Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (6 recommended)
Quietness follows fate
2023-10-12 06:34:39

Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (1)

Whenever I look up and see the bicycle with worn patches on the wheels, I can't help thinking of the old man in rags. It was he who let me witness the extraordinary of ordinary people.

That day, I rode my bike to my cousin's house and played until six o'clock in the afternoon. I realized that it was getting late, so I said goodbye to my cousin and rode home quickly.

The breeze, like a soft gauze, gently brushed my cheek and rushed towards me like an arrow. I am also a little bit ethereal. I released the handlebar with my left hand and stretched out into the wind to catch the wind like a naughty child. The wind also seems to play a game with me. It passes through the gap between my fingers and never lets me catch it. I thought to myself: If you don't let me catch you, I will catch you! Thinking about it, I continued to grasp it with my hands. At that time, the tire suddenly made a "bang" sound, which scared me to immediately extend my left hand back and firmly hold it on the handlebar for fear of falling. I stopped the car and got out to check what was wrong with it. Sure enough, the tire was punctured by a small piece of broken glass. I thought to myself: It's over now, I have to walk back. You know, it's five or six kilometers away from home! He thought to himself, and angrily slapped the seat of the car with his hand and shouted, "Damn the wind!" He had no choice but to push the car toward home.

The moon gradually climbed up the treetops, and darkness shrouded the earth. The only thing that can give me a glimmer of light is the street lights on both sides of the road. I lifted my aching arm and looked at my watch. God! It's half past eight now! There won't be any bad people on the way at this late hour! The more I think about it, the more frightened I become. Looking around, I could only see one or two trees. I kept comforting myself helplessly: there are no bad people, you can go out.

The piercing cold wind was blowing on my face like a knife. At this time, the wind was not only rushing behind me, but also seemed to want to involve me in the darkness behind. It was more difficult to move forward. I clench my teeth, hold back the pain on my face, and move forward with difficulty.

The stars are twinkling in the sky. There seems to be a bright spot shining like a star in the distance, which seems to call me.

The vision gradually became clear: it was a stall, the flashing thing was an electric light bulb hanging on a wooden pole, and there was also a cardboard beside it, on which were written two words that could not be seen. I looked closely, oh! That's a garage!

I hurried to push the cart to the stall. An old man in a shabby blue cloth shirt sat in the middle of the stall, squinting his eyes, as if meditating. I thought to myself: I can't be a bad person dressed like this, can I? Maybe! But at this time, where can we manage so much?

"Old..." "Park your car over there and I'll show you right away." The old man answered my question before I finished.

God! How does he know what I want to say? This old man is really unusual! A little doubt came into my mind. The old man didn't say anything, but stood up, picked up one or two patches and began to work.

"Young man, why are you playing outside so late?" the old man asked me.

"My home is far from here, and the tire is still flat, so I'm still outside," I replied.

"You must have been pushing the cart for a long time? Why don't you sit there for a while? Is it cold? Have you drunk the cup of hot tea next to it?" The old man turned to me and said. Under the light, his old age spots are clear. Maybe because it was too cold, I didn't think about anything. I drank hot tea directly into my stomach, and my body gradually warmed up. I forgot all the pain I had just experienced.

"You are so old, why are you still making money outside?" I asked doubtfully, looking at the old man's humble back.

"Alas, life is pressing!" the old man replied.

I learned from my communication with the old man that his child became a vegetable due to a car accident, and his wife has also died of old age. Now he can only live by earning some meager money from repairing cars every day. My God? Poor man! I really feel sad for his life experience!

"Sorry to ask about your pain," I said.

"Never mind," he said slowly, and I could hear the pain and sadness in his tone. I feel sorry for him. Poor man!

Before long, the old man stood up, patted the soil on his body, and said weakly, "It's fixed." The light shone on his wrinkled face, and tears flickered in his eyes.

