Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (15 popular)
2024-01-11 01:20:30
Grade 3

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (1)

Growing up adolescence is a beautiful music, and growing up adolescence is a colorful picture... In these pictures, there are also some wrong things, silly things, which have happened in my life.

I remember that it was a day two years ago. That day was very hot. The sun was like a big fireball, burning the earth. I thought it was too hot, so I went to the small shop with my classmates to buy ice lollies.

The owner of the small shop is an old man with white hair. He always smiles and looks very kind. On that day, the students all rushed to buy popsicles with money. After a while, all the students bought popsicles and went away. Seeing my classmates eating popsicles one by one, I wanted to eat them very much, but I didn't have any money in my pocket. What should I do? I hesitated a little, then took the courage to say to the boss of the small shop: "Grandpa, I have given you money, where is my popsicle?" The boss probably also can't remember who gave the money because of the large number of people, and who did not give the money. After listening to my words, he kindly said: "Little friend, I forgot to give you the popsicle." I took the popsicle and went home happily.

In the evening, I sat on the sofa, looking at my favorite book about honesty, and I was very excited. Suddenly, a sentence in the book about being honest made me speechless.

I thought: today afternoon, I cheated the old man in the small shop and cheated him with an ice stick. Isn't the ice stick more important than honesty? Ice lollies can be bought with money, but honesty cannot be bought with money. After a fierce ideological struggle, I decided to give money to my grandfather in the small shop.

When I came to the small shop, I felt ashamed and said to my grandpa, "grandpa, I cheated you with an ice stick yesterday, I'm sorry!" After listening to my explanation, grandpa said, "Alas! It's just an ice stick. I'll give you that ice stick!" grandpa smiled and said, without receiving any money.

Now, I gradually understand the importance of honesty. A dishonest person will have no contact with him, and he will accomplish nothing in the future.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (2)

There is a beautiful park in my hometown. It is a good place for people to relax and play.

In the morning, the sun rises slowly from the east, and the sun shines warmly on the earth. Early risers rush to the park from all directions to do morning exercises. The whole park became lively. Some practiced sword, some played tai chi, some walked dogs, and some danced to the sweet music······

At noon, the whole park boils. There is a moat in the park, shining like a layer of gold under the sunshine. There is a high arch bridge on the river, which looks like a beautiful rainbow from a distance. There are many rowers on the river, and some naughty ducklings chase the boat as if they were competing with it. There is a round pond in the middle of the park. Beside the pond, there are willows. The long willows hang to the river. There are thousands of colorful goldfish in the pond. I bought a bag of fish food and just threw a fish food. The goldfish in the water scrambled to grab the fish food as if they had been ordered. Suddenly, the whole river was bustling. The busiest place in the park is the zoo, where there are beautiful peacocks, fierce tigers, lions, black bears, wolves, naughty monkeys, honest hippos······

When the sun went down, people left the park one after another, and the whole park calmed down.

Home park, I love you!

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (3)

In our childhood, we have been to all kinds of beautiful places, such as seeing the beautiful scenery in the park, climbing the huge mountains, and there are many beautiful environments in the mountains. Some people may have visited the unique scenery of various places, which is amazing. The entertainment place in our youth is a beautiful park.

I still remember the first time I went to the park to play, I couldn't find the way to go inside, because there were four directions to enter the park at the gate of the park, so we went to the middle of the road. After entering, there were a variety of fitness equipment, basketball court and table tennis table, and various sports.

When we went inside, there was a big pool, on which many boats were sliding. There was a round bridge on the pool, which could go to the opposite side of the pool. When we went inside after crossing the pool, we could see a rockery, which seemed to be standing on the pool, and could also play.

Walk in front of the rockery and you will see a cave. Walk into the cave for about two minutes to see the sun. Walk along the road to the top of the mountain and you can walk out of the rockery.

If you look ahead, you can see a lawn. In summer, you can roll on the lawn, play football, and play chess. You can enjoy the cool. It's very comfortable. There are big trees around you that can enjoy the cool under the trees. There are several faucets on the lawn that can water the grass when spraying water. At the same time, it will be cooler.

In summer, it will be very comfortable for you to play in this beautiful and comfortable park. You will walk out of the park when you go deep. At that time, I believed that the park was circular.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (4)

Hello! Boys and girls, I am a black, elegant and popular black swan!

