Composition Father and Son (20 compilations)
Tears and pharynx are silent
2024-05-24 01:24:28

Composition Father and Son (1)

One morning, Mom and Dad cooked lunch and waited at the table for their son to eat. The mother said, "Why doesn't the son come to dinner?" The mother asked the father to call the son out. The father angrily walked to the son's room, pushed the door, and looked at the son sitting there reading without moving. The father angrily urged the son to go out for dinner, so the son went to dinner dejectedly. Dad wondered what books his son read. He forgot to eat his favorite Coke chicken wings. My father bent down to look at it, and it was really wonderful. As a result, my father fell down and began to look at it. The son sat on the bench and began to wait for his father. The mother asked the son to call him. The son reluctantly walked to his room and watched his father lying on the ground and reading the interesting book just like himself. He could not help laughing with his mouth covered. It turned out that his father was also so cute and jumped out to report to his mother. My friends, this book is really beautiful. Guess what it is? Come to Class 1, Grade 2 if you want to see it!

Composition Father and Son (2)

We grew up in the love of our parents. Their love is a kind smile, a kind word, a warm encouragement, and a strict requirement.

When I read "Father and Son in the Earthquake". Just half the time. My tears are not only swirling in my eyes. I can't help but want to recite a poem. Someone is willing to support you until the end of time. You are also willing to wait until he saves you. This is fatherly love, great fatherly love, fatherly love is like a mountain. I think her love is different from that of her mother. Mother's Love School will cook for you until midnight. Wait until midnight. And fatherly love is to support you silently behind your back under strict supervision. It is not easy for him to express his love for you. The father in the article believes in his son, and the son also believes in her. She found eight hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 36 hours. At the 38th hour of digging, he suddenly heard Ma Lixia's voice of a child. Dad, is that you? When I read this, my tears fell down in an instant. This may be telepathy. My father once told my son. As long as he is alive, no matter what happens, Dad will stay with his son. This shows that the son is willing to trust his father.

When I finished reading the full text. The corners of my mouth went up unconsciously. Because the last sentence in the article is the great father and son, and they are very happy to embrace each other tightly. I believe that if the same event is found in the earthquake in the future, I hope to have more such parents and children, because this spirit is hard for us to see the side of parents' love and feel the depth and breadth of parents' love.

Composition Father and Son (3)

If one is too old, he will get married. If he is not a determined DINK, he will think about having children. No matter boys or girls, as long as they are born, they will become an important member of your family. You must work hard for them, be tired for them, fight hard for them, create everything, provide everything, stick to everything, and finally worry, worry, worry about them... You belong to or most of your life belongs to her, and you are worried about it, Place hope, be pleased, happy and proud of his/her obedience, healthy growth and success; He (she) is worried because he (she) doesn't study hard, doesn't want to work, is dissolute and unruly... All things, children can't be separated from you.

I am a father of three and a half years old. My son has been with me since he was weaned. Except for a period of time when he couldn't find anyone to take him with, he was sent back to his hometown to be helped by my brother-in-law, who had been a soldier and worked meticulously and responsibly as a teacher. After three months, he never left me again. I was meticulous, feeding, watching My heart is tied to raising my son little by little. My son is very close to me. Wherever I am present, he does not need anyone to hold him or allow anyone to carry him to play. He will always climb on me or let me accompany him: if he falls down and is bullied, he needs me to comfort him; I need my praise and encouragement to do a good job; The road doesn't walk by himself. When he is thirsty, he needs to pour water for him to drink. When he is hungry, he needs me to take food and make food for him. Even urinating and going to the toilet should be accompanied by me... When I am not present, he is totally independent: no pain when falling down, no crying when injured, he has to walk by himself, eat his own food, wear his own clothes, and be obedient and clever. He is too aware of my love for him and too willing to take advantage of my love for him.

I have to love my son. When he was six months old, I divorced his mother because of personality disharmony and other reasons. When he was less than one year old, I received him to my side alone. Though thin, he is naughty; Although he is small, he is sensible; She has long and upward curling eyelashes that are hard to find for girls. Under the eyelashes are a pair of large black eyes with double eyelids. They are all smart, cute, curious and active. With that small nose and a small, delicate and ruddy mouth, they combine all the advantages of my mother and me. I have followed me for nearly three years, which has loaded me with too much sweat, energy and hope. If someone else keeps a dog, the dog is better than a son. If someone else keeps a cat, the cat becomes a princess. What's more, I keep a completely living person, who is born by himself. What's more, he lacks maternal love, so he can only let more fatherly love to make up for it. Even if it can't be replaced, I will try my best to devote my whole life. He is my fairy and my favorite.

But for raising children, the family can't help: the father can't help, nor can the mother. My father is conservative and stubborn. After retirement, he would rather raise two pigs at home, rather than give up the leisurely life in the countryside. He came to the city to help me look after my children. Mother can't help because she has high blood pressure, rheumatism, slow movements, can't run, can't rush, and poor memory. She often takes this, forgets that, goes out without a key, and doesn't know to take the key off the door when she comes back; She can't dial the phone or answer the mobile phone. She is unfamiliar with the street. She often goes out one day with a child and doesn't know how to come back at noon. She thought she was lost and almost called the police, but she came back with the child in her arms. Ask him where he played? She said she didn't go anywhere, but just held the child to watch the strange street. Her son was happy, didn't cry or make noise, and forgot the time to go home. If you can't cry or laugh, dare not fight or scold, you need more comfort and relief, for fear that she will be distracted, feel sorry for herself, have high heart pressure and suffer from many diseases. Friends can't help. When I just came to work in a new city, my friends are new friends, and I don't know enough about them. How dare I bother others by calling? What can I do for them when they come? After all, raising children is not a matter of one day and one night. Colleagues can't help. Colleagues have their lives, and their warm families need careful care and more time.

