Composition describing campus (17 compilations)
Kindness is my nature
2024-05-17 05:52:35

Writing about Campus (1)

Stars all over the campus

In our campus full of laughter and reading, there are many colorful flowers and vigorous trees. If we talk about flowers, then the flowers on campus are enough for you to enjoy. There are colorful flowers such as yellow ribbon, stars, peach blossom, etc. The campus looks more beautiful under their clothes. If we talk about trees, we can't see any more! There are strong and straight trees such as cedar, magnolia grandiflora and poplar. Among these numerous flowers and trees, the flower that I never tire of seeing is the sky full of stars. Although it is not as eye-catching as Huang Shoudai, not as dazzling as the purple gold crown, and not as lush as poplar; Nor is it as vigorous and straight as cedar, but I have a special liking for her.

My friends, do you want to know why I like the stars all over the sky? Then please listen to me carefully!

The branches of the star are small and numerous, like a small round altar. Its branches are covered with many small white flowers, and its stamens are yellow. There are five white petals around. How small and exquisite it is, and how like a baby's bright smiling face. A cluster, a cluster, like a string of hoarfrost, like a piece of snow cover. More like small stars blinking their own eyes. Look, how beautiful it is!

At first, when the headmaster and teachers first planted the stars with their industrious hands, there was nothing on the branches, no flowers, no leaves, just a bare stem. At that time, I thought to myself: these flowers are not beautiful at all. They are not as beautiful as our rose flowers. Thinking about it, he turned his head and walked away. A few days later, I was surprised to find that it actually bloomed, which was beyond my expectation. I observed it carefully and found that I liked it more and more.

Ah! I love our beautiful campus, and I love the stars in our campus even more.

Writing about Campus (2)

Golden ginkgo leaves, green to yellow bamboo leaves... The following is a collection of essays about autumn on campus by Xiao Bian. Welcome to learn from them.

Today, under the guidance of our teachers, we walked to the campus of the Affiliated High School of Peking University.

A leaf fell down, as if to tell us that autumn is coming, but where is it? I looked up, oh, I saw autumn, autumn in every leaf, in the eyes of a child. I saw ginkgo leaves falling down, and saw green leaves on the tree. There were more light yellow leaves. It was very beautiful to match one yellow leaf with another green leaf. I saw the lines of maple leaves were very clear, and the lines were protruding. Oh, I saw autumn, heard autumn, and felt autumn. How beautiful autumn is!

On campus, the beauty of autumn is everywhere, from golden ginkgo leaves to withered and yellow bamboo leaves. The beauty is that the ginkgo tree has been five or six years. In autumn, the ginkgo leaves begin to turn yellow. When the wind blows, some leaves slowly float down with the wind, like butterflies dancing. A ball of sycamore looks like a flame. The round chair is covered with beautiful ginkgo leaves, like a yellow cushion. It feels soft and comfortable! I think yellow and blue are perfect. Looking up at the sky, the yellow ginkgo leaves and the blue sky match perfectly.

If you think that winter is coming, and the color is not as much as autumn, then please look around to see if there are any leaves around, and see if the leaves are all turning yellow and will fall down? Did the little squirrel really go back to the hole? There are shadows of autumn everywhere in the campus. It is waiting for you to discover its secret!

Today is Tuesday, which is also the time for extra-curricular group. We come to the Affiliated High School. Once entering the school gate, there is a breath of autumn floating in the campus.

As soon as I came in, I could hear the happy voices and laughter of roller skating children playing in the leaves, showing a happy picture. Then go inside. A few maple leaves just fell from the clover bushes are particularly attractive. In the small fish pond next to it, small fish and turtles are swimming happily, as if playing games with autumn.

Ginkgo trees immediately came into view in front of the teaching building. The golden leaves were fluttering in the wind, which was particularly conspicuous against the blue sky.

The flowers in the small flower bed are really colorful and lovely.

This is the beautiful autumn scenery on the campus of the Affiliated High School. What a beautiful scene!

In the golden autumn of October, the autumn girl used the cool autumn wind to blow away the summer heat, bringing us bursts of cool air. Under the guidance of teachers, we walked into the campus of Peking University High School.

The first thing we saw was a big fake stone, which said: Cohesion, tenacity, pragmatism, and thinking. The first thing that came into view around the fake stone was golden yellow. Looking up, you could see the colorful leaves. Some were light green, some were golden yellow, and some were dark red. From afar, it looked like a painting painted by Qiu with her dexterous hands. She turned the yellow ginkgo leaves into yellow paint and sprinkled it on the ground. She splashed the red paint of maple leaves on the sky and onto the ground. She also turned the leaves of the banyan tree into green paint to make the background, which is more beautiful against yellow and red. I think autumn can change all kinds of colors just like a magician!

Today, under the guidance of our teachers, we walked to the campus of the Affiliated High School of Peking University.

A leaf fell down, as if to tell us that autumn is coming, but where is it? I looked up, oh, I saw autumn, autumn in every leaf, in the eyes of a child. I saw ginkgo leaves falling down, and saw green leaves on the tree. There were more light yellow leaves. It was very beautiful to match one yellow leaf with another green leaf. I saw the lines of maple leaves were very clear, and the lines were protruding. Oh, I saw autumn, heard autumn, and felt autumn. How beautiful autumn is!

Writing about Campus (3)

1. Grape trellis on campus

In the south of our school, there is a grape trellis, which is the most distinctive building in our school!

The grape trellis is composed of 14 cement columns, all of which are white. Grapevine climbs up along the white grape trellis, growing green branches and leaves. In summer, green leaves are covered with grape trellises. These lush branches and leaves are as beautiful as a giant oil painting under the sunlight and the white grape trellises. The fish pond is in front of the grape trellis, and the activity area is behind it. Next to the grape trellis are those pink flowers. Against their background, the white grape trellis has a unique beauty.

