Good at composition (17 recommended)
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2024-05-24 07:50:25
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Good at composition (1)

"If a person does not have a pair of good observation eyes, what will the world look like in his eyes?" He must not appreciate the beauty of nature, the importance of details, and the advantages of friends. So people should have a pair of eyes that are good at observing and discovering beauty, which will purify your mind. Here are some good observations I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Poetic, what a "poetic" character! We can explore from someone or something. In short, as long as we are good at observing life, we will find poetry.

I remember a long time ago, when I was young, my parents and my relatives came to the West Lake in Hangzhou to see the lotus. When I came to the West Lake, I saw the endless clusters of lotus flowers, one after another in bud, as if waiting for my arrival. When I came, the sunshine "lost" my eyes, and the lotus slowly opened its budding flowers, as if to meet me. That one after another lotus is noble and beautiful, swaying gently with the spring breeze. The lotus is like a gentleman. It does not associate with the outside world and is not greedy for power. It is noble in nature and awe inspiring. The blossoming pink petals reminded me of Yang Wanli's poem, "The lotus leaves are infinitely green in the sky, and the lotus flowers look red in the sun." It made me appreciate the scene of "red clothes, green fans and clear waves".

After that, we watched the three pools imprinting the moon. At night, the moonlight shone on the lake, and the water surface was suffused with waves. With the gentle wind and the light from the three lakes, the three lakes are really worthy of the name and full of charm! No wonder people say that "there is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth".

Then walk into the Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhou, and walk into the closed tower, as if to realize that the White Lady is trapped in the tower and lonely... This scene is like an artistic conception of beauty expressed by the poet in the poem, full of poetry. It seems that I am also immersed in it, lingering and forgetting to return

My "small boat" is swimming around in the arms of Jiangnan. Bow your head again, the lake is bright and the moon is shining, and the water is shining. Look up again, the mountains are picturesque, and the moon is like water. My boat drifts around Hangzhou, as if intoxicated with my daughter's red fragrance, dazzled.

Everything seems like a fairyland

Everyone should know how to observe life. Only when you are good at observing life can you truly understand the beauty of the world; Only when you are good at observing life can you say, ah! The original life is wonderful; Only when you are good at observing life can you gain knowledge from life that you do not know.

When I was writing my composition, most of them sat in front of the computer and shouted, "What should I write in my composition today?"? In addition to sometimes, I experienced something unforgettable this week, and I only knew that if I did not experience anything unforgettable, I would read books there, crazy reading, but after reading books for a long time, there was no inspiration, only the last half of the day, or the composition was left. Whenever this time, My mother always said to me, "Yun Zhe, you should be good at observing life! Otherwise, do you have a composition to write next week.

However, sometimes, when I am good at observing life, I "leave the green hills behind". It is no longer the old "no firewood". I remember one time, when I caught a glimpse of the blooming calla lily, I suddenly felt that life is actually wonderful, but the prerequisite is that we should pay attention to every bit of life every day. So that Saturday and Sunday, I had a lot of things to write, and I still felt like I had more to write.

Sometimes, a very small thing in life can warm your heart; Sometimes, a small sound like a pin falling on the floor can move your heart with a heart of stone. Sometimes, a yellow leaf falling down can make you feel deeply; Sometimes, a blooming flower can let you find the surprise in life; Sometimes, a stubborn little life can touch your heartstrings; Sometimes, a drop of water breaks a stone completely, which can make you feel the power of "water drips through stone".

By observing life, you can get close to nature and observe life, and you can write many, many meaningful articles, instead of writing those exaggerating, empty and meaningful articles every day. Observation of life has great significance for me, and even for people around the world. Only by observing life, you can understand any truth.

Observe life. You can observe many things.

English writer Conan? Sherlock Holmes in Doyle's works once said: "For a great man, nothing is insignificant." This is not a viewpoint that comes from nowhere, but an unquestionable fact. In life, successful people are often good at observation.

"Observation" is a very common word. It seems that everyone can observe, but in fact, it is not easy to be good at observation, because for an observant person, every bit of life can arouse their curiosity and let them observe; For those who are not good at observation, many things seem to be very ordinary.

When the church lights shook on the ceiling and made a monotonous sound, others did not notice. Only Galileo suddenly raised his head, looked at the ceiling for a long time, and found the rule from the swing of the lamp. When the lid of the kettle was pushed up and down, which led to Watt's question, his grandmother's answer seemed to be taken for granted, but it was groundless. Grandma may forget all about it in a few days, but Watt never forgets. Since then, he stared at the kettle every day and thought hard. Finally, he found the answer from the hot air and invented the steam engine.

In fact, observation plays a decisive role not only in scientific invention, but also in other fields.

Wegener, a geographer, was lying on his sickbed, observing the world map. Suddenly, the coastline of the west coast of Africa and the east coast of South America made him sit up straight at once: the two coastlines matched perfectly! It was this discovery that triggered the idea of continental drift. However, Hua Tuo, the "miracle doctor", discovered the drug "Maboisan", which plays an important role in the medical field, after observing the reaction of drunken patients to treatment.

