My little friend's composition 6 (15 in total)
Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage
2024-01-13 06:22:49
primary school

My little friend's composition 6 (1)

I am very hospitable and kind-hearted, so I am very popular in class. Of course, my kind-hearted friends are many. I have three friends, and I have listed them in different levels: A, B, C friends.

A Friend

A My friend is my nephew, Zi Tao. He is fat and has three layers of meat on his belly, so his belly is called "three layers of meat". Judging from the way he walks, his belly shakes up and down, like holding a "swimming circle", so his belly is also called a swimming circle. Playing basketball is called "stick". In school, our cooperation is invincible. So he is my good friend in sports.

B Friend

B My friend is my great enemy and sworn enemy - Zhichao. Zhichao, Zhican and Zhiwei are called "three brothers". You may ask why they are called sworn enemies since they are brothers? The thing is like this. In order to rank, Zhichao and I quarreled with each other so much that our faces became red. Finally, I became a junior and he became the boss. Afterwards, I harassed him all the time. As soon as I wanted to break the casserole, I asked, he flashed, and so on. I fell out with him. When I saw him, I "quarreled" until the school gate. In this way, he became a good friend in my life.

C Friends

C My friend's appearance is like an owl. With black circles around his eyes, he is more like a real owl. He is Guo Mingzhe. Because his appearance and his learning problems can't defeat him, he has become the "jack of all trades" in our class. As soon as you shout "jack of all trades", he rushes at the speed of the wind, and any problem can be solved. In this way, he became my good friend in learning.

My classmates are all kinds, but they are also my friends and relatives. The five years of primary school are about to pass, but the students left in my mind can never erase it. They seem to fall into the fleeting years of my memory.

My little friend's composition 6 (2)

She has long hair, round face, fat body, and often wears a one horned braid. She is my deskmate - Huang Shiyi.

Huang Shiyi is very timid. Even when others bully her and beat her, she doesn't say a word and dare not tell the teacher. But I think it's a virtue. If you bear with it, you can avoid something that shouldn't happen once?

Let's take Teacher Luo's work that day for example! In the afternoon, Mr. Luo was very busy, and we were disobedient, so he let us do our homework. As I was doing this, I suddenly heard a voice: "If you don't copy it for me, I will beat you!" I looked up and saw that it was Ren Bolou's voice. I was furious: "She won't give it to you. What can you do?" Ren Bolou said, "I want to see it!" Then he grabbed Huang Shiyi's book and copied it. I said to Huang Shiyi, "Let's go, let's sue him!" Unexpectedly, she said, "Forget it, this is hurting him!" I felt justified and buried myself in my homework.

Look, this is my timid deskmate. What a nice person!

My little friend's composition 6 (3)

A dark face, a pair of bright big eyes with cunning light, a short and strong body with a dirty green sports suit, and a pair of broken slippers. He is Li Mingming, the new partner I met during my holiday on the farm.

Li Mingming is a left behind child who is taken care of by his grandparents. In the eyes of others, he is a "bad boy" who is mischievous, swearing and not learning. But in my eyes, I see a different Li Mingming.

He is a basketball expert. He is quick in catching the ball and has a high percentage of hits; He is also a table tennis enthusiast, often concentrating on watching his father and brother play; He is also a 100 meter champion. He runs like a gust of wind, and no one can catch up with him; He is also a kind and caring child.

One morning, just before dawn, I heard Li Mingming shouting downstairs: "Hou Jia, get up quickly, let's go to play basketball together." We played a game of ball snatching first. At the beginning, Li Mingming quickly grabbed the ball from his brother. After a while, seeing that his brother was about to catch up with him, Li Mingming came to the "three-step basket" with a lightning speed and sent the ball to the basket perfectly. Later, Li Mingming made many difficult dribbling movements, which made everyone couldn't help applauding and admiring.

One evening, while I was doing my homework, Li Mingming called me again: "Hou Jia, come down quickly and see what interesting things I have brought you." It was a grasshopper! It was wearing green tights and a pair of yellow Doudou eyes on its triangular head, which was very cute.

