Inspiration of Cooking (17 selected articles)
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2024-02-05 03:15:53
Senior 2

Inspiration from Cooking (1)

When I was young, there were many firsts, such as the first time to sweep the floor and water the flowers...... What impressed me most was cooking for the first time.

One day, I saw my grandma washing rice. It seemed very funny. I said, "Grandma, give me a try." Grandma praised me and said, "I'll teach you tomorrow.". One day, Grandma said, "Feifei, don't you want to learn how to cook?" I said, "Yes". Grandma said, "You pour rice first, half a cup of rice, a bowl of rice, and one cup of rice, two bowls of rice." I thought for a while, poured three cups of rice, and then took them to wash. First pour a bucket of water, and the water slowly turns white. Grandma said, "Clean the rice.". After the rice is washed, the water is poured out, and then the rice is put into the pot, and then water is added. There is a measuring stick in the rice pot, and how many cups of rice are poured out, the water is poured to the corresponding amount of water. Then, I pressed the cook button and began to cook. When it was time for dinner, mother said, "Why is today's meal so delicious?" Grandma said, "Today's meal is Feifei's rice. She rubbed it and cleaned it."

Through this event, I learned that everything will be done well if I work hard.

Inspiration from Cooking (2)

Today, my parents went out. After a while, my stomach began to sing the empty city plan. So, my brain opened wide and I prepared to make meatballs by myself.

First, I took out the ingredients for meatballs from the refrigerator. Pork, eggs, soy sauce

I mixed the pork, eggs and other ingredients first. Then pour the cooking oil into the pot. Just as the oil was poured into the pot, it crackled. I ran to one side in a panic and did not move. At this time, the sister standing by secretly laughed.

When the oil is all hot, I will roll the meat paste into balls and put them into the pot. As a result, I found that the sound of the meat ball was not very loud after it was put in, so I was relieved.

After frying, I fished out the meatballs. Unexpectedly, my parents also came back. I quickly brought out the meatballs. My father took a bite first and said it tasted good. I also ate one and found it really delicious. I felt a little proud because I almost got scalded in the process of doing it, and thought it tasted bad!

Today, I learned a truth that although my own cooking is delicious, it is very hard. So I will help my mother share more housework in the future.

At the thought of this, my stomach growled, and I wolfed down again.

Inspiration from Cooking (3)

One afternoon in the summer vacation, I saw my mother go into the kitchen again to prepare dinner, so I followed her and said, "Mom, can you teach me how to cook?" My mother smiled and said to me, "Let's eat stewed noodles!"

My mother helped me prepare: potatoes, beans, melons, tomatoes washed and cut into pieces; Cut garlic slices and ginger shreds; Cook the noodles.

It's my turn to play. Under my mother's guidance, I put the frying pan on the induction cooker, poured in the right amount of oil, and when the oil is hot, put in garlic slices and shredded ginger; Then put beans, potatoes, and north melon in turn, and stir them back and forth with a spatula like an adult, but the oil in the pot splashed out from time to time, so I had to stay away from the pot and stretch my arms, so scared! Mother added soy sauce, salt and other condiments to the dish. Ah, it's burnt! My mother quickly added some water to the pot for emergency, and finally it was "safe". My mother let me taste the beans and put tomatoes. "Why should tomatoes be put last?" "Because tomatoes have a high boiling point, the other dishes are slow to soften first."

Add tomatoes, add water, add cooked noodles, cover and stew for a while, open the cover, wow! The delicious stewed noodles are out of the pot! Add some vinegar and garlic, and you will want to eat two mouthfuls!

Inspiration from Cooking (4)

In the morning, I slept late. After getting up, it was already ten o'clock. After reading for a while, my stomach "said" I was hungry.