The swaying chandelier, the lifted lid, the map hanging on the wall and the drunken patients, these seemingly insignificant things have created four great winners. The secret is obvious, that is, good observation.

Always pay attention to the things around you, and be a good observer, you will be sure to succeed.

Autumn is slowly coming to us. Leaves in the community are falling and flowers are withering. But in autumn, she is like a magic painter, who paints the fruits of the farmer's uncle golden, the green lake clear and blue, and the continuous hillside colorful. Eh? What is the wall below so red, so dazzling, so warm? So I hurried downstairs and went to her.

Coming downstairs, I approached her. "Oh, Parthenocissus!" Look, her leaves are like open little palms. Every little slap is like a burning fire, which is so gorgeous and warm. So I picked off a leaf and carefully observed it in my hand. I also think the feel is different from that in spring and summer. Looking at it, I suddenly thought of a question. In spring and summer, these "little hands" are green. How come they become red in autumn? Is it frozen? What is the reason? A series of question marks hovered in my brain.

Back home, I asked our "doctor" - Dad. Because I usually consult him when I encounter problems, and I won't let me down every time. I also admire this "doctor" father. But this time let me very disappointed.

My father said definitely, "Well, I only know that they will turn red in autumn. Why? I don't know."

"It seems that you 'know it all' have a hard time!" I joked.

"But don't you have a more knowledgeable teacher?" Dad said.

"Who?" I asked.

"The Internet!"

"Oh," I suddenly understood.

I quickly opened the network and searched the Internet. The Internet world knows everything, and the above statement is very clear:

In autumn, some leaves or leaves of other plants turn red, some turn golden, and then fall. This is because chlorophyll is taken back by the rhizome. Chlorophyll is an important part of plant nutrition production. When the weather is cold, plants cannot produce nutrition, so they have to withdraw chlorophyll first, abandon leaves and go into dormancy. At this time, there are only residual nutrients such as glucose and protein in the leaves, and the leaves will be red or yellow.

I see! When the answer was found, I became the "tutor" of the "doctor" and called my father to give the "doctor" father a plant lesson. After listening to this, he exclaimed: "This is the way to seek knowledge - break the casserole to the end. Today I learned knowledge! 'Doctoral Tutor' worked hard!" I also smiled proudly.

In life, as long as we are good at observation and thinking, we will have unexpected gains!

Different people have different observation abilities, and each thing has its own unique features. Only when you carefully observe, you will get different attitudes, different inspirations to things.

The poet is curious about observing the universe and life. He is good at observing things around him, so he came to his point of view. If you can infiltrate everything into its interior, you can write what you want out of it. So we can see it.

If you can't penetrate a thing, you can only look at it from the outside and explore it slowly. It is man who has the ability to observe that makes the world more complicated. Watt invented the steam engine because he has the ability to observe and pay attention to small things around him, which has brought mankind into the steam age and changed people's lifestyle.

Newton created the law of universal gravitation because of his observation ability and curiosity. If another person sat under the apple tree and an apple fell on his head, I think that if this person had no curiosity and observation, he would not find the law of universal gravitation, but thought that an apple fell from the sky, which could just quench his thirst, Newton's achievement is due to his ability to observe, and we are the same. Only if you are concerned about observation, you can have some gains.

This is also the reason why we are so angry when we are inside, so we are high when we are outside. In some aspects of people and things, we tend to stay behind, because if you are too observant about everything, you will know that something is bad for others, so you will also be angry when you are outside, so you can be high when you are outside. That is why poets understand this, Only then has the different attitude and the method to the universe life.

Every thing has two sides. There are good and bad things. If you observe good things, you can write them. If you don't, you will be angry. There are good and bad things inside. There are both good and bad aspects. Human observation should be limited. We should only think about the good side of things and conduct ourselves. Only by discarding the bad side can we succeed.

About observation, I can get in and out of it. Observation makes us successful.

Good at Composition (2)

As the book says, life is as long as a day and as simple as a year. Life seems to be just for copying. I am wandering and struggling in this endless circle. I try to break away from this vortex that almost makes me collapse. But the pressure of parents and teachers makes me unable to get rid of this life that sticks to me like a shadow.

I only love grass, but I prefer silver heart hanging orchid. Almost every day, I squeeze out time from my busy schedule to water my silver heart hanging orchid. The crystal clear water drops reflect the rising sun, like bright little pearls scattered on the green leaves. The young leaves gently shake a few times, and then they bounce down, one by one into the soil, and another into the mouth of the grass. If you can't touch p, you can't find it. The mischievous drops hang on the leaves and stay there. The sunlight shines through their transparent bodies with colorful brilliance, which is very attractive.

The silver heart hanging orchid constantly shows itself. Looking at the beautiful hanging orchid and lovely water drops, I can't help laughing. Life is not just like these drops of water, light and transparent without color. But if you are good at discovering beauty and discovering life, just like these drops of water, reflecting the green of the tender leaves by the bright sunshine, weaving yourself bright and colorful!

