students rushed up and took out their carefully prepared food under the pear trees. We all shouted from the bottom of our hearts at the first bite after smelling the tempting fragrance: "Ah! How delicious!" We stared at it like hungry wolves and enjoyed it like catching prey.

Having enough to eat and drink, we quietly enjoy the sunshine and calm, and also accumulate strength for the upcoming tug of war. Before the competition, the teacher also carefully demonstrated to the students with his own experience, and his serious face showed a firm will. At the command, both sides showed no sign of weakness. Each of them held the rope tightly with his hands, bent his body, stood on the ground, clenched his teeth and pulled back. Although we are not the best, but the unity between students, never give up all together on the same rope, it connects our hearts together. Everyone has done his best for the collective, not complaining and not abandoning. Isn't this just the embodiment of victory?

Accompanied by the setting sun, we returned to school with sweat and joy. As Tang Yin said, "When the rain hits the pear blossom, we close the door deeply. We forget our youth and miss it." Why didn't we open our doors to meet this brilliant sunny day and the short and passionate youth on this journey? The setting sun sank behind the horizon, and the laughter seemed to be floating in the distance.

Spring composition (8)

The pace of spring comes to us gently.

The first to feel the pace of spring is the winter jasmine.

You can know from its name that it is the messenger of spring, and the first thing people see is it. "The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley". It hides in the dry branches, and yellow flowers are blooming everywhere, reporting the news of the arrival of spring to people.

The footprints of spring spread.

The leaves of the willow tree are pulled out from the branches. At first sight, it seems that nothing can be seen. That is because the small leaves are too tender, too small. "The spring breeze in February is like scissors". A few cuts can make a spring.

Along the Willow Avenue, you can find the source of flower fragrance, where is the beautiful world.

"When you know the east wind, it is always spring." This is a good saying. Come and see: the little faces of Elm Leaf Plum and Beauty Plum are smiling one by one; Xifu Begonia is white and red, and with the green leaves, it is absolutely beautiful; Lilacs, lilacs, are really fragrant. They can smell ten miles away

Look up, wow! The kites in the sky are colorful, with different shapes, and some have long tails.

Look at that one, look at that one, the most handsome eagle, it flies the highest and farthest - that's my kite!

Spring is a beautiful season, with beautiful scenery of flowers competing for spring and children's laughter.

"One day's plan is in the morning, and one year's plan is in the spring". Spring is an extraordinary season.

I am still young, but I want to bloom like a hundred flowers in spring, and be worthy of the gift of my mother in spring!

Spring composition (9)

On the comfortable big bed and in the soft quilt, there lies a sweet sleeping me. A beam of sunshine shines through the curtains and onto my shoulder. As the body rolls, it slowly shines on my eyes. Spring! It calls me to get up early in this way.

"Beep --" Turn on the tap and prepare to wash. The cool water slides on the skin, which is really refreshing. After the busy morning, I came to the campus.

In front of the white and bright teaching building, there is a row of big trees and vegetation dotted, adding a gorgeous to the simple and elegant. The colorful potted plants compete for beauty and beauty, all of which bring the breath of spring. The flowers "gather together", a harmonious and beautiful painting. Spring is harmonious!

"Twitter..." The sound of birds! From a distance, it became clearer and clearer. Inadvertently, the fairy like creature circled me mischievously, and I thought to myself: Is this the hope for my lingering? "Jiji..." Hmm? It seems to respond to me in its own way, but it doesn't do much nostalgia. It also flies to other places with vitality to find the next lucky person. Spring is lucky!

In one corner of the campus, the dense air is mixed with the fresh soil. There is also a river along the bank, reflecting the green trees. In the breeze, the water ripples slightly, which seems to affect your sweet heartstrings and bring people a pleasant feeling. Spring is joyful!

I walked leisurely and smiled. I walked at a light pace to welcome the plants and trees along the road, which made me relaxed and happy.

Yes, spring is coming! It is so beautiful, it is so lucky, I hope in the spring days, we can live well every special day, live well every day!

Spring composition (10)

Spring is beautiful, I walk in the arms of the sun, feeling the breath of spring. Spring is beautiful, the earth is green, but I always feel something is missing. The snow in winter is beautiful, but there is unspeakable biting and cold. If the snow were floating in spring, it would be more wonderful.

