A Complete List of Laozi's Famous Phrases
Literary man
2023-07-28 21:42:45
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Quietness is better than impatience, and cold is better than heat. Quietness is the essence of the world.

2. Teaching without words is good for nothing, and the world hopes for it.

3. The heaven and the earth meet, so as to bring down the dew, people can not make it equal.

4. The way of heaven is to benefit but not harm; The way of sages is to do things without fighting.

5. Words have their fathers, and things have their princes. Ignorance is the reason why we don't know.

6. The only evil people can do is to be lonely, widowed, and have no valley. But the prince thinks he is called.

7. The weak is stronger than the strong, and the soft is stronger than the strong. The world knows nothing and can't do it.

8. To learn more and more, to learn more and more. Damage and damage, so that inaction.

9. There is a way in the world, but horses use dung. There is no justice in the world. The army is born in the suburbs.

10. Misfortune is greater than discontent; No blame is greater than desire. Therefore, contentment is often enough.

11. I also teach what people teach. The strong beam will not die. I will be the godfather.

12. The world knows that beauty is beauty, and evil is evil. Everyone knows that good is good.

13. There is nothing weaker than water in the world, and there is no one who can defeat the strong.

14. There is nothing weaker than water in the world, and there is no one who is strong enough to defeat.

15. There is no greater danger than to underestimate the enemy. To underestimate the enemy is to lose my treasure. Therefore, if we fight against the enemy, we will win.

16. The highest good is like water. Water is good for all things, but it does not compete. It is the evil of all people, so it is more than Tao.

17. If you are light in promise, you will lose faith; if you are easy, you will be difficult. It is because the sage is still difficult, so there will be no difficulty in the end.

18. I have three treasures, which I hold and protect. One is kindness, two is frugality, and three is not daring to be the first in the world.

19. To do nothing is to do nothing. To win the world is always to have nothing to do, and to have something to do is not enough to win the world.

20. The way is born, the virtue is livestock, the object is shaped, and the potential is formed. All things respect Tao and value virtue.

21. The Tao can be taught, and the Tao is extraordinary. A name can be a name, but not a special name. The beginning of the unknown world; Famous as the mother of all things.

22. Valley God never dies, which is called Mysterious Female. The door of the mysterious female is called the root of heaven and earth. If it is continuous, it is not used frequently.

23. Tao generates one, one generates two, two generates three, and three generates all things. All things are negative to Yin and embrace Yang, and they are harmonious with Qi.

24. Whether there is something or not, it is difficult and easy to become one another. The length and length are shaped, the height and the bottom are matched, the sound and the sound are harmonious, and the front and back follow each other. Hengya.

25. Devote life to death. There are three out of ten living people; Three out of ten are dead; Three out of ten people live in the place of death.

26. Live in a good place, have a good heart, be kind to others, speak in good faith, govern well, do well, and act well. There is nothing special about a man because he does not argue.

27. If a person wants to shew, he must be Zhangzhi; If you want to be weak, you must be strong; If you want to abolish it, you must promote it; If you want to take it, you must take it. It is called dim vision.

28. Know the world without leaving home; Without peeping into your eyes, you can see the way of heaven. It is far away, but little is known. It is based on the fact that the sage knows when he is not able to see, knows when he is not able to see, and does nothing.

29. The drawing is more difficult than it is easy, because it is more detailed than it is; The world's difficult things must be done easily, and the world's major events must be done carefully. It is because the sages are not great in the end that they can become great.

30. A good scholar is not martial; A good fighter is not angry; Those who are good at defeating the enemy will not cooperate with them; Those who are good at using people are inferior. It is the virtue of not contending, the power of employing people, and the extreme of matching heaven and ancient times.

31. It is based on the sage holding one. It is clear that we do not see ourselves; It is not self righteous, so it is obvious; They do not fight by themselves, so they are meritorious; Not proud, so long. The only thing we can do is not fight, so the world can't fight with it.

32. Color makes people blind; Five tones are deafening; Five flavors make people feel good; It is maddening to gallop and hunt; This is a rare product. The saint is the belly but not the eye, so he took this.

33. Kindness leads to courage; a thrifty man will be rich; Don't dare to be the first in the world, so you can become a useful person. Today, he is merciful and brave; Be frugal and broad; First and last; Dead! If you are kind, you will win by fighting, and you will be firm by rules. Heaven will save them and defend them with kindness.

34. He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. A winner is strong, and a winner is strong. A contented man is rich. The strong willed. He who does not lose his place will be long. He who dies without dying lives long. Because they are not self important in the end, they can become great.