Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (6 pieces)
losers are always in the wrong
2023-11-24 08:57:14
junior middle school

Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (1)

Books are not only the driving force of human development, but also provide us with a new way to imagine the future, which is as elusive as stars, and a confusing 'fantasy'. Perhaps in the touch of my heart and its heart, I have spread a pair of wings with wisdom as the wings, flying in the sea of selfless books

The form of life is not only satisfied with spending empty and lonely time in silence on the plain land, but should sublimate your body in imperceptible influence, and more importantly, improve the noble sentiment of your soul. I think, so I am. People can only think in the book, read in the thought, and wander in the unknown lake, so as to achieve the birth of another form of life. Because of this, the soul can be detached from the chaotic world.

The lotus in The Tale of Love Lotus "emerges from the mud without stain, and washes clean without demon." It is turbid, free from pollution, and self-sufficient in the world with a clean and self satisfied character, also known as "a gentleman". In the endless sea of books, countless fragrant lotus flowers are poured out in the writings of literati. It is more noble and leisurely, and in the midst of the overflowing literary atmosphere, the hundreds of thousands of complicated things have been purified, and faintly infiltrated into this fragrant and ethereal realm.

People in books are more like flying. They have no restrictions and do whatever they want. They can also smell the pure spirit of nature. In a corner of the book, the sound of spring sounded, soft, smooth, fresh and pleasant, just like a girl in a shower wearing a pink skirt dancing among willow leaves.

I am not a dry reed, but a verdant seedling bathed in the scholarly rain and dew. I am flying in constant imagination and sublimation in constant flying. Only by communicating with the bookheart can we feel that life is so rich and colorful.

The past is forgotten like smoke, and the selfless world in the bottom of my heart is wide. I'm afraid that this realm can only be truly realized when wandering in the sea of books, and because of this, life can fly through excellence.

Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (2)

Since I was young, I have loved reading. Nowadays, reading is one of my hobbies. Reading is great! Reading is a kind of enjoyment for me. This is my words from my heart, and also my true feelings.

"Book is the ladder of human progress" has always been a famous saying I believe in. I love reading for a reason. I love reading because books are messengers of human culture. Since the invention of printing, this fact cannot be changed. Use your mind to touch words, use your brain to imagine freely, and use your pure heart to feel the holy and solemn messenger - "book". The book is worth reading, the treasure in hand, and the piety when opening it. You imagine that you are wandering in a book. On a long journey, when you see The Little Match Girl, you will be sad and cry. When you see Snow White, you will sympathize with her tragic experience. When you see her with the prince, you will be happy. When you see a good story, you will savor it carefully, like savoring the delicious food. You will complain about General Yue Fei's unfulfilled ambition. The knowledge in the book dazzles you. In the book, you can experience all kinds of joys and sorrows, which is the charm of the book.

Another reason why I love reading is that I want to make my study better. In the future, I will be admitted to a key university, find a good job, and let my parents worry less about snacks. But I am still studying in primary school, and my brother has just entered junior high school. My parents have broken my heart for my brother's study, especially my father, who is now white haired, and unknowing people think it is our grandfather! In spite of this, they are always the youngest in my heart. I hope my brother and I can grow up quickly, share a little more for our parents, and let them enjoy the happiness in the future.

"I love books, just like a hungry person on bread." This is a famous saying of Gorky. But this is also my motto. As the saying goes, "Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like being divine." Isn't it?

Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (3)

When I finished reading Journey to the West, one of China's four famous books, I was too surprised to speak for a long time. Because I admire the unity, courage and indomitable spirit of the four masters and apprentices on the way to learn scriptures. If I went to get scriptures instead, I would have retreated just one third of the way.

Up to now, I still can't believe that those who need to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties to get the scripture actually travel across mountains and rivers on foot. How much perseverance is needed to do this!

It's a world of difference to think of yourself. This summer vacation, because I let myself open my stomach and eat endlessly, the direct result was to gain five kilograms of weight, and the original body-building figure is gone forever. The family members recite "eat less, eat less" every day, but their self-control is still not strong enough, even if they have finished eating and gargle, and no one looks around, they will take a chance. It's shameful to compare with the four masters and apprentices. I can't see it.

As for Tang Monk, although he likes to read in pieces, he is good for the three brothers and is the leader of everyone; Sun Wukong, with his eyes burning with gold, saw the prototype of all the demons and ghosts under his gaze, helping everyone to avoid many disasters, but he was not very good tempered and was recognized as the 'boss'; Pig Bajie is the happy fruit in the team. Although he is always mischievous, he is still loyal to his master. He is never vague when he is in trouble, and he will never be soft when he should take action; Monk Sha, a good man, does all the dirty work by himself. He is always bullied but never complains. The four masters and disciples have different characteristics. I like them very much. I will learn from their good places in the future.

On second thought, isn't it like our class? A teacher is like a monk in Tang Dynasty, who leads us forward. However, we will not understand him if we try hard to talk to him over and over again; We are one of the three brothers. We have all kinds of personalities. We ignore the teacher's words, but we will never be vague when we need to unite and move forward. From now on, from now on, I will become a headache student who will not be a teacher and will not cry out for hardship when encountering difficulties. I will learn from the courage and indomitable spirit of the four masters and apprentices.

Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (4)

I am a student who has just entered junior high school. Although I am a student, I like reading as much as scientists like science.

