Observation on Soya Bean Breeding (16 pieces recommended)
Heart of contract
2024-03-26 04:14:02

Observation on Soya Bean (1)

Monday, October 11 Sunny and happy

Today, our Chinese teacher, Miss Li, asked us to go home and do a small experiment. Put soybeans in water to see what happens.

When I got home from school, I immediately poured a cup of warm water into the cup. I quickly put soybeans into the water, and the soybeans in the cup danced. After a long time, I calmed down. But my mother asked me to do my homework. After about an hour, I finally finished my homework, and then ran to the cup with soybeans, I touched the soybeans in the cup with my hand. I just felt that a layer of skin fell off. I don't know what will happen to the soybeans in the cup tomorrow.

October 12 Tuesday Sunny

This morning, I couldn't wait to get up from bed, ran to the living room, and looked at the soybeans soaked in the cup. I have a big discovery that the soybeans soaked in water are about five times larger than normal soybeans in the night. What's more, the water soaked in soybeans has become light yellow. It turns out that in the night, everyone is sleeping, and only soybeans are working hard to strengthen themselves. Isn't he tired!

Wednesday, October 13 Rain

Today, I felt that the soybeans should sprout, but I ran to see that there was nothing. So I called my grandma and listened to her. She said that the soybeans could only be soaked in water for one day. One day later, I poured out the water from the cup and covered all the soybeans in the cup with a wet towel. After listening to her words, I did as she said, I went to school.

When I came home from school in the afternoon, I went to see soybeans and found that they had sprouted, which made me feel that my work in the morning was not in vain.

Thursday, October 14 Sunny

When I got up in the morning, I changed the water for soybeans, and then went to school. One day at school today, my heart was not on learning, but always thinking about the soybeans at home. Finally, I stayed up until school was over in the afternoon. I couldn't wait to run home to see the soybeans. When I got home, I found that the soybeans in the cup were missing. My mother said that my soybeans would be soaked for too long and would not grow well, so she dumped them. I was angry and sad. A week's hard work was in vain. I cried and ran back to my room.

Observation on Soya Bean (2)

Observation diary of primary school students planting soybeans 1

Today, the teacher assigned an observation lesson: planting soybeans. There are two purposes: one is to understand the process of soybean growth; One is to cultivate our observation ability.

As soon as I got home, I picked up a plate, filled it with water, and sprinkled a handful of dry soybeans, some of which floated on the water; Some soybeans sank into the water. I thought to myself that one day these soybeans will grow green shoots.

Early the next morning, I ran to the plate where I planted soybeans. I saw that the soybeans were twice as fat as yesterday. Some clothes were small and wrinkled, like an old woman's face. Others even had their clothes torn, revealing white belly. If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a small "beard" in the middle of each soybean, which is like a lively and lovely tadpole lying under a plate sleeping!

A few days later, these small soybeans had stems as thin as lead pen stamens; There are also shiny green leaves and branched roots. The stem of soybean is more fragile than anything. If you pinch it gently with your hand, the weak stem will break and bleed out! Its leaves are the most eye-catching. Between two large green leaves are several small young leaves. The large leaves are cotyledons. When the young shoots have no roots, they rely on them to absorb sunlight and nutrients. After the roots grow out, their mission is completed, and they naturally fall off; Roots are the basis for the survival of soybeans. Without roots, soybeans cannot thrive.

Half a month later, soybeans finally grow into sprouts. It seems that there is a "sprout forest" on the plate. Although there is no dense pine forest or green cypress forest, it is my own plant. When a gust of wind blew, the sprouts danced softly and looked beautiful.

Observation diary of primary school students planting soybeans 2

Friday, September 18, 20xx Rain

Today, the teacher asked us to observe the growth process of sprouts. When I got home at noon, I hurriedly took out a handful of soybeans and found a transparent cup.

I found that dried soybeans are hard and small, round and yellowish brown, and there is a small black spot on each soybeans. I threw the soybeans into the water cup. After a while, I went to see the soaked soybeans. I found that some of the soybeans were bulging. I thought it was because the blisters were soft. Unexpectedly, only a few minutes later, it was like this. I want to remove the skin to see what the inside of soybeans looks like. It turns out that two oval shaped beans are firmly wrapped by the thin skin outside.

When I came home from school in the evening, I saw the soaked soybeans turned pale yellow. Strangely, they were also big and oval. Maybe it was because I had drunk enough water!

How wonderful the soybeans are!