I turned over my pocket, wanted to give him the money, and wanted to give more. But I can't find my money. I was so worried that I was like an ant on a hot pot. I muttered, "Alas? Where's my money?" The old man also seemed to see that my money was lost, and said, "If you can't find it, you don't need to give it. You are the first one to talk with me in so many years, thank you." "What are you talking about? I will find it!" I said, more worried.

But in the end, I still didn't find the money.

I looked at his weather beaten face. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't say anything.

"Thank you," I sobbed. "I don't know how I can repay you."

"It doesn't matter. You can go. It's getting late, and I'm going to close the stall." The old man replied.

I rode the bike that had just been repaired, but my legs seemed to be filled with lead, and I refused to ride away.

For a long time, I finally rode away. I looked back at him more than once until my vision gradually blurred.

The next day, I took my pocket money of 50 yuan to the location of the garage yesterday, but the garage disappeared.

The third day, the fourth day... The old man's garage disappeared out of thin air.

"Maybe he went to another city to make money? He should have made a lot of money now, right?" I kept comforting myself.

Finally, I lost him.

Today, the patch on the tire is still there, but the old man has disappeared.

How many people are glad that they are still alive in this world; Many people live simply but happily; How many people don't want to be rich, just want to be safe. I think this old man may be just an ordinary person, but in my eyes, he is absolutely extraordinary!

Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (2)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Time slipped away in a hurry, and when I opened the yellowing diary again, I fell into meditation and woke up my memory She gradually emerged in front of me. That is an extraordinary person with an extraordinary heart.

On that day, at my strong request, my mother decided to take me to a friend's house to play and stay for a few days. Early in the morning, we packed our things and waited for the bus opposite the post office. There are so many people working in the post office. The queue is so far away that I can see a long line from afar.

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in my ear: "Little sister, can you help me write the address?" I looked up at the sound. It was a 17-year-old sister. He is dark and ugly, of medium stature, and wears very plain clothes. Although not beautiful, Shuiling's eyes contain profound meaning. I was hesitating to help her, and she said it again very politely. It made me a little embarrassed, but when I saw that her eyes were full of expectation and anxiety, I agreed with her.

I took the envelope and pen and listened to her say: "My family lives in the valley of Sichuan Province, and I have been working here for nearly a year. A few days ago, I watched TV in some poverty-stricken areas, because my family was poor and had no money to go to school, so I had been good at farming with my parents since childhood. I dropped out of school in the third grade because my family was poor. I suffered a lot from working here because of my lack of culture. I don't want those younger brothers and sisters to go this way again. I want to donate some of my savings from my part-time job to Project Hope After hearing what she said, I blushed and felt ashamed. Trembling, i wrote the address and handed it to her.

"Didi --" When the bus came, I waved goodbye to her in a hurry. Through the window, I saw her put the envelope into the mailbox, showing a satisfied smile. This simple but sweet smile was left in my memory. She is an ordinary person but has an extraordinary heart. We should pay tribute to her.

Day 1: Lei Yulu

Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (3)

Star, worthy of admiration; Teachers, worthy of admiration; Partners, worthy of admiration; Ordinary people... also deserve admiration! The person I admire is the milkman uncle. He has a pair of strong legs, bright eyes, and simple, calloused hands.

"Ding Dong --" The doorbell rang, and a voice sounded outside the door: "Hello, the milk has arrived, please come to get it!" It was the rich voice of the milkman uncle. I opened the door excitedly and asked my uncle the question I had always wanted to ask: "Uncle, how many bottles of milk do you send and how many stairs do you climb every day. "Usually," said my uncle, "I would like to send two or three hundred bottles every day, and climb four or five thousand stairs." Hearing these figures, I was surprised. Usually I climb the fifth floor, or about fifty stairs, and I am very tired. My uncle climbs thousands of steps every day. Regardless of the wind, rain, or the scorching sun, I can always send hundreds of bottles of milk to the home of the milk orderer before seven o'clock.

