Our Festival Tomb Sweeping Day (Collection of 11)
Entertain immortals
2024-03-02 00:33:05

Our Qingming Festival (1)

This is a short time, but it can let us spend time to cultivate our health. This is our first holiday since the beginning of school. It is necessary for us to have a good understanding of Qingming.

The traditional Tomb Sweeping Day in China began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years. The Qingming Festival is an important solar term at the beginning. When the Qingming Festival comes, the temperature rises, which is a good time for spring plowing and spring planting. Therefore, "before and after the Qingming Festival, grow melons and beans". "Planting trees is not better than Qingming Festival". Later, because the Qingming Festival and Cold Food are close to each other, and Cold Food is a day when people ban fire and sweep tombs. Gradually, Cold Food and Qingming Festival became one, and Cold Food became another name of Qingming Festival and a custom of Qingming Festival. On the day of Qingming Festival, people do not smoke, but only eat cold food.

The customs of Tomb Sweeping Day are rich and interesting. In addition to fire prohibition and tomb sweeping, there are also a series of custom sports activities such as outings, swings, cuju, polo playing, and willow planting. It is said that this is because the Qingming Festival requires that cold food and fire be banned. In order to prevent cold food and cold meals from hurting people, everyone comes to participate in some sports activities to exercise. Therefore, this festival is characterized by both sad tears for visiting new graves and laughter for outings.

Ju is a kind of leather ball. The leather of the ball is made of leather, and the inside of the ball is stuffed with wool. Cuju means playing football with your feet. This is a game that people loved during the Qingming Festival in ancient times. It is said that it was invented by the Yellow Emperor for the purpose of training warriors. Outing

Also called spring outing. In ancient times, it was called Tanchun, Xunchun, etc. The Qingming Festival in March and the Spring Festival return to the earth. The nature is full of vitality. It is a good time for outings, which has kept the good habit of Qingming outing among Chinese people for a long time.

There are many traditional festivals, but when we enjoy the holidays brought by festivals, should we do something in these festivals like our ancestors?

Our Qingming Festival (2)

Qingming Festival is a special festival in China. It started in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years.

It was drizzling in the sky on Tomb Sweeping Day, but people came and went on the mountain roads, and tomb sweepers came and went. Grandpa took me to visit the ancestors' tombs. We prepared incense, wax, paper, fruit, biscuits and other things. We came to the tomb of our ancestors and arranged the sacrifice. Grandfather murmured the sacrifice in his mouth, lit the paper first, and then lit incense and wax and inserted them in front of the tomb. Grandpa also carefully removed weeds and debris from the tomb. After everything was finished, we kowtowed a few more heads, and finally we slowly walked back.

Listen to grandpa, there is another story about Tomb Sweeping Day!

Once upon a time, there was a prince named Chonger. When he was young, he was forced to flee to avoid other people's disasters. During his exile, Chonger suffered a lot of humiliation. Most of the courtiers who had left with him went west and east one after another. Only a few loyal courtiers followed him all the time. One of them was called Jie Zitui. Once, Chonger fainted from hunger. In order to save Chonger, Jie Zitui cut a piece of meat from his leg and roasted it with fire. Nineteen years later, Chonger returned to China and became the king, the famous Duke Wen of Jin.

When Duke Wen of Jin came to power, he gave rewards to those officials who shared weal and woe with him, but he forgot Jie Zitui. When someone asked for a reward for Jie Zitui in front of Duke Wen of Jin, he remembered that Jie Zitui had cut his flesh to save himself, and felt very guilty.

The next day, Duke Wen of Jin went to see Jie Zitui. Jie Zitui didn't want to see him, so he took his mother and hid in the forest. When Duke Wen of Jin knew about it, he asked the imperial army to find it. But I didn't find it. So someone came up with a bad idea that Jiezi Tui would set fire on three sides and leave one side, and Jiezi Tui would come out by himself. Hearing this, Duke Wen of Jin ordered to burn the mountain. The fire burned for three days and three nights. After the fire was extinguished, Duke Wen of Jin led the imperial army to check the mountain forest. Under a willow tree, he saw Jie Zitui holding his old mother, who had been burned to death. Surprised, Duke Wen of Jin buried Jie Zitui's mother and son. At this time, he found a piece of wood under the tree, which said: "I will sacrifice my flesh to serve you with all my heart. I hope your lord will always be clear and bright, and Liu Xia will disappear as a ghost. It's better to be a remonstrant with you."

To commemorate Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin regretted that he believed others wrong. He called the mountain where Jie Zitui was found "Jie Mountain" and designated the day of setting fire as the Cold Food Festival.

In the following year, Duke Wen of Jin led his officials to climb the mountain to offer sacrifices and express their condolences. When he came to the grave, he saw that the old tree had revived and had grown new green leaves. Duke Wen of Jin looked at the old tree and named it Qingming Tree. This day is called Qingming Festival.

Qingming Festival is a very important festival, because the temperature begins to rise as soon as the Qingming Festival comes, which is a good time for spring ploughing and spring planting. In ancient times, there was a farming saying that "Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, grow melons and beans. Planting trees is better than the Tomb Sweeping Day.". Later, because the Qingming Festival and the Cold Food are very close, and the Cold Food is also the day of folk fire prohibition and tomb sweeping, gradually, the Cold Food and the Qingming Festival are integrated into one. And cold food has become another name for Qingming Festival. The Qingming Festival also has a custom, that is, no fireworks, no hot food. I was about to eat hot food when Grandma took it away. He also told me, "I'll get you cold food. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day."

Our Qingming Festival (3)

The Tomb Sweeping Day activities let children know that today's happy life is the blood and life of the revolutionary martyrs, and they should learn to be grateful. The following is a 800 word summary of our festival Tomb Sweeping Day activities in 2020. I hope you like it.