Saturday, September 19, 20xx Rain

Today, I poured out the water for soaking soybeans. I found that the soybean has grown up again, and a small bud has sprouted at one end, which is 5mm long and 2mm wide. My father told me that sprouts can grow by soaking them in water, but the water needs to be changed every day. I'm so excited. I want to eat sprouts when they grow up. How wonderful!

I filled the cup with clean water and watched them swing gently in the water, just like cute "tadpoles".

September 20, 20xx

Today, I rushed into the kitchen to observe the soybeans in the cup.

I found that the soybean grew up a little bit, still light yellow, oval. But the little black spot was not seen, and the buds grew longer, 1cm long and 2mm wide, which were very similar to the sprouts. I hope they will grow up soon. The more I think about it, the more excited I am. But I found that some soybeans haven't sprouted yet. I don't know how to make them grow up quickly. I want to seek help.

Observation diary of primary school students planting soybeans 3

April 17th


Shower to cloudy

Today, I want to observe the growth process of soybeans. So I took a plate, put in a piece of thick paper, grabbed a handful of soybeans and put them on it, and poured water on it. Then cover it with a piece of paper full of round holes and a piece of gauze, so that the beanie babies can breathe fresh air.

April 18th


light rain

Early this morning, I couldn't wait to see soybeans. I found the water overflowing onto the top piece of paper. Open the paper and gauze to see, wow, the soybean babies are so powerful, they suck up the water!

I also found that baby soybeans grew up after drinking water, very plump, like a full meal, with a round belly. They also took off their "coats", revealing their naked "bodies".

April 19th


Cloudy to overcast

Today, I went to see soybeans again. Soybeans finally "channeled" out of their tender white teeth. I was so happy that I decided to observe them carefully.

April 20th

Sunshine, cloudy to light rain

This morning, I found that yellow sprouts are growing up desperately. The sprout of a soybean grows very long, like a weight lifter, lifting up the gauze, and lifting its mouth, it seems to be very arrogant; Another soybean sprout is the shortest. It hangs its "little head", as if it is afraid of jokes from "partners". It's funny!

Through observing the growth process of soybeans, I understand one truth: you should be careful in everything you do, you should observe carefully, and you should not rush for success.

Observation diary of primary school students planting soybeans 4

April 14 (the first day)

I put mung beans, bean seeds and loofah seeds together in a cup, and then poured water on the windowsill. Because my mother told me that the seeds would germinate faster after soaking in water and then planting in soil, I look forward to the seed babies taking root and germinating quickly!

April 15 (the second day)

When I got up in the morning, I couldn't wait to run to the window sill to see what changes they had. Wow! I saw the clothes of mung beans all split from the middle, and the white belly appeared on the way, as if they were greeting me. The bean seeds have not changed much. The brown clothes are a little wrinkled. The loofah seeds have not changed at all. They seem a little lazy!

April 16 (the third day)

Baby Mung Bean took off all his green clothes and turned them into white, sending out short, curved buds. I planted them in the flowerpot. First, I watered the soil in the flowerpot thoroughly, and then I inserted them into the soil of the flowerpot with my hands. They can't be too deep, and they can nod, so that they can grow fast!

April 17 (the 4th day)

The little sprouts of baby mung beans are growing again, and the beans are also sending out curved sprouts. It seems that the competition is about who grows fast. Some look like "9", some look like "6", some look like "7", and some look like "a little sickle". The baby loofah is still motionless and quiet. It's really urgent!

April 18 (the 5th day)

Baby mung beans and beans are growing taller and taller. Their heads are tilted there. It's so cute. I also found that there are small leaves growing in the middle of their bean petals, which seems to be a pair of small wings.

Observation diary of primary school students planting soybeans 5

After the Chinese class that day, the teacher asked us to go home and plant a plant to observe its growth process. When I got home, I asked my grandmother for some soybeans and carefully buried them in the soil. Grandma told me that enough water was needed to grow soybeans. After I planted the soybeans, I began to water them. A few days passed and no change was found.

A week later, I found that the soil where soybeans were grown was higher than that elsewhere. I gently opened the soil and found that it was the yellow sprouts of soybeans. Within a few days of being unearthed, the sprouts turned green again. Two days later, the pale yellow one? Several leaves grow in it. They are tender, green and very attractive. I go to see them every day.

As the days passed, Xiaoya grew higher and higher. I took some sticks and stuck them in the soil. The soybean vine climbed up around the stick. Soon, it actually climbed to the top of the stick.