Good at Composition (3)

"There is no lack of beauty in life, but the lack of eyes to find beauty." With a pair of no longer critical eyes and a quiet heart, I found the beauty in life.

In nature, spring is full of flowers, plants and trees. Although the grass is not as beautiful as peony and cuckoo, it is strong. It experiences wind and rain, lightning and thunder. Some waters are magnificent and some are as flat as a mirror. Some mountains are too steep, some are too noble, and some are too expensive. How beautiful it is, I'm not shocked. What's shaking me? It is beauty in nature.

Look, under the windowsill of the teacher's office. The teacher is still working hard to correct the homework, and your family and relatives are waiting for you to go back to eat! Bottles of exhausted ink bottles and broken red pens. I don't know how many inks and pens you have used up over the years. Teacher, you have worked hard! You have worked hard for another day, don't bother about us! Ah, what a good teacher, what a touching scene!

In response to the afterglow of sunset, there is a little yellow light on the path. I was walking on the path home when an old lady with pale hair accidentally fell down. A young student immediately came forward to help and helped the old man to the distance. Watching the figure of the old and young gradually disappear, my heart suddenly became warm. What a beautiful moment, what a beautiful moment. The light in the corridor is still on. I know that this must be the child of some family who has not come back. My parents are afraid that he is afraid, so they light the light and wait for the child to go home. What a wonderful time, father and mother. How much love have you given me since I came to this world? How much will you give me? Ah, my father, my mother, I love you!

What is' beauty 'in life? This is the beauty in life. It is such a simple and ordinary little thing.

I found the beauty in life!

Good at Composition (4)

The great French artist Rodin said: "Life is not short of beauty, but of discovery."

The sky is beautiful, because it is accompanied by the moon and stars; The hillside is beautiful because it has flowers blooming in seclusion... Let's open our bright eyes and be good at discovering the beauty in life!

In spring, the peach trees in the flower beds stretch out countless branches, and pink peach flowers are one by one, crowded with the whole branch, competing to let people enjoy their own beauty. When you gently poke away the flowers, you will find some small life - grass beside the trees. They are too weak and can only grow under those peach blossoms with beautiful flowers!

In summer, the dense leaves are crowded, and they are full of vitality. How beautiful the flowers are! Red is like fire, white is like snow, pink is like rosy clouds... There are single valve and double valve, and the size is dense. Bees and butterflies fly back and forth among flowers, savoring endless fun. The grass is so dense, like a huge green carpet!

In autumn, after several bleak autumn winds, 90% of the flowers withered, but this is the time when chrysanthemums are in full bloom. The chrysanthemums are graceful, red, white and yellow. There is a kind called "Green Cloud". How beautiful it is! The petals fall in curls, like beautiful curls of a girl's hair. A breeze blew, like a girl dancing.

In winter, snow covers the land, but there are still several wintersweet trees that are not afraid of the cold, still standing in the cold with vigor, sending people bursts of fragrance.

The four seasons around us are so beautiful that there is no lack of color in the four seasons of life:

Look, the innocent big eyes of the baby nestled in the mother's arms; Bright smiling faces of pupils on the way to school; The footsteps of the middle school students who study hard in the cold window; The parents are busy and hard working for life and to complete their children's studies; The old people supporting each other in the setting sun smile knowingly... This is a touching story in the four seasons of the world, and it is a beautiful life.

Ah! Let's be good at discovery! Discovery is a sailboat, which can carry us gradually to the other side of the ideal

Good at Composition (5)

Today, after the chemistry exam, I sat in the classroom for a while and wanted to walk downstairs. Unexpectedly, I met her in the building. Deng Banghong walked around the school space with her for several times. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I didn't bring my math book, but I had to do my math homework. She asked if she had a notebook. She said it was in her bedroom. Her composition is good at communication

On the way to her dormitory, she told me that she knew many people in high school, especially the girls' dormitory, as long as she touched and talked, she also said that she knew a girl in my class, and only met once at the beginning of school, but I was not familiar with the name at all. It seemed that she had heard of it, and it seemed that she had never heard of it.

After listening to this, she shook her head and said to me, "I'm too speechless for you. Do I care about the collective? Alas... In fact, I don't want to do that either. I really can't remember the names of the people in my class. Sometimes I look familiar when I meet, but I can't name her. Even Yaxing, who sits in front of me, I asked her name several times.

Sometimes I have no words for my memory, but fortunately it is not bad in endorsement.

Good at Composition (6)

In study, work or life, we are all familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. So have you learned about composition? The following is a collection of 800 words of self reflection composition compiled by the editor, which is for reference only and hopes to help everyone.

Zengzi said, "I think about myself three times a day: Are you unfaithful when you are scheming for others? Do you not believe when you make friends? Do you not learn how to communicate?"

If you want to cultivate yourself, you must first introspect. Self reflection is the most important means for a person to build a perfect personality. Self reflection enables us to find our own shortcomings, and then correct them. It can also improve our ideological cultivation and moral realm, and constantly improve ourselves.