If you can't count on relatives and friends, you can only rely on the nanny market to hope for good luck. When you meet a responsible and careful nanny, the nanny can hurt you. At the nanny company, the nannies all boast about how many children they have brought up outside, how they can make food, clothes, and play for children, how they can take care of health, how they can clean up at home, how they can teach, and how they will devote themselves to being their own sons and grandchildren. But when they arrive at home, they are all changed, Even children can't mix milk powder, and the food is also poorly cooked. Even adults can't swallow it, let alone pay attention to nutrition and ease of digestion. They have to adapt to the old habits for a long time, and they can't change their habits. When it comes to getting to a point every night, they must sleep first, and when they have to stay still every weekend, they need to rest. When wages are paid one day later, they need to ask specific questions and have to change the nanny. It is the same with changing a baby sitter, and it is also the same with changing two baby sitters. It is impossible to meet a better, less worried and dutiful one. However, every time a baby sitter changes, the child will get sick, either a cold or fever, or diarrhea. Every time I get sick, I have to go to the hospital to have a drop needle. The drop needle can only be used on the head. My son's small bald head is all pierced by the eye of the drop needle, which is like head sores everywhere. The eyes were stuck all over the head, and if the needle could not be inserted again, it would have to be replaced by an indwelling needle. The indwelling needle cannot be taken off at will. It has to be hung 24 hours a day for fear that the child will feel uncomfortable and grab it. Once the blood vessel is torn, the patient will be alert and pay attention all the time. He is worried about going to work and dare not sleep deeply. The originally low salary went straight into the pockets of hospitals and nannies. It's just a pain to pay, but when I saw my son suffer, I only hated how he could not get the disease. I should focus on the son who can't talk and can't dance when he is only over one year old. How pathetic and sinful my son is! The indwelling needle shakes on my son's Guangguang's head every day, and my heart is stabbed with a knife. One poke at a hole, one poke at a pool of blood, and the tears are soaked in blood and turn in the eyes. I dare not squeeze my eyes again, and my face will be wet when I squeeze. I can't stop it.

How sorry I am for my son! It was my wrong choice to marry a woman who was not suitable for raising children. It was also my misjudgment to split up with a woman who had already married and raised children. As a result, my son lost his mother's love when he was young and could not live together happily with three people. He is often ill and lacks the care and companionship of his family. He has suffered endless hardships and suffered loneliness prematurely. I have become a sinner, a sinner that will never be forgiven! I must not coddle and be friendly to my son.

My son is interlinked with me. I often feel this connection and am moved by it. When we were pregnant with him, the doctor checked that his son's fetal position was not right, and he was headed up and down. We were worried because we wanted to have a smooth birth. We just hoped that miracles would occur, and the son suddenly came out of his own head. The ex-wife encouraged her son to refuel, slowly turning from day to day, turning the head down. A week passed, half a month passed, and a month passed. The next time he had a fetal examination, his son was still sitting upright. This time, I came to tell my son. I gently stroked my son who felt moving in his belly and said that it was his father who was talking to you. I knew you were sitting in the room. Maybe that would be better. But the doctor's aunt said that you had to turn your head down so that you could have a smooth birth and be more conducive to your development... I know you are my father's son and will listen to his words. As soon as the words were finished, my son moved violently inside for a while. I knew that it might be normal fetal movement, but I believed that he listened to me and began to do my best to give him instructions. Every second day, my ex-wife came back from work and said that she really felt that her son's head was tilted downward. I firmly believed that my son's head could be turned over, so I insisted on telling him to encourage him. Unexpectedly, half a month later, my son's head and buttocks were completely turned over, and then I went to check. The fetal position was extremely positive, which surprised even the doctor. Although his mother delivered him prematurely by caesarean section due to cholestasis in advance and failed to deliver naturally, he was only four kilograms and four taels when he gave birth, which was extremely weak, I felt that my son and I were connected. Sometimes I dreamt that my son was cold outside, and immediately woke up. When I woke up to check, my son really stepped on the quilt and cooled outside, and dared not sleep deeply again. Every time my son is uncomfortable, I feel powerless. A few days later, he coughs and I also cough. He hurts his stomach and doesn't eat. I also have no appetite. I'm hungry and can't digest one bite. If I feel uncomfortable first, he will catch a cold, have a fever or run diarrhea in two days. I will recover slowly and he will get better. This is not a psychological reason, but a genuine physical discomfort. At night, if my son doesn't sleep, I can't fall asleep, and if he falls asleep, I will soon fall asleep. He is asleep. I know when he will turn over, when he needs to go to the toilet, and when he dreams, he will call me twice as father. When I fell asleep, as long as he rolled over, kicked his legs, rolled out of the quilt, or made a small uncomfortable hum, or a burst of abnormal breathing, I would wake up immediately, just like which nerve of mine was connected to his body and which part became his body. Originally, others said that twins have telepathy, and I am half convinced. Now I am more and more convinced that my son and I really have emotional and life details.