Half a month later, pods grew on the vine. There was a thin layer of hair on the pods. It felt soft and interesting. The pods gradually darkened from the light green at the beginning. Grandma told me that this is my favorite edamame. I was filled with joy as I watched it grow up. When the beans turn yellow, you can pick them. I picked the pods from the vine. Hey, the harvest is really big. There are at least two soybeans in one pod. I have harvested about 10 pods in total, but there are more than 20 soybeans!

Through planting beans this time, I know that as long as I work hard, there will be a harvest.

Observation on Soya Bean (3)

Monday sunny

Tonight, I will bubble soybeans at home! See how it turns into bean sprouts!

I first found a transparent glass for my father to drink tea, put a handful of soybeans in it, about 20 of them, and then poured half a cup of water into it.

There were many small bubbles on the soybeans when they were just put in. After a period of time, the skin of the soybeans wrinkled a lot, just like the wrinkles on the old lady's face.

What will tomorrow be like? My heart is full of expectations!

Tuesday sunny

When I got home from school, I hurried to see my soybeans. Eh! I found that the wrinkles on soybeans were gone and the skin was as smooth and tender as a fat baby just born! Take a closer look at it. It's also getting bigger. I ran to ask my mother why? Mom said? "Soya beans absorb water, so they become bigger!" I think Soya beans must want to drink water. I quickly ran to the bathroom with a cup to exchange water for soybeans. After I changed the water, I said to soybeans, "soybeans! Soybeans are going to grow up, and when they grow up, I want to eat bean sprouts!"

I hope soybeans will sprout tomorrow. How wonderful!

Wednesday sunny

When I got home from school, I immediately poured the water out of the cup, because my classmate Hou Yiqing said to me, "You can't leave a soybean cup without water. Without water, he will die and will not sprout!"

After I poured the water, I found that the soybeans were cracked. I asked my father why? My father said, "If there are cracks on the soybeans, they will sprout soon." I jumped up with joy. A closer look reveals that soybeans are still much flat. I asked Dad why? Dad thought for a while and said, "To tell the truth, I can't tell! Let's check online together!" We checked for a long time, but we didn't find a satisfactory answer! I don't know who can tell me why soybeans are round before being soaked, but flat after being soaked.

Although we didn't find the answer on the Internet, we accidentally found that the Internet said: beans can't soak too much water, or they will drown! Hou Yiqing is wrong.

According to what was said on the Internet, I quickly poured out some water from the cup and put it in the sunny place, hoping that they would grow quickly under the sun.

My heart is full of expectation, and I will soon see "Douya Sister"!

Thursday sunny

When I came home in the afternoon, I ran to the soybeans and found a white worm crawling on several soybeans. "Is it the soybeans that are bad?" I thought to myself. I feel very depressed! "My mission failed this time!" I picked up the soybeans and prepared to dump them. Mom saw it and asked you why? I said to my mother: "The soybean has worms, don't believe you!" My mother looked at it and said; "Silly boy! That's the sprouting of soybeans." "Really? Great, thank you for telling me, otherwise I will fall."

Friday sunny

In the afternoon, I saw that all the soybeans had been shelled and sprouted, white and long. Their shelled soybeans floated on the water surface. They were light yellow and translucent, looking like small bubbles. Their cracks are getting bigger and bigger, as if they are going to break off. I quickly poured out their "little bubbles" and replaced them with a glass of water. Because the Internet said that after germination, more water should be added and water should be changed frequently. Ah, they have grown into lovely bean sprouts! Looking at the bean sprouts I made myself, I really can't bear to eat them!

Observation on Soya Bean (4)

December 26th

Today, in order to cultivate our observation ability, the teacher assigned a special assignment: Let's go home and soak soybeans. After I got home, I grabbed a handful of soybeans, put them into a cup, added some water, and squeezed them with my hands. The soybeans were hard. After a while, some soybeans become larger, and some soybeans have wrinkled skins.

I observed here today. The soybeans are so funny!

December 27th

Today, continue to observe my soybeans. It was found that some of the beans were fried, and some of the beans became larger, and the larger ones were two to three times the smaller ones. Beans under water are bigger and wetter than those on the water, while those on the water are smaller and drier than those under water.

This soybean is really interesting. It will grow bigger and smaller.