Summary of Our Qingming Festival in 2020 [Part 1]

It is also the annual Tomb sweeping Day. According to the spirit of provincial, municipal and county documents and the actual situation of the school, our school has seriously carried out a series of activities with the theme of "passing on family ties, inheriting culture and remembering the martyrs". This activity takes the Tomb sweeping Day as an opportunity, and takes the form of singing red songs, telling stories, chanting classics, going on an outing, acting and other forms to deeply cherish the memory of the liberation of the nation, The people's happiness and the unity of the motherland, and the heroic martyrs who have devoted themselves and worked hard for life, encourage people to always remember the revolutionary tradition and vigorously carry forward the national spirit. The activities carried out by our school are summarized as follows:

1、 Strengthen leadership and launch extensively.

Our school attaches great importance to the education activities of the Tomb Sweeping Day series. We regard the activities of mourning the revolutionary martyrs as the key materials of the cultural activities with the theme of "Our Festival Tomb Sweeping Day", as an important starting point for the recent spiritual and polite construction and the ideological and moral construction of minors, and widely mobilize all teachers and students to participate in various activities. It also requires all classes to clarify their tasks, implement their responsibilities and promote the smooth development of activities.

2、 Carefully planned to ensure effectiveness.

Our school makes full use of the existing resources to carefully design various forms of educational activities that young people are willing to understand.

1. It is a speech under the national flag. At the flag raising ceremony on Monday, many schools held speeches under the national flag with the theme of "Our Festival · Tomb Sweeping Day" to tell the touching stories of the revolutionary martyrs, remember their great achievements, remember the suffering and struggle of the Chinese nation, and let students know their gratitude and never forget the kindness of the country, the party and the teachers, Nurture... cherish the hard won peaceful life.

2. Use the Red Scarf Radio Station to introduce the origin and customs of the Qingming Festival to all students, read the Qingming poems, feel the meaning of Qingming from the ancient poetry, and recall the ancestors together. It also used the activities of broadcasting revolutionary stories among students, introducing important battles in the revolutionary war to students, and guiding students to inherit the martyrs' wills, cherish happy life, and aspire to serve the motherland.

3. Cultural exploration: Collect information to understand that the Tomb sweeping Day, as a legal traditional holiday in China, has a long cultural connotation. Through the collection of information, students can gradually understand the cultural customs of the Tomb sweeping Day, feel the charm and rich connotation of the Chinese culture, and increase their cultural knowledge and love for the motherland. Let the students understand the origin of the Tomb Sweeping Day and the glorious deeds of the heroic ancestors, and feel that they would sacrifice their noble sentiments to enhance national self-confidence and pride for the independence and dignity of the Chinese nation. Through this activity, students learned more about Tomb Sweeping Day, deeply realized that happy life is hard won, and knew how to cherish happy life.

4. Classic recitation and keynote speech contest: in combination with the requirements of the "Party in My Heart" keynote speech contest issued by the Sanming Municipal Education Bureau, this activity carried out students' reading activities of "The Selection of History" and "The Brilliant Banner", and carried out the "Party in My Heart" keynote speech contest in each class. Through layer by layer selection, students of Class 5 (3) and Class 3 (2) Classmate ___ of the class performed well, and participated in the theme speech contest of "The Party is in My Heart" for primary and secondary school students in urban area and two places. Two students performed well and won the second prize and the third prize respectively.

5. The whole school sings red songs: April is the season to remember the martyrs. Our school carefully carries out memorial activities. For this reason, our school carries out activities to sing red songs for everyone. Through the radio and the red scarf radio station, the school forms an atmosphere for everyone to sing red songs throughout the school; Later, when having music classes, they are required to sing red songs first, so that red songs can go deep into children's hearts; At the beginning of May, the whole school will carry out the "Red Songs for All" class singing contest, through which students will have a deeper understanding of the martyrs.

6. Spring outing activities: Qingming is a beautiful time for grass and trees to turn green in spring, and it is also a good time for people to go outing in spring. On April 2, our school carried out an outing activity for all students. In addition to experiencing the beautiful scenery of their hometown, students also visited the cultural corridor and folk museum of Shayang Paradise, which gave students a deeper understanding of their ancestors.

Through this activity, students have more understanding of the Tomb Sweeping Day and feel the essence of traditional Chinese festivals. At the same time, we also deeply feel that the happy life of this day is hard won, and countless revolutionary martyrs have returned with their lives and blood. The spirit of the martyrs is always worth learning. In this Tomb Sweeping Festival, let's remember and learn from them, and do what we should do. Cherish the happy life, start from the things around you, form good habits, and contribute to the construction of the motherland in the future.

Summary of Our Qingming Festival in 2020 [Part II]

The various forms of patriotic education activities on Tomb Sweeping Day are summarized as follows:

First, strengthen organizational leadership.

According to the actual management work of Qingming Festival sacrifices in our township, our township launched the emergency plan for the Qingming Festival from to, set up the Qingming Festival Office, implemented the leadership leadership, dual duty system of staff and timely reporting of major accidents and other systems, and went all out to ensure that all work arrangements for the Qingming Festival were implemented in place.

Second, do a good job in safety assurance.

Xiazhu Township put safety first, focused on maintaining the order of the sacrificial sites and putting an end to fire hazards, practically strengthened patrol duty, personnel guidance and safety precautions, and fully responded to the peak of sacrificial sweeps. The township party committee and government attach great importance to the forest fire safety during the Tomb Sweeping Day. Before the Tomb Sweeping Day, a special conference on forest fire safety for village and group cadres was held. This year, our township publicized the spirit of "civilized sacrifice and strict prevention of fire" to the masses by posting slogans, meetings and other forms. Banners were posted to the village and group, so that "civilized sacrifice" became popular.

Third, strengthen emergency duty.

