Composition on my topic (20 selected articles)
Cold winter fog
2023-08-19 09:16:06

Composition on my topic (1)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I hear this song, I will think of my mother. However, one thing made me know my mother's love for me, and I still remember it when I think about it.

Because my family is poor, and the poor can't get out of the pot, all the clothes I wear are sewn and mended. I live in a small mountain village, and the road to school is also very long. I went there myself, braved the wind and rain, and rushed to school. But I want to have an umbrella to protect me from the wind and rain. On this day, it was raining lightly, and willows looked like graceful girls outside. I hugged my mother and told her about it. But mother didn't answer, just walked away silently.

Later, I sat down on the ground. Listen, the wind is still blowing away. That night, I sat at the door waiting for my mother to come home. At that time, it rained heavily, and time passed for a long time. Mother came back. Her hair was wet by the rain, and her cloth shoes were broken. Mother smiled, maybe this was her first sweet smile. She took an umbrella from behind in an instant. It is a beautiful oilcloth umbrella. My mother bought an umbrella for me. After running for dozens of miles to buy the cloth she had woven before, I burst into tears.

However, I still keep the oilcloth umbrella. It is the driving force that pushes me forward.

"Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure..."

Composition on My Topic (2)

My name is Zhao Lingchu, male, 15 years old. I am now studying in Class 105 of the Experimental Middle School affiliated to Central South University, and I am the representative of the class history course. In the past three years of junior high school, I have studied hard, lived frugally, loved the collective, was willing to help others, respected teachers, got along well with classmates, and had a sense of responsibility and justice. I am good in moral character, healthy and upward, actively participated in collective activities, and tried to contribute my own strength to the class.

In the past three years, I have not only been among the best in grade examinations, but also achieved excellent results in many competitions. I have won: the second prize of the National Junior High School Mathematics League in 20xx (the certificate of award has not been issued), the first prize of the 20xx Changsha Sub School English Listening Competition, the second prize of the 20xx Changsha Sub School Chinese Competition, the third prize of the 20xx Changsha Sub School System Mathematics Competition, the first prize of the 20xx Changsha Sub School System Mathematics Competition, the first prize of the physical and chemical competition, and the first prize of the Chinese competition, The third prize in the preliminary contest of the "Tongshenghu" Cup Innovation Composition Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students in Changsha in 20xx. In 20xx, Changsha Sub school System Biology Competition won the third prize. In 20xx, it won the first prize in mathematics and the second prize in composition in the third mathematical Olympic and innovative composition competition in Hunan Province.

Due to my excellent performance in junior high school for three years, I was awarded the "Three Good Students" in 20xx and 20xx, and won two first-class scholarships.

I loved music when I was young, and now I have passed the Saxophone Amateur Level 3. Music has not only shaped my sentiment, but also cultivated my ability to appreciate art. It is my mentor and friend.

I love sports. I have participated in the 3000 meter long run in the school sports meeting for three consecutive years and achieved excellent results.

I firmly believe that my efforts will never be in vain. I will grasp the present, look forward to the future, and strive to repay my parents, my teachers and my alma mater with excellent results in the high school entrance examination in one month.

Composition on My Topic (3)

My mother is 34 years old this year. She doesn't look old yet. There is a pair of big watery eyes on the melon seed face, and the tall man is neither fat nor thin.

My mother loves me and attaches more importance to my study. Some time ago, Galen's English teacher told us that there was a national English competition. I hope we can actively participate in it and show ourselves. I signed up for the English song contest. After my freshman year, my mother began to search for songs on the Internet. After locking the songs, my mother learned to sing by herself, humming and yapping every day. After singing, she began to teach me. The song my mother chose for me was the English version of The Girl with Wings. At that time, I was in the final review stage, and the exam was coming. My mother took an hour to help me practice singing and correct my pronunciation every day without delaying my review. Without paying attention, I successfully passed the preliminary round of the stadium campus, the second round of Jinzhou, and entered the final of Liaozhong District. If Liaozhong District can win, I can enter the national finals, which is what I have been looking forward to for a long time.

Mother is very filial to her parents. Once, Grandma was ill and was hospitalized with mild cerebral thrombosis. This can make my mother very worried. She nurses my grandmother in the hospital every day, washes her face and helps her practice walking. When Grandma returned home after leaving hospital, her mother took on the housework, washing clothes, cooking, mopping the floor... Every New Year, her mother would never forget to buy some gifts for her grandparents. I will follow my mother's example and be a good child who respects my parents.

