Mother is Sad (Practical 18)
Face the future with a smile
2024-03-08 00:36:20
fourth grade
fairy tale

Mom is sad (1)

Papa Bear and Mama Bear gave birth to a bear cub. They were very happy because this was their first child (son), Baby Bear, who grew up and went to primary school. Papa Bear and Mama Bear found the best school and teacher. When Baby Bear saw his good friend bought a new pen bag, he also asked his parents to buy him a new pen bag. Baby Bear's father and mother bought Baby Bear whatever he wanted. One exam, Baby Bear got the last but one. Father and mother beat Baby Bear. Baby Bear thought that violence could solve all problems, so he fought with his classmates, The students dare not tell the teachers and parents that Baby Bear has become the little overlord in the class. After six years, Baby Bear can get along in the Jianghu if he fails to pass the junior high school entrance exam, so he really becomes a little gangster in the Jianghu. He does not work hard every day and becomes a real old gnawing family. If he did, something happened. Baby Bear took drugs and was caught by the police.

Mama Bear and Papa Bear regret it. What's the use of regretting? Who asked you to teach your children the wrong way?

Mom is sad (2)

Today is the fifth day that Dad left.

When I came home from school at night, my mother asked me if I was still sad? Looking at my mother's red eyes, I nodded. In fact, I really want to tell my mother that I have only been sad for one day. It was the day when Grandma wailed, and I didn't feel sad after that.

I want to tell my mother that my father is gone, and I am the man in the family! And my father is gone, I think we should live stronger! Watching my mother cry in the room all day, I'm afraid my mother will cry blind!

Mom, you should be happy soon!

Mom is sad (3)

The mother bird laid several eggs. After her careful care, several days later, lovely birds emerged from the eggs. After a while, the birds gradually grew up. One day, the birds said to their mother, "Mom, we are grown up and should go out to see the world!" The mother agreed and told them to pay attention to safety. The birds scrambled to fly out of their nest and kept chasing and fighting in the sky. A bird accidentally broke into the cage arranged by the hunter. "Help, help!" the bird cried. But the other birds did not find their companions in trouble. Finally, all the birds were caught by the hunter one after another. When the mother bird saw that the children hadn't come back for a long time, she went out to look for them. Only one bird was found. From its mouth, she learned that the other birds had been caught by hunters. The mother bird was very sad and cried every day. Up to now, her eyes are still red!

Third year: Ye Junqiao

Mom is sad (4)

One day, the planets were having a meeting. After a while, suddenly, Mother Earth fainted, and other planets helped her up quickly. One minute later, Mother Earth woke up and everyone asked her with concern: "What's wrong with you?" "I'm fine." "Why did you faint just now?".

Back to the earth, people clean the sewage, clean the air and plant trees. Soon, Mother Earth recovered her beauty.

We should protect and love the earth.

Mom is sad (5)

In the morning, my first thing is to play the piano. I played for a while, and my mother said she would come and watch me play. I ignored her and just played my piano. I can't play in one place. I still can't play after playing for a long time. I was a little unhappy, so I lost my temper. However, when my mother saw me, she scolded me and hit me, which made me feel uncomfortable. Mom, do you know that you make me feel sad.

Mom is sad (6)

The reason is that I finished my homework as soon as I got home. My mother asked me to take my homework to her for examination, and I took it reluctantly. My mother was very angry when she saw my homework. She said loudly, "Yuan Ye, how can you write your homework so carelessly? Your handwriting is not neat at all, and there are many typos!" I replied angrily, "Where did I make a mistake?" My mother was even more angry when she saw me like this, and said, "You are so careless when you do your homework, and your attitude is still so bad. Can you do well in this way?" Later, we stood still for a long time over how to write a word. In fact, I know what I did was wrong, but I will never admit it. My mother cried with anger when she saw me like this. Then he said to me very sadly: "Yuan Ye, you really hurt my mother's heart! I will never care about you again, and I will treat you as my son!" Hearing this sentence, I felt that my mother was really sad. Later, my father couldn't stand it anymore. He came over and criticized me severely. I also know that I was really wrong, and I regret it. I apologized to my mother, so she felt better.

