Composition of You Songcheng (17 in total)
The sea is in the sun
2024-05-29 05:07:55

Composition of You Songcheng (1)

Today, the sun is shining and the weather is sunny. We are excited to visit Song City. Song City is one of the ten new sights in Hangzhou. It is the largest theme park of Song culture in China with the slogan of "Give me a day and give you back a thousand years.". Now let's have a look at Song City!

The city of Song deserves to be straight to the point. As soon as you enter every shop, everyone in the city of Song wears retro style clothes. Some sell food, some sell clothing, and some sell all kinds of gadgets.

Wow! I saw a lot of people gathered in the other party, and I ran to see curiously. Oh, it was an acrobatic troupe performing! Some are playing the flying man in the air, jumping from one rope to another. It's amazing! Jump from one tree to another like a monkey playing in the forest. After a performance, a little monkey came on the stage. The staff asked him to salute and say hello to the audience, and he obediently saluted and said hello to the audience, like a sensible child. The staff asked him to ride a bike, and he really started riding a bike. The skill is really superb!

Next, we went to the water floating arena, which was the most exciting and fun for children. Yang Jiakai and Li Runze couldn't wait to rush up. But Xiao Yang has already been in the battle field of the Second Classics. He has failed in his first game before and has learned a lesson. This time, the steady and smooth "floating" has reached the end, with a proud and happy smile. Li Runze is a green hand. A bear fell into the water as soon as he got there, and suddenly he became a chicken. Look at his embarrassed appearance! Laughing made our tummy ache.

We walked and walked. In a blink of an eye, we came to the "uncanny workmanship". The most representative one should be the slanted house. There is a second degree of gravity, which completely overthrows Newton's theory of gravity. As soon as you enter, a strong gravitational force will pull you down. It seems to be against you. This is the curious inclined house. You can only get rid of this magnetic field if you go out.

In a twinkling of an eye, the day is almost over, and it's time to go back to school. But I will remember Song Cheng in my heart, because it really realized "Give me one day and pay you back a thousand years."

Composition of You Songcheng (2)

"I'm going to Hangzhou Song City for a visit!" Today I can finally realize this dream. Early in the morning, my parents woke me up from my sleep. I got dressed quickly, climbed onto the car, and set out in high spirits.

After more than an hour's drive, we finally arrived at Song City. I was very excited. I was dazzled by the street performances alone. Among them, my favorite performance is mouse training. There were three white mice in total. The first white mouse climbed the stairs, and then passed the overpass. Finally, the white mouse finally ate the peaches in the sky. The second white mouse climbed the stairs to carry water. When it was carrying water, it accidentally fell into the bucket, which made everyone laugh. The last white mouse climbed the stairs, passed the overpass, and came to Leifeng Tower to save the white snake. How interesting!

Later, we came to the Strange Street, which was really strange! There are overturned houses, slanted houses, haunted houses... Mom and Dad went in, but I and another child didn't go in. Mother said it was terrible inside the haunted house. Fortunately, I didn't go in, or I would have been scared to death.

After the performance, we passed a square and saw a grandfather of the god of wealth holding a large gold ingot. Dad held me and took a picture with the God of Wealth. Suddenly, the god of wealth picked me up and took a picture. I was very proud. There were so many tourist children on the square, and the grandfather of the god of wealth only held me. I will be lucky this year!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the large-scale musical drama we had been waiting for finally started, and everyone lined up to enter the theater orderly. The theater is so crowded and lively. The performance began. The actors were all beautiful and brave, and the performance was even more wonderful. The applause from the audience rose one after another, and I could not help clapping my hands. When I came back to my senses, I found that both my little hands were red.

The beautiful song and dance performances are over, and today's trip to the city of Song has also drawn a perfect end.

Composition of You Songcheng (3)

In the summer vacation, I went to Hangzhou, a beautiful city, with my mother.

As the saying goes, "There is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth". I didn't know its beauty until I arrived in Hangzhou.

In the afternoon, we arrived at the Song City of Hangzhou. At the Songcheng Grand Theater, we enjoyed the magical and beautiful love stories and fairy tales, including some stories about the meeting at the broken bridge, Yue Fei's devotion to the country, and so on.