Composition on My Topic (4)

"Bata Bata" The house we had worked hard to build with building blocks collapsed, and all these angular building blocks hit my little brother, who cried loudly. He is my brother Huang Dongwei.

Speaking of Huang Dongwei, he is white and fat. Although he is only in the first grade, he is about the same size as me. When we met for the first time, Dad asked us to play together. We were very shy and didn't know what to say to each other, so we set up the building blocks together. We saw that our "skyscraper" was about to be completed. When the last building block was set up, the "skyscraper" in front of us became a ruin with a bang. My younger brother also cried when he was hit. Seeing him like this, I lost my sense for a while, and I didn't know what to do. I tried my best to comfort him. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I felt sad and wanted to laugh. But it was also because of this smashing that our friendship was broken. I think maybe it was because he thought I was a trustworthy little brother.

One day when I was riding a bike in the yard, Huang Dongwei also wanted to learn. I thought he was just talking, but a few days later, he really got up in the yard. But when I came closer, my legs and knees were all black and blue. I said, "Huang Dongwei, you are really good. You learned to ride a bike so quickly!" He proudly said, "Brother Rexiati, why don't we have a competition?" "OK, it's a competition! Don't cry if you lose!"

"Prepare! Start!" Our race began with the command. Huang Dongwei was sweating to get the first place, and I naturally refused to be outdone. I could have won the first place, and his scars suddenly flashed in my mind while riding. I'd better let this beloved brother. He won the game. He was so happy that he almost jumped up. I was very happy to see him happy.

Huang Dongwei is like my brother. Nobody comes to my home to do homework when he comes home from school. We will do the homework we don't know. When we run out of homework books, we will take mine. I think we are a family.

We grew up together, went to the same kindergarten, and now study in the same primary school. Maybe he will go to the same middle school and university in the future. Our father is a good brother, and we have become good brothers.

I hope that all the different ethnic groups can love each other as if they loved each other, and work together to build a more harmonious and stable beautiful Xinjiang.

Composition on My Topic (5)

The paradise in my heart is my small world of learning and living - Le Xueju.

Speaking of the paradise, you may think of the a crowded playground; A picturesque park; There is also a playground full of laughter... But the paradise in my heart is my small world of learning and living - Le Xueju.

Lexueju was named after my mother and I borrowed from Li Qingzhao's Yianju. My mother expected me to "study hard and grow happily" in Lexueju. Open the door of Le Xueju, you will find a 3-meter bookshelf full of books, including popular science, fiction, history, etc. They make my house full of scholarly atmosphere. Whenever I have leisure time, I will carefully select a book and sit on the potato sofa in the reading corner. It is my happiest moment in the paradise!

Opposite the bookshelf near the window, there is a broad desk. This is not an ordinary desk. It can move up and down and tilt. This is where I usually do my homework. On the shelf above the desk are clocks, calendars and some of my favorite decorations. I feel extremely happy sitting in a spacious and bright room to study!

In my eyes, my bed is also unique, it is very comfortable, the mattress is carefully selected for me by my mother. Whenever I lie on it and look at the lovely dolls beside me, I feel surrounded by love and soon fall into a sweet dream. The dresser beside the bed is also my favorite. It is magical. It usually looks like a table. When you open the table above, a mirror appears on the back of the table. Every morning, I will look at the pigtail in the mirror above and clip a clip, which also makes my life colorful.

This is my paradise. I love my paradise. I am in the paradise "happy growth, happy in it!"

Composition on My Topic (6)

In our study, work and life, we always have to touch composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a collection of essays on the topic of "I've learned". Welcome to read them. I hope you can enjoy them.

With the progress of science and technology, computers have become an indispensable tool in people's study and life. In this information age, people who do not know how to use computers will be regarded as new "illiterates". I, a good boy with good academic performance on weekdays, couldn't be behind the times, so I begged my sister to teach me how to use the computer to send email.

