Composition of Change (collection of 18 articles)
Never give up
2023-08-01 06:14:58
Argumentative paper

Composition of Change (1)

Today, our school held a school dance competition, which is really exciting and soul stirring!

At 1:20 p.m., the whole school swarmed in. The students out of the classroom came to the playground like a mighty army. When we arrived at the playground, we were even more nervous. We watched the performance of class by class. It seemed that time went quickly, like a pile of sand flowing into and out of the hourglass. Now let's welcome Class 2, Grade 5!. At this time, our heart beat like a rabbit, jumping fast, as if thousands of eyes were staring at us on the court. Success or failure again! The music played slowly, and the students' dance steps were also slowly raised. They were integrated with the elegant music as if all the people on the court had disappeared. More than 60 people played and danced happily on their own stage, and the audience seemed to be intoxicated by our beautiful dance steps - we have succeeded! There was almost no flaw in our dance. We won the first place!

When the ranking was announced, there was a complete silence on the court. Everyone was listening carefully to the ranking. There were sighs of disappointment and shouts of excitement. Our heart has already mentioned the voice, at this time: Class 7, Grade 5 - the first! Huh? Did I hear you right? How come? Several students are also very sorry. I also feel sorry.

The competition is really a bowl of porridge! Slightly sweet, but also interesting and bitter

Composition of Change (2)

Everyone has a home, a place of birth and a place of growth, so everyone has his own hometown. What changes have taken place in our hometown in the past few days?

Previously, our hometown was a land of plenty. There are trees, rivers, small fish and shrimp in the river, lotus flowers on the river, and lotus seeds like sprinklers. And every family has a pond around them, so that uncles can go fishing, aunts can wash clothes by the pond, and children can swim in the pond and play on the side. Now, the land of fish and rice has become an economically developed town, with ponds mostly filled up and high-rise buildings built on them.

In the past, the transportation and economy were not as developed as they are now. There were few cars and motorcycles on the road, and people mainly rode bicycles and walked. "Phoenix" bicycle was the most advanced means of transportation at that time. This kind of bicycle has big wheels and high seats. It is made of steel, so it is very expensive. It costs several hundred yuan each. But now this kind of Shanghai famous brand bicycle is very rare.

I heard from my mother that few people used to have televisions. My mother's house was the first one in the village to have televisions. It was a 14 inch black and white TV set. People in the village came to my mother's house to watch TV after dinner. There were rows of people standing outside the house. Mother also said that people used to cook with firewood, carry water and wash clothes by hand in the river.

Now, people drive cars and motorcycles through the streets. There are many models and brands of cars, and now every household has a television, gas stove, electric rice cooker and washing machine.

People used to be able to wear clothes made of "really cool" cloth. It's pretty good. Now, there are a variety of clothing brands, including Disney, Amish, etc. As long as you have money, you should have everything.

In the past, life was really difficult, but now people's lives have improved, and more and more families have gone to "families with a sense of well-being". These changes are all due to the reform and opening up policy. As the successor of the 21st century, we should study hard and contribute our strength to the beautiful future of our motherland.

Composition of Change (3)

On Sunday, I walked to Yanjiang Park with my father and mother. Walking on the street, I feel very excited.

I walked briskly on the Tongjiang Highway and looked joyfully to both sides of the street. The "signboards" of the shop on the first floor are very eye-catching. Hotels, hair salons, supermarkets, decorations, hotels and so on are numerous, which dazzle me. I was filled with emotion. I didn't expect that parents had changed so much in the past few years.

There are many cars on the wide and flat asphalt road. The cars came and went one after another in a line, looking like small beetles crawling from afar. My father happily introduced me to these expensive cars: Volkswagen, Ford, Honda, Audi, BMW, etc., which really opened my eyes.

At this time, we passed a large supermarket. There are so many people in front of the supermarket that it reminds me of a more spectacular scene during the Spring Festival. There are a variety of commodities in supermarkets. In the supermarket, people jostle with each other. Everyone has a smile on his face, and everyone returns with a full load. Mother said that this is because people are better off, living conditions are better, and the quality of life is higher and higher.