December 28th

Today, I carefully observed my soybeans. It was found that the soybean under the water was pressed by the soybean on the water, and there was no fresh air, so it did not germinate; The soybeans on the water are too dry, without water or sprouting, but the soybeans in the middle have both water and enough oxygen, so some sprout, and the sprouts are very lovely; The pale yellow bud poked its head out of the soybean, just like the soybean had teeth. The bud was a little bent, so cute! Unfortunately, several buds were broken, and my mother said that soybeans could not be pressed like this; We had to spread them out so that they could sprout. So we helped the soybeans move, moved them from the cup to the basin, and spread them evenly.

I think: In this way, there should be more buds tomorrow!

December 22nd

Today, haha, I found that more beans sprouted. I saw that the root of the bud connected to the soybean was light green, the tip of the bud was slightly red, and the middle part of the bud was the thickest, white. I found that the longer the bud grew, the thicker it grew. Some of the bud babies took off their jackets, which might be too hot!

December 30th

Today, I saw the sprouts of Doubaobao grow longer. The beans with long sprouts have begun to turn green, green, and very similar to the sprouts we usually eat. Moreover, soybeans have become larger.

December 31st

Today, as soon as I opened the cloth on the beans, a pungent smell came into my face. Why did the bean sprouts smell? My mother asked me to observe carefully: it turned out that some beans had rotted, because they gave off a bad smell. There are many peeled bean skins in the pot. I have a closer look. Oh, it was broken by the sprouts. I also found that more beans turned green. What's the matter? I went to check the data and found that the cotyledons provide nutrients when the soybean sprouts. After germination, the cotyledons gradually produce chlorophyll when they see the sun. The cotyledons are the first to produce photosynthesis. In this way, the bean sprouts can be self-supporting through photosynthesis, so they will turn green after germination.

Observation on Soya Bean (5)

Last Wednesday, Mr. Ma asked us to plant soybeans and observe and record their changes.

As soon as I got home from school, I asked my father to find soybeans. Unfortunately, I didn't find it at home. I was so worried that I hurried my father. What should I do? My father comforted me and said, "Don't worry! Let me look again, maybe I can find other beans".

It's a rush of rummaging, hey! There are still no soybeans. However, Dad accidentally pulled out a small bag of green beans from the corner of the cabinet.

"It seems that the green beans have been put for at least two or three years, but can they still sprout?" Dad said with a puzzled face and a helpless face.

"There's no way, it's too late, let's try, maybe a miracle will happen!" I told my father.

In this way, we find a small bowl, put green beans in it, add water, and silently expect miracles to occur

The next day when I came home from school, I went to see the beans immediately. Ah! The mungbean is full of bubbles, and thin cracks appear on the skin. According to the requirements in the book, I poured out the excess water, leaving a small amount of water that had just flooded the beans, covered it with a wet cloth, and continued to wait

On the third day, go home after school and have a look. Ah! The mung bean skins are all split. After a closer look, many beans have sprouted tiny buds, about 2mm long.

On the fourth day, when I opened the wet cloth, I cried happily, "Ah, the bean sprouts have grown a lot!". Hurry up and get a ruler to measure it. It is more than 3cm.

On the fifth and sixth day, as expected, the beans kept running after each other. I quickly measured their height. Unexpectedly, they were all 7 or 8 cm tall! And they all stood up. One by one, you pushed me, and looked around. What a bustle!

On the seventh day, the bean sprouts grew two small green pointed leaves on their heads, and their bodies were taller and straighter. Taking a ruler, they all exceeded xx cm.

Looking at the growing bean sprouts, I was really happy. At the same time, he also marveled at the greatness and magic of life. The little green beans that seemed to have dried up at the beginning had such tenacious life and magic. As long as there is water, sunshine and care, they can create miracles of life.

Ah, this is no ordinary mung bean, this is simply magic bean!

Observation on Soya Bean (6)

Wednesday, October 29 Sunny

Today, Miss Zhao assigned us an assignment: grow soybeans. It is to cultivate our observation ability.

As soon as I got home from school, I rushed to the kitchen to look for soybeans before putting down my schoolbag. I picked out some yellow and fat baby soybeans, put them into a glass cup, poured in a little water, and then put them on the balcony. I said to Xiaodouzi: Xiaodouzi, grow up quickly! Xiaodouzi seemed to understand me and nodded to me up and down in the water.

Thursday, October 30, cloudy

Today, when I came home from school, I hurried to the balcony and found that the young soybeans were all fat. Round like a small ball, some wrinkled, like a grandma's face. Others even burst their clothes, revealing their big white bellies. Ha ha, how lovely!