My sister was very happy to see that I was so happy to learn, and she readily agreed. After several instructions, I have roughly mastered the skills of sending emails. In order to check the "teaching effect", my sister asked me to send an email to my cousin. I bravely accepted this "arduous" task. The whole process of sending emails was full of joy, anger, sadness and joy!

look very happy

That day, I got up very early. After a quick breakfast, I sat down at the computer table and turned on the computer. Under the guidance of my sister, I entered a famous email website and registered a free email. As the happy prompt sounds in the computer, the email registration is successful. I was about to cheer and celebrate, but my sister said, "This is just the beginning. If you want to send an email, you need to type the content of the email first. Now you can start typing." As soon as I heard this, I immediately took action. In a few minutes, an email was typed. Next, I input the recipient's email address, content, subject, etc. according to the steps my sister said, and then click "Send". My first email was sent like this! Looking at the "Your email has been successfully sent" on the screen, I thought it was so smooth for the first time, and I was very happy.

one's wrath filled the sky

In the afternoon, I turned on my computer excitedly to see if there were any replies in my inbox. Hey, there is one! I think it must be my cousin. Let me open this email. What? Is it "system return mail"? I don't understand what's wrong. Go to my sister to help me. My sister took a look at it and told me that my cousin's email was not used for a long time, so my account was cancelled. She asked me to try to send the email to my sister-in-law's mailbox. However, my original email has not been saved at all. Sending a new email means that I have to re-enter the text, which is really annoying!

heave great sighs

The new email has been typed. This time, I asked my sister to teach me to match it with beautiful stationery. Before sending it, I saved the email and then clicked "Send". I thought to myself: there will be no mistake this time! I was excitedly waiting for a reply, but suddenly found that the letter was returned by the system. Strange! I sent it again twice without success, so I had to go to my sister again to "help". As a result, my sister smiled and scolded me as a "little fool". My sister pointed to the "recipient" column and asked me to check it. I looked carefully and found that I had written the email address of my sister-in-law wrong and changed "Z" into "E". So it is! However, I am not nervous this time because I have saved the email. Who would have thought that when I opened my file to look for that email, I found it had disappeared! Alas, this is over, and everything must start from scratch!

happiness within

After two failures, I also accumulated some experience. I seriously entered the recipient's email address, subject and email content, and then clicked "Save". After confirming that it was saved, I clicked "Send". Because each step needs to be checked slowly, it took me half an hour to send it. Finally, with the display of the computer, the email was sent successfully. I finally learned to send email!

Now, the Internet has connected people all over the world. No matter how far apart we are, an email can reach people in all corners of the world. It is convenient, fast and wonderful! I will try my best to learn how to use computer, and I believe it will be helpful to my study and work in the future.

Composition on My Topic (7)

If the motherland is a forest, then I am just a small leaf; If the motherland is a vast prairie, then I am just a grass; If the motherland is a big garden, then I am just a leaf; If the motherland is a vast ocean, then I am just a drop of water; If the motherland is a mountain, then I am just a grain of sand; If the motherland is an encyclopedia, I am just a word or a punctuation mark.

Although I am so small and insignificant, but with my presence, the motherland will become more prosperous, broader, more vital, more spread the fragrance of flowers, and more beautiful, broader, taller and richer flowers. So it seems that I am inseparable from the motherland.

Of course, it is undeniable that because of the protection of the motherland, I can bathe in the sun, fly in the sky, walk on the grassland, be fascinated in the forest, look at the mountains, and play my role in the embrace of the motherland.

Time flies, and time flies. From 1949 to 20XX, my motherland has been 70 years old. Looking back, the background of the motherland has been shuttling through the gunfire forest, emerging in meetings with other countries, and has finally become a rooster, turning a new page in the history of the earth. Now, we are busy for the 70th birthday of our motherland. In science and technology, diplomacy, economy In terms of weapons, we are ready to fight, full of confidence, write the most satisfactory course for tomorrow's efforts, and look forward to the future. We dare to challenge and dare to climb. Maybe, I can't finish it, but my motherland will always go forward with high head.

I am not alone because my country has a motherland. I not only have relatives by blood, but also have brothers and sisters from all over the world. All these are the best gifts that my country has given me. "Brothers are everywhere, At the approaching of the 70th anniversary of the founding of my country, I think that all brothers and sisters will make the most sincere voice from the bottom of their hearts, that is, "Happy birthday, mother!"

Composition on My Topic (8)

I regard evaporation in the world as a way of venting, and the boring life makes me feel tired. I'm tired, so I should relax.

Seeing that people on the street were in a hurry, I couldn't help but quicken my pace. All the lotus flowers in the pond are in bloom, and dew drops drop from the lotus leaves. The sky is always blue, which has almost become the keynote of summer.

I tried to watch the movie "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" again, but the result was not what I expected. I didn't want to see it after watching a little, and there was no sense of freshness.

