One Meeting (16 recommended)
Breeze boiling wine
2023-12-02 05:51:03
Grade 6

A Meeting at One Side (1)

In life, we only meet some people once, but we are always impressed.


"Hurry up, or the asphalt will stick to the shoes." I looked up and saw a simple smile. Unconsciously, I also smiled and quickened my pace. Alas, why is asphalt paved at the entrance of the hospital? It's so sticky! Looking at the dark things on the ground, I thought to myself. Today I accompanied my mother for a physical examination. I didn't eat well in the morning, so I went here to buy something to eat. "Two pancakes?" The boss of the snack stand moved me with enthusiasm. So I was in a good mood. "Well, one wanted chili and one didn't want chili." Then she started to do it. I took a look at her snack truck. There are many buckets in the car. She takes vegetables from buckets; There is a small pot on the other side, with fragrance in it, and a drink rack. After a while, one will be ready. "You should eat this first, without chilli." She looked at my younger brother behind me and said.

After handing him the cake, he began to make mine. Just as it was getting better, a woman on a bicycle came in a panic. When I was confused, she fell off the car that never stopped. The boss handed me the cake and went to help her. "What do you want?" "Turn off the loudspeaker quickly..." She honked the loudspeaker before the boss finished speaking. What's wrong with her? I looked at her doubtfully, my heart shrouded in mist.

She looked at me behind me in a panic - I don't know what she saw, and rushed over immediately. I saw a fat uncle coming over in a hurry, and his anger overflowed from his eyes. I subconsciously stepped back. "Do you want to quit? Drive away quickly..." "Don't be angry. The speaker has turned off. Go back to the car and go to sleep." He is the driver. Did the speaker disturb him when he drove late last night? The woman on the bicycle stopped him, but he still rushed over. The boss smiled and said, "Why can't I be here? Isn't everyone else here?" "Don't you understand? Hurry up." The uncle threw the drink on the ground and kicked off the lid of the pot... The two women couldn't stop Ben. Looking at them, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help her, but I went back unexpectedly.

Sitting on the chair in the hospital, my head is full of the picture just now. How can I be so timid? How can I "escape"? It's really wrong. Unconsciously, I came to the door again. People are gone, looking at the food scattered on the ground, my heart is empty.

Since then, I always think of that scene and that person. Maybe it's because life is not easy, maybe it's my sympathy for her, or maybe it's my own guilt.

Try to think about her appearance and look forward to seeing her again in the future, but her appearance has been blurred. Although we only meet once, she is always in my heart. That side, not only let me see that life is not easy. It also made me see myself clearly.

A Meeting at One Side (2)

In my memory, that old man was so simple and amiable.

One day, I was running in the park. When I was sweating, I was going home to drink water. Suddenly, there were bursts of cries from the distance: "ice cream, ice cream..." I looked back and found that it was the man who sells ice cream in the park every day. He was shouting in a nearly hoarse voice.

I'm so thirsty! "There are still 20 yuan left. I can buy an ice-cream first and a book," I thought.

"Children, do you want to buy ice cream?" The old man looked at me kindly. Looking at his white hair, shabby shirt and old hands, I replied without hesitation: "Yes." After buying ice cream, I hurried to the bookstore. When I got to the bookstore, I felt my pocket and immediately shouted, "Ah, the money is gone!" I panicked and thought: No, the boss didn't change my money!

"Children." Soon, the familiar voice sounded in my ears. I turned around and found that the old man who sold ice cream was handing me change. It turned out that he didn't want to change my money, but I left in a hurry, and he couldn't catch up with me at all.

For him, I only met him once. However, he came after me to look for my money. I think this spirit is really valuable.

A Meeting at One Side (3)

The sun is shining, the trees are whirling, the wind is blowing, and the spring water is wrinkled. It is crystal clear, and the white petals are like white butterflies flying all over the sky. Fragrance is blowing through the ears, carrying away troubles. It is cool and pervading. What will never be forgotten is the one side relationship.