"Where did you catch it?" I asked in surprise. "In the grass beside the road," Li Mingming said with a simple smile. Li Mingming took me to the edge of the grass in the square. "This is it!" "Wow! Their color is so similar to the grass and they jump so high. How did you catch them?". I put them in a transparent glass bottle and watch them carefully. Li Mingming said to me, "Grasshoppers are beneficial insects. You can let them go later." Wow! Li Mingming is very kind!

I began to look forward to the coming of the next holiday, because Li Mingming told me that he would teach me how to catch sparrows during the winter vacation.

My little friend's composition 6 (4)

Look, a burly boy is coming out of the door. He has big watery eyes, a straight nose and a big mouth. The most striking thing is that his big head looks like a big ball, as if his brain is full of knowledge. He is my little friend Pan Yue, who is called a primary school student.

Pan Yueke is diligent. He reads whenever he has time. Long time reading has paid off. Writing and reading are very handy. Sometimes even my famous monitor thinks he is inferior. He is especially fond of books about nature, so he knows a lot about animals and plants.

Once, an uninvited ant climbed onto my desk, and I stared at it intently. It crawled carefully, followed the trend, and climbed onto my hand, which made me itch. I threw it and threw it to the ground. I squatted down and looked. The little ant struggled for a while, turned over and was still alive. I was puzzled: an insignificant ant fell from a high cliff and was not dead yet. Does it have the art of bringing the dead back to life? With this question, I asked Pan Yue for advice. When he heard this, he laughed and said in a straight line: The body of an ant is very light. No matter how high it falls, it will not die. Just like a fallen leaf floating down from a tree and still intact, Pan Yue also told me a lot about ants. I listened with great interest and admired him.

After listening to me, do you also like this diligent and studious student?

My little friend's composition 6 (5)

He has short black hair, a small talkative mouth under his high nose, and a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes that often radiate wisdom. He is Liao Yang. If you want to evaluate a "best fan award", it is undoubtedly Liao Yang who will take the title.

The bell for PE class rang, and the students cheered and swarmed out of the classroom. The playground suddenly became lively. "Du... Du Zhening!" Liu Qiang came running breathlessly. "Did you see Liao Yang?" "Liao Yang? Is he not on the playground?" I said in surprise. Liu Qiang shook his head gently: "No." Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he pointed to Liao Yang? His legs crossed and leaned against the wall, staring at the thick book "Man Jiang Hong" in his hand, his face focused. "Alas," I couldn't help laughing, "I really deserve to be a full 'fan'."

It's OK to say that Liao Yang is a "book fan", but if he is a bookworm who doesn't love the collective, he is really wronged.

I remember that it was a cool morning again, and I was skipping on my way to school. "It's so cold!" When the autumn wind blew, I shivered, wrapped my coat unconsciously, and stepped into the gate of the campus... "Sand, sand -" A familiar voice came from the teaching building. I walked forward quickly and saw Liao Yang sweeping the floor with a broom. He squinted his eyes slightly, slightly bent his back and waved a broom in his hands, fearing that a particle of dust would be missed.

"Du Zhening, good morning!

It's all right. " He smiled slightly, picked up the broom again, and concentrated on sweeping.

This is Liao Yang, this is the well read Liao Yang, this is Liao Yang who loves the collective!

I am proud to have such a partner!

My little friend's composition 6 (6)

Like a piece of dry rice paper, with the drizzle, it quietly melts on the paper

There is a person that I can't forget. She is a lively, optimistic and enthusiastic girl. Her clear eyes are shining with nimbus, thick eyebrows, and a pair of eloquent and skillful mouth can always resolve conflicts between classmates in a few words. Her hair is always tied up high, and her face is always smiling. She never cried in front of her classmates. Even when she met difficulties, she always welcomed them. She also said that there is no rainbow without wind and rain! She happily talked and laughed with her classmates all day long. When asked why she was so happy, she said, what's the point of living without laughter? She likes to help her classmates. If they fall down, catch a cold, take medicine with water, ask for leave from the teacher... she has all these things covered.

Because her popularity is very good, after class, there will be a large group of close friends with her to talk about literary works and poetry.

She is also an optimistic girl. Once in an exam, I did poorly and was lying on the table feeling sad. She came over and said to me: "The exam is not everything. If you fail in the exam once, you will lose confidence in yourself. How will you face the future life? You should face life optimistically and smile for the future like me. Well, wipe away your tears. This little thing can't defeat us. Let's pursue happiness together in the wind and rain! "

This is my little friend, an optimistic and enthusiastic girl!