I opened the window, lay prone on the balcony, breathing fresh air, and immediately felt relaxed and happy. The power was cut off and the room became stuffy. I lay on the windowsill and looked at my book "Guo Xiaosi". Fortunately, the wind blows from time to time, which makes me feel that this summer is not so hot. Staying in a stuffy room all the time will make people's minds dull.

The arrival of this summer is without warning, and I obviously feel hot in the classroom. Last year I always prayed that this summer would be a little late, so that my "food", who is afraid of heat, could play more. It seems that summer has arrived overnight.

The weather outside seemed pretty good. I picked up badminton and went downstairs to play badminton with my friends. They were just as boring as me. Thirsty, sit on the steps, and a cold Pepsi; When you are tired, just watch "Little Times" of "Guo Xiaosi". It's a comfortable life.

What I put in my heart is the life I wanted, that's all.

If it's too hot outside, just stay in the room. After all, it's always cooler with the air conditioner on. If you are hungry, be a "foodie"; If you are tired, just squint for a while. If you are alone at home, no one will disturb you.

If you are bored, you can surf the Internet, read books, or write something. What if there is a problem? Can't we just solve it?

Peace and happiness are the life I want.

Composition on My Topic (9)

Everyone will have troubles, and there will always be unpleasant things.

So am I.

This day there was a math exam, and I was preparing in the classroom with a nervous mood, thinking: the exam should not be too difficult!

The exam began. When I was halfway through the exam, the questions were a little difficult. I was very upset because I didn't understand them. I really couldn't write any more. Finally, when the time came, I was very helpless and handed in two empty questions. After the exam, many people got together to answer each other's questions. I don't want to get together with them. I know that I made many mistakes, and I feel a little depressed.

These days, waiting for the results, I am very uneasy, afraid of failing the exam. Finally, the examination paper was handed out, "82". I think this result is really not ideal. I don't know how to explain it when I go home.

After school, I took this extremely disappointed examination paper and went home silently.

Back home, my mother was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I went to sit beside my mother and stammered, "Today's math test paper has been handed out." Then I pulled the test paper out of my schoolbag and slowly handed it to my mother.

My mother took the examination paper and looked at the front and back, thought for a while and said to me, "Why did you do so badly this time?" "Because some questions were incomprehensible." I whispered in shame.

After a while, my mother said, "Look at Xiao Ya, she always tops the class in every exam. How about you? You did so badly in the exam, and it's not good either. You said you..."

When I heard this, I blushed and became very upset. My mother always compared me with others. Every time I heard such words, my heart would be angry and sad. I went into the room with the paper to reflect on my mistakes today, but at the same time, I also wondered why my mother always compared others with me.

There are all kinds of troubles, including big troubles and small troubles. No matter how unpleasant these things are, we should treat them with a good attitude, and things will become better.

Composition on My Topic (10)

Lu You, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, said, "Young people don't know the taste of sorrow." In fact, Lu You didn't know about modern teenagers! It seems that the time of "not knowing the taste of sorrow" is always so wise. A happy childhood passes in the blink of an eye, and the rest is the trouble caused by the pressure of entering school.

Since I entered the sixth grade, I have felt more and more pressure from entering a higher school. From the beginning, my homework has gradually increased, and the frequent large and small examination questions have overwhelmed me.

I remember that before the first monthly exam of Grade 6, I had prepared as well as possible, and even wrote the learning content before Grade 6. But when I arrived at the exam room, I began to panic. My mind was full of "competition". I was a little afraid to think that I must do well in the exam and surpass others, I can't live up to the expectations of my teachers and parents. These thoughts like invisible stones add pressure to me. On the battlefield without gunpowder, I can smell gunpowder. As a result, I failed in the first math exam. Normally, I got full marks in math, but I only got 91. When I learned the score, my whole person collapsed and thought: What should I do? The first big exam in Grade 6 broke a record, leaving a bad impression on the math teacher. With such an ordinary result, how can a key middle school accept me! What to do in the future?

Where is the wonderful life I dreamed of as a child? Why is growing up so bitter and annoying? Why does everyone have this cruel experience? Looking back on the wonderful life of playing with friends in the past, and thinking about the tense battle with friends in the examination room now, it is really hard to compare today with the past.

In fact, it is not uncommon for such things to happen in the sixth grade. At this time, I have experienced many battles and am more sensitive to the word competition, because it happens to us all the time. Whenever I want to relax a little after finishing my homework, I do not need my parents to remind me to go back to my room and continue to "study hard". At this time, I always think: there is no end to learning and hard work in books. My opponents must be working hard at this time. How can I waste this precious time?