The life in the third day of junior high is boring. The endless English words and mathematical formulas I can't remember disturb my heart all the time. The teacher's accusation is embedded in my heart like nails, and I can't bear to face it. I made a cup of Pu'er and wanted to escape for a while. The hot water is filled with tea fragrance and my thoughts are fragrant far away

After the heart rain, the land looks particularly soft and moist. Dew drops fall down the veins of the leaves, and the light pours on the Qiongfang broken jade. I am already intoxicated with the beautiful scenery. Through the stream, around the earth house, we found a tea garden. When we walked into it, an old man picked tea in a very beautiful way: touch, pinch, lift and release, bringing visual enjoyment. In a twinkling of an eye, a basket was full. She seems to have found me and waved to me. The fragrance on her hand gives me the power to feel at ease.

After entering the room, I rushed to a cup of Pu'er and said, "Little doll, you can feel its unique charm carefully." I took a small sip of it with a little doubt, only to feel the bitter and astringent on the tip of my tongue. She could not help laughing when she saw the ferocious expression of me, "Look at the amber light flowing on the tea market. It is calm and tranquil. What I appreciate most is that Pu'er, which has been precipitated over the years, does not lose its original characteristics. Although it is bitter and astringent, it will not lose its warm taste."

The tea fragrance brushed my face and brought back my thoughts. Tears gradually fell. Where the wind passes, the eyes are offended, the rain is scattered, the years are wet, a model of memory, a fragrance. Although I have never seen an old man again, I will never forget him, just like Pu'er.

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Life is like tea, where there is wind and rain, there is growth, where there is pain, there is success. Life that has experienced setbacks has soaked the fragrance of life, and the years that have experienced the wind and rain are like milk tea brewed by boiling water! It rises and falls in the vicissitudes of life, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

A Meeting at One Side (4)

Life is long and the road is wide; The sea is wide with fish leaping and the sky is high with birds flying. In the vast world of life, there is always a sky where you can fly. From the mountain, the pines and cypresses are moist and more beautiful, the clouds and rain are falling, and the rough ginkgo trees fall into the grass. Life is like this. It is a painting without coloring. Friendship is like pines and cypresses and invisibility, embellishing the wilderness.

"A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world" has become a catchy saying among friends. Friendship is like tea, which makes people precipitate and strong; Friendship is like boiled water without taste and refreshing; Friendship is like Erguotou, strong and pungent, but also intoxicated with it.

His belly laughs, her tears break into laughter, his profligate talk and laugh, her smile, her Yingying wants to smile... Every student's smile is like snow in my heart. Six years passed quietly. The deep river of spring and the graceful time floated into my heart like a touch of sunshine and crossed the distant sky like a meteor.

I still remember six years ago, on August 31, my mother took me by the hand and entered Jingbei Primary School. She took me to Class 1 (2) to report for duty. Ignorant, I looked at my mother's back and sat in a strange class. Every tree and grass on the campus made me feel strange. However, every student talked with other students with curiosity. Everyone was no exception. The launch of this activity was inspired by Mr. Huang, who made us open our hearts and communicate with others.

The wind blows northward and admires the south. The leaves leave the branches and love the flowers. Six years passed in a hurry with regret, satisfaction, sadness and laughter, but it was time that passed by. How should I evaluate friendship? Think about my previous pranks, my previous provocations, my previous outings with my classmates, and my blind pursuit with my classmates... All these things need our heart to feel. If we ignore friendship, we will run away.

Three lanes of high mountains and flowing water, a bottle of moon and breeze wine. Yu Boya abandoned playing the piano for Zhong Ziqi, a bosom friend. Life is too short to find a bosom friend; Thousands of miles of clouds and thousands of years of stories. Lin Xiangru's cut throat friendship with Lianpo, Guan Zhong's Guan Bao friendship with Bao Shuya just confirmed that friendship is not temporary, only in peacetime; Friendship does not depend on age, but on heart.

Six years of primary school life is about to wave goodbye to us. There is only about one month left to spend with friends. Cherish the time now, cherish the friendship now, and let the friendship get real happiness.

A Meeting at One Side (5)

A 600 word composition on the topic of strangers' meeting Fan Wenyi

He is a stranger who has only met me once, but his smiling face and gestures are lingering in my heart.

He has a handsome face with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Wear a famous brand from head to foot, and wear famous brand sneakers on your feet. He looks like a rich childe, just like a loafer.

