Compositions on Squirrels (16 Collections)
Wind at the end of sunset bridge
2024-05-12 07:00:31

Composition on Squirrels (1)

One day, when the sun was shining brightly, the little squirrel waved his tail like a big broom, hummed a song, and walked leisurely along a winding path in the forest.

As he walked, the little squirrel met a very cute little white rabbit. He thought to himself, "The little white rabbit's tail is short, like a ball of fluffy balls, so beautiful!" The little rabbit said arrogantly, "Little squirrel, your tail is like a parachute, it looks so big! But what's the use of your big tail?" The little squirrel knew nothing about it, She shook her head in shame. The little white rabbit said, "Your tail is too big. What if the weasel catches you? You'd better cut off your tail quickly." The little squirrel thought, "Yes, it's good to cut off your tail." So the little squirrel went home, picked up the scissors and cut off a big part of his tail.

Then the little squirrel hopped up to the little white rabbit and said, "Are you all right now?" The rabbit nodded heavily and said, "It's all right now. The tail is short, like a small ball of fur, and it's much safer." The little squirrel said proudly, "Ha ha, my tail is really beautiful now. Let's go to the forest and let other small animals have a look!"

Little Squirrel and Little White Rabbit walked side by side in the forest. The short tailed animals all said admiringly, "The little squirrel's tail is really beautiful!" But the long tailed animals shook their heads, sighed, and said, "Little squirrel, little squirrel, your tail was long, why should you cut it short?" "My tail is too long, and it becomes much lighter after cutting it." The little squirrel said proudly.

At this time, a hungry big cat rushed over and said, "You big mouse, I will eat you!" The little squirrel was so frightened that he sweated and said, "I...... I am not a consumptive mouse, I am a small... little squirrel." The little rabbit ran quickly and said, "Mr. Huamao, you are mistaken, it is a squirrel, not a mouse." The big cat looked intently, Only then did I recognize that it was a squirrel with its tail cut. He laughed a few words and then left with his tail wagging.

In the evening, the little squirrel told his mother about his experience of the day. The mother squirrel said helplessly: "The big tail can keep us balanced when we jump, and can't be cut off at will. You can rest at home for a few days, and soon a new tail will grow." The little squirrel said sadly: "Thank you, Mom, I know I was wrong."

After a few days, the little squirrel's tail really grew out, and the little squirrel gradually began to like his big tail.

Composition on Squirrels (2)

After visiting the scenic spots and historic sites in Xi'an, the hot weather could not stop our family's enthusiasm to eat snacks in Xi'an

Xi'an's snacks can be said to be a paradise for food. There are so many kinds of snacks that we can't finish eating. So today we will go to Huimin Street to taste them. The guide said that when we go to a shop, we can only order one, and several people can eat them, from beginning to end, and then from end to end.

Huimin Street is a street between the Bell Tower and the Ancient Tower. It is full of Xi'an's special snacks. As soon as I went in, I saw the biggest Roujiamo on the sign. I bought it without hesitation. As soon as I first imported it, I found that there was something wrong with the taste. How is the beef inside? The best food should be pork. When I wanted to ask, another idea flashed through my mind, Yesterday, my mother seemed to say that people in Huimin Street can't eat pork. They regard pigs as gods. Fortunately, I didn't ask, or I would have been scolded.

Sister Sisi also took a fancy to a potato - potato tornado, which is to make potatoes into the shape of a tornado and dip them with tomato sauce. It's really delicious.

It's a pity, because there are too many people and it's too hot, we didn't get to the end. We went to a restaurant to have a dumpling feast.

The dumpling feast, as its name implies, is full of dumplings. The skin is shaped and colored according to the filling and color. I ate some celery dumplings with green skin, which is really delicious. I also ate some dumplings in the shape of a bear. The two ears are fat and cute. I don't know how to make them.

Xi'an snacks will come here, and we will also go to the hotel. Tomorrow we will leave at noon. Goodbye, beautiful Xi'an. bye-bye!

Composition on Squirrels (3)

One night, I lay in bed and fell asleep early.

I came to a gorgeous place alone, looked up and saw a big plaque made of chewing gum, on which were written four big words made of ice cream, "Food Castle". It makes people "drool three thousand feet"!