Suddenly, I found snow dancing in the distance, like a butterfly, flying and falling, disappearing and emerging, meeting and dispersing, as if playing a symphony. Surprised, I ran over and looked up at the holy and pure snow. The snow fell on my face and body. Why is the snow so soft? I looked up and saw a tall and beautiful tree trunk appeared in front of me. I looked at the snow on my body again. The snow was water drop type, slightly beige. Isn't it plum blossom? If you let the dazzling white plums float down with the snow, you can't tell which is snow and which is white plums.

The plum trees are still slim and graceful, but less proud in winter and more gentle in spring. The small and exquisite white plum is just a handicraft. It is decorated on the branches like a dragon, like wearing frost flowers all over the head. It is not as beautiful as peony, nor as charming as rose, but it is different from pure, white, and full of fragrance. As Wang Mian said, "Don't boast of good color, but leave pure air full of heaven and earth." Instead of competing with flowers, it hides on the branches with a smile and gently shakes like a bell, waits for a gust of wind to blow, and then dances in the air until falling

The sun shines on the plum trees, and the plum trees suddenly become bright. The tottering white plum trees are like golden bells, and there are many fallen white plum trees, which have been paved with a layer of white carpet and become shiny. Plum trees are very elegant and dignified under the light of spring.

A gust of strong wind blew, and the white plums fell, and slowly fell in a beautiful arc across the air. Although the "snow" fell, it always floated in my heart

Spring composition (11)

The wind stroked the treetops, passed through the flowers, and lingered under the high blue sky. A few faint floating clouds floated across the clear sky and were blown away by the wind. I walk alone, enjoying the earth in spring.

When grass heard the call of spring, it came out of the soil, leaned out and looked curiously at the wonderful new world, with a vision of the future in its eyes; The trees listen to the call of spring and draw out new buds, which are scattered on the branches, making the small trees more lovely against the background; The flowers came late. The last one heard the call of spring, and then they burst out on the earth, beautiful, colorful, bright red, yellow, and white

Swallows sing the praises of spring; A group of butterflies and bees dance in the colorful flowers and work hard; The willow with long hair gently caresses the earth, spreading the beauty of spring everywhere.

Friend, do you ever stop to admire the fresh grass, fallen flowers, flowing clouds, stars and moonlight in spring? Please slow down and enjoy it, and you will find the picturesque beauty of spring customs!

Spring composition (12)

On Thursday, our family came to "Man Hua Manor" to enjoy flowers. As soon as we entered the gate, we saw pots of lilies. Wow! What beautiful flowers! I couldn't help running forward excitedly. I was dazzled by the boundless sea of lilies. It was heaven on earth.

The lilies here are colorful, with white, yellow, rose, pink, orange, purple... emitting a strong aroma, refreshing! Some of them nodded slightly in the autumn wind, some danced briskly, some posed in graceful shapes, and some listened to the naughty autumn girl telling jokes. One after another beautiful lily quilt made them laugh and bent over, laughing away the small petals.

However, what saddens me most is that although it has been warned here that flowers cannot be picked at will, there are still many lilies being picked. So, as soon as I see a fallen lily, I will immediately put it back on the lily of the same color, so that it looks perfect again. This little job has kept me busy all afternoon! My parents praised me as a gardener who cares for flowers and plants. I am very happy! Ah! I really feel distressed for these beautiful and poor flowers!

"Manhua Manor" is indeed a colorful world! Here, flowers bloom, grass blooms, bushes bloom, and many trees also bloom. Time slipped away quietly, and I reluctantly waved goodbye to the beautiful garden and embarked on the road home.

Spring composition (13)

The pace of spring is near. Spring girl came to us with everything in spring. Before anyone heard her, she heard her voice. The murmuring sound of water in the stream was Spring girl's whisper, and the singing of birds on the branches was Spring girl's song.

Look! Spring girl is here. Her long hair is really beautiful! This is a season of spring return and the recovery of all things. Cold blooded animals like snakes and frogs have stopped to the east and climbed onto the ground to enjoy the spring. Birds chirp in the spring and flowers bloom. Swallows have to come back to build their nests. Spring restores the earth to a colorful atmosphere. Even the spring rain and the spring thunder came to celebrate the spring for us. It was so lively! Spring is a good season for sowing. The farmer uncle took advantage of this good season to start sowing. In autumn, there will be a good harvest. Spring is not as dry and hot as next summer, nor as cold as autumn, nor as cold as winter. Spring is a vibrant and energetic spring, which reminds me of a comprehensive mother. Mother is like the earth. When she gives birth to us, we have living people. When spring returns, everything will start again, All life is over again.