I feel as if I have been sucked into the space-time tunnel for the beautiful lights and your spectacular performance.

I was fascinated by what I saw. It seemed that I had been taken to the Song Dynasty. Time slipped away unconsciously. When the performance was over, I still stood there and refused to leave. The tour guide said that there is a Water Splashing Festival here in the evening. Isn't the Water Splashing Festival the Dai ethnic customs? The evening water sprinkling ceremony began. I watched the beautiful sparks fly across the sky to light the opposite flame. What a beautiful scene!

When the Water Splashing Festival officially began, six water jets suddenly shot out from the ground, frightening people running around. I took up a weapon and threw myself into the water war. I started to spray water on others with a water gun. After a while, I saw that others were already wet. I looked at myself and I became a drowned rat.

Time flies by and we are leaving Song City and Hangzhou. Now I want to say that the poet is right. I will come back to Hangzhou, an ancient city. Goodbye to Hangzhou.

Composition of You Songcheng (4)

A friend said that Hangzhou's "Eternal Love of Song City" is very beautiful. When you travel to Hangzhou, you must not miss it!

However, I didn't expect it to look so good! Very wonderful! It's the kind of beauty I can't describe with gorgeous words! At this moment, I suddenly feel that my words are so poor that I can't use better words to describe their beauty

The one hour performance made me feel extremely happy: whether it was lighting, sound, dance beauty, clothing or the three-dimensional sense of the mobile stage; Whether it's Hangzhou beauty on stage or the visual effect of computer synthesis. Whether it is the director's production, arrangement, or actors' performance; Whether it is a beautiful myth or the comprehensive effect of various stage facilities in the venue. It's amazing! Say no! Everything on the scene was something I had never seen or felt before.

I feel the dignified beauty of Hangzhou beauties; The organic combination of light and computer gives people a kind of visual and dreamlike enjoyment. Dance shows the story vividly in front of everyone; And those exotic dances make me relaxed and happy. A play plays Hangzhou's 1000 year history.

"Eternal Love of Song City" is a three-dimensional panoramic large-scale song and dance. Based on Hangzhou's historical allusions, myths and legends, it integrates world singing and dancing, acrobatics, and uses modern high-tech means to create a dreamlike artistic conception, giving people a strong visual shock! It is divided into five parts: Light of Liangzhu, Song Palace Banquet Dance, Golden Goggle and Iron Horse, Beautiful Xizi, Beautiful Legend, and The World Meets Here. The narrative time and space go back to the Neolithic Age when the dawn of civilization appeared.

"Eternal Love of Song City" adopts a relaxed performance style, and the whole performance is full of ups and downs, which makes me enjoy it.

Composition of You Songcheng (5)

After watching the performance, we went out to savor the city of Song. I found that the clothes of the vendors selling things here were all distinctive, and they wore all kinds of clothes from the Song Dynasty. They were very interesting!

When we heard a lot of noise coming from the tower square, I immediately went to see what was there. It was Miss Wang throwing the ball to recruit her husband. After several speeches by Miss Wang, Miss Wang began to throw the ball. She looked around and could not help shaking her head. She threw it directly to the ground and let the staff pick it up. As a result, a man in his early forties came up and the whole audience burst into laughter?

We came to the strange street again. We rounded the ninety-nine eighty-one corner and came to the "Liaozhai Ghost". As soon as we entered, we saw two heads. I closed my eyes in fear, took my father's hand, and then heard several bursts of wild laughter. Something was spraying on me. When I opened my eyes, it was originally the head of a ghost. Later, It seems that a child is saying, "Ha ha ha, I have been waiting for you here for a long time." I was so scared that I almost cried out. I don't know how long I had been away, but my father said, "Here we are." I gradually opened my eyes. It turned out that when I arrived at the cemetery, the Liaozhai was scary. It was clearly the hell. I saw several people crushed by the corpse grinder, I said, "Dad, you dare to cheat me. I will beat you when I go out." At this moment, my mother seemed to hit something and made a sound of jingling and thumping. I immediately put on my hat. Ah, how terrible! Later, we also went to Buddha Mountain, Shikai Street, Songcheng River and other places.

This trip to the city of Song let me know that the Song Dynasty was a prosperous city. I really felt like I was in the city of Song Dynasty!