One fine Sunday, I got on the bus and wanted to go to Grandma's house. Because it was Sunday, the bus was very crowded and many people were standing. When the bus arrived at the first stop, two people came up from the door - a young man in his twenties and a little girl. The young man is rich at first sight, but what about the little girl? Wearing a patched shirt, she carried a basket full of rotten eggs that nobody wanted. The car started to drive, shaking and creaking... the driver braked hard, "Ouch!" The little girl hit the guy, and the basket was overturned. All the rotten eggs in it hit the guy's famous brand clothes. The car was full of stink and chaos, and the car stopped. The little girl immediately took out her handkerchief to wipe it. I was really worried about her: "Why don't you run away while you are in disorder? Look at his appearance, you can see that he is rich. Besides, his clothes are still famous brands, and he can't let you spend money with him." Unexpectedly, the young man said: "It doesn't matter. After washing, it will be gone. Little sister, this is my egg money for you." Then he took out a new one hundred yuan and put it into the little girl's hands.

The little girl took out the money and said, "No, I can't take your money. I bumped into you first, and I should compensate you." After repeated persuasion by the young man, he finally accepted the money. Everyone looked at the young man with admiration.

Although the young man is rich, he is not stingy. He won everyone's admiration with his tolerance. If you want to be a cultured modern man, you should first have a tolerant heart like a young man.

A 600 word composition on the topic of a stranger's meeting Fan Wener

The world is full of people. In the vast sea of people, I have touched many faces. There are many beautiful, ugly, kind and vicious faces... But among these many faces, there is one that I will never forget.

That happened last Saturday. My mother called me out of bed early in the morning. As soon as I turned over, I couldn't help but cry, "It's nine o'clock. My classmates and I have an appointment to meet at the Women's Center today. Mom, you didn't call me up earlier." After that, I got up from the bed, put on my clothes, grabbed two mouthfuls of breakfast and rushed out of the house.

The weather on this day was particularly good, and the bright sunshine was warm on my body. I was not interested in watching the beautiful scenery along the way, and I kept my head down and hurried forward. About 2000 meters out of the house, I suddenly looked back and saw a strange person following me. I didn't care about that at that time, except that he was a passer-by. But after walking several streets, I found that he was still following me. It was strange how this person always followed me. Fortunately, it was in broad daylight. If it was at night, I really didn't know what to do. I held my head high and continued on my way.

Before I knew it, I came to an intersection with traffic lights. At that time, the red light was on. I stood outside the zebra crossing and waited for the "coming" of the green light. After a while, the stranger came to me, and then I looked at him carefully. He was wearing a very simple casual suit, and his big eyes were particularly eye-catching because of his dark shiny hair, which was so bright that even flies could not stand on their feet.

The green light finally "opened its eyes". I drew back my eyes and was about to step on my feet. At that moment, a little boy ran into the zebra crossing. Suddenly, a car was turning around and was about to hit the boy. At the critical moment, the young man standing beside me immediately flew up and pushed the boy out, but he was hit by the car, He fell into a pool of blood... People immediately surrounded the car and young people. Soon, the traffic uncle came, and the ambulance also came

I still don't know whether this young man who sacrificed himself to save others will die or live, but his moving spirit will always inspire me.

A Meeting at One Side (6)

We have to meet each other after passing by countless times. I feel it is difficult to meet her once and cherish her. I also thank her for her warm help like sunshine.

If you want to ask me where there are the most people, I will not hesitate to answer the subway station. People of all kinds come and go with different purposes. Most of them meet each other, but because of a miss, they will not look at each other for the second time after a glance. It is both "lively" and not "lively".

One rush hour after work, I took the subway to my classmate's home. There were not many people in the past, but when the subway stopped at a station with a huge flow of people, the dark crowd in the station poured in, filling the whole carriage like sardines. And I, unfortunately, was squeezed to the middle zone without a vertical pole. Without the support of the vertical pole, and because of my size, I could not grasp the handrail above, my hands were "liberated". This made me feel uneasy. I was worried that I could not stand steadily when I stopped or drove. I clenched my hands and looked around helplessly. What I saw were strange faces. Finally, I silently lowered my head, without any struggle.