My little friend's composition 6 (7)

I have a very good little friend. His name is An Yikang. This best little friend has a pair of flaring ears. Although his eyes are not big, they are very clever. They look especially good when combined with a small mouth. He not only has good academic performance, but also has a heart of helping others.

I remember one time when he and I were going to play in the new park nearby. I couldn't help jumping up and down. Just as we reached the stairwell, I stepped empty and fell downstairs in one breath. An Yikang, who walked in front of me, immediately ran to me and said, "Oh, your feet are bleeding. Hurry, hurry, go to my home to apply medicine." As he said, An Yikang carefully supported me, Asking me if it hurts while walking. After arriving at his home, he kept on looking for medicine, and also applied the medicine for me personally. I felt my wound no longer painful immediately. At lunch time, in order to let me rest, he brought the food to me. In this way, he took care of me all day and personally sent me home at night.

This is my little partner, who is willing to help others and likes to help others; I am very proud to have such a small partner. I also hope that people all over the world can have a fiery heart, a heart of helping others, so that the world is full of love.

My little friend's composition 6 (8)

In my life, I have many friends. One of them is Yang Shengsong, the sports monitor of our class.

Yang Shengsong has a pair of big watery eyes, a sharp nose, and a small and exquisite mouth. Although he looks a little like a girl, he has a violent temper. If you don't believe him, take a look!

Once, before the teacher came to the physical education class, Yang Shengsong began to command exercises. But when he reached the third quarter, he began to be confused. When he saw him, he began to shout angrily: "All of you stand for ten minutes!" I heard this sentence as if struck by thunder. I thought: It's too difficult to stand for ten minutes, so I might as well do it again. At this time, Yang Shengsong seemed to see my mind and said, "If anyone can't stand, run for ten minutes!". Alas, I can't help it. I can only bear it, I thought. Standing, I can't stand any more. So I took advantage of his inattention to have a rest secretly. At this time. He happened to see him, so he said loudly, "Yuhong Zhang goes out." After hearing this, I had to walk forward slowly and run on the playground for ten minutes. After class, I angrily went to find him and punched Yang Shengsong. He got angry, stood up quickly and hit me hard in the stomach. I didn't get back to my senses, but he gave me another kick. I saw the situation was not good, so I ran off the battlefield like a gray mouse. After class, we lined up in a neat line and returned to the classroom.

How about this? This is my little partner, Yang Shengsong. Although he is very violent, I still like to make friends with him.

My little friend's composition 6 (9)

I have a little friend who is very good-looking: she has a round, red face, like a just mature, young red apple; A pair of watery eyes and a lovely cherry mouth are embedded in the face, and the black eyes are shining; The long brown and black hair draped on the shoulder is extremely lovely. She likes drawing, and she draws very well. She and I have a very good relationship, and we said privately that we are best friends.

I can't forget that Chinese exam. The whole class did badly in the exam. Teacher Ye was very angry and had a "terrible" look in her eyes. The voice was eight degrees higher than usual, especially for those students whose scores were below 90. The cold eyes seemed to kill them. I got 93 points in the exam and escaped being notified to my parents.

My other good friend Z, she only got 70 points in the exam. When she got the exam paper, she cried. She was still crying until the teacher explained the exam paper. My heart is also very sad to hear her unstoppable sobbing is crying. After class, I said to her: "Don't cry. You have already passed the exam. What's the use of crying?" "I... I will be scolded... scolded by my mother..." She hesitated. She still cried, and her hoarse voice echoed in the classroom. Not only I but also other students went to comfort her one after another, but everyone was helpless.

My little friend saw it and drew a picture for her. The content on the picture was: a little girl, she also did poorly in the exam, but she did not lose heart. Instead, she studied harder and harder. Finally, she got good results. After painting, she quietly picked up the picture, went to the position of small Z, and put the picture in the 'drawer of small Z. Later, Xiao Z saw the painting and looked at it for a long time. He raised his eyes and looked at her. Xiao Z understood her intention, dried his tears and stopped crying. So I worked harder and reviewed every day. In the end, she achieved good results.