Xiazhu Township shall establish a work plan in time according to the actual situation. The emergency plan was carefully formulated, and the "leading organization for handling emergencies" composed of relevant personnel was established. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, the township implemented the double duty system. The head of the unit should assume the responsibility of the first responsible person, and the relevant offices should perform specific responsibilities. They were on duty 24 hours a day, and the responsibilities were implemented. The measures were in place to prevent the occurrence of various liability accidents.

Fourth, carry out publicity and education.

Taking the Qingming Festival as an opportunity, Xiazhu Township adopts the form that the masses like to see and hear, and promotes the forms of sacrifice and sweeping and civilized etiquette that can meet the spiritual needs of the masses, as well as the direction of funeral reform and the requirements of advanced cultural development. The funeral laws and policies were widely publicized to raise the public's awareness of the importance of saving land, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable economic and social development, creating a good social atmosphere of caring for and supporting funeral reform. Focusing on the theme of "benefiting the people, being green and humane" and the goal of "civilized sacrifice, being safe and clean, and harmonizing the river", we summarized and promoted modern sacrifice methods such as family memorial, online sacrifice, community public sacrifice, and guided the masses to adopt healthy and environmentally friendly sacrifice forms such as planting trees and flowers, which constantly improved the awareness of civilization. Through a series of publicity activities on funeral reform, a new trend of civilized sacrifice has been established, so that advanced funeral culture can be carried forward, healthy culture can be developed, and backward culture can be transformed.

Summary of Our Qingming Festival in 2020 [Part 3]

In order to remember the revolutionary martyrs and recall the revolutionary history, the College Student Literature Society of our university calls on students to always remember the heroic deeds of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to liberate the country and the nation, learn from the martyrs the spirit of indomitable struggle and hard struggle, cultivate students' patriotism, rigorous academic attitude, the spirit of hard work, and the awareness of bold innovation, Make students receive patriotic education. After the Tomb Sweeping Day, all members of our literary society, led by the presidents Yu Xiaogen, Li Hongfu, Huang Qiuyun and others, went to the Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall and the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery for memorial activities.

The activities are as follows:

1、 Organizer: School Literature Society

2、 Venue: _ Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery and Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

3、 Time: 8:30-11:30 am on Tomb Sweeping Day

4、 Audience: 45 members of the School Literature Society

5、 Activity history:

7: Gather at the school gate and get on the bus. 9: 00, arrive at the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. 9: 30 minutes to the tombstone through 117 steps, the tomb sweeping ceremony officially began. The first item: The student representative will lay a wreath. Item 2: The student representative shall take the oath. The third item: one minute of silence. Fourth, all bowed three times to the Martyrs' Monument as a sign of mourning. The fifth item is to present flowers. After the ceremony, we visited the Tomb of Madam and the Memorial Hall of Revolutionary Martyrs to listen to the revolutionary deeds. 10: Gather at 20 to get on the train. 10: At the 40th minute, members of the revolutionary martyr cemetery organized activities freely to pay homage to the martyr cemetery. 11: 20 minutes for return trip.

Activity summary

During the whole activity, the students strictly observed discipline and order, did not eat snacks and litter in the cemetery, and kept quiet and solemn during the tomb sweeping, leaving a good impression on the staff present. This tomb sweeping activity, through the way of remembering the martyrs and encouraging themselves, made students remember the painful historical lessons. It was not only a patriotic activity, but also a vivid political education lesson. After seeing the great deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, the students said in succession: inherit the will of the revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication of comrades, study hard, work hard to exercise themselves, never fail to live up to the great trust of the motherland and the people, take practical actions to the motherland, and deliver a satisfactory answer to the martyrs who gave their lives for the revolution.

2020 Summary of Our Qingming Festival [Part IV]

Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional festival for Chinese people to mourn the dead, express their condolences and remember their ancestors. Every Tomb Sweeping Day, people will use different forms to remember the countless heroes and martyrs who gave their precious lives to safeguard national dignity and strive for national independence, and for national prosperity and people's happiness. In order to actively respond to the document spirit of the city and district on the in-depth implementation of the theme activity of "Our Festival" Tomb Sweeping Day, guide the masses of the people to establish a correct view of heroes and history, and carry forward the great national spirit, Tongxin Community carried out a series of educational activities with rich contents and diverse forms during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and achieved good results. The activities are summarized as follows:

1、 Advocate civilized sacrifice and sweeping, and create peace and clarity

As the Tomb Sweeping Day is approaching, Tongxin Community fully mobilized the masses, actively took effective measures, and focused on publicity, education and guidance during the Tomb Sweeping Day. From March 29 to April 2, our community launched a publicity campaign with the theme of "Civilized Sacrifice, Safe and Clear", calling on the masses to abandon the backward, dangerous and extravagant traditional sacrificial habits, and cherish their loved ones in a scientific, environmentally friendly and thrifty modern sacrificial way. During the event, the staff distributed leaflets and activity manuals for civilized sacrifice to the travelling masses, and promoted new forms of sacrifice such as flowers, online tomb sweeping and family memorial to them, so as to educate and train them to establish a new concept of "caring for people and burying them lightly", so that they could form a sense of thinking about protecting the ecological environment, keeping clean and sanitary, and ensuring health and safety, Conscientiously abide by the relevant requirements of civilized sacrifice. Notices are also posted in prominent places in the community. Publicize the traditional virtues of "respecting the old and loving the young, filial piety and respecting the old", guide the masses to express their memory and respect for their ancestors through flowers, videos, the Internet and other civilized and environmentally friendly new ways of sweeping, so as to establish a new social trend, reform the customs of funeral, reduce the pollution of sweeping activities on the natural environment, and eliminate fire hazards.