When I started, I shook slightly. I felt relieved and passed the test. The good times didn't last long. The bus arrived at the station again. I was waiting for the enemy, but I still fell backward with unsteady steps. Suddenly, a hand suddenly grabbed my arm and stabilized my center of gravity when I closed my eyes and fell hopelessly. Before I recovered, I heard a energetic young girl nearby: "Please let this girl have a place to help." The girl in her mouth, that is, I, was surrounded by people to the place with a vertical pole. I looked back at my sister who had just pulled me. At once, she was right in front of her eyes. Her eyes were like stars, and she seemed to bring an incredible magic to warm my heart. I was infected by her sincere smile, and also smiled, sincerely said to her: "Thank you." She also did not speak, but the smile was more exuberant, like breaking through the darkness of the sun, rising in the morning glow. Warm and warm.

We have only seen one short time. We are strangers. For me, the fate between us makes this side unusual. As warm as the sun, it is pleasant.

A Meeting at One Side (7)

When I was still in primary school, my family once tried to make me a lady. The first thing I want to do is to learn dance, even if I want to practice my body. He believed in it, and I became interested in it.

In the hot summer, I look forward to a touch of pink on my feet - the newly bought dance shoes. He walked into the dance room with half joy. The head-on, wooden floor, and the place where the pressing leg exercises are not different from what you imagine.

A dignified young female teacher came, a burst of fragrance. Her face was too white, but her hands seemed to be scarred and uncoordinated. She said coldly, "Go to the table over there and press your legs for half an hour."

I know this is basic. He felt relaxed and lifted his leg. Some tight stretching. The fingers became white. I think it's a little hot. The pain is getting deeper - do you want to compare with me? You are sure to lose.

Sweat oozed from his head and he began to feel numb. There is glittering on the floor. The teacher stepped on those flickering, very simple words, time is up. Then he took me to the stainless steel horizontal slender cylindrical stick about the height above my stomach, which is common in front of the dance studio.

I felt like she was carrying a chicken.

Hands touch the cold touch, and the frenzy factor in the air needs to be eliminated. On one side, there was an elder sister, Moyue senior high school student, who was lifting her slender legs onto the bar, but her expression was indifferent. My heart moved, just like her, and I tried to lift my legs up. I stretched with familiarity, but the pressure became stronger. So the knee bends unconsciously. This is not easy for a girl who has never received any training before. I thought proudly. The female teacher hit me on the knee and immediately straightened out.

A flash of pain hit. The teacher then slapped me straight on my habitual bent back - like an iron plate, he was merciless and killed me with one move, and even my hands could not live in peace. He wanted to put it in a deformed "o", which seemed to ask for help, but I didn't know who to turn to.

It was noon and the temperature was rising. I had to keep a funny posture in the furnace for several hours. The anger in my heart burns, which makes me see the light instead. Although the body has been itching intolerable, already tired limbs fatigue. I still keep that position.

I know I'm asking myself for help.

Later, due to various reasons, I stopped attending classes a week later. I am still like a chicken in dancing. When I think of the emotion in my heart, I will never forget the meeting once. Maybe it's just that I still remember the flicker of those days.

A Meeting at One Side (8)

To become friends, we usually have to meet many people, but we are not. We only see one side, and then we become friends. If we are destined, let me talk about it in detail.

It was a Friday afternoon. After school, I walked out of the school happily. I was surprised to see that it was my uncle who came to pick me up, so I waved to him.

"Uncle, why did you come to pick me up today, Dad?" I asked doubtfully, "Your father is busy this afternoon, and I will pick you up." I followed my uncle all the way to the bus stop. God, it was a sea of people. I tried my best to get on the bus with my uncle, and finally found a seat to sit down. At this time, I was thinking that I would have to take the bus for half an hour, How should I spend my time? Oh, I remember. Is there any rope in my schoolbag? I can play for a while.

Just do what I want. I took out a rope that can be turned over from my schoolbag and began to play alone. At this time, a primary school student next to me who should be about my age took out the rope and played by himself. I gave her a wink, but when I didn't tie it, I said to her, "I can tie it for you." "It doesn't matter, I can do it myself." She said to me sheepishly. In this way, we were all playing our own games. After two minutes, she made it up and said to me, "Let's play together. It's more interesting." "OK" I promised. In this way, we played with parachutes, turtles, bird nests and other tricks. Each of us had a good laugh and was about to arrive at the station. We spent just 20 minutes. When the radio said that if there was a station, please get off, I reluctantly said to her, "Goodbye, I'm going to get off."

