Compile fairy tale composition (17 preferred)
Clouds and rain drifting
2023-11-14 03:07:13
fairy tale

Composition of fairy tales (1)

In spring, the garden looks lively.

A young grass looked at its green clothes and sang. Suddenly, a hungry caterpillar rushed at the grass to eat him. The grass was too frightened to move. A peach flower on a nearby peach tree soon floated down, so the caterpillar ate the peach flower girl. It ate and ate, and the peach blossom girl had only one small petal left. The caterpillar touched his stomach and said, "Er... I'll eat the petals next time, er..." So he left.

Grandma Feng felt sorry for the Peach Blossom girl, so she blew her into the sky. Miss Peach Blossom flew and saw trees, mountains and rivers, green grass and red flowers... small houses, fields, farmers working

Miss Peach Blossom is flying. She thinks everything is beautiful. Once, she came to a flower bed, where peonies, roses and peonies proudly praised their beauty to the peach blossom girl. Grandma Feng then told the story of Peach Blossom girl saving grass in detail. Those gorgeous big flowers also slowly respect the peach blossom girl.

After flying for many days, Peach Blossom Girl said to Grandma Feng, "Grandma Feng, let me go home!" Grandma Feng blew her back to the garden.

The Peach Blossom Girl fell on the branch of the mother peach tree and dressed her up. Gradually, Peach Blossom girl became afraid of nothing, and she would never wither. In winter, the mother peach tree is still very beautiful.

Composition of fairy tales (2)

Once there was a farmer who had three sons. When the farmer was old, he gave half of the field to his eldest son and the other half to his second son. Only the third son was assigned nothing but a woodpecker.

At this time, the third son began to complain: "Why did the elder brother and the second brother get such good things, but I only got a woodpecker." The woodpecker heard what he said and said angrily: "Don't underestimate me, as long as you give me a hat, I can let you get a lot of money every day." The third son thought for a long time at that time, I decided to believe it, so I made a hat for it. After the woodpecker got the hat, his third son said, "This hat has used up all my money. If you don't let me get a lot of money, I will roast you and eat you!" The woodpecker patted his chest and said, "Don't worry!"

In the country where the third son lived, the king loved eating geese very much, but it was hard to catch the geese recently, so the king was worried every day.

The woodpecker came to the forest and gently put his hat down. A magical scene happened, and all the geese around him came around. Then he gently picked up his hat and led a group of geese to the palace. The king was very happy and gave the woodpecker a pile of gold.

The woodpecker went back with a load of gold. The third son was very happy to see gold. So the third son took the gold and bought a large piece of land, becoming the richest person in the local area.

The worst may become the best.

Composition of fairy tales (3)

Today, the weather is sunny, and there are several white clouds floating in the sky. A few rays of sunshine come in from the window and shine on the bed in the room. On the desk in the room, there is a beautiful stationery box. Why is the pencil box noisy today? Originally, pencil, pen, ruler and eraser began a quarrel.

The pencil said, "Hey, you know, I'm the best. Without me, the master can't write!"

The pen retorted, "I can also write! And it will not fade. You will fade in a few years!"

The eraser said, "Hey, brother pencil, I'm the best. I can erase every word you write on the paper!"

Ruler is a girl, but her temper is not small. She shouted: "I am the most powerful. The straight lines and curves drawn by the master are all my credit. I am the most powerful." Her voice was a little hoarse.

In this way, you quarreled with me, I scolded you, and almost started a fight.

At this time, the pen box opened: "What are you arguing about?". The pencil opened its mouth first and said, "We are debating who is the most powerful..."

After listening to them, the pen box said with a wry smile: "You are really stupid. Don't you all have shortcomings and advantages? We should unite and love each other and learn from each other, you know? Don't apologize soon!"

Pencil, steel smile, eraser and ruler all said, "I'm sorry." From then on, everyone lived happily.