Both parents have gone to work. So I began to cook for the first time in my life. I saw that there was still some rice in the pot, so I decided to make a "fried rice" and "crisp meat soup". One meal and one soup. I brushed the frying pan first, then lit the fire. When the pan was dry, I put rice in it first, and then boiled it in the pan. I put half a spoonful of salt into it. I found the bottom of the pot was burnt, and I put a little water into it. But I still continued to paste. I decided to ignore it. After a while, the fried rice was ready. I put the rice in a bowl.

Prepare soup. I cleaned the frying pan and put hot water and crispy pork into it. Open the fire, put in less than salt, and then cover the pot. After a while, the hot water in the pot boiled, and the bubbles came out to cover the water surface – it means the crisp meat is ripe. I turned off the fire, poured the soup into a bowl, and poured less vinegar and sesame oil into the bowl. A delicious and delicious meal is ready.

This is my first cooking experience.

Inspiration from Cooking (5)

There are many inconspicuous little things in life that can always give us some enlightenment. For example, bird flight has inspired people and invented the airplane; Snails climb up the pyramid and tell people that they can reach their destination by sticking to the goal. And I just got inspiration from a cooking experience: whether working or studying, we should know how to plan as a whole and arrange time reasonably.

On Sunday, I volunteered to be the chef of lunch and confidently said to my mother, "Let me show you something today!" But when I walked into the kitchen and saw the full table of ingredients, my pride vanished immediately. I thought to myself, "Should I cut vegetables first or steam rice first? I just boasted about Haikou, but I'm too embarrassed to ask my mother. Alas, no matter how many, I should cut vegetables first." I picked up the knife to cut vegetables. After cutting half of the vegetables, I felt I should first steam rice. So he put down his dishes and picked up the pot to hold rice. After he had cleaned the rice, he put the pot into the rice cooker. At this time, I found that the fish in the sink had not scraped the scales yet. I grabbed the scraper and hurriedly scraped the scales. Suddenly, I remembered that the button of the rice cooker was still on. I rushed to press the button of the rice cooker. Turning around, my elbow accidentally knocked over the soy sauce bottle, and the coffee colored soy sauce flowed all over the stove. I grabbed the rag and wiped it, but it became more and more dirty. The white stove was dyed into a "big face".

At this moment, it seems that there are ten thousand ants crawling in my heart, and I can't help calling my mother loudly. When my mother heard the news, she came, "What happened? What happened?" It was a mess. I messed up my lunch. What should I do? "I pointed to the mess while wiping tears with the back of my hand. "You should reasonably arrange the order of everything in the cooking process, so that you won't be in a hurry and save time!" My mother wiped the tears from my eyes with her hands.

Hearing my mother's words, I was enlightened. Yes, I learned the method of "overall planning" in mathematics? Reasonably arrange the order of doing things and ingeniously save time! So I begged my mother to let me be a little chef again at dinner, and her mother readily agreed.

At dinner, I made a rich meal in a short time according to the method of overall planning: I first boiled rice and steamed rice, and then made fish soup. While stewing and cooking, the dishes were washed and cut. When the rice was steamed and the fish soup was cooked, several small dishes were served. A table of delicious dishes was cooked easily and quickly under my new planning.

From cooking, I learned to plan things reasonably and arrange the order. In the future, no matter in work, study or life, I must use the method of overall planning to complete the task efficiently and quickly!

Inspiration from Cooking (6)

First time is a common word. Many people have their first time. Such as washing clothes for the first time, cooking for the first time, etc. Now let me tell you about my first cooking.

I remember that I was 6 years old. One day when I was playing with toys, I heard the sound of "crackling" in the kitchen. I went in with my heart and saw that it was my mother cooking. I saw my mother moving with her right hand and shaking with her left hand, looking engrossed. I asked my mother: "What are you doing?" My mother said: "Fried rice with oil". "What is fried rice?" I asked my mother. But my mother didn't answer, but said: "Do you want to teach you?" I agreed happily. On this day, my mother and I began to learn to cook. Because I was too short, I had to stand on the stool. So, after countless times of exercise and mother's guidance, I was finally able to cook by myself.