Before we knew it, we came to Yanjiang Park. Here is a thriving scene, full of laughter everywhere. In recent years, under the planning of the government, the riverside park has built various corridors, pavilions, sculptures, fountains, and planted many flowers and trees. It not only beautifies the environment, but also provides people with rest and appreciation. In particular, the riverside amusement park has won the favor of adults and children.

Three of us walked along the river. While watching the scenery, I listened to my mother and father talk about the poor and poor life in the past. Bathed in the sun, I feel very happy in my life.

My parents, Raohe, a small county in the border area, have brought a happy life to their parents because of your earth shaking changes. Now, you are marching to a new level with full enthusiasm and firm confidence.

Composition of Change (4)

When spring comes, everything around has changed.

The temperature has changed: the temperature has risen, and people's clothes have become less; The winter wind used to be cold, but now it has changed. It is warm on the face. My mother said it is called "warm wind makes tourists drunk".

The scenery changed: the withered grass sprouted tender green buds; Willow trees droop green silk tapers; Peach flowers, pear flowers, apricot flowers, crabapple flowers... compete to open, and the rape planted by grandparents also has golden yellow flowers. What a blooming flower!

The playground has also become lively, playing basketball, football, badminton, volleyball... There are also parents flying kites with their children!

There are so many changes in spring, making the world a better place!

Composition of Change (5)

My family lives near Heyang Square. I used to take a walk there. Every time I came to the river in Heyang Square and watched the lively frogs playing in the water, I seemed to say, "Hello, kids, welcome to my home.". The beautiful fish play freely in the water. They hide and seek as if they were playing hide and seek. There are dragonflies in the distance dabbling in the water, and grasshoppers dancing happily in the grass. In autumn, my mother and I come to catch grasshoppers and play while playing. I'm so happy.

However, because people throw rubbish at random, and the oil pollution from the oil company factory slowly flows into the river in Heyang Square, gradually, the fish in the river die, the frogs disappear without trace, the grass on the river is withered and yellow, the big trees on the river are withered and dead, and the happy dragonflies do not come to water. Every time you approach the river in Heyang Square, you can smell a pungent smell from a long distance. Once, I went fishing there with my children. When we got there, we carried water with sticks to see if there were any fish. Unexpectedly, it was all sludge, black, bubbling, like carbon dioxide. We were very disappointed. The original river was crystal clear, but now it has become a stinking ditch. I'm really worried about our environment. If people don't pay attention to protecting the environment and pollute the environment at will, the earth on which we live will be covered with dust, the dense forests will become deserts, the oceans, rivers and air will be polluted, and we humans will disappear slowly like fish and shrimp in the river. So, students, we must protect the environment.

Composition of Change (6)

Winter has passed, and spring has come to us.

Between winter and spring, I have many questions. Among them, what I want to know most is the change between winter and spring?

After my careful observation these days, this question has finally been answered!

I found that in spring, all plants happily took off their white winter clothes and put on their green spring clothes. Sister Liu Shu also changed her green spring clothes, grew green buds and began to shake her long braids. The tree's originally smooth head also began to grow green hair. Grass also put on spring clothes and began to bathe in spring.

In the spring, the community began to bustle. Some of them walked, some ran, some skipped rope, and some... especially, more children came to play in the community!

I love spring! It gives plants green spring clothes. Love the beauty of its color and the vitality it brings to people!

Composition of Change (7)

My hometown is in Guazhou. The spring of my hometown is different from that of other places. Spring is coming to us at a brisk pace. Spring breeze, the messenger of spring, quietly wakes up all things and welcomes the arrival of spring.

Spring has come, and I set out on the journey of looking for spring with a beautiful vision of spring.

This is the spring time when all things revive. Peach is burning, willow is leaning, mountain is smeared with Dai, and water is green. A golden sun is embedded in the blue sky curtain, and several white clouds, like white sails on the sea, take a leisurely walk in the air. Soon, I found the first stop of the spring trip -


I don't know when the white snow layer on this grassland left; I don't know when the green grass poked its head out of the soil, making this place full of vitality. I stroked the sharp buds, and my heart was full of surprises.