Composition of fairy tales (4)

This fairy tale is about a silkworm who is still when his companions are eating mulberry leaves, silently pondering why he came to the world. When he learned from the history of his ancestors that the only thing they were born into the world is to make cocoons, then throw the cocoons into boiling water, draw out silk to weave into silk, and make gorgeous clothes. He was very discouraged and worked hard all his life. It turned out that he was working for the irrelevant people! He understood and decided to leave the group. He came to the grass, saw the sky and the ground, so he walked leisurely. Later, he met an ant, who heard him sing a song he made up about his unwillingness to work. He couldn't help laughing and saying where the strange idea came from. Doesn't not work mean no life, no race? Then ants invite silkworms to visit their land. When the silkworm came to the kingdom of ants, it was warmly received and saw the ants building.

In the story, the silkworm thinks that he lives all his life eating only to work for irrelevant people. He hates work and refuses to work. Ants love work, and they work hard with their own hands to create a better home. I see their enthusiasm for work from ants. As a student, I want to learn the spirit of ants. I also need to devote more enthusiasm to learning, learn more knowledge, and lay the foundation for the future.

Composition of fairy tales (5)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and kind princess who often helped the poor and gave them some money.

One day, there was a strong wind and heavy rain. At this time, a demon appeared and took the princess away. The people were very sad when they learned that, so they took up their weapons and planned to go to the Devil King to save the princess. At this time, a villager suggested, "Don't we get bullied by the Demon King? Let's think about how to attack the Demon King Castle first!" One of them said, "Let's go to find explosives and blow up the Demon King's castle!" Immediately someone retorted, "No, no, if we use a bomb to blow up the castle, the princess may be injured by mistake." Another person suggested, "Let's send someone to tell the princess our plan, save the princess secretly, and then blow up the Demon King Castle!" The villager's proposal was appreciated by everyone. They first asked some people to attack the Demon King Castle with their weapons, so that the Demon King's attention could be shifted to them. Then they asked the princess to escape to the back door, and then arranged someone to rescue the princess. At this time, the Devil King found that someone had saved the princess, and said: "Put the princess down quickly, the princess is mine!" At this time, the people shouted to the plane in the sky: "Hurry up!" The people who flew the plane received the signal, that is to blow up the Devil King's Castle quickly. So the Demon King Castle was bombed, the Demon King was killed, and the princess was saved.

From then on, there was no devil to rob the beautiful and kind princess! The princess and the people have been living happily ever since.

Composition of fairy tales (6)

One day, the five fingers were arguing about whose contribution was great. The thumb said: "My contribution is the biggest, I am the strongest, I am the 'head of the family'!" The index finger was unconvinced: "My contribution is the biggest! I must take things!" Before he finished speaking, the middle finger said: "Who said, I am the tallest, the slimmest, and very smart, I am the most useful.", In the end, I don't know who has done the most. Their quarrel was heard by the little master. He asked, "Hey, why are you quarrelling?" "We are talking about whose contribution is great and whose use is great." The five fingers said in unison, "Do you know?" The little master said, "Well, how about you try to pick up something alone?"

The thumb flipped over the rubber and poked the pencil, but could not pick up anything. The index finger poked, pressed, dragged, pulled, pushed, and almost exhausted all the movements, but it was difficult to stop by a small pencil cap. The remaining middle finger, ring finger, and little finger were weak themselves, and could not meet the requirements of "cruelty" of small and major. Seeing their embarrassed appearance, the little master held his cheeks and thought for a while, saying, "Do you want to try it together?" Soon, the five fingers came with the trophy, which was a fresh apple. They sent the apple to the little master's mouth. The little master smiled and said, "Can you do it?" He said "you" very seriously.

The five fingers suddenly realized: "Oh! So unity is strength!"

Composition of fairy tales (7)

Once upon a time, a man had a cat and a dog. The cat always thinks that it is powerful, and no beast can beat it.

One night, the cat was eating food when he saw a fat and big mouse darting to the grain bag and biting a small bite into the grain bag. Then, it devoured it again. The cat was very angry. It thought to itself: This mouse is too hateful. It not only steals food, but also bites off silk and other items. It's too hateful! So the cat ran away quickly, caught the mouse, played for a while, and ate the big mouse.