November 2 Sunday Sunny

Today, my beloved little bean finally became a bean sprout. All the green leaves have fallen off. Bean sprouts stand up one by one in the cup, like soldiers waiting for me to review, like a forest of bean sprouts. A gust of wind blew, and the little bean sprouts danced beautifully. How nice to see!

Observation on Soya Bean (7)

26 x

Today, in order to cultivate our observation ability, the teacher assigned a special assignment: Let's go home and soak soybeans. After I got home, I grabbed a handful of soybeans, put them into a cup, added some water, and squeezed them with my hands. The soybeans were hard. After a while, some soybeans become larger, and some soybeans have wrinkled skins.

I observed here today. The soybeans are so funny!

27 x

Today, continue to observe my soybeans. It was found that some of the beans were fried, and some of the beans became larger, and the larger ones were two to three times the smaller ones. Beans under water are bigger and wetter than those on the water, while those on the water are smaller and drier than those under water.

This soybean is really interesting. It will grow bigger and smaller.

28 x

Today, I observed my soybeans again. It was found that the soybean under the water was pressed by the soybean on the water, and there was no fresh air, so it did not germinate. The soybeans on the water are too dry. There is no water and no sprouting. But the soybeans in the middle have both water and enough oxygen, so some sprouted. The sprout is very lovely: the pale yellow sprout sticks out from the soybeans, just like the soybeans have teeth. The sprout is a little bent, really lovely! Unfortunately, several buds were broken. My mother said that soybeans could not be pressed like this, and they would have to be spread out to make them sprout. So we helped soybeans move, moved them from cups to pots, and spread them evenly.

I think: In this way, there should be more buds tomorrow!

29 x

Today, as expected, more beans sprouted. I saw that the root of the sprout connected to the soybean was light green, the tip of the sprout was slightly red, and the middle part of the sprout was the thickest, white. I found that the longer the sprout was, the thicker the sprout was. Some of the sprouts took off their jackets, which might be too hot!

30 x

Today, I saw the sprouts of Doubaobao grow longer. The beans with long sprouts have begun to turn green, green, and very similar to the sprouts we usually eat. Moreover, soybeans have become larger.

31 x

Today, as soon as I opened the cloth on the beans, a pungent smell came into my face. Why did the bean sprouts smell? My mother asked me to observe carefully: it turned out that some beans had rotted, because they gave off a bad smell. There are many peeled bean skins in the pot. I have a closer look. Oh, it was broken by the sprouts. I also found that more beans turned green. What's the matter? I went to check the data and found that the cotyledons provide nutrients when the soybean sprouts. After germination, the cotyledons gradually produce chlorophyll when they see the sun. The cotyledons are the first to produce photosynthesis. In this way, the bean sprouts can be self-supporting through photosynthesis, so they will turn green after germination.

Observation on Soya Bean (8)

Wednesday, October 29, 20xx Sunny

Today, Miss Zhao assigned us an assignment: grow soybeans. It is to cultivate our observation ability.

As soon as I got home from school, I rushed to the kitchen to look for soybeans before putting down my schoolbag. I picked out some yellow and fat baby soybeans, put them into a glass cup, poured in a little water, and then put them on the balcony. I said to Xiaodouzi: Xiaodouzi, grow up quickly! Xiaodouzi seemed to understand me and nodded to me up and down in the water.

Thursday, October 30, 20xx, cloudy

Today, when I came home from school, I hurried to the balcony and found that the young soybeans were all fat. Round like a small ball, some wrinkled, like a grandma's face. Others even burst their clothes, revealing their big white bellies. Ha ha, how lovely!

Friday, October 31, 20xx Light rain

Today, Xiaodouzi has grown some mustaches and some green leaves. Some of the small buds grow longer. The longer the bud tip is, the thinner the bud root is. From Doubaobao to Douxiaogang.

November 2, 20xx Sunny Sunday

Today, my beloved little bean finally became a bean sprout. All the green leaves have fallen off. Bean sprouts stand up one by one in the cup, like soldiers waiting for me to review, like a forest of bean sprouts. A gust of wind blew, and the little bean sprouts danced beautifully. How nice to see!

Observation on Soya Bean (9)

In the morning, when the first bird call came into my ears through the green curtain, I suddenly remembered my bean sprouts! I immediately sat up and went to change water for bean sprouts.

I changed the water for soybeans, and suddenly found that some soybeans stretched out tender "hands", like small pipes, I was very excited!

