600 word composition on the topic of beneficial friends (3 in total)
Harsh gentleness
2024-04-13 07:43:17
topic of conversation

600 word composition on the topic of beneficial friends (1)

For every child, reading is a very boring thing. Few people are willing to read, let alone read books. In their eyes, books are like their enemies. They are reluctant to go to school every day. Parents have great and small hopes for them, but in their eyes, reading is a nightmare, A rare holiday is their happiest time. At that time, I also didn't like reading, but my parents always asked me to read and do my homework. Every time, they said that there was a golden house in the book, and there was a beauty in the book and other words that I was tired of listening to. I always didn't understand what the book was for. I always felt lost when I saw the content in the book.

Until one day when I gained a lot from learning the knowledge in the book, I gradually became fond of the book. Over time, my relationship with the book became closer and closer, and it naturally became my good friend. It made me know the unknown world and made my life more exciting. It is also my psychiatrist. Whenever I am upset or unhappy, I will turn over the book. When I am fascinated by it, I will naturally put aside my worries. After reading it, I feel that the whole person is quiet, and all the wonderful words and sentences in the book that attract my eyes emerge in my head. When I am unhappy, I will read the inspirational stories in the book, so that I can understand that many people in the world will have unhappy times, but this is only temporary. Life has five flavors, and it can not always be sweet, which will also make people feel tired.

In the book, I can learn the stories of many famous and great people, which makes me admire what they have done, and make me have unlimited reverie about them. Books let me know more knowledge, let me grow up, and let me look at everything in the world with different eyes. The existence of books has changed my temperament, making me different from those who have not read books. My favorite book is "Three Hundred Tang Poems", because that book let me know that there really existed these talented poets in the world, so that I can use my intelligence to figure out their feelings and inner feelings at this moment. I can feel sad for them, feel indignant for them. The book is my good teacher and good friend, As my teacher, it has taught me a lot of truth. As my friend, it shares my joys and sorrows with me. It never abandons me because I am in various situations. It is always my most loyal partner.

Books are my good teachers and good friends. As the saying goes, books are the ladder of human progress. I have been making progress with books as a good partner. They are the ladder of my progress. Books have taught me many things that others would not teach me. Books are selfless, silently dedicated to themselves, and books are my good teachers and good friends.

600 word composition on the topic of beneficial friends (2)

So, in this unforgettable summer vacation, I walked into Hemingway's writing with joy, and roamed the wonderful world of The Old Man and the Sea.

The Old Man and the Sea, a strong book, explained to me a truth in philosophical language that people should face failure bravely. I remember an old Cuban fisherman named Sandiago in the book. He has always lived by fishing. Every day the old man catches many fish. He felt that God was fair to him. But on one occasion, the old man worked all day without getting anything. He is not discouraged. He believes he will catch a fish. One day, two days, three days... until the eighty third day, the old man still got nothing. Strong in his heart, there is inevitably some loss, but he did not give up. Finally, on the eighty fourth day, the old man caught a big marlin and smiled happily. He felt that although he had suffered a lot in these days, the return was worth it. The stubborn old man told us with his strong attitude that people should face failure bravely.

There is a famous saying in the novel: "A person is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him as much as you can, but you will never defeat him." What a meaningful and thought-provoking sentence! Yes, people will fail in their life. At this time, difficulties will hinder our progress, and setbacks will hit our hearts. But even if the body and mind are destroyed, our spirit will not allow it to overcome. Just like Edison, an outstanding scientist, he had more than 1000 inventions in his life. He is a genius in people's eyes. But who wants to know how many distressing failure experiences are hidden behind his success? When faced with failure, he always overcame it with amazing perseverance and never feared. In Edison's body, I saw a wonderful thing, it is brave. Throughout the ages, there are countless celebrities and great people who are writing great deeds with great spirit. All these tell us that people should face failure bravely.

What is failure? I have asked myself countless times. Now I can seriously say that failure is due to carelessly falling down and getting up. What is success? My father said that success is a great cause; Mother said that success is to be a qualified and competent mother. For me, success is the courage to step out of failure again and again, and learn to "eat first, grow wisdom.".

The road of life in the future may be full of difficulties and thorns. I will not be afraid, nor will I stop. I know I have learned to be brave and strong. The Old Man and the Sea is not only a book, but also a good teacher and friend in my life.

600 word composition on the topic of beneficial friends (3)

The book, like a long haired fairy, gently took my hand, led me to walk in fairyland fairy tales, and led me to meet more good friends in this wonderful world; Books, like a small boat, carry me in the long river of history; Books are like those vivid and real movies, which let me experience the truth, goodness and beauty in life.

Books are really my best friends. They accompany me to spend a good time every day, sharing sadness and happiness with me all the time, but sometimes they teach me sternly like a teacher.

I remember that day, I looked excited, like a proud rooster, proudly walking on the way home, with the teacher's praise floating in my ears, recalling the envious eyes of my classmates, I felt that I was about to fly. What makes me so happy? Oh, it was my essay that won the prize. I thought to myself, "I am simply the 'composition queen', whose composition can be better than mine? Hum, I don't think so!" Thinking of this, I felt even more elated. When I got home, I put the certificate on the table in the living room, dropped my bag, picked up the unfinished Annie of Green Gables, and saw my homework.

As I read, I slowly immersed myself in the book. Annie was admitted to the famous local middle school, but instead of being proud of it, she worked harder. When snoring sounded in the dormitory at night, Annie was still reviewing what she had learned; When the classroom was still empty in the morning, she had already sat at her desk to preview the text. In this way, Annie got another generous scholarship through her continuous efforts.

Seeing this, my heart was tight. Compared with her, what is my achievement? "Modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind". I should learn from Annie, and work hard towards my own dreams. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but lower my head and hid my award in the bookcase and in my heart. The idea just now has been blown away by the wind like a cloud. I sat back at my desk, opened my schoolbag, took out my homework book, and wrote my homework one stroke at a time.

Book, you are not only my good friend, but also my good teacher. You are like a star. On my way of growth, you always point out the direction for me and accompany me