Composition of You Songcheng (6)

On Sunday, more than 20 of our eight classmates, led by their parents, rushed to the city of Song to experience the prosperity of the Southern Song Dynasty in the picture of the Qingming River.

There are many amusement projects in the scenic spot. We played the mirror maze first. This maze makes use of the reflection principle of the mirror, so that each lane seems to be able to walk. Therefore, after entering, I could not get out without a lot of trouble. Even I bumped my head four times before I got out.

We watched an indoor performance, which is a must see performance for everyone who comes to the city of Song. There are four legends related to Xizi in Hangzhou: Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian; There are magic and acrobatics. What surprised me most was that the water covered the golden mountain. The water flowing down from the top of the stage is as fast and big as a waterfall. Suddenly, the whole stage is full of water. Suddenly, a "Jinshan Temple" rose from the water. As the water level rose, the Jinshan Temple slowly sank. We sat in the audience, and there were also floating water splashes on our heads. At this time, an umbrella suddenly slowly lowered from above the auditorium, blocking part of the water. The umbrella turned from blue to purple as it opened! The scene of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River is very dreamy. Then there are the golden battles of the Southern Song Dynasty, describing the tragic war scenes of the Yuejia Army in that period, which makes people excited.

One of the most embarrassing amusement projects for me is the "haunted house". When I opened the curtain and entered, I found that it was dark, and all I heard were the sad voice of "I'm wrong!", and there were graves beside the looming lights. Although my mother told me repeatedly that there were no ghosts in the world, I was scared out of my wits and cried on the spot. Finally, it was my mother who dragged me out with my eyes half closed. Of all the children, I am the most timid. I'm so sorry.

There were so many people everywhere and the weather was so hot that we left early. Song Cheng, let me have more than enough. If I have a chance, I will come again next time.

Composition of You Songcheng (7)

During the winter vacation, my father took me to Hangzhou's Song City to play. One of the places that made me particularly afraid and impressed me deeply was the "Liaozhai Horror".

At the end of a street, there was a black cloth with four characters "Liaozhai Jinghun" written on it. The back of the black cloth was dark, with a flash of green light from time to time, and there were several screams... I went in under the drive of curiosity.

Just entering the door, it was like walking into a battlefield that had just ended the war. There were "mutilated heads and broken arms" everywhere. I was scared and hugged my father's arm tightly. At the corner of the passage, there was a frightened face with blood on it. A green nine headed snake was spitting out of its mouth, with an evil expression in its eyes. The little girl screamed, "Ah!" from the radio. I felt even more frightened and afraid.

As we walked, we came to the "morgue", where there were several "corpses" covered with white quilts. At that time, I thought: No, it's difficult to sit up like the legend, and then laugh wildly. Fortunately, the fake corpse here didn't sit up, otherwise I would have cried.

Then, we came to "Dien". One by one, we could not help but think of white ghosts, and rows of skeletons. They also made ghostly sounds. My heart was so nervous that I was about to fall out. I couldn't help but hope to go out soon. During this time, I also saw one or two "dead bodies" from time to time, which made me feel creepy.

At last, I saw the end. Ah, it's good to see the sun again. I know all this is false. There are no ghosts in the world, only cowards.

Composition of You Songcheng (8)

People say: "There is paradise on earth, Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth". What is the beauty of Hangzhou? Hangzhou has many beauties, such as the beauty of the West Lake, the beauty of broken bridges and snow, the beauty of spiritual seclusion, the beauty of the Qiantang River... Now you can take it to enjoy the beauty of the Song City.

When I came to Song City, I saw a magnificent antique city. When I entered the city gate, I flew past like an arrow. Suddenly, eight fat steeds carrying soldiers in battle robes came running and disappeared. Later, I couldn't wait to get into the ancient street of Song City, where businessmen were all dressed in Song costumes. I also weighed on the fair scale made by Bao Qingtian. Along the street, I also visited food shops, knife shops, toy stalls... I walked through the ancient street and had a wonderful time. Walking out of the shopping street, I saw a giant Buddha from a distance. Walking up the steps, there were a number of statues of Buddha on both sides, with different expressions of reverence. If you go further, you will see the Buddha of Vision. There is a hole on the right side of the Buddha, which reads: "Explore the Buddha Grottoes". I wonder if there are many monsters in the cave? So I walked into the cave with a feeling of trepidation. Looking around, there are only many Buddha statues, and there are no monsters at all. As we approached the entrance of the cave, it was suddenly dark. The sky was full of stars, and people walked on the bridge, staggering, as if they had come to the gloomy underworld.