Now, sometimes on Sundays, my father and mother eat the food I cooked and praise me as a good and capable child.

Inspiration from Cooking (7)

Once my mother was ill. In the past, my mother cooked for me every time. Today, I also want my mother to have a meal that I cooked by myself.

I confidently went to the kitchen, took out two eggs from the refrigerator, and then opened the valve of the gas stove. Then I was ready to turn on the fire. I could not turn on the fire for a long time. I patiently twisted left and right, and finally turned on the fire. Then I took half a pot of water and put it on the stove. When I saw the water steaming, I quickly picked up the eggs and knocked them open. Before I put the eggs in the pot, the egg liquid fell on the stove in the blink of an eye. I did not give up, but continued to open the second, the third

When I saw that all the eggs in the pot were floating, I scooped them up, put them into a bowl, and then carried them to my mother.

While my mother was eating the good eggs I had made, I told my mother about the two embarrassing experiences of "chicken flying and dog jumping" I had just made. My mother encouraged me to say that failure is the mother of success, and that failure is nothing.

This is my first time to cook. Although I am not very successful, my heart is full of sense of achievement. Eating my own food, my heart is happy.

Inspiration from Cooking (8)

One Sunday, my mother said to me, "I will go out today and come back at noon. I will cook lunch by myself." Then she left. When cooking at noon, I got an inspiration.

After my mother left, it was time for lunch. I got up and went to the kitchen. I took a large egg from the refrigerator, and I began to fry the egg. As soon as I knocked the egg, the egg water ran into the pot. I put a little oil and a little... I stirred it back and forth. The egg was yellow. Gradually, the egg was about to be made. It gave off a delicious smell. I really wanted to eat it at once, At this time, I felt thirsty. After drinking water, I looked back and saw that the TV was still on. I thought: Anyway, the eggs are not ripe. I will watch TV for a while now. I threw myself on the sofa and watched TV. Gradually, I forgot that the eggs were still frying. I was addicted to TV. However, I suddenly smelled the smell of paste, and suddenly remembered that the fire had forgotten to close. I rushed to the kitchen at the speed of light. I suddenly opened the door of the kitchen. Just entering, a stench came to me. Then I looked into the pot, The original cup size egg has turned into a button size egg. The egg is burnt black all over, as if painted with black paint. I looked at the burnt egg and sighed in my heart. Mom came back, smelled the smell of paste, and guessed that it was done. Then she looked at the TV still on and said, "Don't watch TV anymore." I was very sad.

Through this event, I learned that we should not be careless or half hearted.

Inspiration from Cooking (9)

This week, because my parents had something to do, I had to cook by myself. I first wrote my homework and watched TV for a while. At noon, I want to eat rice with tomatoes and eggs. But I don't know how to fry them.

So I searched the Internet for the process and teaching of scrambled egg tomato. First, I cut the tomato into a pot to make it fully ripe. I watched this uncle's chance to smash the egg liquid into a bowl, stir it with salt, mix it evenly, and then let him stir it in the pot. The most important thing is not to put a little oil to let her not stick to the bottom of the pot, and then add a little water to avoid water shortage.

Steamed rice is to first wash the rice and then put some water into the pot after cleaning it. You can eat it after a few minutes. I watched TV for a while while you were there.

When it was ready, I brought it to the table and tasted the scrambled tomato with my own eggs. Although it was not very delicious, it was a little salty. But I am still very happy with the food I cooked. Look at the thin steamed rice. It can only be eaten as porridge, but it is still delicious because it is the result of our own labor.

Think about what my mother wants to cook for me every day. When my mother comes back, I must learn more dishes to make for my mother.

Inspiration from Cooking (10)

Today, I want to make a scrambled egg with tomato for my parents. This is my first time cooking.