Yes, my little partner is such a person, a helpful person, a person who can communicate with others.

My little friend's composition 6 (10)

I have a little friend. Her name is Yunxi. She likes copying homework very much, once——

"You didn't know that my classmate gave me this hat! How could you have the heart to tear it?" I yelled as hard as I could.

"Hum, so what? It's a paper hat anyway. Besides, who told you not to tell me the math answer?" She was not shy.

"The answer is a conclusion that comes from your own thinking. Why should the teacher copy it like you do? Why should students all over the world copy the answer?"

"Well, well, I don't mind that. But first copy the answer for me, or I'll call my aunt and say you bully me. Sobbing..."

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Yunxi, why are you crying? Did your sister bully you?" My mother didn't know where she came from.

"Zhao Huini, did you bully your sister? How many times have I told you, don't bully your sister, you are an elder." Another burst of rage. I didn't even have a chance to argue.

That's right. Because she plagiarized her homework, our relationship stalled for a period of time. Although she likes copying homework, she has a tough heart.

Not long ago, I learned that Yunxi's father died just a few months after she was born. When I grew up, Yunxi was always ridiculed by others as a "child without father". Everyone in the community knew that Yunxi's mother asked people in the community not to tell me in order to make me a good partner for Yunxi to open her heart, because I was afraid that I would also ridicule Yunxi as a "child without father". My mother told me that it was because Yunxi had no one to talk with her during this period. Although she stayed in the room all day without playing, she never gave up anything. Because it is a tough heart.

Yunxi, my good partner, you have a tenacious heart and an indestructible heart. You can't defeat others when you defeat them - heart.

Instructor: Lu Guirong

My little friend's composition 6 (11)

Do you have your own friends? I also have my own little partner - books. Everyone must be surprised, right? Yes, that's the book! My little friend will play with you whenever you want. He never complains. For example, if you want to travel around the world alone, when you feel lonely, it will introduce you to some local customs. Funny and humorous stories will make you crazy, and you will never feel lonely again. My little friend looks very small and inconspicuous. However, it has a lot of knowledge in its belly! If I have knowledge that I don't understand, I can ask it. My mother said, "A book is your best partner and teacher." It can take me to travel in space, it can take me to travel to the ancient Tang Dynasty, and it also lets me know more knowledge. My good friends have also helped me a lot in my studies. Once, I wrote a composition. But there was one word I couldn't write. I asked my mother, but she didn't tell me. Let me think about it for myself. At this time, I suddenly thought of my little partner. I asked my little partner how to write the word, and my little partner replied without hesitation: "Xin". How is my little friend? okay? You can also make friends with it. It must be very helpful to you!

My little friend's composition 6 (12)

Do you have your own friends? I also have my own little partner - books.

Everyone must be surprised, right? Yes, that's the book!

This little friend of mine will play with you whenever you want. He never complains. For example, if you want to travel around the world alone, when you feel lonely, it will introduce you to some local customs. Funny and humorous stories will make you crazy, and you will never feel lonely again.

My little friend looks very small and inconspicuous. However, it has a lot of knowledge in its belly! If I have knowledge that I don't understand, I can ask it. My mother said, "Books are your best partners and teachers."

It can take me to travel in space, it can take me to travel to the ancient Tang Dynasty, and it also lets me know more knowledge. My good friends have also helped me a lot in my studies.

Once, I wrote a composition. But there was one word I couldn't write. I asked my mother, but she didn't tell me. Let me think about it for myself. At this time, I suddenly thought of my little partner. I asked my little partner how to write the word, and my little partner replied without hesitation: "Xin".

How is my little friend? okay? You can also make friends with it. It must be very helpful to you!

Grade 6: miki feifei

My little friend's composition 6 (13)

My little friend

My little friend

I have too many friends, including "naughty ghost", "youth goddess", "happy baby", "misspelling king", "playful princess"... But what I like most is "angel of love".

She has a white jade like bright melon seed face, showing a calm and generous temperament, a pair of big eyes always flickering, thin eyebrows hanging above the eyes, a tall nose showing her amiable manner, a cherry like mouth closed tightly, and a long hair dark and thick, which is pleasing.

Although we are good friends and neighbors, there are always some conflicts, but we are reconciled afterwards.