I went in and had a look. Wow! The green grass is made of mung bean cake; The middle path is made of chocolate; The clear river is made of soda water. I just grabbed a mung bean cake and ate it. Suddenly, I seemed to feel a sharp sword next to me. Looking back, I saw a guard in armor with a sword made of ice cream that could not be melted. He said, "Where is the wild boy? How dare he steal the food in the food castle?" I said, "Who are you? Who cares about me?" Just then, a man wearing a golden crown and a gold suit came, This must be the famous king of food. He said, "Who is making a noise here?" The guard said, "Report to the king that this wild boy is stealing food." The king looked at me a few times, and said angrily to the guard, "This is my guest. Hurry to tell the servant to prepare something for good reception, or I will cut your head off!" I entered the hall, so big and spacious! The wall is made of sugarcane; The cushion is made of hamburgers; The table is made of chocolate. The king asked me to sit with him, and I promised. After a while, delicious food was served, bananas, apples, peaches; Chicken legs, hamburgers, chicken wings; Coke, Sprite, Orange Juice. It really has everything! I tasted a chicken leg. Wow, it's delicious! I talked with the king while eating, and my stomach swelled to death.

"Wake up quickly, I'm late!" I rubbed my bleary eyes and found that everything just happened was a dream. How I wish that dream could come true!

Composition on Squirrels (4)

How can I say that I have not many advantages and disadvantages. The only thing I can do is eat. Speaking of eating, I'm an expert. This thing is fragrant, smelly, spicy and hot. I put a few peppers and sprinkle some sugar on it.

Today, my mother bought a few catties of snacks, which made me greedy. My saliva can be used to mop the floor. "Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle..." He gulped down five cookies. But the delicious food attracted me like a big magnet. I couldn't help reaching for snacks again. "Lie down!" I slapped my hands and left "eternal memory" on my hands. I looked up and saw my mother glaring at me: "Don't eat any more!" At this scene, I immediately smiled and said: "Mom, if you tolerate three more pieces, it will be three. OK, my great mother..."

A burst of "bombardment", I searched my guts, and my mouth was almost foaming. As a result, my mother still said the same two words - no. Then he went into the room with his pocket. Alas, I am doomed!

After school in the afternoon, I went home. I was so happy that I almost fainted when my home was empty. Put down your bag and go straight to the room.

I started my search from the bed. "It's rustling..." The room was in chaos, like a thief. I'll check one by one from the cabinet. East and west, a spider came to my hand. Scared me to sit back, "rush!" Snacks, ah, wonderful snacks! I grabbed my pocket and ate with relish. No good, my mother came, I quickly picked up the bag, a burst of "autumn wind sweeping leaves" bag was cleaned "spotless". Alas, it's too late to hide your pockets. The footsteps are getting closer and closer. Mom appears in front of me

Composition on Squirrels (5)

Every Tomb Sweeping Day, there are green grass all over the mountains and fields. One of them is called Rhamnus angustifolia, which must be prepared for making Caozi kueh.

The grass kueh made of this kind of grass is delicious, soft, and is like a puff. It has a round, plump body, green and wrapped with stuffing, including peanut stuffing and bean stuffing. I like bean paste best. It tastes sweet and delicious!

Grandma is famous for her craft of making Caoxiao. First, she carefully selected the high-quality sage, and then washed it clean. Then she put it into the grottoes and smashed the sage with a big wooden hammer. The process of breaking is very hard. You will be tired after hammering. After beating, add warm water and brown sugar to stir. Wow! There is also a good smell of milk, so fragrant! I can't wait to try it! At this time, Grandma took out the glutinous rice flour, poured the brown sugar water into the glutinous rice flour, and rubbed it repeatedly. In order not to make it stick to her hands, Grandma rubbed and smeared some glutinous rice flour into her hands. After kneading, Grandma took out the stuffing that had been prepared for a long time, spooned it into the hollow in the middle, wrapped it tightly, kneaded it into a ball, and put it into the oiled banana leaves. Finally, it can be cooked!

Wait for more than 20 minutes, and the Caoxiao will be steamed! How fragrant! As soon as Grandma took out the pot, I grabbed one and sent it to her mouth. It burned me to death! Grandma smiled and said to me, "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You can't be too anxious in the future, or the consequences will be serious!"! I scratched my head and smiled. I immediately blew the rice straw and ate it like a wolf!