First, I wash the tomatoes and put them on the cutting board. Hold the knife in your right hand, press the tomato in your left hand, and carefully cut it into pieces. Then, I take out eggs from the refrigerator, take out a bowl from the cabinet, knock two eggs to the edge of the bowl, and pour them into the bowl. Then, I used chopsticks to mix the eggs, and the preparation was completed.

I took out the pan, lit the fire, and poured some oil into it. The oil was hot, so I quickly put the well mixed eggs into the pan with a sound of "sizzle". After a while, the pot suddenly seemed to open a big yellow flower. Wait until the eggs in the pot become egg cakes, and then cut the egg cakes into pieces. Finally, I put the tomatoes into the pot and stir fry them for a few times. Soon after smelling the aroma, I can get out of the pot. I turn off the fire first, and then put it on a plate. My father and mother praised me after eating, "You are really a good filial child."

Through this cooking, I realized the joy of labor. I secretly decided to learn more specialty dishes, which is worthy of my parents' praise.

Inspiration from Cooking (11)

Mom has to work overtime on Saturday night. I think my mother must be very tired when she comes back. Let me help her cook!

So I went to the "battlefield" and started fighting. First, I put the pot on the gas stove, carefully turned on the fire, and put the oil in the pot. As soon as I put the oil into the pot, it made a sound of "Zizi", which scared me to jump back for fear that the oil would splash on me. After a while, the oil in the pot stopped ringing, so I dared to approach the pot, beat two eggs, began to stir fry, and then put some soy sauce, vinegar, salt. Have a taste, ah, why is it so light. I put a little more salt and tasted it. Alas, it's salty again! I put some vinegar in it again. This time, I simply didn't taste it. I put the scrambled eggs on the plate and put them on the table. After a while, my mother came back. When she saw the eggs I made, she praised me for my ability. Then she tasted them. They said they were delicious, and I also ate them. Ah, the taste is too complicated! I know my mother doesn't want to hurt my self-esteem when she says delicious food.

This is my first cooking experience. Although it is not successful, I am still very happy. I believe that with my efforts, the dishes for my mother will taste better and better!

Inspiration from Cooking (12)

When I was eight years old, I cooked for the first time.

That day, my mother was sick and still taking a nap, but my stomach was hungry. I wanted to wake my mother up, but I couldn't bear to see her tired. He thought to himself: Why don't I try to cook a meal by myself? Every time, my mother cooks, and today I also cook. Thinking of this, I went to the kitchen, but what to cook? I think my mother is ill. Let's make rice porridge!

I first took out a bowl, then grabbed two handfuls of rice and put them into the bowl. Then I connected some water to wash the rice. Finally, I poured the rice into the rice cooker, plugged in the cable, and began to cook rice soup. "Should I order?" I said to myself. So I took out a tomato and a cucumber from the refrigerator. I beat the cucumber with a knife, mixed everything, and then it was ready. I cut the tomato into pieces and stirred it with sugar, so that a meal was ready. I ran happily to the room and woke my mother. My mother walked out of the room and looked at everything on the table in surprise. She took a cucumber with her chopsticks and said, "This is the most delicious food in the world I have ever eaten!" I smiled happily.

I succeeded in cooking this time!

Inspiration from Cooking (13)

Today, my mother came to teach me how to make fried rice with eggs.

First I'm going to cook rice. First, I washed the rice cooker, filled a bowl of rice and poured it into the cooker. Then I washed the rice twice, put some water on it, and then put it into the cooker to cook rice.

Then I took two more eggs, put them into the bowl, and stirred them evenly. I took out some onions from the refrigerator and washed them clean. Because the children can't hold a knife, I asked my mother to cut the onions into scallions. My mother and I waited for a while, and the rice was ready. I put rice in another bowl, because children can't play with fire, so I asked my mother to help me light the liquefied gas stove. I took a small stool, stood on it, and prepared scrambled eggs and fried rice under my mother's supervision.