The owner knew this and praised the cat several times. When the dog saw it, he was very unhappy and thought: Hum! Just caught a mouse. What a show!

That night, the dog stood in front of the door and kept watch for hours. The dog waited anxiously. He thought, "The thief will not come, will he?"? Why don't I sleep first? But the dog thought again: if the thief came and stole something, wouldn't that dead thing take advantage of him. So the dog rallied and stood up. Let's see what the cat is doing first. The cat became more proud after hearing the owner's praise. It thought the mice would never come again, so it slept every day, and the mice stole things every day. And dogs catch thieves every day. Catch today and tomorrow. There are more and more thieves in gongan bureau. The master praises the dog every day.

The cat asks the dog; Why do you get praise from the host every day, but I can't? The dog said: Because I am dutiful! The cat kept thinking day and night, and finally came up with the idea. It thought: last time, it was praised by its master, it was arrogant, so this time it was not praised by its master, but the dog was dutiful. Hearing the praise from its master, it was very modest, but proud of itself.

Since then, cats have also been conscientious, and they can get praise from their owners every day.

Composition of fairy tales (8)

Once upon a time, there were two students in the Forest School, the hare and the fox. The hare studies very hard and can answer the teacher's questions every time.

The fox had a poor academic record, so he always said hello and good when he saw the hare. The hare also answered with courtesy. Soon, they became good friends.

Soon, the hare fell ill. His grades also dropped, falling behind the fox. When he recovered, the hare went to school!

As soon as he came to school, he met a fox.

The hare went over and said hello to the fox, but the fox ignored him and walked on.

The hare went up to the fox again and said, "Hello, fox!" "Don't you know me? I'm your good friend Hare!"

"Who knows where a wild rabbit came from? It even called me a classmate. Hum! Go away! Said the fox scornfully.

The hare felt very aggrieved. He came to the school silently and began to work hard! "

A few days later, the hare was among the best again. That day after school, the hare met the fox again.

"Ah, Hare, hello, I'm your good friend Fox," said the fox.

However, the hare walked away. He was unwilling to make friends with the changeable fox.

Sorry, it doesn't make sense for the time being!

Composition of fairy tales (9)

In the evening, when the shepherd drove the sheep back, a naughty lamb escaped from the sheep and ate tender grass heartily on the grass. While eating, he exclaimed, "Ah! The grass here is delicious."

At this time, a hungry wolf in the grass rushed at the lamb. The lamb ran desperately to avoid the attack of the wolf. However, the wolf caught it anyway.

The wolf said viciously, "Little thing, I will eat you." The lamb said, "It's easy for you to want to eat me, so I'll tell you a secret of how to eat me better." The wolf said, "What secret? Tell it quickly." The lamb said, "I'm full, and there will be more meat, and it will be delicious." The wolf thought what the lamb said was reasonable, so he let it continue to eat grass.

After a while, the wolf said to the lamb, "Are you full?" The lamb replied, "I'm full, but the fodder I eat has not been digested. Eating me now will jam your throat. If I dance for you for a while, and the grass is digested, it will not be too late for you to eat me." So the wolf took off the bell on the lamb's neck and knocked it, accompanied the lamb and watched the lamb dance. When the shepherd heard the bell, he knew that his lamb had been caught by the wolf, so he followed the bell with his hounds. The hounds chased away the wolf and saved the lamb.

This story tells us that anything can be done if we are willing to use our brains.

Composition of fairy tales (10)

One day before the animal sports meeting, the pony went for a walk. As he walked, the pony said to himself, "I want to sign up for the running competition in the sports meeting, and I want to be the fastest running animal in the world!" On the way, he met a proud tiger, who shouted in the trees, "I am the fastest running animal in the animal kingdom!" The pony thought to himself: If only I could become the running champion in the animal kingdom! The pony ignored the tiger and walked on.

After that, Xiaoma kept practicing running. No matter it was windy or rainy, he was training every day, so he was making progress every day! After a few months, the pony ran quite fast, and he felt great about himself! The night before the game, Ma went out for a walk again. He unexpectedly met a tiger again. The tiger who had not exercised for several months had gained a lot of weight, with a round belly and a face full of meat. The tiger was wondering: "I don't know who will compete with me?"