Time passes quickly. Although we don't have the bright smile on our faces, our hearts are sweet. We even play without knowing the name. But in my heart, she has already become a good friend of mine. Now I often think of her. How I want to see her again, lovely and beautiful friend. Do you still remember me?

A Meeting at One Side (9)

Today, I came to Ningbo and entered the Pan Pacific Hotel with great excitement.

A few days ago, my mother told me that I was sent to interview Mr. Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations. I was so surprised that I almost jumped up - Annan! That is a leader loved by people all over the world! I was so excited to be able to interview him this time.

Just entering the hotel, I saw a group of security personnel busy doing security checks. Mr. Annan is an international figure, so the investigation is very strict. After a lot of trouble, I finally entered the venue.

I was shocked when I walked into the meeting place slowly - there were many business people invited to attend the summit around me. It was estimated that there were thousands of people! Sitting quietly in his position, he was imagining his full look at the moment when he interviewed Annan and the affability of Annan when he answered his questions, and his mouth was raised. At this time, the teacher came to me suddenly, with a helpless and regretful expression, and said to me: "I may not see Mr. Annan today, let's go back first."

When I heard the news, I was stunned, stayed where I was, and then wet my eyes. I can't believe that the nightmare news is true. How I wish it was a dream! Unfortunately, all this is true, it is not a dream. I bowed my head and walked out of the meeting without saying a word.

When I was depressed, I was ready to go out of the hotel with my father when I saw a spectacular scene: thirty or forty bodyguards formed a circle hand in hand, protecting an old man in the circle, followed by several assistants and interpreters.

At this time, the old man and I are only two or three meters away, which is very close! I looked at the old man carefully: his strong figure, swarthy complexion, white teeth and healthy complexion formed a sharp contrast; The smile is amiable but dignified; His hair and beard have turned white, and he must be older. Yes, this must be Mr. Annan! Although he is old, he is still so energetic and does not lose his leadership style!

And he seemed to look at me, which made me feel warm.

I quickly took a picture of the old man with my camera and let him stay in my heart forever.

Perhaps it was this one-sided acquaintance that made me know a different Mr. Annan.

One Side Meeting (10)

"Wow" With a burst of applause, my parents and I, who were buying piano books at the piano shop, couldn't help turning our heads to a small room behind us. We saw a big sister sitting on the piano, smiling at the people who applauded for her. One of them said, "Great! Play another song!" The big sister put her hands on the keys again without saying a word.

With the beautiful melody, our family could not help walking to the room. My sister's body swayed with the music, and her feet stepped on the pedal rhythmically. The most striking thing is the dancing hands on the keys, just like two dancers stepping on the beat, falling into it with the melody, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes strong, sometimes weak, as if performing the soul of music.

When I was 5 years old, I was still a beginner of piano. As the saying goes, it is difficult to begin everything. The first stage was always the most difficult to complete, so I wanted to back off. If it wasn't for my mother's pressure, I was afraid I could not hear her playing!

Then my mother patted my sister who was intoxicated by the applause: "How did you stick to it and play so well?" My sister looked at my mother and me, Smile and say: "I can stick to it, of course, without the pressure of my parents. Whenever I want to give up the piano, I can see the piano performance on TV. The audience is sitting below the stage. It is dark around the stage. There is only a beam of light shining on a piano on an empty stage. There is a person in a dress sitting in front of the piano, intoxicated with the music he plays. This feeling is so beautiful. I also want this feeling Feeling. Because I love the piano, why can others insist, but I can't, am I inferior to others? I always ask myself this... "Yes! Am I inferior to others?

In fact, when I was in DuKindergarten, my parents held my hand to learn things everywhere - vocal music, dance, art, calligraphy, chess... But what I really stuck to was the piano. Whenever I sit in front of the piano and look at the dense notes and music theory knowledge, how I want to give up. But when my classmates come to my home and sit in front of the piano, waving their hands, I will remember my sister's words - Am I worse than him?

I also went to the piano shop to buy books, and my eyes would look at the room from time to time, so I curiously pointed to the room and asked the counter, "Is that sister still coming?", Finally, she nodded: "She came here to play the piano on the last day, and went to perform the next day. Later, she passed the piano department and went to Beijing." I nodded thoughtfully.

