Composition on Graduation Ceremony (7 selected articles)
2024-05-17 01:34:08

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (1)

Time flies. Time comes and goes in a hurry. In a twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life has ended. We are about to bid farewell to our colorful childhood and usher in a brilliant youth. Today, July 3, this is an unusual day. It is the last time for me to enter my alma mater as a pupil to study in the affiliated primary school.

In the morning, I entered the familiar campus with complex feelings. When I came to the classroom, I saw my classmates who had been together all the time. They were all in high spirits, making the little time left full of joy again, and making the spacious and bright classroom full of laughter again... I really hope that time can stop at this beautiful moment!

The graduation ceremony began. Under the two hundred year old Phoenix Banyan trees, the students stood neatly, and the parents of each student sat on the back chair. In the high spirited national anthem and the moving melody of the school song, President Wang, student representatives, and parents' representatives all made speeches under the Phoenix Banyan. Every word and sentence expressed the feeling of parting and sincere wishes. Thank you, teacher, for turning me from childish to mature, and from ignorance to understanding... Thank you

Then we got the book "Under the Phoenix Banyan Tree", which is a collection of the graduation essays of our classmates. It has frozen us all and recorded our deep footprints in the attached primary school. This book is different from any other book. It is the result of students' heartfelt exclamations and teachers' tireless teaching.

It was time to issue the graduation certificate. The teacher held a stack of graduation certificates in his hand and handed them to the four team leaders, who then issued them to each student. But I have a heavy heart with this certificate. I don't know whether to be happy or sad! I am glad that this certificate is the witness of six years' study in primary school. It closes our colorful primary school life and also opens the door to our colorful middle school life; It's sad that everyone will be separated after getting this certificate... This small graduation certificate is so heavy... so heavy

We can not live today without the encouragement and meticulous care of our parents. Our parents are gracious, higher than mountains and deeper than seas. We should know how to be grateful, so students have presented a sincere gift to their parents. I held the gift in front of my father and gave it to him: "Dad, this is in the car. The four words on it are 'plain sailing', which is my blessing to you. Thank you for your selfless love for me from childhood to adulthood..."

Soon, the graduation ceremony was over, and our mood was very complicated. When I stepped out of the secondary school, I couldn't help looking back at my beautiful alma mater again

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (2)


Looking at the bright red certificate in front of me, I smiled. Three years have passed.

"Then I have grown up."

This is what I said on the stage, probably nothing conspicuous. A few days ago, I was busy for a few hours when I got the manuscript. Looking at the thousands of students at present, it just became this sentence.

Three years of leisure should be over and over on this day.

"My wish is to become a famous fashion designer. Let everyone wear the clothes I designed." This is what the leading monitor said at the beginning of the ceremony.

Maybe he was influenced by something, and then he seemed to throw away the script, stand on the stage, or speak fluently or babbling about some dreams and future.

If our dream comes true, China will have one more warrior;

There will be a familiar figure in the host world;

The big brother of the show business is also near at hand.

Dreams lead us, and we are led.

Looking at thousands of students is like looking at thousands of celebrities. After being nervous, I finally relaxed.

"Then I have grown up.

We set sail for our future dreams. "

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (3)

Respected leaders, teachers and dear students

hello everyone!

Time passes like a white horse, and the Chinese year is like running water. Suddenly looking back, it's time to say goodbye again. At the time of parting, I want to thank two kinds of people here.

First of all, thank our teachers. It is your earnest instruction that smoothes our youth and rashness, your tireless instruction that leads us to the palace of knowledge, your comfort and encouragement, and gives us the power to move forward in our stumbling growth path! Once you laughed heartily for our childish words in the first day of the junior high, once you were dejected by our unruly rebellion in the second day of the junior high, and once you were worried about our intensive review in the third day of the junior high

In those unforgettable days, you endured hardships and worked hard without complaint, although it was difficult to understand your good intentions under your scolding and your seemingly excessive severity at that time. But now, please let us say "I'm sorry" to you for the rebellion, and let us say "Thank you, teacher! You have worked hard!" Teacher, although you are unknown, we will always remember who you are and for whom! (pause)