Looking far away, rows of shelves covered with green grape vines form a green greenhouse. A closer look shows that the small grapes also "jump" out. When the grapes are not mature, the skin is emerald green. It looks like jade, crystal clear. Gently remove the skin of the grapes, the flesh is translucent, emitting a charming sour taste, making people drool. With the weather getting hotter, the grape trellis has become our school's "summer resort". The green leaves on it block out the dazzling sunlight for us. Inside, we chase and play with each other, very happy. Sometimes, we will watch the fish swim freely in the water here. Teachers also like this place. They will come here to take a walk, chat and relax when they are free.

The grape trellis not only helps the growth of grapes, but also becomes the characteristic building of our school. At the same time, it also integrates into our learning life, bringing endless fun to our life.

I love this unique grape trellis!

2. Grape trellis on campus

There is a small garden beside the playground of our school. The scenery of the garden is charming all the year round. Spring is coming. On the lawn, flowers are blooming with beautiful smiling faces, grass is sticking out from the ground, and the herald of spring, Little Swallow, is coming in a hurry; In summer, under the green grape trellis, several old ladies sat there to enjoy the cool; In autumn, the grape trellis is full of clusters of crystal clear grapes, which are like purple pearls hanging on the grape trellis; When winter came, the small garden was covered with ice and snow, but it was still very beautiful. The snow covered the grass like a thick quilt. The path paved with colorful pebbles has become a silver path. Walking on it, it seems that you have entered a fairy tale world.

The house, trees and grape trellis are also covered with a thick layer, as if a layer of white paint had just been painted. I seem to see Prince Charming leading the beautiful Snow White from above. Several of our playful friends sneaked out of the classroom during recess and came to play in the small garden. We ran, laughed and chased happily, and snowballs whistled past our heads from time to time. The small garden was full of laughter. The small garden is our paradise. There are not only our songs and laughter here, but also the bright sound of reading.

3. Composition describing grape trellis

There is a grape trellis in my school, which is very popular with students all the year round.

In spring, everything recovers, ice and snow melt, and tiny buds have grown on the grape trellis. Some of them are light yellow, some are grass green, and some are dark green. There are still some plump buds. After class, the students got off their books, played games, and chatted on the grape trellis. They were very happy.

In summer, when the sun was scorching, the students were still taking classes on campus. Not only did they not realize that the grapes on the grape trellis were ripe, some were purple, some were green, and some were black. Each was crystal clear. Under the sun's light, the grapes were as beautiful as agate, and as dazzling as diamonds. The grapes were emitting attractive fragrance, even more than the flower fragrance.

After class, we gathered around the grape trellis and looked at the attractive grapes. We wanted to fly up from the ground and pick grapes in the air, but the school had a rule that we should not pick grapes. But some students don't care what the rules are: when the teacher and the student on duty don't pay attention to jump and pick a few grapes, I also ate a few grapes, "Hmm, it's delicious and sweet." I like the grape trellis in summer.

In autumn, the autumn wind is cool, and the leaves are dry, like a group of old and infirm soldiers, unable to withstand the wind and rain. After a gust of wind, there were few leaves left on the branches. Those leaves were sent to every corner of the school by the wind. The students saw the withered and yellow leaves and felt the arrival of autumn.

In winter, the north wind is blowing. The once bustling grape trellis has become less traveled. Thick snow has accumulated on the branches. It is about to enter the "hibernation" state. In the long winter, it can no longer laugh with us and listen to our voice. We are going to spend this cold and long winter alone.

How about the grape trellis on my campus! If you are interested, you can visit our school. We welcome you.

4. I love the grape trellis on campus

I have a lovely campus. There are colorful flowers on campus; There are live fish and green grass; There are several old teaching buildings, but what I like most is the beautiful grape trellis.

In spring, a little green bud appeared on the grape trellis, which was long and curved, just like a little green paint on the picture. It was very beautiful! It is because of these small green buds that the campus has added vitality and vitality. When class was over, the students would run to the playground one after another to have a happy game. At this time, the little green bud seemed to be watching the children's happy games. A breeze blew, and the buds danced happily.

In summer, the green of the buds deepened, and clusters of green grapes grew out. The green is as green as a flawless emerald. The green color shines brightly in my eyes. It seems that there is a small life on every grape, this beautiful green!

In autumn, the grapes on the trellis are ripe. The grapes are crystal clear. When the sun shines in, it seems transparent. After class, one by one, the students rushed to the grape trellis, picked grapes and ate them with their hands, and beat down the grapes with poles. Put the grape in your mouth and taste it with relish. After seeing the bright smiles on their faces after eating, I also want to pick a grape and taste it!

In winter, the weather turns cold. There is nothing on the grape trellis. It's bare. Only the thick and smooth branches are left. I hope that a new spring will begin and a new miracle will appear in the glory of autumn.

I love our campus, I love our campus grape trellis.

5. Composition describing grape trellis: grape trellis on campus

There is a grape trellis beside the flag raising platform of the school. Another summer came, and the grape trellis was covered with lush green leaves, bearing clusters of green grapes.

Today, I went to see the grapes and found that the grapes on the grape trellis were big and round, like small quail eggs, growing together in lush green leaves. Unfortunately, only a few have turned purple and matured. At this time, I thought of the delicious taste of grapes, and couldn't help but want to taste fresh. So my mother and I picked the ripe grapes and enjoyed the delicious grapes. Looking at the shelves full of grapes, my mother decided to open a "grape party", and invited my friends to pick grapes together when the grapes were ripe.

In this quiet night, in this beautiful summer night, I can't help thinking of the delicious grapes. Ah! I look forward to the "Grape Party" coming soon!

6. Grape trellis on campus

There is a grape trellis in my school, which is very popular with students all the year round.