I remember one morning, when it was raining cats and dogs, it was freezing outside. I thought I could not drink milk today. Just then, the doorbell rang, and I hesitated. The voice of the milkman's uncle rang: "Hello, the milk has arrived, please take it!" My heart shook. I could not help but pour a glass of water from the kettle to my uncle, but he waved, "Thank you, children, I still have milk to send, no need." Hearing this, my heart warmed for a long time. When I thought of my uncle sweating so much for us to drink milk, my eyes were wet.

I was moved: Yes, ordinary people can also create extraordinary, ordinary people also deserve our respect and admiration! Looking at the simple figure of the milkman's uncle, I shouted in my heart: "Uncle milkman, I admire you!"

Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (4)

In our study, work or life, we have more or less been exposed to composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is an extraordinary junior high school composition of ordinary people, which I compiled for you. Welcome to read and collect.

An ordinary person, unknown. Even if it is not impressive, but her heart is not ordinary, that is, it is extraordinary. In the afternoon, I sat on the chair downstairs, thinking.

In front of me is the kind and amiable old lady who lives downstairs. Although she is inconspicuous, she attracts the eyes of the building up and down. "Sasha -" I sat aside and quietly watched her sweep the floor. Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at the warm sunshine, caressing the budding grass and the flowers she planted on the grass. In his eyes, he seems to mutter: "Spring, come on." In his eyes, there is a childlike expectation. The wrinkles are up and more kind. Although his head was covered with silver, it was shining brightly, and his mouth smiled kindly. Optimism is my first impression of her.

I looked at her. I didn't know what to say. I cautiously chatted with her: "You are 60 years old." "No, um... I am a post-70s." She smiled at me, put down her broom, and sat on the bench beside me. "How long have you lived here?" I couldn't find a topic at the moment, so I had to use this sentence to break the calm situation. Unexpectedly, she immediately chatted with me, "probably... 20 years, a long time." She pointed to the lawn in front of her. "I planted all these flowers and plants." "Then why did you plant them?" This sentence I blurted out immediately made me regret. She said slowly, "Little girl, when the flowers you planted come out and are appreciated by all people, how wonderful it will be!"

This sentence deeply moved me and made me feel the extraordinary of this ordinary person. She is unknown but willing to contribute, which is enough to prove her extraordinary. The old woman lovingly stroked the petals of winter jasmine as if it were her child. A sparrow came to the branch and did not panic when he saw her, but gently jumped into her hand. She took a breath of fresh air and said, "It's good here. Two months ago, my son said he would take me to Hainan. I can't bear it! What about the flowers and plants in a yard? If I leave, I will become desolate. Let the people around see beautiful flowers and see the smile on their faces, and I will be happy." The old woman said, and went into the room and poured a cup of tea. Several passers-by walked by and saw the scene of spring flowers blooming and the fragrance of the garden. They could not help but open their frowns, take a deep breath, and then a sunny smile opened on their faces.

It's really beautiful! I tasted the tea my grandmother brought me and couldn't help sighing. Looking back, the old woman was also looking at the garden with ecstasy and joy intertwined in her face. Optimism, diligence and dedication, the extraordinary of ordinary people are right beside us. I think like this, my heart is full of winter jasmine.

The genial sun shines on the petals woven like silk, full of the fragrance of flowers for spring. The whole yard is filled with the fragrance of spring

Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (5)

An ordinary person, unknown. Even if it is not impressive, but her heart is not ordinary, that is, it is extraordinary. In the afternoon, I sat on the chair downstairs, thinking.

In front of me is the kind and amiable old lady who lives downstairs. Although she is inconspicuous, she attracts the eyes of the building up and down. "Sasha -" I sat aside and quietly watched her sweep the floor. Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at the warm sunshine, caressing the budding grass and the flowers she planted on the grass. In his eyes, he seemed to murmur: "Spring, come on. Although his head was covered with silver, it was shining brightly, and his mouth smiled kindly. Optimism is my first impression of her.