The second stop also appeared soon - several peach trees. The white snow on the trunk arms has long disappeared, and the peach trees have been full of flowers and bones. They seem to be accumulating strength and ready to bloom their most beautiful smiling faces. A few of them were a little impatient, and they were laughing brightly now. I couldn't help but be pleased again.

After leaving the peach tree, I looked up and saw the willow in the distance - this is the third stop today. I ran over quickly. Under the tree, I saw the spring that made me more intoxicated. The branches of willows had become soft. Many small buds have grown on the green branches. The spring breeze gently combs the willow's soft hair.

The spring trip ended quickly, but spring gave me many surprises. How beautiful spring is.

Composition of Change (8)

I was born and raised in Tongzhou. In recent years, I have found that Tongzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. The blue sky, clear river, clean roads and convenient traffic conditions have made me more fond of this thriving international new city!

However, it was almost inconceivable a few years ago that the transportation facilities in our residential area were not as convenient as they are now. There is not a bus passing by at home, so it is very inconvenient to travel. You have to go out two or three stops to get to the station, and the number of buses is very small. You have to wait for a bus for half a day. I clearly remember one time when you waited for a bus for half an hour in the cold wind. So every time I go out to take a bus, I always have a headache. I always hope that if there is a bus at my home, it will be so pleasant!

Now, two buses, 317 and 587, have been set up at the entrance of the community. Wherever I go, I can only walk a few steps to the station, and wait a few minutes for the bus to arrive, so I can reach the destination smoothly. The walking time is shorter, which improves my speed of going out to work and play, and makes me more fond of transportation facilities like "bus".

I think if more people can travel by bus, reduce the use rate of private cars, and everyone makes a contribution to environmental protection, then the sky will be more blue, the road will be wider, and our life will be better and more harmonious!

Composition of Change (9)

A long time ago, my hometown was a very beautiful place. The trees were lush, the paddy fields were full of various vegetables and fruits, the birds sang happily in the sky, and there was a very wide river. There were ducks playing in the river, fish jumping happily, and fishermen fishing quietly on the bank. It was really like a picture

Five years later, this article comes from street lights, which facilitates the travel of villagers.

The village became rich, and every family had their own welfare during the Spring Festival, including fish, meat and rice. Now we have more food than before, not like before, we can only eat Baba, sweet potatoes and so on. Living standards have improved, and the Yangtze River Supermarket has also opened in our village to facilitate shopping for villagers. In the village brigade, outdoor fitness equipment and cultural compound have also been built, where villagers can sing, dance, play cards and other activities in their spare time. The cultural life is rich and colorful, which makes the villagers really live the life of city people.

Now the country has implemented rural cooperative insurance for villagers, which can save a lot of money for villagers to see doctors. The medical level has improved a lot and solved the problem of high medical costs.

There are many changes in the village. I think the village will become more beautiful and rich as time goes by.

I love my hometown.

Composition of Change (10)

On the land of Yulin, there are many tall buildings, among which there is a bright gem shining with wisdom and light, that is, Donghuan Primary School! Now let me take you to appreciate the campus that has undergone tremendous changes!

When entering the campus, the first thing you can see is the beautiful, elegant and quiet Qihui Garden. Two rows of neat magnolia trees are planted on both sides of Qihui Garden, guarding Donghuan Primary School like soldiers! There is also a big banyan tree in the middle, which looks like a big green umbrella. Once class was over, the students played games under the big tree. There are many exquisite patterns carved on the ground of Qihui Garden

Looking at the main road below, the green concrete floor is like a long green scarf. Through the cultural corridor, you can see a large red with green playground. The red one is a plastic runway, and the green one is an artificial lawn. Standing upstairs and looking down, it looks like a big disk with green in red. When it comes to PE class, the students are happy to run on the plastic track! Our school has also built a sports corner and a rain proof gymnasium

If it had been in the past, the situation would have been quite different. In the past, the ground of the school was uneven, and the cement road was very difficult to walk. Every rainy day, the cement road became wet and muddy like a mountain road. When students walked on the playground, their shoes became cement shoes

In the blink of an eye, the changes of the school are really fast. It's just a few years ago, and the earth shaking changes of the school have exceeded the imagination of the students. This change makes us feel more comfortable, happier and more active in our study at school!