Speaking of our big family and friends, you may not know that, in fact, thousands of years ago, I was regarded as an unlucky symbol by Europeans and was killed on a large scale. Fortunately, people have increased our protection, so our number has gradually increased. By the way, I forgot to tell you that at present, our number is about 1000, which is regarded as the national second-class protected animals.

By the way, after a long introduction, I haven't told you my life habits yet! Guess what? Oh, I won't give you a guess. I guess for a long time, but I can't figure it out. To tell you the truth, I live in lakes, marshes and other areas. We don't like to live alone, but like to live together in groups. Why? Because I am too timid to act alone. I like to eat fish, shrimp, etc. Our whole body is black, and only the wings are white. Is it magic black?

Look, the breeder is coming to me. My lunch is very rich. There are fish and shrimp... I can solve the problem with three strikes or two. It's time for my nap, Goodbye!

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (5)

My brother is a cute little wit. He can praise others very much, but he is modest to himself.

Once, when we went hiking, my brother and mother took the cableway and climbed half of the mountain. My father and I went straight up the mountain instead of taking the cableway. At that time, many people said to their younger brother, "Look, what a brave boy, he will definitely go to Tsinghua University or Peking University in the future." The younger brother said, "Hum, you don't know yet. My brother is hiking up the mountain, and he must be Harvard material!"

It is obvious from this that my brother really praises others and is modest to himself.

Another time, I made a mistake. My father and mother were going to hit me. My brother said, "No, this is my dear brother. No one can hit him!" My brother finally persuaded his father and mother, and he almost cried sadly.

I can say that my brother must love me very much. I also believe that when I no longer have friends, there can only be one of my favorite friends standing beside me, always with me. This person must be my brother.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (6)

The autumn girl walked with her cool steps, while the winter sister came with her cold steps.

Sister Dong breathed softly, and the weather suddenly became cold. The north wind also lost its temper, and it blew a piercing cold wind. It was snowing heavily under the sky, and snowflakes came to the world like white elves, laying a white carpet on the earth. The children put on thick cotton padded jackets, warm hats, earmuffs and fuzzy scarves. They came to the snow and played happily. Some skied, some skied, and some skated. Joyful laughter echoed in the air. The strong wintersweet bloomed in the cold wind. Some flowers were like yellow balls, some just opened two or three pieces, like shy girls, and some opened all, like brave little sisters, to welcome the arrival of winter. The stubborn green bamboo is still upright. The pines covered with heavy snow are guarding the earth like brave soldiers. The little animals also began to spend the winter. The hedgehog, who had been busy for a year, hibernated in the hole. The ferocious boa constrictor coiled into a ball and dreamed of winter. The industrious ants didn't sleep well in the hole. They held the winter sports meeting in the hole!

Although the winter is cold, the page is full of joy.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (7)

Although my parents give me pocket money, I can't spend it freely, such as buying snacks and drinks in small stores. My parents gave me some pocket money because they were afraid that we would not have money to call them in an emergency, which would give them a sense of security.

The pocket money has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that we can buy things for ourselves or call our families. The disadvantage is that if we have money, we will buy some things that cost only a few cents, but we will sell them to us for a few yuan. Eating them is not only bad for our health, but also money is wasted quickly. But if we don't have money, we can't buy anything, and we will get sick and have no money, You can't see a doctor, so your health will get worse and worse.

So I made a box in my own home. As long as you save your pocket money in "My Little Bank" - that is, the piggy bank, you will have more and more money, so you can save money. It is not only good for your health, but also good habits for yourself.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (8)

My father's education is not high, knowledge is not much, but I want to thank him.

My father is a carefree person, also a "double faced". He treats people kindly outside and quarrels with his mother at home. Even so, he is very concerned about my study.

Let's just say today, I was copying words. My father suddenly came up to me and asked, "Where are the words to copy?" I pointed carelessly and said, "Well, there are so many words to draw wavy lines." My father said, "Do you want to write down? Copy several times?" "Do not write down, copy again," I said as I wrote. "This can be done in five minutes. Wang Congying, copy it for me twice!" My father said, "Hey, do you think I'm copying again? So many words!" I protested after listening to my father's words. Although I know in my heart that my father treats me like this, he hopes me well. "Tell me what's wrong with copying twice?". Later, my father prepared to test me to review the knowledge in the classification, "Say a few meteorological proverbs!" "Sunset rouge, no rain, no wind -" In the process of reciting, I saw my father's bloodshot eyes, and knew that my father stayed up late. I seemed to see my father running to deliver vegetables with sweat; I saw my father holding a kitchen knife and cutting the ice hard; When I saw my father standing at the door, the moonlight was gazing at the blue sky - suddenly, my heart was surging like a spray.

