Happiness and Worry (18 practical articles)
Rebellious middle-aged man
2023-12-25 09:06:58
Junior 1

Happiness and worry (1)

Today, the weather is gloomy. I dragged my heavy footsteps home, feeling as gloomy as the weather.

Oh, I went to the composition class this morning. In order to go to class, I was called up early in the morning. I resented my mother for not letting people sleep well on Saturday. When I came to school, my resentment was still spreading. I was not in the mood to watch the courseware carefully prepared by the teacher. All the wonderful stories went in one ear and out the other, and I didn't remember them in my head at all, because what I stored in my head now was all worry.

In fact, all my careful thinking about my mother is in the eye. In the evening, she came into my room and said that she would tell me a secret. I also lost no time to say, "Mom, before you tell me a secret, I have something to tell you. I don't want to go to composition class anymore, and I will sleep late at the weekend, I found various novels in it. My mother told me that it was written by her when she was a child. I look through them one by one, and each one is very interesting. It turns out that words have such magic power! After reading it, my mother asked me if I still wanted to go to composition class. I nodded, determined to learn real skills, so as to record the beautiful years I had had.

So Saturday after Saturday, I also had a "storybook" of my own. I looked at it over and over again, and couldn't help laughing. It can be said that writing a composition has become a great pleasure for me.

It turns out that worry and happiness are just between thoughts. As long as we face them positively, we will gain happiness in many times.

Happiness and Worry (2)

Happiness is an endless stream, spreading far away. Happiness is a beam of warm sunshine. It expels troubles and brings happiness to people.

On that day, I was practicing riding a bike in the courtyard of my home. I found that I struggled to climb up the bike, but the good times were not long. I saw that my right foot had just stepped on the pedal, the bike immediately opened the rocking mode, and I was thrown off the bike. I fell on my feet, and a dog chewed the mud.

I wanted to stand up, but a great pain passed through my nerves to my brain. I tried hard to find the source of the pain, and finally I found the source of the pain. It turned out that there was a wound on my knee that could be comparable to the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. Just after the words were spoken, my blood erupted like a mountain of fire, Then came a rush of footsteps.

At this time, I thought: It's too difficult to learn to ride a bike. I'd better give up! That's when learning to ride a bike became my trouble. Suddenly, I felt a strong force supporting me to stand up. I looked back and saw that it was my mother. She smiled and said to me, "Nothing is difficult in the world if someone has a heart.". come on. As soon as the words were over, my eyebrows and eyes opened, and happiness turned into an angel and came to me quietly. I was immediately full of strength.

I climbed onto the bike with a smile and pain. Finally, I did my best. I stepped on a straight line. At this time, happiness turned into a band aid, blocking the leaking troubles in my heart, and turned into a pocket to take away the leaking troubles.

Happiness not only takes away my troubles, but also leaves me precious wealth.

Happiness and Worry (3)

There are many happiness and troubles in my life: if happiness is a lamp, then troubles are the oil of the lamp; If happiness is a tree, then worry is the leaves and branches of the tree; If happiness is a sky, then worry is the only cloud in the sky.

Although my outlook on life is not so elegant or fashionable, let alone great, I just hope that I can live a full and happy life every day. Maybe this is the hope of many people, but who really lives like this?

In my childhood, I had happiness, full of happiness; I have troubles, annoying troubles. Happiness is the embodiment of wisdom. Because you have wisdom, you will be happy if you overcome all kinds of difficulties that you can hardly overcome. Worry is the embodiment of stupidity, because if you don't finish or do a good job in a day, you will be worried about it. If you can't sleep well at night and learn well, then worry will entangle you and disturb you.

I hope I can be happy every day.

In order to realize my ideal, I swear here again:

Try to listen to the teacher in class, and never forget learning as a meal in life. Finish your homework in time, and do more sports after completion to make your life full and happy. In addition to these two points, of course, there are more self requirements. However, if you can't do it yourself, it may seem like you are trying to learn from others. Therefore, I should be more careful and serious, and no longer let troubles accompany me.

Happiness is my good friend. I want to say to you: I love you! Worry is my enemy, I will say to you: Bye bye!

I want to make happiness and annoyance change from twin brothers and sisters holding hands to two unrelated families. Although it seems that I am cruel to do so, I hope that when I am happy, I will not be disturbed by annoyance! isn't it?

Happiness and Worry (4)

The heart is like a container.

Worry is like water in a container.

Happiness is like oil in a container.


Oil should float on water.

Happiness should float on troubles.

Just like us.

Always put troubles in the bottom of my heart.

Always show happiness.


If troubles are full.

There is no room for happiness.

If happiness is full.

Then there is no room for worry.


You can choose.

Fill your heart with troubles.


You will be very upset every day.

You can also choose.

Fill your heart with happiness.


You will be happy every day.

Worries cannot be seen or caught.

There's always a way to dump it!

Happiness can't be seen or grasped.

There's always a way to get it!


How can there be no trouble?



There will always be happiness


I hope you.

Happy every day!