Composition of Change (11)

My hometown is in Xiangqian Village, Brotherhood Town, where the scenery is beautiful and the products are rich.

In the past, every family in Qiancun lived in thatched houses, ate simple food and wore patched old clothes. The barren land only received a small amount of food every year, and the mountains were bare, which could be said to be poor mountains and bad waters. Now, under the correct leadership of the Party, the reform and opening up has made farmers rich. Each family lived in beautiful big tile houses, and some even built small western-style houses, which improved the living standards of farmers. All households are electrified, eating rice and white flour, wearing fashionable and beautiful clothes, building small factories in villages, building asphalt roads on all roads, trees lined the roadside, flowers blooming. At night, all kinds of lights and lawn lamps decorate the whole village as beautiful as day. When spring comes, the trees are sprouting and the birds are chirping on the trees, as if to say, "Spring is coming, spring is beautiful!" The thawed brook is tinkling happily, as if playing the music of spring. In summer, the trees are full of shade, and cicadas keep singing in the trees. At night, people in groups of three and two, holding fans, sit under the tree and chat. How nice it is to enjoy the cool! In autumn, the fruits in the orchard are ripe. The red hawthorn is hanging on the tree like a small lantern, the red apple is like a girl's face, and the yellow pear is full of branches. In winter, the whole village looks like a silver world. Uncle farmers sit in a warm room, some watching TV, some sitting next to hot pot to eat hot pot, talking and laughing and enjoying the harvest of the year. This change in my hometown is due to the good policies of the Party, which enlivens the countryside and enriches farmers. We should study hard to build our hometown more beautiful and rich in the future!

Composition of Change (12)

The weather yesterday was very strange and baffling. You know what this is all about? Don't worry. I'll tell you right away.

At noon yesterday, the sky suddenly overcast, and suddenly dark clouds covered the sky, which was as quiet as death. The wind is blowing, and sand and dust are flying all over the sky. People can't open their eyes, so they have to go jogging home with one eye open. After a while, there was less downpour and the land became very clean. Pedestrians on the road also slowly become scarce. Almost no one walks in the street. They hurry home in a rainy day. How can they do nothing?

Just when I was depressed because of the rain, the rain stopped suddenly, and the dark clouds spread out. The sun gave out light, shining all over the earth, drying the water on the ground clean, and some of them kept the "spare water" to nourish plants and flowers.

At about 4:30 in the afternoon, I ran down to play, and suddenly a large cloud came to me. At this time, the wind blew up, and the leaves of the trees fluttered with the wind, soft and beautiful. I immediately felt creepy and foolish, thinking it was going to rain heavily, but I didn't rush home, but continued to play. Unexpectedly, it was right not to run home. The dark clouds drifted away and we went to Chigang, Hakka Interchange and Wuyang New Village, and it didn't rain here!

The weather is really strange. Maybe it's too hot in summer!

Composition of Change (13)

When I was young, I was very naughty. Sometimes my mother or father criticized me when I accidentally did something wrong. But I don't know what to do and what not to do. You should tell me, teach me, and let me know how to do wrong. If I were a parent, I would tell him that you made a mistake in this matter, you should do this, and don't do it in the future. It's better to teach in this way.

If I were a parent, I would not force my child to sign up for a variety of interest classes. It was not easy to have a Sunday, and I still left a lot of homework. I would also sign up for interest classes for my child, which would overwhelm him. Children can try to learn what they like. If she likes to do or learn something suitable for him, let him learn it. If not, don't learn it. If I were a parent and the child made a mistake, I would not beat and scold the child. I would first ask him why he did it. If the child is making trouble without reason, I would educate the child well. If there are other reasons, you should ask. If the child is wrong, you should oppose him, And tell him why he can't do it. If it is correct, you should support him or tell him a better way.

If I were a parent, my child was in the middle school entrance examination or college entrance examination, and had already had a day of classes at school. As a parent, you should take your child out to relax and have less pressure. Don't always buy this material and that material for your child. The child will be tired and can't stand it. Of course, don't relax your child's learning. Let the child learn in a different way, maybe better.