Many times we often fail to see our own shortcomings, but we are full of others' shortcomings, which makes us become arrogant, arrogant, and indifferent. Sometimes we actually find our own shortcomings, but because of face, or because it is a small matter, we will not correct them. Gradually, our spirit will degenerate, Life is a kind of practice. Whether we can achieve positive results depends on whether we realize the importance of self-examination. If people are not sages, who can make mistakes? It is normal to make mistakes. But if we make mistakes, can we find and correct them in time? This is the difficulty. Therefore, I constantly reflect on myself every day. Is my virtue lost today? Have I done my best? Do I keep my promise to others? Have you tried your best to learn? If not, how can I correct it in the future? If I have done it, how will I keep it and make it better in the future? If you are good at introspection, you will have real improvement. Improvement means that you will not fall down in the same place for the second time. If one's words and deeds are done with a clear conscience, the practice will naturally go up after a long time. This is a kind of cultivation in the spiritual world, and also a kind of cultivation in behavior. It is not difficult to become a gentleman with knowledge and practice, and a person with both morality and practice.

In addition to correcting your own shortcomings, self-examination can also stimulate your own potential, because you will constantly find your own shortcomings, and then work hard to correct them. As time goes by, your inner potential will be infinitely stimulated. Because you don't know where you can go, you will move forward step by step, and you will find it when you walk, It turns out that I have made so much progress, and I can still make so much progress. In our words, this is actually a spirit of self-discipline. In this era of fierce competition, only by constantly improving myself can I gain a firm foothold. The society has suffered a lot, and it is not easy to stand firm. If you want to continue to move forward, you must find the light on the way forward, so that you will not be lost in the temptation of the society, and can move steadily towards the goal, move forward, and move forward again!

Good at Composition (7)

One monk carries water, two monks carry water, and three monks have no water. The reason why the three monks didn't have water to drink was that they were irresponsible, evaded each other, didn't have the spirit of cooperation, and didn't realize the importance of cooperation.

There is a fable that goes like this: Once upon a time, there were two hungry people dying of hunger. They were walking on the road, and an old man came by to help them. The old man took out a fishing rod and a basket of fresh fish from behind. One of them robbed the fish and starved to death after eating it; Another man asked for a fishing rod and went to the sea. When he arrived at the seaside, his eyes turned over and he died of hunger. The old man had no choice but to shake his head and turned and left. Fish can temporarily solve hunger, but it can't solve the long-term livelihood problem. Although fishing rod can solve the future livelihood problem, it can't do anything about the immediate hunger. The best way is to combine the two to completely solve the immediate and future livelihood. So the two people in the fable can be saved at the same time only if they enjoy the basket of fresh fish together and walk to the seaside together. But because the two refused to cooperate, they ended up in a tragic situation. This story just confirms Balzac's words: one person may die alone, and two people together may be saved. This sentence just reflects the importance of cooperation.

I also read such a story in the book. Konosuke, chairman of Panasonic, has a deep understanding of cooperation. His entrepreneurship began with the research of light bulbs. In order to realize the idea of transforming light bulbs, he spared no money to engage in improvement work and formed Panasonic Electric Appliance Company. At that time, there was an economic crisis all over the country. In order to get out of the predicament, all of them paid a personal visit to the chairman of the dry battery company. The two agreed that the two parties could give away 10000 light bulbs and 10000 dry batteries free of charge for joint product promotion. The publicity effect of this action is very good. Both the two companies have received a large number of orders, whether for light bulbs or dry batteries. Isn't the success of this business war also due to cooperation?

Mencius Day, an ancient man, said, "Time and place are not as good as place and place are not as good as people." In today's society, science and technology are developing at a high speed, and personal wisdom and knowledge are limited. Only through solidarity and cooperation can we work and learn efficiently. In order to produce more results. As a middle school student, we should remember the old adage and establish a sense of cooperation since childhood. We should know that a person without a spirit of cooperation is difficult to stand on his feet. Let's meet new challenges and be good at cooperation!

Good at Composition (8)

China has always advocated cooperation. "All men are brothers" is an old saying that has been passed down for a long time. "Care, love and help each other" has become the fashion of the times. However, it should also be noted that some places place too much emphasis on individual struggle, ignoring how to cooperate with others to achieve success, and how not to hurt others in the competition. In China's economic life, there is a "win-win theory".

After many times of competition, both sides won and lost. Later, the tortoise cooperated, and the rabbit carried the tortoise across the river on his back. This is "win-win". Competitors can also be partners. As the saying goes, "One fence has three stakes, and one hero has three gangs." To achieve great things, we must rely on the joint efforts of everyone. In a foreign country, a teacher led the students to do a very interesting experiment - "Escape from fire". The teacher put a lot of table tennis balls into the bottle, only showing the cotton thread tied. The vase represents a building. The thin bottleneck is the only exit. The seven ping-pong balls are residents. It is required that when the building catches fire, all residents can escape safely in a short time. Seven students came on the stage excitedly. Each of them took a piece of cotton thread and pulled it with the fastest reaction, but none of the "people" could escape the fire. It turned out that seven table tennis balls were stuck in the bottle mouth. The students looked at each other and saw that one of them discussed with his peers in a low voice and started a new experiment. This time, instead of taking care of each other's cotton thread, they pulled it from left to right. Sure enough, seven "residents" had left the exit before the fire started.