In spring, everything recovers, ice and snow melt, and tiny buds have grown on the grape trellis. Some of them are light yellow, some are grass green, and some are dark green. There are still some plump buds. After class, the students got off their books, played games, and chatted on the grape trellis. They were very happy.

In summer, when the sun was scorching, the students were still taking classes on campus. Not only did they not realize that the grapes on the grape trellis were ripe, some were purple, some were green, and some were black. Each was crystal clear. Under the sun's light, the grapes were as beautiful as agate, and as dazzling as diamonds. The grapes were emitting attractive fragrance, even more than the flower fragrance.

After class, we gathered around the grape trellis and looked at the attractive grapes. We wanted to fly up from the ground and pick grapes in the air, but the school had a rule that we should not pick grapes. But some students don't care what the rules are: when the teacher and the student on duty don't pay attention to jump and pick a few grapes, I also ate a few grapes, "Hmm, it's delicious and sweet." I like the grape trellis in summer.

In autumn, the autumn wind is cool, and the leaves are dry, like a group of old and infirm soldiers, unable to withstand the wind and rain. After a gust of wind, there were few leaves left on the branches. Those leaves were sent to every corner of the school by the wind. The students saw the withered and yellow leaves and felt the arrival of autumn.

In winter, the north wind is blowing. The once bustling grape trellis has become less traveled. Thick snow has accumulated on the branches. It is about to enter the "hibernation" state. In the long winter, it can no longer laugh with us and listen to our voice. We are going to spend this cold and long winter alone.

How about the grape trellis on my campus! If you are interested, you can visit our school. We welcome you.

7. Grape trellis on campus

When you come to the campus, what you see is an orange teaching building. In front of the building is a rectangular flower bed full of colorful flowers, a wide playground, a prominent flag raising platform and a leading platform... My favorite is the grape gallery in the back yard of the campus.

The grape trellis is arched on the path in the backyard. In spring, there are many green buds growing on the vines, and the grass on the roadside also sticks out. You will find the traces of spring when you come here. In summer, those tender green buds gradually grow into green leaves, just like the green net woven by the skillful Weaver Maid on the frame, with several strings of green grapes interspersed in the middle, which is very attractive. Students are also willing to play here, because the green grape leaves can shield us from the summer sun. From afar, the grape trellis looks like a green corridor. In autumn, the grape trellis is full of purple grapes. Sometimes, you can pick up several strings on the ground. Some people can't wait to climb on the trellis to pick and eat. Although the grapes are small, they are round and lovely. A mouthful of sour grapes makes people feel sour. In winter, the leaves of the grapevine turned yellow and fell, but the bare grapevine, like grandpa's outstretched arm, did not lose its style at all, but showed its strong muscles and bones. When white snow covers the backyard, it seems that the grape trellis is covered with silver quilts. What a beautiful grape trellis!

The grape trellis in the campus is really beautiful. It makes us more attached to the campus. Every time after school, students are reluctant to leave, and are looking forward to tomorrow!

Writing about Campus (4)

There is a small green bamboo forest in the southwest of our school. The green bamboos here stand tall and upright, standing tall and upright. No matter in the severe winter or summer, they always stand firmly in the cold wind, exposed to the scorching sun, and still do not shake.

Bamboo grows very tall, several times that of ordinary trees. Its poles are jointed one by one. At night, you can sometimes hear the clear sound of "popping" when the bamboo is jointing. The bamboo is like cannons one by one. There are many tender branches on the bamboo poles. If you break it to hit people, you can imagine that it is very painful! There are many blade like leaves on the slender branches. Don't underestimate the green bamboo leaves. It is still a wonderful instrument! If you put the bamboo leaf on your mouth and gently blow it, the small and exquisite bamboo leaf will send out bursts of beautiful melodies, which will make people gasp for praise.

Every spring, small and tender bamboo shoots grow on the ground of the small bamboo forest. It seems that they will die if you touch them gently. After a spring rain, the young bamboo shoots were fed up with rain and nutrients, ready to excel. In this way, the young bamboo shoots grow up day by day.

In summer, they began to grow crazily. The higher they grew, the denser their leaves grew. Looking from afar, they looked like a green ocean. Close up and carefully observed, bamboo leaves hung on the branches like small blades. In autumn, although the leaves were a little withered and yellow, most of them were green.

Winter has come, although it is a little cold, bamboo is still standing in the wind and snow, indomitable, evergreen all the year round. It is still different from other trees, still tall and straight.

I was suddenly scratched by something like a blade, leaving a blood stain on my face. When I looked back, it was bamboo. I like bamboo. Just like I like pandas.

Writing about Campus (5)

[Part 1: Campus after Rain]

It rained all day yesterday, but this morning it cleared up, and the sun shone brightly on the earth.

Standing on the playground, the sun shines on me and I feel warm. Willow leaves in the north of the playground give off a faint fragrance. The long willow branches fall down, like a little girl's beautiful hair. When we came to the edge of the lawn, the glistening dew on the grass tip was shining with little golden light. I reached out my little hand and met the grass tip. The naughty little dew seemed to play hide and seek with me, and suddenly fell into the arms of Mother Earth.

The campus after the rain is really good.

[Part II: The Big Flower Bed on Campus]

Our campus has a beautiful big flower bed.

In spring, Spring Girl covered the big flower bed with a red carpet. The red roses in the flower bed are blooming. The color is so pure and thick. So many roses are standing up one by one, as if they are competing with other roses; Some are comparing with other roses; Others extend their hands as if to say hello to me... they are so cute.

[Chapter 3: Pond on campus]

There is a big pond on the campus. I go to have a look at it every noon.

In the pond in June, several beautiful lotus flowers stand among the lotus leaves like several slim little girls. Many cute little fish like to play hide and seek with the lotus. They sometimes swim freely at the foot of the lotus, and sometimes hide under the big round lotus leaves to rest, so that the lotus can find easily. At this time, I wish I could become a small fish and join the fish school to play with them.