If I were a parent, I would let my children study without burden and care. Go to school happily and enjoy a happy life. If I were a parent

Composition of Change (14)

"Jingle! Jingle!" The school bell rang. The adults had gathered at the school gate and were anxiously waiting for their children. The school gate is crowded with people. At this time, a murmur came from the crowd: "Why isn't school over?" "Hey! You stepped on my foot."

Look, a teacher from afar came out with his junior students. Damn it! Parents rushed in and surrounded the originally spacious passageway with a very narrow gap, so that the children could not get out.

Only the teacher on duty shouted: "Please get out of the way! Get out of the way! Let the children out! How can the children get out?" After hearing this, the parents in front stepped back, embarrassed, and the parents in the back rushed up again, calling their children's names. The original road has become narrower. At this time, another complaint came from the crowd: "It's killing me! It's killing me!"

Today, however, a small change has taken place at the school gate. There is a high fence at the school gate, so parents can easily and orderly stand on the outside of the fence and look for their children; For children, it is very convenient to enter and exit from the safe passage in the middle of the fence in a neat line.

Not only is school safe now, but also there are police aunts standing guard at school in the morning to protect the lives of students! They form a beautiful scenery with the children in and out of the school.

Composition of Change (15)

1、 Questions raised:

Now life is getting better and better, but what was life like before? What changes have taken place? So we did a survey.

2、 Investigation method:

1. Consult books or conduct online surveys.

2. Ask your father and mother.

3、 Investigation and data sorting:

Specific contents of information channels

Living environment of books and newspapers from 1950 to 1970. The clothes are shabby every day, the food is not very nutritious, and sometimes the food is not enough. They live in a thatched house, and sometimes the rain leaks. When they go out, they mostly walk. If the conditions are good, they ride bicycles.

The living environment of TV and books from 1970 to 1990. The clothes are neat, but they are still a little plain, the food is good, the food is rich, the people live in buildings, the people with money live in villas, most of them go out by motorcycle, and a small part of them start to drive cars.

The living environment of Internet and TV from 1990 to 20xx. The living conditions are very good. Wearing expensive clothes, eating delicious food, living in high-rise buildings, you can drive a car, take a train, take a plane and many other means of transportation.

4、 Conclusion:

Our living environment is getting better and better. We wear luxury clothes, eat delicious food, live in high-rise buildings, take cars, trains, planes and other means of transportation. This was an unimaginable good life in the past, but you should not only enjoy it, but also exercise to have a healthy body.

Composition of Change (16)

Everyone has a book written by himself. The glory and gloom of life, the joy of success, and the pain of failure are all the eternal themes in the book. Growth is the change process of the soul.

Reading my own books: every growth, every change, every move of falling in love makes my thoughts roll over.

When I read "Red Mansions" as a child, I only read its beautiful characters, especially the beautiful Daiyu's dress; When I read "Red Mansions" as a young boy, I loved the sophistication and romance when I was just in the world, and looked at the Daiyu's' hoe and bury flowers', which was very pitiful; Baochai is gorgeous, heartless and moving, and a song, "Good wind with help, send me to Qingyun", won the full house; Reading Red Mansions now, we can see the love tragedy between Baoyu and Daiyu, which makes people cry. We hate Baochai for doing everything in the huge Jia family, but she also sent Zijuan the old things that made Zijuan cry

It has been 14 years since the birth of a small life to the coming of youth. The journey is changing and the heart is changing; In fact, I am just a child. I am only a 14-year-old child with a shallow experience. From a naughty child to a deep girl, from a yellow haired girl who does not understand what it is, to a girl who wants to understand, from a girl who wants to love but dares not to love, to a young girl who dares to love and hate; More than ten years of growth and change have given me unlimited power and motivation. In my book of growth, I recorded happiness and also expressed distress. When I recall the past, I was often amused by myself: for my childishness, innocence and loveliness. Because of these wonderful memories, I am very happy every day, because with these interesting stories, I feel the wonderful life!