Happiness and Worry (5)

One step, two steps, three steps...... Fall down, cry, get up and walk again, fall down again, cry loudly, get up and start again

This is how we grow up. We fail again and again, and we worry about failure. But only if we fail can we experience the joy of success. We have gone from dumb to learn language, stumbling to learning to write one stroke at a time. We don't know how many troubles and setbacks we have experienced, nor how many joys of success we have experienced. As a result, we learned that when we grow up, there will be happiness and trouble.

Every time we grow up, we walk like classmates, step by step, and fall down again and again. If we fall down and never get up, then we will never succeed at that moment. So "get up where you fall". Only when you get up can you have a bright future. We should not be afraid of worry. Worry is the beacon of happiness, and only by worrying can we realize real happiness.

A person has to play many roles in his life. Children, teenagers, young people, old people... They are all steps of life.

Happiness is the mood everyone longs for. A life without happiness is not a real life. If a person has no worries but only happiness, I can say that it is not true happiness. Just as there is no white without black, there is no day without night. Happiness and worry are two souls. Only when one soul lights up another soul can we truly become a perfect life.

In the process of growing up, we learned a lot of knowledge. There is no end to learning. There is too much knowledge for us to learn. So we have the following. We want to know more and learn more. That is happiness. Knowledge always enriches our life, and only it can bring us satisfaction that we never had before, like the children who get candy. We have our ideals and bright years worth grasping. We will not be alone.

There will be many shortcomings in our growth. Because of these shortcomings, we will have many troubles in our growth. In the process of growing up, we have been hurt a lot, but remember one word, thank the people who hurt themselves, because they taught us something and learned some truth, and these can only grow through their own experience.

The happiness of growth lies in fantasy, the happiness of growth lies in adventure, and the happiness of growth lies in emotion; The trouble of growth lies in fantasy, the trouble of growth lies in adventure, and the trouble of growth lies in emotion.

Another busy year has passed, and another year of growth has passed. On the journey of life, there are all kinds of tastes. My happiness and troubles accompany me step by step.

Happiness and Worry (6)

I am a happy and troubled little bit - Xiaoyu, I am indispensable in nature, but some children do not like me, while some children especially like me. Although I am small, my role is great.

Whoa, whoa, I'm coming down. I quench the earth's thirst, moisturize flowers and plants, bathe trees, and dance on those beautiful flower umbrellas. Among many children who like me, I am very happy. Sometimes I fall on the leaves. After the rain, the children will hold hands and happily go to the leaves to collect me and find me, just like playing hide and seek. How naughty and happy I was then! Look! Another child came. The small branches shook and clattered. I rolled and jumped down... He raised his face and opened his arms to welcome me happily. I gently brushed his face. How happy I am now!

Among many children who don't like me, I am not happy because some children love sports, like playing football, running, etc., because I fall down and wet the earth. As soon as they step on me, the water jumps onto their pants and clothes, so they often say bad things about me. I am very upset and sad. I really don't know whether I should come down or not. Sometimes the ground is uneven, and I accidentally fall into smelly puddles. They are dirty and smelly, which makes it hard for me to breathe and make myself dirty. How painful I was then! I still remember a few years ago, when people did not pay attention to environmental protection, cutting down trees, and green plants were ruthlessly destroyed, when my brothers and sisters and I fell from the sky, getting together more and more, getting together more and more, I would become a terrible flood out of control, flooding the land and farmland, and bringing tremendous harm and loss to people. At that time, I was worried and ashamed.

I want to tell the children who like and don't like me: I am Xiaoyu, I like the earth, like children, and close to human beings. Let's become friends and love each other. I want to be your happy little rain.

Happiness and Worry (7)

In our life, there are many troubles. For example, being criticized by teachers or parents is a kind of trouble. For example, not doing well in exams is also a kind of trouble In short, there are countless troubles, but how to solve them is the key to the problem.

I believe that many students have their own personal experience. Let me give an example of myself: when I was in the fourth grade, I was especially afraid of doing homework. However, there are four or five homework books bought at home. Whenever my mother urges me to do it, I will postpone it until tomorrow. In this way, when the midterm exam was coming, none of the homework was moved. When my mother came to check, she found that I didn't write, so she became furious and criticized me constantly. At that time, my tears were almost coming out of my eyes. I was very aggrieved and upset, but I bowed my head and listened to her criticism silently. Although I promised my mother that I would write, my heart was not trying to write, but scolding my mother. We have seen many such cases, so I will talk about how I make myself.

First of all, I write a diary. When I write, I always regard the diary as my bosom friend. I write all my recent troubles on it, as if talking to a person. After writing, I feel no longer uncomfortable. The second is to watch some jokes and watch more to relax. There is no pressure in my heart, and sometimes I even want to do my homework. The third is to stand on the roof of the building and shout to the sky, "I can do it, I'm great!" In this way, you can not only make yourself happy, but also enhance your self-confidence. The fourth point is to think from another angle: Mom and Dad criticize us for our good, which is also a special love. Whenever I think of these, I will take the initiative to apologize to my parents.

The above is how to make some good methods. You can have a try. Happiness is necessary in the growth project of primary school students, and happy growth is more important. I summarized the following points to make myself happy.

1. Relax yourself: find a time to be alone, watch TV, read books, so you will have no time to worry about, make yourself happy.

2. Self talk and self laugh: when you feel upset, think about whether there is something funny, and then tell yourself, your mood will naturally improve.