I like the pond on campus.

Writing about Campus (6)

Our school is beautiful all the year round, just like colorful landscape paintings.

In spring, the campus is full of colorful flowers. There are two flower beds on the left of the gate of our school. There are unknown flowers all the year round. But beautiful, there are many colorful butterflies dancing in the flowers! But what I want to write is not them, but the jasmine flowers in the strip flower beds beside the corridor outside the classroom. Whenever we go up the stairs, from afar, we can see that the winter jasmine flowers are like little stars in the sky, splashing on the green branches. They are very small, composed of five pale yellow petals, and their branches hang down like weeping willows. They are not charming and plain, but they add a unique and fresh flavor to our campus. When we are tired in class and smell the faint fragrance of flowers, we will be invigorated.

When summer came, the school was scorched by the hot sun everywhere. We liked to enjoy the cool under the pine tree near the school playground. The tree was very tall, and could stand more than 100 people under it. It was about the height of the third floor teaching building, and the bucket was thick. Every time we finish our PE class and wash our faces, we come to the tree to enjoy the cool. Looking up, the hot sun also turned green, as if with a little cool feeling. Occasionally, a gust of wind blew, shook the needle like leaves and gently stuck them in our faces, often causing us to laugh. This place has become an indispensable place for us in summer and our paradise.

When autumn comes, it is clear and crisp. On the right side of the solemn flag raising platform, there are several osmanthus trees. The pale yellow osmanthus flowers are hugged together on the branches, giving off a much stronger fragrance than the jasmine flowers. You can smell it far away from the school gate! At this time, many students picked up the osmanthus that fell to the ground. Some students collected them in a small cup and said they would make perfume for their mother; Some use ropes to jump up and wear them on their hands, hoping to smell delicious all day; Others held them in their hands and carefully observed them as treasures... In this way, osmanthus fragrance filled the whole campus.

Winter is our favorite season, we can play with snow. It snowed, and the snowflakes put on a white coat for the campus. It was wrapped in white clothes and made of powder jade. It was very beautiful! The red and green playground turned white, but it attracted us to play with snowflakes here! Some snowmen dress up as our good companions; Some snowball fights, snowballs with our laughter flying in the winter playground; Some of them kept working with their hands and made a white flower... Look, the playground was full of laughter.

This is my campus. It is beautiful all the year round. I love my campus.

Writing about Campus (7)

[Campus in Winter]

In the campus, there are four charming seasons: peach red and willow green spring, blooming summer, maple red and chrysanthemum fragrant autumn, pine green and white winter. In the campus, the most attractive scenery is the snow covered winter.

Close to the gate, you can see the nine characters "Wuluo Road Primary School Jindi Branch". Now, it looks more beautiful and moving in white, like a bride in wedding dress, waiting for the groom to marry. The white cherubs turned the "green handkerchief" and "red flower border" in the middle of the campus into a new layer of white carpet.

The two teaching buildings are covered with snow.

"Ding --" The clear and cheerful bell rings, look! There are naughty footprints on the carpet, and their owners are happily piling up snowmen! Many students rubbed up the snow on the white carpet and threw it at their peers. The campus full of laughter brought lovely atmosphere and beautiful hope to the quiet city!

At this moment, the snow elves are playing on the birch tree. When the wind blew, the elves on the birch trees flew down from the leaves and branches, and dressed all kinds of land in white. After a careful inspection, they nodded and flew to other places if they were qualified. What about unqualified ones? He looked at it with his head crooked, and then flew to the tip of the leaf to find more brothers and sisters to decorate the land. Then he waved his hand and said "goodbye" excitedly! And flied to another place with lightness and dexterity.

Looking down from a high place, the playground shows its true colors. The naughty little feet "turn" the playground green, restoring the original vibrant green!

"The northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, only the remaining wilderness, the river up and down, suddenly lost the surging, mountain dance Milky Way -" Our campus is so beautiful, it is a simple, white, beautiful beauty

Writing about Campus (8)

There is a bustling famous school in our city. Although the school is small, it has beautiful scenery and makes people feel happy! It is the campus where I study every day.

Entering the gate, rows of willows came into view, and its stretched branches sprouted little buds. It also has a beautiful name - Golden Willow. The branches and buds of the golden willow bloomed a little green, and it was full of vitality.

In summer, willow branches and leaves are pleasing to the eye, full of new green. Pieces of leaves drilled out, looking left and right, as if to know the world. At the same time, bursts of fragrance from unknown places hit people's faces, refreshing.

In autumn, leaves fall, one after another like yellow brown butterflies, dancing. It seems that Miss Qiu changed their new clothes so that they could go to the ground for a dance. Some of them spin down and dance elegant waltzes; Some "jump" gently, like fairies; Others waltzed

In winter, the leaves fall out. The pure snowflakes fell on the tree like white dancing skirts wrapped in white. We happily played snowball fights, rolled snowballs and made snowmen under the trees

This is our campus, beautiful trees, beautiful people, more beautiful campus!

Writing about Campus (9)

Our campus is beautiful! With lush trees, fresh buds, fragrant flowers and the singing of birds, come and visit our campus!

Walking into the retractable school gate, you can see the big trees on both sides at a glance. They stand straight like two rows of soldiers. The spherical grass under the tree is like green grenades.

Go inside again and you will come to our big playground. During class, the playground was silent. After class, the playground turned into a big paradise, and laughter echoed in the sky. The flag raising platform is made of white marble. When there is wind, it looks like a burning torch. When there is no wind, it looks like a small flag.

