National defense education essay
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2023-12-05 07:23:40
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

When I read the story of the Opium War in the book National Defense Education, my heart was deeply shocked. With bursts of gunfire and cries, China, which at that time considered itself to be the most powerful country in the world, was completely defeated and riddled by the Western gunfire.
At that time, people believed that China was a big country, an ancient civilization with a history of thousands of years, and no invaders would invade it, so there was no need to defend it. By 1840, science and technology had not improved much. However, the technology of Britain has been greatly improved, so in the face of British troops, several Chinese warships appear weak and insignificant. The weakness of the rulers makes the aggressors even more arrogant. In this way, the Nanjing Treaty was born. However, when people thought that the war was over, the war began again. The United States, Germany and Japan attacked China successively. But China did not fall for it. Since the founding of China in 1949, it has created many miracles, such as the successful launch of "Dongfang-1" in 1960, and the successful launch of "Dongfanghong" in 1970.
We are living and studying happily now because our motherland is stronger and richer. So as long as we study hard, we can repay our motherland.