3. On the bright side: the first thing after getting up every morning is to look in the mirror and say five times: "I will live better every day". In this way, you can greatly increase your self-confidence and feel that every day is beautiful.

4. Cultivate a sense of achievement: find something you fear, find a way to overcome it, and then have the courage to meet other new challenges.

5. On the night when you think you are particularly happy, thank God for his grace, and look forward to a happier week in the future.

6. Look around for a week: Summarize the things you did poorly in the week, and find some appropriate solutions to make yourself more cheerful.

7. Give vent to yourself: find a place to be alone, and try to give vent to it: scream, shout, stomp, stomp... Giving vent will make the pain in your heart disappear.

8. Talking with friends: make yourself happy. Talking with friends is also a better solution. Let friends help you solve your troubles and problems.

9. Selected subjects: Choose a subject that appeals to you. It can be the course you learned in school. Study carefully. You will be happy after you have new discoveries.

10. Fitness and mental health: exercise can make the body and mind relax and make people feel happy.

I believe that the students who have seen the American film "Peter Pan" understand that the theme of the film is happiness. Students, happiness is the source of our life. Only happiness can make our bodies healthier, can we do everything happily, and let the whole world be full of happiness.

Happiness and Worry (8)

The taste of green tea is unique. The first sip of green tea is extremely bitter, but if you taste it carefully, you can feel its fragrance. Life is like a cup of green tea, which is mixed with a trace of bitterness in happiness and a trace of sweetness in bitterness.

Next, let's talk about the troubles in my life.

When I was young, I was regarded as the apple of my parents' eyes. "I'm afraid of falling when I hold it in my hand, but I'm afraid of melting when I hold it in my mouth" is very protective. Every morning, my mother would yell at home: "Wu Hao! Get up quickly!" I was awakened by my mother's lion roar skill while dreaming. After waking me up, my mother helped me prepare clothes, clothes, toiletries and breakfast for me to eat. My mother comes to pick me up every day, but I don't like this kind of life. I am like a canary in a cage, so eager for freedom.

Of course, in my childhood life, there were not only bitter and astringent troubles, but also sweet and sweet happiness.

Every Saturday afternoon is my happiest time, because my sister and I will go to Baoshi Park to play. We will take a hundred yuan with us. When we arrive at Baoshi Park, we will first go to the amusement park of Baoshi Park and be the first to play pirate ship. After going to the pirate ship for a while, my navel will be a little itchy and a little afraid of heights. Here's a way to prevent fear of heights: put your head up. My sister and I have fun every time. But every time I get off the pirate ship, I feel a little dizzy. After playing this, we will also play on the trampoline when we were children. Once it was very funny. Do you know what it was? That was the time when I turned up and found my crotch was open, and my sister was laughing her head off. After playing trampoline, we bought some food and went home.

In life, you will have two different kinds of troubles, one is the solved troubles, the other is the unresolved troubles. In life, there are not only troubles but also happiness. Worries are extremely bitter, and happiness is extremely sweet.

Happiness and Worry (9)

In one's life, knowledge is accumulated slowly, and people grow up slowly. Although life is like a ship sailing in the sea, it is inevitable to encounter wind and waves, but there are also calm times. I think that everyone will have happiness and trouble in the process of growing up, and that each thing will always stay in our growing years and be recorded in everyone's mind.

I also had happiness and trouble when I was growing up. Let's talk about happy things. It's really hard to say, because there are too many of them, such as catching fish, watching the sunrise, being a student of "three good" and so on. Of course, there are a lot of things to worry about, such as not doing well in exams and not going to college when I grow up.

Among so many happy things, what impressed me most was being a "three good" student. I clearly remember that it was the fourth grade and the first time I was rated as a "three good" student. In the first two weeks of the holiday, the teacher selected three good students in the class. I was worried that I didn't have such qualifications. When the results of the selection came out, I felt as sweet as honey; Like the bird singing in the branches, my heart is very happy. On the day when the final exam ended, everyone gathered on the playground, and I received the certificate in front of all my classmates. At that time, I thought that all these were the results of continuous efforts in the process of growth. I am particularly impressed by this event. Of course, this is not the only one. In the second half of last year, I was most impressed by my troubles. Once, because I was careless, I only got over 80 points. I always remind myself of this exam as a profound lesson, and it has impressed me the most. That time, after the exam, I was confident that I would get a high score, but the result was just the opposite. I am very worried about this! Usually I am a student with excellent character and learning. How can I tell my parents today? When I came home worried, my mother asked me what was wrong, and I said, "I didn't do well in the exam and only got over eighty points." My mother was surprised and angry, and said, "How could this happen?" I said, "Mom, I didn't mean to do this, but I was too careless..." My mother said, "How can you be so careless? I hope to hear your good news next time. But you frankly told me the score, which you did very well. " "Oh," I nodded, proud of my parents. So, sometimes if you just face it honestly, some troubles will be solved naturally.

There are many happy and troublesome things in growing up, and every past event will linger in the mind. Even if it is a little small event, let's keep these past events in the mind and recall them slowly!

