Learn to write 600 words by yourself (7 practical articles)
grasp all, lose all
2023-09-07 08:57:25

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (1)

Bacon, the British philosopher, once said, "Man's destiny is mainly in his own hands." Yes, only when he learns to be his own master from childhood can he enjoy his happy life. Learn to cultivate morality, communicate, learn, appreciate beauty, be independent and create. Since we were young, we can be self disciplined and master our own destiny, so that we can have a happy, beautiful, colorful life.

When it comes to being my own master, it always comes to my mind.

One day, Miss Liu failed to arrive at the class in time for class.

At the beginning, the study committee organized the students in good order, and the students also actively cooperated to recite ancient poems in unison.

But the good times didn't last long. Slowly, some students began to slip away and speak in a low voice below, while others deliberately made a very low voice, humming, which made the students' voices of reciting ancient poems more and more disorderly and smaller. When the classroom was boiling, someone stared at the study committee member, who took the opportunity to chat and laugh with other students when he was in charge of other students; Someone looked east and west, as if he were a competent sentry; Some people are disobedient and talk back to the study committee members. Only a small number of people study quietly.

The study committee member tried everything but failed to achieve results, and could only look at us at a loss. Looking at the anxious expression of the study committee member, I wrote my homework carefully. After a while, when the teacher came in, the class immediately fell silent, in sharp contrast to the noise and clamor just now. I thought to myself: Why don't students want to be their own masters, manage themselves well, and be like a child? Instead, I would like to be a "slave" who is watched by others, and lazy without a master's care! A pony who doesn't study and work hard without being whipped by the master's severe whip! The school requires us to be consistent from the outside to the inside and enhance our self-discipline. Only with good self-discipline ability can we enhance the motivation and autonomy of learning and achieve our lofty ideals and grand goals.

Everyone has to make great efforts to succeed. Without strong self-discipline, this is not the case.

Therefore, we should start from the things around us, constantly cultivate our self-discipline, learn to be our own masters, take our destiny in our own hands, and create a brilliant life with our own hands.

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (2)

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Life is like a mirror. When you smile at it, it also smiles at you. When you cry at it, it also cries at you. Life is up to us. Why should we look at our sad faces all day? So when we are in a low mood, silently say a few words to ourselves and learn to comfort ourselves. How brilliant our days will be and how wonderful our life will be!

When I was nagged by my parents again, I was impatient and wanted to contradict them, I said to myself: "Why? They are all for our good. Even if they are willing to be nagged every day, how long can they nag?"

When you are ridiculed by others and become angry, say to yourself, "Oh, they don't know how to behave." Then let it go without caring.

When you are criticized by the teacher in public, and the whole class looks at you, you feel unable to lift your head, say to yourself: "It's OK! Why should people live for this face?"

When you are in conflict with your friends, ignore each other, and feel sad, say to yourself: "The knots between friends are the easiest to solve, and the friends without contradictions are hypocritical!"

When you are misunderstood and feel both excited and uncomfortable, say to yourself, "Calm down! Calm down! The more excited you are, the more unclear you are."

When you are snubbed or abandoned, say to yourself: "A person's world is actually more exciting, a person's life is actually more arbitrary, and a person is actually more natural!"

When you often do the opposite of what you want and feel depressed, say to yourself, "No one will expect anything in this world. Let it be! Problems will be solved one day."

When I failed in the exam and was scolded by my teachers and parents, I said to myself, "This exam is just a small and not very brilliant history, and I will definitely make a comeback next time!"

When you fail, say to yourself: "Failure is not terrible, you can continue to work hard, and the success based on failure will be more unforgettable!"

Grade 6, Qionghai No. 1 Primary School, Qionghai, Hainan: Nima

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (3)

There is a kind of appreciation that can make you confident, make you full of sunshine and hope for the future, and make you look up and smile at life. That kind of appreciation is to know how to appreciate yourself. I am a very introverted girl. I usually don't like to talk to my classmates, so I feel extremely inferior to many things. I like to observe my classmates around me, and find their advantages, which will lead to inferiority. Why am I so inferior?

My grades are not good, I have few friends, I don't like talking, and I'm not very good-looking. I often think I'm the worst student in my class, and I always think I'm always dragging my feet behind the class. Sometimes I often wonder if the teacher's eyes are extremely disappointed with me. I live in such a dark gully, like a frog in a well. I can only see this small area, and dare not come out of the well to see the beautiful sky outside.