Kueh was originally a sacrificial offering, and later evolved into a delicacy in our hometown. There are many kinds of kueh, with different shapes and colors, and different tastes, even with different meanings and connotations, such as the red peach kueh, which symbolizes good luck, and the mouse song kueh, which symbolizes health and safety. Later, food gradually became a kind of culture.

Composition on Squirrels (6)

Remember that time, I really want to cry without tears. I was doing my homework in my room, and there was a strong smell of vegetables in the kitchen. It's so delicious. I can't help but take a peek at it. It's my favorite braised pork. My body involuntarily moved towards the kitchen, ready to stretch out my hand to taste it. "Stop, I haven't taken a picture yet." Mother shouted. My hand drew back sadly. So my mother took out her mobile phone to take photos. Let's eat now. I can't wait to reach for the braised pork. "Wait a minute, the angle just now is wrong, let me take some more pictures." Mother held her mobile phone in both hands and carefully compared pictures there, which looks like a professional photographer. After filming, he told me: "Boy, don't steal food. When the dishes are ready, I have to take a picture of them." But when my mother finished filming, my appetite had already flown.

Then my mother picked up her mobile phone and sent it to her friends circle. The dishes after Meitu are more delicious. Just a few minutes after it was posted, someone commented, "Good, good." "It's delicious, and I wish I could fly to it right away to taste it." "This craftsmanship is great." More and more comments and more likes. At this time, my mother became a "top chef" in her circle of friends.

Mother not only sent out her own food, but also sent out delicacies from all over the country. No matter where you eat, you should take photos first. And only when she is satisfied, can we taste it. After shooting, I started to send friends circle again. I don't understand what this means. Can't you have a good meal?

In our house, food is not for eating, but for drying.

Composition on Squirrels (7)

After breakfast, the clothes of the washing machine were washed. My mother and I were washing clothes together. Suddenly, the tree in front of us was moving. When I looked carefully, it turned out to be a cute little squirrel. My mother told me not to make any noise and looked at the little squirrel carefully.

The gray brown hair on the little squirrel is smooth as if it has been oiled. The little squirrel has flexible limbs and quick movements. We watched him jump up and down on the branches. He was very clever, jumping from this tree to the tree over there until we could not see him. The little squirrel has a pair of shining eyes. The little squirrel always has a big furry tail, which is very beautiful. I know its tail is used as a quilt.

The little squirrel is a beautiful little animal. It's really cute.

In fact, this is the second time I saw a little squirrel in the yard. Last time, it was on my way to dinner. The little squirrel was not afraid of me at all and played hide and seek with me. This time, it can jump fast.

Composition on Squirrels (8)

Once upon a time, there lived a lazy and naughty squirrel in the forest. The house he lives in is broken! But he never cared.

One day, the sky was overcast and it was going to rain, but the little squirrel was still playing on the swing outside. The rabbit has arrived at his turnip room, the cat has arrived at his mouse room, the horse has returned to his palace size house, and the dog, duck and other animals have returned to their homes. After a while, "whoosh..." It began to rain cats and dogs, and the little squirrel found it was raining. He hurried to his shabby home. When he got home, the house leaked a lot of water. The little squirrel picked up the washbasin and poured out the water basin by basin. After a while, it cleared up and the little squirrel splashed water in the house. At this time, the animals said to the little squirrel, "You should repair the house quickly, or your house will collapse when it rains next time." The little squirrel said, "It doesn't matter. It's not too late to repair it tomorrow."

The next day, it rained heavily, with northwest wind blowing. The house of Little Squirrel was really blown down. The little squirrel cried and said, "If I had listened to everyone's advice yesterday to repair the house, my house would not collapse now."

Composition on Squirrels (9)

Do you know who our skydiver is? To tell the truth, it is our little squirrel. My father bought it from the pet store. I named it skydiving ninja.

It looks so cute. I really want to pick it up, but I'm afraid it's too naughty, so I touched it. Its head is round, and its ears are short and very sensitive. Every time I open the door and see him, he runs around. The eyes are round, like a pair of black beads, and the mouth is very big, especially greedy. Once I saw him biting the cage all the time, I thought: He is hungry. I put some soybeans in it. It ate with relish and had a long tail. Every time it jumps high, it lands on the ground with its tail when it wants to get down. Long limbs, fast running.