Happiness and Worry (10)

It is already the first day of junior high school. As long as you hear the word "first day of junior high school", the first thing that comes to mind is learning - achievement - ranking. This is the way of learning. One link after another. If the first link fails, the next will not succeed. There are many famous successful people who have experienced a tragic fate, but they never sigh. Maybe the students of my time will experience these. Every minute is the lifeblood of students. When I was a junior, I was working hard, and my parents were working even harder. Just one point is short of a person in the playground. Maybe it's just one point that decides success or failure. Failure brings not trouble, but collapse! After a mistake, we have to take remedial lessons in the winter vacation, and learn new concepts and remedial lessons at home to recover that mistake.

When the error is remedied, it will still leave "a scar". At the beginning of promotion, because learning is a chain link, the primary school teachers will also look closely at the results, and then parents will come to look for your back account. Is this what junior high school students must get or deserve? In my opinion, learning is a life that can't be wrong. If everything goes well and the exam is ideal, parents will encourage them. But behind this encouragement, there is more terrible pressure. Now I pay far more than I pay back, which is unfair! Childhood, has been swallowed up by learning, childhood, has been deprived by adults! Shouldn't we have our own childhood? Although my childhood has gone quietly, I still want to say. When we step on Nike, wear Adidas, always put earphones in our ears, listen to Jay Chou's chanting like scriptures, shake our heads and ride on Giant, the model of the post-90s generation, always in the same dress, wear tight jeans in summer, sweat all over our heads and say it's not hot, wear a thin shirt in winter, always talk about personal image problems, strange behavior, people can't understand, make public, I hope to change the world. I think about it every day. I always say something new and new. We have nothing to communicate except QQ, because it is the only thing we feel happy about. Because they don't understand us, these seem to be masks that disguise us. Slowly become the post-90s generation that others do not understand.

If you really want to say the pain and happiness in your heart at one time, it is impossible. Think about it, there are still many things I haven't mentioned. Some people like to joke about their classmates' shortcomings. If I get angry, I will go home to vent. At home, I am a "little master" who has been protected by others. Now I grow up and have my own ideas and freedom, but this does not mean that I can do what I want. But in junior high school life, when encountering troubles and sorrows, I always shed tears on the side. I always smile and act strong in front of my classmates. In fact, laughter is just to cover up the sad side of myself. Now I understand the meaning of "there are tears in laughter". Because there is no former parents' spacious shoulder. When suffering, that shoulder is like a warm stove, just like a wandering child who has found a home. But now, I have no home, and when I hurt my heart, only I can cry, There is no shoulder to rely on, because the person on the shoulder is the former me.

I want to go back to the past. We are not good at nothing. Although we have some inferiority and arrogance, we always have a bright future in our hearts. What we lack is no longer material, but spiritual. I know that knowledge is the door to victory. No pain, no sweet. Now it seems that these setbacks are nothing. Therefore, junior high school is just a mysterious veil. I always want to lift its real face and see the surprise inside. Although there is pain, it is bright for the future.

Happiness and Worry (11)

In our childhood, there were many troubles, such as parents' nagging, lots of homework, and deskmates' copying test papers. This composition class played an interesting game.

The name of this game is very interesting. I thought: "How can I choose such a funny name? Some of the names are called" Get rid of troubles ". I have never heard such a famous name. The rule of the game of "getting rid of troubles" is: first write "troubles" on a note, and then paste them on all parts of the body. When the music sounds, let "troubles" fall off, without using any tools. When the students heard that they wanted to play games, the classroom, which had been silent, suddenly became as lively as the vegetable market.

A strange game, strange, interesting things will certainly happen. At the beginning of the game, the students looked various, some jumping around like zombies, some shaking up and down like an electric shock, and some faces bulging up like balloons. At this time, I am getting rid of the hateful "trouble". One of my "troubles" is on my arm and the other two are on my palm. As soon as the music starts, I shake my hands vigorously. Slowly, "worry" could not catch it, just like the autumn leaves, slowly falling down and floating to the ground. I laughed and thought, "Ha! I am so powerful. I have so much strength that my troubles can't stand the test of my muscular man.".

I returned to my seat and looked at the other students. Liu Jingtong's face bulged like a fully inflated balloon, and he tried to blow up, but "worry" was still motionless. Her face turned red, which made me laugh.

The game will make us decompress, and the name of the game makes me laugh, the appearance of the students makes me laugh, and my own appearance makes me want to laugh, which completely lets me release the pressure accumulated in my heart.

Happiness and Worry (12)

Time goes by.

Like a meteor in the night sky.

Can't catch, can't keep.

Childhood sorrow, childhood joy.

But it is deeply branded in my heart.

As a happy memory.

Permanently stored.

Recall the trouble and happiness of growing up.

What kind of emotion is it?

Unable to express.

My heart is like ripples in the lake.

only a short while ago.

I am young and ignorant.

Because she was beaten by her mother.

Worried, worried for a long time.

Even doubted my mother's love for me.

So he questioned his mother.

"Mom, do you still love me? Why do you hurt me?"

What responded to me was my mother's tears that fell on my hand.

"Child, when you grow up, you will understand that it is not hurt, it is love."

I nodded vaguely.

I look forward to growing up quickly.

I was a child.

It's also happy.

There have been many funny jokes.

Recall the fun of childhood.

simmer with laughter.

A feeling called "happiness" by the world.

