Compositions describing Dad's humor (3 popular ones)
Look down on the world
2024-05-03 05:36:27

Writing about Dad's Humor (1)

There is a person in my family whom I admire very much. He is my father.

My father is a humorous person. My father is short, thin and exquisite, with white skin, black hair, and a curly "big wave" hairstyle. Anyone who sees him will think that he is hot in a barber shop. His colleagues all said he was a shrunken Fei Xiang, and I think so too. He is a fine arts artist, and is a little famous binding artist in the five provinces of central and southern China. His personal exhibition has been praised by many famous people. He is also a funny person, especially fond of joking. I don't know whether all artists are very humorous. Anyway, I think my father is full of humor cells. No matter how busy and tired he is at work, as soon as he enters the house, he says exactly that as soon as he sees me, he will immediately smile and I will dance with him.

My father is thin, medium height, has a pair of modest eyes, has a small crew head, and a tall nose looks more energetic. The chiseled lips were covered with beards like steel needles. My father has a lot of knowledge. He often tells me many magical and interesting science stories and comes up with many ways to exercise me.

My father is the chief mate of the merchant ship of COSCO. He is tall with naturally curly yellowish hair, a pair of intelligent eyes embedded in his white square face, and a pair of nostrils appear particularly large under the high bridge of his nose. When I was young, I often looked at his nostrils and asked, "Dad, why are your nostrils so big.

My father is lovely, charming, and also my mother and I rely on him. We all love him.

Writing about Dad's Humor (2)

My father is a math teacher in primary school. His biggest characteristic is that he is fat and eats a lot. Although he is trying to lose weight, he can't lose a few pounds from beginning to end. Who calls him the king of our family?

Dad's head is very round, pure like a moon, but the most like the 'mark' on his face. As the acne disappeared, it left a mark, so my father's face had "potholes", which was amazing. The round big face matched with the "potholes" on his face. Look, hey! Just a "moon father"!

Although his appearance is not so good, his hands are very skillful. When he is free, he always likes to make small inventions, and his cooking skill is also very skillful. Last time he made a small invention: "backpack umbrella". He designed an umbrella on my schoolbag. Since then, I will never be bothered by the rain without an umbrella. It's really convenient to use! Dad's cooking is superb! When he went to cook, he saw the fire was shining. After a while, all the delicious dishes were sitting down one by one. It was really fragrant! It made my mother and I drool.

Dad is not only skillful, but also humorous.

We got up at 8:00 in the morning on time. When it was time to brush our teeth, my father used toothpaste as the microphone and sang, "I hate seeing children; I shake my head when I see you..." We heard, strongly protested, and only heard my father say, "Protest is ineffective, and the singing continues!" After that, we sang again. We were so angry that we wanted to rush forward. However, Dad was quick and ran away. We were empty, but we had no choice. Alas! Who told Dad to run so fast!

This is my dad who is not only fat, but also skillful and humorous.

Writing about Dad's Humor (3)

Early in the morning, my father's voice came from afar: "Young master, get up, the sun is drying your ass, you lazy bastard!" Every day, when I hear such words, I feel very "unhappy". "I'm not lazy, but the sun is too diligent!" I said angrily.

I reluctantly sat up from the bed and dressed slowly. At this time, the hateful father began to "spread the word from thousands of miles" again: "Why is it so slow? If you go to the race and run, you must be the first! Although it is the last few drops", I was immediately annoyed. I quickly got dressed and rushed out of the room to use the long lost "Lion Roar Skill" to my father in the Jianghu: "You hurry up when getting up, and you hurry when getting dressed, which can be called" God inspiring "!" My father put on an innocent look, The aggrieved man said, "Thanks to my rich golden feast, I'm going to give you a taste." What? "Golden Feast"! Well, it sounds delicious. Dad's words were like an invisible "hook", which caught my greedy insects. I rushed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. The dining table attracted me like a magnet somehow today. However, when I came to the table, I was dumbfounded, and my beautiful fantasy was shattered. "Cut! What a golden feast!" It's just sweet potato porridge with corn cob! " Alas

In the past, I just managed to finish the calligraphy exercises assigned by my teacher, and I just wrote casually. One day, my father wanted to check my calligraphy book. I felt cold and thought to myself, "It's over, the end of my world is coming.". In desperation, I had to force myself to give the book to my father. Who knows, the imagined "storm" did not come as scheduled. Dad just silently left six big words on the notebook: "The dragon flies and the phoenix dances"! I was ashamed. I practiced calligraphy seriously and never dared to be lazy again.

This is my father, a lovely and humorous father!