Compositions about describing characters (16 in total)
Across the world
2024-05-12 03:19:39
high school

Composition related to characterization (1)

The general cleaning on Friday afternoon began.

The teacher divided the work for the students in the classroom. The students who had already worked hard, like the flood that broke the dike, rushed to their respective labor goals with tools in hand. Without waiting for the teacher's order, the students started to work with all their hands. I saw that the students who moved tables and chairs, you carry me, and the collision, cheering and yelling of tables and chairs were all heard. Soon, a "hill" was built in the corner of the classroom. Then, the students sweeping the floor, with brooms in their hands, meticulously cleaned up the garbage on the ground one by one. The dust was flying around, floating on the faces of the students, and with sweat, they painted irregular landscapes. Some students will become a big face if they wipe it carelessly, but no one can stop to wipe it

The students who were carrying water showed no sign of weakness. Look at them, holding a small red bucket full of water, they walked around in three steps and two steps. Although Huang Siyuan was short, the small red bucket in his right hand was full of water. He saw that his eyes were wide open, his teeth were clenched, his whole face was red and red, and people leaned to the right because of the weight of the water. The edge of the bucket was close to his thigh. The water in the bucket shook constantly, and the water splashed into his pants and ran down his thigh. But he still stumbled forward.

In the classroom, the students are doing happily.

The students who cleaned the windows showed their skills. They climbed up to the window sill neatly, holding the window frame with one hand and cloth towel with the other hand, vigorously scrubbing the glass back and forth. Look at Zheng Jingnan. His feet stand on tiptoe straight, and his right hand reaches high. He lies on the window like a gecko, but still can't reach the high glass. Sweat flows down his face... The glass is gradually brightening in the hands of the students, while the hands of the students are "brilliant". The female students who washed the floor, their pants rolled high, their sleeves rolled up, their hands holding mops, plowing back and forth. His mouth was singing like a happy swallow.

I don't know how long has passed. The blackboard is shiny black, the tables and chairs with slight water stains are neatly arranged, the glass windows are bright, and the floor is spotless

Every student has "hung the lottery", either the big painted face or the drowned chicken, or the rolled trousers or the arm sleeves. The students looked at me and laughed, and I looked at you and laughed.

Composition related to characterization (2)

I began to learn calligraphy in the art training class when I was four years old. At that time, I was very uninterested. I always wrote incorrectly. It was clearly horizontal, but it was almost a worm. It was clearly vertical, but it was a mouse tail... So the teacher taught us to take the pen first. I did as my teacher told me, and within a month, my level gradually improved, which has become commonplace. No matter it is windy or rainy, cold winter or hot summer, it never stops. It has been insisted for 8 years. Now, calligraphy has become an inseparable part of my study and life. I have also made a lot of achievements in calligraphy. I have won the first, second and third prizes in the National Primary School Students' Calligraphy Competition and other awards. From regular script to the official script I have learned, I like it very much. I have not only learned a lot of calligraphy knowledge and skills, but also learned a lot of common sense, and learned about the works of many calligraphers and the world in their eyes. I will be promoted soon, and begin to learn running script and cursive script.

In the training class I learned, calligraphy is the most mysterious thing for me. Simple water, ink, pen and rice paper. A soft brush, matched with the shades of ink, can show the world. It can not only be tangible, but also give a mysterious feeling. What's more amazing is that the ink written on the paper will not fade for many years. Calligraphy is indeed a treasure of our country.

Calligraphy is not only beautiful, but also diverse and changeable. For example, if you dip two different shades of color on the tip of a brush, you can write at different levels by controlling the angle and strength of the brush. The writing has a strong sense of three-dimensional. In the list book, there is a technique called rendering. It is to dip the pen into water first, take the ink out, and control the rendering degree according to the needs, then there will be an excessive effect from deep to light, and the writing surface is very natural, so writing words gives people a wonderful feeling. It can be said that calligraphy brings me surprise and mystery, and I am willing to try my best to master the essence of calligraphy.

Calligraphy has become a hobby of mine. Whenever I am happy, I will think of writing calligraphy; Whenever I am tired, I will write calligraphy; Whenever I am bored, writing calligraphy will make me forget my troubles; Whenever I find it difficult to express in words, I will pick up the brush. Calligraphy brings me relaxation, joy, enrichment and wisdom.

I am very happy that calligraphy can accompany me at any time. No matter what, I will never give up calligraphy!

Composition related to characterization (3)

Near my home, there is such an old man who repairs shoes. His hair was a little gray, and a pair of presbyopic glasses was on his nose. His face was carved with deep hook like wrinkles, and his upper body often wore a gray short sleeved shirt, and his lower body wore a pair of worn trousers. When I first began to understand, this grandpa had been sitting under a tree all day mending shoes for others.

I remember one afternoon two years ago, my mother asked me to take my shoes with their heels off to the shoe repair stand to mend them.

I went to the shoe repair stand and handed over the shoes and heels. The old man took the shoes with his calloused hand, which was suddenly full of muscles. Then he pushed the glasses that had slipped down from the bridge of his nose with his other rough hand. Then he carefully looked at the shoes with his hands. He asked me in a deliberative voice, "Is it necessary to use adhesive?" I heard and remembered what my mother had told me, "Use adhesive," I said. The old man nodded to comply.

Then, the teacher Fu quickly picked up the file with his rough hand and polished the heel up and down. At this time, I looked up at the old man: a short hair like a layer of white frost, a pair of eyes deep into the eye socket, the thin hands covered with blue and purple blood vessels. On his weather beaten face, his eyes narrowed and looked at him intently. The skillful movement and attentive expression made me exclaim from my heart: "This teacher Fu is really 'young.'" At this time, the teacher Fu took out the adhesive, evenly applied it to the heel, and asked me to go back first, and then came back half an hour later, otherwise the heel would fall off if it didn't dry.