In front of Cao Cao, there are teaching buildings on the left and right, which are shaped like 5, 7, and 9 steps and "U" shape. In the classroom, some students listened intently to the teacher; Some concentrate on writing on paper; Some students stood in front of the window, staring at the sky, imagining the beautiful sunset, and some were reading aloud; Yes

Finally, let's come to the Botanical Garden. What you can see are rows of lush plants. The grass is like a small pool, and there are also bamboo, osmanthus, peony, clover, sweet bamboo and other plants, which will definitely make you feel happy! Look at the sweet bamboo. It has a sweet fragrance. People who are in a bad mood can smell it. The troubles will fly away immediately, and they will feel refreshed! Go on, next to the osmanthus tree. The pink buds, like a shy girl, are extremely beautiful. Even a few butterflies on the osmanthus tree seemed to be infected by the scene and showed their charming dances.

My campus is so beautiful! I love my campus!

Writing about Campus (10)

"Where is spring? Where is spring? Where is spring..." Spring is in the beautiful garden, flowers are colorful, competing to open; spring is in the beautiful fields, laying a green carpet on the earth; spring is in the beautiful campus, adding vitality to the campus. My favorite is the campus spring.

The lovely Spring Girl is coming to our campus with light steps. Look! Spring girl gently waved her magic wand, and the small trees beside the playground spit out buds. Under the continuous spring rain, they slowly grow new green leaves. What's more surprising is that there is a lovely grass beside the football field. They are greedily sucking the milk of Mother Earth, growing healthily and healthily; It reminds me of a poem, "Leave the original grass, wither and prosper every year. Wildfires can not be burned out, and spring breeze is blowing again." What a vibrant scene! If you look carefully, you will also find that there are several small flowers in the grass. The flowers are dancing in the grass with the wind, and their smiling faces are blooming. The grass also makes a "ah ah" sound, as if it is playing for the flowers.

Walking eastward along the playground, there is our school's flower bed, red like rosy clouds, white like snow, yellow like gold, a dazzling variety of colors. They are closely clustered together, adding a color to the campus. When the breeze blows, they are nodding gently, as if saying hello like spring! Say hello to the students again!

Our campus is full of scenes of spring. The students also took off their heavy cotton padded clothes and put on their thin spring clothes, as if they had changed. The playground is full of students running and playing. The sound of playing and laughing fills the playground. The sound of reading came from the classroom, which was so loud, clear and powerful, adding vitality to this spring!

The spring on campus is so green, so colorful, and so full of vitality. I love my campus, but also love the spring on campus.

Writing about Campus (11)

When I come to the school every morning, the first thing I see is the beautiful scenery --- the busy figure of the school duty teacher Zhou.

They smiled kindly, looked sincere, and responded to the children's greetings: "Good morning, classmates!". They silently examined every child who came in and out. Did they tie their shoelaces? Like my mother, I comforted the new schoolmate with tears on his face... Look, the little schoolmate who was rampaging at the door has attracted the attention of the teacher. The teacher's body leaned forward slightly, his hands loosened and loosened with the boy's stumbling figure, his legs and feet involuntarily moved in his direction, his arms slowly raised, ready to deal with sudden situations at any time, he saw the little boy's feet stagger, the teacher had rushed up with vigorous steps, grabbed the bag, and immediately held his body to the ground, The frightened boy looked at the teacher timidly. The teacher just touched his head and told him, "Be careful, go!" The teacher was very careful. He didn't blame and criticize him, which didn't affect his good mood all day.

The teacher's care for us is the most beautiful scenery in the campus.

Writing about Campus (12)

Our campus is full of singing and laughing; Some interesting things often happen in our campus. In a twinkling of an eye, I was already a sixth grade student, and I was leaving my alma mater one semester later. When I thought that I was going to graduate soon, I felt a lot of sadness in my heart. I always felt the sweet taste of my classmates helping and caring each other.

That day, the teacher assigned a math problem. When the last problem was solved, suddenly, I didn't know whether my brain was short circuited or what was wrong, but I couldn't solve the last problem. This made me puzzled, who usually got high marks in math. I drew a line segment diagram, reformulated, and checked step by step, but still couldn't solve it. I had to sit on the bench in a daze. At this time, my good friend asked me to play with her. I said in frustration, "I still have one question I can't do." "Which question, oh, this one, I'll tell you." I quickly told her my thoughts, and she immediately found the cause, She said: "Your thinking on this question is wrong, and the unit '1' is wrong. We can solve this question by equation, and set this as X..." Under her guidance, I finally understood that, ha, while feeling ashamed, I was full of emotion and sweetness.

Life on campus is colorful, and our friendship is everlasting. Even after graduation, we will never forget our friends who once laughed together. Growing up in the care of my classmates, I am like a honey bathed in love. Knowledge is sweet, and friendship is sweet.

Author | Zhang Chunyi, Class 62, Heyuchuan Road School

Writing about Campus (13)

Spring came to our campus, and the campus suddenly became spring.

Small flowers and grass all come out of the ground, one by one, clumps, as if to cover the mother earth with a colorful blanket.

Peach blossoms are all over the branches, emitting bursts of fragrance.

The pine and cypress standing at the gate of the school, with gray brown branches, looks like a dutiful sentry. The needles of the trees are green, giving people a fresh feeling.

The campus is full of spring everywhere. Trees, flowers and plants are growing quietly. There is no sound.

Butterflies fly past, inlaid with flowers in spring. The butterfly stayed on one flower for a while, then flew to another flower

"Ding Ling Ling - Ding Ling Ling - Class is over", a sweet bell rang, and the students ran out of the classroom and came to the playground. One by one, talking and laughing.

When we came to the playground, some students played parallel bars, some jumped rubber bands, and some caught butterflies

The innocent laughter of children came from the playground. The laughter adds infinite vitality to the spring of the campus.

Spring on campus is full of vitality. Spring is a color in the campus, an infinite joy in the hearts of children, and a colorful carpet of Mother Earth.

Spring on campus is beautiful, pleasant and warm.

I love spring, and I love spring on campus even more.