In the light of the past, cherries were red and plantains were green. We laughed brightly, because we knew that there was a beautiful highlight of youth flashing in the process of growth and change

Composition of Change (17)


I remember someone said: "The reason why life is beautiful is that we have grasped the tail of change

From birth to death, people are changing quietly and unconsciously. Everyone is changing from childish to mature. If people do not change, they do not know how to innovate, and society will not progress. People who are good at change can grow up in difficulties. Even if they fail, they will not care about the naive person before.

Be good at seeking change and bring a trace of vitality to the dull life.

Let the setbacks in front of us become our beautiful memories in the twinkling of an eye;

Let the childish mind gradually move towards the mature person who handles affairs calmly;

Let the vision of the future slowly become a touchable mist;

Only by changing can we have more hope in our life, just like the dry land needs dew to nourish it.

Change is a kind of liberation and the pursuit of freedom;

Change is a state of mind, is indifferent to fame and wealth;

Change is a kind of fun, filling up the boring life;


People who know how to feel changes will have happiness. Everything in life is changing. Every hour, every minute, every second, it is like wisteria around you, accompanying you, and stepping through the age of water mist. A yellow leaf exhausts its last bit of strength from an old tree full of vicissitudes, telling the changes of life to time and the world. Not why, just for the fleeting time, just for the little change from birth to death. Maturity interprets change, and progress sublimates change. Change is the essence of growth!

You can't change the environment, but you can change your mood;

You can't change the facts, but you can change your attitude;

You can't change the past, but you can control the present;

You can't change others, but you can change yourself. Give me a cup of purple blurred color, I will be able to make the world colorful, as long as we pick up the pen of confidence, we will be able to describe any difficulties in the course of happiness. Be sure to change!

I don't know since when, my family, friends, teachers, classmates, or people I don't know, they are more or less changing. At a certain time when I knew how to remember, I finally found that in fact, I myself was also changing, and changed a lot!

I changed. It means that I have grown up, perhaps like the process of yellow leaves gradually tending to green.


"Yeah! We moved, we moved!" When we first came to Beijing, we rented a small house of 66 square meters. There is only a small 21 inch TV, and I often can't watch it. Once, I was bored and wanted to watch TV to relieve my boredom, but when I turned on the TV, I saw a lot of twisted "zebra crossings" (no signal). A small table often has several dishes in the kitchen. In addition, the living room is also very small, slightly crowded, and there is only a passage for people to put tables, refrigerators, chairs and other things. It's inconvenient for anyone to pass by sideways.

Moved, moved, we moved!

The area of this house is 126 square meters, almost twice that of the original house! The TV has also changed from the original 21 inch color TV to the 42 inch color TV. It is still wall mounted LCD. There is almost no noise, no signal and other phenomena. It is bright in color and has a broad vision, from which you can know the world. The living room has changed from seven or eight square meters to twenty-eight square meters, which has been expanded four times. It has a group of sofas and a large tea table. It is also very spacious! The biggest change is the balcony. The former balcony was not so much a balcony as a corridor. The house has two balconies, one big and one small. The big balcony is used as a dining room by us, enjoying sunbathing while eating is very emotional. Although the small balcony is small, it can really be put. Where do we put sundries, trays, and drying clothes? It is also very spacious.

My family has grown from small to large. Our country is changing with each passing day. With the development of our motherland, my family and our life are also thriving



When I was young, I often heard adults tell me that the world is changing, and everything around you will not remain the same state. At that time, I didn't understand, but I felt strange. Why did everything change? Even become completely unrecognizable? Just like the face changing in the movie. When I grow up, I see people and things coming and going around, and the environment is constantly changing, so I fully understand the importance of development. Take the changes in my hometown for example. No, if we want to talk about the changes in our hometown, I'm afraid we can't finish talking about them for days and nights. It's better to narrow down the scope and talk about my changes first!

