Thoughts on visiting the military museum
one's nobility lasts forever
2023-10-22 05:21:13

Thoughts on visiting the military museum
Today, we went to the military museum. I was very moved by the construction of Wenchuan. The General Secretary held the meeting at the first time and said: "Disaster is the order, time is the life." Let everyone rescue quickly. It shocked China, shocked the world, and moved me even more.
Going inside, I saw that President Hu was in the relief tent at the scene of rescue and disaster relief. He went deep into the construction site, enterprise workshops, and rural villages. As the President of the country, I can go into the people's hearts in this way. It really moved me. What an admirable person he is, what an admirable chairman he is!
Under the guidance of the President, all the troops started to rescue. In just one year, Wenchuan, Sichuan, became vibrant again. The changes in Sichuan are attributed to the Chairman, Party members and the army. Thanks to all the people who have extended a helping hand to Wenchuan. Even if you donate one yuan or a box of colored pens, you will also be a member of the construction of Wenchuan.