Chapter 2: Spring on campus

With life and hope, Spring Girl came to the world with light steps. She leaped over mountains and rivers. She worked hard! But she didn't rest for a moment, so she couldn't wait to come to our campus.

Look, the campus is full of the breath and vitality of spring everywhere; Everywhere is full of vitality; Everywhere is a scene of birds singing and flowers fragrant; Everywhere is permeated with thick spring. The slightly chilly spring breeze awakened the sleeping things and made countless small creatures open their dim sleep eyes. Look, the grass on the ground opens its eyes, sneaks its head out of the ground, and looks curiously at the dazzling spring outside. It is like a skillful textile expert, weaving green carpets with his own little green and relying on the collective strength. The flowers in the flower bed compete for fragrance and beauty. If you don't let me, I won't let you open and cluster together. A red, a yellow, a purple, a rose...... Flowers bathed in the warm sunshine in spring, competing to open. The birds on the branches let go of their throats and sang beautiful songs happily. The little tree also wakes up from hibernation, puts on beautiful green clothes, branches and leaves, stands like a guard, guarding our campus. At this time, the whole campus seems to be covered with a layer of green gauze by Spring Girls.

In particular, there are many bright peach flowers on the peach tree in front of the teaching building. They are like shy girls, with pink rouge faces and golden stamens, emitting faint fragrance, attracting many hard working bees and playing butterflies. Those budding peach buds tightly cover their faces with their bodies, dare not show their faces, and sprinkle fragrance all over the campus, which is unforgettable. The lilacs next to the teaching building are also in full bloom. They are all small and delicate, posing one by one in a beautiful manner, like beautiful little beauties in purple. They are extremely cute. All of them were dressed in beautiful clothes and came to participate in the spring feast.

In the morning, the students came to school early to do all kinds of sports on the playground, exercise, bursts of laughter and laughter shook the dew off the branches. In the classroom, the light is bright and the sound of reading awakens Father Sun. He smiles at the vibrant campus and spreads the warm sunshine all over the campus. It's so warm and so hot that people want to sleep. No wonder poet Li Bai would say, "Sleeping in spring without knowing the dawn"!

As the saying goes, "Spring is the plan of a year, and morning is the plan of a day." I will study hard in this beautiful morning. I was intoxicated with the picturesque spring scenery, as if I had become a grass and a flower in the colorful spring. With the diligent cultivation of gardeners, I was growing happily and healthily, decorating the spring of our country more beautiful and lovely.

Chapter 3: Spring on campus

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Everything is revived, the scenery is pleasant, the campus is full of vitality, everywhere green trees and red flowers, everything looks more beautiful. However, my favorite is the small garden in the south.

We have just entered the campus, and the beautiful garden is on the right.

Walking towards the small garden, I saw palm trees rising from the ground one by one. They were all very tall. How tall were they? The shortest can grow as high as a two storey residential building, and the tallest can grow to three or four floors. It's such a tall tree. One by one, they stood up and lined up, like a row of energetic soldiers, guarding our campus day and night. From a distance, palm trees look like coconut trees, but palm trees do not grow coconuts. The trunk of the palm tree is very rough. There are circles of things on it. I guess this is the growth ring. At the top of the palm tree, there are drooping and thick leaves. These leaves look like the plantain fan of the Iron Fan Princess. It seems that as soon as the demons and ghosts come, the palm trees will fan the "plantain fan" and fan them far away, so that the demons and ghosts will no longer dare to make trouble. In this way, our campus will be safe.

"Come and see! Come and see! There are three trees like mushrooms here!" Someone shouted, and we hurried to the place. "Wow! I think it's a bit like a peach!" "No! It's like an umbrella!" "I think it's like a mushroom!" Every time we come to visit, it's the same. I argue with you in a word. These three trees, one by one, look like close "good brothers". So we call him "Brother Tree". In fact, they are evergreen fence trees. It is the hardworking gardener who cut them into various shapes to make them more distinctive.

Further inside, you will see a towering tree - banyan. The branches of the banyan tree are distributed in large flowerpots. People who don't know it think it is composed of several trees! When the sun came out, the dense leaves of the banyan tree blocked the sunlight, and the sun could only cast speckled light. No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, banyan leaves. Students sweep up the leaves to make fertilizer for banyan. In addition, there are several birds standing on the banyan tree, singing songs praising spring!

In addition, there are evergreen fir trees, pine trees and beautiful chrysanthemums in the south garden

What a beautiful corner of the campus! I love my campus!

Chapter 4: Spring on Campus

Spring has come, birds sing and flowers smell, and everywhere is a scene of vitality. Our campus is even more beautiful.

Entering the school gate, you will see the green campus. The flower beds are full of beautiful flowers, some of which were brought by students from home. Look, there is also a crabapple tree in the middle of the flower bed. There are some stripes on the tree. what is it? A closer look shows that there are some Begonia flowers. Some of them are still flower buds, some are full as if they are going to break, some flowers have opened several petals... There is also a bird on the branch, as if it is singing to us.

In class, the sound of reading came from the campus and the beautiful scenery in front of us seemed to be in the realm of fantasy. The tender green leaves swayed as if they were waving to you with countless passionate hands. All kinds of trees are dressed in green, dancing in the beautiful spring breeze. The trumpet flower also slowly spread out, like a trumpet, with a faint purple on it

In spring, our campus is full of beautiful green, but the most eye-catching one is in the classroom. The growing seedlings are green, lively and lovely. They suck sweet nectar and are under the care of gardeners. They grow up day by day. It is because of these young plants that our campus is so beautiful and full of vitality.

Ah! This is the campus in spring, full of hope.

Chapter 5: Spring on Campus

School has begun, we ushered in a new semester, but also ushered in a beautiful spring!