Quietly spread in my heart.

It's so sweet.

Occasionally a hot tear slipped across my face.

It's sweet.

I don't want to use too flashy words to describe the growing pains and happiness.

I just want to use my true language.

To describe my feelings, strong feelings.

Happiness and Worry (13)

Life is like a journey. I may encounter some setbacks during the journey. So is my growth. Growth has brought me many, endless happiness, but also brought me some pain, which I will never forget! If someone asked me, "What is the happiness of your growth?" I would not hesitate to answer, "Good exam results." Because I think I am no longer a crazy girl. I grew up, and I am a sixth grade pupil. My answer is no longer that simple. "Play, eat, sleep..." My thinking has also developed. Because I have a lot of ideals in my mind, and I also believe that dreams will come true!

I remember that once, I did very well in the exam. I was so happy that I jumped up. So I called my grandparents to tell them the good news. I felt that the happiness at that time could not be expressed in my words. Yes, it is the happiness of my growth.

I have a lot of troubles, and what bothers me most is my carelessness. Every time I encounter some trouble, I always make something happen. In several important examinations, I always have to play my "specialty". The wrong questions are the ones that should not be wrong or the simplest ones. One midterm exam, I looked at the exam paper, and three words flashed in my mind - so simple. So I despised the exam very much. When the teacher reported the score, I was even more confident. Everything was unpredictable. I actually got 89 points. It was really unexpected that such a simple examination paper, I should, alas! At the first glance of the examination paper, I knew that it was careless, and the wrong questions were all calculation questions. I always want to get rid of this trouble, but it always comes up, which is really bad. This is my growing trouble. It is also one of my most angry shortcomings, and I will try to change it.

Although the happiness in growing up makes me happy all the time and worries make me headache, in this process, I grow up, I grow up. It gave me a chance to write about practice and let me understand a lot of reasons. Let me continue to grow up in happiness and trouble!

Happiness and Worry (14)

My happiness is too much to say; I'm worried. Let me ponder. I can't think of it. Because I am a happy girl!

Happiness is that when I travel in the sea of books, I see "knowledge elves" holding magic wands and taking me into the kingdom of knowledge;

Happiness is that when the teacher praises me for doing well, the students make a "wow wow" sound;

Happiness is when I see my hard working mother cooking delicious food, and I quietly put the good food into my mother's bowl, I see the joy and joy in her eyes;

Happiness is "thank you" when helping students solve problems;

Happiness is that when I have a few tricky problems, my father can't answer them and sends out an awkward "hey hey" laugh;

Happiness is that I said to my father, "Dad, you are my idol". When my father was so happy, I added "the object of vomiting", and he pretended to faint;

Happiness is that there is no "alarm clock" for my mother on Saturday morning, so I can sleep in and have some dreams;

Happiness is to see our performances on TV to bring laughter to everyone;

Happiness is that when I go to visit the kindergarten teacher, the teacher gives me a strong hug;

Happiness is to get my mother's permission before going to bed and read a few stories;

Happiness is to set off fireworks in the New Year and see the colorful "flowers" in the air;

Happiness is to enjoy the beautiful scenery and eat all kinds of delicious food when traveling on holiday;

Happiness is to make a fat snowman with red hands;

Happiness is lying in my mother's arms and playing coquetry

My troubles are very few. It's too hard for me to tell them. If you want to say something, you can only say that:

When collecting the exercise books, some students had not finished yet, waiting anxiously on the side, I was really a bit worried; But when I helped him finish his homework, I became happy again.

When the exam is not all right, my mind is up and down, it really bothers me; But when my mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, as long as you work hard!", I became happy again.

When my three-year-old cousin came to my house during the Spring Festival, she kept playing the same cartoon again and again. How reasonable she was, she refused to change it, which really bothered me; But when I heard her laughing happily, I became happy.

If you have a lot of troubles, just listen to what I tell you, and you will find that happiness is so simple! Happiness will conquer troubles forever!

Happiness and Worry (15)

My Happiness and Troubles (I)

My happiness and troubles

Class 4, Class 4, Wang Binhao

My happiness and troubles are like a pair of good friends, accompanying me and my shadow every day. My happiness comes from reading, and my trouble also comes from reading.

Books are like magnets to me with endless attraction. Once I picked up the book, I was reluctant to put it down for fear that it would fly away once I let it go. Because reading books has greatly increased my knowledge: from astronomy to geography, from history to news and current events; Because reading books also makes my reading ability and speed improve rapidly: I "chew" a book with more than 600 pages in one day. In the sea of books, I absorbed endless knowledge and nutrition, and gained unparalleled happiness and satisfaction.

Unfortunately, my love of reading has also brought me a lot of trouble. Because I am always fascinated by reading, I cannot hear others call me; Sometimes I forget what others told me. I remember one time when I was sitting at my desk after dinner and preparing to do my homework, I suddenly saw a copy of "Chinese Historical Stories" on the desk, and I couldn't help reaching over. I thought to myself: I will only take a look at it without delaying my homework, right? So I turned it over. Who knows, I was deeply attracted by the twists and turns of the historical story. Suddenly, my book was robbed with a sound of "Pa!" My mother stood behind me and stared at me angrily. I was shocked. Looking at the alarm clock, the hour hand had already pointed to nine o'clock

Later, I thought for a long time. I think: reading is important, but it is not enough to just read in life. In the future, I will restrain myself and read only at the appropriate time and occasions, so as to transform the troubles caused by inappropriate reading into the greatest happiness!