Take a closer look at the soybeans. Some of them seem to be stretching with one arm. Some of them seem to cover their faces with their arms, which makes them very shy. Others want to grow quickly, but they accidentally burst their coats. It's fun!

My mother said to me, "Change the water on time!" I said mischievously, "Yes, my mother." As soon as I spoke, my mother laughed. I can't help looking at my bean sprouts. They seem to grow faster in our laughter.

In the morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I asked my mother: "Didn't you say yesterday that you would make bean sprouts into a dish today?" My mother smiled and said, "Where would I be willing? I'm going to fry the bean sprouts I bought!"

When I was happy, I observed the bean sprouts he bought and the bean sprouts I raised myself.

I put the two kinds of bean sprouts together and carefully observed them. There was a world of difference: the bought bean sprouts were long and tender; The sprouts are short. At this time, my mother said to me: "The bean sprouts bought with fertilizer and growth promoter will cause cancer!" How hateful these vendors are! They are for their own interests, regardless of the health of others!

Alas! It's better to grow your own bean sprouts!

Observation on Soya Bean (10)

In the sky of March, there was a continuous drizzle. My mother and I are going to soak beans to observe the growth process of bean sprouts.

I can't wait to select some full grain soybeans to soak in water, and watch them lie quietly in the basin, like golden beads. After soaking, the bean skin wrinkled, as if the old woman's face was covered with wrinkles. At night, the soybean swelled, like a big head doll, and the color became light, from golden yellow to light yellow.

I insist on changing water for beans every day. A few days later, when I changed the water for the beans with great expectation, I found that the beans became bigger, as if they were about to break. Some beans have sprouted, and the pale yellow buds pierce the bean skin and poke their heads out curiously. Other beans also refused to be outdone, as if to say: "Hum, wait and see, I will grow up in a few days.

In the next few days, most of the beans turned green and the skin of the beans split.

A few days later, I found that the beans sprouted, curved, like hooks, very cute! Some roots grow vertically downward, like grandpa's beard. And the beans on the bottom of the basin, the buds curled up into a ball, as if looking for the direction to continue to extend.

Under the sunlight, it depends on sufficient water and oxygen. The bean sprouts grow tall, and gradually begin to peel. The green bean sprouts also slowly separate, growing many millet sized roots, white and yellow. It seems that they can't wait to throw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth.

Looking at these lively bean sprouts, they are jumping like different notes. Through this observation, I not only learned the growth process of bean sprouts, but also gained a lot of joy.

Observation on Soya Bean (11)

Wednesday, October 9 Sunny

Let's go back to planting beans and observe their changes. As soon as I got home from school, I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a handful of soybeans to plant. I first put water into a small bowl, and then put soybeans into the water to soak. The beans sank to the bottom of the bowl and fell asleep quietly. I thought to myself: Baby Bean, go to sleep, go to sleep, wake up quickly.

Thursday, October 10th Sunny

Today, when I came home, I was surprised to find that my clothes of little soybeans had become wrinkled, and they were growing! In the afternoon, some of them had taken off their coats and showed white. A little sprout appeared at the tail, which was very small and watery!

Friday, October 11 Sunny

That day, I was dumbfounded by the speed of the little soybeans. When I looked at the jagged soybeans, I couldn't shut my mouth. Some of them were about one centimeter, some were about two or three centimetres. When I touched them gently, they were like tadpoles in the water; Others are firmly attached to the rim of the bowl like a screw.

October 13 Saturday Sunny

Today, my baby soybeans have sprouted. The leaves are verdant. The leaves are very dense. They intersect with each other. The leaves, which were originally light green, turned dark green, which was very comfortable to watch. Looking at the hard growing soybeans, I understand that we should strive to grow like soybeans, and make continuous progress and growth towards the end.

Observation on Soya Bean (12)

On February 25, Mr. Fu gave us a special assignment: planting soybeans.

Before dinner, I soaked soybeans in a clean bottle of water. Two hours later, the soybeans in the bottle cracked a little. I ran to the bottle and asked what was going on. Grandma said it was a process of soybeans growth, and it was OK. Hearing this, my heart relaxed.

The next day, when I got up, I found that the soybeans I had thrown away all night seemed like a man who had eaten a full meal, with a big yellow belly and mouth open, as if laughing.

When I came back from school at noon, I changed the water for Huang Dou, who was very happy and opened his mouth wider.

When I came back from school in the afternoon, I found that soybeans had a "small tongue". It was thin, yellow, tender and lovely!