Gradually, gradually, I think that always thinking about competition will make the original troubles more troublesome and more stressful. Instead of thinking about "fighting against tigers and dragons" all day long, I'd better look far ahead and compare the shortcomings I have corrected in the past? Is it further than before? Looking forward to the future, if you want to live an ideal life, you should study hard now. Everything is for yourself.

Worry is still a worry, but I found that: in the growth of my view of it has changed, let us relax our minds, laugh at worry; Let the optimistic sunshine dispel the haze of worry in the growth, and you will find that the whole world is smiling!

Composition on My Topic (11)

There is a worry that bothers me a lot. What is it? Fat. In fact, I don't feel fat at all. It's just that I'm tall and my clothes are tight, which makes me a little fat. But others say I'm fat, and I can't help them.

Once in a PE class, my good friend Li Zimo laughed at me: "You said you are not fat, look what this is." Then he reached out and patted my belly. The students next to me also cheered. I don't know what happened to them. They all called me "fat boy" one by one. Alas! When can we get rid of this "nickname". The physical education class began, and the teacher announced that the class would practice rope skipping. As soon as I heard it, I panicked. Rope skipping is my weakness. Look at Li Jiashuai, Liu Yanheng and Meng Zijun. They are as light as a swallow. The rope flies up and down like a fast spinning hollow ball. What about me? As a lazy eater at ordinary times, he has more meat than other students, and is clumsy, so it is very difficult to jump. The students all talked about it. "Ha ha, what is the jumping method? Grandpa's jumping method." A classmate said in a strange way. More irritating, Amin clapped his hands beside him and laughed. I really wanted to teach those guys who laughed at me a lesson, so I threw myself. But he quickly dodged. One student said with a playful face, "We only laugh when you are not good at jumping. If we don't want to be laughed at, we will practice rope skipping well." So I decided to practice rope skipping hard and not let the students laugh.

After a lot of hard work, my rope skipping skills have been greatly improved and my body has become much easier. Maybe it's because I have less meat. I believe that as long as I keep exercising, this trouble will definitely leave me in the near future.

Composition on My Topic (12)

Speaking of Lin Daiyu, nobody doesn't know her, does he? However, my deskmate, Yuan Ye, let the weak representative "look at his back and it is enough".

Don't listen to the name of Yuan Ye, which is domineering. In fact, it is not. When you come to our class, you should be careful not to fall on the ground. Yuan Ye has a tall figure and a white, clean melon face that seems to be able to wring water out; Under the two curved willow eyebrows, there is a pair of big watery eyes, with long lashes fluttering like butterfly wings; Small nose and delicate mouth like cherries... tut tut, it really makes "Six Palace Pink and Daisy Colorless"!

Yuan Ye is not only weak in appearance, but also introverted in personality. He doesn't say much nonsense, and will apologize repeatedly once he has affected others. Once, when I helped her move a chair, I accidentally scratched my thumb. Objectively speaking, this injury was very slight, and it disappeared within three days, but I had a "black eye": hey hey, I will play a good trick on Miss Yuan this time! When Yuan Ye sat down quietly on the chair, I suddenly started to hum like a seriously injured patient, and really hid poor Yuan Ye in the drum. She put her hand on my forehead and asked, "Are you all right?"! I scolded in my heart. Then, trembling, I handed the "wound" to Yuan Ye and began to moan again. Yuan Ye pretended to be angry and said, "Who did it? I'll help you beat him! I am secretly happy. "You!" I said to Yuan Ye with an expression of "injustice": "Ah? Me?" Ha ha, the trick succeeds!

Although Yuan Ye is not tough in appearance, she is still a talented woman! When I heard that she had learned Latin dance, I finally understood why she was so slim. She has also learned electronic piano, no wonder she looks gentle! Although Yuan Ye's handwriting is not as good as that of a famous calligrapher, it also looks beautiful and runs vertically and horizontally.

Look, she said she was my deskmate. I hope we can help each other, learn from each other and make progress together!

Composition on My Topic (13)

I am a fifth grade pupil. Two years later, I have entered junior high school. At that time, I was a young man. It was also in that year that the Olympic Games were held in our capital Beijing.