So I walked home and came back to pick up my shoes after half an hour. When I put my hand into my pants pocket, I couldn't touch the money. "Oh, no! I forgot to take the money." I thought, "What should I do?" At this time, the old man seemed to see through my mind and calmly said: "Don't worry, let's forget about this money!" "How can this work?" Then I ran home to take the money back to the old man. I asked him how he could not charge me for setting up a stall to do business? As soon as he finished speaking, he smiled, looked at me with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "I mend shoes for people, not to make money, but to help people in need." I listened and nodded.

I took the shoes that still had heat and went home to ponder these simple words.

Two years later, whenever I saw the old man who repaired shoes, my heart would burst into those words. Isn't Grandpa's spirit of silent dedication worth learning?

Composition related to characterization (4)

In our class, my deskmate was called "astrologer" by his classmates, and his name was also very moving, Guo Jing. Every day after class, some students come to him to make divination.

One day, Yang Mengkai, the second most handsome of our class's "three handsome", just walked into the classroom happily. At this time, Guo Jing ran up and said, "You will hit the wall and fall down on your way home today.". Yang Mengkai unexpectedly had a bag on his head and two Band Aids on his knee. His friends said that he had been running on the way to school, but he was knocked down by a stone in front of a wall. I hurt my knee and hit my head on the wall, which is what I look like now. But then Guo Jing laughed and said, "Well, I'm right!" Yang Mengkai said, "Who will believe you? This is just a coincidence, coincidence!" I also think so. But another thing proved that Guo Jing was a real "fortune teller".

It happened on a Wednesday morning. There is no need to do exercises between classes. There is a 25 minute break. The sixth graders on the playground are playing basketball. They are divided into red and blue. Guo Jing looked at it, walked over and confidently said, "It must be the blue side that wins.". But Red Fang's people didn't believe him and said, "Boy, why do you say they win?" "Because I'm a diviner!" He replied. "Ha! Ha!... It's not nice for a little child to learn to brag.". "You can wait and see if you don't believe it." After more than twenty minutes, the winner was finally decided. Sure enough, the blue team won and the red team lost. Guo Jing's divination succeeded again. We were all amazed that Guo Jing was really an astrologer. No wonder so many people come to him for divination.

But I have always been puzzled about it. One day I seized the opportunity to pester Guo Jing to tell me how he did divination. He couldn't beat me. He only told me with a smile: "Actually, there is no astrology in the world, but I usually like to observe carefully. For example, in the football match that day, I had a better understanding of the strength of their two teams. Besides, the blue team played mostly as the main players, while the red team had a few novices on the court, so I can infer." I suddenly understood, Finally understand the benefits of careful observation.

This is my deskmate, Guo Jing, a little astrologer.

Composition related to characterization (5)

At the door of my house, I watched the peddlers in their forties and shouted as always, their skin was dark, and their deep eyes were full of the appearance of the whole street. The calloused hands are attracting guests again and again. He squats on the road, and when tired, he lays his hands lazily on the shabby lattice. The cold wind broke his lips, and a touch of bright red appeared from the cracks of his lips. He still insists on yelling, yelling in the cold wind, yelling on the icy road, yelling

He sells bamboo dolls and attaches great importance to their appearance. While selling, he worked on the next doll. He was extremely focused when working on the doll, and his deep eyes fastened on every bamboo thread. One wear, one play, one pull, one turn. All the movements were completed in one go, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and the cold wind blew his fine hair on the edge of his red face. He didn't think so, but he still concentrated on compiling his bamboo doll. If a piece of bamboo thread was put in the wrong position, he would frown and mutter.

When the biting cold wind blew, passers-by hugged their clothes all the way and wanted to put themselves into their clothes to warm themselves. Everyone on the street is rushing home, yearning for the comfortable cushion and mild heating in the home. A shadow of a human figure flashed by, and the night, accompanied by the sound of the piano, slowly came close to the vendor's frozen red ears, which suddenly raised its head. The street lights on the street are cold and the atmosphere of the old street is full of light. The weak street lamp almost flashed to urge the peddler, and the desolate street was printed in the hopeful eyes. The loneliness of no one in front of the stall made the hawker feel a little cold.

It's also good to make dolls at night. It's quiet. His face was close to the doll's edge, and he used his nails to clamp the needle and thread to insert the doll's hand into the doll's body. When the needle and thread were sewn, he was relieved. When he looked up again to see the doll just finished, he was surprised. The doll's vivid action, thought-provoking expression, and the hand covered with fine lines stroked the doll again and again. I can't help but look here. Turn over and look again. He, who has always been pursuing perfection, didn't make any changes this time. He nodded with satisfaction and murmured: "Well, it's really good". He took the doll far away and appreciated it again. But he didn't want to be a doll for such a long time, otherwise he would enjoy it until tomorrow morning.

Before he came home, the cold wind hit him in the face, and the street lights shone on his desolate back. He still concentrated on compiling his doll, and the sad white moonlight shone on his face. His shadow is drawn very long

That day was the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.

Composition related to characterization (6)

As soon as school began, I got a bad news: my best friend Liu Mou was going to transfer. Suddenly I felt like the sky was falling down. You know, she is my "other half"!

I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, I transferred to the current Changfeng Primary School. Because of the change of environment, I was unfamiliar with everything, not enthusiastic about learning, and depressed. Later, Liu was the first to break into my life. Although he didn't help me hand in hand, he gave me the most important thing: work hard and confidence. He often said to me, "Be quick and eager to learn, and never be ashamed to ask questions." His excellent academic performance aroused my great enthusiasm for learning. Later, after hard work, my achievements were on a par with his. In this way, we became rivals in learning, but we never envied each other and learned from each other's strengths.

Once, I was in the Olympic Games class with my classmates last Friday afternoon. At that time, near the weekend, the Olympian always had to take the exam at this time. All the knowledge learned in ordinary days was recorded in a notebook, but at this time, my notebook could not be found. I was so worried that I had to borrow it from my classmates. But the students were busy reviewing for the exam and were unwilling to lend me their notebooks. I was very upset.