Father's love is like a towering mountain. Through ups and downs, father's love for children cannot be abandoned. Dad, I want to thank you!

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (9)

My mother often said that friends are a valuable asset in life. These days, I have another good friend in my friendship library.

It also starts from the physical education class that day. In that class, we had a standing long jump test. In order to achieve good results, I practiced for half a day and finally came on. I first swung my arm, then swung it again, and when I swung my arm for the third time, I jumped out. However, unexpectedly, after my feet landed, my body did not stop, but jumped forward, and my hands quickly rubbed on the ground. I got up painfully and clapped my hands with a grin. Again, the palm was rubbed red, and some small sand particles seemed to be embedded in the skin. No wonder it was a bit hot and painful.

After class, I was walking upstairs, and Cui Jiayin, who doesn't usually talk, came up. She saw that my red and swollen hands were still covered with ash, so she said to me: "Let's go, let me accompany you to wash your hands, see if there is any broken place, and don't get infected." So we came to the sink together. She turned on the tap and adjusted the water flow not too small, so that my hand would not be hurt by the water column. Then, while gently washing away the sand and dirt on my hand, she said to me very softly, "How did you let your hand touch the ground just now? It hurts when you hurt your hand. Pay attention next time."

"OK, thank you for helping me wash my hands!"

"You're welcome!" She took out a wet paper towel from her pocket, tore off the package and handed it to me. "Take this, wipe your hands and disinfect."

"Oh, her heart is so good! She is kind and meticulous." I can't help thinking, "But before, we seldom talked. She doesn't seem to like me, and I don't like her very much..."

However, after this incident, I fell in love with her. I believe that she will also like me. I'm so happy to have such a good friend who helps others!

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (10)

One day, his father gave Xiaoqing a piece of money that was one dime short, and told Xiaoqing, "This piece of money that is one dime short can only be used as fifty cents." Xiaoqing nodded, smiled, and then skipped out with the money.

Xiaoqing took the money to the street, looked east and west, and was very busy.

At this time, Xiaoqing saw a group of people on the square. Xiaoqing wanted to see the excitement, so without saying a word, he went into the crowd. It turned out that he was an old man who sold sugar people. The sugar people he sold were really beautiful, including piglets, calves and ponies? It's really multifarious. Xiaoqing saw six words written beside the sugar figurines, which were: "One yuan for each sugar figurine." Xiaoqing touched the small coin in his hand and thought: "This piece of money can only be used as fifty cents. What should I do?" Xiaoqing rolled the money into a paper tube and handed it to Xiaoqing if nothing happened. Grandpa took the money without looking carefully, so he took down a sugar figurine monkey and gave it to Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing takes the sugar man, turns and runs away. Running, she looked at the sugar figurine in her hand. She was really surprised at the sight. The sugar man even spoke. The sugar man monkey said, "Honesty is the most important thing." Before the little monkey said anything, Xiaoqing blushed. She decided to return the "little monkey". So, Xiaoqing ran back and came to the old man who sold the candy. He said to the old man, "Sorry, old man, I took a piece of candy with a dime missing, and now I will give it back to you." The old man listened, and did not blame Xiaoqing, but took out the piece of one yuan with three dimes and gave it back to Xiaoqing, Then he said, "Son, you are very honest, so I will give you this sugar figurine!" Xiaoqing said, "Thank you, Grandpa!" And he came back happily.

She told her dear father and mother: "I learned a truth, honesty is the most important!"

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (11)

My father is thirty-two years old. He is one meter seven six. He likes to wear light blue clothes. A "country" shaped face with a tall nose. With a slight smile, his white teeth were exposed, which made him look even more impressive.

When I was eight years old, when I was just in the third grade, I only got 89.5 points in my first exam. When my father, who worked in other places, learned the news, he became furious, ran from other places and scolded me. I hid in the quilt and cried, thinking: Dad is so bad, hum! I will do well in the exam next time. What reason do you have to beat me? Since then, my father not only goes out to work hard every day, but also supervises my homework when he comes back at night. When encountering difficulties, he will persist in speaking until I understand. The next morning, I would still wake up early to exercise.