Day 3, Article 4, Article 5 In this way, day by day, soybeans gradually become soybean sprouts, and more and more strong, longer and better, I am very happy. Today, I showed it to Grandma. Grandma said that it would be ready in a few days. Hearing this, my heart is sweeter than honey.

Observation on Soya Bean (13)

Composition soybean observation diary I

October 26th

Today, in order to cultivate our observation ability, the teacher assigned a special assignment: Let's go home and soak soybeans. After I got home, I grabbed a handful of soybeans, put them into a cup, added some water, and squeezed them with my hands. The soybeans were hard. After a while, some soybeans become larger, and some soybeans have wrinkled skins.

I observed here today. The soybeans are so funny!

October 27th

Today, continue to observe my soybeans. It was found that some of the beans were fried, and some of the beans became larger, and the larger ones were two to three times the smaller ones. Beans under water are bigger and wetter than those on the water, and those on the water are drier than those under water.

This soybean is really interesting. It will become bigger and better

October 28th

Today, I observed my soybeans again. It was found that the soybean under the water was pressed by the soybean on the water, and there was no fresh air, so it did not germinate. The soybeans on the water are too dry. There is no water and no sprouting. But the soybeans in the middle have both water and enough oxygen, so some sprouted. The sprout is very lovely: the pale yellow sprout sticks out from the soybeans, just like the soybeans have teeth. The sprout is a little bent, really lovely! Unfortunately, several buds were broken. My mother said that soybeans could not be pressed like this, and they would have to be spread out to make them sprout. So we helped soybeans move, moved them from cups to pots, and spread them evenly.

I think: In this way, there should be more buds tomorrow!

October 29th

Today, as expected, more beans sprouted. I saw that the root of the sprout connected to the soybean was light green, the tip of the sprout was slightly red, and the middle part of the sprout was the thickest, white. I found that the longer the sprout was, the thicker the sprout was. Some of the sprouts took off their jackets, which might be too hot!

October 30th

Today, I saw the sprouts of Doubaobao grow longer. The beans with long sprouts have begun to turn green, green, and very similar to the sprouts we usually eat. Moreover, soybeans have become larger.

October 31st

Today, as soon as I opened the cloth on the beans, a pungent smell came into my face. Why did the bean sprouts smell? My mother asked me to observe carefully: it turned out that some beans had rotted, because they gave off a bad smell. There are many peeled bean skins in the pot. I have a closer look. Oh, it was broken by the sprouts. I also found that more beans turned green. What's the matter? I went to check the data and found that the cotyledons provide nutrients when the soybean sprouts. After germination, the cotyledons gradually produce chlorophyll when they see the sun. The cotyledons are the first to produce photosynthesis. In this way, the bean sprouts can be self-supporting through photosynthesis, so they will turn green after germination.

Composition Seed Soybean Observation Diary II

Today, the teacher assigned an observation assignment: planting soybeans. There are two purposes: one is to understand the process of soybean growth; One is to cultivate our observation ability.

As soon as I got home, I picked up a plate, filled it with water, and sprinkled a handful of dry soybeans, some of which floated on the water; Some soybeans sank into the water. I thought to myself that one day these soybeans will grow green shoots.

Early the next morning, I ran to the plate where I planted soybeans. I saw that the soybeans were twice as fat as yesterday. Some clothes were small and wrinkled, like an old woman's face. Others even had their clothes torn, revealing their white belly. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a small "beard" in the middle of each soybean, which is like a lively and lovely tadpole lying under a plate sleeping!

A few days later, these small soybeans had stems as thin as lead pen stamens; There are also shiny green leaves and branched roots. The stem of soybean is more fragile than anything. If you pinch it gently, the weak stem will break and bleed out! Its leaves are the most eye-catching. There are several small young leaves between two large green leaves. The large leaves are cotyledons. When the young shoots have no roots, they rely on them to absorb sunlight and nutrients. After the roots grow out, their mission will be completed and they will naturally fall off; Roots are the basis for the survival of soybeans. Without roots, soybeans cannot thrive.

Half a month later, soybeans finally grow into bean sprouts. It seems that there is a "bean sprout forest" on the plate. Although there is no dense pine forest or green cypress forest, it is my own plant. A gust of wind blew, and the little bean sprouts danced beautifully.

Observation on Soya Bean (14)

Today, Miss Zhao assigned us an assignment: grow soybeans. It is to cultivate our observation ability.