When I was at a loss, Liu seemed to see my mind, walked up to me and said; "Look at your sad face, what trouble have you met again? Can I help you?" I said sadly; "Even if you become an immortal, you can't help me!" He pretended to be very arrogant, patted his chest and said to me, "What's hard for me?" I told him the story. He smiled and said; "I'll lend you!" "What?" I can't believe my ears. I've been waiting for so long and worried for so long. How can I solve it so easily! I opened my eyes wide and asked in surprise; "Aren't you afraid that I will surpass you?" Liu smiled again and said: "'A gentleman is open and forthright, and a villain is always worried.

Now he has gone, but we have made an appointment to continue to make greater progress than learning. We often talk on the phone now! He often talked about his progress and achievements in study, and I also shared my happiness with him. Look, this old friend has given me the courage to learn and a friendship that I cannot express in words.

Composition related to characterization (7)

I remember when I was young, my parents were busy at work, and my grandpa began to take care of me. Since I was babbling, my grandpa has washed my feet for me for many times. As a granddaughter, I have washed my grandpa for several times? I even remember my grandfather's feet clearly. I never saw them once, let alone touched them.

Today is the Double Ninth Festival and the day of reunion. Moved by "gratitude", I wanted to wash my grandfather's feet to repay my selfless and hardworking grandfather.

As it was almost time for lunch, my eyes narrowed into a line, while Grandpa was still cooking lunch for me in the kitchen. I urged my grandpa not to cook any more. Then I sneaked into the room and took out the basin. After the warm water was poured, I waited to bring it out. Grandpa promised that he would be ready in a while, but in fact, half an hour has passed and Grandpa's hand has not stopped for a moment. I pulled my grandpa to the living room and pumped the water again. I carefully carried the water to my grandpa and rolled up the pants corners for him. At the moment of rolling up, I was shocked. My grandpa's feet had many calluses, and my tears suddenly fell down. I didn't know how much sweat he had paid for this price. In a flash, I saw another important discovery, My grandpa still has many scars on his feet. Lots of tears came down again and the wound was bandaged. The wound was so big. When I recalled how headstrong and naughty I was when I was a child, my parents said that when I was in kindergarten, I had to have popsicles or ice cream before I would go to school. Another time, it was not enough to buy popsicles. I always wanted my grandpa to accompany me. At that time, my grandpa sent me to school, I will follow my grandfather wherever he goes. I will not let him go. I recall how childish and funny I was. My white haired grandfather is also old, but he is still working for this family. It's not easy!

I slowly stroked my grandfather's foot and gently wiped the wound. Grandpa smiled, so happy, so simple, so brilliant. It was the first time I saw Grandpa so happy. After washing his feet, I felt I had grown up a lot

My grandpa is as grateful to me as a mountain. I will never pay off my love and debt. Compared with grandpa's selfless care for me, what I have done for my family is obviously too thin and small

After this incident, I, the post-90s generation, should cherish this hard won happy life. The elders love me selflessly. I will learn knowledge well and repay them with good results.

Composition related to characterization (8)

A ponytail, a white face with a slight blush, a pair of beautiful eyes, and a smile, this is our first place in the whole school year: Wang Yuhan.

At ordinary times, there is no intersection with him. After all, such a good result gives people a sense of superiority. In my impression, the student who studies well is either a bookworm or very arrogant, so I have never talked to her.

Once I couldn't do a math problem and asked several people without any results. At this time, I suddenly thought of her, "Wang Yuhan is so good at learning, I must know this problem." I walked up to her and asked in a low voice, "Wang Yuhan, how to do this problem?" After asking, I felt very nervous.

There is no imagined ridicule, nor any perfunctory, because there is nothing. She didn't hear it at all. No, maybe she did. I smiled bitterly and was ready to leave, but just as she finished a word problem, she looked up and saw me. "What can I do for you?" "Help me look at this question, OK? Thank you." I lowered my head and whispered. She took my exercise book and glanced at the question: "It's very simple." My face turned red at once, and my good mood swept away: "I know I can't study well..." "No, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that. Don't underestimate yourself. This question should be solved like this." She took out a pen from the stationery box and patiently explained it to me.

Maybe my talent is too poor. It took me more than 5 minutes to understand. After hearing me say "I understand", she also smiled happily. Looking at her innocent smile and the sweat on her forehead, my mouth gradually rose.

"Once you are born, twice you know each other, and three times you become an old friend." With the deepening of study and the increase of problems, I found that she was no different from ordinary girls. I didn't find the burden of homework and the pressure of study on her. Maybe it is because of this happy learning attitude that she can win the first place in the whole level for several consecutive times.

Many people say that learning is hard and tiring. I used to think so. Those "nerds" must not be happy. But Wang Yuhan made me realize that I would be happy if I kept a happy attitude. I admire her more and more for her outstanding achievements, modest quality and natural temperament. Finally, I wish her to keep her innocence and happiness forever and continue to be among the best in the high school entrance exam!

Yu Han, I support you! Come on!

Composition related to characterization (9)

My mother looks very gentle on the outside, but in fact she is very "violent".

She has big black and bright eyes and a red and tender face. Her mother is neither fat nor thin, and her body is very symmetrical. But why does it say mother is violent? Because once I didn't finish my homework, my mother scolded me and I wrote a check! The content of the check is: On Thursday, I left my Chinese test paper in the trusteeship, but I didn't finish it. I must finish my homework next time. But I didn't report it to my mother because I was afraid that my mother would "scold" me. When I grow up, if my son has the same thing, I will encourage him. Through this matter, I think we should be honest and brave.

Do you think my mother is gentle or violent?

Composition related to characterization (10)

My mother loves nagging, so I gave her a nickname called "nagging mother". Do you know why I gave my mother this nickname? The next time, I will tell you something.