In addition to my teacher, I also thank my classmates who have shared with me for three years. In three years, there are happy times and unhappy times. It is you who share with me every bit of happiness and laughter for three years. It is you who give me a look of encouragement when I am decadent. It is you who shout cheering for me in spite of your image when I take my sports middle school entrance exam. It is your friendship that supports me to become brilliant. Your name is friend! The high school entrance examination has passed, and some are happy and some are worried. For the successful students, I hope you can make persistent efforts to open up new glories in high school. For students who have failed temporarily, I hope you will not be depressed, but catch up to prove that temporary failure is nothing! come on. Ten years later, maybe we will gradually forget each other's smile and gradually lose the edge of our youth when we parted ways. But what remains unchanged is memories, what remains unchanged is the past, and what remains unchanged is the friendship we forged in this school named Beiyuan, "I hope people will last for a long time, and we will share the beauty of the moon for thousands of miles!"

Finally, I wish our students to cherish memories and open up the future. I wish our teachers good health and successful career. I wish our alma mater a world of students and talents!

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (4)

The wind blows over the water, leaving ripples; The sun passes through the clouds, leaving a trace of warm time to walk through the trees, leaving rings of growth; We walked on the stage of time, leaving unforgettable good memories. Remembering them is like rereading an old book, and the joy is endless. It is only a few days before the elementary school entrance examination. In order to get a memorable result, we have all stepped up our review. Although the competition in a few days is what we are afraid of, and we are immersed in the sea of books all day long, as graduates, we often unconsciously escape from the silent classroom and wander freely in every corner of the campus.

I am about to leave this friendly place. Of course, lingering is indispensable.

At the time of graduation, we stopped playing. After six years of happy life, we had already played enough. But this alma mater, we will leave her forever. At this time, we felt that every inch of land in our alma mater was so kind and warm.

The students have already given gifts to each other, and the student record has been passed on again and again in the hands of the students. After six years of schoolmates, no one can bear to leave, and everyone wants to leave the best memories.

The night before the exam, we held a graduation ceremony, which was presided over by me. Although it was simple, it made us unforgettable forever.

In the evening, students and teachers gathered in the classroom where they had classes in the past, and came to the ceremony with complex feelings.

When all the people arrived, I stood up, announced the start of the ceremony, and said a lot of opening remarks. Your voice shook a little. At the moment, my mood is the same as everyone's. Then, I invited all the teachers to speak. They recalled every bit of our past together and were hospitalized. We continued

Work hard and achieve academic success. We were deeply moved. The headmaster said, "Don't forget your alma mater in the future!"! Remember to visit your alma mater more often! You are always welcome here. After saying that, some students could not stop nodding, while others had already burst into tears.

After the teachers finished their speech, the students performed a series of wonderful programs. At the end of the meeting, we all stood up and recited "Farewell to Alma Mater", a lyric poem representing our feelings.

The ceremony ended silently. Everyone went to bed separately, and fell asleep with one dream after another.

The next morning, we finished our last breakfast and left the campus

Time is like a rushing river. In the past, it has already rushed to the sea and never returned, while the future is approaching in a hurry. But when the river washes through us, it will always leave an indelible memory. This is the most valuable thing in life!

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (5)

Summer should be leisurely and cheerful in many people's eyes, but it is sad and heavy for children facing graduation season. In my heart, I really can't forget the sad day and the departure covered by the sunset.

The days just after the exam were pleasant and relaxing for us. Even the annoying cicadas' chirping was particularly pleasant. Even the hot sunshine could not burn away the joy in our hearts. Everyone got together in twos and threes to play games, write student records, and exchange wishes for each other; I forgot that another meaning of graduation is farewell.

The omen of the first departure is the notice to take the graduation photo of our own class. It was noon, and the sun went through the leaves, through our play, through the teacher's hair. Only then did I find that Mr. Lin's hair had sprouted several silver threads, and my heart was filled with sadness. The sadness was soon drowned out by everyone's slapstick, and I didn't notice the nasal sound in the teacher's fake joke words and the slightly wet corners of the eyes. At that time, we didn't really grow up and understand!

The real sad day was the evening when the graduation photos of all graduating classes were taken. The rustling trees in the past seemed particularly solemn that day. We finally realized that the day of departure was coming. The setting sun is still a little far from the horizon, but it is not far away. It was quiet on the playground. I closed my eyes. The shutter sound of "click", "click"... seemed to ring the big bell of departure, and leaves floated to my feet. In my heart, there is only sadness. I began to hate the sound of the shutter, because it reminded me to leave so early.