At the turn of spring and summer last year, the weather was changeable. I added a thick coat every day for fear of catching a cold and infecting my son. But the weather turned hot, and I didn't dare to take it off. As a result, I was caught in wind heat, dizzy and tired, and unable to walk. It happened that I took my son's aunt home for a few days off from work on the farm, and my son was taken care of by me on annual leave. I insisted on cooking for my son and feeding him. I held my son and wandered to a clinic to prescribe some medicine. After taking some medicine, I felt powerless and fell on the sofa with my head sinking to explode. Seeing that my son was double, I had to close my eyes and felt that he was going to die. After a long time, I opened my eyes and said to my son, "Son, my father is ill and can't hold you and take you out to play again. You have been playing and watching cartoons at home these two days. When my father is ready, you can even dig sand and sit and shake.". My son didn't cry or make noise in those two days. If he didn't sit quietly on the sofa and watch TV, he would climb over to play in his car for a while and never leave me three meters away; He is also strangely good when he sleeps at night. He doesn't let people coax him. He doesn't push the quilt, make noise, or go to the toilet. I owe my son, but he repay me like this. I am very moved. Fortunately, after taking the medicine, I got better the next afternoon, and carried my son to fulfill my promise. This is the only time my son didn't fall ill with me.

Whenever I have to go on business trips, I am always reluctant to give up my son, and I am most worried about my son. Before I leave, I always have to tell and explain to the aunt who took my son. Finally, I have to call back several days to ask him what he ate today, how to play, whether he listened or not, and whether he was good or not. Where to play now and where to go, we must know the whereabouts and status of his son at every moment. Lying in the hotel at night is unable to sleep, worried about not having me around, is he used to it, and did he cover the quilt at night? As the old saying goes, "A mother worries when she travels a thousand miles", but now I am "A father worries when she travels a thousand miles." Other young dads ask for business trips to avoid taking her children or to find fun, but I am extremely disgusted with business trips because of my son. While away on business, my heart is tied to my home. I am always worried and worried about my phone bill. But when Fan is outside again and sees a funny toy, nice clothes and cute shoes, I will always sell it to him, and imagine how happy he is when he wears and plays. As long as I stay outside for a day or two, I can't hold on anymore. I can't help but start to calculate my schedule for going home, hoping to see my son soon. As soon as he stepped into the house, his son also looked forward to my coming home as if he were looking forward to my coming home. He immediately left behind all his playthings or beautiful cartoons and hurriedly held them for me to kiss and hug. With a face of yearning and grievance, he kept saying, "I miss my father, I miss my father." Then he held my head and neck tightly with his small hands, Long term intimacy and seeking comfort. No matter how busy and tired the business trip is, and how hard and tired the journey is, everything disappears here.

I am suffering, tired, strong and persistent. Everything is for my son. My son is the only one, and I am the whole of my son. My son is naughty, innocent, happy, lively and healthy, and gradually grows up. My son is my reward and comfort. Writers can produce excellent works, painters can paint immortal paintings, artists can create extraordinary works of art, and achieve brilliant achievements. Architects can build towering buildings, and entrepreneurs can earn billions of dollars. I am a commoner. I only know three meals a day, work and work, and I am indifferent to fame and wealth. I talk about my whole life with only family and friendship in my eyes, In my heart, I only have this pitiful and lovely son who was born after this year. If anyone wants to take my son, I will fight hard with him. If anyone wants to separate me from my son, it is like digging out my heart, digging out my heart, I will become a ghost. A ghost can make a person feel better

When the sun goes down at the end of the day, I always take my son to the street, Jinghu Lake or the park, or walk, or shop, or play, and go into the mall with him for a while, or run on the lawn, or chase in the shade... When the car comes, we let the car go, when people come, we hide, and when the catkins fall, he blows the catkins with a small mouth, When the butterfly came, he took a small step to chase the butterfly... So, on the street, in the shops, and beside the lake embankment, there often appeared our father and son: one big, one small, one tall, one short, one fat, one thin, accompanied by the sun and the moon, stepping on the spring green, one slowly growing up, one slowly getting old.

Composition Father and Son (4)

"Dinner! Dinner!" Mother brought bowls of delicious food from the kitchen. Father also sat beside them. They waited for a long time. "Where's your son?" Father said impatiently. "Hurry up! Call your son out for dinner. He is still reading in the room." Mother ordered.

So the father swaggered to his son's room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw his son holding his chin in his hands and moving his feet ceaselessly. He was lying on the ground reading a book, and his mouth laughed from time to time. The father shouted to his son, "Hurry up! The food is cold when we go out to eat." The son looked back at his father and continued to watch. The father called him again and again. The son stood up and patted the dust on his body. He walked out with his head down, as if still recalling the plot of the book. The father, fascinated by his son, also glanced at him. Unexpectedly, the father was also attracted by the book. The son went out, but the father did not come out.

The son and his mother sat at the table and waited for a while. When he saw that his father still did not come, the mother pointed out again, "Really, the son came out and the father was in again. It was too outrageous. Hurry up, go and call my father for dinner." The son looked up at his mother's angry face. He jumped off the bench and walked to his room. He opened the door and saw his father shaking his legs.

Crawling on the ground, concentrating on reading

Alas! This father and son are really sleepless! I forgot to eat in order to read. The bald bearded father is kind, kind, humorous, and the naughty son with a hedgehog's head. He is naughty, smart, cute, and has a hobby of reading. When I write here, my classmates seem to appear in front of me. They also like reading books and look with relish. I remember that time, on my birthday, several students scrambled to read with me as soon as they entered the door. I took the books in their hands when playing, and they were not happy! In fact, there are a lot of people around us who love reading, but we haven't found them. Among them, father and son are such examples. Love reading, but mother did not find. Just like the sculptor Rodin, beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not the lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery!