Whenever I didn't wake up, she always called me up and said, "Get up quickly to have breakfast, or I will be late." When I went to school in the morning, my mother said, "You should read first after entering the classroom. You should raise your hand to answer questions in class. You can't hit people after class." At noon, my mother said, "What did you learn in the morning?" When I came home to do my homework in the afternoon, my mother would say, "When I do my homework, I should sit up straight, and write well. Don't ask others questions that I can't do, and think for myself." I was about to talk to her, but she said first, "Don't speak ill of others." I said, "Why don't you get rid of your bad habits?"

It's hard to have such a nagging mother around, but I still love her when she cares and loves me in her nagging. What about you? Do you have such a nagging mother?

Composition related to characterization (11)

My grandfather is 65 years old this year. He is tall, thin and looks very energetic. He has big eyes, high nose, and a dignified and kind mouth under his beard. He is hardworking, capable, careful, and studious. Moreover, he is also very strong.

Our family has a vegetable field. This summer, the sun was scorching, and the leeks in the field were fast. Despite the scorching sun outside, Grandpa carried water and fertilized. He was very tired and sweated heavily, and finally pulled the leeks back from the life and death line. In addition to leeks, there are cucumbers, radishes, green peppers, tomatoes, and so on, all of which are planted by Grandpa himself. As long as he has time, he will work in the vegetable fields, which is very hard.

Grandpa also cooks good dishes. In addition, he is an all-around super engineer integrating water workers, electricians, carpenters, and bricklayers. He can repair everything. One day, the range hood at home broke down. I thought it was impossible to repair the range hood, but my grandfather took all the parts down, carefully looked for the reason, and repaired it all night, but unexpectedly it was repaired unexpectedly!

Grandpa is the first accountant in Biancang. He has a college degree and has never made any mistakes in his calculations for decades, which is comparable to computers. After his retirement, he was heavily employed by a company. With the application of computers, accounting computerization has spread all over the country. My grandpa has studied computers very carefully. In a few days, he can keep accounts on the computer and report taxes online. In the past, my grandfather used an abacus, and the home was full of the "clattering" sound of the abacus. Now, it is full of the "clattering" sound of the keyboard.

Grandpa had lung disease. In 2006, he was ill in hospital and had a fever of 43 degrees, but he uttered a loud voice. If I had been in a coma, it would be enough to show that Grandpa was quite strong.

This is my grandfather whom I respect and love.

Composition related to characterization (12)

I have a good mother. She has a pair of dexterous hands. She is good at knitting sweaters. The sweaters she weaves are new in pattern and fit well. They are very handsome to wear. My neighbors' aunts all praise my mother's dexterity.

My mother is very tired. When I get up every morning, I can always see clean clothes beside me and smell delicious food. Every day when I come home from school, I can always see her busy figure doing laundry, cooking and housework.

My mother is still very filial. I remember when I was in the first grade, my grandma's waist broke and she couldn't get out of bed. My mother brought food to her grandma every day. Grandma lay for a long time and her legs became numb. My mother rubbed her.

I have a good mother, I love my mother.

Composition related to characterization (13)

My mother looks very gentle on the outside, but in fact she is very "violent".

She has big black and bright eyes and a red and tender face. Her mother is neither fat nor thin, and her body is very symmetrical. But why does it say mother is violent? Because once I didn't finish my homework, my mother scolded me and I wrote a check! The content of the check is: On Thursday, I left my Chinese test paper in the trusteeship, but I didn't finish it. I must finish my homework next time. But I didn't report it to my mother because I was afraid that my mother would "scold" me. When I grow up, if my son has the same thing, I will encourage him. Through this matter, I think we should be honest and brave.

Do you think my mother is gentle or violent?

Composition related to characterization (14)

There is an old woman on the first floor of my house. She has a pair of stern eyes under her gray and thick eyebrows, and her face is covered with wrinkles. Every time I meet her, I will unconsciously keep a distance from her and never greet her.

My mother was talking with me at home this summer vacation, and a knock on the door broke us. I got up and opened the door. My mother said, "You can write it. It's the insurance salesman". Sure enough, the door stopped ringing soon. About ten minutes later, there was another knock on the door. "Your bag was forgotten downstairs, and I brought it up for you.". My mother and I quickly opened the door when we heard the voice, but saw my grandmother on the first floor holding her mother's bag, smiled and said, "You are so careless. How can you forget your bag downstairs? It's not safe for people to come and go. I saw you standing there for a long time, but I didn't see you come down to take it. When I heard the phone ring, I brought it up for you. Just now I knocked on the door and thought you were out, so I went down. But your mobile phone has been ringing all the time, so I have to try it again. Let's have a look. Mother took the bag and said thank you all the time. She forced her to stay for dinner. Grandma on the first floor refused to eat. She just said, "Nothing, anyone would do this when they saw her." Then she walked downstairs.

From then on, I saw Grandma on the first floor again, but she could not find those stern eyes. What I saw was gentle eyes full of love. Her wrinkled face was like a blooming 'beautiful chrysanthemum', so amiable and respectable.

Composition related to characterization (15)

Our teacher's surname is Sang. She wears a pair of bright and fashionable glasses and looks very beautiful.

I remember yesterday, when Mr. Sang was giving us a lecture, he suddenly coughed a few times. I began to think that Mr. Sang had a cold. Then, Mr. Sang coughed a few more times. Ah, Mr. Sang really had a cold. Thirty four pairs of eyes stared at Mr. Sang, but Mr. Sang seemed to be free and began to teach us again. Time passed slowly. It was easy to finish class. I ran to her and asked, "Miss Sang, did you have a cold?" Miss Sang said, "A little, but nothing." Later, in order not to delay our lessons, she took medicine quietly behind our backs.

Mr. Sang not only cares about our study, but also our body.

I remember one time, Duan Zehao was ill in our class. Teacher Sang was very worried. She had to first ask the school doctor to see Duan Zehao, and then call Duan Zehao's father. Until Duan Zehao finished his medicine and his father took him home, Teacher Sang's heart was at ease. Ah! teacher! You are better than a mother!