Am I more stupid than my sister? Or worse than her? No, I just didn't work hard enough. Although I only saw my sister, I benefited a lot. I'm no more stupid than anyone. I can defeat anyone, but I can't stand to defeat myself. I hope that one day I can be like my sister, pay for what I love and do what I like. I believe in myself!

One Side Meeting (11)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Although I only met the big sister once, I will never forget what she did for me.

It happened on a day of heavy snow and cold wind.

Today, I'm going to buy the book I've always dreamed of - "Three Musketeers". I came to the Xinhua Bookstore with a brisk pace and a little song. When I walked into the bookstore, I was dazzled by the sight of books. I couldn't help being shocked, completely forgetting the purpose of my coming, I casually opened a book, and sat down to read it with great interest. For the 25 yuan that was dragged in the hand, I slowly released my hand unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took me to swallow my saliva before I found that I had stayed here for a long time. I suddenly recalled that I went to look for the book in a panic, and finally found "Three Musketeers". The 25 yuan lying on the palm of my hand had already disappeared. I anxiously rummaged around and looked for the money. I also ran to the place where I had been, but I could not find the money. Just then, a big sister came up to me and said to me gently, "Little sister, why are you so anxious? What's the matter?" I slowly raised my head - how beautiful this sister is! Black and big eyes, a tall and straight nose, a cherry mouth, a pink face, and a head of shiny black hair on the shoulder. I burst into tears. The elder sister was shocked when she saw this. She immediately squatted down to touch my head and asked, "What's the matter, little sister? What's the matter with my sister?" Then she looked at the book in my hand and asked, "Is it... has the money for buying books been lost?" I stared at the elder sister with pathetic eyes and nodded. The big sister suddenly got up and left. I sat helplessly on the ground, sobbing there.

About half a minute later, the big sister came to me excitedly, pulled me up and pulled me to the cash register. Before I knew it, the big sister had already paid for my books with a flying 'Suda'. I looked at my elder sister, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, her nose was sour, and she had an unspeakable taste. The elder sister seemed to see my heart and lowered her head to me and said, "Little sister, don't worry, this money is nothing." After that, the elder sister waved to me and left with her mother.

In the winter when the wind is blowing and the snow is falling, I feel the warm sunshine of my big sister and her heart to help others. Although we only met once, my elder sister's help to me will never be forgotten.

Grade 5: 0 mints 0

One Side Meeting (12)

I remember one time when I was crossing the street and saw an old man carrying fruit crossing the street. The old man was wearing a white dress and black shorts. With a straw hat on his head, he stood on the side of the road, looking left and right, taking one step forward and another step backward, while the big cars and small cars on the road still came and went. The wheels made a "whine" sound, as if all the drivers had not seen this grandpa. I saw the scene and was very angry! How can these adults behave like this! You clearly see an old man in front who needs to cross the road, why not slow down? Aren't you afraid of traffic accidents? Don't you know to respect the old and love the young?

Just then, a policeman came, wearing a uniform, a cap and white gloves. His eyes exuded the prestige of the police. He obviously saw the grandpa and sped up his pace. He approached the old man, bent down and seemed to say something to the old man. Then he helped the old man carry the fruit bag, put his arm around the old man's arm, and helped him cross the road step by step. The policeman took a very small step. He only took a small half step each time, and then stopped for a moment. Each zebra crossing was like a very high step. The policeman seemed to have a hard time every step.

Sometimes, when a car approaches, the old man's face shows a panic expression and unconsciously looks at the police nearby, and I start to worry. But the policeman was not nervous at all. He made an action with his fingers extended. At this time, the cars all stopped, as if time had stopped. Ah! That is great! Police uncle has magic! If I were a policeman now, I could also help others!

At this time, in the sky, a piece of sunshine came down, shining on the trees, the trees became energetic, and the sunshine shone on the flowers, the flowers became more bright, adding a touch of color to the world!

This one-sided meeting on the road made me feel the dedication of the police uncle and the kindness in people's hearts! It is like a spring breeze, floating in my memory forever.