From this, it is very necessary to be a cooperative person!

Good at Composition (9)

It has been said that ears are the second scattered heart. If you put two ears together to become a heart, then the heart must feel the sound of love.

Since I was young, I have a habit of listening to the footsteps of my family.

My father's footsteps always make people feel his strength to protect his family. When he gets out of the elevator before returning home every time, I always hear a sudden knock on the door. At this time, he would say to us with a red face, "I'm sorry, I forgot my key. Although he is usually careless, he works very carefully. He strives to do his best to set an example for us. When he walks slowly at home, he will show his steady footsteps. It sounds very comfortable. His footsteps are unique, and they are also in my heart.".

Mother's footsteps are always cautious and very fast. When he comes home, I can always hear the sound of her heel colliding with the ground. At home, she does housework back and forth. I can hear her busy voice in the whole house. Her footsteps always make me feel the warmth of home.

After the holiday, I returned to my grandmother's house, which I hadn't seen for many years. I heard her footsteps again. She came to meet us in a hurry. Her steps were very strange, slow and fast. For example, when she does housework, it seems clean and neat, but when you listen carefully, her footsteps are not in a hurry at all, but appear very slow. It's hard to guess

It's a great pleasure to hear the footsteps of my family every day! Listen attentively to the voice of love, and you will get joy and unexpected surprises!

Good at Composition (10)

The wind, blowing gently, have you ever heard her graceful singing? The rain is falling quietly. Have you ever heard its happy story?

Go outside and listen to the sound of nature.

Listen, who is singing in front of the window? It turned out that there were two birds sitting quietly and listening to their songs. After singing, the birds flew away with a sound of "poof". The peerless songs were no less than those of famous singers. Oh, what lovely birds!

Listen to the sound of "Hua Hua". The river sings a cheerful song and flows through my heart as if everything has been washed. The birds beside the river are chirping and insects are chirping. The gurgling sound is unforgettable, the musician of nature!

Listen to the sound of wind singing. Although not pleasant, it is the voice of nature after all! "Shasha", the wind is combing the hair for the small tree. The surface of the lake is rippling. The wind is tickling the lake. The wind is fanning us. How lovely it is, the magic spirit of nature!

Listen, who is beating drums and singing songs? It's a little frog. Look, they are bouncing around in the fields, sometimes making a "quack" sound. Maybe you will ask: "Why can't you see their drums?" Maybe, their drums are in your heart. That is the drum for cleaning the soul, the holy voice that resounds through the soul!

Listen, the raindrops fall from the eaves and fly into my palm mischievously. Maybe, this is a baptism of the earth. The rain washed the green leaves, moistened the flowers, washed the roof, and turned it into a spring of crops.

The voice of nature cleanses the vulgarity of the world. Only holy people can hear the graceful voice of nature. Maybe, that's far away

Good at Composition (11)

It was very late at night. The white chrysanthemums outside the window closed their eyes drowsily, and the light from the desk lamp poured softly on my desk, spreading warm pictures······

When I was young, I always liked to lie in my mother's arms, because I could hear her powerful heartbeat, the powerful and regular beating again and again, accompanied by Andersen's fairy tales and children's songs under the bridge in front of the gate. Can always accompany me through one warm night after another. When I was young, I always liked to listen to my mother's heartbeat.

A little older, I always like to play in my grandmother's garden. Because I can hear the cricket's chirp, the occasional crisp sound always drives me to turn over bricks and tiles to find its trace. If I can't find it several times, I will doubt whether there is a secret orchestra hidden in that corner, rehearsing and playing heartily. At that time, what I longed for most was to listen to the crickets' singing.

Unconsciously, I went to primary school, and the world suddenly opened up a lot. My friends are also my most precious wealth. I always like to open that exquisite octave box, because you can hear the moving melody. With the slow rotation of the merry go round on the music box and the infection of the music, I was intoxicated by the true help of my friends. Six years of primary school life, the music of the music box accompanied me to grow and harvest all the way. At that time, I loved to listen to the melody of the music box.

Entering middle school, the heavy burden of schoolwork did not bother me. I just like listening to the sound of the pen nib rubbing against the paper. Shuasha... often in the self-study class, the Shuasha sound of the pen nib and the sound of the students quietly discussing questions begin and end each class. At this time, I think learning is the happiest thing. There is fulfillment in contentment and harvest in trek. Now, what I like most is to listen to the sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper.

The alarm clock in front of the desk worked slowly for a day, and the white chrysanthemum in front of the window also fell asleep quietly. Listening to the ticking sound of the alarm clock, I feel happy that the warm experiences in life are always around me. What I have heard is a true and eternal happiness!