The tiger didn't even finish talking. The pony rushed to him and said, "I'm coming to compete with you!" The tiger was very excited when hearing the pony's words. The tiger sneered, "Young man, you are coming to compete with me! That's great! We'll have a competition tomorrow!" "OK, see you tomorrow!" The pony nodded modestly and left. The next day, the sports meeting officially started. The pony and tiger appeared on the field at the same time. Guess what the result is!

Composition of fairy tales (11)

Today is the kid's birthday. Little goat thinks that my friends will come to celebrate my birthday with me! The little goat then wore a new dress bought by her mother and put on her hat. After a while, the little friends came, and the dog came and said, "Sister Goat wishes you a happy birthday, and the dog sent a plate of bones to Sister Goat." The cat said, "Sister Goat wishes you a hundred points in your mid-term exam every time, and the cat sent a basket of fish." The giraffe sent a beautiful hairpin.

The little goat said, "But these are not my favorite food. Little goats like to eat tender grass best. At this time, the pony ran quickly. The little goat saw that the pony was carrying a basket of grass on its back. The little goat said," You know me best. You are really my good partner! "The little goat smiled sweetly. Now the dog and the cat took out birthday cakes, so the partners lit candles for the goat sister and sang a birthday song. Sister Goat looked at her friends and said excitedly, "You are all my best friends." The giraffe said, "Come on, everyone! The candles are going out, so sister Goat should make a wish!" Sister Goat made a good wish and began to cut the cake. The partners ate with relish, and Sister Goat wore beautiful clothes

Birthday hat.

This birthday party is really fun! How unforgettable!

Composition of Fairy Tales (12)

The King and the Woodpecker

On Sunday, the king was in a good mood and planned to go hunting. The king came to the forest and hunted a woodpecker. The king looked at the woodpecker. Suddenly, the woodpecker said, "Let me go, and I'll be grateful to you." The king hesitated for a while, thinking: I'd better let it go, and take care of the animals!

So the king set the woodpecker free. At dusk, the king went back to the palace to pass a river. When he came to the river, the king's horse accidentally stepped on the branch. "Click," the horse was frightened and ran quickly. The king sat unsteadily and fell into the water. "Help! Help!" cried the king desperately. The woodpecker and his companions hurried over and together they saved the king. The king said, "Thank you, woodpecker." The woodpecker said, "You are welcome, just repay me!"

From then on, the king loved small animals very much, and the small animals were very enthusiastic when they saw the king, because small animals also had life!

Composition of fairy tales (13)

A little princess who loves growing flowers

The little princess planted many colorful flowers by the river in the palace. The little princess planted roses, sunflowers, peach blossoms, kapok, chrysanthemums, daffodils, and many different kinds of flowers.

On Sunday morning, the king and queen took a walk by the river in the palace. The king and queen were very happy to see the industrious little princess and all kinds of beautiful flowers. The beautiful and bright rose said hello to the king and queen: "Good morning, respected king and beautiful queen." The little princess thought: I wish I could water the little flowers every day and tell stories. In this way, small flowers will grow slowly. So the little princess filled a bucket of water by the river and watered the little flowers. These flowers grow day by day. Now the whole palace is covered with flowers, which is extremely beautiful.

I like the little princess, and I also like these flowers very much, because these flowers are so beautiful! The little princess is also very diligent.

Composition of fairy tales (14)

There is a woodpecker in a forest. It lives happily in the forest.

One day a crow came to the forest. Once crows found that they had finished drinking water when they were eating, so they went to the river to drink water. At this moment, the woodpecker was flying, and accidentally bumped into a big tree. The woodpecker fell to the ground. The woodpecker's lunch box fell on the crow's side. The woodpecker got up and found two lunch boxes nearby, so he took one at random.

The crow came back and found that the string of baked worms in the lunch box was missing. He could not find it. Suddenly, he found a feather of the woodpecker. He thought: It must have been stolen by the woodpecker. The crow wanted to revenge the woodpecker.