The setting sun is still hanging on the horizon.

Finally, it was our class's turn to take graduation photos. "Ka Za" quietly cut through the past. I seemed to understand: "There is no place in life without parting".

After school, I went out of the school together with my classmate Xiao Y. I asked, "Can we get together again after graduation.

Go to the door of the house and look up at the half sunset, oh! It turns out that departure is the setting sun: the setting sun is still at a loss before it sets, and the setting sun is backward only with sadness; Then, then, wait for the light of the next day, but I can't find the sunset of yesterday.

May everything be well.

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (6)

At that time, the sky was always blue, and the days were always too slow. You always said that graduation was far away, and in the twinkling of an eye we would go our separate ways

The green years seem to have passed quickly. Distance and time are like filters and beautifying agents, turning those days that were exhausted and wanted to escape into a beautiful thing that is missed and nostalgic.

Farewell to the old days and my campus. I still remember the fragrance of the path behind the teaching building when the flowers were bright in summer. You and I were in small groups, talking loudly, boasting grandiose words and aimless dreams; I still remember the stars seen on the parallel bars of the playground at night, emitting a particularly dazzling light; Remember the breeze blowing on the runway, remember the willow trees in front of the classroom are always blowing in the wind in spring; Remember the bright red flag that was punished to stand under the flagpole... These are the best memories, engraved in the memory, and will never be forgotten. Now, once the high school entrance examination is over, we will say goodbye to this place that has carried three years of youth. Farewell to my campus, wish you as beautiful as ever.

Farewell to the old days and my teacher. I still remember your severe reprimand of me who made mistakes, and also remember your tender and caring eyes when you were sick; Remember your deep feelings in class, and also remember to talk and laugh with us after class; I remember that you persuaded me to work hard in the office, and also remember the tears in your eyes at the graduation ceremony. I dare not or will not forget the earnest teachings and last earnest expectations of the past three years. The teacher is here to say goodbye to you, but I will become indomitable and come to see you often. Farewell to my teacher and wish you all the best.

Farewell to the old days and my friends. Remember your care Remember the sweat we worked together; Remember the scenery we saw on the roof of our gym class; Remember to smile at the party and ask me to be good in the future. I also remember what you told me about your dream of becoming a psychologist. Is it farewell now? It's not that we will meet again in the future and become what we want to be, you know? Not only do I need to be good, but we all need to be good, carve pride in our bones, and straighten our spine. Farewell to my friend, I hope you are still young.

Farewell to the past and the old days. Regrets become beautiful. Today's farewell contains some feelings. I know that we are all trying to be good, to be good, and then to fly away. But I also know that one day in the future, we will return to the same way. Farewell to the old days, let's meet again when the flowers bloom.

Composition on Graduation Ceremony (7)

Senior English Composition 1 on Graduation Ceremony

Good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,

It’s a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating classes.

How time flies! Our senior high school lives will come to an end.

In the past three years, we’ve had a beautiful school and it provides us with a good study place. Teachers are our friends. They’ve given us interesting lessons and we all love them.

We’ve learned a lot from them, not only knowledge but also the way to solve problems in life. Thanks for our teachers’ training, parents’ support and the help from classmates. Without them, we couldn’t have so much wonderful time.

At last, we hope our school will become better, our teachers will be healthy for ever and all our dreams will come true.

Thank you for listening.

Senior English Composition 2 on Graduation Ceremony

My teachers and fellow students,

In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears。

To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us。

It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey。

Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers. Thank you!

Senior English Composition 3 on Graduation Ceremony

Dear schoolmates,

As I am graduating, I’d like to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. Learning in this school is a very enjoyable and meaningful experience for me. In the past three years, I have understood the pleasure of efforts and challenges, which will be beneficial to my life in the future.

While I attained a lot during this period, I also regretted wasting much time. With the much pressure on me, I sometimes read some novels in order to relax myself. The novels may relieve me from stress, but I should have focused on study.

No matter what I did in the past, it is essential to adapt myself to a new and hopeful life. Therefore, I will try my best to face more challenges in the university. I am full of confidence that I’ll get used to it soon.

Last, I want to give you some advice. Don’t put much pressure on yourselves. Keep in mind: it is not just the results that make it important, but what you have done during the preparations.

Good luck to all of you!


Li Hua