Good at Composition (12)

Listen attentively to the sea, feel the beauty of the sea, and understand the different life.

Listen, that is the voice of the sea. Approaching the seaside, the sun shines evenly on every shell and every grain of sand, making people feel that it is a golden beach. The waves beat against the shore from time to time, soaked the sand and stones on the shore, but they retreated back, leaving only the footprints they had left.

I walked into the sea slowly, found a stone half washed and sat down, listening to the voice of the sea quietly: "I came from every drop of water, every stream, they selflessly gathered together and formed me. They gathered all their strength and gave it to me, so I have the ability to take charge of this sea stall, and I have the meaning of survival. If it were not for them, there would be no me today. I thank them. " Behind the success, it is often brought together by everyone's modest efforts. Sometimes, when I look back and meditate, a drop of water is not a spring. How can a single tree become a forest?

Look up at the blue sky and stare down at the sea. Sea, you are the sea worth listening to.

Listen, another white wave is billowing, wetting my calf: "We are boundless here. There are often many ships sailing here, and sometimes I really want to follow them to visit the world. But there will always be a gust of wind blowing, lifting my body and hitting the shore, which is a direction away from them. Every time I try to calm my surging heart and retreat to the center of the sea, they are getting farther and farther away from me, and I can't catch up with them.

I had to watch the white sails in the distance approaching the horizon. " The horizon is either close or far away. Maybe we have goals to follow, but there are always some thorns that hinder our progress. The waves could not stop the wind from coming, so they had to wait for the next white sail. But for us, obstacles are stepping stones. We should firmly believe that, even if the road is full of thorns, as long as we are willing to make great strides, we will be closer to the horizon.

Ah! The sea, you are so beautiful, I should feel your beauty and listen to your world carefully.

Listening is actually very simple. As long as you put your heart into it, you can listen to different life insights.

Good at Composition (13)

Everyone should know how to observe life. Only when you are good at observing life can you truly understand the beauty of the world; Only when you are good at observing life can you say, ah! The original life is wonderful; Only when you are good at observing life can you gain knowledge from life that you do not know.

When I was writing my composition, most of them sat in front of the computer and shouted, "What should I write in my composition today?"? In addition to sometimes, I experienced something unforgettable this week, and I only knew that if I did not experience anything unforgettable, I would read books there, crazy reading, but after reading books for a long time, there was no inspiration, only the last half of the day, or the composition was left. Whenever this time, My mother always said to me, "Yun Zhe, you should be good at observing life! Otherwise, do you have a composition to write next week.

However, sometimes, when I am good at observing life, I "leave the green hills behind". It is no longer the old "no firewood". I remember one time, when I caught a glimpse of the blooming calla lily, I suddenly felt that life is actually wonderful, but the prerequisite is that we should pay attention to every bit of life every day. So that Saturday and Sunday, I had a lot of things to write, and I still felt like I had more to write.

Sometimes, a very small thing in life can warm your heart; Sometimes, a small sound like a pin falling on the floor can move your heart with a heart of stone. Sometimes, a yellow leaf falling down can make you feel deeply; Sometimes, a blooming flower can let you find the surprise in life; Sometimes, a stubborn little life can touch your heartstrings; Sometimes, a drop of water breaks a stone completely, which can make you feel the power of "water drips through stone".

By observing life, you can get close to nature and observe life, and you can write many meaningful articles, instead of writing those exaggerated articles every day, which are empty and meaningful. Observing life has great significance for me, and even for people all over the world. Only by observing life, you can understand any reason.

Observe life. You can observe many things.

Good at Composition (14)

English writer Conan? Sherlock Holmes in Doyle's works once said: "For a great man, nothing is insignificant." This is not a viewpoint that comes from nowhere, but an unquestionable fact. In life, successful people are often good at observation.

"Observation" is a very common word. It seems that everyone can observe, but in fact, it is not easy to be good at observation, because for an observant person, every bit of life can arouse their curiosity and let them observe; For those who are not good at observation, many things seem to be very ordinary.

When the church lights shook on the ceiling and made a monotonous sound, others did not notice. Only Galileo suddenly raised his head, looked at the ceiling for a long time, and found the rule from the swing of the lamp. When the lid of the kettle was pushed up and down, which led to Watt's question, his grandmother's answer seemed to be taken for granted, but it was groundless. Grandma may forget all about it in a few days, but Watt never forgets. Since then, he stared at the kettle every day and thought hard. Finally, he found the answer from the hot air and invented the steam engine.

In fact, observation plays a decisive role not only in scientific invention, but also in other fields.

Wegener, a geographer, was lying on his sickbed, observing the world map. Suddenly, the coastline of the west coast of Africa and the east coast of South America made him sit up straight at once: the two coastlines matched perfectly! It was this discovery that triggered the idea of continental drift. However, Hua Tuo, the "miracle doctor", discovered the drug "Maboisan", which plays an important role in the medical field, after observing the reaction of drunken patients to treatment.

