A complete list of inspirational quotes and quotes about work (55 selected quotes)
Happy Angel
2023-05-01 16:37:28
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Work and be industrious: work is the most reliable wealth—— La Fengdan

2. A competent creative person will not think that his job is just to make an advertisement or a set of advertisements. He will certainly work hard to understand other factors that affect product sales—— Leo Burnett

3. The way to finish the work is to cherish every minute—— Darwin

4. To love life from work is to understand the deepest secret of life—— Gibran

5. Work is the value of life, and the joy of life is where happiness lies—— Rodin

6. There is no reward in the world to encourage hard work. All rewards are only used to reward work results—— nameless

7. A person may believe a lot of nonsense, but he can still arrange his daily work in a reasonable and happy way—— Norman Douglas

8. Only when I have worked for a long time without stopping, can I feel my spirit is light and I feel I have found a reason to live—— Chekhov

9. A great cause is rooted in persistent work, which is carried out in a complete spirit without avoiding hardships—— Rosso

10. I can't say that I don't value these honors, and I admit that they are valuable, but I have never worked for them—— Faraday

11. In your work, you should combine every little thing with a big fixed goal—— Vladimir Mayakovsky

12. Less empty talk, more work, down-to-earth, hard work—— nameless

13. Devote yourself to your duties, work hard, love glory and trust your intuition—— Leo Burnett

14. It is work that makes life interesting—— Ayor

15. The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all your wisdom and enthusiasm and do the work of today perfectly. This is the only way you can cope with the future—— nameless

16. No fame, no profit, but the goal is to reach the world's advanced level—— Deng Jiaxian

17. Happiness lies in one's real work—— Aurelio

18. If work is fun, life is heaven—— Goethe

19. Talents work, while geniuses create—— Schumann

20. If work is not the price for human life, but the purpose, how happy human will be—— Rodin

21. Aspiration is the door of career, and work is the journey to enter the house—— Pasteur

22. A person with real talent feels the highest happiness in the process of work—— Goethe

23. In school and life, the most important driving force of work is the fun in work, the fun when working to get results and the understanding of the social value of the results—— Einstein

24. What is really remarkable about a real scholar is that he has done many great works secretly and is not famous for it in his lifetime—— Balzac

25. Rest and work are just like eyelids and eyes—— Tagore

26. The highest morality is to constantly serve people and work for human love—— Gandhi

27. The only way to revitalize the world is for everyone to do their immediate work well. Don't aim too high, just strive for great achievements—— Cha Kingsley