Spring girl blew, woke up the hibernating animals. Plum blossom blushed shyly when it was blown, peach blossom did not want to be outdone, and trees also sprouted green buds. The students took off their thick winter clothes and ran happily in beautiful spring clothes. Students fly kites in the campus, and some hold windmills, watching the windmills keep turning, turning away the cold wind in winter, turning to the warm spring breeze.

Spring thunder and spring rain make everything on campus full of vitality. The swallow flew back from the south and flew around us. It seems to say: "My classmates, I flew back from the south, I came to play games with you, and I came to study with you." Students are running happily on the playground. I don't know how much sweat we have had and how many footprints we have walked on the playground.

What a beautiful campus in spring! The beauty makes us not want to leave after school.

Writing about Campus (14)

Composition describing osmanthus trees: osmanthus trees on campus

With the gentle breeze, I walked leisurely on the playground in the campus.

Suddenly, my sensitive nose smelled a strong fragrance. I looked around. It was the fragrance of osmanthus trees in the flower bed. I could not help walking to the flower bed with the fragrance.

Osmanthus fragrans branches are luxuriant, just like big green pompons. In August, osmanthus trees compete to open, smiling branches in this autumn season. I watched carefully. Osmanthus fragrans, like plump popcorn, seemed to crack open and rushed to flatter people. Osmanthus fragrans were sometimes pure and lovely. When a cool autumn wind blew, they swayed in the wind in various ways, as if they were dancing a beautiful ballet, as if they were greeting you and making a face. How lovely!

A few days later, I came to the side of the Osmanthus fragrans tree and observed carefully. One of the Osmanthus fragrans, moistened by the rain and bathed in the sun, glistened, as if showing off its beautiful and attractive clothes.

Under the background of green leaves, sweet scented osmanthus grows up and matures gradually. From flower and bone buds the size of soybeans to flower fairies, they are all nourished by dew and grow so luxuriant and ready to bloom. Osmanthus fragrans grows in the place with petioles on its stems. This place is the home of Osmanthus fragrans. The sweet scented osmanthus is characterized by its fragrance, which makes it famous far and near. When I smell it, a fresh fragrance comes to my nose. Suddenly, I feel refreshed and relaxed.

Osmanthus can not only be appreciated, but also be made into sweet and delicious osmanthus cakes, cool and thirst quenching osmanthus tea

Osmanthus fragrans are small, inconspicuous, unobtrusive, less colorful than roses, less beautiful than peonies, less colorful than chrysanthemums, but what Osmanthus fragrans bring to us is the fragrance of love, which makes our whole campus filled with refreshing fragrance. I love Osmanthus fragrans, and I love the Osmanthus fragrans trees on campus more.

Boys and girls, this is the end of the composition about osmanthus trees. I wish you all can write a good article as soon as possible.

Writing about Campus (15)

If you walk into our beautiful campus again, you will find that she is very beautiful. We came to the tall cedar and saw how its thick branches and lush leaves looked like a guard with a gun on our beautiful campus. The grass under the tree is like a piece of green clothes for the stout cedar.

Come to the camphor trees with green trees, you will find that the heat of summer will soon disappear. Although its branches are not as thick as cedars and its leaves are not as lush as cedars, it still stands there tenaciously and serves us.

In our playground? There are all kinds of beautiful flowers, red, blue, yellow... which make our campus more beautiful.

The most beautiful scenery on our campus is the bright and bright teaching building. The rows of sliding windows, a green door, bright fluorescent lamps and new tables and benches constitute our new classrooms.

A tall cedar, rows of green camphor trees, bright flowers and a new teaching building constitute the landscape of our campus.

Writing about Campus (16)

1200 word composition describing after-school life: on campus

Everyone has extracurricular activities. Some are boring, some are memorable, some are colorful, and some... My extracurricular activities are colorful. Do you want to listen to my extracurricular activities? Then listen carefully

After school, I sometimes watch TV, sometimes kick shuttlecock, sometimes... Today, I began to do my homework when I came home from school. After finishing my homework, I said to my grandma, "Grandma, I have finished my homework, can I play some renju with you?" Grandma said happily, "OK! Let's play together." I took out the renju, Then I took another piece of chessboard paper. While taking it, I said, "Grandma, if I win the next game, will you give me a lollipop? I'll take the paper to remember first, and then you can buy me a lollipop, or give me fifty cents to buy it yourself." Grandma kept silent. I took this opportunity to excite Grandma and said, "What's wrong? Can't you afford to lose? Or are you afraid of me?" Grandma listened to this, Unconvinced, she said, "The competition is the competition. Who is afraid of anyone?" So I added, "If you win ten games, you will buy me a chicken leg and a bag of Kepike, OK?" I explained that we started to play chess. One step at a time, one step at a time, and we played inextricably. I had a brainwave, and secretly removed any of Grandma's chess pieces. Grandma didn't notice. When I came down, I saw hope. Because I removed Grandma's chess piece, which was the obstacle to me, I removed her chess piece, and formed four connected chess pieces, And there was no obstacle. Grandma looked at it and thought: I have blocked her chess pieces, haven't I? How could it not be? At this time, I smiled mysteriously. Grandma suddenly realized that it was me who played the devil. Grandma said, "You are being naughty! I am not!" I argued. "Then why did you laugh?" Grandma asked. I was speechless and had to admit it. At this time, my grandfather came over and said meaningfully, "Although you won, it was disgraceful to win. You should win openly and honestly. You should not play some tricks. You should defeat your opponent according to your own strength!" After hearing this, I lowered my head in shame and said to my grandmother, "Grandma, let's compete again!" Grandma said, "OK." A new round began, We still had a hard time, but I didn't cheat this time. But I found an empty space. Grandma hadn't seen me, so I went down there. Sure enough, I won her. I said happily, "Grandma, I won this time with integrity, right? You owe me a lollipop!" Then we played several games again. But I was tired of playing, so I didn't want to play anymore