Through this matter, I swear to myself: I must do my homework carefully, look at the questions carefully, and write neatly. At the same time, we should correct our attitude, never fight with our mother again, and never let her feel sad again!

Grade 6: mood equals zero

Mom is sad (7)

A group of lovely and beautiful birds and their mothers live in a big tree.

One day Xiaoming came to shade under a big tree. When he looked up, he saw a group of lovely and beautiful birds. The mother bird went to find something to eat for the birds. He quickly found a birdcage and began to catch birds. He caught one in the east and one in the west and took them all away. Xiao Ming is very proud! At this time, a bird flew away with Xiaoming's pride. Xiaoming chased him to the east and ran to the west. The bird has gone without a trace.

The bird that flew out told the mother bird about it. The mother bird was very sad and cried while looking for the birds.

Mom is sad (8)

Now, the pollution on the earth is very serious.

What we know about these large-scale pollution is that there is a river in Mexico. Because of oil leakage from ships on the sea, the sea has become a waste sea, which has no use value. There are also a lot of trees felled by human beings. Now, according to statistics, on average, a football field size forest is lost every minute. Now, most of the pollution on the earth is also man-made pollution. We can see the black smoke from the chimney and the garbage in the sewer at any time. These are the culprits of polluting nature. On the high iceberg, I think it will never melt, but at the same time that human beings pollute the environment in a large area, the iceberg is also melting. Although our living conditions are better now, I don't feel happy at all. Because wherever I go, I can see the waste batteries that people throw away, as well as the garbage bags thrown on the road. I think we should also know that if a button battery is left in the field, there will be one square meter of heaven and earth useless and everything will die; If the battery is thrown into a pond, a lot of water can be polluted. If you calculate carefully, the water polluted by a battery is a lifetime drinking water for an adult. What a painful price that is! If an ordinary garbage bag is left in the field, it will also pollute the field, and will not decompose until a hundred to two hundred years later. Therefore, we should buy a kind of garbage bag that can be decomposed in a short time and does not pollute the environment. In China, there are fewer and fewer animals, some of which are on the verge of extinction, some of which are already extinct.

I hope you can protect the environment, protect animals, don't make Mother Earth sad, let Mother Earth become better!

Grade 6 of Deqing Experimental Primary School in Huzhou, Zhejiang: Liu Yunxiang

Mom is sad (9)

One day, the planets were having a meeting. After a while, suddenly, Mother Earth fainted, and other planets helped her up quickly. One minute later, Mother Earth woke up and everyone asked her with concern: "What's wrong with you?" "I'm fine." "Why did you faint just now?".

Back to the earth, people clean the sewage, clean the air and plant trees. Soon, Mother Earth recovered her beauty.

We should protect the earth and love it.

Mom is sad (10)

Mom, you still owe your daughter a "sorry". Don't adults need to say "sorry" when they make mistakes? Although this matter has passed for several years, my daughter's heart knot has never been untied!

I still can't forget that it was a night three years ago when you came out of the bathroom after taking a bath. Our family sat around watching TV and sharing the happiness of our family. At that time, I thought our family was really warm, sweet and happy!

"Don't you think it's boring just to watch TV at home? Let's go to the park for a couple of rounds." I applauded your proposal happily. While I was happy, something unexpected happened. You touched your pocket and found something wrong. Suddenly, you said loudly, "Oh, my money is missing!" I said without thinking, "Did you drop it somewhere? Or did you lend it to someone else? Maybe you left it somewhere else?" You ran into the bedroom and turned it over beside the pillow, He said, "I remember I left the money here when I came home. Why did it disappear?" After saying that, your eyes immediately turned to me: "Did you take it? Give it to me, otherwise, I will find it out and you will look good!"

I looked at my calm father and said in a flustered look: "No, no, Mom asked you to believe me, I really didn't take your money." You saw that I didn't admit it, and said angrily: "You learned to steal money and lie at such a young age, how could I give birth to a daughter like you!" I collapsed, and tears could not stop flowing.