This happened between us; When I fed him, he didn't eat anyway, but when I looked carefully, he was licking his urine with his tongue. I thought he was thirsty, so I put some water on him. One day later, I saw that he was wet, so I hurried to let him go to the sun for fear that he might catch a cold.

Well, this little squirrel is really my best friend in the world. I like it so much. Do you like it?

Composition on Squirrels (10)

There are as many small animals as stars in the sky, and my favorite animal is a smart and cute squirrel!

The squirrel has a pair of bright big eyes, a pair of long front teeth, four sharp claws, and a big furry tail behind. There are several black patterns on the back of the depressed person. When you eat, you always put food in your mouth. Once two front teeth bite, they open. Squirrel's teeth are really sharp.

The squirrel's tail is the strangest and has many functions. Summer is coming, and the squirrel's tail is like an umbrella to shade it. When winter comes, the tail is like a quilt, keeping the squirrel from freezing. The squirrel's tail is like a parachute, which can prevent the little squirrel from being injured. Squirrels can jump up and down trees because their tails keep them balanced. When a squirrel jumps to the ground, its tail makes it land safely, because its tail is like a parachute.

Squirrels are cute and human friends. We need to protect it, so that smart and cute little squirrels will not be hurt!

Composition on Squirrels (11)

In the dense forest, two groups of red wind rushed past.

These are two squirrels. Behind is Xinxin, the little squirrel, and in front is its mother, Red Maple. They are hungry and looking for food.

They stopped on a thick pine branch and sniffed hard with their noses.

Suddenly, a smell of chestnuts came with the wind, and ran away happily in the direction of the smell. Mother followed.

Xinxin stopped and saw a small pile of roasted chestnuts through the gap of pine needles, which made her mouth water. He was about to taste roasted chestnuts, but his mother grabbed his tail.

Don't you see the iron monster above the chestnuts? That's a human trap! We look for food again.

Xinxin looked at her mother's serious eyes and felt very aggrieved. It waved its tail unconvinced and ran to the chestnuts. It is too small to understand how cruel and dangerous human beings are.

Mother chased hard behind and shouted: Xin Xin, come back! Come back! When Xinxin's front paw almost touched the chestnut, a red wind blocked it from the front, and it was pushed by the red maple and fell back, sprawling. At that moment, time seemed frozen.

When Xinxin thought of her mother in a daze, she heard her mother's voice: Xinxin, are you all right? This short sentence is full of sadness. Xinxin got up and saw his mother in the iron monster. There was a pile of roasted chestnuts under her feet. Xinxin immediately remembered her mother's advice and her indifferent stubbornness. He looked at his helpless mother and felt bad.

Xinxin used her small paws to pull the cage hard. The sound of the crash stopped, and the cage still responded coldly. Xinxin's little paws were red and Xinxin was desperate. Xinxin sat beside the Iron Monster with her mother, regretting, despairing, and meditating until dusk.

Suddenly, two shadows appeared in the distance. Come on, kid! Xinxin immediately ran away, jumped onto a not tall pine tree, and stared at the two black shadows.

The shadow grew bigger and bigger, and soon came to the cage. When they saw the red maple in the cage, they were so excited that they talked loudly: Ouch, this is a red haired squirrel, so beautiful! Xinxin hid in the tree and fidgeted, so worried that she was about to cry.

The human raised the iron cage of the red maple and prepared to leave. Xinxin jumped down the tree and followed.

The setting sun has dyed the forest red, and we are glad to come to the edge of the forest with human beings. The human threw the red maple on the leather truck and got into the cab. Xinxin jumped into the car quickly and climbed carefully to her mother. Red Maple was horrified: Go quickly, you will die. Xinxin looks at her mother with affirmative eyes: I'm not going, I'm wrong, I want to accompany you - Mom! Red Maple said hurriedly: silly boy, you can't kill for nothing. The forest is your home. Remember to stay away from human beings. The car started, and her mother stared at Xinxin with firm eyes. Xinxin was heartbroken and jumped out of the car.

The pickup truck runs slowly at first, then faster and faster. Xin Xin saw through her tears that her mother's bright red body hair was disappearing with the setting sun.

Composition on Squirrels (12)

A few days ago, I went to a pet shop with my parents. As soon as I entered the door, I was fascinated by a cute little squirrel. Mom saw that I liked the little squirrel very much, so she bought it for me. I named it "Xiao Guai".