I remember another time, she and I were playing in the park. It was very hot. I was thirsty and my water bottle ran out. I prepared a bottle of Coke, "Gulu Gulu". Soon, a bottle of Coke had already been eaten. After drinking, I was going to throw the bottle away, but the "Angel of Love" suddenly blocked me and said, "Hey, wait a minute, you need to throw the bottle into the garbage can, so that you can clean it." "No, there will be cleaners here to clean it, so don't bother." I said carelessly. "No," the angel of love said seriously, "that will damage the environment." So we quarreled with each other. In the end, I couldn't say anything about her, so I left behind the words "ignore you" and ran home without looking back.

Since then, I have never played with her, never talked with her, never returned home with her, and always deliberately avoided each other. A few days later, I accidentally saw a piece of writing, which wrote that nature was destroyed and asked the people of the whole country to defend the motherland. I think she is right. We should protect the environment. So I didn't even change my slippers and went to the home of "Angel of Love". Who would have thought that just as he was about to knock at the door, he ran into a man. When I looked closely, it turned out to be "the angel of love". I said shyly, "I'm sorry, it was my fault that day. I shouldn't have talked to you like that." "It doesn't matter, I have already forgotten." The angel of love said generously.

So we became good friends again. In the morning, we rushed to school with schoolbags on our backs; After school, we carried our schoolbags and talked and laughed at each other. The laughter could not go away for a long time.

Praise a person around

There are many people around me who deserve my praise, such as; My father, mother, grandmother, friends and so on. Among them, I want to praise my friends most.

I often go to my partner's house to play. Every time I enter the door, I can hear the relaxing, beautiful and pleasant music. Once, I walked into my partner's room and looked at him flexibly

His fingers ran over the keys, and the keys rose and fell. The beautiful sound of the piano was revealed in the hands of his friends. The little friend has played to the level of selflessness. I don't want to interrupt her, so I sit aside and listen quietly. Slowly, I also immersed in the sound of the piano, imagining that my clumsy fingers can become flexible, and can also play a beautiful song, and can also play to the level of selflessness. After a while, the little partner finished playing and called me, I was shocked.

The little friend not only plays the piano well, but also draws lifelike pictures.

One day, I was painting with my partner, who carefully observed the narcissus

When the flowers were almost observed, the little partner took a pen and drew the outline of the narcissus on the drawing paper. Then he modified the details, painted the color he liked, and finally sketched along the line with the pen. A vivid narcissus appeared in front of him. And the narcissus I painted looks like an ugly monster. This one doesn't look like it, nor does that one.

My little partner is really a versatile little girl! I want to learn from her!

My little friend (reprinted)

Do you have your own friends? I also have my own buddy book.

Everyone must be surprised, right? Yes, that's the book! My little friend will play with you whenever you want. He never complains. For example, if you want to travel around the world alone, when you feel lonely, it will introduce you to some local customs. Funny and humorous stories will make you crazy, and you will never feel lonely again.

My little friend looks very small and inconspicuous. However, it has a lot of knowledge in its belly! If I have knowledge that I don't understand, I can ask it. My mother said, "A book is your best partner and teacher." It can take me to travel in space, it can take me to travel to the ancient Tang Dynasty, and it also lets me know more knowledge. My good friends have also helped me a lot in my studies.

Once, I wrote a composition. But there was one word I couldn't write. I asked my mother, but she didn't tell me. Let me think about it for myself. At this time, I suddenly thought of my little partner. I asked my little partner how to write the word, and my little partner replied without hesitation: "Xin".

How is my little friend? okay? You can also make friends with it. It must be very helpful to you!

My little friend

I have many friends, such as Lv Shiyao and Wang Weihang. What I like most is Peng Jingpeng, my new classmate.

That time, I went to climb the mountain behind Dongting Garden with my friends. The mountain was steep, the mountain road was rugged, and the cliffs were steep. A tree is connected to a tree. The trees are getting denser and denser, the mountain is getting steeper and the foot is getting more and more uneven, and it is often impossible to go up and down. At this time, my partner handed me a stick, and the two ends of the stick were held by me and my partner. In this way, my partner beat the "pioneer" and I was behind him. After crossing all the difficulties and obstacles, I was stunned as I walked, "Ah, what a steep mountain! If I didn't pay attention, I would fall off the cliff!" I looked at my little partner quietly, holding the stick tightly in my hand, and I didn't know what to say. He smiled at me. Every time, he jumped down first and made his way ahead. Whenever I couldn't move, he came to help me and pulled me out of danger.