To come to the city of Song, it is necessary to have a large artistic performance of "Eternal Love of the City of Song". The curtain opened with the sound of "the emperor arrived", and then a group of "palace ladies" who were as beautiful as immortals floated in, and "the emperor" also dressed up to attend. It turned out that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, in order to celebrate the peace and prosperity of the country, granted amnesty to the whole world, celebrated the whole world together, and sang and danced for three days! Then they performed "Butterfly Lovers", "Time travel", "Tea picking Girl"... The most unforgettable thing is the "Legend of the White Snake". When Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen met at the broken bridge, suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder roared and rain poured down. The bridge was broken, and the Jinshan Temple was also flooded. Suddenly, a rain of pen and pencil was blowing from the audience, and the White Lady was pressed under the Leifeng Tower. This is the world-famous legend of White Snake.

This trip to Songcheng is unforgettable.

Composition of You Songcheng (9)

One day in summer vacation, the weather was sunny and cloudless. My parents and I packed our bags and headed south along the wide expressway to our destination, Hangzhou Songcheng.

As soon as we entered the scenic spot, we seemed to have passed through the ancient times, where both men and women wore Han suits. I was so curious that I asked my mother: "Mom, why are people here so strange? Why are they all wearing ancient clothes?" My mother touched my head and smiled: "700 years ago, there was a Southern Song Dynasty, and Song City was a city modeled after the Song Dynasty." "So it is!" I could not help sighing! There are even more traffic in the scenic spot. There are peddlers on both sides of the street, including Sun Erniang's steamed bun shop, Wu Dalang's baked cakes, puppet show, and the black faced Baogong patrolling the street. Look! Mr. Wang's family is looking for a son-in-law! I can't handle it. I'm dazzled!

Before we knew it, we came to the Central Square. I was suddenly attracted by a large pool. Only saw the floating plate of the full pool connected with an iron chain on the water surface. Several children walked briskly and jumped up and down on the floating board. Several children fell into the water "plop plop" when they were not careful. Several children were too frightened to move on the floating board. I stood on the bank and laughed, "You cowards, look at me!" I could not wait to take off my clothes and jumped onto the floating board in a hurry. I just wanted to stand up, but the floating board was shaking from side to side. I was so scared that I quickly squatted down and grasped the floating board with both hands. One instability, I fell to the ground. I tried to stand up again. After observing other children for a long time, I found that as long as I was brave, looked at the position, and jumped quickly, I would definitely not fall. I tried the method and succeeded.

More than half of the time passed, and I left the city of Song reluctantly. Today, I not only overcame my fear, but also learned about the customs of the people in the Song Dynasty. It was really a worthwhile trip.

Composition of You Songcheng (10)

Song City is a street city built in Hangzhou, where there are many kinds of folk arts, and many kinds of folk snacks and folk gadgets. Anyone who goes there will be reluctant to leave.

Let's talk about folk art first. Shadow puppets, puppets, acrobatics, operas... I like shadow puppets best: Nezha's mind, Monkey King, and something I didn't know! The shadow play is full of sound and color. Sometimes it makes people laugh and sometimes it makes people cry! I also like the puppets. The puppets come alive one by one with distinctive personality. The story of the performance is even more interesting. I was dazzled by the acrobatics. The difficult action made all the people present scream. As for opera, although I didn't understand it, I was attracted by the characters in the opera. They acted very emotionally, as if they were the people in the opera. It was very interesting!

Folk snacks are not inferior. Maltose, Longxu Noodles, Dandan Noodles... You can smell the attractive fragrance from a long distance.

The city of Song Dynasty is not only rich in customs, but also beautiful in scenery. Ancient buildings, clear streams, swaying trees

In the evening, Song City is more beautiful! The lights are bright and lively. I was lucky to catch the ninth Songcheng Water Splashing Festival. I arrived at the water sprinkling site early to wait for the coming of the festival. The site was square, and there was a long dragon boat in the north and south, and there were sprinkler pipes and four large water tanks in the east and west.