The appearance of "little darling" is particularly attractive. It has a pair of ice and snow bright eyes, a pair of small and exquisite ears, the hair on the body is brown, shiny, and there are several black patterns on the back, and the hairy tail is always high, looking healthy and beautiful.

When eating, "Xiaoguai" always holds the food with his forelimbs first, and then sends it to his mouth. Its mouth is too small. It can only eat a little at a time. It takes seven or eight times to finish a pile of food. However, it eats food very fast, sometimes too fast for people to see clearly. Watching it eat is like watching a sports match. I always want to laugh. "Little darling" always lowered his head and licked carefully with his tongue when drinking water. He looked very gentle. When sleeping, it shrinks its body into a ball, and its tail covers its whole body. Seen from a distance, it looks like a leather ball with patterns.

I also found that when I was happy, its tail swung back and forth, sometimes in the shape of an "S", like dancing. Sometimes it would stand there quietly, staring at the same place with two eyes, as if it was sad. I could not help feeling sad, thinking: it must be homesick, feel lonely.

I will take good care of it and make it happy!

Composition on Squirrels (13)

In a leafy forest, there is a kind squirrel. It has two precious daughters, one is Xiaomei, the other is Xiaoli. These two children have been very innocent, lively and lovely since childhood. They snuggle up with their mother all day long and never want to leave. Xiaomei has helped her mother do housework since she was young, and she doesn't feel tired or bitter; Xiaoli relied on her sister when she was young. Her mother asked her to do something, and she pushed it to her sister. Therefore, they could do nothing, but both sisters wanted to go out and make a break.

The mother squirrel saw her two daughters grow up day by day and have their own ideals, so she said to the two children: "Children, you have grown up and become sensible. You should know your life goals. You can't always rely on your mother. Maybe my mother will live on you in the future!" Xiaomei and Xiaoli said in unison, "Mom, don't worry, we will go to the outside world now and see you again in a year!"

The two sisters acted separately. Xiaomei decides to be a strong person in life. She wants to explore the future in the Gobi Desert. She walked and walked, and finally came to a piece of Gobi Desert. She looked up and saw naked stones. The scorching sun made her unable to open her eyes. She almost held her breath before she heard the sound of running water. She ran over cheerfully and saw that the clear spring was flowing to a dry stream. She was very happy and bent down to suck the cool stream greedily. Ah! It's so refreshing. She wiped her mouth and made up her mind that it was here that she lived alone.

From then on, Xiaomei got up early to work in the dark, moved all the broken stones aside, and watered the land with the stream water. Thirsty, drink water; Hungry, eat some wild fruits growing by the stream. Gradually, Xiaomei became thinner, her eyes were sunken, her ruddy face became dark and rough, and her lips were scabbed with blood, but she still kept going, because she had one wish: to create a better tomorrow with her own diligence.

Let's talk about Xiao Li. Since the day of breaking up, she has wandered around aimlessly. She ate rotten fruit that others gave her. She lived in a tree at night. When the wind blew, she couldn't sleep. The wind whistled in my ears, just like the howling of wild animals, and also like my mother's kind voice calling her back. Xiaoli's nose became sour, and tears began to flow out. How she missed her mother, the beautiful life in the past, and her sister. How is she now? Is it the same as yourself? Or live another life? With this in mind, she fell asleep. In her sleep, she vaguely saw her mother coming, but suddenly stopped, because she heard her mother scolding her for not being strong, scolding her for not having a life goal, and chasing after and beating her. Xiaoli ran away hurriedly and accidentally fell off the cliff into the water. The cold water choked her out of breath.

"Hmm..., Hmm..." Xiaoli shook her head, and the sweat kept rolling down. She was still wandering in the nightmare, constantly rolling left and right, and finally hanging from the tree. "Pa Da", Xiao Li woke up with a start and found what a serious mistake she had made. Her mother's dream made her think for a long time. She wanted to learn from her sister's spirit and work hard for her future.

All these things are so far away for a little girl who has never worked since childhood, but Xiaoli can't forget the pain brought to her by being spoiled. She worked day after day, and soon had her own fruits of labor. She will take these back to her old home.