I am such a girl. Maybe the teacher found such an inferiority complex and cowardly me, so she walked on the road of my life and lit a light for me. I finally found a way out and saw the light. The teacher told me meaningfully that she said that I should know how to appreciate myself, not always look at the strengths of others without looking at the weaknesses, but look at myself, not always look at the weaknesses without looking at the strengths.

The teacher told me that I need to appreciate myself more to know how good I am. Don't be unhappy because I feel inferior to others. As long as I can see my own advantages, I will not be so inferior. I think the teacher may be quite right. At all times, I never look at my own 'advantages', and I don't look at my own advantages over others. I realized it and began to appreciate myself.

Walking on the dark road, I finally saw the glory that belonged to me, the rose that opened for me alone. I found that I had many advantages, so I lived a more optimistic and strong life than before. My smile was again on my face, and I had more and more friends. I also began to listen carefully. We should appreciate ourselves more and not feel inferior just because we have some shortcomings. After all, no one is perfect.

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (4)

True success lies not in defeating others, but in defeating oneself.

Since I was young, I have worshipped one after another strong men who have defeated others. I have worshipped generals who fought on the battlefield and walked through the smoke of gunpowder. I have worshipped athletes who are skilled in using strength and tenderness to defeat the world's powerful enemies

But as I grew up, I found that defeating myself should be the mainstream of society and become my goal. Paul Kochagin defeated himself and let the world see his iron will; Zhang Haidi had a high paraplegia, learned four languages by himself, and became a famous writer... Such ions were everywhere in the past and now. Their success was inseparable from their victory over themselves.

It takes courage to defeat yourself. Sima Qian, who was sentenced by the imperial court, was still strong and unyielding, and completed the great book Records of the Historian. It is more difficult to defeat oneself than to defeat others. Therefore, to defeat oneself, one must have a strong will, a deep-rooted belief, the confidence to grow in adversity, and the determination to temper in the wind and rain. It is not easy to defeat ourselves, so we should cultivate our goal, determination, ability and courage to overcome difficulties.

If you defeat yourself, you should constantly summarize and come up with solutions. The famous composer Beethoven wrote many immortal works in his life, but many passionate songs were created after he lost his hearing. Deafness indicates the end of a musician's musical life. However, Beethoven came up with a way to defeat himself: through his own understanding of music, he created in his head, played with his hands, and then touched the 'wood board' of the staff with his hands. Writing up, he completed the Symphony of Destiny. He defeated himself. It was his tenacious will and his own way that helped him. Therefore, in order to defeat ourselves, we should sum up.

Only when you defeat yourself can you become more energetic, whether it's a sound body or a broken arm; Whether it is superior conditions or difficult circumstances, we must defeat ourselves. To defeat ourselves, we must have the courage to work hard and the will to overcome difficulties. At the same time, we must constantly summarize and find the way to success.

Friends, don't take defeating others too seriously. The greatest victory is to defeat yourself. Let's "conquer ourselves"!

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (5)

One day in the summer vacation, my parents and I went to the Haidian Public Security Center. I not only learned a lot of safety knowledge there, but also participated in knowledge quizzes, on-site simulation activities, etc.

Just entering the hall, I saw a beautiful "girl" who looked like a princess in a white dress. Her name is "An An", and she is an intelligent robot. Through man-machine conversation, I know a lot about her. She can sing, dance and answer questions in English. Isn't it very interesting?

There are nine exhibition areas in the museum: traffic safety, social security, fire safety, earthquake knowledge, water safety, law popularization and safety. There are also many projects that can be experienced by myself: I stood on the platform in the earthquake experience area and heard a loud noise, then the ground began to shake up and down, and then shook violently. During this period, I could not lift my feet, and my heart jumped to my throat... The interpreter said that this was a simulated magnitude 6 earthquake, which can be imagined, What a terrible memory Wenchuan earthquake has left for everyone! In the fire escape simulation area, I saw many tools that can help people escape, such as ropes, ladders, drainage pipes... My favorite is the kind of sliding rod used by firefighters. I hold the rod with both hands and hold it with my feet like a monkey. With a little loosening of my hands, I rowed down smoothly, very fast, very cool! I practiced several times!

Time passed quickly, and I reluctantly left here. I really hope that children can come here to visit and learn more safety knowledge to protect themselves and others.

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (6)

I have a seemingly boring question: Do you know who you are? Of course you know, you will answer me yes, this answer is only superficial, but do you know yourself in the real sense? Can you dominate your own thoughts instead of your own? Maybe you will definitely say "I can", or you will frankly say "I can't". Maybe you are ambiguous about the answers to these two questions. Then how can you say I am? The superficial meaning is not what I want to know at all. The name is just a code name. It can't show what kind of person you are. If someone makes friends with you, it is not your name or appearance, but your character. So you should know yourself and appreciate yourself.