Composition Father and Son (5)

After learning the text "Father and Son in the Earthquake", my heart was deeply shocked. For a strong and kind son, a father who has a strong sense of responsibility and keeps his promise.

The text "Father and Son in the Earthquake" tells us that in 1994, when a big earthquake occurred in Los Angeles, the hero Amanda and her classmates were having classes in the classroom, the roof of the house collapsed to form a big triangle, so they were not hit. In the dark, Amanda bravely comforted her classmates not to be afraid, and her father would certainly come to save herself and everyone. In the text, the most touching thing was Amanda's father's behavior. He risked the danger, ignored the dissuasion, held firm belief, and went through hardships. After 38 hours of digging, he finally rescued his son and his classmates from under the rubble.

From this, I thought of my mother: remember, when I was young, I had a high fever. My mother saw that I was very uncomfortable, so she touched my forehead and found it very hot. My mother hurriedly carried me on her back and drove me to the hospital. When she came to the hospital, her mother said anxiously to the doctor: "My daughter's head is very hot, does she have a high fever?" The doctor took out a thermometer from the drawer, and the doctor put the thermometer in my armpit. Time passed slowly. The doctor took out the thermometer from my liquid, shook it with his hand, looked at it, and told his mother that my temperature was 40 degrees. My mother hurriedly asked the doctor to prescribe medicine and injection for me, and then went to buy porridge for me to eat. At that time, I knew what love was.

We live a happy life and grow up happily. Everyone grows up in the love of their parents. When we think that parents' love is a kind smile and kind words, we will feel that parents' love is so broad; When we think that parents' love is warm, encouraging and strict, we will feel that parents' love is so deep. How great my mother is, and how great all the mothers in the world are!

Composition Father and Son (6)

Today, I read the article "Father and Son in the Earthquake". I was awestruck by what my father had done in the article, and involuntarily extended my thumb to him.

This article tells the story of a father who risked his life, held firm belief, ignored others' dissuasion, went through hardships, and finally rescued his son and classmates after a difficult and long 38 hours of digging in the Los Angeles earthquake in 19xx. He praised the great father's love and the deep love between father and son.

The earthquake came quickly and affected a large number of people. The beautiful three story teaching building of Amanda School, which used to be full of children's laughter, has become a ruin. When Amanda's father saw the ruins, it was dark in front of him, as if he had fallen into an abyss. After crying for a while, he remembered his promise to his son and stood up firmly to dig. During that period, parents kept coming in a hurry. After crying for a while, he left in despair. Especially when I read: "He dug for 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and no one stopped him again. His face was covered with dust, his eyes were covered with blood, his clothes were shabby, and there were blood stains everywhere", my heart was filled with a stream of heat, and I couldn't help crying. What a great father's love! The father in the article is not afraid of the danger brought to him by the aftershock. He insists on digging for 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours and 38 hours, regardless of others' dissuasion. He does not eat, drink or sleep. What a persevering father he is! What a responsible father he is! His great fatherly love moved me.

In life, my father did the same. Once, I had a high fever and several ulcers in my mouth. Dad asked for a week's leave to take care of me. Sometimes when I wake up with a fever at night, my father is still in front of the bed?? During that period of time, my father prepared delicious dishes for me every day and bought medicine for me?? My illness has healed, and my father has worked hard too??

Father love is like a mountain, mother love is like a sea. I am proud that I have a father who works hard for me, and I admire the character of the father in the article, who is indomitable, responsible and keeps his promise. This is really a great father, a father who has persistent and great fatherly love for his son.

Composition Father and Son (7)

Today, I read the article "Father and Son in the Earthquake". I was shocked by my father's broad and strong love in the article.

The article mainly tells about an ordinary and ordinary father who rushed to his son's school after the earthquake. When he saw that the three storey teaching building had become a ruin, he remembered a sentence he often said to his son: "No matter what happens, I will always be with you!" This made him firmly stand up, start to clean up the ruins and look for his son. The kind-hearted man, the fire captain, the police... one by one advice and resistance can not change his mind that "my son is waiting for me". After 38 hours of cleaning and digging, his son and 14 children were finally rescued.

It is the very ordinary sentence "I will always be with you no matter what happens" that makes my father wake up from grief, become strong and confident. It is this sentence that gives my son courage, expectation and strength. What a great and spiritual father he is! What a fearless and determined son he is! It is precisely because of this spirit that the great father and son, after suffering from a great disaster, embrace each other closely and happily.

Yes, in the world we grew up in, father love is the sky, mother love is the earth, father love and mother love are different. Father's love gives us strength, and mother's love gives us love. Father's love supports our world, and mother's love nurtures our growth. At this time, I thought of my own experience

On the other day, I played games with my parents. I accidentally broke my knee. My mother quickly comforted me: "My child, look at how you fell. Does it hurt? Be careful in the future." My father smiled slightly and said to me: "The child is fine. He can get up from where he fell. This is life.", Reflect two different ways of love.

We need to grow up, not without the loving care of the earth, nor without the strong support of the sky. We need to be strong, because the world waiting for us in the future is not only sunshine, rain and dew, but also wind, frost, rain and snow. My father told us with his own feelings: "People, learn to bear!"

Father love, a kind of love that never gives up; Father's love, a tear jerking love; Father love, a kind of love that gives people infinite power. Father's love, indomitable love!

Composition Father and Son (8)

I took up my pen and searched my mind for everything about my father, but only a drop in the ocean could be squeezed out. Indeed, no one can really understand another.