One Side Meeting (13)

I like to wander around the bookstore, so that day, I took advantage of the mist, grabbed a card, ran out of the house, and went to the bus stop. I stood on the platform, humming and eating steamed buns. After a while, a huge thing covered in the morning light slowly drove into the platform. I rushed up immediately and felt my trouser pocket. Suddenly, I found something wrong.

It turned out that I mistook the access card of the community for a traffic card and put it in my pocket. "It's over!" I cursed myself in my heart. At this time, the train has started, and a few passengers on the train are staring at me, like a clown in a funny play. I was so embarrassed that I kept turning over my pocket and seemed to beg for coins from it. Pocket, pocket, I am not thin to you at ordinary times! Mobile phones and banknotes are for you to use. Can't you do some magic and miracles at this time? When I was sweating all over, a voice sounded: "Oh, it's you!" I looked up to see who it was.

When I looked up, I found that people no longer stared at me and turned to another teenager. He is not tall, round head, round eyes, a pair of big eyes flickering. He scratched his head nervously, looking a little nervous. When he found me looking at him, he quickly walked up to me and asked me how I got out today. I was confused.

He came to me, took out a shiny coin, put it into the coin box, and then patted me on the shoulder, saying: "I will pay for you today. When the teacher wants to write a composition, remember to take care of me!" He pulled me to a seat.

Shortly after sitting down, the bus arrived at a platform. The unknown young man, with the flow of people, forgot to ask his name. Who is he? Are you my classmate in the composition training class? Or a classmate of my English training class?

After the journey, I kept looking out of the window and constantly complained to myself: "Why am I so stupid that I forgot to ask the other party's name, how can I pay back the money?" At another stop, I got out of the car, walked into the bookstore, and was absent-minded when reading. I suddenly remembered that this teenager was not my classmate at all. I can be sure! I'm sure! I can tell! I suddenly understood why he helped me. The round head and round eyes appeared before my eyes, and my heart was touched. I guess I will never pay back that one yuan! From then on, I always have a coin in my pocket, which reminds me that when others are in trouble, I will try my best to help others.

This one-sided meeting sowed the seeds of kindness in my heart, allowing me to constantly improve myself and help others. I believe that I will continue to do good deeds on the long road of life in the future, so that the flowers of kindness will grow more and more.

One Side Meeting (14)

It was one day in the summer vacation. I went to visit my neighbor's elder sister's house with my mother. Unfortunately, my beloved doll was robbed by another girl who came to visit, and my mother had to go home because of something. I was stunned and my tears flowed out.

I don't know when several melodious songs came from a closed door room. At first, I didn't know what it was, but I thought it was very pleasant. Since I heard the music, I have forgotten to cry, but I just stared at the door of the room and listened to the music.

When I was young, I could not help the temptation of curiosity. When adults did not pay attention to me, I quietly opened the door of that room and walked in. There were only three people in the room, my neighbor's elder sister, a middle-aged woman I had never met before, and me.

They didn't notice my arrival, and the middle-aged woman just calmly guided her sister to do something. After a while, the woman and her neighbor's elder sister stood up and found me standing at the door. After they went out, I walked over to the huge dark brown "unknown object", touched here and patted there, as if all these were very attractive.

It seems that I accidentally ran into somewhere and suddenly made a dull noise. I was shocked and ran out of the room to see that no one was coming. I felt relieved and walked back to the room quietly. I pressed the button again toward the place I first met, and the result was that dull noise again

Hearing those knocks on the door, I knew that it was my mother coming back, so I went out of the room to play with the big sister next door. On the way home, I kept shouting to my mother: "I want to learn that, I want to learn that......"

My mother seemed to feel a bit ironic, but she asked me patiently, "Which do you want to learn?" "That's it!" I shouted, as if I was dissatisfied with my mother's answer. "Which is that?" Mom frowned and asked me again. It's the thing played by the elder sister. I want to learn, I just want to learn. " Mom pondered for a while, and suddenly realized: "Oh, it is to learn the piano! Well, if you want to learn, I will go to find your teacher tomorrow. But I asked you for the last time, do you want to learn?" I looked up and looked into my mother's eyes, with a feeling of "martyrdom", loudly said: "Of course you want to learn!"

The next day, I met a woman I had never met that day. She was my teacher and also my music teacher after I entered primary school.

Now, I have played the piano for seven years, and I have changed two or three teachers. But I will never forget that day, and it is the existence of that day that I have a friend who can accompany me all my life - the piano.