At this time, my aunt came up and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter?" You said seriously: "My money is missing, she must have taken it." The aunt retorted: "How can you wronged someone without evidence?" Dad finally couldn't help but stand up and said: "Don't argue!" He said to you: "You know to blame the child, can't you think about it again?" Then he turned to me and said, "You took it and then admitted it. If you didn't take it, then you said it. What are you crying about? It's really annoying!" After listening to my father's words, I cried even more and couldn't say a word.

My aunt was quite calm. She didn't say much and walked around the house. Suddenly, she took some money in her hand and went to her mother. "Is this your money, sister-in-law.

You sat in the living room without saying a word for a while and then went back to the bedroom. Then Dad followed the bedroom, leaving me alone in the living room sad

Mom, do you really know nothing about your daughter? Doesn't mother and daughter have even the least trust? Do you know that you hurt your daughter's self-esteem? Why didn't you say a word of comfort all the time? Is it so difficult to say "sorry" to your daughter? Do you know how much your actions hurt your daughter?

Three years, mom, I'm still looking forward to your sincere apology: "Daughter, I'm sorry!"

Mom is sad (11)

There is a big forest in a distant place, where there are rabbits, birds, deer... They all live a happy life!

One day, the mother rabbit took two baby rabbits to pick mushrooms?. Suddenly, two ferocious hunters sprang out of the big forest. They rushed over with guns. Mother Rabbit fell off the cliff to protect two baby rabbits from gunshot wounds on their legs. Fortunately, she was hanged by a branch and didn't die. When she came back hard to find baby rabbit, she found that she had been captured. She cried sadly for several days and nights

The two hunters said happily, "We can sell such a beautiful rabbit for a good price!" They put two rabbits into a cage and soon brought them to the city.?

Fortunately, two pupils passed by there. One student said, "Look how pathetic these two rabbits are. Shall we buy them? Don't teachers often teach us to love small animals? " Another student nodded happily. So they ran home and put together all their pocket money and bought the two rabbits.

They quickly took the two rabbits to the forest and released them. The rabbits soon found their own homes.

As soon as the mother rabbit saw that it was the baby rabbit coming back, she excitedly held them in her arms and said, "My children, you finally came back, which frightened my mother." Little Rabbit quickly introduced two little classmates to his mother: "Mom, they are our lifesavers. If they were not kind enough to save us, we would never see you again."

Mother Rabbit thanked the two students again and again. The two students looked at Little Rabbit and his family happily reunited, and they were very happy

Mom is sad (12)

Now, the pollution on the earth is very serious.

What we know about these large-scale pollution is that there is a river in Mexico. Because of oil leakage from ships on the sea, the sea has become a waste sea, which has no use value. There are also a lot of trees felled by human beings. Now, according to statistics, on average, a football field size forest is lost every minute. Now, most of the pollution on the earth is also man-made pollution. We can see the black smoke from the chimney and the garbage in the sewer at any time. These are the culprits of polluting nature. On the high iceberg, I think it will never melt, but at the same time that human beings pollute the environment in a large area, the iceberg is also melting. Although our living conditions are better now, I don't feel happy at all. Because wherever I go, I can see the waste batteries that people throw away, as well as the garbage bags thrown on the road. I think we should also know that if a button battery is left in the field, there will be one square meter of heaven and earth useless and everything will die; If the battery is thrown into a pond, a lot of water can be polluted. If you calculate carefully, the water polluted by a battery is a lifetime drinking water for an adult. What a painful price that is! If an ordinary garbage bag is left in the field, it will also pollute the field, and will not decompose until a hundred to two hundred years later. Therefore, we should buy a kind of garbage bag that can be decomposed in a short time and does not pollute the environment. In China, there are fewer and fewer animals, some of which are on the verge of extinction, some of which are already extinct.

I hope you can protect the environment, protect animals, don't make Mother Earth sad, let Mother Earth become better!