In my hometown, there is a small river. A new bridge has been built on the river, named "Aisheng Bridge".

It was built in memory of my teacher Xiao Wang. Miss Wang, her name is Wang Guohua. When she first arrived in our village that year, she was only 19 years old. She was medium height, wore two short braids, was quiet, elegant, and smiled at the corners of her mouth, just like our big sister. We all affectionately called her "Miss Wang." I will never forget the moment when Miss Wang left us. July 5, 1991 was a black day in my heart. On that day, we had a final exam. The torrential rain on the night of July 4 made the river surge, and the small bamboo bridge in the river was not so stable under the impact of the flood. It was too late to postpone the exam. Early in the morning, Mr. Wang waited at the bridge to greet every student who came to take the exam. I was the last one to arrive at the bridge. It was still raining. I saw Mr. Wang's clothes were already wet, and his beautiful hair was scattered on his face. I could not tell whether it was rain or sweat. Mr. Wang was very happy when he saw the eighteen students coming. He shouted, "Don't move, Honghong, the teacher will pick you up." As I got on the small bridge that was not shaking in the water, I shouted at the bridge: "Don't come here, Mr. Wang. I can go there myself." "No, it's too dangerous. The teacher will pick you up." Seeing Mr. Wang's worried appearance, I stood still, and Mr. Wang came along the bridge. "Honghong, you will be relieved when you come." He held me in his arms and got on the bridge. At this time, the bridge was already tottering under the impact of the flood. When he walked less than two meters from the bridge head, he heard a "click". I knew that the situation was not good. I said, "Mr. Wang, put me down! That will make me lighter." "Honghong, don't be afraid. It's OK."

Mr. Wang comforted me as he carefully moved forward. But I can already feel Mr. Wang's' heartbeat is accelerating rapidly. Before I could think about it more, Mr. Wang shouted, "Honghong, jump up!" He pushed me to the bank with great strength that I had not thought of at that time. Before my feet could stand firmly, I heard a "click". Teacher Wang and the small bamboo bridge were washed away by the flood. Teacher Wang was submerged in the water, even without a shadow. We were stunned and at a loss. All of a sudden, the cry, the cry for help, earth shaking. We shouted along the river: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang..." and ran to the village to call people. When the villagers heard the cry, they all rushed to the river and ran down the river for more than ten miles, but Mr. Wang never showed up again. We cried, we shouted, and our teacher Wang left us without even leaving a word.

Teacher, I want to say to you: "You have wronged me, and you have damaged my self-esteem!"

In your eyes, I am not a good student. I do not obey discipline, and I have stolen small things from my classmates. But, teacher! Since the school leaders criticized me, I have corrected! But you still look at me with the old eyes!

When you came to school at noon that day, you heard that one of your classmates' stickers was missing, so you asked the whole class aloud several times, but no one ever admitted it. So, you are going to search the bag to find the thief. However, I never thought that you walked up to me in the last seat! Teacher, I really wanted to cry at that time. I didn't understand why you had to search my schoolbag first. My heart was broken! You spent 30 minutes searching my schoolbag. Do you know how I survived these 30 minutes, teacher? I endured great pain and tears!

Yes, I once had an indelible stain on my soul, but I have repented with my heart, and I have changed it! But you never believe me.

Class is over, and I can't help it. I ran into the toilet and cried loudly, but you cast a scornful glance! teacher! You are no longer the gentle and kind teacher you imagined as a child.

Teacher, I just want to tell you that I have only one wish: Teacher, you have wronged me! Please understand a broken heart! My dear teacher!

Teacher, I hope you will become the teacher I imagined again, a gentle and kind teacher who can understand the students!

Look, this middle-aged teacher wearing a black gabardine Chinese tunic suit, black wide rimmed glasses, and a smile on his face is our respected Chinese teacher - Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen has profound knowledge and rich teaching experience. He is always relaxed, lively, lively and interesting in class. We especially like to listen to his composition class. His lectures are always funny, humorous and fascinating, which makes us full of interest. We unconsciously fall in love with composition and gradually understand the "mystery" of writing.

"Ding Ling Ling", the bell rang for class. This is composition class. Mr. Chen strode into the classroom. Today, he seemed very excited. He walked to the platform and said with a smile: "Students, I am very happy today. Do you know why I am happy?" We all grinned and shook our heads. Teacher Chen then said, "This morning, I went to the trade market and bought two old hens for one yuan. Do you think I can be unhappy?" The students laughed loudly, and Zhang Jin couldn't even stand up. I think: Mr. Chen must be joking again. But Chen said seriously, "Really, I never tell lies. If you don't believe me, I'll read it to you." He picked up a composition book and read it aloud. A classmate wrote in his composition that he and his father went to the trade market to buy chickens, but his father only paid one yuan to buy two big fat hens. It suddenly dawned on the students that Mr. Chen was criticizing some students for writing compositions that ignored the facts and made up nonsense. Teacher Chen said, "No matter how vivid your description is and how rich your words are, an untrue article is meaningless, which is not a good composition.", Ask teachers, parents or consult materials, and similar errors will be greatly reduced.

Another composition lesson. Today, Mr. Chen, who has always been amiable, suddenly dragged Chen Jun out of the door. We were too frightened to breathe. To my surprise, Mr. Chen closed the door, turned around and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, students. Now I want to test your eyesight. Are you familiar with Chen Jun?" "Yes!" The students answered with one voice. Teacher Chen then asked everyone: "What color did you say Chen Jun was wearing today, and what style of clothing was wearing leather shoes, cloth shoes, or running shoes?" Everyone was stunned, and no one said anything. After a while, Mr. Chen asked Chen Jun to come into the classroom, and we began to look at him: he was wearing a sky blue zipper shirt, sea blue pants, and a pair of liberation shoes. Chen smiled and said to us, "Now let's go to observe the flower bed on campus." This time, we looked carefully. We made an in-depth observation of every kind of flower in the flower bed, from their color to shape, life habits and life rules, and some also checked the relevant reference books. Everyone wrote the composition well this time. Through this, we know that only by careful observation can we write a good composition.