First, I poured the eggs into the pan and fried them. When they were almost cooked, my mother asked me to pour the rice into the pan. I immediately poured the rice into the pan and fried it, adding a little salt. When it was almost ready, I sprinkled some scallions on it. Mother brought a bowl, and I put fried rice with eggs in the bowl. Then I shared the fried rice with my sister. We both had a good time.

My first fried rice with eggs is really delicious!

Inspiration from Cooking (14)

At noon, I saw that my mother had to cook hard every day, so I ran to my mother and said, "Mom, I will help you cook today!" I wanted to make a scrambled egg with tomato for my mother to eat. I was both happy and excited.

First, I prepared the eggs and tomatoes, picked up the eggs, gently smashed them into the bowl. Then wash the tomatoes, put them on the cutting board, cut them into small pieces with a knife, and I can't wait to show off.

Next, I started cooking. I washed the pot first, then put the eggs in it, picked up the spatula and fried it twice, but the pot fell off accidentally, which made me shocked. I thought, "It's over, I have to buy eggs again.". Mother heard the voice coming and said, "Go and buy more eggs, and I will help you clean up the pot."

After a while, under the guidance of my mother, I started my second attempt. I put oil first, then eggs, and then tomatoes after stir frying. The smell of tomatoes and eggs floated out.

Cooking is really tiring! But persistence is victory. Although it is not delicious this time, it will be done well next time. My mother is tired of cooking every day. In the future, I will help my mother to share the housework.

Inspiration from Cooking (15)

Inspiration composition of cooking

Whether in school or in society, everyone has tried to write a composition. Composition is a kind of speech flow, with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. So, how to write a composition? The following is the inspirational composition of Xiaobian's elaborate cooking. Welcome to share.

Inspiration of Cooking Composition 1

One Saturday night, my mother and I were cooking together. As I have just learned a new dish, we decided to start a competition called "Cooking Contest with Tomato and Scrambled Egg", with my father as the referee, which is very lively.

At the beginning of the competition, my mother calmly poured the oil into the pot, and after a while, she poured the vegetables into the pot again. As for me, I had already finished these steps. I was confident and a little complacent, so I said to my mother, "You are so slow, like a turtle!" But at this time, I forgot one important thing, that is, putting eggs. I took out two eggs in a hurry, one in each hand. But because I was too worried, I dropped the eggs on the ground and had to clean up the mess myself. My mother said to me with glee, "How stupid! How can I be my daughter if I can't do such a small thing well?" I was very angry, but I knew my mother loved me. I simply cleaned up the ground, and then seriously began to cook. I thought to myself, "I can't lose to my mother, I must pay attention." At this moment, a fly flew to the wall, attracted my attention, and I turned a deaf ear to the fly. After a while, I smelled a smell, ah! My food! It's terrible. I'm sure I can't win. I sat listlessly on the chair and looked at the dishes my mother had prepared. My mother said, "My child, we should not be careless when cooking, and we should not concentrate on two things." My mother's words caused me to think deeply. Finally, my parents decided to let me do it again, but still lost, because I forgot to put salt.

From this incident, I learned a truth: you can't be careless when cooking, let alone concentrate on two things. The same is true of life. If you are careless, you can't do anything well. That Saturday night left me with permanent memories and lifelong enlightenment.

Inspiration of Cooking Composition 2

On Sunday of last month, when it was time for lunch, my mother called and said that she would not come back this noon, so I would go out to buy a box lunch. I think: today, my mother is not at home, it is a good opportunity to learn from life! So I began to cook. I have no problem cooking rice. So I put the rice into the rice cooker. What about the food? I must cook it myself. I will cook a shrimp egg soup today!

I put some water in the pot and put it on the stove. Then I took out two eggs from the refrigerator, knocked the eggs in the bowl, put a spoonful of salt and stirred them well. When the water boiled, I poured the blended eggs into the pot, grabbed a handful of shrimps, and put a spoonful of salt. The eggs were yellow and delicious!