The swaying chandelier, the lifted lid, the map hanging on the wall and the drunken patients, these seemingly insignificant things have created four great winners. The secret is obvious, that is, good observation.

Always pay attention to the things around you, and be a good observer, you will be sure to succeed.

Good at Composition (15)

Meditators are knowledgeable, arrogant and ignorant

That is an example of personal experience: I remember last summer's midsummer, I listened to light songs near the computer, and my father said a few words, which disturbed my mood of doing business.

"What's your homework like?"


"Do you know?" Because some of them were taught by my father, my father was afraid that I would not understand them.

"Yes, yes," I replied proudly.

But Dad just said a word and left - "The more knowledgeable people are, the more things they don't understand." At first, I thought it was Dad who said it casually. As a result, a few weeks later. I accidentally saw a seemingly familiar saying in a book at my home - "The more knowledgeable people are, the more things they don't know; the more ignorant people think they know everything." I was stunned, read it carefully several times, and remembered: Isn't that what Dad said? God, I began to think... Knowledge is endless. If you know something, you should have a question. The answer to the question is called knowledge, but——

Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous

I think everything is a big question mark before you know it, and a comma after you know it. If you want to end this sentence and put a full stop, you must learn it. However, before not knowing and knowing, the first existence should not be a question, but one's own thinking. A person who blindly asks others for help without thinking about himself is a stupid person, and will only rely on others. So I also realized: "Diligence should be easy to ask, and easy to ask should be first thought."

I -- salute those thinking people.

I respect your reflection and your calmness and composure.

My envy is not jealousy.

My ideal is not a fantasy.

I also firmly believe that I will dance the dance of success with pride and impetuosity, problems and thinking.

Good at Composition (16)

listen for

Listen, feel with heart, listen to the movement of nature, listen to the silence in the noise, listen to your voice and mine

Taimu Mountain, standing on this land, is towering. This ancient boulder is not disturbed by everything outside. Calm down and listen carefully. What a heavy and powerful heartbeat! As if shaking the world. Coming here, although it is not autumn, I can't help feeling the cool feeling of autumn. The round arches stepping into the flower path are full of green grass, which is the hope of the sower and the symbol of vitality. The breeze caresses, taking away a trace of warmth, bringing a "rustling" sound. Close your eyes and listen carefully. You can feel the wind laughing and the trees dancing.

Walking slowly, I came to a temple, and I couldn't help thinking of Bai Juyi's "Seeing off guests on the Xunyang River at the first night, maple leaves and grass flowers rustling in autumn. The master got off his horse and the guest was on the boat, and raised his glass to drink without orchestra..." At the beginning, he also wrote the "Pipa Xing" and "Peach Blossom in Dalin Temple" in Dalin Temple, Lushan Mountain? In front of the Thatched Cottage, there are flowers, grass and running water, as if telling people about that unknown history. Although April has passed and I am not happy to enjoy the beauty of peach blossoms, the song "Peach Blossoms in Dalin Temple" is really memorable.

Continue to walk, while enjoying the magnificent harmony of nature, while listening to the voice of all things, everything seems so wonderful. Only at this time, our souls can coexist harmoniously and understand our hearts.

At night, we came to the observatory, which could not be reached by day. This place was covered by the sun, but it was the most beautiful place at night. What a cool and clear night! The stars are brighter and bigger than ever... They are just like dazzling gemstones under the silver gray sky curtain, scattering crystal soft light, and everything on the earth becomes so elegant and quiet. The stars seem to be composing music, which sets off a quiet and peaceful night with the gentle light.

Beauty is not an objective existence, but a beauty created by your own discovery. Only when you listen attentively and catch with your eyes can you find it.

Learn to listen

Someone said: "Flowers are the most beautiful because they are bright." Someone said: "Rain and dew are the most beautiful because they are moist.". Someone said, "The sun is the most beautiful because it is warm." And I said, "The most beautiful thing is listening, because it enriches the soul, nourishes the body, and warms the world." We should learn to listen.

Listen to nature.

At leisure, walk alone in the mountains and woods, listen to the voice of nature, listen to the depth and distance of mountains, listen to the rushing of rivers, the noise, listen to the cry of a small grass swaying in the wind and rain, listen to the calm of a red leaf moving towards late autumn, listen to the unrestrained rendering of flowers, listen to the raindrops on the eaves like broken pearls, listen to the birdsong on the winding path.

Listening enables people to find their own land, the most beautiful truth in their hearts, and the unique peace.

Listen in the crowd.

On the podium, in the flow of people, in the deep of the alley, on the balcony of the high-rise building, on the Mercedes Benz train, in the warm small home, you can listen whenever and wherever you want. Listen to the voice that allows us to reflect on life, listen to the old man who mends shoes on the street, explain his brilliant views on living, listen to a seriously ill patient, and frankly face the confession of life, Listen to the solemn and stirring journey of the man who has suffered many hardships and stood up many times, listen to the eloquent speech of the successful man Zheng Di, listen to the glorious past events soaked in sweat and wisdom, listen to the touching stories of those who rush with blood.