2、 Online sacrifice of heroes and martyrs, casting the Chinese soul together

The community workers and the Women's Federation jointly organized and carried out an activity with the theme of "online sacrifice of heroes and martyrs, casting the Chinese spirit together", aiming to promote the national spirit, enhance national awareness, and guide the members of the League to establish the lofty belief of serving the people and serving the motherland. During the activity, League members, young people and young players took advantage of various conditions to actively log on to major websites to commemorate the heroes and martyrs who gave their lives for the nation and the country by sending flowers online, leaving messages, pasting elegiac couplets and other ways. Many League members and students feel very fresh about this online memorial activity, believing that they have learned more historical and cultural knowledge, learned more about the deeds of heroes, and been inspired by more patriotism. League members, young people, and primary school students all support this kind of activity. They believe that online memorial ceremonies will not affect everyone's expression of respect, memory, and learning, but also can avoid forest fires, keep the ecological environment from being damaged, and coincide with the development trend of today's thrifty society.

3、 Remembering the deeds of martyrs, a new view of honor and disgrace

Tongxin Community carried out publicity and education activities with the theme of "Remembering the deeds of the martyrs and clarifying the new concept of honor and disgrace" during the Tomb Sweeping Day, so that the masses can feel the noble spirit and great deeds of the heroes in various forms of publicity activities, thus establishing a new sense of honor and disgrace, inheriting the great national spirit, and carrying forward advanced cultural traditions. During the activity, the relevant knowledge of the Tomb Sweeping Day was publicized in the form of radio, and the glorious deeds of revolutionary heroes were publicized in combination with the content of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and revolutionary songs were played, so that the masses could feel the education and guidance of cultural feelings, patriotic feelings, and moral sentiments after their rest. At the same time, the community also organized League members, young people, primary school students and their parents and relatives to watch feature films and revolutionary films through the distance education system, and carried out patriotism education in the form of visual images, pictures and texts, simple and popular, so as to give positive guidance in political and ideological aspects, enhance patriotic enthusiasm and improve moral quality.

Our Qingming Festival (4)

It was the Tomb Sweeping Day of another year. Early in the morning, my father drove me and my mother to the cemetery, where my grandfather was resting. I wanted to see him and pass on my deep thoughts and love to him

Outside the window, the spring is bright and the flowers are red and the willows are green. The dew on the tip of the leaf under the sun is just representing my tears. No one spoke in the car, the air was like a pool of still water, no one threw a stone into the water, no swallow passed by, no ripples after the wind

The car stopped and the cemetery arrived. The rows of tombstones are like the boundary between yin and yang. I pushed the door open, held flowers, lowered my head, with tears in my eyes, and followed my parents to grandpa's resting place.

Yes, yes! The picture on Grandpa's tombstone is particularly clear. Founder's face was embedded with a pair of kind eyes, and his upward mouth was hung with a kind smile. He was looking at me. It seemed that as soon as I called grandpa, he would hug me as usual, and cut my untidy hair before my eyes... "grandpa, I have come to see you!" I cried passionately, and my eyes were blurred by the tears I could not help. I knelt down, respectfully presented flowers, reached out my hands to touch the vibrant color photos of my grandfather, and seemed to feel my grandfather holding me in his warm arms

The scenes of the past played back in my mind like a movie - Grandpa, when I was young, you often put me on my head, shoulder, and back, making me giggle; I am sick. As a doctor, you deliver water for me and grind the bitter medicine into pieces and add sugar for me; When I encounter difficulties, you give me confidence and courage... Grandpa, it is your love that grows with me!

However, why did happiness suddenly stop five years ago! I can't believe that you will say goodbye to us this afternoon when you are still treating others in the morning, but this is an unchangeable fact. Since then, you have left your favorite granddaughter and gone to another world. When I think of this, my tears keep rolling down like broken pearls

My mother placed fruit in front of my grandfather's tombstone. My father gave me a glass of wine, and I lit up the incense. But how can these incense, some fruits, and a bunch of flowers express our deep yearning for you? Grandpa, in fact, I know that you are not alone in another world, because our thoughts will be sent to you through life and death, and nothing can cut off your love for me, and your love will still accompany me every day in the future!

At this moment, the bright sun has dried the crystal dew. My tears turned into eternal yearning, and also led to the constant love between me and grandpa

Our Qingming Festival (5)

Our festival, Tomb sweeping Day

——Remembering revolutionary martyrs and inheriting fine traditions

The grass sea is rustling with the light rain, and the fresh wind is mixed with a bit of chill. In April, it is not a spring outing, but tomb sweeping and sacrifice; It is not the pure hearted expression of "she smiles in the bushes when the flowers are blooming", but the thousand thoughts of "thinking of Xiang Yu until now and refusing to cross the Jiangdong River".

In retrospect, the grand occasion of Humen selling cigarettes, the scene of the Revolution of 1911, and the great joy of seizing Luding Bridge, I am really excited when I think about it. Today's new society, today's new China, isn't it just because they throw away their heads, shed their blood and fight with the enemy to death? In the face of such heroes, so many living and young lives were sacrificed for the war of resistance. Suddenly, there was a strong sense of reverence in my heart, and patriotism came into being. Since ancient times, for the sake of national independence and the people's free and happy life, many soldiers have shed their blood on the battlefield and made heroic sacrifices.

How many war movies I have seen in the past are not as clear and bright as the pictures in my mind; Armed with guns, the soldiers marched forward bravely and fought against the enemy without flinching; When the bullets were gone, they held machetes and a light reflected on their faces. One by one, the invaders were frightened out of their wits and fled in confusion; Seeing that the enemy was about to catch up, he picked up the gun and urged other comrades to leave. He fought alone. After all, he was outnumbered. After several rounds of bullets, his hands trembled and he picked up a grenade with difficulty. He had expected such a day. He smiled and pulled out the wire when the devil arrived, Looking at the tombstone in front of me quietly, I still read the big words on the body of the tablet: "People's hero, immortality." I trembling to read the big words on the body of the tablet. The people's heroes are immortal, the people's heroes are immortal, and the people's heroes are immortal. The white chrysanthemums and green bamboo leaves in the bouquet of flowers symbolize their lofty, pure and upright hearts. Let a bird of paradise take us to miss them deeply.