This is how Mr. Chen guides our study and composition. You said that we have such an excellent Chinese teacher, can we not feel happy? How can we not have a strong interest in writing

In the past, I was bored to do only a few math problems every day, but the new teacher Hu only took a few days to solve dozens of math problems a day. What makes me addicted to mathematics? In a word, thanks to Mr. Hu's scientific and artistic teaching methods.

Before Mr. Hu came here, I learned that he was an excellent coach of the National Primary School Math Olympics. I couldn't help wondering: Is he very strict? Does he live up to his name? But when I saw him for the first time, I felt that he really spoke well. The unique opening remarks in the class immediately brought the distance between teachers and students closer. He said, "Future masters! I'm making friends with you. Let me be your big friend and discuss interesting problems in mathematics, OK?" "OK!" We answered with one voice. At this time, I couldn't help thinking that famous teachers are so approachable.

When learning began, Mr. Hu was really strange. Instead of telling us mathematics directly, he recited a small poem he wrote to us: "Life is so great, what is mathematics? I am the strongest! I am the most capable! I can bear hardships! I can learn mathematics well! Keep learning, and success must belong to me." I think he is really diligent, This encourages us to study hard. After listening, I strengthened my confidence in learning mathematics well.

Teacher Hu has many outstanding characteristics in teaching. For example, he promoted the method of "not raising hands to ask questions" in class. He said, "The advantage of not raising your hand to ask questions is that it can not only give students who are afraid of raising their hands a chance to exercise, but also let some students who are occasionally absent in class listen to questions for fear of being asked suddenly, and enter a state of 'everyone is in danger', prompting all students to actively think about problems." - It is this unique skill that makes me become dedicated, I dare not be careless. For another example, Mr. Hu also creatively carried out the activity of 100 points on stage to introduce experience. I got 100 points in a unit test. Teacher Hu held me tightly in his arms and said kindly, "What experience do you have if you can get 100 points this time? Go back and think about it, and talk to the students on the stage in the afternoon, OK?" At this time, I felt like a warm current flowing all over my body, and a sense of joy for enjoying success came into being.

Although Mr. Hu has only taught us for more than 120 days, I feel that he has benefited a lot. In my heart, I feel that he is a good teacher with good teaching methods and approachability.

Composition related to characterization (16)

1. Knowledge and skills: understand and master the basic methods of appearance description; Learn to consciously conceive the appearance description.

2. Process and method: Learn to describe the characters effectively and vividly through the guiding case, and upgrade the original composition.

3. Emotional attitude and values: learn to observe, feel and understand life, so as to reproduce life in writing.

Key and difficult points:

Key points: learn to grasp the characteristics of the characters and highlight their personality through appearance description.

Difficulties: choose the focus of character description according to the writing purpose.

Teaching hours:

1 class hour

Teaching steps:

1、 Import

The slide shows the student's work The Little People Around Me (compare the difference between the work with and without personalized description of characters, so as to draw out the important role of personalized description in the composition of the senior high school entrance examination.)

"People need clothes, Buddha needs gold." Similarly, in writing, only with personalized description can the characters be vivid and vivid. Our common methods of character description include appearance description, language description, action description and psychological description. However, description does not require everything, but selective description of the most representative aspects of the characters, so as to show the personality of the characters. For example, in order to show the father's love for his son, The Back focuses on describing the father's actions; Fan Jin Zhongju shows the vulgarity and impudence of Butcher Hu, which focuses on language description, while the poor people like Runtu, who have few words and actions, focus on describing his changes in appearance, so as to show the pressure of life on him.

Today, we will focus on how to describe appearance. When describing appearance, many people tend to be stereotyped. For example, just now I wrote about Teacher Wang. For example, when I wrote about the image of my mother, there must be several white hairs. It seems that without white hair, I cannot express my mother's greatness. Not only the same, but also fake. The mother I met in Jinjiang was totally different.

Then, how to make the characters vivid and vivid by describing their appearance?

2、 Inductive method

1. Slide show the sample text (Kong Yiji's image in Kong Yiji), and the teacher will analyze it. (Let the students understand why the author can write the characters so vividly.)

2. The slide shows two other examples of the text (the image of Yang Ersao in Hometown and the image of the mother in Deep Alley). Please refer to the examples for analysis and interpretation.

3. From the above example analysis, how do you think the appearance description should be carried out to reflect the personality of the characters?

① Focus on the key points (focus on something rather than everything);

② In order (whole to part, top to bottom, etc.);

③ Skillful modification (use certain rhetoric and add some modifiers);

④ Look for opportunities (appearance description in specific situations, more expressive and appealing).

4. The teacher summarizes the conception process of appearance description.

Timing and position → personality → position → characteristics → decoration → sequence

3、 Small brush practice (According to the inductive method, carry out classroom exercises to consolidate.)

Please choose a "cute fat man" in our class to describe his appearance and write his distinctive personality.


1. Conception and description according to inductive method;

2. Avoid personal attacks, and strive to show their shining points;

3. Other descriptions can be added appropriately;

4.50-80 words.

4、 Group discussion and evaluation, and excellent works exchange.

Evaluate each other in groups and teachers' comments.

5、 Classroom summary

Students, writing comes from our life. Only by learning to observe, feel and understand life with heart can we skillfully reproduce life in writing. I hope that today's lesson can serve as an inspiration. Let's skillfully use our wonderful pen to make our characters more vivid and our life more colorful.