Some people know themselves, but they don't know everything about themselves. They only see their own shortcomings, just like a person has strengths and weaknesses. But they put weaknesses in front of their chest, look at it all the time, and put strengths behind their backs, forgetting its existence. People always walk with their heads down, very inferiority complex. Therefore, before learning to appreciate yourself, please yourself.

You should know that everyone has advantages and disadvantages. If you turn a blind eye to it, it is still there. However, after seeing and accepting, the advantages will become self-confidence, and the disadvantages will become surprises. They are not eternal. Although we are not perfect enough, we will love ourselves more and show our smiling faces every day. Slowly, you will find that you will meet your best self.

Appreciating yourself is actually very simple. But when you know yourself and accept yourself, you will appreciate yourself.

We are growing up in our life. We have our own dreams and aspirations. We will also strive for these. With hard work, you will succeed. But if you appreciate yourself, you will find yourself better, and you will go further from success. We should be successful people, confident people, and people who have been working hard. I believe that after appreciating ourselves, we will be more motivated and eager for life. We will do it! Boys and girls, come on!

Learn to write 600 words by yourself (7)

From: Huang Ying<>

Since I entered primary school, I have begun to observe and find lovely and lively classmates around me, and appreciate their advantages.

At that time, I appreciated the excellent performance of monitor Kang Lidan, and was able to gain the attention of teachers. She sat upright in class, listened to the teacher very carefully, and wrote carefully in class notes. In Chinese class, she showed great compassion for her teeth and spoke actively. In math class, she was good at thinking and could follow the teacher's ideas. Therefore, her scores in each exam were among the best. Therefore, she gained the ignorance and appreciation of teachers in all subjects, and became the envy of students in the class.

When I arrived, I began to enjoy Tang Shiyan's recitation. In Chinese class, the teacher always asks Tang Shiyan to read the text for everyone, and often asks her to lead the students to read the text. Her voice sounds like a stream trickling down, like a beautiful piano sound echoing, like a bird's beautiful voice... I feel energetic and can't help being intoxicated. In a word, her recitation is unmatched in the class. For this reason, the Chinese teacher often praises her. Whenever everyone reads the text without pulling and pulling, and the pronunciation is perfect, Tang Shiyan becomes a synonym for the Chinese teacher to encourage us: "Yes, everyone has made progress. It's good to learn more from Tang Shiyan. "Because of her excellent recitation, Tang Shiyan was promoted to the leader of the class. My eyes were red with envy.

At that time, I appreciated another advantage of my friend, Princess Liu Hongfei: being positive. In class, she spoke actively. Every time the teacher asked a question, she seemed to have already won. She raised her confident hand high. Even though I knew the answer, I wanted to raise my hand many times. It was terrible that wrong answers would attract ridicule and sarcasm, so I hesitated again and again. My palms were stuffy and sweaty, but I didn't have the courage to raise my hand. Finally, my hesitation made me lose this opportunity. The teacher asked Concubine Liu Hongfei to answer this question. She stood up calmly and confidently and spoke about the question in a very organized way. Her face was not a little nervous, but very calm and natural. Her eyes were still bright with wisdom... After speaking, the teacher took the lead to applaud her, In the thunderous applause, Concubine Liu Hong sat down with a slightly proud expression. She not only spoke actively in class, but also helped the teacher clean the blackboard, hold the homework, distribute the homework after class, and actively tidy up the desk, clean up, and tidy up the labor tools... Her advantages of actively serving the class also made her get the attention and appreciation of the teacher.

Since I went to school, I have learned to appreciate myself. Over the years, I have determined to surpass my classmates I once appreciated, regard them as rivals in learning, keep working hard, study hard, calm and calm when things happen, listen carefully in class, and be good at thinking... I appreciate my own articles are more novel, distinctive, and have a sense of humor, Every time I can get the teacher's praise, my writing will always release a light ink fragrance and sweet fragrance... Moreover, my performance can be compared with that of Kang Lidan. Chinese is more careful than her, mathematics is faster and simpler than her, and there are some places where reading is more emotional and better reading methods than Tang Shiyan, I am more active than Concubine Liu in completing the learning tasks assigned by the teacher······

Students with excellent grades can shine their own lights and bloom their own beautiful flowers, and I can do the same. I believe that as long as we root deeply and absorb sunlight and rain, we will be able to bloom the most beautiful flowers one day.

Zhong Fengying

Class 45, Primary School, Yuechi Experimental School

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