The people's heroes are immortal, yes. But for the martyrs, it is not for the people to remember them, but for the stability, freedom and happiness of the country and the people; Maybe now, many people are busy studying and working, forgetting the source of harmony and stability today. The muddy road in the past has become spacious and flat, from not having enough food and clothing to being well fed and dressed. Time and history have witnessed the pace of China's development. Now it is even more important to thank these revolutionary ancestors who sacrificed and contributed for the country and the people, learn from them, inherit Carry forward Chinese culture and make contributions to the prosperity of the motherland.

Junior 1: Zhang Qiufeng

Our Qingming Festival (6)

Party (general) branches of villages and units:

In order to earnestly implement the strategic task of carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture and building the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation proposed at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, according to the work deployment of the Municipal Commission of Civilization, during the Tomb sweeping Day this year, our town will solemnly organize the theme activity of "Our Festival · Tomb sweeping Day". In order to make this activity vigorous and effective, this implementation plan is hereby formulated:

1、 Purpose

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", we should thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, guide people to recognize, respect, inherit, carry forward, and enhance their feelings of love for the Party, patriotism, and socialism in their feelings of being cautious and looking forward to the future and remembering their ancestors, so as to provide a strong spiritual force to respond to the challenges of the financial crisis and achieve steady and rapid economic development, Create a civilized and harmonious social environment for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and stimulate all cadres and masses in the town to make positive contributions to "building a well-off society in an all-round way, building a new countryside, and building a harmonious new river".

2、 Activity content

1. Tomb sweeping and sacrifice to heroes on Tomb Sweeping Day. Time: April 3 to April 4. Location: Nanshe Martyrs' Tomb or Martyrs' Garden.

Organizational units: township organs, units and schools.

2. Qingming Festival artistic performance and boat show. Time: around April 3. Location: Village __.

Organizational unit: town government and administrative villages.

3. Folk customs photography. Time: March 20 to April 10. Location: Village __.

Organization unit: town government.

4. Patriotism theory education. Time: April 2 to April 7.

Organized by: Town Propaganda Department, Culture and Health Department and three primary and secondary schools.

5. Organize youth volunteer services. Time: April 4 to April 6.

Organizational units: civil affairs, trade unions, youth league committees, women's federations.

3、 Activity requirements

1. Strengthen organizational leadership. All villages, units and relevant departments should attach great importance to the theme publicity and education activities of the Tomb Sweeping Day, take the theme activities as a powerful starting point to promote the construction of the socialist core value system, further stimulate the strong patriotic and hometown loving feelings of all cadres and masses in the town, and spare no effort to make more contributions to the development of the hometown.

2. Strengthen atmosphere building. All villages and units should give full play to the role of bulletin boards, shop windows, banner slogans, villagers' schools and other propaganda positions, constantly enrich the festival atmosphere, stimulate people's passion for respecting, loving and participating in the festival, and expand the social impact by inheriting and developing the traditional festival Qingming Festival.

3. Strengthen summary and exchange. All villages and units should carefully organize and carry out the activities to make them effective. At the same time, they should carefully do a good job in summarizing and collecting pictures and data. The activity and pictures shall be submitted to the Town Publicity Department before April 7.

Our Qingming Festival (7)

Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional festival for people to remember their ancestors and mourn the dead. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming in 20XX. In order to strengthen the management of the mass sweep activities during the Tomb Sweeping Day in the town, implement the safety work responsibility system, effectively do a good job in safety assurance, publicity and guidance, and high-quality services, and create a civilized, harmonious, safe, and low-carbon sweep environment in the town, the following implementation plan is hereby formulated:

1、 Guiding ideology

According to the work requirements of the No. 30 document of the Nanzheng Office, earnestly implement the spirit of the relevant documents, carry out civilized sweeping activities with the theme of "low-carbon sweeping, safe and clean", unify ideas, improve measures, strengthen ecological environment protection, promote social civilization and progress, further promote the funeral reform of the whole county, and create civilization, harmony Safe sacrificial environment.

2、 Target Task

Consolidate the achievements of civilized sweeping, abandon the traditional methods of setting off firecrackers and burning ghost coins, vigorously promote modern green sweeping methods such as flower sweeping, online sweeping, family memorial meetings, and guide the masses from tradition to civilization while ensuring the orderly, healthy, civilized, low-carbon and environmental protection activities of the citizens, Focus on spiritual inheritance from paying attention to physical sacrifice and sweeping.

3、 Work measures

Strengthen organizational leadership. The town government has set up a leading group of Gangshang Town to advocate civilized and low-carbon sacrifice activities during the Qingming Festival of 20XX, headed by the deputy mayor Liu Xiaohong, the leader in charge. The members are composed of the Party and Government Office, the Civil Affairs Office, the Publicity Office, the Urban Management Office, the police station and other units.

Increase publicity. With the theme of "low-carbon sweeping, safe and clear", and by using leaflets, short messages, bulletin boards and other forms, vigorously promote the adverse effects of traditional sweeping methods, such as setting off firecrackers, burning nether coins, on extravagance and waste, environmental pollution, security risks, and promoting superstition, and the necessity and importance of making people's personnel civilized, so as to create a strong and rational atmosphere of sweeping, We will guide the masses to adopt new, civilized and low-carbon ways of sacrificial sweeping, such as flowers, yellow ribbons, wish cards, and the Internet.