Before the final exam, my father bought a lot of exercises for me to do with me in order to get a good result. Finally, on the day of the final exam, I went to the battlefield confidently. After the exam, the scores will be handed out in a few days.

When I got the results, I didn't dare to look at them all the time. If the results were not ideal, I would definitely get scolded by my father again! But on second thought, I have done my best for the exam. What should I be afraid of? So I slowly opened my eyes, ah, unimaginable! I... I was too excited to speak. I scored 92 points in Chinese, ranking in the top ten of the class, 91 points in math, ranking in the top seven, and even 91 points in English, ranking in the top ten. At this time, I remembered the scene when my father told me exercises, and could not help but leave tears of excitement.

Gradually I learned that fatherly love is deep and implicit, like fermented old wine, lasting fragrance.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (12)

It was a Saturday night, when I did my homework, my mother asked me to check my composition with my father. I walked into my father's study and saw his father tapping the keyboard in front of the computer. When my father found me coming in, he looked up at me and said with a smile, "Let's put it here first! I'll check it later. You go out and play first, and then I'll call you."

I went to play in the yard. After playing for a long time, I heard my father asked me to go. I immediately ran into the study and sat beside him. Dad asked me to accompany him to check my homework, in fact, it means to prepare for questions. Dad looked at it sentence by sentence, drew a small circle on it when he found the wrong words, and frowned when he found the unsatisfied sentences. Instead of checking whether I have done a good job or not, he revised the wrong sentences in my composition while reading. Sometimes I stop writing and think about it. When I don't think of it, I will ask me a question or two. Sometimes when he feels good, he points to the sentence in the composition and draws a wavy line. Sometimes he thinks that a poem or an idiom can be used here, but if he can't remember it, he will ask me. When I don't know, he goes to the computer to check, sometimes turning the book to check, there is a bookcase next to my father's computer. The night was very quiet, and more than half an hour passed before my father returned my composition, which was heavily revised.

At this time, it was nearly ten o'clock, and my mother sent supper. Two bowls of hot dumplings and a small dish of hot sauce. My father and I ate and talked together, enjoying the peace that our father and son had. After supper, I went to wash my face and sleep.

I stood up without noticing and pushed the chair down. Dad saw me and came over to straighten my chair and started working again.

This is my good father. I lay in bed, thinking about the scene when my father revised my composition for me. My father is so careful. I want to study hard now and work hard when I grow up like my father. Thinking, thinking, I fell asleep sweetly.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (13)

Funny King of our class

He is not very tall. With short hair, big ears, a pair of intense eyes, a funny nose, and a talkative mouth, he often tells jokes that kill people.

He is also very good at telling jokes. I don't know who said that he adapted the ancient text "There are fish in the North Sea". The details are as follows: there are fish in the North Sea, which is called Kun. Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot. To turn into a bird, it is called Peng. Peng is bigger and needs two grills. One is sweet and the other is spicy. Two more bottles of snowflakes, let's brave the world. I laughed until my stomach ached.

This is He Zihao, the funny king of our class.

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (14)

Fan Wenyi, Grade Three Excellent Composition

I have a lot of books in my family, and I also love reading. I'm a little bookworm. Reading brings me endless happiness.

I often travel in the sea of books and indulge in books as if I were in the scene. Once, when I saw The Water Margin, I saw Gao Qiu assassinating Coach Lin, and couldn't help shouting, "Stop, traitor!"! When I found out, it was I who entered the story.

Books are my close friends, and my life is wonderful because of books. I made some good friends through reading books. I used books to make friends, talked about the characters in the books, hated Yue Fei for being framed by Qin Hui, was proud of Liu Bei's virtue spreading around the world, and sighed for Zhang Fei's death. We followed Robinson to explore the island, followed Greiff to various strange worlds, came to the war era through the Three Kingdoms, followed Bambi the deer to the mysterious forest... The book brought me the door to another strange world.

The book also made me understand the rise and decline of China's various dynasties, and understand the truth of the world's major events.

Books are our good friends, and all kinds of books can give us different gains. Students, let's read together and harvest the happiness of reading together.

Fan Wen'er, Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School

Bonodine and I quietly followed Ga carboxyl to have a look. Ga carboxyl walked all night. At daybreak, he came to the bank of Daluo River. He stood on the pebbles on the beach and gazed at the rippling river for a long time. Ga carboxyl's eyes glistened with tears like a crystal pearl. It seemed that he saw the last scene. It was in this land that the elephant soldiers had a big battle with the Japanese invaders on the battlefield where he had fought bloody battles. The majestic elephant soldiers and a large group of powerful war elephants threw themselves at the enemy, which was overwhelming.