The Water Splashing Festival has finally begun! There was only a sound of "The Emperor arrived --", and the "Holy Buddha" on the opposite mountain came. The rain like golden flame crossed the bright night sky dotted with stars and lit the flame on Foshan. The sky immediately flashed beautiful fireworks, and the crowd was boiling! The people cheered and splashed water on each other to pray for happiness and health. The water jumped in the crowd, and the spray pipe in the middle sprayed a huge arc of water mist. Everyone would be splashed with water by others, laughing and running!

After the end of the Water Splashing Festival, people are still happy, everyone is covered with water, and their faces are smiling!

Song City, a place that makes people feel extremely happy. It will always be tiled houses and green bricks, small bridges and flowing water, and there will always be hospitable people in the city of Song welcoming us!

Composition of You Songcheng (11)

People say: "There is paradise on earth, Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth". What is the beauty of Hangzhou? Hangzhou has many beauties, such as the beauty of the West Lake, the beauty of broken bridges and snow, the beauty of spiritual seclusion, the beauty of the Qiantang River... Now you can take it to enjoy the beauty of the Song City.

When I came to Song City, I saw a magnificent antique city. When I entered the city gate, I flew past like an arrow. Suddenly, eight fat steeds carrying soldiers in battle robes came running and disappeared. Later, I couldn't wait to get into the ancient street of Song City, where businessmen were all dressed in Song costumes. I also weighed on the fair scale made by Bao Qingtian. Along the street, I also visited food shops, knife shops, toy stalls... I walked through the ancient street and had a wonderful time. Walking out of the shopping street, I saw a giant Buddha from a distance. Walking up the steps, there were a number of statues of Buddha on both sides, with different expressions of reverence. If you go further, you will see the Buddha of Vision. There is a hole on the right side of the Buddha, which reads: "Explore the Buddha Grottoes". I wonder if there are many monsters in the cave? So I walked into the cave with a feeling of trepidation. Looking around, there are only many Buddha statues, and there are no monsters at all. As we approached the entrance of the cave, it was suddenly dark. The sky was full of stars, and people walked on the bridge, staggering, as if they had come to the gloomy underworld.

To come to the city of Song, it is necessary to have a large artistic performance of "Eternal Love of the City of Song". The curtain opened with the sound of "the emperor arrived", and then a group of "palace ladies" who were as beautiful as immortals floated in, and "the emperor" also dressed up to attend. It turned out that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, in order to celebrate the peace and prosperity of the country, granted amnesty to the whole world, celebrated the whole world together, and sang and danced for three days! Then they performed "Butterfly Lovers", "Time travel", "Tea picking Girl"... The most unforgettable thing is the "Legend of the White Snake". When Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen met at the broken bridge, suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder roared and rain poured down. The bridge was broken, and the Jinshan Temple was also flooded. Suddenly, a rain of pen and pencil was blowing from the audience, and the White Lady was pressed under the Leifeng Tower. This is the world-famous legend of White Snake.

This trip to Songcheng is unforgettable.

Composition of You Songcheng (12)

Today, under the influence of two typhoons, the weather was a bit cool, so we decided to go to Songcheng to play.

Once entering the gate of Song City, the staff inside all wore the clothes of Song Dynasty, which was very distinctive.

I've heard that the strange streets and haunted houses in Song City are particularly attractive. Today, I'm going to have a look. Strange street, just as its name implies, is a strange street. There are several small houses in it. What impressed me most are "inverted houses" and "slanted houses". "Inverted house" - everything in the house is upside down, and the furniture is hung upside down on the ceiling. If you hold up your hand to take a picture, you will find that you stand upside down on the ground when you turn your mobile phone upside down. Everything in the "slanted house" is slanted, and people will feel out of control after entering the house by using the principle of illusion generated by the nearby reference objects.