Carry out special treatment. Each member unit shall, in combination with its own functions, carry out special governance activities, find and deal with workshops and stalls that produce and sell feudal superstition and vulgar and ignorant sacrificial and sweeping articles without certificates in its jurisdiction, and tackle them from the source. At the same time, it shall carry out safety inspection on sacrificial and sweeping places, identify hidden dangers of public security, and ensure that all safety precautions are in place, Once any problem is found, it shall be rectified immediately, and no hidden danger shall be left.

4、 Timing

March 30, 20XX to April 5, 20XX

5、 Division of responsibilities

Village (neighborhood) committees: in accordance with the principle of territorial management, they are responsible for the safety guarantee and organization and publicity of mass sweep activities within their jurisdiction, do a good job in traffic facilitation, booth management, public security and fire protection, environmental improvement, and civilized sweep activities, and establish corresponding working groups.

Civil Affairs Office: take the lead in the civilized sweeping work of the whole town, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the sweeping and propaganda work of the village (neighborhood) committees in the town.

Organization and Publicity Office: organize and coordinate the promotion of funeral reform and civilized sacrifice and sweeping through the Internet, SMS, bulletin board and other channels, and timely release relevant information such as regulations on civilized sacrifice and sweeping and traffic route arrangement. It is necessary to focus on the publicity of new civilized sacrifice methods such as flowers, online sacrifice, yellow ribbons, wish cards and so on through the media.

Civilized Office: issue a letter to citizens before April 30 to inform citizens of the contents of civilized sacrifice.

Urban management: On May 4, all the staff went to the main streets and road sections to direct the traffic, keep the traffic smooth, and prohibit disorderly parking and placing. At the same time, all workshops and stalls that produce and sell feudal superstition and vulgar and ignorant sacrificial goods without certificates should be investigated and punished.

Police station: during the Tomb Sweeping Day, it is responsible for organizing and maintaining the public order and security work of the whole town's people at the sacrificial site, doing a good job in dealing with the aftermath of emergencies, and maintaining social stability.

6、 Relevant requirements

Establish safety awareness, and ensure that measures are in place. All village (neighborhood) committees and member units should fully realize the importance of safety guarantee for tomb sweeping, firmly establish a sense of responsibility, effectively strengthen the management and supervision of funeral service units and stalls, guide funeral service units and stalls to improve safety measures, standardize service content and procedures, and effectively strengthen patrol duty, personnel guidance and safety precautions, To ensure the safety and order of the Tomb Sweeping Ceremony.

Timely establish the organization and fulfill its responsibilities. Each village (neighborhood) committee and member unit shall specify the leader of the team, appoint a liaison person, and report in time in case of emergency. The designated person, designated person, designated person and responsibility shall be ensured, and all staff shall arrive at the designated site on time.

Strengthen supervision and inspection, and promote the work in place. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, all village (neighborhood) committees and member units should adhere to the work deployment of the town party committee and government and the requirements of the Implementation Plan, and adhere to the principle of being on duty. At that time, they will supervise the civilized ritual sweeping work of the town during the Tomb Sweeping Day. If traffic jams and environmental sanitation problems occur due to personnel leaving their posts or failing to perform their duties, they will be held accountable.

Our Qingming Festival (8)

All townships, all management offices (management committees), all departments of the county party committee, all units directly under the county, and civilized units at all levels:

In order to give full play to the carrier role of traditional festivals in carrying forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and strengthening the ideological and moral construction of citizens, we should guide people to recognize, respect, inherit, and carry forward traditions in the feelings of being cautious and looking forward to the future and remembering their ancestors, and enhance the feelings of loving the party, patriotism, and socialism. According to the unified arrangement of the provincial and municipal civilization offices, the theme activity of "Our Festivals · Tomb Sweeping Day" is hereby notified as follows:

1、 Purpose

Based on the cultivation and practice of socialist core values, fully understand the important connotation of the "Four Comprehensions", take the Tomb Sweeping Day as an opportunity to extensively carry out the theme activity of "Our Festival · Tomb Sweeping Day", highlight moral cultivation, fully tap and apply the cultural connotation of important national traditional festivals, carry out patriotic education, guide people to be cautious and look forward to their ancestors, Bearing in mind the glorious deeds of revolutionary martyrs, we will continue to enhance our feelings of loving the Party, patriotism and socialism, cherish today's happy life, further carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and provide spiritual guarantee for "building a comprehensive strategic fulcrum and creating a national civilized city".

2、 Activity time

May 5, 20XX

3、 Activity content

(1) Carry out "low-carbon sweeping, safe and clean" civilized sweeping activities.

The "Our Festivals · Tomb Sweeping" Civilized Sweeping Proposal was issued, calling for abandoning the traditional methods such as setting off firecrackers and burning nether coins, carrying out publicity and education activities on the theme of civilized sweeping, vigorously promoting modern green sweeping methods such as flower sweeping, online sweeping, and family memorial meetings, so that "low-carbon sweeping, safe Tomb Sweeping" became citizens' spontaneous pursuit and conscious action.

Responsible units: county government office, county civil affairs bureau, county civilization office, all towns (management office, management committee)

(2) Carry out memorial activities for the ancestors and martyrs.

With the theme of "Remembering the revolutionary martyrs and inheriting the fine traditions", and in accordance with the principle of being convenient and diverse, we organized the masses of cadres and primary and secondary school students to pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs, pay homage to the martyrs' tombs, visit the patriotism education base, carry out activities for party members to review the oath of joining the Party, carry out team activities, and remember the revolutionary martyrs and inherit the revolutionary traditions by sweeping the graves of the revolutionary martyrs We should promote the culture of filial piety, advocate filial piety and respect for the elderly, enable people to accept revolutionary traditional education, review traditional Chinese virtues, guide people to inherit the martyrs' wills, cherish happy life, and aspire to serve the motherland.