My dream is to see the Olympic Games held in Beijing in person, but my heart has already flown to Beijing, thinking, thinking, one night, I finally dreamt that I went to Beijing. On the train, I was ecstatic and happy. On the train, I saw green mountains and green waters everywhere, and saw flocks of sheep and horses running on the grassland, I also saw the fields with harvest in sight and the new countryside of the beautiful motherland. It was not long before I arrived in Beijing. It was an eye opener. I saw the magnificent Tiananmen Tower, the ancient Forbidden City, the magnificent Monument to the People's Heroes, the tall CCTV transmission tower, and everywhere there were buildings connected with clouds. The business of shops was booming. People were coming and going. There was a steady stream of traffic.

The next day, we came to the modern stadium. There are beautiful basketball courts, wide and beautiful football fields, swimming pools and various stadiums. After a while, the competition began. The gymnast Liu Xuan's sister entered the competition. With her vigorous posture and nimble and skillful movements, we cheered her on. And Du Li's magic gun, Scud Liu Xiang&hllip& hllip;, Both won gold medals, which made the Chinese people proud. In the football match between China and the United States, we have always cheered for the Chinese team. When the Chinese team and the American team were hard to win, we raised the small red flag in our hands to cheer for the Chinese team. Finally, we were very happy that the Chinese team won.

The stadium was filled with warm applause, and then the national anthem of the People's Republic of China was sung. The bright five-star red flag rose slowly, and we were excited

I really hope that my dream will come true, so that Chinese players can win more gold medals and rank first in the world.

Composition on My Topic (14)

I have a lot of dreams, some are small dreams, some are big dreams.

I remember when I was in the first grade, my handwriting was very ugly, even 1, 2, and name were written "invincibly bad". My mother was very worried, so she enrolled me in the hard pen calligraphy class. There are 10 students in our calligraphy class. I am a "very good" student. Because I can't sit still in class and don't want to practice calligraphy, I just want to play, so I haven't made progress after more than 10 classes. But I remember my calligraphy teacher Chen said to me: "My child, as long as you are willing to study hard, there will be a breakthrough. The teacher believes you!" The teacher's words planted the seeds of hope in my heart. Since then, I have practiced calligraphy every day.

This year, due to the epidemic, school has not yet started. We can only do homework at home. After this period of practice, my handwriting has finally made a breakthrough. My God? I was rated as the "Writing Star" of the class. But I also want to be the first in the whole school and the whole city. This is my little dream.

I also have a big dream - "Gao Fu Shuai". My mother told me that if I want to be "Gao Fu Shuai", I must have a "Tsinghua Dream" like your high way math teacher Pan Hao. Yes, the teacher had the "Tsinghua Dream" when he was 7 years old. I am 9 years old and want a "Tsinghua Dream" too! From today on, I must climb up to this dream step by step. First, we should improve our achievements. Get the first place in the class, or even in the school. Then we should try our best to enter the ideal junior high school, especially Fu'an No. 1 Middle School, so that we can be admitted to Tsinghua University. I believe that as long as I work hard every day, I can realize my "big dream"!

Dear students, do you also have this dream? Let's fight for this dream together!

Composition on My Topic (15)

In life, some people learned to buy vegetables, some people learned to play the piano, some people learned to take photos, and I learned to refuse.

In the afternoon when I was in charge, a classmate came to me and said, "Zhuang Zihan, can you lend me a copy of your homework?" God, copy your homework, this is not very good. At the moment, my heart is resisting, but I think that if I refuse, she will be angry. Let me be happy to help others. "So I handed it to her, and she happily took back her homework.

The next day, she came to me again and made the same request again. I still could not refuse, nor dare to resist, so I took it out to her again. This scene happened to be seen by the teacher. She came to me and said, "Come to my office after class."

After class, I walked into the office slowly. The teacher said to me, "Zhuang Zihan, why did you copy your homework to your classmates?" I I'm afraid she will be angry, but she will never play with me again. The teacher said, "You are not helping her, but harming her. If she copies her homework every time, she will fail in the exam, do you understand?" After listening to the teacher's words, I instantly felt that I had done something wrong, so I decided that if she borrowed again tomorrow, I would bravely and decisively refuse her.

On the third day, as expected, she came to borrow it again. I told her the truth, and refused her: "I can't give you, giving you homework is hurting you!" The student seemed to understand me, and she obediently returned to her seat.

After that day's refusal, the student never came to borrow his homework. I learned to refuse others.

Composition on My Topic (16)

Sherlock Holmes, a well-known figure. People remember him because they admire his case resolution. But his talent is not innate, he relies on his own efforts!

Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes has a clear head analysis. He always keeps calm about various events, and his ability to interpret events is always amazing. But Holmes is not a genius. He also constantly exercises himself and improves himself in life. He treats every incident as an exercise. He can always find clues that are difficult for ordinary people to find, but this is not enough. Some people even have big clues. Is it still hard to find? Because they don't think. But Sherlock Holmes analyzes any clue, uses the knowledge accumulated at ordinary times, and ponders over and over again, even the smallest clue is valuable. This is the extraordinary feature of Sherlock Holmes. Therefore, his various detections, although somewhat mythical, are logical and reasonable. His explanation and determination of various events made him the leader, who could clearly understand a pending case.

In fact, what we lack in our real life is Sherlock Holmes' diligent and careful character. I was careless and never checked my homework after I finished it. Once, I found my answer was so absurd. The answer and the original question are not correct. After reading Sherlock Holmes, the hero has to rethink even if he has slight reasoning. Why can't I? Besides, how small it is to work hard to finish homework. Dealing with all kinds of things, no matter how complicated, we should calm down, handle calmly, carefully, and never let go of small things. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to solve some problems. Because you study hard at ordinary times, are good at observing life, and think ahead, problems will be solved.

Composition on My Topic (17)

In the fourth grade, the school selected a group of outstanding students to participate in the district wide competition. I was lucky to be selected, so I am very happy! I thought: I will study hard to get a good result and win honor for the school!

When I got home, the attractive cartoons no longer attracted me. I went straight to my desk and began to review my lessons carefully. It was not until late at night that I turned off the light and kept carrying it in my mouth. I study hard every day. I read, write, and recite all the time, whether in the quiet morning, in the laughter filled recess, or in the dead of night! I used a large stack of notebooks and my eyes became black, but I didn't flinch. On Sunday, my brother asked me to play in the park. It was rare to meet him. I really wanted to go with him, but at the thought that the exam would be held in two weeks, I refused his invitation, and my brother left angrily. I was also very sad. I decided to apologize to him after the exam.

The calendar tore up one after another, and finally came to the day of the exam. There are so many people taking the exam that I can't help feeling nervous. Entering the examination room, the examination papers were handed out, and the students began a tense "battle". The examination room was extremely quiet. I only heard the rustle of writing, and I also overcame many problems.

A week later, the results were announced. I thought my efforts would not be in vain, but contrary to my wishes, I only got the 14th place in the exam. It was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which knocked me to the ground heavily. I hadn't recovered for a long time. I was so sad that I burst into tears.

The teacher didn't criticize me. After class, the teacher came to me and comforted me: "Don't lose heart, Gu Zihao, and don't be discouraged. The teacher knows that you have tried your best. You can't see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain. This will be regarded as a test of frustration for you. There will be many such opportunities in the future to strive for a good result in the next exam!" Students also came to comfort me and encourage me.

After listening to the teacher's earnest words, I felt relieved: Yes! Without wind and rain, you can't see the rainbow. If I am defeated by this setback, how can I stand a greater test in the future. I believe that after my efforts, I will certainly achieve excellent results.

Composition on My Topic (18)

I'm eight years old. There is a thick eyebrow, a pair of big bright eyes, a high nose and a small mouth on the white Chinese face. It looks healthy and strong.

Everyone called me a "little troublemaker". I remember one time, Grandma asked me to help her wash the pig tripe with salt. Grandma asked me to put it back when she used it. I saw the salt in my hand. It seems that salt has many uses! So I sprinkled some salt on the sofa, and then sprinkled some salt on the remote control of the air conditioner. I want to wash them. The results can be seen from each other. The remote control is broken, and the sofa is wet. I was taught a lesson by my mother. Another time, I took my grandmother's new clothes, put them on my grandmother's hens, and led them around with cloth strips. After the result made everyone laugh. I was recuperated by my mother again. I am always acting mischievously and always be recuperated. So it is called "Little Trick".

I still have many advantages. Confident, brave, persistent, hardworking, love learning, I love writing, playing the violin, dancing, swimming. There was once an aunt who said many times in front of many people: "Although the child is beautiful and smart, it's a pity that she has a bunch of white hair on her head. It's just hidden inside." After she said many times, I told her; "Aunt, this is a smart performance." The aunt blushed. I just smile in the face of setbacks. I used to talk back, but as I grew up. I know adults work hard. They nurtured me with their heart and let me grow healthily and happily.

This is the confident and happy me.

Composition on My Topic (19)

I really observed my palmprint: the three clearest palmprint were like small trumpets; Like chicken feet passing under my feet; Like a winding river flowing on my hands; It is also like three sausages of different lengths, most like the Chinese character "Chuan".