Listen to those fresh stories and true footnotes, we will understand that this day is really wonderful, this life is really beautiful, and this life should be interpreted as picturesque as a poem.

Listening to a teacher's teachings is like reading a good book, benefiting a lot, listening to friends, sharing happiness and pain with friends, listening to others' complaints, and making others feel comfortable and satisfied.

Enjoy listening

I got infinite happiness in listening. I got happiness from listening to chrysanthemums. Through the midsummer and into the autumn, the leaves of the trees gradually withered and yellowed, and the flowers gradually faded. In the cold wind, only the chrysanthemums competed with each other in full bloom, adding a touch of gorgeous color to the vast land. Isn't this exactly Wang Anshi's poem, he praises the spirit of Qiuju Aoshuang. I heard Qiuju Aoshuang, did you hear it? I got happiness from listening to green bamboos.

Who and Mei Song are called the Three Friends of Winter? Who is still tall and straight after the rain? Up? Who is selfless dedication, no regrets? It's green bamboo: "Once Xinghao Chenopodium album was the same as rain and dew, and eventually followed pines and cypresses to the frost". Isn't that exactly Wang Anshi's poem? Wang Anshi praised the selfless dedication and tall and straight of green bamboo. I heard the tall and straight of green bamboo, did you hear? I got happiness from listening to orchids. Who is called the fragrant ancestor of flowers? It's an orchid. Orchids are often in deep valleys and streams, and their fragrance is impressive. They have the virtue of the Chinese nation, and they represent the spirit and belief of perseverance. The fragrance of orchids wafts from thousands of miles. Isn't it true that Chen Weisong's poem "In February and March, the king's street is cold and blue, and the rain is not willing to work"? He praised the unyielding spirit of orchids. I heard the virtue of orchids, did you hear it? I got happiness in listening to the autumn chrysanthemum Aoshuang, and I got happiness in catching green bamboo upright! I got happiness from listening to the orchid's perseverance. I got infinite happiness in listening.

Good at Composition (17)

Discovery is a creative act.

Luban found that the teeth of grass would cut his fingers, so the saw was born; Zhuge Liang found that the weather was about to change, so he took advantage of the east wind to burn Chibi; Liu Bowen saw a man buying oranges in the street, so he wrote a fable called "A Tale of the People Who Sell Oranges", which has been handed down to this day.

It seems that everything happened in a flash, that all the inspiration came out in a flash, so inventions, theories, and decisions were born in a flash.

However, is it true?

If Lu Ban had not accumulated rich experience for a long time, would he be able to associate the grass with the foundation? If Liu Bowen is not dissatisfied with the Ming Dynasty, how can he write brilliant opinions?

When someone laughed at Edison for doing filament experiments 14 times, Edison said: "At least I found that one material can not be used as filament." A person who is good at discovery must have perseverance.

A person who is good at finding must also be good at observing and thinking. There were so many rickshaw drivers in old Beijing that they could be seen everywhere. Why did Mr. Lao She find the typical "camel Xiangzi"? That's because he has a pair of good observation eyes and a good thinking mind. Therefore, I say that the three keys to good discovery are observation, thinking and persistence.

If we review the history, we can find that discovery is one of the driving forces of human progress and development.

Human beings have learned to use fire, make stone tools, and plant crops from rudimentary drinking blood to learning how to use fire. What is not achieved through discovery? The reason why bronze ware has always been used is that it was found that bronze was more durable and easier to process than stone. Soon, it was found that iron was harder. Then to the steam engine, and then to the electric power era, it is through the discovery of this link that human progress has been constantly improved. It can be said that discovery is a sign of the progress of human civilization.

It is also a sign of a nation's civilization. Before the Middle Ages, some ancient countries were developed. The ancient Egyptians found that the pi was between 3.12 and 3.16, and the ancient Babylonians found the law of the sun's activity; Zhang Heng of China invented the seismograph

However, soon after, the civilization moved to Europe, and the sparks discovered also exploded in the land of Europe, from the center of the sun to calculus. From the leaning tower test to the electromagnetic wave, Westerners stepped on the discovery to reach the top of the world. Sadly, the ancient oriental countries seemed to have run out of wisdom and could no longer generate inspiration.

China was once such a country.

Backwardness means being beaten. The humiliation of 100 years has broken the hearts of Chinese people.

However, we stood up again. When the five-star red flag floated on Tiananmen Square for the first time, we were determined to build our country into a powerful country and welcome civilization back to the East.

Oil, natural gas and coal mines were found one by one, loaded into the spaceship and lifted off Doesn't all this mean that the creativity of Chinese people is back, and doesn't it mean that "discovery" is back?

Originally, the Chinese nation is a nation that is good at discovery, and the Chinese people are good at discovery. Moreover, in the years of striving forward, shouldn't we devote our intelligence to our motherland?

We should constantly observe and think in life to accumulate more knowledge. We should be brave and good at finding. Make yourself beneficial to the times and the country!