Xiaomei and Xiaoli meet again by chance. They come to their mother hand in hand. My mother cried and said to them, "You are finally back. Finally, you are back. I am very pleased with the results of your work. A year ago, it finally came true." The two daughters realized their mother's painstaking efforts and the whole family was immersed in happiness.

Composition on Squirrels (14)

In daily life or work and study, everyone has dealt with composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. How to write a good composition? The following is about 700 words of Xiaobian's composition about the little squirrel's scarf, which I hope can help you.

Today, it was sunny. The little white rabbit walked happily in the forest, humming a tune from time to time, "La la la la la la la la. Don't mention how happy it is again. At this time, the little white rabbit saw the little squirrel and wanted to say hello to her. Rabbit, rabbit, can you do me a favor? I accidentally lost my mother's scarf. The little squirrel said first," Sobbing "The little squirrel was worried and was about to cry.

When the rabbit saw it, he patted the squirrel and said, "OK, don't cry.". The little white rabbit asked the little squirrel where your scarf was lost. Do you still remember? The little squirrel wiped his tears and said, "I was washing clothes by the river, but I didn't pay attention and slipped away without grasping the scarf.".

The little rabbit understood and thought for a while and said to the little squirrel: Maybe it will flow down the river. Let's go and find it.

With these words, they took the squirrel's hand and walked downstream. They searched and looked, but never saw their mother's scarf.

The little squirrel was a little dejected and said, "My father gave it to my mother. Now that it's gone, my mother will be very sad.".

The little white rabbit heard this and quickly comforted him: Don't be sad first, I'll find a boat and follow the river.

Little White Rabbit found Uncle Elephant and asked Uncle Elephant to take everyone to look for scarves. Everyone skates. Where the hell is the scarf? "Ah" Is that right? The little white rabbit said excitedly. The little white rabbit looked at it, shook his head and said: My mother's scarf is yellow. "All right," said the little white rabbit dejectedly.

The little white rabbit saw a yellow scarf on a bird's nest not far away and patted the little squirrel. When the little squirrel saw that the birds had made the scarf into a bird's nest, the little squirrel politely asked, "Bird, can you return this scarf to me?"? This is my mother's. "Ah," said the bird in surprise. Then he said in dismay, "Give it back to you, we will be frozen to death in winter. When the little squirrel heard what happened to the bird, he couldn't bear to take back his scarf.

Thanks to Uncle Elephant and Little White Rabbit, when he returned home, the little squirrel told his mother. After hearing this, his mother touched the little squirrel's head and said with a smile, "Honey, it doesn't matter. If you give the scarf to someone who needs it more, it will be more valuable. I think Dad will agree with the baby's approach.".

The little squirrel nodded happily.

Composition on Squirrels (15)

Composition on Squirrel 1

When I think of the little squirrel, my heart is full of regret, and the lively and lovely figure of the little squirrel appears before my eyes.

Last year, my mother brought back a lively and lovely squirrel from my colleague's house. He has a pair of crystal clear small eyes, round, wearing a brown and black matching smooth sweater, has long and thick tail, looks like a small broom. Although he has a sharp mouth, he is very naughty. When he is free, he jumps around in the cage and does his own fitness exercise - climbing. I can't put it down. My parents and I made an agreement that when it grew up, grew strong and had the ability to live independently, we would put it back into the natural forest.

I take food to feed it every day. The little squirrel is very human, once or twice, he became familiar with me.

As soon as I go, it knows that it can eat food immediately. It rushes forward like an arrow and keeps looking around, waiting for me to feed it. I put the food into the cage. It can't wait in the cage. It greedily eats it, holds it in its paws, and makes a "swish swish swish" sound in its mouth for fear that others will take its things away. I said in my heart: You greedy little squirrel, I can't help you. Since then, we have become inseparable good friends after school every day, which has added a lot of fun to my life.

Gradually, winter came and little squirrels began to hibernate. I was afraid that she would be cold, so I stuffed some cotton cloth into the cage. I thought it would not be cold. I know a little about the hibernation of animals. I think squirrels are eating when they hibernate. They will not eat until they wake up in the next spring. So I put it in the corner of the living room, never mind it again, and want it to sleep quietly. Until one day, my mother asked me: "Where is your little squirrel?" I remembered that the little squirrel was still in the corner of the living room. I ran to the cage and carefully picked the little squirrel out. Its small body was all huddled, motionless and cold. My God? The poor little squirrel not only died when. Suddenly, tears blurred my eyes, and I kept asking my mother: "How did the little squirrel die? How did the little squirrel die?" My mother said: "The little squirrel was starved to death. It would wake up after hibernation for a few days. When it woke up, it had to eat again. After eating, it continued to hibernate."