Finally, under the guidance of our partners, we successfully walked out of the mountain. Suddenly, the whole body relaxed, and a hanging heart relaxed. This is my little partner. He has the good qualities of being resourceful, brave and helpful, and is always worth learning from.

My best friend -- book

Do you have your own friends? I also have my own buddy book.

Everyone must be surprised, right? Yes, that's the book!

My little friend will play with you whenever you want. He never complains. For example, if you want to travel around the world alone, when you feel lonely, it will introduce you to some local customs. Funny and humorous stories will make you crazy, and you will never feel lonely again.

My little friend looks very small and inconspicuous. However, it has a lot of knowledge in its belly! If I have knowledge that I don't understand, I can ask it. My mother said, "Books are your best partners and teachers."

It can take me to travel in space, it can take me to travel to the ancient Tang Dynasty, and it also lets me know more knowledge. My good friends have also helped me a lot in my studies.

Once, I wrote a composition. But there was one word I couldn't write. I asked my mother, but she didn't tell me. Let me think about it for myself. At this time, I suddenly thought of my little partner. I asked my little partner how to write the word, and my little partner replied without hesitation: "Xin".

How is my little friend? okay? You can also make friends with it. It must be very helpful to you!

I am a small raindrop

hello everyone! I am a happy little raindrop, living in the clouds.

Alas, I was not a small rain at first. At first, I was a small water drop on the skin of Mother Earth. It was Father Sun who turned me into steam with his warm hands, and then Uncle Airflow sent me to the cloud house in the sky. There are more and more children in the house, and the house is crowded. I'm worried, will the air flow uncle be unable to support it and fall? Sure enough, Uncle Airflow did not shoulder the heavy responsibility and declined. We jumped off the cloud house and floated around in the sky, looking for a suitable foothold. Looking at the land where I once played, I can't wait to fall. I jumped and jumped with my partners hand in hand, fell into a small pool, and became one with them. The little friend fell on us and made a clear sound, which was very nice.

The cloud house is probably empty, and there is no partner to jump down. My little friends are all in the arms of Mother Earth. Some friends fell into the fields and irrigated the crops; Some friends fall in the flowers, moistening the flowers; Some friends fell into the pond and fed the small fish; Some friends fell in the forest and became mushrooms; More friends like me fall into small puddles, waiting to be absorbed by Mother Earth or become small raindrops again, nourishing everything!

Father Sun smiled, and Sister Rainbow waved ribbons. The sun grandfather stroked us again with his warm hands, and I turned into steam again, floating in the air towards the sun grandfather, towards Uncle Airflow, towards the cloud house

Goodbye, friends! One day, we will meet again!

Today, I found this article after sorting out the previous composition! I thought it was pretty good, so I posted it. Now looking at this fifth grade composition, some people think that Uncle and father-in-law are a little more, (* ^ ^ *) hee hee

My little friend

My little partner is about the same age as me. He is very handsome, tall and thin, with dark skin. Although he and I have only met once, he left a deep impression on me because he likes racing as much as I do.

Last spring, my mother wanted me to relax and decided to take me to Nanquan Park. So my father asked his good friend to go with me. My father's good friend took a little boy with him, and we got to know each other like this.

We talked and laughed all the way, and we talked about racing at the same time. He knows a lot about cars. It seems that he knows all kinds of cars. After a while, we came to the picturesque Nanquan Park. We got off the bus and walked along the path made of stone slabs, enjoying the scenery while walking. Smell here and touch there, look east and look west. Suddenly, the little partner cried out, "There are racing cars! There are racing cars!" Looking in the direction of the little partner's fingers, there were indeed many racing cars parked on the dam. I also shouted happily: "You can play racing! You can play racing!" So we both hurried to ask our father for money and rushed to the racing track excitedly.