I carefully looked at the dense palm prints, some of them like spider web; Some are like waterfalls flowing down the river; Some are like children writing the Chinese character "meter", which is so crooked and ugly that they draw a few strokes and hurry to find the rubber; Some are shaped like snowflakes; Others are like big forks and volcanic eruptions. Their combination is really different in shape, vivid

My palmprint is really special. There are three rolls and seven dustpans, which are different from others. Interesting!


Composition on My Topic (20)

In the morning, when the first ray of sunshine fell on the sea, the sea had just woken up, and even the waves were particularly light. At this time, the sea was like a girl, dancing lightly, which seemed to purify people's minds.

At noon, when the sun was full, the sea seemed to like the sun, and suddenly became lively. The waves beat the rocks again and again. The sea was like a lively child, using the boat as a toy, so that the ship could not distinguish between east, west, north and south.

In the evening, the sun went down, and the sky was full of stars, reflecting the sea. The moonlight washed the waves of the sea, and the sea was still surging.

In the quiet night, the roar of the sea waves has formed a beautiful melody that cannot be written with notes. It seems that this beautiful and beautiful melody can spread to thousands of miles.

The endless sea, the unpredictable sea. Today, I finally saw you with my own eyes. I heard from my mother that there are many wonderful and beautiful animals in your body. There are lovely octopuses swimming slowly in the sea floor; There are also fierce sharks hunting small fish in the sea; And the noble lobster, smiling at you

The sea, you are the paradise of fish, the world of water, you have rich mineral resources, you have many things that we humans need, the sea - you are the "treasure bag" of the world!

Sea, I love you!

Composition 2 on I Love the Sea

I love the blue of the sea; I love the breadth of the sea; I love the depth of the sea; I love the sea; Everything in the sea is precious, and everything in the sea is beautiful. Seeing the sea, all the troubles disappeared.

The sound of waves hitting the coast is beautiful; Haina's beautiful colorful clothes are beautiful; Hai, I admire you and admire you. You have a gorgeous appearance, but under the gorgeous appearance, you have nurtured thousands of lives selflessly. You have given them all. For the fish in the underwater world, you are their life and mother. Without you, there would be no fish. For the beach on the shore, you are their good partner and indispensable ornament. Without you, they are incomplete; They are not happy. For us humans, you are our bosom friend, our happiness and sorrow seem to have to be shared with you, and you never betray us. Hai, you are really our model.

Sea, come to you, I am so small, so insignificant. You surrounded my heart with the fresh sea water, swept away my tiredness, and filled my eyes with light and hope. You took away my sadness, my weakness and my unhappiness. Let me be as carefree as you. You are my compass in the vast distance, so I can take a breath in the heavy pressure. You seem to be my second mother, drying my tears when I am sad. You seem to be my bosom friend, telling my heart to each other. You seem to be my third teacher, always warning me to be moral. In my opinion, all the truth and truth in the world are gathered in your broad mind.

Sea, I feel your love for me.

Composition 3 on I Love the Sea

In the eyes of many people, the sea is boundless; The sea is vast; The sea is even more boundless. But we don't know what kind of virtue does the sea inspire us? In fact, the sea symbolizes that human beings should have a broad mind and learn endless knowledge.

The roar of the sea is deafening. It symbolizes the courage to "march" to a destination and a bright future. We are often overwhelmed by a certain momentum. In fact, this is not terrible. A huge momentum does not mean anything. In this case, we should face it bravely and defeat it bravely. There should be a spirit of perseverance and courage, a spirit that can make opponents feel afraid.

The depth of the sea is also unfathomable. It symbolizes that you should think carefully about everything you do, rather than acting rashly. You should hide most of the things in your heart until you recognize him, understand him, and feel relieved about him. Then you can slowly tell him what you have hidden in your heart. Just like the sea, it has gradually become friends with human beings, and then it gradually transmits energy to us. Otherwise, a big flood in the sea will bring a terrible disaster to mankind. It will mercilessly overturn ships, break the seawall and destroy coastal towns.

The capacity of the sea is endless. It symbolizes that we should have a broad mind, be frank with everyone, be tolerant of others' mistakes and shortcomings, and not be fussy about every detail. After all, everyone will do wrong and have shortcomings. How you treat others, others will treat you. As the saying goes, "A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts in six months." As long as we are honest with others and forgive others' shortcomings, we are not afraid that others will be rude to us.

The blue sea, like an endless book, teaches us the truth of life and gives us courage in life.