42 Selected Good Sentences for Praising Students
Simplicity is happiness
2023-02-18 16:25:57
Gratitude sentence

1. I admire the rock standing on the seashore, which bravely meets the scouring of the waves. My friend, you are the rock. After being hit by the waves of life, you are always so calm and straight.

2. True friends don't rely on friendship. They don't ask for each other for friendship, but do everything for each other.

3. Although there are many words in the text that you do not know, you have been trying to read the text. You are a child with perseverance. With such perseverance, what else can defeat you?

4. Interact with people: unite classmates, respect teachers, be approachable and helpful. Conduct yourself: Be modest and honest. In learning: study hard, ask questions if you don't understand, and be good at both character and learning.

5. You never avoid the heaviness of mountains, you never despise the shallowness of pools, you are as firm as rocks, you regard storms as the driving force for progress, and you are my true friend in learning and life.

6. Your idea is really good, learn from you.

7. You not only speak well, but also listen to others' opinions.

8. Once playing became memories, once getting along became memories, once chasing became memories, and once everything became memories. I miss you now, old boy and old girl.

9. Classmate love is sincere and unforgettable; Students are good sisters who have nothing to say, and students are brothers! I wish you all good health!

10. It's time to start. here we go! There is no need to regret, there is no need to say goodbye, even if the song fades away, our hearts will keep beating.

11. You did very well!

12. You are like a brave ship, going against the current and always holding the heading in the turbulent waves.

13. You are so awesome! Dare to ask questions to the book, your courage is enviable!

14. As time goes by, the wine becomes mellow, mellow and a little hot. Friendship is also like wine, thick, sweet, mellow, and somewhat spicy.

15. We are like a perennial flowing water, always surging and never resting.

16. Friendship is our inner balance, which always regulates our inner balance. As time goes by, friendship will be diluted, but we will not cherish it until we lose it. We should grasp the present friendship and face it bravely. This may have a great impact on life. In life, there are several forces working together, and the dawn of success may come earlier.

17. You are a pearl picker who silently dives into the sea floor to search for treasures. I appreciate your spirit, eulogize your style, and wish you success!

18. She recites in cadence, with a beautiful voice and a beautiful voice. She raises her seat and moves.

19. Maybe you and I will never meet again, but you will always be my most caring and proud friend!

20. We are under the same roof, bathed in the sun. In learning, we encourage each other. In life, we help each other. The friendship between classmates is like the warm sun shining in our hearts. We should cherish the friendship and the little things between our classmates. Cherish the beautiful childhood.

21. Your friendship is like a bright light in my life, illuminating my heart and making my life bright.

22. Happiness should be amiable; Happiness will follow fate. The heart has no worries, and the heart is always happy; With the ups and downs of fate, the heart is often satisfied. Let tolerance, please your heart, don't sulk. Friend, the mood of a day is determined by easiness, and the happiness of life is determined by fate. I wish you happiness every day!

23. With outstanding talent and character, you are like a jewel, no matter where you are, people can see your shining glory.

24. Learning is not difficult. As long as you preview before class, participate actively in class, and review carefully after class, success will belong to you.

25. We met in a sea of people, which is fate. We are walking together on the road of life, which is on and off. Our accidental encounter doomed our friendship in our youth. We look for friendship everywhere, but it is difficult to find our own, so we especially cherish our friends.

26. Your preview is really comprehensive, and your ability to learn independently is very strong. Would you like to introduce your learning methods to the students after class?

27. In rain and wind, we cried, laughed and played. When spring comes, I always think of you yesterday when I am confused!

28. Your life is a fire, burning with light and heat; Your life is always flowing water, unrestrained.

29. The most touching thing is your pure, bright and hot eyes, just like a clear spring, which originates from the heart. There is no noise of fame and wealth, no secular pollution, and some love for a better life and yearning for the sea.

30. Laugh when you are happy and wail when you are sad. I like it all. I like you as a white jade, undisguised, frank and frank.

31. Juanjuan read the text in Mandarin. Her voice was crisp and beautiful. Even the sun was fascinated. She sneaked into the classroom from the window and fell on her book, unwilling to leave for a long time.

32. Students' feelings, using things, using feelings, and using friendship are common feelings of people, which are precious and unforgettable.

33. We are like the wind and clouds of the four seasons, constantly blowing, drifting north, south, east and west.

34. People's life will be entangled by all kinds of emotions, but in any case, I will cherish the sincere feeling of students. No matter how long it takes, this feeling will always be hidden in my heart. With the passage of time, the dusty heart and warmth of the past will become eternal memories.

35. Friendship, a noun, shines with the aura of emotion, a heart with careful taste will have a warm air rising, and a symbol of golden sunlight penetrating the forehead; Friendship is a clear stream, an evergreen tree in the forest, and an immortal movement made by beautiful notes.

36. The days of school are gone forever, but memory is beautiful and meaningful, like a cup of sweet wine brushing my mind. If there is a feeling in the world as pure and beautiful as lily, I think it is the friendship between students.

37. I want to leave a warm memory, and I want to treasure a beautiful page of friendship. Please take this most sincere blessing with you, so that happiness will always be with you.

38. The spring days are sweet and the tender leaves are green. They are like newborn babies, delicate and fresh. They are happy to start their own life. This is a happy prelude; In the long summer, the leaves with deep green taste the joy of life quietly. This is a beautiful and long subject; The autumn is long, and the leaves fall on the ground safely. That's it

39. The sun and the moon are leisurely, and the mountains are stacked. All the strange rocks and dangerous beaches that are surrounded by dragons and tigers have failed to stop the river of life flowing eastward. Ah, my friend, how magnificent the torrent of your youth is!

40. The wind is my constant concern; The surging clouds are my tender thoughts; Rain is my meager talk; Sunshine is my warm smile.

41. Time has passed the innocence of our childhood, and the years have opened the ignorance of our youth. The youth friendship between classmates is a sincere heart, a kind of love.

42. The indomitable spirit of the plum blossom is even more impressive to me. Since ancient times, it, together with pine and bamboo, has been known as "three friends in cold weather". It has always been chanted by poets, painted by painters, carved by artists, and desired by tourists.