My father is my father. It seems that he has no other meaning. After I entered primary school, my father turned into a high school principal. Although he is not from the same department, he also embarrassed me in front of my classmates.

However, my father is still the same: he wakes up early every morning like "ringing" and reads the news on his mobile phone for a while, which is nothing more than those national events that cause headaches, and then he has to spend at least half an hour in the bathroom, known as "washing". I can't figure it out. It's a pleasure to sleep an extra minute. Isn't it a pity to waste precious time in the bathroom like this? Until one day, I witnessed the whole process of his washing: first, he took a shower, washed his hair twice, washed his face twice with facial cleanser... Finally, he combed his hair, and when he came out, his whole temperament doubled. However, he could not get rid of the characteristics of middle-aged men. Before long, his face was covered with a layer of oil, and he was very helpless!

As a headmaster, some social engagements are unavoidable. Sometimes he would ask me to go with my mother, so that he would have an excuse to come back early, such as: to send my son back to practice the piano and so on. Then our family retreated first. Because my father's drinking capacity is very narrow, he pours two bottles of beer, but his drinking style is very forthright. He will not refuse anyone who comes to offer a toast and persuade him to drink. I remember one time when he had a party with the leaders, he drank a few bottles of beer again, and the contents of the cup disappeared as quickly as Zhu Bajie ate ginseng fruit. The effect came soon: before half of the banquet, other people were still talking in high spirits. My father could only collapse on the seat, as if he could not lift his hands. His face turned to pig liver color, and his eyes bulged out like goldfish eyes. It was estimated that a grunt would soon be heard. We bowed our heads in the eyes of others and carried our father away. Now his style of being a drunkard has been somewhat restrained. After all, his organs everywhere protested.

My father is the headmaster, which also brings me some disturbing gossip. Sometimes my grades are better, and people take it for granted: "His father is the headmaster, of course he can do well in the exam!" Worried, I began to alienate my father, during which there was inevitably a quarrel. For example, when having dinner at home, my father said, "Get me a tissue." I ignored him. He repeated, and I said impatiently, "Don't you have long hands?" So he clapped the table and stood up

So we didn't communicate directly with each other for two months. He is still the father who always occupies the bathroom. He is still so "oily" and can never learn to drink... But he has also changed a bit. He will suddenly hand me a paper towel when I am about to put down my chopsticks, and pat my back when I am down... I feel his change silently.

I've changed too!

Composition Father and Son (9)

The enticing food on the table emits a mouth watering aroma that has filled the entire dining room. Looking at the delicious food, Dad took a deep breath and swallowed a mouthful of water. But my mother looked around. When she saw an empty seat, her eyes turned and said, "My son's father, it seems that there is one person missing!" My father moved his eyes from the food and looked at her and said, "Is it the little naughty bag?" "You ask him to come over for dinner, go!" "How come it's me again!" My father said to himself discontentedly. When he opened the door of his son's room, he found that his son was gazing at a book in a daze - fascinated! "Little naughty, go to eat!". At this time, the father wondered what kind of book could make him, a wild bird, into the cage. The son who could not sit still was fascinated by it? He had just leaned over to read the opened book, and was deeply attracted. In the dining room, the eyes of both mother and son fell on an empty seat at the same time - Eh, it seems that there is one person missing. yes! Where's the bald bearded father? "Dear son!" Mother's voice broke the silence on the table - she said helplessly: "Go and ask your father to come for dinner!", It looks as if you are in the scene.

Follow up: Is there anything else?

Answer: 500 words after reading Father and Son Today, I read a book called Complete Works of Father and Son, which was written by German comic master E. O. Braun. The hero of this book is a father and son. The father is humorous and funny, and the son is naughty and cute. They are a pair of world-famous happy enemies. Although there is no text in this book, there are interesting comics that can make people understand the content of comics. Let me tell you about the personalities of fathers and sons in this book. Let's talk about my father first: my father is a humorous and funny person, and sometimes he is also very kind. He always looks a little silly. Oh, I almost forgot that my father sometimes takes a stick to beat his son when he makes a little mistake. However, it can be seen that the father loves his son, saying that "scolding is kiss, beating is love", so the father is also a person who loves his son very much. Let's talk about the son later: the son is a naughty, cute, intelligent child, and often likes to "tease" his father, who sometimes hurries to pick up a stick to beat his son. Let's talk about his cleverness. Sometimes when his father is upset, his son uses his cleverness to solve his father's troubles. What a happy father and son!

Composition Father and Son (10)

The sky slowly darkened, and the last blush of the sunset was also covered by the dark blue that was almost black. One or two stars were squeezed out of the dark sky, blinking their eyes in the sky. The moonlight gently shone on the earth, reflecting the trees, shadows, and food fragrance of every household from the window and door cracks

Mother smiled and brought a pot of braised pork from the kitchen. It was steaming hot, and the fragrance overflowed from the pot. The aroma of braised pork went straight into the nostrils of bald dad, which could not be stopped. bald dad was greedy, and couldn't help it. She picked up chopsticks to pinch meat. Mother angrily patted Dad's hand: "Look, you are worried. What is missing from the scene?" The bald father patronized the table and said, "I'm going to get the rice if it's missing!" "Wrong, my son hasn't come yet, go and call him!" Mother pointed to his son's room. The bald father nodded, pointing to the fragrant braised pork, but could not resist his wife, so he had to go upstairs to find his son