6、 Homework after class

1. Exchange class exercises with classmates, copy and hand in the revised ones.

2. Use the knowledge learned today to re conceive and revise "The Little People around Me" to upgrade the composition.

7、 Blackboard writing

① Focus on key points

② Skillfully decorated in sequence ③

④ Look for opportunities

Conception process: opportunity and position → personality → position → feature → decoration → order

Part II: Appearance Description

Design concept:

Take students as the main body, take independent innovative learning as the goal, select examples from multiple angles, and cultivate students' divergent thinking; Show pictures by modern means, guide students to observe life carefully, and distinguish the characteristics of characters by comparison; Democratic teaching methods should be used to create a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere, so that students can learn independently and carry out multi angle training to broaden their writing ideas. Teaching objectives: Let students understand the role of appearance description and how to use it flexibly.

Key and difficult points of teaching:

Know how to use appearance description flexibly.

Teaching process:

1、 Topic opening and import:

1. Brief introduction: "The narrative of writing people is a narrative that takes people as the writing object and aims to express the character characteristics of the characters.

main points:

(1) Narrative writing about people is an important type of narrative writing.

(2) If you want to choose someone who is familiar with or has observed carefully, you must grasp the characteristics of the characters.

(3) Methods of writing people: appearance description, action description, language description, psychological description, etc.

2. Revealing topic: This composition training is to learn the appearance description of characters.

3. Blackboard writing topic: description of character appearance.

2、 Please read it and see what kind of person it is.

1. Example 1: His head is wrapped in a white towel, his body is wrapped in an old sheepskin jacket, his waist is pinned with a cigarette bag, his black red face is matched with a silver white beard, and he looks like an old fairy in a fairy tale.

Example 2: You see, the old farmer, who is wearing a cotton padded jacket and a sheepskin waistcoat, is introducing the land situation to the guests from the city. The purplish face, rough hands and squinting eyes seemed to tell us that he had sweated and worked hard on this land, but the grain yield was never significantly improved.

Example 3: The shadow of the old buffalo grandfather appeared again in front of me: a pair of shining eyes on his bronze face, and a white beard fluttering on his sharp chin. He is tall, broad shouldered, and his voice is as loud as a bell when he speaks, and the ground is flickering when he walks.

Rural grandpa. Why can the students answer it at once? This is because the author, through careful observation, writes about the characteristics of old farmers in terms of age, clothing, skin color, etc. From this, we get such an enlightenment: because of everyone's life experience, experience, education level. Different social occupations and environments lead to different human characteristics. Therefore, to write about a person (not only a farmer), you must carefully observe and grasp their characteristics, such as appearance, to make your characters "live".

2. Teacher and student summary: Due to the different description objects, the age, gender, character, identity and occupation of the characters are also different. Therefore, when describing the appearance of the characters, we must grasp the significant differences of the characters to show different characters.

3、 The purpose of describing a character's appearance is to show his age, spirit, character and quality.

Therefore, when describing the appearance of a character, first of all, it is necessary to make clear what aspect of the spirit, character and quality of the character the article is intended to represent, which is the main basis for deciding what to write and how to write.

1. In the lesson "Grandpa", in order to show his grandfather's love of labor, diligence and frugality, he tightly grasped the character's frugal clothing and healthy face to write: "He was wrapped in a white towel, put on an old sheepskin coat, with a cigarette bag pinned to his waist, and his dark red face with a silver white beard looked like an old fairy in a fairy tale." It was clear that he was a simple and tough old farmer. The features that have little to do with this are the height of the body, the height of the bridge of the nose, the size of the mouth, etc.

2. In the lesson "Grandfather Buffalo", the author described the appearance of Grandfather Buffalo: "Bronze" here, the author grasped the appearance characteristics of Grandfather Buffalo. "White beard" is a common feature of the general elderly, and "bronze face" and "shiny eyes" are unique to the old buffalo grandfather. The dynamic description of "talking like a Hong Zhong" and "walking makes the land flash" is more vivid than that of the old buffalo grandfather. After reading this description, the strong and cheerful image of the old buffalo grandfather seems to appear before our eyes.

3. When describing appearance, we must grasp the characteristics of identity and personality. We can't "grasp the beard and eyebrows" and write from beginning to end. A classmate wrote "The fifth aunt who never passed the door": "She is not tall or short, with a round face, wearing a light blue dress, with a pair of gold wire glasses on the bridge of her nose. The dress sets off her ruddy and delicate face, making her look young, beautiful and elegant. While washing the fungus, she talks and laughs with everyone. The atmosphere in the room is very active." This has captured the young, beautiful and energetic characteristics of this woman, which is very impressive.

"Sister, come quickly, sister." With a loud cry, I found a little girl about three or four years old. Her red face was set with round eyes, just like two black grapes. With a round face and a small cherry mouth, it seems to be "eloquent". A pair of delicate hands always write and draw on paper. You will admire her naivety and innocence from the bottom of your heart. (Little girl)

Grandma has thick eyebrows, big eyes and short black hair. She looks clean and neat. Although she is nearly 60 years old, I always think she is only in her forties. My grandma cooks, cooks and washes clothes at home. She does a good job. No wonder the aunt next door often says to me, "You are so lucky to have such a good grandma. (Old Man)

4. As the saying goes, eyes are the windows of the soul. Mr. Lu Xun also said, "To paint a person's characteristics in a very economical way, it is best to paint his eyes." From the eyes, the "window of the soul", we can see a person's emotions and inner world. Therefore, it is very important to describe the eyes of a person well in writing. How to describe the eyes of the characters?

Teacher Mu's Eyes. At the beginning, I described Mr. Mu's eyes like this: "Mr. Mu's eyes have double eyelids, and their dark eyes are round and big. The text went on to write that when "I" wanted to play with things in class, Mr. Mu's eyes seemed to hint: "What are you doing?" When I answered the question loudly, Mr. Mu's eyes threw a approving look at me again, as if to say: "Well said!" When "I" was ill and just came to school, Mr. Mu looked at me from time to time, As if to say to me: "Can you stand it?" When "we" were playing games after class, Mr. Mu's eyes opened wide, as if to remind us: "Hey, be careful! I'm going to catch you!" So his eyes were written "live". Through these vivid descriptions, we can see that Mr. Mu is a good teacher who loves education, loves children and is good at educating students.