My Happiness and Troubles (II)

My happiness and troubles

I have both happiness and worry.

Both happiness and worry are inseparable from my dear and respectable mother.

I have both happiness and worry.

Both happiness and worry are inseparable from my dear and respectable mother.

When I was in the first grade of primary school, I fell in love with calligraphy and took part in calligraphy for a month, making great progress. For this reason, my mother was very happy, and I felt very happy, so I started my "cultural journey" from then on. At the beginning, I was enthusiastic, but after a few days, I backed out, because it was painful for me to sit in silence for an hour. Since then, I have had trouble. But it also turned into happiness.

Time flies. When I was in the sixth grade of primary school, I thought my mother would be relieved, but on the contrary, she was more strict. At this time, I no longer had my own ideas like a three-year-old child, and even began to rebel against my mother's practices. I remember once reading an article in a newspaper that said that parents should not be too strict with their children, but let their personality develop freely. I was very happy and took it to my mother. But her reason was more sufficient: "What do you know? I just hope you have a skill that can surpass others! So be demanding." It is to realize my wish! Become a calligrapher!

In this way, my study life in primary school ended. My troubles have always been with me, that is, how to find a good medicine to relax my mother, but when I entered junior high school, my mother was more strict, so I don't know how to find happiness from my troubles

When I held the calligraphy certificates, I was very happy. Now, practicing calligraphy has become a great pleasure for me. Happiness and annoyance weave a beautiful picture in my life.

I love it, I thrive in happiness and trouble.

My Happiness and Troubles (3)

My happiness and troubles

Wang Menghua, Class 10, Grade 9

There is no lack of joy in life when it is difficult, and no matter how smooth it is, there is no lack of trouble. Of course, my life is full of ups and downs.

As a left behind middle school student, I will certainly spend more time at school than at home. In school, I can study with my classmates, talk with my friends, explore with my teachers, and work with my head teacher to make the class lively and energetic. These make me busy, happy and happy.

In school, I am a caring person. That time, I had a fever and fell asleep. The bell for class became the music of my dream. After the teacher came in, the group leader tried to push me up, but I didn't get up. The teacher came to me and called me up. I slowly raised my head and looked at the teacher in doubt. The team leader saw my discomfort and hurriedly told the teacher that I might have a fever. Later, the team leader accompanied me to the downstairs medical room. The doctor said that I had a serious fever and needed to hang up the needle, but I didn't bring my medical card. I cried because I felt sad and helpless. The group leader dried my tears and ran back to the fourth floor to get her own medical card for me. The group leader didn't accompany me because of class. But after each class, she would come to the medical room to see me, and then asked me if I was cold and thirsty. She hurried back to the classroom before class. After I got well, my teachers and classmates asked me if I was well, if I had hot water to take medicine, and I was really happy when I looked at my classmates and cordial teachers.

In school, I never feel lonely. In class, I learned knowledge with my classmates and played with them after class... This is my joy that anyone can feel in life.

But after leaving school and returning home, my troubles appeared one by one. I am a left behind child. My parents work outside. I will not come back until the New Year or the busy farming season. My brother is in high school. He goes home once a month, and we have no chance to meet. So I am the only one left at home.

I cook my own food, wash my own clothes and arrange my own life. Sometimes I feel bored when I look at my favorite books. I want to cry when I listen to sad songs. This is my life at home.

What I remember most is that there was a power failure at home. When I dozed off, there was no power. Watching the dark night, some horror movies appeared in my mind, so I quickly turned on the flashlight to sleep. I covered my face with the quilt and slept in fear. After a long sleep, a white light flashed by. I quickly opened my eyes. The vast expanse of whiteness scared me to scream. Later, I was so surprised that I found it was a call. This night, I was destined not to sleep. I was wondering whether I would sleep well if my mother was at home, and whether I would still be so afraid if my brother was at home. I could not help crying when thinking about it. This was my trouble.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and my mood was particularly good. This is the joy and trouble in my life, which are staged regularly.

Tutor: Wang Ideal

My Happiness and Troubles (4)

My happiness and troubles

In summer, there is always a group of "troubles" living in the house. They have thin bodies, a pair of wings and a sharp mouth, making a buzzing sound. What is this "trouble"? Guess, oh, it's a group of small mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes become my biggest worry in summer. They kept flying back and forth, making a noise that almost made me dizzy. No matter what method Grandma uses to kill mosquitoes, there are still so many mosquitoes. And the more noisy, the more bitter, the more stinging. However, we also have a way to go out for a walk. We can't afford to be provoked. But I couldn't go out for a walk every day all summer. Grandma used mosquito repellent incense at the door, lit electric mosquito liquid in the house, and coated me with mosquito protection. Even so, sometimes I can't sleep at night because I have to shoot mosquitoes. This is my trouble in summer.

When I am free, something will become my "happiness". Its yellow body, a pair of round, rolling feet. You have to ask what this "happiness" is. Guess. Ha, I can't guess. It's my folding bike. Every weekend, I would ride it whenever I was free to enjoy the cool wind outdoors.