I looked at her. I didn't know what to say. I cautiously chatted with her: "You are 60 years old." "No, um... I am a post-70s." She smiled at me, put down her broom, and sat on the bench beside me. "How long have you lived here?" I couldn't find a topic at the moment, so I had to use this sentence to break the calm situation. Unexpectedly, she immediately chatted with me, "probably... 20 years, a long time." She pointed to the lawn in front of her. "I planted all these flowers and plants." "Then why did you plant them?" I blurted out the sentence "I regret it immediately. She said slowly, "Little girl, when the flowers you planted come out and are appreciated by all people, how wonderful it will be!"

This sentence deeply moved me and made me feel the extraordinary of this ordinary person. She is unknown but willing to contribute, which is enough to prove her extraordinary. The old woman lovingly stroked the petals of winter jasmine as if it were her child. A sparrow came to the branch and did not panic when he saw her, but gently jumped into her hand. She took a breath of fresh air and said, "It's good here. Two months ago, my son said he would take me to Hainan. I can't bear it! What about the flowers and plants in a yard? If I leave, I will become desolate. Let the people around see beautiful flowers and see the smile on their faces, and I will be happy." The old woman said, and went into the room and poured a cup of tea. Several passers-by walked by and saw the scene of spring flowers blooming and the fragrance of the garden. They could not help but open their frowns, take a deep breath, and then a sunny smile opened on their faces.

It's really beautiful! I tasted the tea my grandmother brought me and couldn't help sighing. Looking back, the old woman was also looking at the garden with ecstasy and joy intertwined in her face. Optimism, diligence and dedication, the extraordinary of ordinary people are right beside us. I think like this, my heart is full of winter jasmine.

The genial sun shines on the petals woven like silk, full of the fragrance of flowers for spring. The whole yard is filled with the fragrance of spring

Extraordinary Composition of Ordinary People (6)

In our study, work and life, we are inevitably exposed to composition, which can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition and college composition (thesis). Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the 800 word composition of the most extraordinary ordinary people compiled by the editor for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

At the beginning, I was not impressed with him. I only thought he was not very sociable. He always sat alone in his seat or stood in a corner and looked around. He was like an ugly duckling in a crowd of swans. He was dark skinned and short. He was not handsome, but that was why he did not shine.

After getting along for some time, I gradually got a little impression of him. It was not his problem, but I thought he was weak and always bullied. Every time after class, students always asked him to buy snacks in the canteen. At that time, he did not say a word, just a helpless expression, slightly bowed his head, and tried to remember what the students wanted to buy. Snacks. At that time, I thought his heart must be unwilling. The students were too extreme. They forced others to do it without asking him whether he would like to or not, and they urged him to buy it without giving him time to talk. Alas, I really felt aggrieved for him at that time. This phenomenon may be the law of the jungle living in this society. Later, I learned from my classmates that he didn't go shopping for his classmates in vain, but they would give him some consumption. Well, the students have some conscience. However, during my observation during this period, I learned that he is not a person who is short of money. I even often see him invite students to eat snacks. So why is he always helping his classmates buy snacks and always being bullied by them? In fact, he can resist completely, so why doesn't he do so? Well, I think only he knows the answer to this question. Through the school sports meeting, I felt that he was even more unfathomable. That is, when we arrived at the emergency camp, all the students poured out of the classroom, and no one carried water to the camp. I walked at the end, determined and found that he walked to the tool room alone, carrying a bucket of mineral water and drinking machine to the camp.

After such a long time, I was deeply attracted by his behavior. Just like the TV's "Unsolved Mystery", I wanted to know what kind of shocking secret was hidden behind him. Therefore, I added his QQ to Q group. When I entered his space, I found that he wrote such a sentence: "Who wants to ask people to step on the space and stabilize me?" Then I fainted, Does he surf the Internet just to help people step on the space? He may see a message in my space saying, "Oh, who can help me step on the space?"

He is really an ordinary and secretive person, no one can understand his psychology, no one can see through his heart, and no one can offer silently without complaint like him.