Dream Xu and Starry Sky (Assembly 3)
Fengyun Purple Autumn
2023-11-16 05:55:15
Grade 6

Dream Xu Starry Sky (1)

Beautiful night sky

Draw a beautiful dream

Like twinkling stars.

Illuminate the night sky

So do dreams

Dream in my heart

Will have endless reverie

Every colorful dream

Will break the silence of the night

Add a sense of joy

Dream Xu starry sky.

At the same time, it also gives us a beautiful dream

Dream Xu Starry Sky (2)

At night, I looked up at the night sky and found that there are many stars in the night sky today. The stars are twinkling, which makes people dream thousands of times.

I lay on the balcony railing, looking at the stars without moving. The beautiful and pure stars, the beautiful and small stars, are intermingled in the blue sky without rules, flashing and shining. The little stars in the sky do their best to gather the light. Although they are far less dazzling than the sun and far less elegant than the moon, they are elegant and small, which makes the earth full of dreamlike light and deeply intoxicated.

Those brilliant stars are twinkling and emitting blurred light when everything is quiet. The light is so soft, elegant and serene.

The night, more and more silent, the stars gradually, one by one disappeared, I have some regret, some regret. But I know that they will come out again and play again tomorrow.

Stars, stars, how gorgeous you are, how beautiful you are! Oh, I love stars! Love its small size, love its elegance and beauty.

Dream Xu Starry Sky (3)

Who, touch my heartstrings, diffuse into a world of mortals, light up the night sky.

Everything, like life, is changing quietly, just like the dark night, losing the light, but getting the beauty of the starry sky.

Looking at the starry sky on the other side, except for the distance, it seems that there is loneliness left.

Tonight, I can't enjoy a meteor shower with you hand in hand, so let me miss you quietly under the beautiful starry sky.

Behind the gray, there is a dream hidden. The stars are far away, blurring the youth. The meteor I have seen has disappeared before I could reach out my hand. Those wishes, whether they have caught up or not, can accompany meteors and stop in another sky.

In the starry sky, your shadow looms, tears fall silently

I stand on the stars, looking at your lonely figure, let myself become a part of the stars, let time drive away my painful breath.

Every night, I just look up at the starry sky and recall the past. I will not shed a tear for the past, but my heart will miss the past more and more.

A grand fireworks show, staged under the starry sky, came on stage luxuriously and ended lonely.

Now, the world has gone through many vicissitudes. Time flies, and we wander around. In the spare space, will you gaze at the direction of my existence? Looking at the fireworks under the stars, will you remember the person who accompanied you to watch the streets?

Under the starry sky and by the river, I want to hold my hand against the evergreen trees. Look at the bright moonlight, listen to the ding dong of the flowing water, smell the countryside, and appreciate the beauty.

If you miss me, just look at the eyes of the moon. The thousand words of exhortation hang in the boundless sky.

When I meet you in this life, no matter how heavy the mountain is, or how lucky it is, I would like to dance the butterfly in your own cloud water, willow bank and starry sky.

How many days and nights, I gave my advice to the stars to pour it into your heart; I give the cold and warm to the breeze, and let it clothe you with cold clothes; I give my missing to Liunian, and let it wrap around you all the time; I would like to be a loving person in this life. I will let you have a love and fall in love with you all my life.

The moon sky after the rain is dotted with twinkling stars. Looking up at the distant star sky, loneliness is coming, and thoughts are getting messy!

The starry sky is bright. Looking at the starry sky, I pay tribute to my youth and miss you in the memory.

At that time, the future was far away and had no shape, and my dream still did not know what to call it. I often walked a long way alone. When the wind blew, I felt like a fallen leaf, looking up at the starry sky. I wanted to know: Is someone coming to me from somewhere in the world, like light, from one star to another, and then you appeared. I left again.