The powerful and majestic war elephants carried the anti Japanese heroes. They were not afraid of danger and braved the hail of bullets. They rushed to the enemy. The enemy cried and howled, screamed like a pig, lost their armor and fled like flies. The heroic war elephants and soldiers were also shot to the ground.

Que Carboxyl's eyes moistened, and two crystal tears fell down. He raised his head and shouted at the fiery sunrise in the sky, as if to say, people in the stronghold! Thank you for taking care of me for so many years. I will always remember you. Ah, my great and heroic companions, I have come to accompany you.

Model Wen San, Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School

Today, it was snowing heavily, and the snow outside was a vast expanse of white. The earth seemed to be covered with a silver coat. I can't wait to run downstairs to see the snow. The snow on the ground is white and flat. I can't bear to step on it, but I want to try it. So I carefully walked onto the snow, and the foot was "creaking". I also wrote a few words on the snow with my feet, which was fun. I could not help but reach out a hand to catch a snowflake, ah! It has six corners, white and flawless, quiet and pure, as if standing aloof from the world, and soon melted into water. The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the yard was already covered with thick snow. I was very excited, so I called to invite Zhang Bing and Hu Yuwen to have a snowball fight in the yard at 12 noon.

After everyone arrives, we will prepare snow blocks and snowballs first, and then start the game. Hu Yuwen smiled mysteriously at Zhang Bing. Zhang Bing seemed to understand her meaning, so he picked up the snowball and threw it at me. Fortunately, I hid quickly and missed. But Zhang Bing's snowball hit Hu Yuwen. Hu Yuwen was stunned and said how could you hit me? Immediately, he picked up the snowball and threw it at Zhang Bing. With a sound of "Pa", the snowball hit Zhang Bing's head. Zhang Bing rubbed his eyes deliberately and said, "What are you doing? I didn't mean to." Hu Yuwen said hurriedly, sorry, I'll pat you. As soon as Hu Yuwen walked in front of her, Zhang Bing pushed the prepared snowball into Hu Yuwen's neck and said, "I'm in the trap, ha ha!" Seeing that Zhang Bing is not easy to deal with, Hu Yuwen shifted his target to me. While I was watching the battle, I didn't know that the "sly" Hu Yuwen had quietly walked around behind me, but I was still looking at Zhang Bing, who was laughing, and asked her, "What are you laughing at? Is there a flower growing on my head?" Zhang Bing said, "Come on, ha ha." As soon as the words ended, I heard a "snap" and a cool snowball hit the back of my head, Then the snow fell on my neck. To clap the snow, I chased her and hit her with snowballs. Zhang Bing also hit her with snowballs, laughing and cheering.

Play tired, time also imperceptibly to the afternoon, we reluctantly went back. This is my first snowball fight. I really enjoyed it!

Excellent Composition for Grade Three of Primary School (15)

In the small yard where I used to live, there was an old banyan tree. With the arrival of our children, the old banyan tree was no longer lonely. It seemed to laugh all the year round.

In the spring, every branch of the old banyan tree began to sprout and grow tender and small leaves, as if children jumped out of their mother's belly. At this time, the old banyan tree was laughing, because it had so many children and grandchildren. Isn't it happy?

Summer is the time when the branches of the old banyan trees are luxuriant. Every evening, the old ladies and gentlemen in the yard take their little grandchildren and granddaughters to enjoy the cool under the old banyan tree. Hum! These little kids can't stay idle. They rush to the tree when their grandparents are not paying attention. They can't shout down. As for them, they are jumping from tree to tree like little monkeys with agile skills. This is the old banyan tree laughing. Aren't you happy to have so many "little monkeys" with you?

In autumn, the old banyan tree began to lose its leaves. However, the scene was also different. Pieces of slapped yellow leaves are like free yellow birds flying. At this time, the old banyan tree was laughing because it had taken off an old coat. Isn't it happy?

In winter, the cold wind made everyone dare not go out, so the grandpa who kept the door put on a "cold suit" for the old banyan tree. At this time, the old banyan tree was smiling, because there were still people caring about it. Aren't you happy?

I love banyan tree. It not only preserves our childhood memories, but also makes our yard more beautiful!