We each asked for a car and began to play. My friends and I are good at driving. We won't hit other people's cars or the fence. I held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, stepped on the brake with my left foot, stepped on the accelerator with my right foot, and looked ahead and opened freely. The little partner suggested: "Let's have a race and see who can drive fast." I readily agreed. The game started. The little friend grasped the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot. With a sound of "whoosh", the car of the little friend had rushed out of the starting line like an arrow. I am not willing to be outdone. I firmly step on the accelerator and pursue. At the turning, the little partner's body slightly fell to the right and crossed it lightly. I have to admire the extraordinary courage and skill of my little partner.

Time passed quickly. It was already more than six o'clock in the afternoon in just a few minutes. Dad came to urge us several times, but we didn't want to leave. Finally, the racetrack was about to close, so we reluctantly left Nanquan Park.

This is him, a little fellow who likes racing like me.

My little friend

My little friends have many, but the most distinctive feature is my best little friend Song Xin. His eyebrows are light, his nose is a little big, and there is a chicken pox scar beside his eyes. His ears are small. His character is very lively and cheerful. Just this Friday night, Song Xin and I, as well as other little friends, played hide and seek and began counting, Song Xin ran to the courtyard of the passenger station, and I followed Song Xin to the courtyard of the passenger station. We waited for a long time, but they didn't find us. So they talked. Song Xin asked me, "Hey, Liu Enrui, did you climb the roof of the passenger station?" I said, "No." Song Xin said, "We climbed up last time." I said, "Great." But no one found us, so he jumped back from the iron fence, Play with sports equipment. Suddenly, a small partner came and led a group. At this time, Song Xin moved to the front of the garage in time and greeted me. I also ran over. The small partners walked and found us again. Song Xin quickly ran to the other side under my cover, but was caught. Our friendship is pure and beautiful, and we will always be the best friends!

My little friend's composition 6 (14)

I have a good partner. Her name is Ma Lin. Ma Lin is not only my good partner, but also my classmate.

Ma Lin has a pair of thick eyebrows, and below them are a pair of big eyes. The nose is not big, but it can smell the fragrance ten miles away; Her mouth is not big, but she can swallow something bigger than her mouth. Her skin is very white, but her hair is very black. Ma Lin usually likes to wear pink clothes and jeans.

Ma Lin's greatest characteristic is her willingness to help others. Once, after school, Li Li in our class was left behind by the math teacher because he didn't finish his math homework. While he was working on the problem, a difficult problem baffled him. Li Li thought about it for a long time but didn't think of it. So he went to ask Ma Lin. We bystanders thought Ma Lin would refuse. However, to her surprise, Ma Lin didn't refuse, she also told Li Li seriously. After a while, Li Li finally met. But Ma Lin is still worried. In order to avoid the situation that Li Li will not be able to do this kind of problem in the future, Ma Lin gave him several such problems. Ma Lin smiled heartily when she saw that Li Li had done everything right.

Ma Lin is not only helpful, but also fashionable. At that time, we silver developed a new pen -. When Ma Lin knew about it, she immediately told her parents that she hoped they could buy one for her. Her parents couldn't resist her request, so they bought one for her. It didn't become popular in our class until the next day when she showed it to us at school.

This is Ma Lin, an 11 year old girl who likes helping others and keeping up with the fashion.

My little friend's composition 6 (15)

Since we were very young, we have had our own playmates. Sometimes we feel that the relationship between people is really complicated. Sometimes, you and the other party can have no intersection, but because of some same friends, or some special fate, chance and coincidence, you are pulled together and have roots in each other's hearts.

When we were young, most of our playmates were peers around our own homes, just like those in the Korean TV series Please Answer 1988. We gathered together after school, wrote homework, made troubles, and talked about new things of the day. When dinner time came, our parents would stand at the door and call their children home for dinner, and we would say goodbye to each other reluctantly, I have an appointment to see you tomorrow.

Later, as we grew up, our studies became heavier and heavier, and we began to be busy with various examinations. It was difficult to take a large chunk of time to run and dance with our companions, carefree and heartless. But look, it's yours. It never runs away easily. Some friends, even though they haven't contacted each other for a long time, once they meet, they suddenly return to their youth and recall those simple and beautiful memories.

My little friends have probably passed the test of time, and what I left behind is worth cherishing. I hope that in the future, we can all get better and better. Even if we don't often contact each other, we will keep each other in mind.