The bald dad knocked on the door. Eh, why didn't he respond? He knocked a few more times, but still didn't respond, so the bald father had to push the door and enter. To his surprise, the son of hedgehog, who is usually fond of playing, was immersed in the sea of books. He turned over the book, one page, two pages, like a hungry wolf reading greedily. His eyes sometimes lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent; Sometimes he was silent and sad, as if he saw something too sad. The book seemed to attract him like a magnet. The son, like a hungry man on the bread, kept looking at the book

It was not until the bald father pinched the ear of the hedgehog head son that he came back to himself. The son reluctantly put down the book, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he had swallowed all the contents of the book, and then let his mind absorb them. The son seemed to still think about the joys and sorrows of the story hero, It made him worried. The bald father couldn't help bending down and asking, "What book has such great charm that attracts such a son who doesn't like reading?" At this time, the book turned into glue again, which glued the bald father's eyes

When the son sat at the table and expressed his excitement about starting to eat, he found that the bald father had not come down yet

One minute, two minutes... ten minutes, fifteen minutes... After a long time, the bald father has not come down. Mother's face gradually darkened, pulled down, no smile. Mother and Hedgehog's son clearly saw that the heat of braised pork in brown sauce in the basin had dissipated. Mother pointed to the room where the bald father went, and said to the Hedgehog's son in an imperative voice: "Hurry up and ask your father to come down to eat!"

The son of Hedgehog Head muttered, unconvinced. When he came to the room, he found his bald father lying on the ground, alternating his feet from time to time, like a Que jumping with happy music; Two hands hold the cheeks, the ribs of the hands against the ground, supporting the big head; The big belly is on the ground, and fat and fat seem to occupy one third of the floor area. The son who was not convinced just now could not help laughing when he saw his father's innocent appearance

Ha, what an interesting father and son

Composition Father and Son (11)

One weekend morning, the interesting father and son were going to play golf in the countryside.

The son woke up early because he was too excited. So he found out a golf racket and golf to practice playing in the living room. The son came to a mirror and put the ball down. His legs were apart, his knees were slightly bent, and his hands held the club and threw it back. Just listen to the sound of "bang", and then hear the sound of some broken glass.

The son felt that it was a bad thing. He turned around and found that he had accidentally broken the mirror. The son thought to himself, this time, he broke the mirror, and my father would scold me. What should I do? My son sweated when he sat in the broken glass, but he didn't get any results.

The son looked around and saw the club. So he picked up the club, stood on the chair and knocked down all the remaining glass and cleaned up the broken glass. Then, he ran to the room and took a box of paint and brushes, and began to draw carefully.

Before long, a painting was born. The son drew a father in it. Just then, Dad came out, stood in front of the mirror, leaned sideways, and began to tie his tie.

After tying his tie, my father looked in front of the mirror and found that he was wearing a bow tie in the mirror, while he was wearing a tie outside the mirror. Then my father began to wonder, and my son was quietly leaving.

Composition Father and Son (12)

Incentives of food wafted out of the kitchen, and then mother came out of the kitchen with dishes of color, smell and taste.

Then he rubbed his hands on his apron twice, and a bright smile opened on his face, "Eat!"

Hearing his mother's cry, father came out. He took a hard breath of the fragrance in the air, "Hmm! How delicious! Today's food is really rich! We really have a good taste!" He said, and his father would add food when he picked up chopsticks.

The mother smiled happily and stopped the father's action. "The son hasn't come out yet! Go and have a look and ask him to eat!"

Hearing his mother's words, my father was no longer willing to go.

When I opened the door, I saw my son lying on the bed, with a book in his hand. I read it with great interest, but I didn't even find anyone coming in.

"Dinner!" The father came forward and patted his son, then took out the book in his son's hand.

The son looked at his father reluctantly, and then under the threat of his father, he had to go out of the room and sit at the table.

The father saw his son go out and thought: Hum! I want to see which book has fascinated my son so much that he doesn't even eat!

At that moment, my father was also fascinated and didn't go out for a long time.

Mother and son sat at the dinner table waiting and waiting, but father did not come out.

The mother helplessly said to her son, "Son, go and ask your father to eat."

Hearing this, the son jumped off the table happily and walked quickly to the room. Then he pushed the door open, looked at his fascinated father who was lying on the ground reading books, and shouted: "Father! We have dinner!"

Composition Father and Son (13)

During the winter vacation, I read the book Father and Son.

Father and Son is a comic book without a word. It is the representative work of German cartoon master Braun. My family has always treasured a Complete Collection of Father and Son, which is my favorite. Whenever I am free, I will take it out to read it, although I have seen it more than ten times.

Father and Son, this book has no words, only stunning pictures. Humorous and interesting pictures contain thought-provoking and thought-provoking philosophies.

Father and Son depicts a warm and happy life for father and son. Yige, a naughty, cute and mischievous son with a hedgehog's head, is a good-natured, kind-hearted and often ridiculed father with a beard. They staged funny scenes one after another.

Why is Father and Son so popular? Because the father and son portrayed in this book are a pair of lovely and interesting characters. Many of the stories in the book can make readers feel more profound moral while being humorous. They are kind, honest, sincere and tolerant, and understand life. They are always optimistic about the adventures or trivial matters in life. This book is an immortal masterpiece read by adults and children, and is our favorite comic book classic forever.

At ordinary times, we always receive the gifts and love from our parents with peace of mind. It never occurred to us that our parents also need our love and gifts. Gifts are not necessarily material. As long as we beat our shoulders and wash our feet for our parents in our spare time, we can also let them understand our love. Love is around us. We should learn to accept and respond.