One Side Meeting (15)

piano? piano? "What is a piano? Is it made of steel?" I asked urgently. "No, the piano is a musical instrument, which can play many beautiful songs!" Mother said with a smile. "Mom, take me to my aunt's house!" I begged my mother. "Good!" My mother readily agreed.

We went upstairs and knocked on the door of my aunt's house. My mother was very familiar with my aunt, so my aunt greeted us warmly.

"Is the piano that big black thing?" I came straight to the point. "Oh?" The aunt was stunned, then smiled and said, "Yes! This is a musical instrument! Many children like playing it very much, because it can be loud and soft. It can be a friend when you rest, a psychologist when you are upset..."

Next, the aunt talked a lot, but I didn't listen to a word, because I had imagined in my world that after I learned the piano... I played when I was idle after the final exam, and the beautiful music smiled at me; After being scolded by my mother and father, I played a piece of music, which comforted me

"I want to learn! I want to learn!" I said with a firm tone. "Well..." My mother hesitated and gently advised me, "Chen Niu, it's not that I don't want you to learn musical instruments. It really takes a lot of time to learn musical instruments, and I'm afraid you will be too busy to learn!" "No, no! I promise I can be too busy to finish my homework at school!" I said with a firm voice. "... OK..." Mom was not so cheerful this time.

Aunt is very happy - why can she recruit another student? Why can she teach such a small child to play the piano? I don't know either. She played a song "Little Swallow" for me, which made me crazy.

Aunt Wu said, "My family name is Wu. You can call me Aunt Wu. It's not difficult to learn the piano. It's not easy to say. As long as you recognize the whole note, play according to the fingering in the book, and understand the ups and downs, rhythm, the problem will be basically solved!"

I thought: so simple! Ha ha, my decision is wise! I can't wait to sit on the piano stool and play a note - "Duo -" This note flows into my heart like a clear spring, ah, how beautiful, how wonderful! After all, this is my first time to play an instrument!

So, since I was four years old, I have embarked on the road of piano. I have experienced countless setbacks and frustrations, tears and sweat. But this is the basis for me to play level 10

Now, I look at how many certificates of merit are placed in the bookcase, how many prizes are placed in the bookcase, and my piano has become a big toy... By the tea table, there is an exquisite violin

One Side Meeting (16)

It happened on a day of heavy snow and cold wind.

Today, I'm going to buy the book I've always dreamed of - "Three Musketeers". I came to the Xinhua Bookstore with a brisk pace and a little song. When I walked into the bookstore, I was dazzled by the sight of books. I couldn't help being shocked, completely forgetting the purpose of my coming, I casually opened a book, and sat down to read it with great interest. For the 25 yuan that was dragged in the hand, I slowly released my hand unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took me to swallow my saliva before I found that I had stayed here for a long time. I suddenly recalled that I went to look for the book in a panic, and finally found "Three Musketeers". The 25 yuan lying on the palm of my hand had already disappeared. I was very anxious to look around. I also ran to the place I had stayed, but I could not find any money. Just then, a big sister came up to me and said to me gently, "Little sister, why are you so anxious? What's the matter?" I slowly raised my head - how beautiful this sister is! Black and big eyes, a tall and straight nose, a cherry mouth, a pink face, and a head of shiny black hair on the shoulder. I burst into tears. The elder sister was shocked when she saw this. She immediately squatted down to touch my head and asked, "What's the matter, little sister? What's the matter with my sister?" Then she looked at the book in my hand and asked, "Is it... has the money for buying books been lost?" I stared at the elder sister with pathetic eyes and nodded. The big sister suddenly got up and left. I sat helplessly on the ground, sobbing there.

About half a minute later, the big sister came to me excitedly, pulled me up and pulled me to the cash register. Before I knew it, the elder sister had already paid for my books with a flying express. I looked at my elder sister, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, her nose was sour, and she had an unspeakable taste. The elder sister seemed to see my heart and lowered her head to me and said, "Little sister, don't worry, this money is nothing." After that, the elder sister waved to me and left with her mother.

In the winter when the wind is blowing and the snow is falling, I feel the warm sunshine of my big sister and her heart to help others. Although we only met once, my elder sister's help to me will never be forgotten.