People like spring, because this beautiful spring gives people a new start, new harvest, new life, new hope

Spring composition (14)

Sister, look at this picture. These flowers are beautiful. My sister and I enjoyed the beautiful spring photos taken in the morning.

Spring is really a vigorous season.

Look at this picture. It's a path to the field. The memory of the morning jumped out again. We walked on the path, smelling the fragrance of spring alone. The morning breeze brushed my face, and our steps were more light. A touch of white in the photo came into my eyes. It was an unknown flower. I gently grabbed it with my hand and used the camera to freeze this beautiful moment. Look at the grass, there are a bunch of inconspicuous blue flowers, small flowers dotted with green grass, like stars in the sky. Look at my sister's picture. I'm taking a picture of flowers. How dare you secretly photograph me! Ha ha ha

Laughing and joking, I drew to the next picture. It seemed that I was back in the field, with one rape flower after another in front of me. Then I turned back and walked into the sea of flowers. Close your eyes and savor carefully. This is a new world, very quiet. When you open your eyes, you can see rape flowers everywhere. Then look at the path at your feet, where scattered golden petals are scattered; The smell of rape flower is intoxicating; What I heard was the sound of birds singing and flowing water, interwoven with the fragrance of flowers. A breeze blows from time to time, making the sea of flowers flow. It's really beautiful! As time goes by, the sun slowly shines on this land, and my world is full of warmth.

OK, Next photo, pond! The scenery here is quite different from the fields. When we came to the pond, we heard a greeting from Yangyang. What are you doing, a small army? photograph! The sisters responded loudly. The peach blossoms beside the pond in the photo are in full bloom, and the ducks in the pond are swimming happily. My sister can't help but recite a poem: three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and a prophet of the ducks in the spring river. Some ducks sing loudly and rattle their poems, some bow to drink water, and some flutter their wings. They swim and the water surface ripples. The peach petals on the bank occasionally fall off and pass me, accompanied by a wisp of flower fragrance, which turns out to be sweet. I feel as if I have eaten delicious peaches and feel sweet in my heart.

After enjoying the photos, I looked at the pair of shoes walking across the spring fields at the door. They were glued with spring mud, with a trace of grass and a few petals

Spring composition (15)

It was just in March, when the plum blossoms with solitary frost and proud branches had turned into butterflies and danced proudly in the air; Jasminum nudiflorum has put on its golden dancing clothes and is ready to dance again; Peach Flower put on her performance clothes and was ready to sing another song. Why not go out for a spring outing in this beautiful season?

The first thing I saw when I came to the Spring Garden was the "Huakui Niangzi" - peach blossoms, which did not show the beauty of spring with bright colors, but repaid spring with white hearts; Instead of embellishing spring with fragrant flowers, it praises spring with a simple mind. The pink peach blossoms are one by one, crowded with the whole branch. They are like a group of naughty children, rushing to bloom their lovely smiling faces. Some of the peach blossoms are blooming in the wind, smiling; Some are in bud, half hidden and half exposed; More of them are small white hairy flower buds with red dots. Five small white petals form a small round face, with many slender stamens and small yellow dots on the petals. Three or four small flowers form a small circle. Under the spring wind, they really look like a group of innocent and lively children playing the game of "losing handkerchiefs".

At this time, her sister Raoer said, "Look at the magnolias." We looked in the direction of Raoer's fingers. The magnolias, one after another, were dressed in plain clothes, bright and clear, slim and graceful, and the magnolias were priceless treasures carved by skilled craftsmen with white and flawless jade. They were as rich as peonies with national beauty and heavenly fragrance, as elegant as Lingbo fairies, and more beautiful and refreshing than lotus flowers, More beautiful than chrysanthemums. Magnolia is white and looks like wind chimes. Some magnolias have just opened two or three petals, some have all opened, revealing yellow stamens, while others are still blossoming, like a white gem.