Composition Father and Son (14)

At noon one day, my mother brought bowls of delicious food from the kitchen and said, "Let's eat!" My father came, but my son didn't come. The father said to his mother, "What about the son? Why hasn't the son come out to eat yet? If he doesn't come out to eat again, the food will be cold." The mother said to her father, "Don't hurry to call the son out to eat." The father went out of his seat and came to the door of the son's room. He opened the door of the son's room in a hurry, and saw the son lying on the ground looking at a book with interest. When the father saw it, he said, "Oh! When did a little bookworm come to our house and forget to eat and sleep? Hurry to eat!" After listening to his father's words, the son obediently put down his favorite book, walked out of his room and came to the guest room. The father read his son's book and thought, "Why does his son like reading this book so much? And he doesn't even want to eat. Let me have a look at the content of this book." The father looked at it and said, "How can this book be so beautiful?" Then he leaned on the ground like his son and read it with interest. When the mother saw her son come to the living room, but there was no sign of her father, she said angrily to her son. ' Where's your father? Just now I asked your father to ask you to come out for dinner, but when I saw you coming out for dinner, I didn't see your father coming out. Go and ask your father to come out for dinner. If you don't come out again, the food is really cold. " The son walked into his room angrily, but saw that the door of his room was still open. He went in and saw his father reading the book on the ground, just like him. When the son saw it, he said like his father; "Dad, why have you become a bookworm who forgets to eat and sleep? Dad, when you smell the smell of food and rice, your saliva will flow three thousand feet. Why not this time?" Dad touched his bald head and said with a smile, "Hee hee! In fact, your book is pretty good!"

Do you think the father and son are funny?

Composition Father and Son (15)

There is a father and son. The father is kind, kind, humorous, and the son is naughty, smart, and cute.

Once, when his mother cooked delicious food, his father put down the newspaper and went to get chopsticks to prepare for dinner. When the mother beside him asked him, "Where's your son? Call him to have dinner again." The father was dejected and went to his son's room. When the son was reading in the room, the father shouted at the door, "It's time for my son to eat." The son reluctantly put the book on the ground. When the son went to dinner, the father was also tempted by the book like the son. At this time, when the son was ready to eat, the mother asked the son to call the father to eat. When the son went to his room and saw his father reading his book again, he said angrily, "It's time for Dad to have dinner." Then the father went to have dinner.

Grade 5: Zhong Zhaoxiong

Composition Father and Son (16)

Parent and Child

Wang Yueqi, Grade One, Lijin Laughter School

When spring came, the small trees sprouted, and the father and children came to the big tree to measure their height. The father asked the child to stand in front of the tree and measure his height. Dad brought nails and hammers to mark the children. Dad said, "After a while, let's see whether you grow faster than it or the small trees grow faster than you." In winter, snowflakes like dancing. The father and the child made a big snowman with a hat made of a bucket and a nose made of radish. The little snowman also has a broom in his hand, which is really cute.

A year has passed in a twinkling of an eye, and summer has arrived. Dad and the child came to the tree they marked. Dad wanted the child to measure it again. The child walked to the front of the tree and stood up. The child looked up and said in surprise, "Why am I growing smaller and smaller?" Dad also wanted to know that I nailed it. Why is it high? The child looked at the small tree and said, "Dad, I know that the small tree grows fast, and the nails grow with it!"

I learned that small trees grow faster than people.

Comment: The little writer observed carefully, and was able to reproduce the picture vividly, especially imagining the dialogue and demeanor of the characters, which was very good.

Composition Father and Son (17)

On the first day of the holiday, Father Sun poked his head out of the mountain early, and his father saw his son, Xiao Mao, still dreaming in the warm quilt. The father thought: "My son must be exhausted. He has slept so well since the holiday. I must send him to enjoy nature and let him relax.".

Father is a whimsical "eccentric" who has done many unexpected things. In order not to wake up Xiao Mao, he asked Lao Wang next door to help him carry the bed. Father and Lao Wang carried both ends of the bed carefully out of the house, and they took great efforts to carry Xiao Mao and his bed to the back of the car. In order to prevent his sleeping son from rolling out of bed, the father found a strong rope to tie the bed. After saying goodbye to Lao Wang next door, my father's car slowly drove to the countryside. After a while, the car drove to the road. When pedestrians saw this situation, they talked about it: "This man must be a kidnapper!" Just then, the police uncle heard the sound and arrived, and his father told the police the whole story. When the police heard this, they motioned for everyone to be quiet. As soon as the pedestrians listened to the explanation, they calmed down and scattered.

After a long journey of several hours, the bus finally reached the outskirts. Father put the bed gently in a picturesque place and hid. After a while, Xiaomao woke up and opened his eyes and was stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of him: birds singing songs in the branches, cattle and sheep walking leisurely on the grass, morning glory flowers all over the mountains... "Ah! What a good place for birds to sing and flowers to smell!" Xiaomao said with surprise. At this time, he also saw his father's car parked not far away and thought: This should be a gift from my fantastic father!

After understanding his father's intention, Xiaomao rushed to the grassland to enjoy the beauty of nature and understand his father's love.

Composition Father and Son (18)

One afternoon, my father took my son shopping. My father and son were tired from walking, so they found an outdoor water bar and sat down. The father ordered a drink for his son and a newspaper for himself. He picked up his son and sat on his lap and read the newspaper with him. A gentleman came to the opposite side of their table and asked, "Sir, can I sit here.