When my large intestine told my small intestine that I was eating in a stormy way, I frowned. How could my throat go down? In fact, it was too salty, and even my eyebrows were almost salty. It turns out that even if we make a simple dish, we won't accept Yi at all.

After my mother came back, she tasted my "masterpiece", shook her head like a rattle and said, "I only put a little egg in the soup, but I put so much salt. It's not salty."

Later, I made shrimp egg soup again according to the method my mother taught me. This time, the soup is delicious and moderately salty. From failure to success, life taught me.

Inspiration of Cooking Composition 3

One Sunday, my mother said to me, "I will go out today and come back at noon. I will cook lunch by myself." Then she left. When cooking at noon, I got an inspiration.

After my mother left, it was time for lunch. I got up and went to the kitchen. I took a large egg from the refrigerator, and I began to fry the egg. As soon as I knocked the egg, the egg water flowed into the pot. I put a little oil and a little... I stirred it back and forth. The egg was yellow, and slowly, the egg was about to be made. It gave off a delicious smell. I really wanted to eat it at once, At this time, I felt thirsty. After drinking water, I looked back and saw that the TV was still on. I thought: Anyway, the eggs are not ripe. I will watch TV for a while now. I threw myself on the sofa and watched TV. Slowly, I forgot that the eggs were still frying. I was drowned in TV. However, I suddenly smelled the smell of paste, and suddenly remembered that the fire had forgotten to close. I flew to the kitchen at the speed of light. I suddenly opened the door of the kitchen. Just entering, a stench came to me. Then I looked into the pot, The original cup size egg has turned into a button size egg. The egg is scorched all over, as if painted with black paint. I looked at the scorched egg and sighed in my heart. Mom came back, smelled the smell of paste, and guessed that it was done. Then she looked at the TV still on and said, "Don't watch TV anymore." I was very sad.

Through this event, I learned that we should not be careless or half hearted.

Inspiration from Cooking (16)

When I was young, I had many firsts, such as the first time to sweep the floor and water the flowers... The most impressive time was the first time to cook.

One day, I saw my grandma washing rice. It seemed very funny. I said, "Grandma, give me a try, Poured three cups of rice and washed them. First pour a bucket of water, and the water slowly turns white. Grandma said, "Clean the rice." I rubbed it carefully, the first time, and then the second time. After washing the rice, pour out the water. Then put the rice in the rice pot and add water. There is a ruler in the rice pot to measure how many cups of rice you pour. Then, I pressed the cook button and began to cook. When it was time for dinner, my mother said, "Why is today's meal so delicious?" Grandma said, "Xiaowen washed the rice today. She rubbed and rubbed and washed the rice very clean."

Through this event, I know that I will do everything with my heart.

Inspiration from Cooking (17)

When I was young, there were many firsts, such as the first time to sweep the floor and water the flowers. What impressed me most was cooking for the first time.

One day, I saw my grandma washing rice. It seemed very funny. I said, "Grandma, give me a try." Grandma praised me and said, "I'll teach you tomorrow.". One day, Grandma said, "Feifei, don't you want to learn how to cook?" I said, "Yes". Grandma said, "You pour rice first, half a cup of rice, a bowl of rice, and one cup of rice, two bowls of rice." I thought for a while, poured three cups of rice, and then took them to wash. First pour a bucket of water, and the water slowly turns white. Grandma said, "Clean the rice.". After the rice is washed, the water is poured out, and then the rice is put into the pot, and then water is added. There is a measuring stick in the rice pot, and how many cups of rice are poured out, the water is poured to the corresponding amount of water. Then, I pressed the cook button and began to cook. When it was time for dinner, mother said, "Why is today's meal so delicious?" Grandma said, "Today's meal is Feifei's rice. She rubbed it and cleaned it."

Through this event, I learned that everything will be done well if I work hard.