At the end of the strange street, there is the haunted house. At the place where the haunted house lines up, there are many terrible things on the head: skeletons staring at people, broken limbs... I am a little afraid, but with my father's encouragement, I bravely entered the haunted house. As soon as we entered the gloomy gate of the haunted house, we heard a voice calling, "I am wronged, I am wronged!" I was so afraid that I broke into a cold sweat and said to myself in a cold heart: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, those ghosts are fake." At this time, we walked to a "morgue" where many "bodies" were lying, covered with white cloth, which was very terrible. I tightened my father's hand, Close your eyes. It's OK if you close your eyes! I shivered and walked out of the haunted house. I was relieved, but my body was still trembling. I felt that the road from the entrance to the exit of the haunted house was the longest I had ever walked. I said I would never go to the haunted house again.

We also went to see the eternal love of Song City. The beautiful sister danced beautifully, which made people intoxicated. Yue Fei was loyal to the country, which made people moved... Before the exit, we also saw the live "Qingming River Map", which was really big and long, with all the characters moving around. I have a feeling of immersive. It seems that I am the person in the painting, crossing the Song Dynasty.

Time flies like a pony car. At the end of the day's journey, the one-day tour of Song City made me deeply experience the time-honored culture.

Composition of You Songcheng (13)

This summer vacation, my father will take us to visit Song City to see the "Eternal Love of Song City". "Most of Hangzhou has seen this play, which is very interesting!" Dad told me with a smile. How beautiful this "Eternal Love of Song City" is, just go and have a look!

On that day, we went to Song City from a long distance and stood at the door. There were already a lot of people there. We had to queue up to go to a toilet. Entering Song City is like entering a prosperous city. The noisy sound of gongs and drums sounded, and it turned out that Dazhangshu stage was performing throwing knives. The performer threw the throwing knife onto the board and formed a circle. There were cheers from the audience, and then came the singing and dancing performances. We couldn't help applauding.

We walked into the shopping street again, and everywhere we could take photos to remember 3D images. There are emperors, queens, and dancing maids; They are in a variety of poses and costumes. There are also many interesting small commodities: watches, wallets and mini shoes, various handicrafts made from conch, and various juices.

"Eternal Love of Song City" is about to begin. We are crowded in the crowd, waiting for the start. Soon we entered the theater. The first chapter of human history made me feel very real. The second chapter of the King Kong and Iron Horse made me feel the glorious achievements in history. The most interesting chapter is the third chapter of the legend of the White Snake, when the water overflows the golden mountains. The roof of the theatre is really floating down. It makes people feel involved. I think it is indeed the eternal love of the Song City that people say!

How about Song City? Is it very interesting? Next time, you can go and have a look!

Composition of You Songcheng (14)

Song City is a famous tourist attraction in Hangzhou. We came to the Song City for a visit.

As soon as we entered the Song City, we each had a map, which was marked with No.1 Theater, Ghost House, Snack Street, Shijing Street... My favorite was the No.1 Theater and Ghost House.

When my brother saw the haunted house, he was noisy and wanted to go to the haunted house. Eh! What's going on today? Usually, he is as timid as a mouse. My brother even wants to go to the haunted house on his own initiative. The haunted house's spooky index is 5 stars. Ah! I think my brother will come out of the haunted house today with a lot of snot and tears. As time went by, while I was waiting to watch my brother play, I saw him "whoosh" out of the haunted house. After seeing his expression, he not only didn't cry, but also danced happily. I think maybe he has grown up and become brave.

The performance of "Eternal Love of Song City" in Theater 1, which I most expect, has begun. "Eternal Love of Song City" consists of five acts in total, which can be divided into "Light of Liangzhu", "Song Palace Feast Dance", "Golden Goggle and Iron Horse", "The Legend of Xizi" and "Charming Hangzhou" based on the timeline. Among them, my favorite scene is the scene of horses galloping and artillery firing in the war, which is especially lifelike, and people can not help but be impressed by Yue Fei's heroic spirit of dedication and enthusiasm. Yue Fei's heroic adverbial "eat the meat of Hu Lu with high aspirations and hunger, and drink the blood of Xiongnu with laughter. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky" hit my heart.

As night fell, everyone reluctantly left the city of Song, but I still seemed to be in the dreamlike historical scene, recalling the scene of "Give me a day and repay you a thousand years".

Composition of You Songcheng (15)

Tour Song City

On the May Day holiday, my parents took me to Hangzhou Songcheng for a tour.