As soon as I got home from school, I hurried to the kitchen to look for soybeans before putting down my schoolbag. I picked out some yellow and fat baby soybeans, put them into a glass cup, poured in a little water, and then put them on the balcony. I said to Xiaodouzi, "Let's grow up soon!" Xiaodouzi seemed to understand me and nodded to me up and down in the water.

Thursday, October 30, cloudy

Today, when I came home from school, I hurried to the balcony and found that the young soybeans were all fat. Round like a small ball, some wrinkled, like a grandma's face. Others even burst their clothes, revealing their big white bellies. Ha ha, how lovely!

Friday, October 31 Light rain

Today, Xiaodouzi has grown some mustaches and some green leaves. Some of the small buds grow longer. The longer the bud tip is, the thinner the bud root is. From Doubaobao to Douxiaogang.

November 2 Sunday Sunny

Today, my beloved little bean finally became a bean sprout. All the green leaves have fallen off. Bean sprouts stand up one by one in the cup, like soldiers waiting for me to review, like a forest of bean sprouts. A gust of wind blew, and the little bean sprouts danced beautifully. How nice to see!

Observation on Soya Bean (15)

Today, our Chinese teacher, Miss Li, asked us to go home and do a small experiment. Put soybeans in water to see what happens.

When I got home from school, I immediately poured a cup of warm water into the cup. I quickly put soybeans into the water, and the soybeans in the cup danced. After a long time, I calmed down. But my mother asked me to do my homework. After about an hour, I finally finished my homework, and then ran to the cup with soybeans, I touched the soybeans in the cup with my hand. I just felt that a layer of skin fell off. I don't know what will happen to the soybeans in the cup tomorrow.

October 12 Tuesday Sunny

This morning, I couldn't wait to get up from bed, ran to the living room, and looked at the soybeans soaked in the cup. I have a big discovery that the soybeans soaked in water are about five times larger than normal soybeans in the night. What's more, the water soaked in soybeans has become light yellow. It turns out that in the night, everyone is sleeping, and only soybeans are working hard to strengthen themselves. Isn't he tired!

Wednesday, October 13 Rain

Today, I felt that the soybeans should sprout, but I ran to see that there was nothing. So I called my grandma and listened to her. She said that the soybeans could only be soaked in water for one day. One day later, I poured out the water from the cup and covered all the soybeans in the cup with a wet towel. After listening to her words, I did as she said, I went to school.

When I came home from school in the afternoon, I went to see soybeans and found that they had sprouted, which made me feel that my work in the morning was not in vain.

Thursday, October 14 Sunny

When I got up in the morning, I changed the water for soybeans, and then went to school. One day at school today, my heart was not on learning, but always thinking about the soybeans at home. Finally, I stayed up until school was over in the afternoon. I couldn't wait to run home to see the soybeans. When I got home, I found that the soybeans in the cup were missing. My mother said that my soybeans would be soaked for too long and would not grow well, so she dumped them. I was angry and sad. A week's hard work was in vain. I cried and ran back to my room.

Observation on Soya Bean (16)

Observation diary of senior three: planting soybeans

Today, the teacher assigned an observation assignment: planting soybeans. There are two purposes: one is to understand the process of soybean growth; One is to cultivate our observation ability.

As soon as I got home, I picked up a plate, filled it with water, and sprinkled a handful of dry soybeans, some of which floated on the water; Some soybeans sank into the water. I thought to myself that one day these soybeans will grow green shoots.

Early the next morning, I ran to the plate where I planted soybeans. I saw that the soybeans were twice as fat as yesterday. Some clothes were small and wrinkled, like an old woman's face. Others even had their clothes torn, revealing their white belly. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a small "beard" in the middle of each soybean, which is like a lively and lovely tadpole lying under a plate sleeping!

A few days later, these small soybeans had stems as thin as lead pen stamens; There are also shiny green leaves and branched roots. The stem of soybean is more fragile than anything. If you pinch it gently, the weak stem will break and bleed out! Its leaves are the most eye-catching. There are several small young leaves between two large green leaves. The large leaves are cotyledons. When the young shoots have no roots, they rely on them to absorb sunlight and nutrients. After the roots grow out, their mission will be completed and they will naturally fall off; Roots are the basis for the survival of soybeans. Without roots, soybeans cannot thrive.

Half a month later, soybeans finally grow into bean sprouts. It seems that there is a "bean sprout forest" on the plate. Although there is no dense pine forest or green cypress forest, it is my own plant. A gust of wind blew, and the little bean sprouts danced beautifully.