The son was uncomfortable sitting on his father's leg and moved up slightly. As he moved up, he put his face on the newspaper and pressed it down a bit. Some of his hair grew up to his father's chin. At this time, the gentleman sitting opposite looked up and looked here, because the newspaper covered the whole body of his son. He did not see his son, but saw that his father's chin was suddenly covered with a beard. Excited, he held the table, stared at his eyes and wondered: "Ah? Why did his chin suddenly grow a beard? Just not yet?" Dad looked at the newspaper carefully and did not move. At this time, the son moved again in his father's arms, his head shrunk down, revealing his father's smooth chin. The man opposite was even more excited. He held the table in his hands and trembled: "What's on his chin? The beard on his chin has disappeared." Dad looked at the newspaper carefully and did not move. The son moved again in his father's arms, and his hair rubbed his father's chin again. The man on the opposite side was so scared that he was sweating. He dropped his cigarette from his mouth. He pulled the legs of the chair with his hands, opened his mouth wide, and opened his eyes: "God, the beard appeared again. What's the matter?" Dad still looked at the newspaper carefully. He remembered that he had seen such a scene in a horror movie. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt. At this time, the son shrank his head again, and Lulu showed her father's smooth chin again. The man on the opposite side jumped up in fright, knocked over the drinks and chairs on the table, and kept shouting: "Ghost, ghost, help, help!" Dad heard the voice, put down the newspaper and revealed his son's small body. The father and son looked at the man on the opposite side, feeling a little puzzled.

Composition Father and Son (19)

One day, his son was crying and making noise at home. He held his head in his hands and kicked his feet. Big tears fell from his eyes, and crying and screaming came out of his throat. The father immediately ran out and asked him: "Son, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" The son said with a tearful voice: "Dad --, Jim has a wooden horse. I asked him to lend it to me. He refused to play. I want to ride!"

The father stood on the ground with both hands and knelt on the ground as the two front hooves of the horse and the two rear hooves of the horse. He said to his son, "Son, I will be your horse, and we will go out to play." The son stopped crying immediately, climbed excitedly onto his father's back, used his father's hat as the rein, and shook it and shouted, "Go!"

The father carried his son to the stairway. The father swallowed a mouthful of water and started the arduous journey. His hands moved slowly, his legs moved slowly, and his head was raised high to prevent his son from falling down. The son raised his head, straightened his chest, and shouted to the front with his fingers, "Forward!"

The father carried his son out of the gate and came to the park. I saw many people cast puzzled eyes on them. An old man walked by, rubbed his eyes and said, "I'm going back to wear presbyopic glasses." Then an uncle came up, took off his hat and asked, "Mr. Bu, what are you doing?" "I'm... serving as a horse for... my son..." Dad said intermittently.

Suddenly a big dog appeared. He ran to the father and son and sat down and stared at them. The father and son stared at him together. The dog couldn't stand shouting: "Bark, bark..." In order not to let his son be bitten, the father stepped back a few steps, then suddenly rushed to the dog and shouted: "Bark, bark..." The big dog was frightened and ran away with its tail between its legs.

We all say that maternal love is great and selfless... But father love is also great and selfless. When you complain that he is cruel to you, beats you, and talks about you, in fact, he is very sad. We should learn to be grateful.

Composition Father and Son (20)

My father is my father. It seems that he has no other meaning. After I entered primary school, my father turned into a high school principal. Although he is not from the same department, he also embarrassed me in front of my classmates.

However, my father is still the same: he wakes up early every morning like "ringing" and reads the news on his mobile phone for a while, which is nothing more than those national events that cause headaches, and then he has to spend at least half an hour in the bathroom, known as "washing". I can't figure it out. It's a pleasure to sleep an extra minute. Isn't it a pity to waste precious time in the bathroom like this? Until one day, I witnessed the whole process of his washing: first, he took a shower, washed his hair twice, washed his face twice with facial cleanser... Finally, he combed his hair, and when he came out, his whole temperament doubled. However, he could not get rid of the characteristics of middle-aged men. Before long, his face was covered with a layer of oil, and he was very helpless!

As a headmaster, some social engagements are unavoidable. Sometimes he would ask me to go with my mother, so that he would have an excuse to come back early, such as: to send my son back to practice the piano and so on. Then our family retreated first. Because my father's drinking capacity is very narrow, he pours two bottles of beer, but his drinking style is very forthright. He will not refuse anyone who comes to offer a toast and persuade him to drink. I remember one time when he had a party with the leaders, he drank a few bottles of beer again, and the contents of the cup disappeared as quickly as Zhu Bajie ate ginseng fruit. The effect came soon: before half of the banquet, other people were still talking in high spirits. My father could only collapse on the seat, as if he could not lift his hands. His face turned to pig liver color, and his eyes bulged out like goldfish eyes. It was estimated that a grunt would soon be heard. We bowed our heads in the eyes of others and carried our father away. Now his style of being a drunkard has been somewhat restrained. After all, his organs everywhere protested.

My father is the headmaster, which also brings me some disturbing gossip. Sometimes my grades are better, and people take it for granted: "His father is the headmaster, of course he can do well in the exam!" Worried, I began to alienate my father, during which there was inevitably a quarrel. For example, when having dinner at home, my father said, "Get me a tissue." I ignored him. He repeated, and I said impatiently, "Don't you have long hands?" So he clapped the table and stood up

So we didn't communicate directly with each other for two months. He is still the father who always occupies the bathroom. He is still so "oily" and can never learn to drink... But he has also changed a bit. He will suddenly hand me a paper towel when I am about to put down my chopsticks, and pat my back when I am down... I feel his change silently.

I've changed too!