Sometimes I don't play chess, or play allegorical sayings or kick shuttlecock. In short, my after-school activities are so rich and colorful. In the game, I understand a truth: don't play tricks to win, and rely on your own strength to defeat the opponent

"Ringing bell......" --- With a light bell, the quiet campus immediately became lively, and the students rushed out of the classroom like arrows

Look, those girls are kicking shuttlecock! They threw the shuttlecock, bent their right leg and began to kick "One, two, three... twenty, wow" The students on the other side were envious

"Steal oil! Steal oil!..." Oh, it was the students who were playing with mice to steal oil. They saw small "mice" hiding in their hometown. They ran to the oil tank to steal some oil while the "cat" was not paying attention. The old "cat" lost a lot and was very angry. When the "mouse" came out, they ran to catch it quickly, but the smart little "mouse" had already returned to his hometown The "old cat" is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. It's really impatient and can't eat hot tofu. The "old cat" has caught it several times without success The "old cat" and the "mouse" were exhausted. But the greedy little "mouse" came out to steal oil again. This time, the "old cat" did not escape. The old cat cried happily "yes!"

"Good ball!" It turned out that senior students were playing basketball. They skillfully carried the ball to the basket, raised their arms, jumped up, and shot. What a beautiful "flower in the air"

On the playground, there are many students jumping rubber bands, playing table tennis, jumping goats

"Ringing bell......" The pleasant bell rang again, and the sound of reading resounded in the campus

After reading the 1200 word composition describing after-school life, students, do you like extracurricular activities?

Writing about Campus (17)

I have a very beautiful school. He has children's laughter in spring, summer, autumn and winter. As soon as you enter the door, you can see several big trees on both sides. Each tree is very strong, and our school is guarded by good horned soldiers. There is a flower bed under the tree. The stainless steel fence beside the flower bed looks like a shining silver belt under the sun. There are some exotic flowers and plants in the flower bed. (Two rows) In the middle of the tree is a lovely small playground and a "writing desk". Every day after class, children's laughter is full of. We played games around the "writing desk". Some are playing "catch people with one foot", some are playing "cat and mouse", some are playing "one, two, three, can't catch", and some are playing "cut watermelon"... The speed is very fast, and everyone is crazy. The "writing desk" has become a paradise for children.

If it rains, the small playground will become lively. The ground is very slippery. Some people are playing the game of "skating", some are playing the game of "floating on the water", and some are playing the game of "treading on the water". As soon as they see a pit of water, they will run to step on it. The water splashes everywhere, which is very exciting.

When it is windy, the students will appear in groups, and the small playground will be more lively. Some children are picking up leaves, and some are learning to dance like falling leaves, which makes students laugh. Some picked up branches on the ground to fight. As soon as the bell rang, the students "fled" to their respective classrooms like the attacked ants. The small playground has become a quiet place again.

(Entering the school gate) If you look to the right, you will see a clean classroom (five floors high) in front of you. Each classroom is like a bowl of knowledge. You can see that the teacher is holding a spoon and filling the bowl with water, which is the knowledge that the teacher imparts to the students.

When you walk in the corridor, you will find some white dots. You (don't) think they are paper scraps, but in fact they are just white patterns. If you look carefully, you will find that they are like beautiful night sky. Some connect like a roaring bear, some connect like a cape girl, some connect like an elephant trunk, some connect like an agitated yo yo. There is a row of large flower pots on the outside of the corridor, which are also full of light purple flowers and plants. If you smell carefully, you can smell a little faint fragrance (entering the door). If you look to the left, you will find a canteen and the teacher's office. The office is very spacious, clean and bright. You can also see the busy teachers.

I like this beautiful campus full of laughter.

Scenery composition on campus Chapter 2:

My campus is located in the middle of Lushan Road. Every plant, every corner of the campus is always on my mind.

In spring, the grass in the flower bed showed its green head. It looked left and right, and said, "Wow! Spring is beautiful!" The roses beside it also opened, red, white, purple, colorful, beautiful! They emit an intoxicating fragrance, and even some small insects are attracted. The willow trees in the playground also sent out fresh green shoots. It's really "jasper makes up a tree high, and ten thousand green ribbons hang down!"

In summer, cicadas cried on the trees, as if saying, "It's so hot!" The hibiscus trees on both sides of the path grew new branches and pulled out long branches. A few days later, the hibiscus bloomed, red and soft. When the wind blew, the flowers fell down like parachutes. The whole campus presents a green ocean.

In autumn, the chrysanthemums in the flower bed opened. A burst of autumn wind blew, and the chrysanthemums fluttered with the wind, like a flower fairy dancing.

In winter, it snows on campus. The whole campus is silent in the snow world. The roads and roofs are covered with a thick layer of snow, and even the branches on the trees have become silver snow. The snow in winter is a paradise for children. Once class is over, children run to the playground. Some people make snowmen and have snowball fights. They have fun!

Ah! I love you! Scenery of the campus!

Scenery composition on campus Chapter 3:

Our campus is very beautiful and tidy, with many flowers and trees and a large garage! Entering the campus, a tall and straight pine tree stood in front of us. Beside the pine tree, there was a clear pond with a lifelike carp in it.

The pond and the big pine trees are in the same garden. The garden is called "Fengming Garden". When you walk into the garden, a shining pavilion appears. In the garden, it seems to be the owner of the garden, with a bright smile on her face. The willow girl shakes her beautiful long hair. There are many strange stones in the garden, some like a horse, some like a table, Some are like cabinets. After walking along a gravel road, we came to the playground. The playground was surrounded by a green lawn. When class was over, many students played on the lawn. Whenever we had physical education classes, we would run hard for two laps on the playground.

The spring of the school is more beautiful. Birds fly by in groups, flowers bloom, willows sprout, and grass pokes its head out from the ground to see if spring has come and there are fish swimming around in the pond!