My family has changed a lot in my memory. Before moving, the area of the house was 50 square meters. There was only an ordinary big bed and a 14 inch black and white small TV in the house. When sleeping, three people crowded in one bed, because there was not much money to buy another one, besides, there was no place to put it; A family of three can only eat at a small round table, which is too small to open their legs and arms; When watching TV, the three of us want to watch different channels. I don't know who to listen to. Alas, I can't help it. Sometimes the channel is not clear, but I still can't help it. This TV set has only 20 sets; My mother went to work riding a bike. When she came home, she said she was tired. I looked at others' motorcycles, and I was very greedy; It's inconvenient for my mother to wash clothes. Sometimes her hands are red, but I can't help washing. My mother's hands often freeze and crack. The average monthly salary of parents is less than 1000 yuan.

After the move, the living conditions of the family became richer: the house area was nearly 200 square meters. With an extra big bed, I can sleep comfortably; There is an extra table, which is not crowded, and can seat six or seven people! When watching TV, there is no need to quarrel, and the TV is clearer. From the original 14 inches to 32 inches, there were 20 channels to 35 channels. If there are many people, you can also turn on the small screen to let others see something else. My family has a new motorcycle, so it's easy for my mother to come home from work; It's hot in summer. With air conditioning, the wind speed can be as fast as you want, and as slow as you want. Air conditioning can not only cool but also heat; The washing machine, which is fully automatic, can wash clothes for my mother and spare more time for her to do other things. The annual income of parents is three times that of eight years ago. Go out of the house and look at the world outside!

Look! The muddy path turned into a wide, long and flat asphalt road. Cars, taxis, buses, motorcycles... are all speeding along the road. There are flowers and trees on both sides of the road. When the breeze blows, you can smell a pungent fragrance. Because of the existence of these "green elves", the air has become so fresh. A sudden inhalation makes you feel relaxed and happy. You can see many high-rise buildings rising from the ground. The decoration in each building is very novel and fashionable, and the facilities in each building are complete. You can say that you have everything you want.

My family has changed and become more beautiful; My family has changed and become more modern; My family has changed and become more high-tech! The change of my family is just a microcosm of the development of my hometown. Isn't the great changes around me a reflection of the country's progress towards prosperity? I love my home, and I love my hometown Gaoyou even more!


The grass in front of the door is green and yellow, yellow and green, and the natural scenery is new every day; We grow up slowly, but our parents grow older; Kerosene lamps have become antiques, pipeline natural gas has entered the kitchen, computers have also squeezed into our lives, sincerity and friendship have been picked up by people, and the fashionable spring breeze has blown through every corner of the city and countryside

The place where we sleep is on dry grass. There is no mosquito net. Mosquitoes bite at night, which makes me sleepless all night long; There are piles of cow dung in front of the door, smelly and dirty. If you step on it, you don't know what your feet have become; The muddy road is full of puddles. If you step on the puddle carelessly, your whole foot will sink. It is not easy to pull out your foot, but your shoes will stay in the puddle... The once bumpy and bumpy path has turned into a flat asphalt road, with flowers and trees planted on both sides, bees singing and butterflies dancing, High buildings are set aside. My father and I came to my uncle's house. Wow, my uncle's house has also changed. The walls are painted white, as if they were made of powder jade, as if they were made of silver. The furniture is also brand new, engraved with dragon and phoenix patterns. The house is very big. They don't need a stove to cook any more. They have replaced it with a gas stove, which is convenient and fast... I seem to be in a fairyland on earth. My uncle took me into a room and opened a piece of calico. Ah, this is exactly what I am familiar with. Uncle manipulated the computer skillfully, as if talking about the piano. My sister also has a computer, and she is good at playing computer. The old social concept of son preference has disappeared. I can't imagine that the quality of my hometown people has improved so quickly! After lunch, I took a leisurely walk and saw that those farmers in the distance no longer plowed with old cattle, but plowed with various tractors. The sound of ploughing is like praising the change of hometown. The people and places in my hometown have changed, the transportation is convenient, and I have telephones and so on.


I went to middle school. I grew older, taller, fatter, more mature, and more capable. I am no longer the little girl who used to be timid and hide from everything. I have changed. I want to see my change.

I went to middle school and did nothing as easy as before. I had to improve my ability in all aspects. I had to study harder and more seriously than before. More and more students had good grades, which made me foolish when I was wandering in the middle and lower grades. Gradually, I found that I had a sense of competition. I learned to find learning goals in the class. Gradually, I learned how to communicate with teachers. Gradually, I liked learning.