Mom is sad (13)

Somehow, Mother Earth is always dizzy, like a seriously ill old man. When brother Saturn knew this, he came to see Mother Earth and asked with concern, "Mother Earth, what's wrong with you?" But Mother Earth did not answer. Brother Saturn was very worried, so he invited Doctor Jupiter. Doctor Jupiter took a closer look with the "earth detector" he invented. It turned out that there were earthquakes and fires in many places... which made people nervous. Doctor Jupiter sighed and said, "Alas, how can so many disasters happen?" Suddenly, Doctor Jupiter's heart seemed to jump. He called the meteor, Uranus, the sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus, and said: "The biggest disaster is the earthquake. The earthquake is caused by the bad asteroid hitting the earth. We need to make a cannon. As soon as the asteroid hits the earth, we will blow it up!" So he began to do it.

They made cannons in 1173. To this day, this kind of cannon has not been finished yet. Mother Earth sadly closed her eyes until they finished it.

Mom is sad (14)

Mom, I am your precious son. Like all mothers, you have a desire to succeed. I understand very well that which parents in the world do not want their children to become outstanding and useful? But sometimes you interfere too much with my life.

I have a great hobby - collecting cigarette labels, but you try your best to stop me. I remember that one Sunday, I walked back and forth along the railway line for more than 30 miles to collect cigarette labels. Because I was late, you slapped me twice when you saw me go home. You swore at me, tore the cigarette labels I had worked hard to find into pieces, pried open the wooden box where I collected cigarette labels, and threw cigarette labels all over the room. Mom, do you know? That's my "savings" for several years! At that time, I was so upset that I wanted to bump into the wall.

In fact, how can you know the fun of collecting cigarette labels? Collecting cigarette labels can not only cultivate my perseverance, but also enrich my after-school life. I have this hobby, how can I give it up? Besides, there is much knowledge in cigarette labels. The Cigarette Label of Ceramics I collected introduced two precious porcelain carving art of the Tang and Yuan Dynasties, namely, the Cigarette Label of Glory, which was modified from the White Tin Bag during the Korean War. It has a big red flower on the front and a medal on the back. And the predecessor of "White Tin Bag" is the "Pattern Plate" brand produced by British merchants. Isn't this cigarette label a microcosm of Chinese tobacco history?

Aren't you telling me to learn my skills and serve the motherland when I grow up? I also know the importance of learning cultural knowledge, but I can't be a bookworm. Since cigarette labels are rich in knowledge and can cultivate character, why don't you let me do what I want to do? Mom, I am determined to collect cigarette labels and strive to become a member of the World Collectors Association to win honor for my country.

Mom, please don't make me sad and interfere with my hobbies after school.

Mom is sad (15)

There is a big forest in a distant place, where there are rabbits, birds, deer... They all live a happy life!

One day, the mother rabbit took two baby rabbits to pick mushrooms. Suddenly, two ferocious hunters sprang out of the big forest. They rushed over with guns. Mother Rabbit fell off the cliff to protect two baby rabbits from gunshot wounds on their legs. Fortunately, she was hanged by a branch and didn't die. When she came back hard to find baby rabbit, she found that she had been captured. She cried sadly for several days and nights

The two hunters said happily, "We can sell such a beautiful rabbit for a good price!" They put two rabbits into a cage and soon brought them to the city.

Fortunately, two pupils passed by there. One student said, "Look how pathetic these two rabbits are. Shall we buy them? Don't teachers often teach us to love small animals? " Another student nodded happily. So they ran home and put together all their pocket money and bought the two rabbits.

They quickly took the two rabbits to the forest and released them. The rabbits soon found their own homes.

As soon as the mother rabbit saw that it was the baby rabbit coming back, she excitedly held them in her arms and said, "My children, you finally came back, which frightened my mother." Little Rabbit quickly introduced two little classmates to his mother: "Mom, they are our lifesavers. If they were not kind enough to save us, we would never see you again."