In the text "Little Hero Rain Comes", the "eyes" of the Japanese devils are also excellent, revealing the essence of the Japanese aggressors' ferocity and brutality: "There is a ghost officer sitting on the edge of the pit, his eyes are red", "a nearby devil swishes out his knife, glares at the eyes, and chops at the head of Rain", "The eyes of the officer with a flat nose immediately become vicious and terrible"

She looked up and saw a picture of Madame Curie hanging on the wall. Those blue eyes seemed to say, "Keep going, child!"! We must have perseverance, especially self-confidence.

4、 Pay attention to the changes in appearance caused by the changes in the characters' thoughts and feelings.

1. Projection or video recording. Show four pictures of "happy", "pain", "angry" and "sad". Please carefully observe, compare and think about the different features of the appearance (especially the expression) of the characters in different moods?

2. Students observe, discuss at the same table, teachers patrol and guide, and speak freely.

3. Present examples.

(Example 1: Whenever he is happy, his face shines. His short, sturdy body seems to be full of energy as if charged with electricity, which adds incredible luster to his eyes and skin.)

(Example 2: The penetrating pain hit her again. She tightly grasped the carriage with both hands and held her breath. Her face was white like a piece of paper. The cold sweat soaked her forehead and hair on her temples. Her closed eyes were full of tears, so that her long lashes were shaking like soaking in water, and she clenched her lower lip with a streak of blood.)

(Example 3: He was really angry, his originally white face turned red, the superior frontal vein was protruding, his eyes were round, and his teeth were also crunching)

(Example 4: He tried hard to hold back, closed his lips and choked up his sobs like a child, but tears still came up and squeezed around his eyes. Suddenly two big tears left his eyes and slowly ran down his cheeks.)

4. Summary: The description of appearance should not only describe the characteristics, but also the changes in appearance caused by the changes in the characters' thoughts and feelings. Therefore, to describe the characters, it is more important to write their expressions and fully reflect their spiritual style.

5、 In order to write the appearance of the characters well, we should often collect and accumulate some words describing the appearance of the characters. For example, the words describing the eyes are clear, snowy, shiny, water smart, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the words describing the hair are black hair, pale sideburns, white hair and childlike appearance, bangs, sheep's horns and braids. Only by accumulating a wealth of words can we be accurate Portray the image of the character realistically.

6、 Classic:

1. Kong Yiji: "He is tall, with a bluish white face. He often has some scars between his wrinkles and a messy gray beard. Although he is wearing a long gown, it is dirty and torn. It seems that he has not been mended or washed for more than ten years." This description captures the typical details of the "long gown", which is a symbol of scholars in the imperial examination era, Kong Yiji's long gown is "dirty and torn". An impoverished and pedantic intellectual image of feudal society appears before us, which also shows that the feudal imperial examination fooled and persecuted intellectuals.

2. Runtu in Lu Xun's works:

Eleven or twelve years old, with a purple round face, a small felt hat, a silver collar on the neck, and a pair of red, round hands.

The figure doubled, his face was sallow, his wrinkles were deep, his eyes were swollen and red, he wore a worn felt hat, and he was only wearing a very thin cotton padded jacket. He was rustling all over with a paper bag and a long smoke pipe in his hand. His hands were thick, clumsy and cracked, like the bark of a pine tree. Through comparison, it reflects the difficulty of his life in the old society and reflects the theme.

3. Lu Xun's second sister-in-law Yang: a woman with prominent cheekbones and thin lips, about 50 years old, stood in front of me with her hands between her legs, no skirt tied, and her feet open, just like a compass with thin feet in a drawing instrument. It reveals the social roots of the decline, bleakness and bankruptcy of China's rural areas at that time.

4. In Back: I said, "Dad, let's go." He looked out of the car and said, "I'll buy some oranges. You are right here. Don't walk around." I saw some sellers waiting for customers outside the platform fence over there. To get to the platform over there, you must cross the railway, jump down and climb up again. Father is a fat man, so it will be more difficult to walk there. I was going, but he refused and had to let him go. I saw him wearing a small black cloth hat, a big black cloth jacket, and a dark blue cotton gown. He staggered to the railway and slowly leaned down. It was not difficult. But when he crossed the railway, it was not easy for him to climb the platform over there. He climbs up with both hands, and his feet shrink up again; His fat body leans slightly to the left, showing an effort. Then I saw his back, and my tears quickly flowed down. I quickly wiped my tears away lest he or others should see it. When I looked out again, he had already carried the scarlet orange back. When crossing the railway, he first scattered the oranges on the ground, climbed down slowly by himself, and then picked up the oranges and walked. When I got here, I hurried to help him. He and I went to the car and put all the oranges on my fur coat. I felt relaxed as if I was splashing on the mud on my clothes. After a while, I said, "I'm going to write over there!" I watched him go out. He walked a few steps, turned to see me, and said, "Go in, there is no one there." When his back was mixed with people coming and going, I couldn't find it anymore, so I came in and sat down, and my tears came again.

5. Maupassant's uncle: I looked at his hand, his wrinkled seaman's dirty hand, and looked at his face, a sad, sad, old and pathetic face, and said to myself: "This is my uncle, my father's brother, my uncle."

6. No meat can be scraped from top to bottom.

7、 Job:


1. Please talk about the appearance of your deskmate.

2. What aspects do you focus on to describe your appearance?

3. Teachers and students jointly summarize the specific content of appearance description. (looks, clothes, demeanor, posture, etc.)

4. Describe the appearance of the first student of each group in the class, no less than 200 words. Please guess who you are writing about. Guess that you write well! Give praise.

First think about his character, and then think about what appearance can serve to express this character. The crescent moon appeared again.