Recently, the goal I set for me was not high. I was in the top ten of the class, but I didn't want to be successful. I was only the 14th in the class, 9 points away from the 10th, 9 points away. Because of these 9 points, I understand my current shortcomings, my shortcomings, maybe I haven't worked hard enough, maybe I haven't worked hard, maybe I don't work hard, Maybe I am not as diligent as others. But this is the first time for me to reflect on my own shortcomings.

Now when I finish my homework, I am used to keeping a diary. My diary includes not only what happened that day, but also my plan for my future. Every day is different. Every day has different views and needs to be done. When I write for a week, I go back to look, taste, and have new experience and discovery, This is certainly my change!

Change is an important experience I have experienced countless times in my life, not because of how big it is, but because of how much help I have. My changes, however, make me feel happy. After all, this is what I did not have in my primary school. After all, it is what I like and want. I will have a different life in the future!


In the fifth grade of primary school, I learned well and behaved well. I was a good student in the eyes of teachers. But after the sixth grade, I was faced with further education, and the pressure from my parents and teachers gradually increased. Some students in our class become rebellious. They began to fall in love, fight in groups and swear. When they go out to swear and fight, they will make me brave. For a long time, I also began to speak foul words with them, fight with others, talk back to teachers, and even thought of not persuading others to fight, but watching the battle while shouting cheers. I began to become rebellious.

During an art festival, no one in the class had attended. But later the teacher heard that I had learned piano for several years, so he asked me to participate. When I heard this, I got angry and immediately stood up and shouted: "Why do you want me to participate? I can't play. It's obvious to bully people!" "Why? You are a member of this class!" The teacher listened to me and was very angry. "Anyway, you are going to make a decision this time." After that, the teacher left.

I sat on the chair and felt my hands and feet shaking a little. In fact, it's no wonder, because this is the first time I have quarreled with my teacher since I was young. I think my image in the teacher's mind has been destroyed by me.

On the day of the art festival, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I said in secret, "Hum, if you ask me to go, I won't go. What will you do with me?" Then I stayed in the dormitory building all afternoon, which made the teacher lose face.

Since then, the teacher has stopped trusting me like before and recognized me as a figurehead. And I also read extracurricular books, whispered, made small movements in the teacher's class, and took the lead in disturbing the classroom order. Therefore, my academic performance plummeted and I became a poor student in the eyes of teachers.

From good students to poor students, they can change so fast!

Composition of Change (18)

Now, I have been studying in school for two weeks, and the time is fast. From all the discomfort at the beginning to the order now, looking back, I have to sigh, what a great change! In just two weeks, it seems that everything is finally back on track, and the students finally take each day seriously. Every day in school is full.

After the exchange of blood in the class, up to now, the students in our class have had classes with all the teachers, and the quality of learning in the class has also been significantly improved because of the rectification. The tasks of each class are completed in the teacher's grasp, and actively use every minute of the class. In one class, the teacher's voice of imparting knowledge echoes clearly in the classroom, The small and annoying hum disappeared, replaced by the students' serious attitude in class. Even though there is still some lack of discipline, this is amazing progress. You will experience the charm of knowledge after listening to a lesson carefully and quietly. These are closely related to the efforts of the old teacher and the changes of the class, It creates a good learning atmosphere for the class.

Under the premise of all changes, rules are the basis and are based on discipline. It has always been said that the saying "no rules, no square," is not unreasonable. It is perfectly reflected in the class issue. A graduating class without rules is like a defeated soldier who is ready to go to war, vulnerable. The establishment of rules is to implement, and it needs all students to observe and teachers to take strong measures to train a vulnerable army to be invulnerable. From the overall laxity of the class to the gradual restoration of morale, everyone can see every bit of what has been done. The class has developed in a good direction, which is gratifying and also what everyone hopes.

In two weeks, we witnessed the process from bad to good, just like an apple tree with moth. It is not too late to cure it now. Today's trend makes me full of confidence in the future of the class. In a word, thank you, teacher!

Author | Fan Yuanyuan, Class 9 (Ren)