"Give me a day, pay you back for thousands of years", walk into the city of Song, and the 'warriors' in Song Dynasty armor guard the city gate with dignity. Snack Street, Ancestor Celebration Ceremony, Shadow Play, Weaving Machine and Stone Mill seem to bring us back to that era. Suddenly, gongs, drums and trumpets sounded in my ears. Eh, why is it so noisy? We hurried to have a look. It was Miss Wang who wanted to recruit a son-in-law. Miss is really beautiful. No wonder so many people want to be his son-in-law. The young lady looked around at the door of the Embroidery Building, as if she were selecting a handsome boy from the crowd. Suddenly, the lady's eyes brightened, and she threw the hydrangea ball out with a shout. An uncle with eyes beside me jumped high, so that he grabbed the hydrangea ball. Ha ha, he has become the son in law of the Wang family! And we guests are happy. We feel sweet when we eat Xitang.

Time passed quickly. It was evening before we knew it. We reluctantly looked back. Goodbye, Song Cheng. I will come to see you again next time.

Composition of You Songcheng (16)

There are many amusement projects in the city of Song, among which the most shocking one is the large-scale song and dance performance "Eternal Love of the City of Song", and the most unforgettable one is the imitation of archery in the Song Dynasty.

The eternal love of the Song City begins with Bai Juyi's "Remembering the South of the Yangtze River". "At sunrise, the river flowers are more red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue" opens the story of Hangzhou. Song Gaozong celebrated his birthday. The beautiful women from all over the world in the gorgeous palace sang and danced in colorful clothes, which dazzled people. But I was secretly worried, because when the Song Dynasty was in Hangzhou, a large area of northern China was occupied by the Jin State. When was it? I still wanted to have fun.

Sure enough, the next picture shows four strong golden soldiers pushing cannons to bomb the city. The city wall suddenly became a sea of fire. Several golden soldiers wanted to climb the city, but they all fell under the guns of Yue's army. Many people ran out of the city in panic, some of them were the ghosts of the golden soldiers, and some of them escaped luckily. At this time, a child fell out of his mother's arms and was about to be slaughtered by the golden soldiers. At the critical moment, a Song general rushed out of the city gate and picked up the child to fight with the golden soldiers. The Jin soldiers used swords and the Song generals used guns to fight together. The sword was shining and the gun was flying. Soon the gold soldiers were defeated by the Song general, but the Song general was also seriously injured.

The following acts 3 and 4 respectively tell the legendary love story along the West Lake and the world-famous Longjing Tea.

After watching the large-scale performance of "Eternal Love of Song City", I came to the archery game area to experience how people bent their bows and arrows in ancient times. I picked up a bow, pulled it back, and tried my best to draw the bow to the full, aiming at the dot in the center of the target. With a whoosh, the arrow flew out and shot sideways. It seems that archery is not as easy as it seems. I selected an arrow again, pulled the bow again, adjusted the posture, and finally shot the red heart this time. I jumped up happily.

This trip to Song City has made me more and more interested in history.

Composition of You Songcheng (17)

Entering Song City, what awaits us is not tall buildings, but a bridge. There are antique shops beside the bridge. Wearing ancient clothes, you can feel the flavor of ancient life. After walking for a while, I was soon attracted by the brand of a store and the boss shouting loudly. Sinan in the store is telling me the goods of the store in words.

My head suddenly went into the time tunnel. Sinan's appearance clearly appeared before my eyes. "Sinan is one of the earliest guides to indicate the north-south direction invented by the Chinese people in the Han Dynasty and even in the Warring States Period. The earliest compass was made of natural magnets to attract iron. If you like, you can buy more..." I walked around, and no one was talking to me. I was pushed into a crowd by the wind. "Bang -" I fell into a spoon. Looking up slightly, I saw a black slide, which seemed to be a railway passage. I knew it was a spoon handle. I climbed up the slide and saw a lot of small characters around the word "Big Dipper", which were arranged neatly. The dark disk obviously exposed its age, and the spoon reflected the serious faces of tourists. I walk on the board, enjoying the road under my feet.

"Let's go!" said the classmate to me. I woke up, looked at Sinan, and went on to the Song Dynasty. How I wish the culture of Song Dynasty could be integrated into this land.