As I walked, I saw a clear lake, just like my sister Raoer's eyes like clear pools and the moon in the sky. Suddenly, a spring breeze came, the fragrance mixed with a trace of coolness. Some willows near the lake are like white haired old people, and some are like graceful girls, blocking a fresh green corridor for the clear lake.

Spring comes to us like a girl with beautiful hair and shoulders, slowly and slowly with that touching smile. Spring is gentle and shy. She is not as enthusiastic and unrestrained as summer, as rich and noble as autumn, and as arrogant and cold as winter.

Sixth grade: an angel who can cry (Zhao Shasha)

Spring composition (16)

Spring Day

Spring is a beautiful season. Flowers are in full bloom and the earth is green. However, the climate in spring is changeable. Sometimes it is cold and sometimes it is hot. It is easy to catch a cold.

The sun is warm in the morning, At noon, the sun disappeared, the sky became cloudy, and soon it began to rain heavily. The flowers and grass are so happy that they have grown up a little bit. The wheat seedlings in the field are also very happy. Look at them dancing in the field!

The rain stopped and the sun came out again. The air was so fresh!

Spring composition (17)

Spring daydream

Spring girl came to the world with light steps, singing and dancing. Listen, the tinkling brook is her gentle singing voice; You see, the colorful flowers are her colorful and gorgeous clothes; You smell, the refreshing fragrance from her nose is her body odor; You touch, that delicate and smooth willow branch is her skin. She daubed the sky with a green brush, so the sky was like a blue gem; She rouged the flowers with bright red, so the flowers blushed, more moving than the sun on the horizon; She used a brush to draw green grass, golden wheat

Miss Chun is really a dutiful child. She helps Sister Liu Shu dye the vibrant green, wakes up people who have been sleeping for a long time from their lonely dreams, and covers the earth with a green blanket. She is not only a famous painter and good child, but also a "woman man" with excellent vitality. She blows the green earth and the red flowers, making Brother Xiao Xi fly forward.

I took a deep breath, so fresh, full of the fragrance of flowers! The smell of spring is everywhere! I lay quietly on the grass. The grass poked out its head curiously and scratched my little feet, making me giggle. Looking up, the cloud is like a magician, sometimes turning into cotton candy, sometimes into a cute lamb, sometimes into a galloping horse, sometimes

When I closed my eyes, I thought that last year, spring was as beautiful as this year. Day after day, year after year, the wheel of time left traces in the long river of history, but what about us? What traces have we left in this beautiful and moving spring? In this beautiful spring, we are wasting our time, wasting our youth, wasting our time, and let the naughty elf time pass us by. Spring is like our prosperity. The motherland, which provides us with a good environment, should redouble our efforts. "Flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young." We should study hard and strive to repay this selfless spring with excellent results, instead of letting such a good environment waste in vain, "time flies like an arrow, day and moon" time is gone forever, Although the new year will still come, the past has passed, and can not be retained or returned. Therefore, cherish the present, look to the future, and do not regret life for the sake of instant happiness.

"Black hair doesn't know how to study early, while white hair regrets studying late" In order not to regret later, let's study hard and leave our marks and achievements in the blooming spring.

Spring daydream

I like the hot summer, the fragrant autumn and the snow covered winter, but I prefer the vibrant spring.

Spring has an indelible good impression in people's hearts. Through the ages, it has been commented and praised by many scholars. "Spring sleeps and does not know the dawn, and birds sing everywhere." When the first bird song in spring echoes in my ears, spring has quietly surrounded the whole world. "Several early warblers compete for warm trees, and the new swallow pecks the spring mud." Everywhere is a thriving scene, with long grass and flying birds, red flowers and green willows, what a charming natural scenery!

In this season of recovery of all things, I walked into the park, and a green lawn came into my eyes. Although there were still some remnants of the old year, it did not make me bored. On the contrary, I was surrounded by an atmosphere of vitality and life. Walking in the vibrant woods, I breathed the incomparably refreshing spring breath, looked at the eyeful of green, and the melting spring breeze, I was intoxicated. The clusters of wild flowers slightly opened their smiling faces, red like fire, white like snow, pink like rosy clouds; Green willows are dancing in the breeze with their long braids; Rows of green camphor trees are proudly showing the new coats that Spring Girl sewed for them. When the spring breeze blows, the rustling sound is their sweetest laughter, right? I can't stop lamenting the beauty that nature has given us, and I feel happy as if I were in a fairyland.