Another of my "happiness" is reading. Whenever I am immersed in the sea of books, I always read with relish, leaving all my troubles behind. I have to read every day. Without books, I would be bored and hard to endure. Books have taught me a lot of knowledge, broadened my horizon and cultivated my sentiment.

Ha ha, these are my "happiness and worry".

My Happiness and Troubles (5)

My Happiness and Troubles When I was young, my favorite song was Little Teenager. The song sang well: Little Teenager, no worries. Yes, who doesn't want to live a happy and carefree life? But who has a smooth life? Because of this, I think people's life is like a cup of coffee. There is sweetness in bitterness and bitterness in sweetness. It is the combination of troubles and happiness that makes up a colorful life... Falls in play are happy, and endless homework is annoying; The festive bustle is happy, and the pain of illness is vexed; The rest between classes is a sea of happiness, and the homework after class is a paradise of worry; The way out of school is the direction of happiness, and parents in the evening are the force of worry... I am a very fat girl, so my classmates have given me many nicknames, which makes me depressed and very upset. Until one day, I saw a story: Shifu asked his disciple to go to the market to buy something, but his disciple was unhappy when he came back. Shifu asked him why, and the disciple said that people in the market laughed at his short stature, but he didn't know that he was broad-minded! After listening, without saying a word, Master picked up a washbasin and went to the seaside to fill it with water. He picked up a small stone and threw it into the basin. The water in the basin splashed. Master picked up a big stone and threw it into the sea in front of him, but the sea did not reflect anything. The disciple suddenly realized that his mind was just a small "washbasin" compared with the broad "sea"! Therefore, in the face of casual ridicule, we should learn to be magnanimous, and in the face of ridicule against self-confidence, we should learn to play dumb and ignore it. The mouth is someone else's, but the road under your feet is your own. If you really understand, you will become happy. When I was in the fourth grade, I really realized that I was a big child. When I saw other children fall, I would help them up. When someone asks for the way, I will tell them that if time permits, I will take them to... I do this not for other reasons, but because "help others and be happy with myself." "Are you happy? I am happy." The lyrics often ring in my ears. In fact, whenever and wherever we have a good attitude, we can turn our troubles into happiness. It is happiness that sets up the flagpole on the other side of victory, and it is worry that sets up the fog in front of struggle. Let's break through the tight encirclement and sail to the other side of success together with the boat carrying happiness and trouble!  

My Happiness and Troubles (6)

My Happiness and Worry I have both happiness and worry. Both happiness and worry are inseparable from my dear and respectable mother. I have both happiness and worry. Both happiness and worry are inseparable from my dear and respectable mother. When I was in the first grade of primary school, I fell in love with calligraphy and took part in calligraphy for a month, making great progress. For this reason, my mother was very happy, and I felt very happy, so I started my "cultural journey" from then on. At the beginning, I was enthusiastic, but after a few days, I backed out, because it was painful for me to sit in silence for an hour. Since then, I have had trouble. But it also turned into happiness. Time flies. When I was in the sixth grade of primary school, I thought my mother would be relieved, but on the contrary, she was more strict. At this time, I no longer had my own ideas like a three-year-old child, and even began to rebel against my mother's practices. I remember once reading an article in a newspaper that said that parents should not be too strict with their children, but let their personality develop freely. I was very happy and took it to my mother. But her reason was more sufficient: "What do you know? I just hope you have a skill that can surpass others! So be demanding." It is to realize my wish! Become a calligrapher! In this way, my study life in primary school ended. My troubles have been with me all the time. That is how to find a good medicine to relax my mother. But when I entered junior high school, my mother was more strict, so I didn't know how to find happiness from my troubles... When I held the calligraphy certificates, I was very happy. Now, practicing calligraphy has become a great pleasure for me. Happiness and annoyance weave a beautiful picture in my life. I love it, I thrive in happiness and trouble.

My Happiness and Troubles (7)

My Happiness and Worry Composition

My happiness

Happiness and Worry (16)

Composition is like a vast ocean, and I am just a boat, roaming on the "sea of composition", slowly approaching the other shore of success. Traveling on your sea is a pleasure, but also accompanied by a worry. Through practice, I have a deep feeling about it.

Whenever I want to write a good composition, I have to think hard. The more worried I am, the more restless I am. My mind is still blank. It is not easy to write a wonderful composition, but I often have trouble with this situation. If I was asked to write a successful composition, I would certainly spend a lot of time and energy, and also need to revise it carefully. Whenever I ask others how to draw up a topic, I can't help looking ashamed, and then I feel more upset

Although the composition has brought me trouble, it has left me more happiness!

I like composition because it can improve my analytical and understanding ability; Enrich my vocabulary and language skills. It can record the deeds of heroes, describe the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland, and describe moving things

When I finish writing a successful composition, I will read it several times with relish. Every time I read it, I will feel happy and gratified from the bottom of my heart. At that time, I thought the composition was really wonderful. Every word, word and sentence in it was so vivid and vivid that people were fascinated. When the teacher reads my composition in class, dozens of pairs of eyes cast envious glances at me, and I look at them with more confidence. Familiar articles have sounded in my ears; Proud look on my face; My lovely thumb was also raised in front of me... I have just traveled a thousand or ten thousandths of your life to get such great happiness and honor, which is the most gratifying thing for me. When I read others' compositions, I also gained a lot of knowledge. Yang your own strong points, avoid my shortcomings, and practice more... Only in this way can you write your composition better.