If you want to tell me how I like reading, you must tell me my first extracurricular book. When I was in the second grade, my grandpa accompanied me to buy coaching materials. My grandpa saw Aesop's Fables at a glance and said to me: "The author of this book is Aesop, a famous Greek fabler. His book even Mr. Qian Zhongshu, a famous Chinese scholar and language master, likes it very much!" I picked up the book and flipped it - it has no beautiful cover, Nor is it a romantic fairy tale. However, grandpa insisted that I read it and said I would like it. Now, if it weren't for my grandpa, I might not like reading. After returning home, I read the book carefully, and was immediately fascinated by one story after another in the book. From then on, I fell in love with reading and read one book after another. From "Di Zi Gui" to "Love Education", from the Chinese writer Bing Xin's "Little Orange Lantern" to the British writer Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe", from poetry to prose

However, reading also brings me a lot of trouble.

The world famous novel Gulliver's Travels is a novel by the famous British writer Swift. The story in it deeply attracted me, so that I was still reading it with interest at eight o'clock every night. My mother urged me: "Go to bed quickly, you will be short-sighted if you read for a long time!" This is no good, I said in my heart secretly, I haven't traveled in Lilliput yet! But it doesn't matter. I have a secret weapon - flashlight. Ha ha, now I can enjoy the fun of reading! But my mother came to check the room in the middle of the night and said, "Hum, fight with me. I don't know what you have in mind? Go to bed quickly!" Alas, it seems that this method is not feasible. I'd better go to bed quietly.

Although my mother was afraid that I would be short-sighted when reading, she still supported me in reading. As soon as the summer vacation ended, my mother began to make a parent-child reading plan. In this summer vacation, I read Bronze Sunflower with my mother. We read it chapter by chapter, analyzing the content and character bit by bit... Parent child reading not only improved my Chinese ability, but also enhanced the relationship between my mother and me.

Reading accompanied my childhood. I hope that in the future, the fragrance of books can accompany you, me and his youth!

Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (5)

Books are our best teachers. They let us know the truth of being human and all things in the world. A book is like a beacon, a treasure house of knowledge, and a kind friend.

Gorky once said that "books are the ladder of human progress". Yes, if there were no books, no knowledge, people might not have so many inventions. Maybe we still live in darkness today. Books are so precious that even comic books and storybooks have their own value. We don't have to be textbooks to read them. In fact, other books can also let us gain knowledge, find happiness, and find things that are not in textbooks.

Like a storybook, it immerses us in the sincere friendship between Snow White and the seven dwarfs, and intoxicates us in the kind-hearted relationship between Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. We can learn kindness from Cinderella, generosity from the Virgin Mary, and greed from the fisherman and his wife... In short, reading storybooks has taught me a lot about how to behave.

Cartoon books also let me learn a lot. Although they are just a few pictures, they are well drawn and beautiful, and are loved by many people. In the comic book "Detective Conan", I felt two different new ones, and I saw the new one's wit, courage and calm. In the comic book "The Bright Moon in the Qin Dynasty", I saw a hero named Jing Ke who was willing to risk his life to assassinate the King of Qin for the sake of the country. What a strong patriotism! At the same time, I also saw the innocent sky and the innocent and lovely moon... comic books actually have a lot of knowledge in them, just to see if you are good at discovering.

Books are indispensable in our life. Du Fu, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, once said that "reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a spirit". It can be seen that reading plays an important role in writing. Therefore, for me, reading is extremely wonderful, and books are full of mystery and temptation.

Reading brings me knowledge, pleasure and strength. I love reading! Reading lets me know the ups and downs of life, and reading lets me know how to behave in life. In a word, reading is accompanied by my gradual growth.

Reading Thoughts 600 Word Composition (6)

Books are the ladder of human progress. Only by reading more can we increase our extracurricular knowledge, know all the interesting things from ancient times to modern times, and improve our writing skills. We can use good words and sentences in our compositions. In short, books are indispensable in life. I am eager to read!

When I first learned to read, my mother bought me the book Green's Fairy Tales with pinyin. I was tired of it at first, but when I patiently read the first story in it, I found that I could not stop. The more I read it, the more I wanted to read it, and gradually became intoxicated with it. It took me one afternoon to read all the books. At this time of day, I was either playing with my children or playing with my own toys to make the house "crow". For the first time, I stayed in the house so quietly for so long. Even my mother felt strange. From then on, I fell in love with reading.

At that time, I loved reading fairy tales very much. My mother bought me four famous books, but I didn't even read them. I always pestered my mother to buy fairy tales for me. In the third grade, I came into contact with more books by Yang Hongying? Laughing Cat Diary? Ma Xiaotiao series? Pipilu mobilization? Yu Yujun's? Wonderful girl wish you success? And the Sunshine Sister Wu Meizhen? Little princess and short father? But after reading so many books, my composition is not very good, because these books are extracurricular books, then I realized that it is also important to read famous books. But when I opened the Dream of Red Mansions, I couldn't understand the content of the story, so I was not very happy to read famous books.

What shall I do? In order to accumulate good words and sentences, every time I read a book, I will have a small book and a pen beside me. When I see a figurative sentence, I will copy it down. Good words and four character idioms will also copy it down. After a semester, that book will also be used up. My composition has been improved a little, but only a little. Because it is not enough for a composition to have only good words and sentences, but also to master the method of describing people and things.

In the sixth grade, the teacher said to us, "We must read famous books, which are much more useful than those extracurricular books you read, I learned a lot of ways to describe people, and some famous names will bring us many useful reasons, so the benefits of reading famous names are infinite.

Grandma Bingxin once said: read well, read more, read good books. This sentence is very reasonable. We should read extracurricular books and useful books together to read wonderful life!