100 boring mood phrases
cool breeze
2023-05-23 16:12:46
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1. I'm dead. I have something to burn.

2. The boiled water is delicious!

3. One person walking, boring intersection.

4. So boring is so boring.

5. I like small fresh or heavy taste.

6. Boring life, boring love.

7. I like to play with my mobile phone when I am bored.

8. Leisure is bliss, boredom is pain.

9. The wind is blowing the broken fleeting years like flowers.

10. Don't be bored. I'm not your thing.

11. You chat with her but forget that I am boring.

12. It's boring to spend the whole day in the toilet.

13. This day goes by like a copy.

14. Also, who will be bored to talk to me?

15. It's tiring to be a man. I've been cute for more than ten years.

16. In fact, boredom is also a part of life.

17. If you are bored, we will talk together.

18. Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is married.

19. The mind is extremely empty and the spirit is very boring.

20. What defeated me was not innocence but innocence.

21. It's really boring to have no company.

22. I know everything, but I didn't say anything.

23. My brain is 100% bored.

24. It is rude to be bored and shake.

25. Keep those boring vows for yourself.

26. The world is too small to meet boring people everywhere.

27. The most favorite thing to do when bored is to be in a daze.

28. I got used to the boring time.

29. It's boring to live repeatedly every day.

30. Life is boring and needs the company of seasons.

31. I sincerely want to make money my hobby.

32. When the prosperity is exhausted and things and people are changed, we can't wait.

33. Online and invisible are just the transformation of boredom and avoidance.

34. If you are bored, you can play with your snot bubbles.

35. I really want to care about you, but you are always not sick and depressed.

36. I want to raise a turtle. I can play with it when I'm bored.

37. Boredom will take away everything, even the courage.

38. I want to surf the Internet when I am bored, but it is even more boring when I surf the Internet.

39. If I die one day, I will be bored to death.

40. Keep your boring promises for yourself.

41. Ask what is the most boring in the world, that is, the most boring at the moment!

42. I don't know what I am doing or what I want to do.

43. I used to go to QQ when I was bored, but now I am bored when I go to QQ.

44. None: no chatting: boring chatting: no one's chatting.

45. There are no surprises and accidents every day like copying.

46. Love is just a boring pastime to pass the time.

47. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boredom.

48. Go online, go shopping, go shopping, watch TV, go online.

49. Busy can temporarily occupy the boring territory and drive away boredom.

50. I am constantly repeating my boring life every day.

51. Try not to make any noise, and try not to stay alive if you can die.

52. I sneezed six times in a row. I knew I had a cold.

53. It hurts to face the computer all the time. I'm used to it.

54. Don't think you have taken a leaf. You are a leaf man.

55. Mathematics is very simple, but the remaining 90 points are very difficult.

56. Boring people do boring things and say boring things to boring people.

57. Boring people invent boring games to kill this boredom.

58. Those who cannot lose weight will always be in turmoil, and those who cannot eat fat will have no fear.

59. Dear, after you leave, what should I do to kill the boring time?

60. Boring people are supposed to do boring things, which is why they deserve to be bored.

61. Is love a spiritual opium or a boring pastime at the end of the century.

62. Now it's boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring.

63. When I see you online, I don't know what identity to use to greet you.

64. I have to pretend that others are pretending to be serious.

65. Don't challenge my driving skills with your life, you can't afford to hurt!

66. Are you bored? If you are bored, just fart and play by yourself!

67. You have a man to marry, but you can't find a man to marry.

68. Russia cannot create wealth, but it is very possible to create firewood.

69. The value of memory is to satisfy your emptiness when you are bored.

70. If only we could come later in the morning and start earlier in the evening.

71. When a person is bored for the sake of boredom, he will definitely be bored.

72. I hope you will not be a stingy person, because the door will break.

73. Boring friends, boring me, boring days, boring life.

74. Why do people want to throw up when they see me? Is it because I am so handsome.

75. Today is really boring. I don't want to say more, just say four sentences. I'm done.

76. Why don't you find a quiet place to count your brain cells?

77. The monotonous days, boring life, boring QQ, numb me.

78. Boredom is a kind of laziness, or rather a poison of mental laxity.

79. I felt secretly happy in my school uniform. I always felt that I was wearing a couple's clothes with my secret lover.

80. If one day I go down before you, rest assured, I will come up to find you.

81. Every day without you, life is not full, just bored.

82. Who said that life is boring? We are all living. Is it boring every day.

83. The more you talk about your boredom, the more boring you become. Sometimes you don't want to live when you talk about it.

84. This July's "summer" is boring. Is it lonely and infatuated because I miss you

85. If one day I become a lecher, please don't forget that I was once innocent.

86. Happiness is that when you are bored to a certain level, someone will accompany you with a giggle.

87. How boring it is for me to play mobile phone MLGD with the TV on and the computer on.

88. The loneliness of the street sweeper is not the loneliness of cleaning the street, nor the so-called boredom.

89. It is only now discovered that boredom is not doing nothing, but not knowing what you are doing.

90. This July's "summer" is really boring. Is it because I miss you that I am lonely and infatuated.

91. They say that falling in love at the age of 16 or 17 means two boring people doing boring things.

92. Young people don't work hard, but they shoulder cement when they grow up. It's terrible to be uneducated. Emotion hurts my heart.

93. The boring life is boring. I only hope that one's life can be free and easy.

94. Boredom is a normal phenomenon in life, which is beyond reproach. Don't make a fuss about it.

95. The tired dark circles around the eyes seem to be making public for a period of silence and our years.

96. When the wind rises and clouds fall, you can lower your eyebrows without being lonely even without the guidance of light.

97. Boredom invades the human body, as if the tide is rolling, and human reason suddenly becomes powerless.

98. When you are bored, your hand will unconsciously turn on your phone, turn over a few pages and turn off the screen.

99. If two people are bored together, it is not boring

100. "How can you go shopping alone?" "I'm afraid I'll scare you when I go shopping half alone"