Responsible units: working committee of county level organs, county education and sports bureau, county urban construction bureau, county culture and broadcasting bureau, civilized units at all levels, and towns (management office, management committee)

(3) Carry out the activity of "online sacrifice of heroes and martyrs".

Make full use of the interactive platform of "online sacrifice of heroes and martyrs" built by key news websites such as China Civilization Network, organize online memorial ceremonies for heroes and martyrs, online flower offering and other activities, send messages, express their aspirations, strengthen the patriotic consciousness of loving the party, stimulate patriotic feelings of loving the party, create a good atmosphere for promoting advanced traditional culture, inheriting excellent revolutionary traditions, and practicing socialist core values, We will continue to strengthen our ideals and beliefs of loving the Party, patriotism and socialism.

Responsible units: county education and sports bureau, civilized units at all levels, towns (management office, management committee)

(4) Carry out Chinese classics reading activities.

1. In primary and secondary schools throughout the county, various forms of classic reading activities are widely carried out. Through learning classics, reading competitions, music recitation, essay speeches and other forms of activities, minors are influenced by Chinese classics in reading and understanding, and guided to feel the unique charm of traditional culture.

Responsible unit: County Education and Sports Bureau

2. Civilized units at all levels should, in light of the actual situation, extensively carry out activities to read Chinese classics before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, such as poetry recitation, poetry singing, and moral lecture halls. They should pay tribute to the martyrs, sages, and ancestors in the process of perceiving and practicing the classics, be cautious in the end and look forward to the future, and promote the excellent culture and traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

Responsible unit: civilized units at all levels

4、 Activity requirements

1. All units should take the theme activity of "Our Festival · Tomb Sweeping Day" as a powerful grasp to practice the core socialist values, and as an important content of the construction of spiritual civilization, put on an important agenda, formulate work plans, carefully organize and implement the activities.

2. We should actively advocate the concept of low-carbon and environment-friendly green sacrifice, guide the masses to carry out memorial ceremonies such as flower sweeping, tree planting, online memorial ceremonies, community public ceremonies, and establish a new trend of healthy and civilized sacrifice;

3. We should strengthen news publicity, give full play to the role of all kinds of media, especially newspapers, television, WeChat, microblog and mobile phone newspapers, and widely publicize the implementation of activities; Make full use of various educational positions such as rural school children's palaces and parent schools, carry out activities in various forms and channels, create a good atmosphere in the county, and promote the theme activity of "Our Festival · Tomb Sweeping Day" to become popular.

Our Qingming Festival (9)

1、 Event background

Qingming Festival is a traditional festival for the Chinese nation to commemorate ancestors and pay homage to the martyrs. For thousands of years, in this bright and clear solar term, people have carried out a ritual pursuit activity, and solemnly sent their thoughts and respect to the dead relatives, ancestors and heroes who sacrificed for the country. This sacred life exchange ceremony, which is passed down from generation to generation, has formed an important driving force for people's tenacious survival and pursuit of happiness, and is a new organic component of the Chinese civilization. Remembering the martyrs, offering sacrifices to ancestors and sweeping graves, as a concrete manifestation of the Chinese nation's filial piety, is also one of the important festivals of the global Chinese people. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese Americans have the habit of returning to their hometown to visit the tomb and remember the martyrs during the Tomb Sweeping Day, to show their patriotism for their ancestors and hometown.

2、 Purpose

The community organized relevant personnel to commemorate the martyrs by carrying out our festival Tomb Sweeping Day. Reviewing the history of our party and country, whether in the bloody years of war or in the peaceful years of socialist construction, countless martyrs gave their precious lives without hesitation for the cause of the party and the people, and wrote earth shaking and epic poems. Without their sacrifice, we would not be today. Therefore, it is of great significance to organize residents to participate in activities to remember the martyrs around the Tomb Sweeping Day. By carrying out activities such as remembering the martyrs, we can constantly improve the civilized quality of the residents, and make certain contributions to consolidating the achievements of Fuzhou as a national civilized city, improving the level of civilization of the residents, and promoting the construction of the socialist core value system.

3、 Activity time

Half a day on April 5, 20XX

4、 Activity location

__Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

5、 Participants

Community workers, residents, volunteers, etc

6、 Activity requirements

The community should strengthen organizational leadership, clarify the leaders in charge, and assign special personnel to be responsible for ensuring that the organizational strength is in place. Because the revolutionary martyrs cemetery is solemn and sacred, it is the place where the revolutionary heroes sleep forever. Participants should raise awareness, attach great importance to it, dress neatly, and have a solemn attitude during the activity. They should not giggle or fight in the martyrs' cemetery, but participate in the activity with reverence; Attention shall be paid to the hygiene of the cemetery. No eating snacks or littering in the cemetery is allowed.

Our Qingming Festival (10)

1、 Purpose

Qingming Festival is a traditional festival of the motherland. The school has decided to carry out the theme activity of "national spirit is passed down from generation to generation - how many rural heroes know", effectively strengthen traditional education, and constantly increase students' cultivation and improve their quality. The important thing is that through this theme education, students can remember the martyrs and know that their happy life is hard won.

2、 Theme

National spirit passed down from generation to generation -- How many rural heroes know

3、 Activity time

The third class on the afternoon of April 3

4、 Activity location


5、 Participants

All teachers and students of Class 5, Grade 4

6、 Activity program

1. Sing a team song

2. The head teacher announced the theme of the activity: students, the theme of this month's class team meeting is: the national spirit is handed down from generation to generation - how many rural heroes know. April 4 is China's traditional festival - Tomb sweeping Day. Do you know the origin of tomb sweeping on Tomb Sweeping Day? Speaking of tomb sweeping on Tomb Sweeping Day, we must also recall those revolutionary martyrs who gave their lives and blood for our happy life today. We used the three days of Tomb Sweeping Day to carry out the "online sacrifice to heroes" activity to understand the significance of the "our festival - Tomb Sweeping Day" activity, and used the "online sacrifice to heroes" interactive platform to carry out online memorial ceremonies, make memorial speeches, and conduct online talks. After the Tomb Sweeping Day, write the experience of memorial ceremony and express their feelings.