Mother Rabbit thanked the two students again and again. The two students looked at Little Rabbit and his family happily reunited, and they were very happy

Mom is sad (16)

The reason is that I finished my homework as soon as I got home. My mother asked me to take my homework to her for examination, and I took it reluctantly. My mother was very angry when she saw my homework. She said loudly, "Yuan Ye, how can you write your homework so carelessly? Your handwriting is not neat at all, and there are many typos!" I replied angrily, "Where did I make a mistake?" My mother was even more angry when she saw me like this, and said, "You are so careless when you do your homework, and your attitude is still so bad. Can you do well in this way?" Later, we stood still for a long time over how to write a word. In fact, I know what I did was wrong, but I will never admit it. My mother cried with anger when she saw me like this. Then he said to me very sadly: "Yuan Ye, you really hurt my mother's heart! I will never care about you again, and I will treat you as my son!" Hearing this sentence, I felt that my mother was really sad. Later, my father couldn't stand it anymore. He came over and criticized me severely. I also know that I was really wrong, and I regret it. I apologized to my mother, so she felt better.

Through this matter, I swear to myself: I must do my homework carefully, look at the questions carefully, and write neatly. At the same time, we should correct our attitude, never fight with our mother again, and never let her feel sad again!

Grade 6: mood equals zero

Mom is sad (17)

Sad Mother Bird

There lives a happy and happy mother bird in the forest, because she has many baby birds, all of which are very cute. The mother bird goes out every day to feed the baby bird. Although it's hard, she doesn't feel at all.

One day, when the sun was shining brightly, the mother bird said to the bird, "Children, my mother is going to see your sick grandmother today. Can you help my mother look after the house?" "Yes" The birds said in unison. The mother bird saw that the birds were so sensible and flew away happily. The birds happily played games. A hunter passed by and heard the chirping of birds. He looked up and said, "Oh, why are there so many birds in the tree?" The hunter said to himself. He took q and shot it at the nest, scaring the birds to death. One bird was very smart. He plugged his ears with earplugs, but could not hear. He covered his body with straw, and then hid there silently. Soon, the other birds were caught by the hunter and put into the cage. Seeing that the hunter was far away, the smart bird got out of the straw pile and waited for her mother to come home. The mother bird came back from her grandmother's house and was stunned when she saw her home was beaten to pieces. When the bird saw her mother, she told her mother the whole story. The mother bird fainted when she heard about it

Mom is sad (18)

A person, looking around in the street without any clue, always hopes to find that familiar figure as soon as possible and lead her home

That day, I came home from school and looked around for a week. I didn't find my parents. I put down my schoolbag and went out to play in the field with my classmates who had been waiting for a long time. I forgot to leave a note for my parents.

We played, chased, and played in the fields. When we were tired of playing, the students took out the prepared cakes and gave me half of them. The two of us talked and laughed on the lawn and stuffed earphones. As a kind of enjoyment, we carefully tasted the food in our hands and listened to the wonderful music

The sky gradually darkened, the autumn wind was bleak, and the leaves rustled from time to time. At six o'clock in the evening, my classmates and I discussed and went home. On the way, we talked and laughed, held hands, and hopped together to the direction of home. At the crossroads, we reluctantly separated from each other and walked to their homes.

As soon as I opened the door, the house was quiet. When I came to the kitchen, the table was already full of food, but it was already cold Only then did I realize that they must have gone out to find me. But how can I tell them that I have returned? I ate obediently, washed my used dishes and chopsticks, washed my face and soaked my feet, and wanted to go to bed. Just as I was about to get into bed, I heard the parents' quarrel outside the gate. It seemed that there was a third familiar voice. When they walked into the room, the third voice sounded: "Don't worry. Maybe your children will come back soon after playing at their classmates' home." Ah! Isn't that our class teacher's voice? My parents have disturbed the head teacher for me When my parents entered the kitchen, they were surprised to see that one pair of chopsticks was missing, and they knew that I had gone home. They sent the head teacher away and walked to my room. I was scared in my bed

Mother came to sit beside my bed and sobbed with her father, saying, "Fortunately, nothing happened to her, otherwise what would we do?" Then she choked again. I tried not to make a sound, but my tears had moistened my cheeks. I didn't poke my head out of the bed until my parents left the room.

I dried my tears and swore in my heart that I would never let my mother grieve for me again!