Suddenly, many cool raindrops fall into my hair and face. Is it spring rain? Are you here to wake up everything on the earth?

It has been raining all the time. Looking out of the window a little bit wet, listening to the sound of light rain tapping on the window lattice, and looking out of the window at the flowers that are suffering from wind and rain, my thoughts can not help drifting with the light rain. Don't underestimate this inconspicuous flower. The arrival of the wind and rain did not destroy its firm belief, but made it stronger. It accepted the baptism of the wind and rain, and stood firm on its own heels. In the afterglow of the spring rain, it was grinning wider, more brilliant, and more charming. Flowers have only a few days of life. Maybe by the end of spring, they have already "scattered red mud to grind into dust". What makes them so persistent to life? Suddenly, Gong Zizhen said, "Falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers." It made me suddenly understand that even old falling flowers have their value, and they have found the happiness of realizing their own value, and they have enjoyed the struggle.

Isn't it the same in one's life? How many beats can there be in life? When will I not fight this time? If, for fear of failure, we give up our struggle, give up our dreams, and bow before difficulties, that is an imperfect life. On our way forward, whether thorns or marshes are everywhere, we should work hard and forge ahead without hesitation. No matter what the result, as long as we enjoy the process of struggle, we will be happy and successful, and we will win the real life. When I think of this, I look out the window at the standing flowers, and my eyes are moist

One day in the morning, one year in the spring. Spring wakes up one life in full bloom, which will arouse people's endless reverie. Let's listen to spring, embrace spring, follow spring, and enjoy and daydream in this beautiful spring day!

Spring daydream

The beginning of spring has already passed, but the spring rain comes slowly. The drizzle moistens the flowers and plants that have been sleeping all winter; The gentle breeze woke the little creatures in their sleep. Looking out of the window at the scene of "spring is not spring, winter is not winter", I closed my eyes and began to look forward to the real spring in the intermittent sound of light rain

The grass poked out its head, and its sleepy eyes were dim. It seemed that it was still wandering in a dream, with a few wisps of reluctance. The lilac tree pulled out fresh and tender branches, while the old trunk still looked old and senile. The peach tree has sprouted pink and tender buds, most of which are tightly closed. Maybe they are waiting for a good day to blossom; But some anxious peach blossom fairies can't manage so much. They are blooming alone on the branches, tender and ready to drop, attracting everyone's attention and making a show of themselves. However, the winter jasmine on one side stopped drying up and had to regain the title of "flower leader". However, the leaves had not grown up yet, and the buds had already blossomed all over the branches, which made everyone feel sorry again.

The flowers are about to open and the grass is about to turn green. Naturally, the little aphids, who are not very pleasant, have quietly climbed up the tree tops, hoping that the leaves will grow up quickly. The industrious little bee seemed to be determined to blossom, and went around the bud, buzzing, urging the flowers to bloom earlier.

The flowers will not be far away, because there are swallows returning from the south to join in the fun!

Ah! The bee was right. Within a few days, the peach blossom on the tree opened its charming face. The peach tree was like a bride wearing a pink veil, shy. The lilacs beside him also sprouted, like a courteous groom, with clusters of grape like buds emerging from the buds, which could not be closed. The bee became the little matchmaker. It flew here and there. Although there was not much pollen, it was also busy. When Cimei saw that the neighbors were showing their charm, she was also busy joining in the excitement and became green again overnight. Mr. Grapevine is not as open as the young people, and he still keeps a quiet and golden demeanor. But Xiao Cao's grandson can't wait for his grandpa. He stretches out his head and looks around. He is more energetic than the other day! After a comfortable winter, the elders of the fruit trees were ready to have a "surprising bud", but they were surrounded by small flying insects that had already been ambushed, unable to show the beauty of their new clothes.

The playful little carrier pigeon must have lost its way. Because he only remembered that his family lived under a budding willow tree, but now every willow tree has burst green. The old Mr. Grapevine finally sprouted, and the new shoots were not obvious. Only careful birds could find them. But although the leaves have not grown up yet, there are already a group of children under the vine, imagining the scene of eating grapes in summer. When I suddenly thought about it, the grapes in front of me had nothing, without showing a trace of regret.

well! When will there be grapes? To be honest, I'm a bit greedy.