Worry and happiness are corresponding, and happiness can only be achieved by overcoming troubles. I believe that the genius of composition is not innate, but comes from daily efforts. Let me turn my troubles into happiness and continue to travel on the sea!

Happiness and Worry (17)


Tian Xue

There is always fatigue and hope in growth; There are always difficulties and surprises. It is these joys and troubles that constitute my growth footprint. I have the joy of happiness and the sadness of failure. Worry and happiness are always around me, always with me.

When I was in primary school, I was very worried because I would lose the warmth of the kindergarten. The feeling of playing and watching was gone, but my head was full of homework, especially at the end of the term. After finishing the homework that pulled me down, my mother asked me to practice flute. I carelessly replied, "I know." I was also afraid of exams. Every time I came to the exam, I sweated cold and could not think of anything empty in my mind. Although it was a long time ago, I still remember it vividly.

Whenever I arrive at the weekend, I am happy because I can read books, play computer and do all kinds of things. When I was only 6 years old, I wanted to go to a classmate's home party. My parents didn't agree that I was still young and didn't trust me. When I raised it again this year, my parents said yes. At that time, I was really happy! Under the "strict" education of my parents, I also made some achievements. I made progress in the math exam. I was very happy when I saw my mother's happy smile!

Although I have more troubles now, I believe that as long as I work hard, I will have more happiness tomorrow!

(Instructor: Zhou Yan)

Happiness and Worry (18)

To be honest, in my life, troubles are more than happiness. Many times, those troubles will catch up with me, or I can't get rid of them. A teacher said I was an emotional girl. There is no denying that I am not a girl who can "hide" herself very well. I can see clearly from my face whether I am happy or angry. I am not "smooth", not "mature", or even not "practical" enough, which may be doomed to "failure". If you have never been humiliated in public, you will never have the urge to be angry. When being insulted by those hooligan like girls, I really wanted to slap her twice, but I didn't. If I were like that, wouldn't I put myself in the same position as her, so I didn't, but the tears of injustice still couldn't help falling down. I can't do anything about her, because I don't have that right, but the person who can handle this matter doesn't even have a word, which really makes me unable to understand. Maybe I'm too naive? When a person is obviously unfairly treated, perhaps many people will "take the overall situation into consideration" and become angry in the heart without showing it in order to get temporary peace, but I will not, I will show my dissatisfaction in my actions and words. I want those who are unfair to me to know that they are doing harm to others. In my eyes, harm is harm. They are hypocritical to say that they are "exercising" others. I believe that few people like this kind of exercise. Some people may say that my thoughts are extreme. I just said what many people want to say but haven't said, because this feeling is especially profound for me. I wonder whether those who intend to hurt others have experienced the feelings of the injured. I think she will never understand that feeling. To correct a point, the damage I mentioned here does not mean physical damage, but mental and psychological damage, because everyone knows that mental and psychological damage should be the most devastating. Such unfair treatment and such harm may make those who are not willing to degenerate to fall, but who caused this result? No matter what kind of mood to face those unacceptable injuries, troubles will follow. When troubles come, many people will do something they should not do. I admit that I am. When I am worried, when I don't find a proper way to vent, I will also make some routine mistakes, although I will regret later. Maybe this is an important reason why the teacher said I was "emotional". Of course, there will be happy times when troubles return to troubles, especially when the seven sisters in our dormitory get together. That should be the happiest time. We always have endless words and endless jokes. We all got up early in the morning, and started to get up before the light came on. Every time, I would "sing a song" first, and roar in a hoarse voice (just because we got up), which made everyone laugh. Isn't it said that "smile in the morning, and you will have a good mood all day"? Then the school radio began to play music, and we danced to the tune, a real group of crazy girls. Then we can't get together all day (not counting in the classroom), and we have to wait until bedtime to get together again. The days with roommates are happy. Being with them will make me forget my troubles for a while, but can't really get rid of them. Each of us has our own troubles, but when we are together, we always magnify our happiness. Although we sometimes cry relatively, talk about our troubles and cry together, it is far less profound than the happiness magnified by us. I really hope that we can put aside our troubles and let happiness follow. However, worry and happiness are always inseparable like brothers. I hope I can grow up in trouble and happiness. In the teacher's words, if I fail a lot, I will mature in failure. Perhaps one day, I will also become sophisticated, will become sleek. But I believe that the "one day" I said will never be the day when I am on campus. As long as I am a student and I am still on campus, I want to keep my mind that is not corrupted by the secular world, but I want to live a simple life. Although such simplicity will bring me a lot of trouble, it doesn't matter. I think after I finish writing this article, I will face those troubles in a different mood. The past will always pass. In the future, I will try to find happiness that can replace my troubles. I believe I will be able to do it, because now I know a word that is true for me: many things will expand if I take a step back, and the troubles will disappear if I smile. I hope those who have hurt me or been hurt by me can be magnanimous once.