Looking at the poor little squirrel curled up in a ball, my heart was like a knife. I kept crying: "Little squirrel, come back quickly! You come back quickly!"

However, it can no longer hear my call. It will never return to its home, nature, and can no longer live freely in the forest. Thinking of this, sad tears blurred my eyes again. I guess the little squirrel, at the last moment of his life, did not know how much he resented my half knowing friend, or how much he loved us human beings. Maybe she will never treat us as friends again, and will never get along with us harmoniously. I buried the little squirrel sadly in the constant self reproach. The death of the little squirrel has become a permanent pain in my heart, and I will never forget the days with it.

That night, I had a dream that the lively and lovely little squirrel came back to life. My parents and I carried the cage together and put it back to nature. It ran happily in the forest, so happy and comfortable

Composition on Squirrels 2

Squirrel is a beautiful little animal, tame, clever, and very pleasing. They have beautiful faces, sparkling eyes, vigorous bodies, light limbs, are very agile and alert. The small and exquisite face, lined with a beautiful tail in the shape of a hat tassel, looks particularly beautiful; The tail is always tilted up to the head, and the body hides under the tail to have a rest

They often sit upright, like people using their hands, and feed food into their mouths with their forepaws. It can be said that squirrels are the least like quadrupeds. Squirrels do not hide under the ground. They often move at heights. They live in trees like birds, run around the woods, and jump from one tree to another.

They made nests in trees, picked fruits and drank dew. Only when the trees were blown too hard by the wind did they come to the ground. Squirrels can't be found in the fields and plains. They never approach people's houses or stay in small trees. They only like big trees and live in tall trees. On a sunny summer night, squirrels can be heard jumping and shouting in the trees, chasing each other. They seem to be afraid of the strong sunlight. They hide in their nests to cool off during the day, and come out to run, play and eat at night. Although they also catch birds, they are not carnivorous beasts. They often eat almonds, hazelnuts, beech nuts and chestnuts. Squirrels dare not go into the water.

Some people say that when squirrels cross water, they use a piece of bark as a boat and their tails as sails and rudder. Squirrels don't hibernate like mountain squirrels in winter. They are very alert. As long as someone touches the root of the tree a little, they will run out of the nest, hide under the branches, or escape to other trees. Squirrels run and jump very quickly, always jumping forward, sometimes skipping.

Their claws are so sharp and their movements are so agile. A very smooth tall tree climbs up in a flash. Squirrels' calls are loud and sharper than weasels' calls. If you are annoyed by others, you will also make an unhappy hate sound.

Composition on Squirrels (16)

My family has a cute little squirrel. It is as big as my palm. It has a soft coat, brown and orange, which is like its fur coat. Its head is slightly like a small triangle, and its eyes are black like two black gemstones. Its tail is long and fluffy, like a curved hairy moon. People can't help but want to touch it.

Little squirrels like carrots very much. It is very cute when eating. Its two small claws hold the radish and its two front teeth chew it quickly, making a squeaking sound. When eating, my two eyes also glanced at me from time to time for fear that I would rob it!

The little squirrel is also very considerate! I remember one time, when I did poorly in the exam, I walked home unhappily and sat on the sofa staring at the little squirrel in the cage. The little squirrel seemed to guess what was on my mind and squeaked, as if to say: "It doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam. You should study hard before the next exam and check carefully, and you will definitely get good grades!" Listening to the little squirrel's soothing voice, I seemed to feel much relaxed, and secretly determined to study hard next time and get good grades!

Another time, I accidentally broke my computer and was severely scolded by my mother. I was very sad. I looked at the little squirrel with tears streaming down my face. The little squirrel saw me looking at it and squeaked again, as if to say: "Nothing, nothing, just pay attention next time!" After listening to the little squirrel's words, I stopped crying and thought: pay attention next time, Can't be so edgy anymore!

Little squirrels have brought infinite happiness to my life. How I love my little squirrels!