3. Presentations by the host:

Man: Another Tomb Sweeping Day. We remember the revolutionary martyrs.

Woman: The sky is weeping for today, and Songtao is sobbing for today.

Man: For the liberation of the motherland and the happy life of the people, how many revolutionary martyrs are sleeping in the ground. Woman: History will not forget them, the Republic will not forget them, and we will not forget them. Man: Once upon a time, our ancestors stood on the top of the world's nations with advanced science and brilliant transformation. Woman: Nearly a hundred years of darkness and humiliation have pushed her into the abyss.

Man: In order to change all this, many people with lofty ideals left with hatred in their hard exploration and struggle. W: Only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the blood of the martyrs lit up China's sky. Man: Today, we are thinking about the past in the name of revolution.

Female: The reality of the rapid development of modernization will comfort the soul of the hero.

Together: Martyrs, rest in peace!

(Play sad music and observe 3 minutes of silence.)

The host said: There is a famous person around us - General Zhang Yuhua. Before the class, we collected information about General Zhang Yuhua. Who can introduce him.

Students exchange their knowledge of the deeds of the honorary headmaster General Zhang Yuhua.

4. The host said: There are many heroes in our village. What other heroes do you know about their moving deeds.

Our Qingming Festival (11)

When it comes to Tomb Sweeping Day, most people know that it is a festival of outing and tomb sweeping, but perhaps people do not know the origin of Tomb Sweeping Day. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, Chong Er, the son of the Jin Dynasty, was exiled. On the way, he was hungry and fainted. Chen Jiezi pushed off the meat of his thigh and gave it to him. Later, Young Master Chong Er became the Duke of Jin Wen and awarded the loyal officials, forgetting Jie Zitui. When Chonger remembered, Jie Zitui refused to be an official again and lived in seclusion in Mianshan with his mother behind his back. Chonger set fire to the mountain and forced him out of the mountain, but no one came out after the fire burned for three days. Chonger led his officials to the mountain to find that he and his mother were burned to death. Hanging on the charred willow tree is a skirt with a blood poem written on it: "I will sacrifice my flesh to serve you with all my heart. I hope you will always be clear and bright.". Chong'er then designated the day of setting fire to the mountains as the Cold Food Festival. On the same day of the next year, Chonger climbed the mountain to pay tribute to Jie Zitui and encouraged himself to be diligent and clean.

Every year everything is new, and every year people think of their relatives. It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. Just today, on the Tomb Sweeping Day, my grandfather, youngest grandfather, uncle and I went to my grandmother's grave to sweep the grave. On the way, passers-by in twos and threes, carrying bags of firecrackers, cannons, paper money, hanging flowers, incense, wax, and firewood knives, hurried to the graves of their deceased relatives. Although it is a sunny day, the sun is shining, and the grass is long and the birds are flying, there is no smile on people's faces, and their expressions are serious and solemn. This scene reminds me of Du Mu's poem: "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die." Although the Yin and Yang are separated for a long time, the thoughts in the bottom of my heart spread like crazy grass.

As we walked along a winding path, we came to my grandmother's grave unconsciously. Grandpa and others took wood knives, cut down the bushes and weeds around the grave, and repaired them completely. Then they inserted a leafed branch into the center of the grave top, and carefully hung a bunch of colorful hanging flowers on the branch, Finally, we inserted three sticks of incense and a piece of red wax in front of the tombstone, and then lit them. The incense fire flickered, and wisps of "incense" smoke curled up, and the red wax silently shed tears.

We stood quietly in front of the tombstone, staring at the familiar grave in front of us. When my gray haired grandfather knelt down and kowtowed, he kept talking. I didn't know what he was talking about. Maybe he was praying for his ancestors to bless his family! I also stood and made three bows to the grave head, then knelt down on my knees and made three deep kowtows. After kowtowing and bowing, we began to burn paper money. I squatted down to help Grandpa tear and burn it, and scattered some paper money around. Looking at a small pile of burnt paper money ashes, I felt as if my grandmother had come to collect money with a smile... In meditation, Grandpa Yao suddenly lit firecrackers and cannons, and the sound of firecrackers and cannons was mixed together, deafening, I was so frightened that I hid behind my uncle. My heart was pounding for a long time. When the last cannonball exploded, I thought: this dangerous scene is finally over.

In the sound of firecrackers, at my grandmother's grave, scenes about her emerged in front of me: every time I went to her house, I saw from afar that she was white haired, dressed in a fat black dress, wearing an apron, trembling from the house to the grassy field path, stretching out her rough and dry hands, waving to me repeatedly, She shouted loudly: "Chaochao Chaochao my great grandson is coming!" When I ran up to her with joy, she touched my head, led me to her house with my hand, gave me sweets, biscuits... turned around and stared at me smiling and asked questions... Now the kind of her has left us, and will never come back! This made me suddenly feel that I should care about and cherish every family member around me. "Chaochao, let's go home!" Grandpa was calling me, and I walked away reluctantly, goodbye, dear grandma! I will come to see you again next Tomb Sweeping Day!

Today is also Tomb Sweeping Day. It is a day to pay tribute to ancestors and revolutionary martyrs. Heart sacrifice is better than form sacrifice! Today's happy life is the result of our ancestors' sweat and blood. I should cherish it and cherish myself, others and the motherland with a grateful heart! Study hard and win glory for the country!

Primary author: Wang Yichao School: Class 2, Primary Five, Longchi, Hanshou, Hunan