One day, the woodpecker was treating a big tree. At this time, the crow came. The crow picked up a stone and threw it at the woodpecker. At this time, the woodpecker just bent down to take tools. The stone hit the tree and made a hole in the tree. Unexpectedly, the hole was the hole where the caterpillar lived. The woodpecker looked, "Oh, no tools!" The woodpecker killed the small insects at once! The crow was half dead with anger!

The next day, the crow took a grenade to blow up the woodpecker's house. Unexpectedly, Lei threw it into his house. At this time, the bald headed Qiang came. He was cutting wood. He cut a tree and found there was a bomb in it. Then the crow ran away. When he looked back, he saw a bomb. It flew into the sky in a hurry, but still could not keep a tail.

It finally understood that it was right not to be stingy but to be generous. But now it's too late to regret.

Composition of Fairy Tales (15)

Once upon a time, trees and roses were good friends. One day when they were sleeping, Rose went to bed first, but the big tree was sneezing. Rose asked Big Tree what happened to you? Big tree said that there seemed to be little insects crawling around in my body, which was very uncomfortable. The rose said, "You should be ill. I'll call the Woodpecker Doctor for you.".

I finally found the bamboo woodpecker doctor. Rose told the woodpecker doctor that the big tree over there was not feeling well. Can you help her treat her? Woodpeckers say yes, but they need the petals on your body.

The woodpecker finished picking the petals from the rose. When the woodpecker came to the side of the tree, the woodpecker asked the tree if you were uncomfortable. I will treat you. Most people say yes, yes, I'm not feeling well. Thank you for coming to help me heal. After a while, the woodpecker caught all the insects on it.

Big Tree recovered from his illness. After a while, the big tree said to the rose that you only care about my military disease. Why did you pick all your petals? The rose's body said, "It's OK. It's OK. Your disease is important to my leaves. If you take it off, it can grow well again." The big tree said, "Thank you. The rose owes much to your leaves. It cured my disease. Thank you." The rose said, "Don't thank me, don't thank me. This is what my good friend can grow when his leaves fall."

This is how big trees and roses make good friends and help each other.

Composition of Fairy Tales (16)

A little princess who loves growing flowers

The little princess planted many colorful flowers by the river in the palace. The little princess planted roses, sunflowers, peach blossoms, kapok, chrysanthemums, daffodils, and many different kinds of flowers.

On Sunday morning, the king and queen took a walk by the river in the palace. The king and queen were very happy to see the industrious little princess and all kinds of beautiful flowers. The beautiful and bright rose said hello to the king and queen: "Good morning, respected king and beautiful queen." The little princess thought: I wish I could water the little flowers every day and tell stories. In this way, small flowers will grow slowly. So the little princess filled a bucket of water by the river and watered the little flowers. These flowers grow day by day. Now the whole palace is covered with flowers, which is extremely beautiful.

I like the little princess, and I also like these flowers very much, because these flowers are so beautiful! The little princess is also very diligent.

Composition of Fairy Tales (17)

Once upon a time, there was a king who always wanted a pet. He worries about it all day long.

One evening, the king asked several soldiers to catch an animal to be his pet.

In the evening, the king saw the soldiers coming back and saw a woodpecker. The king was very happy to get his pet.

The next day, the king put the woodpecker on the big tree in the yard and said, "Woodpecker, there are always bugs in my tree recently. You can catch the bugs out of the tree." The woodpecker replied, "No problem." In this way, the woodpecker has served the king for many years, and the king is very satisfied.

But one day, the woodpecker said, "King, I have served you for so many years, can you let me go?" The king did not promise!

One night, the woodpecker secretly opened its cage and flew away from the window. In the morning, the king found that his woodpecker was missing and went to the river to look for it. I didn't find it until evening. From then on, the king asked his soldiers to look for woodpeckers every day, but no one found any traces of woodpeckers.

One day, the king was seriously ill and was dying. He heard the sound of a woodpecker, and his illness soon healed. The king said to the woodpecker, "I know, freedom is happiness, go away." The woodpecker flew away. From then on, the king never let the soldiers catch animals again!